Records of the Office of Price Administration (OPA)
(Record Group 188)
Table of Contents
- 188.1 Administrative History
- 188.2 Records of the NDAC and OPACS 1940-43
- 188.3 Executive and Administrative Records of the OPA
- 188.3.1 Records of the Office of the Administrator
- 188.3.2 Records of the Office of Administrative Hearings
- 188.3.3 Records of the Office of Congressional Information
- 188.3.4 Records of Boards and Committees
- 188.3.5 Progress Reports
- 188.3.6 Records of the Office of the Agricultural Relations Adviser
- 188.3.7 Records of the Office of the Consumer Relations Adviser
- 188.3.8 Records of the Office of the Credit Policy Adviser
- 188.3.9 Records of the Office of Industry Advisory Committees
- 188.3.10 Records of the Office of the Labor Relations Adviser
- 188.3.11 Records of the Division of Research
- 188.3.12 Records of the Office of the General Counsel
- 188.3.13 Records of the Office of the Racial Relations Adviser
- 188.3.14 Records of the Office of the Veterans' Relations Adviser
- 188.3.15 Records of Administrative Management Offices
- 188.3.16 Records of the Office of the OPA Secretary
- 188.4 Records of the Office of Price Board Management (OPBM) 1941-4
- 188.5 Records of the Accounting Department
- 188.5.1 Records of the Office of the Deputy Administrator for Accounting
- 188.5.2 Records of the Financial Reporting Division
- 188.5.3 Records of the Services Accounting and Audits Division
- 188.5.4 Records of the Consumer Products Accounting Division
- 188.5.5 Records of the Industrial Accounting Division (IAD)
- 188.5.6 Records of the Field Accounting Division
- 188.6 Records of the Enforcement Department
- 188.6.1 General Records
- 188.6.2 Records of the Office of the Assistant General Counsel, Enforcement Division, Legal Department
- 188.6.3 Records of the Office of the Deputy Administrator for Enforcement
- 188.6.4 Records of the Litigation Division
- 188.6.5 Records of the Division of Special Investigations
- 188.6.6 Records of the Review and Disposition Division
- 188.6.7 Records of the Apparel and Industrial Materials Enforcement Division
- 188.6.8 Records of the Food Enforcement Division
- 188.6.9 Records of the Rent and Services Enforcement Division
- 188.6.10 Records of the Fuel and Consumer Goods Enforcement Division
- 188.6.11 Records of the Rent and Durable Goods Enforcement Division
- 188.7 Records of the Information Department 1940-47
- 188.8 Records of the Price Department
- 188.8.1 Records of the Office of the Deputy Administrator for Price
- 188.8.2 Records of the Price Legal Division
- 188.8.3 Records of the Standards Division
- 188.8.4 Records of the Price Control Division
- 188.8.5 Records of the Building and Construction Price Division
- 188.8.6 Records of the Consumer Goods Price Division
- 188.8.7 Records of the Food Price Division
- 188.8.8 Records of the Fuel Price Division
- 188.8.9 Records of the Industrials Price Division
- 188.8.10 Records of the Services and Foreign Trade Price Division
- 188.8.11 Records of the Transportation and Public Utilities Division
- 188.9 Records of the Rationing Department
- 188.9.1 Records of the Office of the Deputy Administrator for Rationing
- 188.9.2 Records of the Rationing Legal Division
- 188.9.3 Records of the Ration Currency Control Division
- 188.9.4 Records of the Automotive Supply Rationing Division
- 188.9.5 Records of the Food Rationing Division
- 188.9.6 Records of branches of the Fuel Rationing Division
- 188.9.7 Records of the Miscellaneous Products Rationing Division
- 188.10 Records of the Office of the Division of Liquidation,
Department of Commerce
1941-49 - 188.11 Records of OPA Region I (Boston, MA)
- 188.11.1 Executive and administrative records
- 188.11.2 Records of the Price Board Management field offices
- 188.11.3 Records of the Accounting Department
- 188.11.4 Records of the Enforcement Department
- 188.11.5 Records of the Information Department
- 188.11.6 Records of the Price Department
- 188.11.7 Records of the Rationing Department
- 188.12 Records of OPA Region II (New York, NY)
- 188.12.1 Executive and administrative records
- 188.12.2 Records of the Price Board Management field offices
- 188.12.3 Records of the Accounting Department
- 188.12.4 Records of the Enforcement Department
- 188.12.5 Records of the Information Department
- 188.12.6 Records of the Price Department
- 188.12.7 Records of the Rationing Department
- 188.13 Records of OPA Region III (Cleveland, OH) 1942-47
- 188.14 Records of OPA Region IV (Atlanta, GA)
1941-47- 188.14.1 Executive and administrative records
- 188.14.2 Records of the Price Board Management field offices
- 188.14.3 Records of the Accounting Department
- 188.14.4 Records of the Enforcement Department
- 188.14.5 Records of the Information Department
- 188.14.6 Records of the Price Department
- 188.14.7 Records of the Rationing Department
- 188.15 Records of OPA Region V (Dallas, TX)
- 188.15.1 Executive and administrative records
- 188.15.2 Records of the Price Board Management field offices
- 188.15.3 Records of the Accounting Department
- 188.15.4 Records of the Enforcement Department
- 188.15.5 Records of the Information Department
- 188.15.6 Records of the Price Department
- 188.15.7 Records of the Rationing Department
- 188.16 Records of OPA Region VI (Chicago, IL)
1941-47- 188.16.1 Executive and administrative records
- 188.16.2 Records of the Price Board Management field offices
- 188.16.3 Records of the Accounting Department
- 188.16.4 Records of the Enforcement Department
- 188.16.5 Records of the Information Department
- 188.16.6 Records of the Price Department
- 188.16.7 Records of the Rationing Department
- 188.17 Records of OPA Region VII (Denver, CO)
1942-47- 188.17.1 Executive and administrative records
- 188.17.2 Records of the Price Board Management field offices
- 188.17.3 Records of the Accounting Department
- 188.17.4 Records of the Enforcement Department
- 188.17.5 Records of the Information Department
- 188.17.6 Records of the Price Department
- 188.17.7 Records of the Rationing Department
- 188.18 Records of OPA Region VIII (San Francisco, CA)
- 188.18.1 Executive and administrative records
- 188.18.2 Records of the Price Board Management field offices
- 188.18.3 Records of the Accounting Department
- 188.18.4 Records of the Enforcement Department
- 188.18.5 Records of the Information Department
- 188.18.6 Records of the Price Department
- 188.18.7 Records of the Rationing Department
- 188.19 Records of OPA Territorial Region, Region IX (Washington,
1941-47- 188.19.1 Executive and administrative records
- 188.19.2 Records of the Price Board Management field offices
- 188.19.3 Records of the Accounting Department
- 188.19.4 Records of the Enforcement Department
- 188.19.5 Records of the Information Department
- 188.19.6 Records of the Price Department
- 188.19.7 Records of the Rationing Department
- 188.20 Motion Pictures (General)
- 188.21 Sound Recordings (General)
- 188.22 Still Pictures (General)
Established: In the Office for Emergency Management (OEM), by EO 8875, August 28, 1941.
Predecessor Agencies:
Price Stabilization and Consumer Protection Divisions, Advisory Commission to the Council of National Defense (commonly known as National Defense Advisory Commission, NDAC, 1940-41) Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply (OPACS), OEM (April- August 1941).
Transfers: To independent agency status by the Emergency Price Control Act (56 Stat. 23), January 30, 1942; to newly established Office of Temporary Controls (OTC) by EO 9809, December 12, 1946, except Financial Reporting Division to Federal Trade Commission.
Functions: Stabilized prices and rents by establishing maximum prices for commodities (except agricultural commodities controlled by the Secretary of Agriculture) and maximum rents in defense areas. Rationed scarce essential commodities and authorized subsidies for production of some of those commodities.
Abolished: Effective May 29, 1947, by General Liquidation Order, OTC Administrator, March 14, 1947.
