Guide to Federal Records

Federal Records Guide: Alphabetical Index - R

Note: This alphabetical index to the Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States is based on a paper version with the same title compiled in 1995. The index does not reflect updates to the Guide. The updated web version of the Guide can be searched with the Search the Guide feature.

See also:

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N   O   P   Q   R    S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

Rabe, Capt. 242.28
     census data 29.5.2
     maps 29.3.6
     Michigan school study 220.15.9
"Race and National Origin: No Business in the Workplace" (video recording) 403.4
race relations
     Army conditions 107.2.8
     Fair Employment Practice Committee "tension file" 228.4.2
     Freedmen's Bureau records 105.5
     Housing and Home Finance Agency program 207.6.1
     interviews (sound recordings) 453.2.2
     photographs 220.11.1
     workplace conditions 174.4.3
     World War II
          Army Service Forces analyst 160.4.4
          intelligence reports 44.5.7
race riots
     federal force study 60.3.5
     Provost Marshal General 389.7
Race Rock, CT, Light Station 26.6.1
racetrack gambling 220.15.21
racial discrimination
     federal employment 220.9.5
     ICC case files 134.6
     Navy 80.3.1, 80.3.2
     schools 220.15.8, 441.4
Racial Relations Adviser (Price Administration) 188.3.13
Racial Relations, Special Assistant for (Public Housing Administration) 196.5.6
Racine Pool Reach, OH-WV 77.10.21
Racine, WI, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Racketeering and Port Security, Subcommittee Investigating Waterfront (Senate) 46.9
     Civil Aeronautics Administration 237.3
     German reports 242.5.5
     naval aviation 72.4.1
     NOAA aeronautical charts 370.11
     patents 153.10.1
     research, development
          Joint Chiefs of Staff (motion picture) 218.2.5
          Navy Secretary 80.3.3
          Scientific Research and Development Office 227.4.3, 227.7.1, 227.10.1, 227.11
          Signal Corps 111.2.4
          War Secretary consultants 107.2.7
Radar Division (National Defense Research Committee) 227.5.3
"Radar in World War II" (monograph) 227.2.2
Radar Section (Air Staff SHAEF) 331.13.2
Radar Subsection (Allied Force HQ) 331.26.3
Radford, Arthur W. 218.3
     Atomic Energy Commission materials test 326.4.2
     environmental contamination 326.4.3
          emergency preparedness (motion picture) 311.2
          FDA tests (motion picture) 88.9
     geophysical studies 57.4.4
     joint Congressional committees 128.4
     monitoring systems 397.2.6
     nuclear weapons testing 374.3.4, 374.4.6, 374.5.1, 374.5.3
     protection research 326.5.7
     protection standards 412.2.2
     solar, sky measurements 27.5.4
     Three Mile Island decontamination (video recordings) 220.18.16
     water quality 57.6.8
Radiation Branch (Armed Forces Special Weapons Project) 374.3.5
Radiation Exposure Information Reporting System 431.4
Radiation Laboratory (MIT) 227.10.1
radical publications 28.8
Radio and Miscellaneous Section (Price Administration) 188.8.6
Radio Branch
     (Military Aeronautics) 18.3.3;
     (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.4;
     (Price Administration) 188.7.4;
     (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.45.2
Radio Bureau (OWI) 208.3.4
"Radio Central" (Naval Communications) 38.3.1
radio communications SEE ALSO LORAN; radio stations; wireless telegraphy
     Army Air Forces 18.3.3, 18.6.3, 18.9.2
     equipment 227.10.2
          patents 125.3.13
          photographs 111.10
     Federal Communications Commission 173
     food editors 16.7.1
     foreign broadcast monitoring 262, 263.3
     frequency allocation 173.5, 173.8, 417.3
     Germany 242.5.5
          Nazi propaganda 242.4.4
     ham operator awards 26.10
     international conferences 19.4.2, 43.2.15, 43.2.25, 43.2.34, 43.2.35, 43.2.50, 43.11.15, 417.4
          military networks 111.8
          NOAA aeronautical charts 370.11
          Philippine Islands 350.2
     National Bureau of Standards lab 167.6
     naval aviation 72.4.1
     naval ships and stations 19.4.1, 19.4.2, 19.5, 19.8.3, 45.4.7
          photographs 19.12
          training school 24.8.4
     navigational facilities (chart) 237.5.3
     Presidential commission 220.15.32
     safety at sea 19.9
     training films 227.10.2
     War Secretary consultants 107.2.7
     World War II 216.2.3, 259, 331.21.2
          postwar Japan 331.45.2
Radio Coordination Division (National Defense Research Committee) 227.5.3
Radio Counter-Measures Section (Air Staff SHAEF) 331.13.2
Radio Department (Shipping Board) 332.5.3
Radio Development Section (Chief Signal Officer) 111.3.4
Radio Division
     (FCC) 173.2;
     (Inter-American Affairs Office) 229.6.2;
     (OWI) 208.6.5;
     (Pearl Harbor Navy Yard) 181.3.7;
     (Ships Bureau) 19.4.2;
     (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.43
Radio Education Branch (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.45.3
Radio Education Project 12.5.4
Radio Free Europe 220.15.32
Radio Intelligence Division 173.11
Radio Intelligence Section
   (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.2
Radio Liberty 220.15.32
Radio Program Bureau 208.5.3
Radio, Radar Section (Naval Forces) 313.4.5
Radio Representative (OWI) 208.6.4
Radio Research Laboratory (Harvard) 227.10.2
Radio Section (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.8
Radio Section (Interior Secretary) 48.5.7
Radio Section (National Bureau of Standards) 167.6
Radio Section (Navy Department) 80.5.5
Radio Section (Resettlement Administration) 96.2.9
Radio Section, Machine Tools and (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.2
Radio Service 173.2
radio stations
     civilian defense 171.4.7
     FCC regulation 173
          Alaska 126.2
          naval communications 38.4.3
          World War I 120.3.2
Radio-Television Center (Agriculture Department) 16.7.3
Radiodynamic Torpedo Unit 177.2.5
radiography 167.10
Radiometry Section (National Bureau of Standards) 167.5.8
Radiophoto Section (OWI) 208.4.4
radios (photographs) 221.6
radomes 179.2.2
Rail Branch (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.8
Rail Routing Division (Federal Traffic Board) 137.3.2
Rail Services Planning Office (Interstate Commerce Commission) 464.2
Rail Transportation Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.4
Railheads and Regulating Stations (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.40
Railroad Administration, Records of the United States (RG 14)
     administrative history 14.1
     cartographic records 14.10
     Comptroller's Office 14.7
     Director General 14.2
     Labor Division 14.6
     Law Division 14.4
     Operation Division 14.5
     Purchases Division 14.9
     Railroad Wages and Working Conditions Board 14.3
     Traffic Division 14.8
Railroad Administration, United States
     Inter-Regional Traffic Committee 32.2.8
Railroad and Airline Wage Board 293.2
railroad bridges
     World War II protection 179.2.6
railroad cars
     Federal Coordinator of Transportation 133.3.4
          car pooling 133.3.5
     fish hatchery cars 22.3.4
     freight car diversions 67.3.7
     locomotives 169.8.2
     post offices 28.4.3
     refrigerated cars 54.3.15
Railroad Commission, Presidential 220.9.15
Railroad District (Army) 393.4, 393.5, 393.9
Railroad Division (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) 234.2.5
railroad firemen 220.9.15
Railroad Fuel Section (Fuel Administration) 67.4.1
railroad land grants SEE land grant railroads
Railroad Lighter Captains Commission 13.11
Railroad Marine Workers Commission 13.10
Railroad Retirement Act (1935) 184.1, 184.2.2
Railroad Retirement Board, Adjudicator with the
   (Federal Coordinator of Transportation) 133.3.3
Railroad Retirement Board, Records of the (RG 184)
     administrative history 184.1
     general records 184.2
     operating units 184.3
Railroad Retirement, Commission on 220.15.20
Railroad Retirement Reform, Commission on 220.19
Railroad Safety, Section of (Interstate Commerce Commission) 399.2
"Railroad System of Argentina" (maps) 43.11.2
railroad terminals
     New York map 313.4.5
     Toledo plan 219.8
railroad tunnels 179.2.6
Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act (1938) 184.1, 184.2.2
Railroad Wages and Working Conditions, Board of 14.3
railroad workers 133.3.3
     Alaska 220.9.7, 322
     arbitration cases 21.15.1
     Army transportation 336.3.2
     Confederate Quartermaster accounts 109.7.3
     Conrail reorganization 464
     crosstie procurement 14.9
     Cuba 395.5.2
     economic data 51.4
     equipment 77.3.3, 219.5.4
     federal aid 193
     Federal Coordinator of Transportation 133
     federal equipment authority 51.10.2
     federal seizure, operation 14, 154.1, 219.3, 219.5.1
          Defense Lending reports 234.7.3
          mortgages 49.2.3
          Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans 234.2.5
          Treasury Department records 39.2.3
               bond redemption registers 50.7
               interest paid 50.3
               Register's loan records 53.4.2
               sinking fund 50.2
     German timetables 243.3.1
     Golden Spike Centennial Commission 148.13
     Indian lands 75.7.3, 75.19.11, 75.19.126
     Interior Secretary 48.5.3
     international commission 43.11.2
     Interstate Commerce Commission 134.2
          case files 134.7
          valuation records 134.5
     labor relations
          disputes mediation 13, 220.9.15
          Federal Transportation Coordinator 133.3.3
          Railroad Administration 14.2, 14.3, 14.5, 14.6
          strikes 60.6, 89.2
          workers pension plan 184
          World War II 211.2, 211.19.3
     mail service and transportation 28.4.1-28.4.4
          Alaska 220.4.2
          American Expeditionary Forces 120.15
          Army Engineers 77.2.3, 77.12.1, 77.18
          Army posts 92.5.1
          Asia 338.9.8
          Central, South America 43.11.2, 77.12.2
          Defense Transportation Office 219.8
          Explorations and Surveys Office 48.6
          Federal Transportation Coordinator 133.2, 133.3.1, 133.4
          Havana 140.4
          Indian lands 75.19.26, 75.19.71, 75.26
          Interior Secretary 48.5.3, 48.13
          Justice Department 60.18
          location, ownership 234.2.5
          Missouri River Commission 77.8.1
          Northeastern region 14.10
          Philippine Islands 350.2, 395.14.2
          public lands 49.3.7, 49.9.27
          Quartermaster General 92.5.2
          Senate 46.23
          Russia 43.11.10
          World War I 120.7.8, 120.9.1, 120.9.2
     Mexico 229.5.4, 229.5.5
     military engineer regiments 77.3.3
     Panama Canal 185.2, 185.3
          Alaska 126.11
          Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau 151.13
          Geological Survey 57.12
          Interior Secretary 48.16
          National Archives 64.6
          Ordnance Bureau 74.7
     Prince consolidation plan 133.4
     public lands rights of way 49.3.7, 49.9.3, 49.9.5
     Russia 32.2.2
     safety regulations 399.2
     taxes 58.3.3
     video recordings
          Economic Development Administration 378.5
          Transportation Department feature 398.5
     water transportation coordination 91.1
     World War II
          intelligence reports 226.6.2
          Italy 331.21.3
               aerial photographs 331.16.3
     Wrenshall engineering papers 77.2.8
Railroads, Committee on (Senate) 46.9
Railroads, Director General of 14.2, 14.4
Railroads, Records of the Commissioner of (RG 193)
     administrative history 193.1
     Pacific Railway Commission 193.3
     records 193.2
Railroads, Rights-of-Way, and Reclamation Division (General Land Office) 49.3.7
Railway Adjustment Boards 14.6.3
Railway Adjustments, Division of (Post Office Department) 28.4.4
Railway Advisory Board (Military Academy) 404.14
Railway and Seacoast Section (Ordnance Department) 156.6.5
Railway Artillery Reserve (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.5.3
Railway Association, Records of the U.S. (RG 464)
     administrative history 464.1
     machine-readable records 464.3
