Guide to Federal Records

Federal Records Guide: Alphabetical Index - Q

Note: This alphabetical index to the Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States is based on a paper version with the same title compiled in 1995. The index does not reflect updates to the Guide. The updated web version of the Guide can be searched with the Search the Guide feature.

See also:

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M  
N   O   P   Q    R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

Quadrant Conference 43.3.2
Quadripartite Meeting of the Berlin Commandants 43.9.3
"A Quality Environment for the Tennessee Valley" 142.4
Quality of Water Branch (Geological Survey) 57.6.8
Quam, Louis 307.5.2
Quantico, VA
    Marine Corps photographs 127.12
Quapaw Census 75.19.88
Quapaw Indian Agency 75.19.88
Quapaw Judgment Fund 75.19.88
    New York harbor board 77.6.3
     plants 7, 166.2
    vessel inspection 90.4.41, 90.5.1
    Virgin Islands 55.2.1
Quarantine Act (1879) 90.11
Quarantine, Division of (Disease Control Centers) 442.2.3
quarantine inspection vessel 90.5.1
quarantine stations
    correspondence 90.2.1
    employee lists 90.2.2
     foreign countries 90.3.4, 442.2.3
    photographs 90.15
    records 90.5.1-90.5.3, 442.2.3
Quarles, Donald A. 255.6, 340.2
quarries 29.6.4, 49.3.7, 70.2.2, 70.4.2, 70.11.3
quarterboats 77.10.37, 77.10.49
    (I Corps) 394.2.1;
    (II Corps) 394.2.2;
    (III Corps) 394.2.3, 395.2.1;
    (IV Corps) 394.2.4;
    (V Corps) 394.2.5, 395.2.1;
    (VI Corps) 394.2.6;
    (VII Corps) 394.2.7;
    (VIII Corps) 394.2.8;
    (IX Corps) 394.2.9;
    (Military Academy) 404.10
Quartermaster Activities Section (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.4
Quartermaster, Chief (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.9.1
Quartermaster, Chief (Freedmen's Bureau) 105.3.3
Quartermaster, Confederate Assistant 109.10.1
Quartermaster Corps
    anniversary celebration photographs 92.17
    Motor Transport Service transfer 156.7.19
Quartermaster Corps (Russian Railway Service Corps) 43.11.10
Quartermaster Department
    Confederate seizure of property 217.8.4
    officers 217.8.4
Quartermaster Department (Military Academy) 404.17
Quartermaster Department, Confederate 109.7.3
Quartermaster Division (Second Comptroller) 217.4.5
quartermaster examination boards 92.14
quartermaster field installations
    histories 92.13
    records 92.15
Quartermaster General
    National Park Service predecessors 79.2.2
    Revolutionary War 93.4.1, 93.4.2, 93.5.1
    transport ships (photographs) 111.10
Quartermaster General, Records of the Office of the (RG 92)
    administrative history 92.1
    boards and committees 92.14
    cartographic records 92.16
    Commissary General of Purchases 92.2
    Construction Division 92.7
    field organizations 92.15
    finance and accounting records 92.12
    general records 92.3
    graves registration organizations 92.9
    Historian's Office 92.13
    Memorial Division 92.8
    other transportation organizations 92.6
    personnel records 92.11
    still pictures 92.17
    supply organizations 92.4
    Transportation Division 92.5
    War Department commissions on military cemeteries and battlefield parks 92.10
Quartermaster General's Branch (Allied Force HQ) 331.28.1
Quartermaster, Office of the (Military Government of Cuba) 140.3.6
Quartermaster Research and Engineering Field Facility 338.11.6
Quartermaster Section
    (1st Army) 338.9.1;
    (2d Army) 338.9.2;
    (3d Army) 338.9.3;
    (5th Army) 338.9.5;
    (Allied Force HQ) 331.21.3;
     (Army, Alaska) 338.6.1;
     (Army Ground Forces) 337.6.2;
    (China Theater) 338.4.3;
     (European Theater) 338.3.1;
    (Pacific Theaters) 338.5.8;
    (SHAEF) 331.9.3
Quartermaster Survey Unit 60.15.2
Quartermaster Test Activity 338.11.6
    American Expeditionary Forces 120.7.8, 120.9.1, 120.9.2, 120.9.4
        American Forces in Germany 120.11.4
        facilities photographs 120.16
     architectural plans of posts 77.2.5
    Army Headquarters 108.2.3
     Army of Cuban Pacification 395.5.2, 395.5.3
     arsenals 156.9.1-156.9.19
     China Relief Expedition 395.4.1
     Confederate Army 109.9.4, 109.10.5
     Cuba commands 395.11.1, 395.11.3
    Expeditionary Forces, U.S., Veracruz 395.6
    Hawaii Department 395.12.1
    Indian superintendency 75.15.12
    Operation Crossroads 374.5.1
    ordnance proving grounds 156.10.3
    Philippines commands 395.14.1, 395.14.3
    photographs 92.17
    post-World War I regiments 391.6.3
    property returns 93.4.2
    reports 92.3.3, 92.3.4, 92.11.2
    Revolutionary War units 93.4.1, 93.4.2, 93.5.1
    Spanish-American War 395.2.1
    Submarine Force logs 313.5.2
    Treasury accounts 50.4, 217.8.4, 217.8.7
    Vietnam War units 472.7.6
Quartermaster's Department (Marine Corps) 127.5
Quartermaster's Department (Revolutionary War) 360.2.4
quartz 57.4.3
Quayle, Dan
    inauguration (motion picture) 128.5
    U.S. prisoners 45.8.5
Quebec Conferences 43.3.2, 43.3.8
Queen Maud's Land, Antarctica 307.5.2
"Quest for Peace" (motion picture) 12.2.1
"A Question of Choices" (video recording) 220.16.2
Questionable Trade Practices, Subcommittee to Investigate
    (House of Representatives) 233.19
Questions and Answers on the Second Seamen's War Risk Policy 248.5
Qui Nhon, Vietnam, Army Depot 472.7.5
Qui Nhon, Vietnam, Army Support Command 472.7.5
Quigley, James 412.2.1
Quilayute, WA, Coast Guard Station 26.6.10
Quileute Indians 75.19.125
Quilting, Code Authority for (National Recovery Administration) 9.9
Quinault (Quinaielt) Indians 75.7.5, 75.19.107
U.S.S. Quincy 43.4.2
Quincy, FL, field office (Confederate Treasury) 365.10.2
Quincy, IL
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Quincy, IL, Division (District Court) 21.15.6
Quincy, IL, internal revenue collection district 58.5.13
Quincy, IL, land office 49.9.9
Quincy, MA, shore patrol unit 181.15.37
Quincy, MA, War Price and Rationing Board 188.11.7
quinine 234.5.6
U.S.S. Quinnebaug 313.9.3
Quirnheim, Christoph E.H. Ritter Mertz von 242.10
"Quoddy Village" 77.9.4
Quonset Point, RI, Fleet Air Commander 313.5.2
Quonset Point, RI, Naval Air Rework Facility 181.14.3