Successor Agencies: Sugar Rationing Administration, Department of Agriculture (sugar and sugar products distribution) pursuant to the Sugar Control Extension Act (61 Stat. 36), March 31, 1947; and, by EO 9841, April 23, 1947, Department of Agriculture (price controls over rice), effective May 4, 1947; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (food subsidies), effective May 4, 1947; Office of the Housing Expediter (rent control), effective May 4, 1947; Department of Justice (price violation litigation), effective June 1, 1947; and Division of Liquidation, Department of Commerce (all other OPA functions), effective June 1, 1947.
Finding Aids: Meyer H. Fishbein and Elaine C. Bennett, comps., Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Accounting Department of the Office of Price Administration, PI 32 (1951); Meyer H. Fishbein and Betty R. Bucher, comps., Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Enforcement Department of the Office of Price Administration, PI 120 (1959); Betty R. Bucher, comp., Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Information Department of the Office of Price Administration, PI 119 (1959); Meyer H. Fishbein, Walter W. Weinstein, and Albert W. Withrop, comps., Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Price Department of the Office of Price Administration, PI 95 (1956); Meyer H. Fishbein, Walter W. Weinstein, and Albert W. Withrop, comps., Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Rationing Department of the Office of Price Administration, PI 102 (1958); reprinted in National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories.
Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Office of
Price Administration in RG 287, Publications of the U.S.
Records of the United States Shipping Board, RG 32.
Records of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation, RG 41.
Records of the Maritime Labor Board, RG 157.
Records of the War Production Board, RG 179.
Records of the Board of Investigation and Research--
Transportation, RG 198.
Records of the Office for Emergency Management, RG 214.
Records of the Office of Defense Transportation, RG 219.
Records of the Solid Fuels Administration for War, RG 245.
Records of the War Shipping Administration, RG 248.
Records of the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion, RG
Records of the Office of the Housing Expediter, RG 252.
Records of the Petroleum Administration for War, RG 253.
Records of the Shipbuilding Stabilization Committee, RG 254.
Subject Access Terms: World War II agency.
188.2 Records of the NDAC and OPACS
History: Advisory Commission to World War I Council on National Defense revived by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, May 29, 1940, to include Price Stabilization and Consumer Protection Divisions. Both divisions merged to become OPACS in OEM, by EO 8734, April 11, 1941. Redesignated OPA, 1941, See 188.1, with civil supply functions transferred to the Office of Production Management (See RG 179).
Textual Records: Weekly progress reports of the NDAC, 1940-41; and the OPACS, May-September 1941. General report and reading files of the Defense Finance Section, Price Stabilization Division, 1940-42. Administrative records of the Price Stabilization Division, 1940-43. Letters from the general public and government officials, and newspaper clippings concerning OPA policies, 1941-42. Records relating to the production, stockpiling, and costs of commodities, 1941-42. Correspondence on commodities and services subject to the April 28, 1942, General Maximum Price Regulation, March-September 1942. Minutes of an NDAC meeting, August 1, 1940.
188.3 Executive and Administrative Records of the OPA
188.3.1 Records of the Office of the Administrator
Textual Records: Office files of the Administrator, 1941-46. Correspondence and other records of deputy administrators, 1943- 47. Office files of assistants to the administrator, 1943-47. Administrative correspondence, 1943-46.
Microfilm Publications: M164.
188.3.2 Records of the Office of Administrative Hearings
Textual Records: Selected national office suspension order case files involving appeals of decisions made by regional hearing commissions on violations of OPA regulations, 1943-46. Selected regional suspension order case files, 1943-47, with an alphabetical index. Records relating to opinions and procedures of the Office of Administrative Hearings, 1943. Monthly reports on personnel and workload submitted by chief hearing commissioners, 1943-47.
188.3.3 Records of the Office of Congressional Information
Textual Records: Records of the Congressional adviser to the Administrator and Chief of the Congressional Correspondence Section, 1944-47. Transcripts and digests of proceedings at Congressional committee hearings, 1941-47. Correspondence with Members of Congress about complaints and with Congressional committees on proposed legislation, 1941-45.
188.3.4 Records of boards and committees
Textual Records: Minutes of meetings of the Automotive Conservation Committee, 1942-44; the Price Control Board, 1946; regional administrators, 1942-44; and control analysts, 1944. Transcripts of meetings and conferences of national and field offices, 1943-45. Proceedings of regional hearings concerning suspension orders, 1943-47.
Textual Records: Weekly progress reports of OPA divisions, branches, and sections on administration, rent control, and enforcement of policies and regulations, 1941-43. Drafts and published copies of OPA quarterly progress reports to the Congress, 1942-47. Weekly reports submitted to the deputy administrator by the Administrative Services, Budget and Planning, Personnel, Credit Policy, and Price Board Management Offices, and the Committee on Economic Demobilization, 1943-46. Weekly and monthly progress reports of regional administrators and district directors, concerning food supply, rationing, price control, "black" and "brown" market operations, and rent control, 1941-45. Weekly progress reports of regional directors and attorneys at Baltimore, Kansas City, and Philadelphia, January- May 1942. Monthly legal narrative reports from area rent directors and rent attorneys, concerning rent control in AL, FL, GA, MN, MS, NC, SC, TN, and VA, 1942-46.
188.3.6 Records of the Office of the Agricultural Relations
Textual Records: Correspondence relating to meat control, subsidies, decontrol, vocational training, and the agricultural extension activities, 1944-46. Correspondence on commodity prices, 1944-45. Correspondence with and reports of regional offices concerning field programs, 1944-46. Instructional issuances sent to the field, 1945-46. Speeches, 1944-46. Publications, including Agricultural Situation Summary, 1946; National Farm Fertilizer News, 1945-46; and Washington Farm Letter, 1945-46. Weekly letters published by farm commodity organizations, 1946.
188.3.7 Records of the Office of the Consumer Relations Adviser
Textual Records: Records of the Consumer Advisory National Committee, consisting of minutes, 1943-46; memorandums relating to organization, functions, and personnel, 1941-47; and press releases, 1943-46. Decontrol Board issuances, 1945-47. Memorandums sent to the administrator and other OPA officials, consumer advisory committees, and consumer organization leaders, 1943-47. Weekly, monthly, and quarterly narrative reports, 1945. Minutes of the Consumer Leader Conference, October 10, 1945. Correspondence of regional and district consumer advisory committees, 1944-47; and minutes of regional consumer advisory committees, 1945-46. Lists of district consumer committee chairmen and committee programs, 1944-46.
188.3.8 Records of the Office of the Credit Policy Adviser
Textual Records: Correspondence concerning OPA credit policies, 1942-43. Drafts and interpretations of Regulation W and its amendments, and correspondence and reports regarding enforcement, 1941-46. Reports and related correspondence concerning credit, 1941-45. Memorandums and reports on special commodities, 1941-43; and on cash credit prices, 1942-46.
188.3.9 Records of the Office of Industry Advisory Committees
Textual Records: Reports, correspondence, and memorandums on the need for more industry advisory committees, relations of OPA with business and industry, and meetings with the OPA staff; and transcripts of office meetings, 1944-47. Weekly progress reports, staff reports on committee meetings, and lists of industry advisory committees, 1941-46. Minutes of industry advisory committees, 1941-47. Records of the Industry Council, 1941-43.
188.3.10 Records of the Office of the Labor Relations Adviser
Textual Records: Correspondence of the Director of the Labor Office relating to wage policy, price, and rent control, 1942-46. Records documenting Labor Policy Committee activities, 1943-46. Office files of aides to the labor relations adviser, 1943-46. Minutes, correspondence, and related records of regional, state, and local labor advisory committees, 1943-46.
188.3.11 Records of the Division of Research
Textual Records: Correspondence, orders, and reports, 1941-46. Reports, memorandums, related correspondence, and press releases of the Economic Section of the Consumer Division, Council of National Defense, concerning domestic and international monetary problems and policies and the effect of the defense program on domestic consumption, 1940-41.