     records 464.2
railway engineer regiments 120.7.8
Railway Labor Act (1926) 13.4-13.6, 13.7.2;
     (1934 amendments) 13.1, 13.8;
     (1936 amendments) 13.1
Railway Labor Board 13.5
Railway Mail Service 28.2.2, 28.10
investigation 28.8
Railway Mail Service, Division of (Post Office Department) 28.4.3
Railway Mission in Mexico, U.S. 229.5.5
railway post offices 28.4.2
car construction 28.4.3
Railway Security Advisory Detachment (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.5
Railway Transport Department (Defense Transportation Office) 219.4.2, 219.6.2
Railway Transportation Division (Inter-American Affairs Office) 229.5.4
Railways and Canals, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.19
Railways Right of Way Act (1975) 49.3.7
rainfall SEE ALSO precipitation
     Agricultural Engineering files 8.4
     Agricultural Research Service studies 310.5.9
     Army Engineers records 77.10.22
          Agricultural Economics 83.6.2
          National Resources Planning Board 187.5.11
          South America 83.8
     Pacific Northwest forest station moisture records 95.10.4
     Soil Conservation Service studies 114.4.1
          maps 114.4.3, 114.4.5
     weather reports 27.1, 27.4.2, 27.4.4
Rainy Lake 76.2.7
Rainy Mountain School 75.19.50
Rainy River 76.2.4
Raker Act 118.6.1
Raleigh, NC
     Army commands 393.7
Raleigh, NC, Confederate Medical Director 109.8.2
Raleigh, NC, District of (Army) 393.5
Raleigh, NC, District Office (Price Administration) 188.14.1, 188.14.3, 188.14.6, 188.14.7
Raleigh, NC, Division (Circuit Court) 21.35.2
Raleigh, NC, Division (District Court) 21.35.1
Raleigh, NC, Division Office (Federal Highway Administration) 406.3
Raleigh, NC, Division Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Raleigh, NC, field office (Confederate Treasury) 365.10.3
Raleigh, NC, field office (Wage and Hour Division) 155.4.4
Raleigh, NC, internal revenue collection district 58.5.33
Raleigh, NC, offices (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.17, 114.12.10
Raleigh, NC, regional office (Farm Security Administration) 96.4.4
Ralston Creek, IA 114.4.3
Rambler (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.5
Ramey Air Force Base, PR 26.6.3
Ramey, James T. 326.2.2
Ramirez, Henry M. 220.15.6
Rampart, AK, agricultural experiment substation 164.3.1
Rampart, AK, land office 49.9.2
Ramsay, Bertram H. 331.14
Ramsay family 37.3
rancherias 75.19.95
     maps 75.16.10
ranching SEE livestock and ranching
Randolph, A. Philip 220.26
Randolph, Edmund 360.4
Randolph Field, TX 18.9.1
Range Conservation Division (Soil Conservation Service) 114.10.6, 114.10.9
Range Development Service (General Land Office) 49.11
Range Livestock Experimental Station 95.10.8
range management SEE ALSO grazing
     Forest Service programs 95.9.2, 95.9.4, 95.11.10
          charts, lithographs 95.13
          maps 95.4.3
          research 95.1, 95.7.6
     Indian Affairs reports 75.16.1, 75.16.2, 75.16.4, 75.16.8, 75.16.10
          agency records 75.19.3, 75.19.11, 75.19.16, 75.19.21,
          75.19.29, 75.19.33, 75.19.106, 75.19.123, 75.19.127
Range Management, Branch of (Grazing Service) 49.6.2
Range Management Division (Soil Conservation Service) 114.10.9
Range Management, Division of (Forest Service) 95.4.3
Range Management Research, Division of (Forest Service) 95.7.6
U.S.S. Ranger 37.3, 45.8.4, 313.4.3
Ranger lunar probes 255.13
Ranier, MN 36.3.1
Ransdell Act (1930) 90.3.6, 443.2
Rapallo Conference 120.14.1
Rapid City, SD, area office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.21
Rapid City, SD, Indian School 75.20.32
Rapid City, SD, land office 49.9.23
Rapidan 130.3.3
Rappahannock, Department of the (Army) 393.4
Rappahannock, Subdistrict of the (Army) 393.6
Raritan (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3, 26.6.7
Raritan, NJ, Arsenal 156.9.13, 338.11.1
Rate, Classification, and Tariff Division
   (Federal Traffic Board) 137.3.2
Rate Section (Price Administration) 188.8.11
Rates Appeals Committee (Maritime Authority) 248.3.3
Rates, Division of (Defense Transportation Office) 219.5.5
ration banking 188.5.3, 188.6.8, 188.16.7, 188.17.7
Ration Banking Branch (Price Administration) 188.9.3
ration books and tokens 75.19.23, 188.9.5, 188.13.6, 188.17.6
Ration Currency Control Division (Price Administration) 188.9.3, 188.13.6
Rational Passive Defense Program 171.5.4
     Indian agency records 75.19.29
     OWI campaigns 208.3.3
     Price Administration 188
          discriminatory practices 188.3.13
          motion pictures, sound recordings 188.7.4
          veterans 188.3.14
     surplus agricultural commodities 124.4.2
Rationing and Enforcement Accounting Branch (Price Administration) 188.5.3
Rationing Department
   (Price Administration) 188.9, 188.11.7,
    188.12.7, 188.13.6, 188.14.7, 188.15.7, 188.16.7, 188.17.7,
    188.18.7, 188.19.7
Rationing, Deputy Administrator for (Price Administration) 188.9.1
Rationing Legal Division (Price Administration) 188.9.2, 188.12.7, 188.13.6
Rationing Statistical Unit (Price Administration) 188.13.6
pest control 22.6.2, 22.8.3, 22.11.2, 22.19
motion pictures 22.19, 90.13
Ratschach 120.3.2
Ravig Engineering Co. 156.13
Raw Materials Division (Ordnance Department) 156.7.12
Raw Materials Division (War Industries Board) 61.3.7
Raw Materials Section (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Rawlins, John A. 42.3.4
Rawlins, WY, Regional Office (Grazing Service) 49.6.3
Ray, P. Henry 27.4.6
Rayburn, Sam (photographs) 221.6
Raymond E. Murphy Collection on International Communism 263.2.2
Rayon Section (Price Administration) 188.8.6
RDX 156.7.13
Reactor Development Branch (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.4.2
Reactor Division (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.3.3
Reactor Safety Review Committee (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.4.2
Read, Conyers 226.3.13
Readers Digest 378.2
reading achievement tests 12.2.10
Reading, PA 393.11.2
Readjustment Division (Army Service Forces) 160.4.1
Reagan, Ronald
          federal land sales 233.15
          temporary commissions 220.18.27, 220.18.28, 220.19
          inaugural committees 274.11, 274.12
          video recordings 128.5
     photographs 51.14
     pornography commission 60.17.10
real estate SEE ALSO federal lands
     Army 153.5
     Army Engineers 77.2.4, 77.9.12, 77.10.17, 77.10.18, 77.10.21, 77.10.25, 77.10.31, 77.10.33, 77.10.61
     District of Columbia 351.4
     farm land value maps 103.6.2
     Freedman's Savings and Trust records 101.5.4
     Home Owners' Loan Corp. survey 195.3
     ICC valuation records 134.5
     Indian property 75.16.9
     Japanese-American evacuees property 210.3.2
          Agricultural Economics 83.6.5
          farm land value 103.6.2
          property surveys 69.4.5
          property values 83.4.5
     Mint Bureau 104.3.9
     naval districts 181.2.2, 181.2.11
     Washington, DC, lot sales 42.2.2, 42.2.3, 42.2.5, 42.3.5
Real Estate and Decedent's Estate Division (Alien Property Bureau) 131.2.4
Real Estate and Military Construction, Subcommittee on 46.5
Real Estate Bondholders' Reorganizations, Select Committee to Investigate 233.22.2
Real Estate Branch (Army Engineers) 77.3.1
Real Estate Branch (Quartermaster General) 92.7.1, 92.7.3
Real Estate, Branch of (Indian Affairs) 75.16.8
Real Estate Directory . . . of Washington 42.3.5
Real Estate Division
     (Army Engineers) 77.3.5;
     (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.9;
     (General Services Administration) 269.11.3;
     (Housing Corporation) 3.4.2, 3.4.8;
     (Yards and Docks Bureau) 71.3.5
Real Estate Office (Puget Sound Naval Base) 181.4.9
Real Estate Section (Allied Force HQ) 331.29.1
Real Estate Services Branch (Indian Affairs) 75.14.21
real property
     Homestead Air Force Base 342.6.2
     military acquisition, maintenance 330.9
     military inventories 330.4.3, 330.6.4
Real Property, Branch of (Indian Affairs) 75.16.3
Real Property, Central Office of 270.2.3
Real Property Division (General Services Administration) 269.11.1, 269.11.3
Real Property Management Branch (Indian Affairs) 75.19.74
Real Property Management, Office of (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.9
Real Property Management, Task Force on (2d Hoover Commission) 264.3.7
Real Property Review Board (War Assets Administration) 270.2.3
"The Real Thing" (manuscript) 60.10.3
Realty Branch (Division, Office) (Indian Affairs) 75.16.9, 75.16.10, 75.19.98
Realty, Division of (Fish and Wildlife Service) 22.11.3
Reapportionment, Subcommittee on (House of Representatives) 233.16
Rearmament Division (SHAEF) 331.6.2
"Rebel Archives" 109.2
Rebozo, Charles G. ("Bebe") 460.7
Receipts and Expenditures Division (Treasury Register) 217.2.1
Receipts and Expenditures of the United States 39.2.3
Receivership and Bankruptcy Proceedings,
    Special Committee to Investigate (Senate) 46.22.2
Recent Economic Changes, Committee on 73.2.1
recess appointments 130.2.5
recidivism 389.2.5
reciprocity SEE trade reciprocity
Reciprocity Commissioner, U.S. 43.11.4, 59.3.1
Reciprocity Information, Committee for 20.3.3, 20.3.4, 151.10.4, 364.2
Reciprocity Treaties, Interdepartmental Advisory Board on 353.11.3
Reciprocity Treaty (1854) 76.6
Reclamation, Bureau of
     Indian projects 75.8
     Interior Secretary 48.5.6
Reclamation (Newlands) Act (1902) 57.3, 115.2
Reclamation of Arid Lands, Committee on Irrigation and (Senate) 46.14
reclamation projects
     Agency for International Development (photographs) 286.11
     Agriculture Secretary's correspondence 16.3.1
     environmental impact review 22.15.6
     Indian Affairs 75.16.4
     Interior Secretary 48.5.3, 48.5.10
          Solicitor cases 48.3.3
     maps 49.9.18, 76.2.4
     motion pictures 48.13, 145.2
     postwar Japan 331.49.2
     public lands 49.3.7
     PWA projects 135.3
     Reclamation Bureau 115
     San Juan, PR, area 350.2
     wildlife refuges 22.11.3
Reclamation Projects, Office of Demonstrations on 33.2.2
Reclamation, Records of the Bureau of (RG 115)
     administrative history 115.1
     administrative offices 115.2
     cartographic records 115.7
     Chief Engineer 115.3
     field offices 115.4
     motion pictures 115.8
     private reclamation organizations 115.6
     Special Advisers Committee 115.5
     still pictures 115.9
Reclamation Service 75.19.3
Reclamation, Swampland, and Special Entries Division (General Land Office) 49.3.10
Reconciliation Procedures, Committee on (Ordnance Department) 156.7.10
Reconnaissance Branch (Air Force HQ) 341.11.2
Reconnaissance Erosion Survey 114.6
     joint Congressional committees 128.2
     Justice Department correspondence 60.3.2
     military districts 393.14, 393.16
     photographs 165.21
     Treasury accounts 217.7.3
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
     asset liquidation 101.5.2, 269.10
     bank loans 56.14.4
     conference (sound recording) 296.5
     emergency relief projects 69.3.8
     FDIC records 34.2.1
     public facility loans 207.6.10
Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act (1932) 234.1
Reconstruction Finance Corporation and Its Subsidiaries,
    Subcommittee to Investigate Operations of the (Senate) 46.6
Reconstruction Finance Corporation Liquidation Act (1953) 234.1, 234.7.3
Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Records of the (RG 234)
     administrative history 234.1
     allied corporations 234.6
     cartographic records 234.8
     Commerce Secretary 234.4
     Federal Loan Agency 234.3
     motion pictures 234.9
     records 234.2
     still pictures 234.10
     subsidiary corporations 234.5
     successor agencies 234.7
Reconstruction Research Division (Council for National Defense) 62.8
Reconversion, Deputy Director for (War Mobilization and Reconversion) 250.3.5
Reconversion, Office of (Smaller War Plants Corporation) 240.3.5
Reconversion Programming Division (War Mobilization and Reconversion) 250.3.5
Reconversion Subcommittee (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.2.5
Reconversion Working Committee 250.3.11
The Record (Secret Service bulletin) 87.2.1
Record and Pension Office (War Department) 94.12
Record and Prize Division (Fourth Auditor) 217.9.4
Recorder's (B) Division (General Land Office) 49.3.2