188.3.12 Records of the Office of the General Counsel
Textual Records: Records relating to legislation, subsidies, enforcement, and decontrol, 1944-47. General legal reports, correspondence, and other records, 1941-47. Associate general counsel case files of cases tried by the Emergency Court of Appeals, 1942-47. Reports, briefs, and memorandums relating to petitions filed by transportation and public utility companies requesting increases in rates and fares, 1941-44. Protest files relating to cases heard by review boards, 1944-46. Records relating to persons investigated by the Internal Intelligence Branch and its predecessors, 1944-47.
188.3.13 Records of the Office of the Racial Relations Adviser
Textual Records: Reports and correspondence relating to the employment of blacks in the OPA and other federal agencies, 1941- 46. Minutes of meetings with minority groups protesting discrimination in employment practices, housing, and rationing, 1944-47.
188.3.14 Records of the Office of the Veterans' Relations Adviser
Textual Records: General correspondence relating to the price, rationing, and rent programs as they affected veterans, 1945-46. Correspondence with veterans' organizations, 1945-46.
188.3.15 Records of administrative management offices
Textual Records: General records of the Administrative Management Department, 1941-47, including a master set of OPA manuals. Correspondence, reports, and related records of the Office of Administrative Service, 1943-47. Records of the Historical Branch (Policy Analysis Branch after January 1947), consisting of miscellaneous documents relating to the history of the OPA and numerous draft histories of the OPA and predecessor agencies, 1941-47. Records of the Professional Services Department, 1941- 43. Records of the Office of Personnel, 1941-47.
Finding Aids: Walter W. Weinstein, comp., "Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Office of Personnel of the Office of Price Administration," NC 25 (1963).
188.3.16 Records of the Office of the OPA Secretary
Textual Records: Price regulations, with supporting justification statements and orders of the administrator exempting specific companies from certain provisions of the regulations, 1941-47. Letter orders issued under various price regulations, approving or denying requests for price increases, 1945-47. Petitions for amendment of regulations, 1942-46. Protest case files, 1942-47. Exception orders issued by regional administrators and district directors, 1946. Headquarters and regional card indexes to the orders and protests, n.d.
188.4 Records of the Office of Price Board Management (OPBM)
History: Established May 17, 1946, as the last of a succession of headquarters offices that began in December 1941 with the Field Operations Division. OPBM and its predecessors, which were usually linked with other administrative-management units of the OPA, were primarily responsible for coordinating the activities of local price and rationing boards. OPBM acted through regional and district offices to control operations, facilities, staffing, location, and other management phases of local board operation. Abolished, November 1, 1946.
Textual Records: Administrative files of the Director of the Field Operations Division, 1941-42. Correspondence and reports of the Field Organization Branch of the Organization Planning Division, 1942-43. Headquarters and regional manuals and bulletins; regional office narrative reports; reports of the director and his staff; correspondence and other records relating to price-panel activities; and data on volunteer programs, workload, and organization, 1943-46.
188.5 Records of the Accounting Department
History: OPA accounting functions originated with the appointment, June 20, 1940, of Herbert F. Taggart as a consultant on cost accounting in the Price Stabilization Division of the NDAC, and subsequently as Director of the Division of Accounting, Analysis, and Review, established in OPA, October 1941. After several reorganizations and internal transfers, the division became an operating department, December 21, 1944. Abolished, March 31, 1947.
188.5.1 Records of the Office of the Deputy Administrator for
Textual Records: Subject file, 1940-47. Historical file, 1940-47. Policy file, 1941-47. Budget estimates, 1942-47. Minutes of meetings of regional accounting executives, 1942-45.
188.5.2 Records of the Financial Reporting Division
Textual Records: Subject file, 1941-46. Official files of individual staff members, 1941-46. Annual profit and loss questionnaire forms A and B, 1942-46 (740 ft.).
188.5.3 Records of the Services Accounting and Audits Division
Textual Records: Administrative and policy memorandums, 1944-47. Records pertaining to enforcement, 1943-47; export-import matters, 1943-46; fuel, 1941-46; ration-banking methods, 1942-47; rent, 1942-47; restaurant prices, 1944-46; service trades, 1942- 46; and transportation and public utilities, 1942-47. Records of the following branches: Fuel Accounting, 1942-46; Rationing and Enforcement Accounting, 1941-46; Services and Foreign Trade Accounting, 1942-46, including personal administration records of the Export-Import Section, 1943-44; and Transportation and Public Utilities Accounting, 1942-46. Miscellaneous regional reports, 1943-46.
188.5.4 Records of the Consumer Products Accounting Division
Textual Records: Office files, 1943-46. Progress reports, 1944- 45. Reading file, 1943-46. Regional correspondence, 1943-46. Regional accounting studies, 1942-43. Investigative reports and survey case files on consumer durable goods, 1941-46. Financial studies of food industries, 1942-46. Administrative records of the textiles, leather, and apparel industries, 1942-46. Records of the following branches: Durable Goods Accounting, 1942-46; Food Accounting, 1941-47; and Textiles, Leather, and Apparel Accounting, 1942-46.
188.5.5 Records of the Industrial Accounting Division (IAD)
Textual Records: Subject file, 1942-47. Regional correspondence, 1943-46. Records relating to various branches and sections of the IAD and to regulated industries, 1941-47. Records of the Chemicals and Rubber Accounting Branch, consisting of records of the Agricultural Chemicals Accounting Section, 1942-46, and the Chemicals and Drugs Accounting Section, 1941-46; and price adjustment and determination reports, cost and wage-price studies, case files, and other records pertaining to the rubber industry, 1941-46. Records of the following other branches: Building and Construction Accounting, 1941-46; Lumber Accounting, 1941-46; Machinery Accounting, 1941-46; Metals Accounting, 1941- 46; and Paper Accounting, 1942-46.
188.5.6 Records of the Field Accounting Division
Textual Records: Subject file, 1941-47. Organization charts of regional district offices, 1946. Regional correspondence, 1942- 47. Correspondence relating to field accounting surveys, 1946-47. Reading file, 1944-47. Releases to field accounting personnel, 1946. Regional weekly progress reports, 1943-47. Regional monthly work-load reports, 1945-47.
188.6 Records of the Enforcement Department
History: Enforcement Division established in Legal Department by OPA Administrative Order 64, November 12, 1942. Redesignated Enforcement Department by OPA Administrative Order 64 (Second Revision), October 5, 1943, with responsibility for planning, directing, and executing enforcement activities. Terminated by Commerce Department Order 75, June 1, 1947.
Textual Records: Budgetary materials, 1943-47. OPA Manual, 1944- 47. Instructions, 1942-44. Notices, 1941-44. Instructional and procedural materials, 1942-46. Records relating to enforcement activities of War Price and Rationing Boards, 1943-46; and local enforcement measures, 1942-44. Periodic reports, 1941-47. Forms, ca. 1942-46.
188.6.2 Records of the Office of the Assistant General Counsel, Enforcement Division, Legal Department
Textual Records: Reference file ("Prestatutory Records"), 1941- 43. Records relating to operating policies, 1941-43. Correspondence with federal and state agencies, 1942. Memorandums relating to rationing, 1942-43. Records relating to surveys of the cement and rubber tire industries, 1942; and the tire- requisitioning program, 1941-43.
188.6.3 Records of the Office of the Deputy Administrator for
Textual Records: Budgetary materials, 1942-47. Organizational records, 1941-45. Minutes of meetings, 1945-47. Administrative memorandums, 1941-45. Records relating to operating and sanction policies, 1942-47. Procedural records, 1945-46. Records concerning relations with intra-agency and interagency, Congressional, and regional offices, 1945-47. Memorandums relating to field offices, 1942-45. Correspondence, 1941-47. Records relating to enforcement cases, 1942-46. Miscellaneous records, 1941-47. Enforcement case files, 1943-47, with list of significant enforcement cases, 1947. Records of the following branches: Field Operations, 1943-47; Analysis and Reports, 1942- 47; and Training, 1942-47. Records of the Licensing Section, 1941-44.
188.6.4 Records of the Litigation Division
Textual Records: General records, 1941-46. "Memoranda of Law," 1941-46, with index. Records concerning relations with the Department of Justice, 1944-46. Case files, 1943-46. Correspondence relating to cases in litigation, 1943-47. Regional correspondence, 1942-47. Quarterly reports on pending criminal cases, 1945-47. Dockets for appellate cases, 1943-47. Records relating to criminal prosecutions, 1945-46. Briefs, 1944-46.
188.6.5 Records of the Division of Special Investigations
Textual Records: General records, 1943-47. Records relating to safeguarding procedures, 1944-47. Instructions to regional and district office investigators of counterfeiting ("Counterfeiting Letters"), 1944. Records relating to verification center operations, 1944-46. Correspondence with special agents and Members of Congress, 1944-47. Investigative, statistical, and case reports, 1943-47.
188.6.6 Records of the Review and Disposition Division
Textual Records: General records, 1946-47. Correspondence, 1946- 47. Records relating to the purchase of evidence, 1945-47. Miscellaneous records, 1946-47.
188.6.7 Records of the Apparel and Industrial Materials Enforcement Division
Textual Records: General records, 1944-46. Outgoing memorandums, 1945-46. Regional correspondence, 1942-46. Case files, 1944-46. Records relating to lumber inspections, 1943-45. Records of the Apparel Enforcement Branch, 1943-46; Industrial Manufacturing Enforcement Branch, 1942-44; Industrial Materials Enforcement Branch, 1942-46; and Textile and Leather Goods Enforcement Branch, 1942-46.
188.6.8 Records of the Food Enforcement Division
Textual Records: General records, 1943-46. General records of the Sugar Enforcement Division, 1946-47. Records relating to commodity programs and conferences, 1942-46. Regional correspondence, 1942-46. Reading files, 1944-47. Memorandums, 1947. Records relating to field offices, 1944-46. Weekly activity reports, 1947. Sugar case files, 1945-47. Records relating to sugar, rice, and syrup programs, 1944-47. Issuances relating to sugar rationing, 1945-47. Statistical tables on sugar activities, 1945-47. Records relating to ration banks, 1943-45. Records of the following branches: Agricultural Commodities Enforcement, 1943-46; Groceries Enforcement, 1942-46; Meat Enforcement, 1942- 46; and Retail Food Enforcement, 1943-46.
188.6.9 Records of the Rent and Services Enforcement Division
Textual Records: Budgetary materials, 1943-45. General policy records, 1943-45. Policy memorandums, 1944-46. Records relating to internal and external relations, 1944-45. Regional correspondence, 1942-46. Records of the Rent Enforcement Branch, 1940-46; and the Services Enforcement Branch, 1943-46.
188.6.10 Records of the Fuel and Consumer Goods Enforcement
Textual Records: Records of the director, 1943-45. Regional correspondence, 1942-46. Division memorandums to regional officials, 1944-45; and branch memorandums to regional commodity officials ("Broadcast Memoranda"), 1943-46. Records of the following branches: Heating Fuel Enforcement, 1942-45; Automotive Supply Enforcement, 1943-46; and Gasoline Enforcement, 1943-45.
188.6.11 Records of the Rent and Durable Goods Enforcement
Textual Records: Records of the director, 1944-46. Issuances ("Policy Files"), 1945-46. Reading file, 1945-46. Regional correspondence, 1946. Outgoing memorandums of the Rent Enforcement Division, 1947. Records of the Durable Goods Enforcement Branch, 1944-46; and the Fuel, Services, and Automotive Enforcement Branch, 1945-46.
188.7 Records of the Information Department
History: Division of Information, OEM, transferred to OPA as Office of Information, Department of General Services, July 1, 1942. Reorganized as Information Department by OPA Administrative Order 35 (revised), October 5, 1942, absorbing Consumer Division, Department of General Services, which had originated as Consumer Protection Division, NDAC, May 29, 1940. Responsible for OPA public enforcement and educational activities. Redesignated, after transfer with OPA to OTC, as Office of Information, January 24, 1947. Abolished by OTC Transfer and Liquidation Instruction 24, April 28, 1947, pursuant to EO 9841, April 23, 1947.
188.7.1 Records of the Office of the Deputy Administrator for
Textual Records: General records, 1942-47. Correspondence, 1943- 47. Records relating to informational programs, 1943-47. Budgetary material, 1942-46.
188.7.2 Records of the Program Planning Division
Textual Records: General records, 1943-46. Records relating to programs, 1942-46. Sample file of publicity material, 1942-46. Records of the Campaigns Branch, 1942-43. Correspondence of the Agricultural Liaison Office, 1945-46.
188.7.3 Records of the Field Division
Textual Records: Correspondence, 1941-43. Miscellaneous memorandums, 1942-43. Reading file of the director, 1943-44. Records relating to programs, 1943-46. Miscellaneous reports of field activities, 1942-43. "Daily Field Report," 1942-47. Records relating to field activities, 1944; regional operations, 1944-47; regional conferences, 1944; typical community service projects, 1945-46; and job reclassifications, 1945. Regional operating reports, 1943. Regional progress reports, 1944-47. Radio program reports, 1944-46. Miscellaneous field reports, 1944-45. Regional survey reports, 1945-46. Personnel budget records, 1943-46. Regional personnel reports, 1944-47.
188.7.4 Records of the Editorial Division
Textual Records: Records of the directors of the Press and Campaigns Division, 1941-43; and the Editorial Division, 1943-46. Correspondence files, 1942-46. Press conference transcripts, 1942-46. Newspaper clippings, 1944-45. Publications, including speeches delivered by OPA administrators, 1941-46; miscellaneous speeches, 1941-42; press releases and digests, 1940-47; bulletins, 1942-46; weekly radio kits, 1944-46; radio interviews, 1943-46; radio scripts, 1942-46; informational and procedural issuances, 1940-47; summaries of regional teletypes, 1943-47; newspaper mats, 1942-45; posters, 1942-46; car cards, 1943-45; and illustrated charts, 1943-46. Records of the Visual Services Branch, 1942-46; and the Magazine and Features Branch, 1943-46.
Motion Pictures (15 items): Of the Visual Services Branch, describing the OPA's rent control, rationing, conservation, price control, and other programs, 1943-46.
Sound Recordings (202 items): Of the Radio Branch, covering OPA radio broadcasts of announcements, interviews, speeches, dramatic sketches, and other programs on rent control, price control, rationing, black markets, and other aspects of OPA functions and activities, 1942-47.
Photographs (321 images): Used in Visual Services Branch exhibits, displays, and promotional activities, 1942-46 (G, 200 images). Portraits of agency officials, 1941-47 (P, 121 images). See Also 188.22.
Photographic Prints and Negatives (1,500 images): Accompanying filmstrips described below, 1942-46 (FS). See Also 188.22.
Posters, Paintings, and Drawings (69 images): Of the Visual Services Branch, depicting price control and rationing programs, 1942-46 (PP, PPA, PPC). See Also 188.22.
Photomechanical Reproductions and Lantern Slides (64 images): Of the Visual Services Branch, used to illustrate lecture, "Price Ceiling and the Retailer," 1942 (LS, LSP). See Also 188.22.
Filmstrips (6 items): Of the Visual Services Branch, relating to the necessity of price controls and rationing, 1942-46 (FS), with accompanying scripts and production files. See Also 188.22.
Subject Access Terms: "Hasten the Day" (sound recording); "A Hundred Million Questions" (s.r.); "Neighborhood Call" (s.r.); "OPA Weekly Report" (s.r.); "You Can't Do Business With Hitler" (s.r.).