Records Accessioning and Preservation, Office of (National Archives) 64.6
Records Administration Branch (Adjutant General's Office) 407.6.3
Records Administration, Office of (National Archives) 64.9
Records Administration, Office of (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.3.3
Records Analysis Division (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.6.7
Records and Distribution Sections (OWI) 208.4.3
Records and Information System (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.17
Records and Microphotography Division (WPA) 69.4.10
Records and Progress Section (Shipping Board) 32.4.2, 32.4.3
Records and Statistics Division (Displaced Persons Commission) 278.3.3
Records Branch (Allied Force HQ) 331.16.2, 331.25.1
Records Control Office (National Archives) 64.6
Records Division (National Bituminous Coal Commission) 222.2.2
records management
     AGO policies 407.6.3
     National Archives 64
Records Management Division (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) 234.2.1
Records Management Group (Air Force HQ) 341.4
Records Management Office (Ordnance Department) 156.7.9
Records Management, Office of (National Archives) 64.4
Records Officer (National Archives) 64.3
Records Officer (San Francisco Naval District) 181.2.11
Records Section (Bituminous Coal Division) 222.7
Records Service and Management Division (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.2
     census surveys 29.5.3
     federal land dedications 429.7
     Federal Works Agency 162.2.5
     Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service 368
     Indian agencies 75.19.30
     merchant seamen 248.4
     military services 165.8.4, 407.6.2
          joint committee 225.5
          Presidential commission 220.7.9
     motion pictures
          CCC workers 35.6
          Columbia River 115.8
          German-American organizations 131.3.2
          Interior Department 48.14
          National Youth Administration 119.5.2
          Alaska 75.11.4
          CCC workers 35.3.2
          Forest Service 95.13
          Indian lands 75.7.1
          Southeast River Basins Study Commission 414.2
          TVA 142.10.2
     wage-earner expenditures 257.4
     wartime community programs 215.2.4
     watershed surveys 114.7.1
     WPA program 69.5.11
Recreation Advisory Council 368.4
Recreation and Conservation Section (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.10.2
Recreation and Lands, Division of (Forest Service) 95.4.7
Recreation and Natural Beauty, Citizens' Advisory Committee on 429.2
Recreation and Renewable Resources, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.14
Recreation and Site Planning Staff (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.10.2
recreation areas
     national forests 95.4.7, 95.11.21
     National Park Service demonstrations 79.4.5, 79.6.1
          Army Engineers 77.10.49
          national forests 95.4.7
          National Park Service 79.14
          National Resources Planning Board 187.3.1, 187.5.1, 187.5.2
          TVA 142.10.2
     records 79.9.1-79.9.4
Recreation Branch, Education and (War Department General Staff) 165.8.4
Recreation Division (Community War Services) 215.2.4
Recreation Division (Forest Service) 95.9.4
recreation facilities
     Army Engineers maps 77.10.2, 77.10.23, 77.10.52, 77.10.63
     coal-mining communities (photographs) 245.6
     military facilities
          Caribbean area 215.3.3
          occupied Germany 260.4.4
     national forests 95.4.7
     state facilities (photographs) 79.17
Recreation Information Management System 95.4.7
Recreation Services Section 24.7
Recreation, Technical Committee on 220.5.1
Recreational Boating, Office of (Coast Guard) 26.5.14
Recreational Survey of Federal Lands, Joint Committee on 220.3
Recruiting and Examining, Bureau of (Civil Service Commission) 146.3.5
Recruiting and Induction Division (Naval Personnel Bureau) 24.7
Recruiting, Bureau of Equipment and (Navy Department) 24.5
Recruiting Division (Adjutant General's Office) 94.5
Recruiting Division (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.5
Recruiting Officer (Portsmouth Navy Yard) 181.3.10
Recruiting Service (Shipping Board) 41.7
Recruitment and Transportation Section (War Manpower Commission) 211.19.3
     industry clearinghouse 40.6
     World War I salvage plans 40.5
     World War II information campaign 208.3.3
     WPA scrap collection 69.4.8, 69.5.10
Recycling Advisory Panel (Materials Policy Commission) 220.15.23
Red Bank, NJ, Quartermaster Subdepot 92.15.1
Red Birch (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3
Red Bird (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.9
"Red Book Collection" 111.10
Red Cedar (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3
Red Cross SEE ALSO American Red Cross
     cotton price stabilization 103.5
     Food Administration posters 4.2.3
     grain donations 103.4.1
     home nursing course 211.22.4
     Japanese repatriation 59.7
     Justice Department records 60.3.4
     prisoners of war 331.23.1, 389.4.1
     Spanish-American War workers (photographs) 92.3.1
"Red Cross Conferences" 43.2.2
Red Lake Chippewa Half-Breed Scrip 75.7.2
Red Lake Indian Agency 75.19.89
Red Lake Reservation
     fisheries, sawmill reports 75.16.6
     forestry 75.9
Red Moon Agency and School 75.20.33
Red Oak (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3
Red River
     EPA plans 412.5.3
     interagency committee 22.15.2, 138.2.2
     Oklahoma-Texas boundary dispute 49.16
Red River Expedition 393.4, 393.10
Red River of the North
     drainage studies maps 8.3.2, 114.4.6, 187.5.6
     survey maps 77.10.53
Red River Oil operation 57.7.1
Red Rock (Stone) Mission 75.19.50
Red Run, MI 77.10.13
Red Wing, MN, CCC camps 114.8.1
Redding, CA, District Office (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.2
Redding, CA, land office 49.9.5, 49.13.1
Redemption Division (Treasurer) 50.6
Redistribution Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.4.3
Redondo Beach, CA 36.3.1
"The Redress of Citizen Grievances in Urban Areas" (sound recording) 220.11.1
Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures, Joint Committee on 128.3
Redwood (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Redwood National Park, CA 368.5
Reed, John C. 57.3.2
Reed, Lewis E. 3.3.1
Reed, Stanley 220.5.4
Reed, Virgil D. 29.3.1
Reedsville, WV 96.2.4
Reef, District of (Army) 393.5
Reef Points 405.3.3
Re-elect the President, Committee to 460.5.2
Reem, William F. 338.7.2
Reeves, Floyd W. 220.5.2
Reference, Board of (Interstate Commerce Commission) 134.4
refineries SEE oil refineries
Refining, Bureau of (Fuel Administration) 67.5.8
Refining Committee (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.8
Refining Division (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.3, 253.7.2-253.7.5
refrigerated food 54.3.15, 176.4.3
refrigeration units (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.9.4
Refrigerator Safety Act (1956) 424.1
Reform of Federal Criminal Laws, National Commission on 220.14.17
reform schools
     District of Columbia 21.10.4, 351.6
          Lorton site map 351.4
     federal prisons 129.3
     trustees appointments 60.16.3
Refuge Harbor, Greenland 27.5.15
Refugee Act (1980) 220.18.24
Refugee Authored Monograph Program, Indochina 319.20.4
Refugee Branch, Relief and (Allied Force HQ) 331.28.1
Refugee Policy, Select Commission on Immigration and 220.18.13
Refugee Reception Center for Southeast Asian Refugees, U.S. 220.17.9, 338.13
refugees SEE ALSO displaced persons
     Army Secretary 335.8
     Canadians, land patents 49.3.2
     Civil War Army camps 393.13.3
     Confederation Congress claims 360.2.3
     Cuban, Haitian resettlement 220.18.24
     Displaced Persons Committee 278
     Freedmen's Bureau 105.1      Hungarian relief 220.9.9
     motion pictures
          Arabs in Gaza 59.7
          Armenian rescue 24.10
          Cubans 26.5.2
          Mexico 19.12
     political refugees 85.2.1
     Vietnamese, Cambodian resettlement commissions 220.17.9, 220.17.10
     World War II
          Europe (photographs) 260.4.4, 331.4.4
          Fort Ontario shelter 210.1, 210.2.1, 210.2.3, 210.3.5, 210.4.2
          OSS interviews 226.5, 226.6.2
          postwar U.N. organization 43.11.30
          War Department Special Staff 165.11.14
          War Refugee Board 220.5.11
Refugees and Escapees, Subcommittee on the Emigration of (Senate) 46.15
Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Bureau of
     Howard court of inquiry 94.11
     Treasury accounts 217.4.8, 217.7.4, 217.9.2
Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, Records of the Bureau of (RG 105)
     administrative history 105.1
     Commissioner's Office 105.2
     field offices 105.5
     Freedmen's Branch, Adjutant General's Office 105.4
     headquarters staff offices, divisions 105.3
Refugees, Interagency Task Force for Indochina 319.20.6
Refugees, President's Advisory Committee on 220.17.10
Regan Barracks, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Regan, Donald T. 220.18.27
Regensburg, Germany, Branch (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.1
Regional Advisory Committee (Forest Service) 95.9.4
regional advisory councils (General Services Administration) 269.9
Regional Agricultural Credit Corporations 16.4, 96.3, 234.5.10
Regional Agricultural Credit Division 103.6.7
Regional Agricultural Council for the Southern Great Plains 114.10.6
Regional and International Telecommunications Convention 111.2.4
Regional Archives System 64.10
Regional Commissioners (Social and Rehabilitation Service) 363.2, 363.3
Regional Committees and Commissions, Records of (RG 414)
     administrative history 414.1
     cartographic records 414.9
     Federal Regional Councils 414.6
     Lowell Historical Canal District Commission 414.3
     Lower Mississippi Delta Development Commission 414.7
     New England River Basins Commission 414.4
     regional economic development commissions 414.8
     sound recordings 414.10
     still pictures 414.11
     U.S. Study Commission--Southeast River Basins 414.2
     U.S. Study Commission--Texas 414.5
Regional Compliance Councils (National Recovery Administration) 9.6.1-9.6.3, 9.6.5, 9.6.7, 9.6.9
Regional Conservators (Soil Conservation Service) 114.10.6, 114.10.7
Regional Coordination Division (Civil Defense Office) 397.2.5
Regional Coordination Section (Federal Coordinator of Transportation) 133.3.6
Regional Counsel (General Services Administration) 269.11.4, 269.11.5
Regional Counsel, Office of the (Community Services Administration) 381.6.1
regional defense councils 171.4.8
Regional Defense Mobilization Committees (Defense Production Administration) 304.3.3
Regional Division (Inter-American Affairs Office) 229.6.4
regional economic development
     commissions 414
     TVA 142.4
Regional Economic Information System 375.3
Regional Economic Measurement Division (Economic Analysis Bureau) 375.3
Regional Economics Division (Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau) 151.8.1
Regional Economics, Office of (International Programs Bureau [Commerce]) 489.5.1
Regional Economy Division (Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau) 151.4
Regional Export Expansion Councils 489.10
Regional Government Coordinating Office (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.2
Regional Graziers 49.6.3
Regional Operations Division (Office of Economic Opportunity) 381.3.4
Regional Organizations Staff (Foreign Operations Administration) 469.6
Regional Planning Studies, Department of (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.10.3
Regional Programs, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for 330.10
Regional Rail Reorganization Act (1973) 464.1
Regional Railroad Associations 13.5.1
Regional Service Centers (Information Agency, U.S.) 306.5.3
Regional Studies, Division of Navigational Development and
    (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.10
Regional Support Branch 397.2.5
Regional Technical Training Staffs
   (Technical Cooperation Administration) 469.4
Regional Train Service Boards of Adjustment 13.5.1, 13.8
Register of the Treasury, Confederate 109.10.7, 365.2.7
Register of the Treasury, U.S.
     public debt 53.2.2, 53.2.4, 53.5.4
     records 217.2
Registered Offerings Statistics System
   (Securities and Exchange Commission) 266.2
registers and receivers
    accounts 49.3.13
    appointments 49.3.1
    General Land Office correspondence 49.2.1
        Survey Division 49.3.6
    land entry abstracts 49.4
    land offices 49.9
Register's Office (Confederation Treasury) 360.2.3
Regular Army
     Adjutant General's Office 94.2.1
          medical personnel 94.12.4
          medical records 94.12.3, 94.12.5
          muster rolls 94.2.2
          officers 407.5.1
          personnel records 94.2.3, 94.3, 94.4
     AEF divisions 120.9.3
Regular Army Mobile Units, 1821-1942, Records of United States (RG 391)
     administrative history 391.1
     Artillery units 391.2
     cartographic units 391.7
     Cavalry units 391.3
     Engineer units 391.4
     Infantry units 391.5
     other units 391.6
     still pictures 391.8
Regular Supplies Branch (Quartermaster General) 92.4.2
Regulation of Armaments, Subcommittee on 353.8
Regulation W 188.3.8
Regulations, Assistant Administrator for (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.1
Regulations, Division of (Maritime Commission) 178.3
Regulations for Intramural Athletics (Military Academy) 404.4.4
Regulations, U.S. Corps of Cadets 404.4.1
Regulatory Reform, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.15
Regulatory Work, Director of (Agriculture Department) 16.12  rehabilitation
     Indian programs 75.19.3, 75.19.6, 75.19.15-75.19.17, 75.19.20,
    75.19.26, 75.19.27, 75.19.29, 75.19.30, 75.19.36,
     75.19.39, 75.19.41, 75.19.60, 75.19.73, 75.19.89,
     75.19.95, 75.19.100, 75.19.107-75.19.109, 75.19.113,
     veterans' services 15.5
          motion pictures 15.9
Rehabilitation Division (Indian Affairs) 75.14.13, 75.19.74
Rehabilitation Division (Veterans Bureau) 15.5
Rehabilitation Subcommittee (Heart Disease Commission) 220.14.3
Rehse Archiv 242.28
Reich Air Ministry 242.4.7
Reich Chancellery 242.4.1
Reich Commissioner for the Baltic States, Office of the 242.5.1
Reich Commissioner for the Strengthening of Germandom, Office of the 242.5.2
Reich Institute "Sven Hedin" for Central Asian Research 319.12.3
Reich Ministry for Armaments and War Production 242.4.5
Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda 242.4.4
Reich Ministry for Science, Education, and Popular Instruction 242.4.8
Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories 242.4.6
Reich Ministry of Economics 242.4.3
Reich Ministry of Finance 242.4.8
Reich Ministry of Justice 242.4.8
Reich Office for Soil Exploration 242.5.3
Reich Press Association 242.12
Reich Research Council 242.5.7
Reich Weather Bureau 242.5.7
Reichelderfer, Francis Wilton 27.5.1
Reichswerke Hermann G'ring 242.11
Reid, George 93.5.1
Reidy, T.J. 405.4
Reimbursable Aid Branch (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.6.2
Reims, France
     World War II German surrender 218.4
     Alaska herds 75.11.2-75.11.4, 75.21.1
          photographs 75.11.4
Reindeer Service 75.11.4, 75.14.5, 75.21.1
Reinecke, Howard E. 460.9
Reinstein, Jacques J. 43.7.11
Release of Technical and Scientific Information to Foreign Countries, Subcommittee on 353.8
Release Rate Board (Interstate Commerce Commission) 134.4
Reliance (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.6, 26.6.8
U.S.S. Relief 181.3.9, 313.4.5
relief SEE ALSO disaster relief; food relief; welfare services
     accounts 39.9
     Agriculture Department budget records 16.8.2
     Civil Works Administration 69.2
     District of Columbia 51.10.1
     Federal Emergency Relief Administration 69.3
     Freedmen's Bureau 105.1
     Indian programs 75.19.3, 75.19.4, 75.19.6, 75.19.16, 75.19.26,
     75.19.27, 75.19.30, 75.19.36, 75.19.39, 75.19.60,
     75.19.73, 75.19.81, 75.19.89, 75.19.95, 75.19.98,
     75.19.107, 75.19.108, 75.20.28, 75.20.40
          photographs 75.19.60, 75.29
     maps 96.2.1
     National Resources Planning Board studies 187.4
     postwar Europe 260.4.4
     projects 51.10.2
     Reconstruction Finance Corporation aid to states 234.2.4
     rural areas 83.4.4
     soldiers' wives 42.2.5
     state, local legislation 51.10.2
     Treasury art projects 121.2.4
     unemployment 73
     Virgin Islands 55.3.2
     water resources projects 57.6.2
     WPA 69.4-69.6
Relief and Refugee Branch (Allied Force HQ) 331.28.1
Relief Division
   (President's Organization on Unemployment Relief) 73.3.2
relief insurance bonds 53.2.4
Religion and Cultural Resources Division (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.45.4
Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces, President's Committee on 220.7.9
Religious Affairs Branch (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.11
religious discrimination
     federal employment 220.9.5
religious organizations and groups
     census data 29.5.2, 29.8.3
     military ministry 94.11, 220.7.9
     postwar Japan 331.42, 331.45.4
     Price Administration correspondence 188.7.5
     State Department maps 59.3.10
     World War I peace negotiation 256.2
          maps 256.4
Religious Plans, Training and Operations Division (Army Vietnam) 472.5.10
religious services
     Army chaplains 247.2.1
     CCC camps 35.3.2
     merchant seamen 248.4
Relocation Division (Indian Affairs) 75.13
Relocation Planning Division (War Relocation Authority) 210.2.2
Relocation Specialist (Indian Affairs) 75.16.3
Remount Camp, Pleasant Valley, MD 393.4, 393.13.6
Remount Depots 92.15.4
Remount Division (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.8
Remount Service 62.10.3
Rendezvous Distribution, VA 393.9, 393.13.7
Rendezvous for Drafted Men and Volunteers 393.4, 393.9, 393.13.12
Rendova (Solomon Islands) 127.9
Renegotiation Acts (1943, 1948, 1951) 335.11.2
Renewable Resources, Subcommittee on Recreation and (Senate) 46.14
Rennes, France 120.8.1
Reno Beach, OH 77.10.13
Reno City, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Reno County, KS 114.10.9
Reno Indian Agency 75.19.90
Reno, NV, District (state court) 21.30.2
Reno, NV, District Office (Price Administration) 188.18.3, 188.18.6, 188.18.7
Reno, NV, Division (District Court) 21.30.1
Reno, NV, office (Price Stabilization) 295.3
Reno, NV, Regional Office (Grazing Service) 49.6.3
Reno, NV, Special Agent at Large (Indian Affairs) 75.25
Reno, OK, Remount Station 92.15.4
Renovation of the Executive Mansion, Commission on 220.7.10
Rensselaer, IN 29.8.3
rent advisory boards 252.4.1-252.4.8
Rent and Durable Goods Enforcement Division (Price Administration) 188.6.11
Rent and Services Enforcment Divivsion (Price Administration) 188.6.9
Rent Commission of the District of Columbia, Records of the (RG 132)
     administrative history 132.1
     records 132.2
rent control
     Defense Department surveys 330.9
     District of Columbia 132
     Housing Expediter 252
     Price Administration 188.3.5, 188.3.10, 188.5.3, 188.12.3, 188.13.3, 188.14.1
          motion pictures, sound recordings 188.7.4
Rent Division (Price Administration) 188.16.1, 188.17.1
Rent Enforcement Branch (Price Administration) 188.6.9
rent profiteering 3.4.4
Rent Stabilization, Office of
   (Economic Stabilization Agency) 252.3.1, 252.4.1-252.4.8, 296.3
rental housing 207.14
Rentals and Plant Extension Section (Navy Department) 80.6
Renting, Requisitions, and Claims Service 120.7.8, 165.6.3
Renton, WA 270.3.8
Rentras (defense plants) 234.7.2
Reoccupation Division (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.3.3
Reorganization and International Organizations, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.13
Reorganization Project Office (Army Department) 335.2
Reorientation Branch (Occupied Areas Office) 319.5.2
Repair Parts Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.11
    postwar Germany 260.3.4
    State Department missions 59.5.1
    Supreme Commander Allied Powers 331.37.6, 331.41.1
Reparations and Restitution Branch
   (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.9
Reparations and Restitution Delegation, U.S. 59.5.1
Reparations and Restitutions in Kind, Section of
   (Reparations Commission) 43.11.11
Reparations Branch (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.51.3
Reparations Commission 43.11.11
Reparations Committee (Far Eastern Commission) 43.11.23
Reparations Conferences 43.11.11
Reparations, Deliveries, and Restitution Directorate
   (Allied Control Authority) 260.8.4
Reparations, Deliveries, and Restitution Division
   (Allied Commission for Austria) 260.11.2
Reparations Property Division
   (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.51.3
Reparations, Sub-Commission on
   (Paris Peace Conference) 43.5.5
Reparations Technical Advisory Committee (Far Eastern Commission) 43.11.23
Repatriation Group (U.N. Command) 333.6.4
Replacement Training Branch (Army Ground Forces) 337.5.5
Report Analysis and Statistics Division
   (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.9
Report and Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: Hearings 272.2.4
"Report by Major Noland Varley, Manhattan District Corps of Engineers, on the Physical Damage, Hiroshima, Japan" (manuscript) 77.11.1
Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy 272.2.4
"Report of United States Observers on Inspection of Antarctic Stations" 383.2
Report on Guaranteed Wages 250.3.10
"Report on the Survey of Hopi Crafts" (photographs) 435.4
Report to the Armed Forces (motion picture) 342.12
"Report to the People" (radio program) 64.16
"Report to the President on Foreign Economic Policies" (background materils for) 286.2.1
Reporting Branch (Smaller War Plants Corporation) 240.3.4
Reports and Analysis Directorate (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.10
Reports and Analysis Service (War Manpower Commission) 211.15, 211.23.9
Reports and Awards Office (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.10
Reports and Control Section (Wage Stabilization Board) 202.5.1
Reports and General Information Division (War Mobilization and Reconversion) 250.3.6
Reports and Records, Division of (National Youth Administration) 119.4.5
Reports and Secretariat Section (Economic Stabilization Agency) 296.4
Reports and Statistics Branch (Military Government for Germany) 260.3.5
Reports and Statistics Division (Foreign Agricultural Service) 166.3
Reports and Statistics Section
   (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.4
Reports Analysis, Office of
   (Subversive Activities Control Board) 220.6.2
Reports Branch (Civil Defense Office) 397.2.2
Reports Division (War Manpower Commission) 211.15.1
Reports, Division of (Children's Bureau) 102.2.2
Reports, Division of (Comptroller of Currency) 101.4
Reports of General MacArthur 331.34
Reports Office (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.6
Reports, Office of (Smaller War Plants Corporation) 240.3.4
Reports Section (Government Reports) 44.3.3, 44.4.4
Representative Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., Select Committee to Investigate (House of Representatives) 233.22.2
Reproduction Division (War Crimes Counsel) 238.4.2
Reprogramming Committee (Air Board) 18.7.11
S.S. Republic 32.5.14
Republic Steel Co. 46.16, 70.11.3
Republican, District of the (Army) 393.5
Republican National Convention (1964) 306.11; (1968) 220.13.2, 306.11
Requirements and Allocations Control Branch ([Food] Distribution Office) 136.8.10
Requirements and Control Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.4.3