188.7.5 Records of the Community Service Division and its predecessors
Textual Records: Records relating to organization and functions, 1941-46. Progress reports, 1941-46. Miscellaneous records, 1944- 46. Records of the Consumer Division, consisting of general records, 1940-42; records of the Editorial Branch, 1941-42; records relating to field operations, 1942; and reading files, 1940-41. Records of the Group Services Branch, consisting of general records, 1942-45; correspondence with national church organizations, 1943-46; records relating to conferences and programs, 1941-46; and outgoing memorandums, 1944-45. Records of the Men's Section, consisting of records relating to Negro organizations, 1942-45; correspondence with Negro associations, 1943-46; correspondence with national organizations, 1944-46; and progress reports of the staff, 1943-46. Records of the Women's Section, consisting of progress reports of the staff, 1941-46; correspondence with national associations, 1943-46; records relating to Negro organizations, 1942-46; and correspondence with Negro associations, 1942-46. Records of the Educational Services Branch, consisting of general records, 1942-46; records relating to schools and colleges, 1942-45; records relating to publications, 1942-45; records relating to programs for educational institutions, 1941-46; records relating to student projects, 1943-44; publications of state departments of education, 1942-43; publications of city school boards and colleges and universities, 1942-45; articles published in state educational journals, 1943-46; records relating to cooperation with national educational associations, 1943-45; speeches and articles, 1942-45; transcripts of conferences, 1942-44; samples of regional activity reports, 1943-45; and field trip reports, 1943-46.
188.8 Records of the Price Department
History: Price Stabilization Division, NDAC, established pursuant to Presidential directive, May 29, 1940. Redesignated Price Division upon transfer to OPACS, 1941. Redesignated Price Department by OPA Administrative Order 3, May 2, 1942. Redesignation rescinded by Administrative Order 3 (Revised), May 6, 1942. Reauthorized by Administrative Order 3 (Second Revision), September 1, 1942. Transferred with OPA to OTC, 1946. Terminated by OPA Staff Memorandum 610, January 30, 1947. The Price Department prepared and issued maximum price regulations and provided technical supervision over the price program in the field.
188.8.1 Records of the Office of the Deputy Administrator for Price
Textual Records: Office files of the Deputy Administrator for Price, 1941-46; Economic Adviser, 1942-46; War Goods Coordinator, 1942-46; and Field Operations Officer for Price, 1942-46.
188.8.2 Records of the Price Legal Division
Textual Records: General administrative records, 1941-46. Records pertaining to legislation, 1940-46. Records concerning OPA relations with Congress, 1942-46; interagency relations, 1940-45; and price regulations, 1941-46. Records relating to price policies, 1940-46; and petitions and interpretations, 1941-46. Directives and memorandums on pricing standards, 1941-46. Reading files, 1943-46. Miscellaneous correspondence and memorandums, 1940-46.
188.8.3 Records of the Standards Division
Textual Records: General records, 1941-44. Records relating to commodities, 1941-44. Memorandums and publications relating to consumer problems, 1941.
188.8.4 Records of the Price Control Division
Textual Records: General records, 1945-46. Memorandums on commodity decontrol programs, 1946. Docketed files for decontrol petitions, 1946.
188.8.5 Records of the Building and Construction Price Division
Textual Records: Records of the division director, 1941-47. Correspondence of the division counsel, 1942-46. Case files, 1942-46. Applications for price adjustments, 1946. Records of the following sections of the Building Materials Price Branch: Roofing, Insulation, and Glass, 1941-46; Paints and Wallpaper, 1941-46; Millwork, 1941-46; and Masonry, 1942-46. Records of the following sections of the Mechanical Equipment Price Branch: Prefabricated Structures, 1943-46; Heating Equipment, 1942-46; Plumbing, 1943-46; Miscellaneous Products, 1942-46; and Economic Analysis, 1941-46. Records of the Distribution and Construction Price Branch, 1942-47, including records of the following sections: Lumber Distribution, 1942-46; Building Construction, 1942-46; and Building Materials and Equipment Distribution, 1945- 46.
188.8.6 Records of the Consumer Goods Price Division
Textual Records: Records of the division director, 1941-46. Office files, 1942-46. General records of the legal staff, 1941- 43. Records of the Military Procurement Liaison Officer, 1942-45; Chief of the Primary Products Branch, 1942-45; and Chief and Chief Counsel of the Consumer Durable Goods Price Branch, 1942- 45. Records concerning price policies, 1942-46. Protest and petition case files, 1942-46. Records relating to applications for price adjustment and price determination, 1942-45. Historical materials on apparel price control, 1942-47. Records containing data on textile and apparel industries, 1942-46. Records relating to the maximum average price program for apparel, 1943-47. Policy records regarding price controls on wool, 1940-43. Records relating to surveys of the cotton textile finishing industry, 1941-44. Records containing financial data for the cotton textile industry, 1942-46. Form reports relating to finished goods, 1944. Studies of the hosiery industry, 1943. Correspondence with salvage companies, 1942-43. Records of the following sections of the Apparel Price Branch: Knitwear and Hosiery, 1941-46; Men's Clothing, 1942-46; Work Clothing, 1942-46; Women's Accessories, 1943-46; and Women's Outerwear, 1942-46. Records of the Appliance and Equipment Price Branch, consisting of records of the Price Executive, 1942-46, and records of the following sections: Economic Analysis, 1942-46; Electrical Appliance, 1944-46; Business Machines, Equipment, and Supplies, 1942-46; and Stove, 1942-46. Records of the Distribution Price Branch, 1942-46, including records of the following sections: Hard Lines and Home Furnishings, 1942-46; Textiles, Leather, and Apparel, 1942-46; and Central Pricing, 1944-46. Records of the Home Furnishings Price Branch, 1941-46. Records of the Housewares and Accessories Price Branch, 1942-46, including records of the following sections: Accessories, 1942-46; Houseware and Hardware, 1942-46; Radio and Miscellaneous, 1942-46; and Watches and Clocks, 1942- 46. Records of the following sections of the Leather, Furs, and Fibers Price Branch: Fibers, Textile Bags, and Cordage, 1942-46; Fur, 1942-46; Hides, 1941-46; Leather, 1941-46; and Shoe and Other Leather Products, 1942-46. Records of the Textile Price Branch, 1941-46, including records of the following sections: Cotton, 1941-46; Finished Goods, 1941-46; Rayon, 1941-46; and Wool, 1941-46.
188.8.7 Records of the Food Price Division
Textual Records: General memorandums, 1942-46. Correspondence, 1941-46. Records relating to industry advisory committees, 1943- 46. Form letters, 1942-43. Records of the Cereals, Feeds, and Agricultural Chemicals Price Branch, 1941-46, including records of the following sections: Baking, 1942-46; Seeds and Rice, 1942- 46; Feeds, 1942-46; and Agricultural Chemicals, 1941-46. Records of the following sections of the Grocery Products Price Branch: Tobacco, 1941-46; Grocery Specialties and Restaurant, 1942-46; Imported Foods, 1941-46; and Beverage, 1942-46. Records of the Meats, Fish, Fats, and Oils Price Branch, 1941-46, including records of the following sections: Meat, 1941-46; Fish, 1940-46; and Fats and Oils, 1941-46. Records of the following sections of the Poultry, Eggs, and Dairy Products Price Branch: Poultry and Eggs, 1942-46; Fluid Milk and Dairy Products, 1942-46; and Manufactured Dairy Products, 1942-46. Records of the Wholesale- Retail and Fruit and Vegetable Price Branch, 1940-46, including records of the following sections: Fresh Fruit and Vegetable, 1942-46; Processed Fruit and Vegetable, 1940-46; and Wholesale- Retail, 1942-46.