Requirements and Progress Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.20
Requirements and Stock Control Division (Army Service Forces) 160.3.2
Requirements and Supply Branch (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.2, 169.7.3
Requirements Branch (Economic Warfare Office) 169.4.2
Requirements Branch (SHAEF) 331.6.2
Requirements Committee (Defense Production Administration) 304.3.2
Requirements Committee (War Production Board) 179.2.2
Requirements Control Division (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.3.4
Requirements, Director of (Air Force HQ) 341.13
Requirements Division
     (Army Engineers) 77.15.1;
     (Housing Corporation) 3.4.14;
     (Ordnance Department) 156.7.9;
     (War Industries Board) 61.3.8
Requirements Section (Army Ground Forces) 337.5.8
Requirements Section (Ordnance Department) 156.7.13
Requisition Claims Committee (Shipping Board) 32.3.4
Requisition Control Division (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.3.3
Requisition Section (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.7.2
Requisitioned Houses, U.S. Housing Corporation Committee on 3.4.5
Requisitions and Accounts, Division of (Finance Chief, Army) 203.2
Rescue Section (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.6
rescue services SEE ALSO emergency medical care; lifesaving
     air rescue missions 341.10.3
     civilian air raid defense 171.4.6, 171.4.8
     Coast Guard 26.5.2
     Great Lakes shipping 178.12
     maritime procedures 226.2.3
     naval operations 428.2.2
     shipwreck evacuation (motion pictures) 24.10
     submarine safety 80.4.7
Research Activities in the Department of Defense,
   Subcommittee on (2d Hoover Commission) 264.3.5
Research Administration Division
   (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) 255.2.2
Research Advisory Committee on Control, Guidance, and Navigation (NASA) 255.4.1
Research and Analysis Branch (OSS) 238.3.3
Research and Contribution Board (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) 255.2.2
Research and Development, Assistant Secretary of the Army for 335.9
Research and Development Board (Aeronautics Bureau) 72.3.3
Research and Development Board (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.11.3
Research and Development Center (MAC Thailand) 472.8
Research and Development, Coordinator of
   (Navy Department) 80.4.4, 298.2
Research and Development, Director of (Air Force HQ) 341.13
Research and Development Division
    (Aeronautics Bureau) 72.4.10;
    (Army Service Forces) 160.4.1;
    (Army Staff) 319.10.2;
    (Army Transportation) 336.2.1;
    (Army Vietnam) 472.6.4;
    (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.3.3;
    (Ordnance Department) 156.7.16;
    (Rubber Reserve) 234.5.8;
    (War Department Special Staff) 165.13
Research and Development, Division of (Ordnance) 74.4
Research and Development, Office of (OSS) 226.3.5, 226.6, 226.17.1-226.17.6, 226.17.8, 226.18
Research and Development, Office of the Chief of (Army Staff) 319.17, 319.25.4
Research and Development Policy Council (Defense Department) 319.25.4
Research and Development Service (Ordnance Department) 156.7.15
Research and Development, Special Assistant for (Air Force Secretary) 340.8
Research and Education Division (Federal Communications Commission) 173.10.3
Research and Effects Section (Ordnance Department) 156.7.16
Research and Engineering Division (Quartermaster General) 92.4.6
Research and Engineering Policy Council (Defense Department) 319.25.4
Research and Engineering Policy Papers (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.11.1
Research and Information Section (Mexican Claims Commission) 76.7
Research and Inspection, Division of (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.8
Research and Inventions, Office of (Navy Department) 80.4
Research and Investigation, Division of (Industrial Relations Commission) 174.5.1
Research and Investigative Division (War Trade Board) 182.8.3
Research and Marketing Act (1946) 310.2.1
Research and Medicine Division (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.3.3
Research and Planning Division (National Recovery Administration) 9.2.4, 9.5.6
Research and Planning, Office of (National Institutes of Health) 443.3.1
Research and Planning Section (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.11
Research and Policy Staff (White House Conference on Small Business) 220.30
Research and Records Description, Director of (National Archives) 64.6
Research and Records Project (WPA) 69.5.8
Research and Special Programs Administration (Transportation), Records of the (RG 467)
     administrative history 467.1
     Volpe National Transportation Systems Center 467.2
Research and Standards Branch (Bureau of Ships) 19.8.5
Research and Statistical Section (Smaller War Plants Corporation) 240.3.4
Research and Statistics, Bureau of (War Trade Board) 182.10
Research and Statistics Division (FHA) 31.2.2, 207.2
Research and Statistics, Division of (CCC) 35.3.3
Research and Statistics, Division of (Maritime Commission) 178.9
Research and Statistics, Division of (Treasury Department) 56.14.4
Research and Statistics, Office of (President's foreign trade adviser) 20.3.1
Research and Statistics, Office of (Social Security Administration) 47.5
Research and Statistics Section (Wage Stabilization Board) 202.5.7
Research and Strategic Planning, Division of (FDIC) 34.3.2
Research and Technical Programs, Subcommittee on
   (House of Representatives) 233.13
Research and Technology Advisory Subcommittee on Aircraft Operating Problems (NASA) 255.4.1
Research and Technology, Assistant Secretary for (HUD) 207.7.6
Research and Technology Subcommittee (Urban Housing Committee) 220.14.19
Research Branch (FCC) 173.10.3
Research Branch (Wage Stabilization Board) 202.5.11
Research, Branch of (Forest Service) 95.7.3
Research, Bureau of (Shipping Board) 32.2.5
Research Center Experimental Forest, MD 95.10.3
Research Committee (Council for National Defense) 62.4.2
Research, Committee on (Agriculture Department) 54.3.1
Research Compounding Branch (Rubber Reserve Company) 234.5.7
Research Coordination Division (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) 255.2.2
Research, Coordinator of (NASA) 255.5
Research Department (National Labor Relations Board) 25.3
Research, Department of (Industrial College of the Armed Forces) 334.15.1, 334.15.2
Research, Design, and Construction Committee (Central Housing Committee) 207.3
Research Directorate (Civil Defense Office) 397.2.6
Research Division
     (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.2.3;
     (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.5.3;
     (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) 403.2.2;
     (Inter-American Affairs Office) 229.4.3;
     (Olympic Sports Commission) 220.17.12; (OWI) 44.5.4;
     (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.3.2
Research, Division of      (National Archives) 64.6;
     (Price Administration) 188.3.11, 188.9.7;
     (Soil Conservation Service) 114.4.1;
     (War Trade Board) 182.10
Research Fellowships, Policy Committee on (National Institutes of Health) 443.3.1
Research Grants, Division of (National Institutes of Health) 443.3.2
Research in Community Health, Subcommittee on 90.9.2
Research in Syphilis, Committee on 90.3.5
Research Information Division
   (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) 255.2.2
Research Instrumentation Branch (NASA) 255.4.1
Research, Office of (Civil Rights Commission) 453.3;
    (Information Agency, U.S.) 306.5.2;
    (Soil Conservation Service) 114.4
"Research Opportunities: Resources for Historians" (video recording) 64.15
Research Planning and Coordination Staff (Agriculture Department) 16.3.1
Research Planning Division (Army Staff) 319.17.3
Research Programs Division (Army Staff) 319.17.5
Research Project X-15 (motion picture) 255.9
Research Resources, Division of (National Institutes of Health) 443.3.3
Research, Secretary of the Board in Charge of
     (Board of Investigation and Research--Transportation) 198.4
Research Section
    (Federal Coordinator of Transportation) 133.3.1;
    (House Un-American Activities Committee) 233.25.2;
     (OWI) 208.3.9
Research Staff on Railroad Consolidation (Federal Coordinator of Transportation) 133.4
Research Subcommittee (Heart Disease Commission) 220.14.3
Research Support Division (Army Staff) 319.17.3
Research Unit on Territorial Policy 126.3.1
Reservation Branch (Quartermaster General) 92.7.2
Reserve Affairs, Office of the Assistant for (Army Staff) 319.17.1
Reserve Artillery 393.8
Reserve Bank Organization Committee 82.2
Reserve Components, Office of (Army Staff) 319.16
Reserve Corps 94.2.1
Reserve Forces, Assistant Chief of Air Staff for 341.3.2
Reserve Officer Training Corps
     Army continental commands 394.2.1, 394.2.3, 394.2.7
     Army Ground Forces 337.4
     Field Artillery correspondence 177.3
     Signal Corps units 111.3.1
Reserve Program Review Board (Air Force HQ) 341.3.2
Reserve Service (Labor) Battalions 391.6.2
Reserves Division (Section) (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.1
Reservoir Properties, Division of (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.13
Reservoir Section (Soil Conservation Service) 114.4.4
     aerial photographs 77.10.17, 142.10.2
     Army Engineers projects 77.10.21, 77.10.45, 77.10.53
     engineering plans
          Army Engineers 77.10.25
          TVA 142.10.1
     fisheries 77.10.56
     General Land Office/BLM records 49.2.2
     Indian lands 75.19.21
     maps and charts
          Agricultural Economics 83.6.5
          Army Engineers 77.9.12, 77.10.8, 77.10.10, 77.10.21,
          77.10.24, 77.10.31, 77.10.33, 77.10.38, 77.10.41,
          77.10.45-77.10.47, 77.10.53, 77.10.56, 77.10.62,
          General Land Office 49.3.7
          land ownership 77.3.5
          national forests 95.12
     photographs 114.4.4, 114.16, 142.10.2
     public lands 49.3.5, 49.3.7
     seaplane bases 237.2
     sedimentation studies 77.9.18, 114.4.4, 315.2.2
     TVA engineering plans 142.10.1
Resettlement Administration
     Administrator's office records 96.2.1
     cooperatives loans 96.2.3
     drama (sound recording) 69.9
     emergency relief projects 69.3.1, 69.3.9
     health services committee 220.5.1
     housing projects 207.5
     Information Division 96.2.9
     legal records 16.5.5
     maps 96.2.10, 114.3.1
     rural rehabilitation 96.2.2
     subsistence homesteads 96.2.4
Resettlement Division (Displaced Persons Commission) 278.3.4
Resettlement Division (Farm Security Administration) 96.2.5, 96.4.1-96.4.12
Resident Center Section (National Youth Administration) 119.4.4
Resident Division
   (Industrial College of the Armed Forces) 334.15.2
Resnik, Judith A. 255.7.3
Resolute (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.9
Resource Management Branch (Defense Attache Saigon) 472.9.6
Resource Management, Directorate of (Military Academy) 404.11
Resource Management, Division of (Fish and Wildlife Service) 22.13.1
Resource Recovery Act (1970) 220.15.23
Resources and Civil Works Branch (Division) (Budget Bureau) 51.8.7
Resources and Conversion Division (War Industries Board) 61.3.10
Resources and Requirements Office (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.2
Resources, Assistant Area Director for (Indian Affairs) 75.16.9
Resources Development Division (American Revolution Bicentennial Administration) 452.3.6
Resources Division (Army Service Forces) 160.4.1
Resources for Freedom 220.7.14
Resources Program Staff (Interior Secretary) 48.5.13
Resources Protection Board 179.2.6
Resources Systems Branch (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.12
Response Analysis Corporation 220.15.24
"Responsiveness Program" 460.6
Rest Areas (India-Burma Theater) 338.4.4
Restaurant Section, Grocery Specialties and (Price Administration) 188.8.7
     price controls 188.5.3
Restaurants Division, Hotels and (Food Administration) 4.2.3
restraint of trade SEE antitrust issues
Restudy Committee (Wage Stabilization Board) 202.6.13
Retail Farm Equipment Trade, Central Code Authority for (National Recovery Administration) 9.9
Retail Food Enforcement Branch (Price Administration) 188.6.8
Retail Lumber and Building Materials Code Authority (National Recovery Administration) 9.9
Retail Solid Fuels Industry, Code Authority for (National Recovery Administration) 9.9
retail trade
     census data 29.6.5
          maps 29.3.6
     clerks' job training 62.10.2
     Menominee stores 75.21.9
     price controls 188.18.6
     sales techniques (motion pictures) 151.7
     smelter fumes investigation 97.3.7
     TVA area (maps) 142.10.3
     women workers (motion pictures) 86.3
Retail Trade and Services Division (Price Administration) 188.8.10
"The Retailer Fights Inflation" (filmstrip) 208.9
Retired TV File (photographs) 79.17
Retirement and Survivors Studies, Division of 47.5.2
retirement funds SEE pensions
Retirement Policy for Federal Personnel, Committee on 330.5.6
Retraining and Reemployment Administration, Records of the (RG 244)
          administrative history 244.1
          records 244.2
Retrenchment, Committee on (Senate) 46.13
Retrograde Division (Army Vietnam) 472.5.4
Return of SPARROW!!! (motion picture) 72.7
Returns Division (Ordnance Department) 156.5
Returns Office (Interior Secretary) 48.4.11
Returns Section (Adjutant General's Office) 94.10.5
Reunion Island,
     U.S. consular posts 84.3
Revenue Act (1924) 308.2; (1936) 308.4; (1942) 308.3, 308.4
revenue assessors 56.2.1, 56.3.5
revenue collectors
     Internal Revenue Service 58.2.1, 58.3.1, 58.3.4
     narcotics control 170.2, 170.3
     Treasury Department records 56.2.1, 56.2.2, 56.3.5, 56.9
          accounts 217.10.3, 217.10.5
          Solicitor 206.1, 206.2
Revenue, Commissioner of the 26.2.1, 58.2.1, 58.2.2
Revenue Cutter Service 26.3, 56.2.2
     photographs 26.5.2, 56.22
revenue cutters 26.3, 36.3.1
Revenue Division (Military Government of Cuba) 140.3.2
Revenue Marine Division (Treasury Department) 56.2.2
Revenue Marine Service 26.3.4, 26.3.6, 36.3.1
Revenue Office 75.2
Revenue Section (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.4
Review and Analysis Branch (Army Staff) 319.17.5
Review and Analysis, Division of (Fair Employment Practice Committee) 228.4.2
Review and Analysis Staff (War Production Board) 179.2.7
Review and Appeals Committee (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.5
Review and Disposition Division (Price Administration) 188.6.6
Review and Evaluation Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.17
Review and Liaison Office 341.6
Review, Board of
     (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.4;
     (FDIC) 34.2.2;
     (Naval Operations) 38.7.2;
     (Pensions Bureau) 15.2.1;
     (Philippine War Damage Commission) 268.2.2
Review, Boards of (Price Stabilization) 295.2.4
Review Committee (Minerals Exploration Office) 320.2
Review Committee (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) 234.2.1
Review Committee on Deferment of Federal Employees 211.7, 211.7.3
Review Decartelization Policy in Germany, Committee to 335.11.6
Review Division (Commerce Department) 40.3.3
Review Division (National Recovery Administration) 9.2.4, 9.5.4, 9.5.7
Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling, Commission on the 220.15.21
Review Panel on New Drug Regulations 235.3.5
Review Section (NLRB) 25.5.2
Revision of Laws, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.16
Revision of Navy Regulations, Board on 125.3.3
Revision of the Federal Court Appellate System, Commission on 220.15.33
Revision of the Laws, Committee on (Senate) 46.15
Revision of the Laws, Joint Committee on 128.3
Revista Alemana 242.28
Revolutionary Claims, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.8
Revolutionary Claims, Committee on (Senate) 46.8
Revolutionary Pensions, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.8
Revolutionary War
    artworks 92.17, 111.10, 391.8
    Continental Congress records 360.2.4
    prize cases 267.2
    Treasury accounts 217.7.2, 217.7.7, 217.8.5
    War Department records collection 93
    Yorktown battle
        anniversary celebration 79.13.2
        map 360.5
Revolutionary War veterans
    bounty land scrip 53.2.2
    pension, bounty-land claims 15.7.2
    pensions 53.3.7, 53.3.10
    service claims 217.7.7
    Virginia bounty land warrants 49.3.2
Reynolds, James J. 174.3.4, 220.14.20
Reynolds, Jean 220.23.5
Reynolds, Louis C. 240.3.1
Rhee, Singhman 349.3.1
Rhine River Valley
    World War I 120.6
Rhoads, James B. 64.2, 64.14, 64.16
Rhode Island
     Army Advisory Group 338.11.2
     federal courts
          appeals cases 276.2
          attorneys, U.S. 118.37
          district courts 21.42
     food administration 4.3
     gazetteer 324.2
     military draft records 163.3, 163.4.1, 163.4.2
     National Resources Planning Board 187.5.1
          American Guide 69.5.5
          CCC work 35.3.2
          coastal 428.2.2
          fisheries 22.4.4
          hurricane, flood damage 69.10
          property survey maps 31.2.2
     Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
     rent control 252.4.1
     river, harbor projects 77.10.37
     surplus real property disposal 121.4.1
          internal revenue collection districts 58.5.9
     World War II
         Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.1
         manpower 211.23.2
         price controls, rationing 188.11.1, 188.11.2
     WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
Rhode Island and Connecticut, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Rhode Island State Headquarters (Selective Service) 147.3.25
Rhode Island State Loan Office (Treasury Department) 53.3.3
Rhode Island, Superintendent of Lights for 26.2.6
Rhode Island, U.S. Attorney for 118.37
Rhode Island, U.S. Circuit Court for 21.41.2
Rhode Island, U.S. District Court for 21.41.1
Rhodes Scholarship Committee (Military Academy) 404.3.2
Rhodes, Thomas B. 29.5.5
Ribbentrop, Joachim von 242.15, 242.28, 262.4
Ricchio v. Kline 460.2
     Arkansas maps 103.6.3
     price controls 188.6.8, 188.17.6
Rice, Anthony 49.17
Rice County, KS, maps 49.9.12
Rice, Donald B. 220.17.2
Rice Section, Seeds and (Price Administration) 188.8.7
Rice Station Boarding School 75.19.96
Rice University 220.15.17
Rice's half-inch gun 156.15
Rich Field, TX 18.9.1
Richard M. Nixon v. Administrator, General Services
     Administration 460.3.1, 460.5.2
Richardson Construction Lands 80.7.3
Richardson, Elliot L. 511.4
Richberg, Donald R. 9.2.1
Richfield Oil Co. 60.17.5
Richfield, UT, District Office (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.7
Richland Experimental Forest, OH 95.10.2
Richland, WA, Branch Office (Manhattan Project) 77.11.4
Richland, WA, Operations Office (Energy Department) 434.4.3
Richmond, Department of (Confederate Army) 109.9.2
Richmond, KY, Division (Circuit Court) 21.19.2
Richmond, KY, Division (District Court) 21.19.1
Richmond, VA
     Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.9, 393.12, 393.14
     civil disorders, 1968 220.13.2
     Confederate hospitals 109.8.4
     Confederate Secretary of War records 109.6
     customs collection 36.3.1
     military prisons 249.2.2, 249.3.2, 393.4, 393.13.11
     sales tax registers 109.10.8
     Seven Pines Project 3.4.3
     vessel documentation files 41.5
Richmond, VA, Camp of Distribution 393.4, 393.9, 393.13.3
Richmond, VA, Confederate Arsenal 109.7.5
Richmond, VA, Confederate Medical Director 109.8.2
Richmond, VA, Confederate Medical Purveyor's Office 109.8.3
Richmond, VA, District Office (Price Administration) 188.14.1-188.14.3, 188.14.6, 188.14.7
Richmond, VA, District Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Richmond, VA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.49.2, 21.49.3
Richmond, VA, Division (District Court) 21.49.1, 21.49.3
Richmond, VA, field office
     (Capital Issues Committee) 158.3;
     (Confederate Treasury) 365.9.3;
     (Wage and Hour Division) 155.4.4
Richmond, VA, Field Personnel Council (Civil Service Commission) 146.4.2
Richmond, VA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.46
Richmond, VA, Office
     (Army Engineers) 77.10.38;
     (Bank of the United States) 53.2.6, 53.3.10;
     (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Richmond, VA, Quartermaster Depot 92.15.4
Richmond, VA, regional office (Wage Stabilization Board) 293.3.4
Richmond, VA, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.6
Rickettsial Diseases Commission (Armed Forces Epidemiological Board) 334.11
Ridley, Clarence S. 334.5.6
Riff War (photographs) 407.13
Rifkind, Simon H. 220.9.15
Rifle and Hand Arms Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.13
rifle clubs 335.11.1
Rifled Guns, Board on 74.5
Riflemen (Army units) 98.3.3, 391.3.2
          Army marksmanship training 156.7.12, 335.11.1
          carbine industry integration 156.7.13
          efficiency reports 108.4.1
          firing positions (photographs) 94.16
rifling studies (photographs) 156.10.1
Right on the Button (motion picture) 58.6.5
Rights Protection Staff (Indian Affairs) 75.14.21
Rimaucourt, France 120.8.3
Rincon Indian Agency 75.19.91
Ringgold, Cadwalader 19.6
Rintelen, Franz von 87.2.2
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
     exposition 16.7.1
     quarantine station 90.3.4
     shipping 32.5.13
Rio Grande
     drainage basin 114.4.9
          flood control 114.7.1
          maps 187.5.5, 187.5.7
     land grants 56.15.1
     maps 76.3
     water pollution control 412.5.3
     watershed management 75.19.117
Rio Grande, Army of the 393.8
Rio Grande, District of the (Army) 393.5
Rio Grande Joint Investigation 57.6.2
Rio Grande Naval Station 45.6
Rio Grande, Subdistrict of the (Army) 393.6
Rio Grande, TX, U.S. Forces 393.4, 393.11.1
Rio Pact countries
     U.S. aid (motion pictures) 286.2.2
Rio Vista, CA, Coast Guard Lifeboat Station 26.6.9
Rio Vista, CA, Marine Storage Activity (Army) 338.11.1
     campus unrest 220.15.17
     Canal Zone 185.8, 185.13
     civil disorders, 1967-68 220.11, 220.13
          maps 77.12.3
     Danish West Indies insurrections 55.2.1
     federal force study 60.3.5
     Freedmen's Bureau records 105.5
     Provost Marshal General 389.7
A Rising Tide (motion picture) 378.2
Risley, H.A. 366.8
Ristine, Carl L. 205.3.9
The River (motion picture) 96.2.9
River and Harbor Act (1907) 77.10.48
River and Harbor Improvements, Board on 77.6.9
River Basin Division (Soil Conservation Service) 114.7.2
River Basin Studies, Division of (Fish and Wildlife Service) 22.11.8, 22.15.1-22.15.3, 22.15.6
River Basin Study Commission, U.S. 77.10.17
river basins
     drainage basin committees 16.3.1, 187.5.2, 187.5.3
     Federal Power Commission studies 138.3
          maps 138.4