188.8.8 Records of the Fuel Price Division
Textual Records: General records of W. Page Keeton, Chief Counsel, 1942-46. Correspondence, 1941-46. Policy documentation file, 1941-46. Memorandums, 1941-46. Historical materials, 1942- 46. Price action file, 1941-46. Records relating to interpretations of maximum price regulations, 1942-46. Records containing economic data on the petroleum industry, 1941-46. Correspondence and other records concerning industry advisory committees, 1942-46; lubricants, 1941-44; petroleum specialties, 1942-46; petroleum containers, 1942-46; paraffin wax, 1941-45; petroleum coke, 1942-45; naphthas and solvents, 1942-45; natural gasoline, 1942-46; asphalt, 1941-46; casting-head gas, 1943-46; fuel oil, 1942-46; gasoline, 1941-45; butane and liquefied petroleum gas, 1942-45; transportation problems, 1942-46; decontrol programs, 1945-46; terms of sale, 1942-44; freezing of petroleum prices, 1941-42; service charges, 1942-43; wage adjustments, 1945-46; and margin surveys, 1942-43. Docketed case files, 1942-45. Price lists for fuel oil sold from tank wagons, 1942. Press releases, 1941-46. Price survey lists, 1941-42. Price filings, 1942-46. Progress reports, 1941-46. Forms, 1941-46. Records of the Solid Fuels Price Branch, consisting of price action files, docketed case files, and other records relating to bituminous coal, 1941-47; anthracite coal, 1941-46; the retail solid fuels trade, 1941-46; and miscellaneous solid fuels, 1942- 46.
188.8.9 Records of the Industrials Price Division
Textual Records: General correspondence, 1942-46. Correspondence of the division counsel, 1943-46. Historical materials, 1940-47. Records of the Chemicals and Drugs Price Branch, 1941-46, including records of the following sections: Drugs and Fine Chemicals, 1941-46; Cosmetics and Toiletries, 1941-46; Soaps and Glycerin, 1941-46; Plastics and Resins, 1941-46; Alkalies and Compressed Gases, 1941-46; and Heavy Chemicals and Coal Tar, 1941-46. Records of the Lumber Price Branch, 1941-46, including records of the following sections: Hardwood Veneer, Plywood, and Miscellaneous Wood Products, 1942-46; Eastern Softwoods, 1941-46; Hardwoods, 1941-46; Primary Forest Products, 1941-46; Wooden Containers, 1941-46; and Western Softwoods and Services, 1941-46. Records of the Machinery Price Branch, 1940-46, including records of the following sections: Construction and Related Equipment, 1940-46; General, Auxiliary, and Processing Machinery, 1940-46; Farm Equipment and Tractor, 1941-46; Parts, Plastics, and Services, 1941-46; Electrical Equipment, 1941-46; Machine Tools and Industrial Supplies, 1942-46; Processing Equipment, 1941-46; Automotive, 1941-46; and Legal, 1942-46. Records of the Metals Price Branch, 1940-46, including records of the following sections: Steel Mill Products, 1941-46; Warehouse and Surplus Materials, 1941-46; Scrap and Reusable Products, 1940-46; Basic Materials, 1941-46; Castings, 1940-46; Primary and Secondary Nonferrous Metals, 1941-46; Fabricated Products, 1941-46; and Economic Analysis, 1944. Records of the Paper and Paper Products Price Branch, 1941-47, including records of the following sections: Printing and Fine Papers, 1941-46; Paper Products, 1941-46; and Raw Materials, 1942-46. Records of the Rubber Price Branch, 1941-46, including records of the following sections: Tires and Tubes, 1941-46; Rubber Products, 1941-46; and Coated Fabrics, 1941-46.
188.8.10 Records of the Services and Foreign Trade Price Division
Textual Records: Records maintained by division director Merle Fainsod, 1942-43. Records of the division counsel, 1941-46. Procedural memorandums, 1942-43. Records relating to compliance, 1942-46. Outgoing correspondence of the Retail Trade and Services Division, 1942. Records of the Export-Import Price Branch, 1941- 46, including records of the following sections: Liaison, 1942- 45; Analysis and Statistics, 1942-46; Export, 1941-46; and Import, 1942-46. Records of the Services Trades Price Branch, 1941-47.
188.8.11 Records of the Transportation and Public Utilities
Textual Records: Records maintained by Dexter M. Keezer, Deputy Administrator in Charge of General Services and later Deputy Administrator for Professional Services, 1941-43. Records of Virginia Waggaman, administrative officer, 1941-46. Records of the Transportation Branch, 1941-47, including records of the following sections: Economic Analysis, 1941-46; Common Carrier, 1941-47; Contract Carrier, 1941-47; Rate, 1941-46; Storage and Terminal Facilities, 1942-46; and Ice, 1942-46. Records of the Public Utilities Branch, 1941-46.
188.9 Records of the Rationing Department
History: President's rationing authority, derived from the Priorities and Allocation Act (55 Stat, 236), May 31, 1941, delegated to Office of Production Management (OPM), OEM, by EO 8875, August 28, 1941. Tire rationing delegated to OPA by OPM Supplementary Order M-15c, January 1, 1942; and general consumer rationing to OPA by War Production Board Directive 1, January 24, 1942. OPA Rationing Division established by Office Order 17, March 3, 1942. Redesignated Rationing Department by OPA Administrative Order 3, May 2, 1942; rescinded by Administrative Order 3 (Revised), May 6, 1942; and reauthorized by Administrative Order 3 (Second Revision), September 1, 1942. Department terminated by OPA Staff Memorandum 526, January 5, 1946, with sugar rationing to newly established Sugar Rationing Division, Price Department, and all other functions to OPA administrator. After one of the supply agencies (War Production Board, Petroleum Administration for War, or War Food Administration) had determined that a commodity should be rationed and had fixed the aggregate allocation of the commodity for civilian use, the Rationing Department planned an equitable distribution and administered such plans through field representatives and local boards.
188.9.1 Records of the Office of the Deputy Administrator for
Textual Records: Records relating to organization, functions, and personnel, 1942-45; committees and meetings, 1942-46; rationing policy and administration, 1940-46; procedures, 1942-45; commodity rationing programs, 1941-46; proposed plans for rationing, 1942-45; enforcement, 1942-46; personnel, 1942-46; training programs, 1942-45; interagency relations, 1942-45; rationing activities in foreign countries, 1941-45; and surveys, 1942-46. Budgetary materials, 1942-46. Issuances, 1942-46. Drafts of histories, 1944-46. National and field office reports, 1942- 46. Speeches, 1942-44. Rationing forms, 1942-45. Records relating to the rationing of typewriters, 1942-43.
188.9.2 Records of the Rationing Legal Division
Textual Records: General records, 1942-45. Records relating to rationing programs, 1942-45. Weekly progress reports, 1942-45.
188.9.3 Records of the Ration Currency Control Division
Textual Records: Records of the Office of the Director, consisting of administrative records, 1942-45; policy and procedural materials, 1942-45; records relating to the Food Rationing Division, 1942-47; records concerning ration books, 1943-45; and correspondence dealing with the issuance of special ration currency, 1942-45. Records of the Inventory and Control Branch, 1943-47; and the Ration Banking Branch, 1943-45.
188.9.4 Records of the Automotive Supply Rationing Division
Textual Records: Records of the Office of the Director relating to the proposed battery rationing program, 1945. Records of the following branches: Automobile Rationing, 1942-45; Bicycle Rationing, 1942-44; Gasoline Rationing, 1941-45, including general correspondence of the Mileage Conservation Section, 1942- 45; and Tire Rationing, 1941-45.
188.9.5 Records of the Food Rationing Division
Textual Records: Records of the Office of the Director, consisting of general correspondence, 1942-45; memorandums, 1942- 47; records pertaining to commodity programs, 1942-45; historical materials, 1942-46; correspondence with other government agencies, 1942-45; statements before Congressional hearings, 1945-46; records relating to the ration token program, 1943-45; rationed foods letters, 1943-47; records concerning the soap rationing program, 1943-44; and miscellaneous records, 1942-43. Records of the following branches: Food Beverages Rationing, 1942-45; Dairy Products, Fats, and Oils Rationing, 1942-45; Meat Rationing, 1940-46; Meat Control, 1943-46; Processed Foods Rationing, 1942-45; and Sugar Rationing, 1941-47.
188.9.6 Records of branches of the Fuel Rationing Division
Textual Records: Records of the following branches: Coal Rationing, 1941-44; Fuel Oil Rationing, 1942-45; Heating and Cooking Equipment Rationing, 1942-45; and Northwest Solid Fuels, 1942-46.