     fish, wildlife development projects 22.13.1, 22.15.1, 22.15.2, 22.15.3
     Forest Service projects 95.6.5
          maps 95.12
     Indian land studies 75.19.11
     interagency, regional study commissions 315.2, 315.3, 414.2, 414.4
     Interior Secretary 48.5.10, 48.12.3
     Land Management Bureau planning 49.14.3
          Agricultural Economics 83.6.5
          Agricultural Engineering 8.3.2
          Army Engineers 77.10.38
          Federal Interagency River Basin Committee 315.2.2
          Geological Survey 57.5, 57.6.1
          hydrologic stations 27.5.11
          National Resources Planning Board 187.3.1, 187.5.1-187.5.11
          Reclamation Bureau 115.2
          Soil Conservation Service 114.2.1, 114.7.1
     national parks 79.6.4
     power studies 49.13.3
     Soil Conservation Service reports 114.7.2
     water pollution control 187.5.4, 412.2.1, 412.5.3
     Water Resources Policy Commission studies 220.7.12
River Plate Division (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.10.1
riverboats 41.3.3, 75.29
Riverdale, MD 22.15.3
Riverdale, NJ 131.3.2
Rivers and Harbors, Board of Engineers for 77.6.4
Rivers and Harbors, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.19
rivers and streams
     Army Engineers records 77
     fishing and fisheries 22.4.1, 22.8.1, 22.19
     Geological Survey
          cooperative projects 57.6.2
          hydrographic land classification 57.7.5
          level gauging 57.6.5, 57.6.6, 57.10.1
          maps 57.6.1
          Alaska 76.2.9
          Army Engineers 77.2.3, 77.7.1, 77.8.1, 77.9.4, 77.9.9, 77.9.12, 77.9.14, 77.9.18
          European Theater 332.2.3
          navigable waters 22.3.4
          public lands surveys 49.3.6
          stream gauging stations 77.9.12, 77.9.16
          Tennessee Basin navigation 142.11
     Panama fluviographs 185.3
     photographs 77.2.3, 114.4.4, 114.16, 142.10.2
     pier, jetty plans 77.2.3
     sedimentation studies 315.2.2
     terminals 91.3
     Weather Bureau stages reports 27.6.2
     World War II aerial photographs 331.16.3
Riverside, CA, Area Field Office (Indian Affairs) 75.17.4
Riverside, CA, District Office (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.2
Riverside County, CA, maps 75.19.60
Riverside, IL 29.8.3
Riverside Indian School 75.19.26, 75.19.50, 75.20.34
Road Branch (Indian Affairs) 75.16.8, 75.19.30
Road Engineer (Indian Affairs) 75.16.9
Road Inquiry, Office of 30.2
The Road Is Open Again (motion picture) 9.11
roads SEE highways and roads
Roads and Canals, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.19
Roads and Canals, Committee on (Senate) 46.18
Roads, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.19
Roads Division (Indian Affairs) 75.14.22, 75.19.30
Roads Office (Indian Affairs) 75.16.10
Roads, Subcommittee on (House of Representatives) 233.19
Roads, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.18
Roanoke Farms Project 96.4.4
Roanoke Island, NC 393.7
Roanoke River 22.4.4, 114.7.1
Roanoke, VA, District Office
   (Price Administration) 188.14.3, 188.14.7
Roanoke, VA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.49.5
Roanoke, VA, Division (District Court) 21.49.4
Robbins, David 69.5.2
Roberdeau, Isaac 77.4
Robert Committee 9.3.1
Robert Poole and Son Co. 156.13
"Robert Shaw Conducts" (sound recording) 59.8
Roberts, Charles L. 370.3.1
Roberts Commission 80.5.4, 128.3
Roberts, Owen J. 60.17.5, 80.5.4, 239.1
Robertson, Albert J. 195.2.1
U.S.S. Robin 313.4.5
Robinson, Edward G. 47.4.2
Robison, Jesse 240.2.2
Robson, John E. 220.14.5
Roche, Josephine 220.5.1
Rochefort, France 120.8.1
Rochert, MN 22.15.3
Rochester, MN, internal revenue collection district 58.5.23
Rochester, NY
     Army commands 393.4, 393.7
     customs collection (Genesee) 36.3.1
     housing discrimination (sound recording) 453.2.1
     vessel documentation files 41.5
Rochester, NY, Coast Guard Station 26.6.3
Rochester, NY, Ordnance District 156.12
Rock Creek
     pollution studies (maps) 79.6.6
Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Commission 42.9
Rock Creek Park
     engineer's records 42.5
     maps 42.14, 351.4
Rock Creek Park, Board of Control of 42.5
Rock Creek Park Commission 42.5
Rock Crusher Industry, Code Authority for the
    (National Recovery Administration) 9.9
Rock Falls, IL 29.8.3
Rock, George H. 19.9, 43.2.20
Rock Hotel Hospital, Little Rock, AR 109.8.4
Rock-Illinois-Kaskaskia-Big Muddy drainage basin 187.5.4
Rock Island Bridge 77.10.49
Rock Island Dam 22.15.6
Rock Island-Davenport, IA, public health hospital 90.4.31
Rock Island, IL
     housing 3.4.20
     Naval Reserve Divisions 181.15.17
     shipwreck journal 26.2.2
     vessel documentation files 41.5
Rock Island, IL, Arsenal 156.9.14
Rock Island, IL, Arsenal Ordnance Field Activity 338.11.1
Rock Island, IL, Barracks 393.4, 393.7
Rock Island, IL, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.49
Rock Island, IL, military prison 249.6
Rock Island, IL, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.52
Rock Island Rapids 77.10.49
Rock of Ages, MI
     Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.7
     shipwreck journal 26.2.2
Rockaway, NY, Coast Guard Station 26.6.3
Rockaway, NY, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Rockaway Point, NY, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Rockefeller Collection 229.14
Rockefeller, John D. III 220.15.10
Rockefeller, John D. IV 220.18.15, 220.27
Rockefeller, Laurance S. 368.3, 429.2, 429.3
Rockefeller Mountain 126.8
Rockefeller, Nelson A.
     American Revolution Bicentennial (motion picture) 64.14
     government organization committee 220.9.1
     inter-American affairs office 229.14
     joint Congressional committees 128.4
     oral history interview 235.3.1
     water quality commission 220.15.34
Rocket Branch (Aeronautics Bureau) 72.4.2
Rocket Development Division (Ordnance Department) 156.7.15
rockets SEE ALSO missiles
     NASA testing 255.4.8
     weather satellites 370.8.1
Rockford, IL, District Office (Price Administration) 188.16.2
Rockingham, NC, Division (District Court) 21.35.3
Rockland Breakwater, ME, Coast Guard Station 26.6.1
Rockland, ME
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Rockland, ME, public health hospital 90.4.32
Rockport, ME 41.5
Rockwell, A.F. 42.3.1
Rockwell Air Depot, CA 18.9.3
Rockwell Field, CA 18.13, 18.9.1
Rockwell International 326.5.8, 430.2.1
Rocky Boy Agency 75.19.30
Rocky Creek, NC, Bedload Experiment Station 114.4.4
Rocky Flats, CO, Area Office
   (Energy Research and Development Administration) 430.2.1
Rocky Flats, CO, nuclear plant 430.2.1
Rocky Mountain Arsenal, CO 175.4.2
Rocky Mountain District (Army) 393.5
Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station 95.10.8
Rocky Mountain Laboratory 443.7.2
Rocky Mountain National Park 70.2.2, 79.3.3
Rocky Mountain Region (Federal Aviation Administration) 237.5.5
Rocky Mountain Region (Forest Service) 95.9.2
Rocky Mountain School District 75.19.27
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Laboratory 443.7.2
Rocky Mountains
     Canada-U.S. boundary 76.2.2-76.2.4
Rodanthe, NC, Coast Guard Station 26.6.4
Rodgers, James Lewis 43.11.9
Rodgers, John 36.4
Rodgers, Thurman D. 94.1, 407.1
Rodgers, Vicki 274.10
Rodman, Gilbert 56.3.1
Rodman guns 77.10.4
     photographs 77.2.5
The Rodman Wanamaker Expeditions (motion picture) 75.27
Roerich Expedition 54.2
Roesner, Otto 238.3.3
Roessler, Solomon W. 77.10.48
Rogers City, MI
     customs collection 36.3.1
     vessel documentation files 41.5
Rogers Commission 255.7.3
Rogers, Harry Lovejoy 92.3.4
Rogers, Isaiah 56.3.1
Rogers, Terrence A. 220.18.12
Rogers, Walter S. 43.2.11
Rogers, Will 197.2.1, 237.3.3
Rogue River Commission 75.15.11
Rogue River, OR, Indian War claims 203.2
Rohden, Herhudt von 242.9.3
Rohwer Relocation Center 210.3.4
Roi 313.6.3
Rolla, MO
     Army commands 393.4, 393.7
     rent control 252.4.6
Rolla, MO, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Rolla, MO, office (Geological Survey) 57.10.3
Rolls and Library, Bureau of (State Department) 59.3.2
Roman, Irwin 57.4.4
     food relief mission 5.4.3
     oil companies 242.5.3
     U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.2, 84.3
     USIA exhibits 306.5.4
     water transportation (maps) 4.2.3
     World War II
          air defense 242.9.2
          Allied Force Headquarters 331.19.2
          cultural resource protection 239.3
          oil refineries (aerial photographs) 331.16.3
          Paris Peace Conference 45.5.6
               maps 43.6.7
          photographs 242.28
Romanian 4th Army 242.7.7
Romanian-language captured records 242.22
Rome Exposition of Arts and History 43.12.11
Rome, GA
     Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.14
     flood control 77.10.56
Rome, GA, area office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.5
Rome, GA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.12.2
Rome, GA, Division (District Court) 21.12.1
Rome, GA, public health hospital 90.4.33
Rome, Italy
     Allied Command 331.29.1
     U.S. offices, representatives
          military attache reports 38.4.6
          naval attache 45.5.1
          OSS base 226.18
          Public Information Committee 63.2.3
Rome March 153.13.1
Rome Movement 331.23.1
Romeo, MI, internal revenue collection district 58.5.22
Rommel, Erwin 242.16
     photographs 242.28
Rommel, George M. 17.2.2
Romney, George 207.7.2
Romorantin, France 120.5.1
Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition 370.8.2
Ronne, Finn 126.8, 370.8.2
Ronnell Barracks, Cuba 395.11.5
Roofing, Insulation, and Glass Section (Price Administration) 188.8.5
Roon, Albrecht von 242.10
Roosevelt, Eleanor
          Federal Art Project 69.5.2
          Indians 75.29
          Rural Electrification Administration 221.6
          slum clearance 302.3
     radio programs 179.7
     Status of Women Commission 220.10.4
Roosevelt Field, NY 18.9.1
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
     administration temporary organizations 220.5
     Canada joint defense board 333.5
     defense power committee 107.6.5
     defense research 227.3.1, 227.5
     FHA correspondence 31.2.1
     Fiscal and Monetary Advisory Board 51.10.2
     foreign gifts 59.5.3
     inaugurals 42.7, 274.2
     motion pictures
          airport dedication 121.7
          Chinese memorial services 208.5.5
          Churchill meeting 80.2.5
          Farm Credit Administration 103.9
          inauguration, 1941 119.5.2
          Post Office Department 28.2.2
     Munitions Assignments Board 333.2
     national forest visits 95.9.5
     Navy assistant secretary 80.3.1
     patent policy survey 60.17.6
          American Battle Monuments Commission 117.3.2
          Civil Aeronautics Administration 237.3.3
          family 64.6
          Federal Works Agency 162.7
          Indian delegations 75.29
          National Park Service 79.17
          Naval Personnel Bureau 24.12
          OWI 208.5.2
          Rural Electrification Administration 221.6
          Social Security 47.3.2
     railroads 134.2
     Secret Service details 87.3
          Federal Reserve Building (sound recordings) 82.7
          Federal Works Agency 162.3.3
          Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service 262.4
          FTC Building dedication (sound recordings) 122.10
          trade reciprocity 353.11.3
     World War II
          coal mine seizures 245.5
               Alexandria 43.4.2