188.9.7 Records of the Miscellaneous Products Rationing Division
Textual Records: General records and memorandums of the Office of the Director, 1942-45. Records of the Field Section, 1942-45. Records of the Program Planning Branch, 1942-45, including records of the following sections: Research, 1942-45; Systems and Procedures, 1943; and Consumer Needs, 1942-45. General records of the Rubber Footwear Rationing Branch, 1942-45. Records of the Shoe Rationing Branch, 1942-45, including records of the Planning Section, 1942-45.
188.10 Records of the Office of the Division of Liquidation,
Department of Commerce
History: Established in the Office of the Secretary, Department of Commerce, June 1, 1947, as the successor to the OPA Office of Temporary Controls, to liquidate the industrial alcohol audit and pricing programs and to adjudicate pending protest cases.
Textual Records: Records of cases resulting from protests, by distillers, of ethyl alcohol regulation, 1941-48. Correspondence, reports, and work papers relating to the development and administration of price regulations for alcohols and solvents, 1942-49. Records of the Alcohol Price Section relating to price policies on acids, anhydrides, antifreeze, charcoal, industrial alcohol, and molasses for distillers, 1941-48.
188.11 Records of OPA Region I (Boston, MA)
247 lin. ft.
History: Established by OPA Administrative Order No. 4, May 7, 1942, with jurisdiction over CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, and VT. Liquidated December 1946.
188.11.1 Executive and administrative records
Textual Records (in Boston): General correspondence, Office of the Regional Administrator, 1941-46. General correspondence, Offices of District Directors for the states of ME, 1943-45; MA, 1942-44; NH, 1943-46; RI, 1942-46; and VT, 1942-46.
188.11.2 Records of the Price Board Management field offices
Textual Records (in Boston): General correspondence, Offices of District Price Board Executives for the states of CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, and VT, 1942-46. Docket sheets for price control hearings and cases (OPA Forms T817 and T817A), 1942-46.
188.11.3 Records of the Accounting Department
Textual Records (in Boston): General records, 1942-47. Correspondence with national and district offices, 1942-47. Records of company investigations, survey files, case files for War Price and Ration Board audits, and other records of the district offices in Augusta, ME; Boston, MA; Concord, NH; Hartford, CT; Montpelier, VT; and Providence, RI, 1942-46.
188.11.4 Records of the Enforcement Department
Textual Records (in Boston): Budgetary records, 1941-47. Minutes of meetings of compliance and coordinating committees, 1946. Records relating to cooperation with government agencies, local boards, and other OPA departments, 1942-47. Procedural memorandums, 1943-46. Local briefs, 1942-45. Correspondence, 1942-46. Records of the regional inspector, 1942-43. Statistical charts and reports, 1944-46. Reports of regional and district offices, 1942-46. Records relating to surveys and programs, 1943- 46; and training programs, 1944-46.
188.11.5 Records of the Information Department
Textual Records (in Boston): General correspondence, 1943-46. Program records, 1944-46. "Daily Information Report," 1943-46. Regional office press releases, 1944-46. Radio materials, 1943- 46. Regional publicity materials, 1943-46. Miscellaneous bulletins, 1943-46.
188.11.6 Records of the Price Department
Textual Records (in Boston): Central files, consisting of general records, 1942-46; records maintained by the regional price executive, 1942-46; community pricing charts and tabulations, 1943-44; company correspondence, 1942-46; and case files relating to the Maximum Average Price (MAP) program, 1945-46. Records of the Legal Staff, 1942-46. Records of the Building Materials and Construction Price Division, 1945-46. Records of district offices in Augusta, ME, 1944-45; Concord, NH, 1942-46; Hartford, CT, 1942-46; Montpelier, VT, 1943-46; and Providence, RI, 1943-46. Price records of selected local war price and rationing boards, 1942-46.
188.11.7 Records of the Rationing Department
Textual Records (in Boston): General records, 1942-45. Correspondence relating to the shoe and safety shoe rationing programs, 1942-45. Shoe inventory forms, 1943-45. General records of the district offices in Augusta, ME, 1942-45; Concord, NH, 1942-45; Hartford, CT, 1942-45; and Providence, RI, 1942-45. Reports and issuances of the district office in Montpelier, VT, 1942-45. General records of the War Price and Rationing Board in Quincy, MA, 1942-45.
188.12 Records of OPA Region II (New York, NY)
History: Established by OPA Administrative Order No. 4, May 7, 1942, with jurisdiction over DE, DC, MD, NJ, NY, and PA. Liquidated December 1946.
188.12.1 Executive and administrative records
Textual Records (in Philadelphia): General correspondence and reports, Office of the Regional Administrator, 1942-46.
188.12.2 Records of the Price Board Management field offices
Textual Records (in Philadelphia): General correspondence, Offices of District Price Board Executives for DE, DC, MD, NJ, NY, and PA, 1942-46. Docket sheets for price control hearings and cases (OPA Forms T817 and T817A), 1942-46.
188.12.3 Records of the Accounting Department
Textual Records (in Philadelphia): General records, 1942-43. Rent adjustment case files, 1944-46. Case files, 1942-46. General records, case files, records of company investigations, survey files, reports, rent adjustment case files, docket control sheets, case files for War Price and Ration Board audits, and other records of the district offices in Albany, NY; Altoona, PA; Baltimore, MD; Binghamton, NY; Buffalo, NY; Camden, NJ; Erie, PA; Newark, NJ; New York, NY; Philadelphia, PA; Pittsburgh, PA; Scranton, PA; Syracuse, NY; Trenton, NJ; Washington, DC; Williamsport, PA; and Wilmington, DE, 1941-47.
188.12.4 Records of the Enforcement Department
Textual Records (in Philadelphia): General records, 1943-46. Records of the Legal Staff, 1943-46. Instructional memorandums, 1943-46. Reports of district and regional offices, 1944-46. Statistical charts, 1944-45. Operating records, 1942-46. Records relating to district office operations, 1943-46. Price panel referral cases dismissed or released, 1943-46.
188.12.5 Records of the Information Department
Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Minutes of meetings, 1943-45. General correspondence, 1943-46. Speeches, 1943-46. Survey booklets, 1943. Records relating to newspaper publicity, 1943-46. "Daily Information Report," 1943-46. "News Letters," 1943-46. Radio scripts, 1944-46. Progress reports, 1942-46.
188.12.6 Records of the Price Department
Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Central files, consisting of general records, 1942-46; interoffice memorandums, 1942-46; regional price bulletins, 1943-46; community ceiling price posters and tabulations, 1943-45; applications for price adjustments, 1942-46; company correspondence, 1942-46; records relating to commodity programs for milk and firewood, 1942-44; and case files and miscellaneous records relating to the Maximum Average Price (MAP) program, 1945-46. Records of the Building Materials and Construction Price Division, 1945-46. Records of district offices in Albany, NY, 1943-46; Altoona, PA, 1943-46; Baltimore, MD, 1942-46; Buffalo, NY, 1942-46; Camden, NJ, 1943- 45; Erie, PA, 1945-46; Harrisburg, PA, 1943-46; Newark, NJ, 1942- 46; New York, NY, 1942-46; Philadelphia, PA, 1942-46; Pittsburgh, PA, 1943-46; Scranton, PA, 1943-46; Syracuse, NY, 1943-46; Trenton, NJ, 1943-45; Washington, DC, 1943-46; and Wilmington, DE, 1944-46. Price records of selected local war price and rationing boards, 1942-46.
188.12.7 Records of the Rationing Department
Textual Records (in Philadelphia): General records, 1942-45. Records of the Rationing Legal Division, 1942-45. Progress reports, 1942-45. Bulletins, 1942-45. Records on commodity rationing, 1942-45. General records of the War Price and Rationing Boards in Annapolis, MD, Atlantic City, NJ, and Washington, DC, 1942-45.
188.13 Records of OPA Region III (Cleveland, OH)
History: Established by OPA Administrative Order No. 4, May 7, 1942, with jurisdiction over IN, KY, MI, OH, and WV. Liquidated December 1946.