               Cairo 43.3.6
               Quebec 43.3.2
               Teheran 43.3.5
               Yalta 43.4.1
          cultural resource protection 239.1
          mobilization policy 179.1
          Pacific inspection trip 43.3.8
          postwar Italy administration 331.30
          Price Administration 188.2
          Stilwell recall 332.3.2
Roosevelt Island, DC 79.6.6
Roosevelt, Kermit 226.3.13
Roosevelt Library 49.3.6
Roosevelt National Forest, CO 95.7.6, 95.9.2
Roosevelt (naval) Base 181.6.8
Roosevelt Recreational Demonstration Area 79.7.10
Roosevelt, Theodore
     Keep Commission 51.2
     Navy Secretary records 80.3.1
     Panama Canal 185.6
     photographs 54.7, 95.13, 106.6
Root, Elihu 111.10
rope 365.12.2
Roper Center 330.5.3
Roper, Daniel P. 40.2
ropewalks 71.2.5, 181.3.4
Rose Island 37.3
Rose, Robert R. 48.2
Roseau, MN 36.3.1
Rosebank, NY, Quarantine Station 442.2.3
Rosebud Agency 75.19.92
Roseburg Indian Agency 75.19.93
Roseburg Indians 75.16.9
Roseburg, OR, land office 49.9.22
Roseburg, OR, soldiers' home 15.3
Rosen, Hy 65.10
Rosenberg, Alfred 242.4.6, 260.4.9
Rosenberg, Anna 330.5.1
Rosenberg, Ethel and Julius 118.30.1, 204.2
Rosenberg, Julius J. 248.3.1
Rosenberg Study 429.2
Rosenfield, Harry N. 278.2.2
Rosneath, Scotland, Naval Base 181.4.10
Ross, Donald R. 220.15.11
Ross Field, CA 18.9.1
Ross General Hospital, Mobile, AL 109.8.4
Ross, Malcolm 228.3.1
Rossiter, William Sidney 29.4.2
Rostow, Eugene V. 220.14.20
Roswell, NM, area office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.15
Roswell, NM, District (Territorial Court) 21.33.1
Roswell, NM, land office 49.9.19
"Rote Kapelle" 263.2.1
Rothe, C.H. 310.4.4
Rothschild, Louis S. 220.9.6, 220.9.7
Rothstein, Arthur 47.3.2
Rotterdam, Netherlands
     shipping 32.5.13
     U.S. Grain Corporation, American Relief Administration 5.4.2
Rouen, France
     AEF supply base 120.8.1
Rough River 77.10.26
Rough River Reservoir, KY 77.10.26
Round Pond, OK, photographs 233.15
Round Pond, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Round-the-World-Flight, 1924 18.5.5
"Round the World Flight" (filmstrip) 18.13
Round Valley, CA 393.7
Round Valley Indian Agency 75.19.94
Round Valley Indian Reservation 49.9.5, 75.19.94
Roundtable Conference on Information Policy 429.8
Rouses Point, NY 77.10.37
Rowe, Abbie 79.17
Rowe, James H., Jr. 220.14.1
Rowley, James J. 87.3
Royal Bavarian War Ministry 242.10
Royal Dutch Shell 70.3.1
Royal Netherlands Navy 334.4.7
Royal Norwegian Navy 334.4.8
Royal Thai Army Volunteer Force 472.4.7
Royall, Kenneth 107.3.1
Royalton, IL 70.2.2
     British-U.S. trade agreement 161.2
     Central, South American survey 54.3.1
     Defense Mobilization Office 304.4
     Edison research 54.2
     exporters' manuals 151.5
     Korean War defense production 277.3.1
     National Recovery Admininstration regulation 151.5
     National Science Foundation research 234.7.1
     World War I
          allocations 182.5.2
          reports 61.3.13
     World War II
          conservation 220.5.7, 234.5.9
          development, production 234.5.7, 234.5.9
               maps 234.5.9
               motion pictures 234.5.9
               photographs 234.5.9
               plant liquidation 234.7.2
          guayule project 95.2.4, 95.4.4
               maps 95.3.1
               photographs 54.3.18, 95.13
          price controls 188.5.5, 188.8.9
          reconversion 250.3.11
          substitutes (photographs) 54.3.18
          synthetic rubber 220.5.7, 234.7.2, 253.2.2, 253.6.3
               plants (architectural plans) 234.5.8
          War Production Board 179.2.3
Rubber and Leather Division (Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau) 151.5
Rubber, and Other Tropical Plants, Division of Cotton, (Plant Industry Bureau) 54.3.10
Rubber Development Corporation 234.5.9, 234.7.2
Rubber Director, Office of the (Rubber Reserve Company) 234.5.7
Rubber Division (Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau) 151.5
Rubber Footwear Rationing Branch (Price Administration) 188.9.7
Rubber Plant Investigations, Division of
   (Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering Bureau) 54.3.18
Rubber Price Branch (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal Act (1953) 234.5.8, 234.6.1
Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal Commission 234.6.1, 234.7.2
Rubber Products Section (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Rubber Research Board 234.5.7
Rubber Reserve Company 234.5.7
Rubber Reserve, Office of (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) 234.5.8, 234.6.1, 234.7.2
Rubber Section (Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau) 151.5
Rubber Survey Committee 220.5.7
rubber tire industry survey 188.6.2
Ruby, AK, term (Territorial Court) 21.3.5
Ruby, Jack 60.10.2, 272.1, 272.2.5
Ruckelshaus, Jill 220.16.2
Ruff, Charles F.C. 460.2, 460.5-460.9
international conferences 43.7.6, 43.10.6
Rules and Administration, Committee on (Senate) 46.19
Rules and Regulations, Division of (War Trade Board) 182.11
Rules and Regulations Section (Censorship Office) 216.2.3
Rules, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.20
Rules, Committee on (Senate) 46.19
Rules of Practice and Procedure, Committee on 116.2
Rules of the Academic Board (Military Academy) 404.3.2
Rulings Section (National Recovery Administration) 9.5.4
rumrunners 26.5.2, 76.4
Rumsfeld, Donald 432.2.9
Rupkey, R.H. 75.21.7
rural areas
     Agricultural Economics Bureau surveys 83.4.4, 83.6.3
          cost of living 83.4.1
          cultural regions 83.4.4
          Forest Service economic studies 95.5.3, 95.12
          population 16.7.1, 31.3
          postal routes 28.6.2
          electricity use 221.6
          flood control 77.2.3
          foreign countries 54.7
          Germany 242.28
          housing 54.7
          Indian schools, homes 75.29
          postwar Europe 342.15
          Social Security personnel visits 47.4.2
     public works 83.6.5
     relief work 69.3.5, 83.4.4
     TVA land classification survey (aerial photos, maps) 142.10.2
     World War II attitudes survey 83.4.8
rural communities SEE ALSO Alaska Native communities;
     coal-mining communities
     experimental villages (architectural plans) 96.2.4
     farm community projects 96.2.5
     economic surveys 83.4.4, 83.10
          eastern Europe 242.28
          fishing communities 22.4.4
          Indian villages 106.6
          Pacific island villages 22.3.3
rural credit 16.3.1, 83.4.2
Rural Credit, Joint Committee on 128.3
Rural Delivery Service, Division of (Post Office Department) 28.3.5
rural development
     Puerto Rico (photographs) 126.11
Rural Development, and Related Agencies, (Appropriations)
     Subcommittee on Agriculture (Senate) 46.4
Rural Development Committee (Interior Secretary) 48.5.13
Rural Development Support, Office of Civil Operations for
   (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.10, 472.4.4
rural education 12.3.3
rural electrification survey 69.3.4
Rural Electrification Act (1936) 221.1 Rural Electrification Administration
     legal records 16.5.6
     motion pictures 16.7.2
Rural Electrification Administration, Records of the (RG 221)
     administrative history 221.1
     Administrator's Office 221.2
     area offices 221.4
     cartographic records 221.5
     divisions 221.3
     still pictures 221.6
Rural Electrification Administration, Subcommittee to Investigate (Senate) 46.3
Rural Electrification Division (Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration) 323.3.6
Rural Electrification News 221.3.7
Rural Housing Program 196.4
Rural Industries Division (War Manpower Commission) 211.19.4
rural industry
     hemp mill (plans) 54.3.1
     World War II manpower 211.23.9-211.23.11, 211.23.13
rural life
     Agricultural Economics photographs 83.10
     Extension Service photographs 33.9
     farm electrification (photographs) 221.6
     farm life (motion picture) 16.7.2
     sociological, economic studies 83.4.4
          Texas survey 310.3
          women 176.4.1
     Thailand (photographs) 166.7
Rural Mail Service 28.8
Rural Mails, Division of (Post Office Department) 28.6.7
Rural Poverty, National Advisory Commission on 220.14.16
rural rehabilitation
     Agricultural Economics Bureau 83.4.3
     Agriculture Solicitor case files 16.5.2
     Farmers Home Administration and predecessors 96
     Federal Emergency Relief Administration 69.3.1, 69.3.8, 69.3.9
Rural Rehabilitation Division
   (Farmers Home Administration) 96.2.2, 96.4.1-96.4.12
Rural Rehabilitation Division
   (Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration) 323.3.6
rural schools
     emergency relief projects 69.3.5
     photographs 221.6
Rural Welfare, Bureau of Farm Population and
   (Agricultural Economics) 83.4.4, 83.6.3, 83.10
Rush (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.9, 26.6.11
Rush, Samuel 75.6
"RuSHA Case" (war crimes tribunals) 238.5.3
Rusinow, Irving 83.10
Rusk, Dean 59.5.2, 59.7, 220.14.9
Russell, Andrew J. 165.21
Russell Barracks, DC 393.4
Russell, Charles 93.4.1
Russell Islands 313.6.3
Russell, Jane 47.4.2
Russell, John E. 233.33
Russell Motor Co. 74.7
Russell, R.P. 253.6.4
Russell, R. Robert 429.9
Russell, Richard B. 117.3.2
Russell, W.M. 114.3.1
Russellville, AR, public health hospital 90.3.1
Russia SEE ALSO Soviet Union
     agricultural, industrial cooperatives (motion pictures) 96.2.9
     agricultural regions (maps) 83.4.10
     civil war (maps) 77.12.2
     claims 76.4
     consulates in U.S., Canada 261.3
     early history 242.28
     emigrant registrations, Shanghai 263.2.3
          military equipment 165.21
          panoramas 165.21
          Siberia officials, monuments 75.11.4
     railways 32.2.2
          equipment disposition 77.3.3
     trade controls 182.14, 182.15
     U.S. offices, representatives
          consular posts 84.3
          Military Mission 120.13
          Public Information Committee 63.2.3
          State Department mission, 1920 59.5.1
     U.S. relations
          documentary publications project 353.10
     World War I
          American Expeditionary Forces 120.13
               maps 120.2.1
          forces in Poland (maps) 38.4.3
          postwar relief 5.2.2
          prisoners of war 120.14.6
          supplies purchasing 113.2, 261.4
Russian-American Company 261.2
Russian Bureau, Inc. 182.16
Russian-English dictionary 165.4.5
Russian Front 38.4.9
Russian icons (photographs) 260.4.9
Russian News (newsreels) 208.6.5 Russian Orthodox Church 261.2
Russian publications 306.5.3
Russian Railway Service Corps 43.11.10
Russian Railway Service Corps, Advisory Commission of Railway Experts to the 43.11.10
Russian River 114.10.12
Russian Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.5.2
Russian Shipping Area, Office for the (War Shipping Administration) 248.3.4
Russian Supply Committee 261.4
Russo-Japanese War 38.4.3, 77.12.2, 165.21
Ruth, Henry S., Jr. 460.2, 460.3.1, 460.12
Rutledge, Wiley N. 60.4.3
Ryan, Cornelius E. 220.8
Ryan, Joseph M.F. 60.8
Ryan, W. Carson 75.10.1
rye 4.2.3
Rye Beach, NH, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Ryukyu Islands
     aerial photographs 313.6.9
     Army Staff reports 319.5.2
     postwar civil administration 260.12
     Supreme Commander Allied Powers 331.39.1, 331.43.1
     World War II Japanese surrender 218.4
Ryukyu Islands, Government of the 260.12.7
Ryukyus Command (Army) 338.8