188.13.1 Executive and administrative records
Textual Records (in Chicago): Records relating to policy and procedure, 1942-47. Administrative correspondence, 1942-47. Program material, 1942-47. OPA forms, 1945-46. Minutes of meetings, 1942-47. Records relating to district office consolidations, 1943-45. District office rent reports, 1942-47. Miscellaneous reports, 1942-47. Budget materials, 1942-47. Records relating to regional personnel, 1942-47. Reorganization instruction manual, 1946-47.
188.13.2 Records of the Price Board Management field offices
Textual Records (in Chicago): Records of Price Board Management field offices in Charleston, WV; Cincinnati, OH; Cleveland, OH; Columbus, OH; Detroit, MI; Escanaba, MI; Grand Rapids, MI; Indianapolis, IN; Lexington, KY; Louisville, KY; Saginaw, MI; South Bend, IN; and Toledo, OH, 1942-46.
188.13.3 Records of the Accounting Department
Textual Records (in Chicago): General records, 1944-45. Case files, 1942-46. Rent adjustment case files and work papers, 1942- 46. Case files and work papers for the War Price and Ration Board audits, 1943-46. Records of the district offices in Charleston, WV; Cincinnati, OH; Cleveland, OH; Columbus, OH; Detroit, MI; Escanaba, MI; Grand Rapids, MI; Indianapolis, IN; Lexington, KY; Louisville, KY; Saginaw, MI; and Toledo, OH, 1942-46.
188.13.4 Records of the Enforcement Department
Textual Records (in Chicago): Budgetary records, 1942-47. Minutes of regional meetings, 1944-47. Instructional memorandums, 1943- 47. Legal records, 1944-46. Reports of regional and district offices, 1945-47. Statistical reports, 1943-47. Records relating to surveys and drives, 1942-45; and training and personnel, 1944- 47.
188.13.5 Records of the Price Department
Textual Records (in Chicago): Central files, consisting of general records, 1942-46; progress reports, 1943-46; regional price bulletins, 1943-46; records containing economic data on commodity programs, 1942-46; applications for price determination and adjustment, 1942-46; price charts, 1944-45; and case files relating to the Maximum Average Price (MAP) program, 1945-46. Records of the Legal Staff, 1943-46. Records of the Building Materials and Construction Price Division, 1945-46. Records of district offices in Charleston, WV, 1944-46; Cincinnati, OH, 1944-46; Cleveland, OH, 1945-46; Detroit, MI, 1944-46; Indianapolis, IN, 1942-46; and Louisville, KY, 1945-46. Price records of selected local war price and rationing boards, 1942- 46.
188.13.6 Records of the Rationing Department
Textual Records (in Chicago): General records, 1942-46. Records of the Rationing Legal Section, 1942-46. Records of the Rationing Currency Control Section, 1942-45. Records of the Rationing Statistical Unit, 1944-45. Outgoing letters to field offices, 1943-45. Reports from district offices, 1943-45. Records relating to ration books, 1942-45. Records on commodity rationing, 1942- 45. Records of the district offices in Cleveland, OH, 1942-45; Escanaba, MI, 1943-45; Grand Rapids, MI, 1943-45; Indianapolis, IN, 1942-44; Lexington, KY, 1943-45; Louisville, KY, 1942-45; Saginaw, MI, 1942-45; and Toledo, OH, 1942-45. General records of the War Price and Rationing Boards in Paducah, KY, and South Bend, IN, 1942-45.
188.14 Records of OPA Region IV (Atlanta, GA)
History: Established by OPA Administrative Order No. 4, May 7, 1942, with jurisdiction over AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC, TN, and VA. Liquidated December 1946.
188.14.1 Executive and administrative records
Textual Records (in Atlanta): General administrative records, including budget files, records of conferences, organization charts, rent control records, regional and state reports, and records of price and rationing surveys, 1942-46. Records of the Regional Administrator, including correspondence, consumer relations records, regional progress reports, regional advisory allocations, labor area files, labor advisory records, records of the Veteran Advisor, and personnel files, 1942-46. Regional Price Executive commodities correspondence, 1942-46. Records of the Regional Service Operations Officer and the Regional Historian, 1942-46. Regional office subject files, 1942-46. Records of district offices in Columbia, SC; Jacksonville, FL; Memphis, TN; Nashville, TN; Raleigh, NC; Richmond, VA; and Savannah, GA, 1942- 46.
188.14.2 Records of the Price Board Management field offices
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Price records case histories, Charleston, SC, 1942-46. Records of field offices in Atlanta, GA; Charleston, SC; Elizabethton, TN, Gadsden, AL; Gastonia, NC; Jackson, MS; Jacksonville, FL; Knoxville, TN; Lakeland, FL; Memphis, TN; Mobile, AL; Norfolk, VA; Richmond, VA; Savannah, GA; and Winston-Salem, NC, 1942-46.
188.14.3 Records of the Accounting Department
Textual Records (in Atlanta): General records, 1942-47. Records of company investigations, 1943-46. Records of the district offices in Atlanta, GA; Birmingham, AL; Charlotte, NC; Columbia, SC; Jackson, MS; Jacksonville, FL; Knoxville, TN; Memphis, TN; Miami, FL; Nashville, TN; Raleigh, NC; Richmond, VA; Roanoke, VA; and Savannah, GA, 1942-46.
188.14.4 Records of the Enforcement Department
Textual Records (in Atlanta): General records, 1942-47. Regional staff memorandums, 1943-47. Records of the Legal Staff, 1943-47. Reports and other records of district offices, 1942-47. Statistical reports, 1942-47. Records relating to district office operations, 1944-47; investigative and enforcement programs, 1943-47; local boards, 1944-46; and training programs, 1944-46. Personnel investigation files, 1945-46.
188.14.5 Records of the Information Department
Textual Records (in Atlanta): General correspondence, 1943-46. Correspondence relating to adverse editorials, 1944-46. Records relating to community service operations, 1943-45. Speeches, 1944-45. "Daily Field Report," 1943-46. Miscellaneous bulletins, 1943-46. Publicity kits, 1945-46. Press releases, 1942-46. Editorial digests, 1944-46. Radio scripts, 1944-46. Progress reports, 1944-46.
188.14.6 Records of the Price Department
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Central files, consisting of general records, 1942-46; interoffice memorandums, 1943-46; correspondence with the regional price executive, 1943-46; progress reports, 1942-46; records relating to commodity programs, 1943-45; docketed case files, 1944-46; price charts, 1945; price filings, 1941-42; community pricing orders, 1945; correspondence with representative firms, 1942-46; company correspondence, 1942-46; and case files relating to the Maximum Average Price (MAP) program, 1945-46. Records of the Legal Staff, 1942-46. Records of the Building Materials and Construction Price Division, 1943-46. Records of district offices in Atlanta, GA, 1942-46; Birmingham, AL, 1942-46; Columbia, SC, 1942-46; Jackson, MS, 1942-46; Jacksonville, FL, 1943-46; Memphis, TN, 1942-46; Miami, FL, 1944-46; Nashville, TN, 1942-46; Raleigh, NC, 1942-46; and Richmond, VA, 1942-46. Price records of selected local war price and rationing boards, 1942-46.
188.14.7 Records of the Rationing Department
Textual Records (in Atlanta): General records, 1942-45. Progress reports, 1942-45. State and regional records on commodity rationing, 1942-45. Records of the district offices in Atlanta, GA, 1942-45; Birmingham, AL, 1942-45; Charlotte, NC, 1942-45; Columbia, SC, 1942-45; Jackson, MS, 1942-45; Jacksonville, FL, 1942-45; Memphis, TN, 1942-45; Montgomery, AL, 1942-45; Nashville, TN, 1942-44; Raleigh, NC, 1942-45; Richmond and Roanoke, VA, 1942-45; and Savannah, GA, 1942-45. General records of the War Price and Rationing Board in Charleston, SC, 1942-45.
188.15 Records of OPA Region V (Dallas, TX)
History: Established by OPA Administrative Order No. 4, May 7, 1942, with jurisdiction over AR, KS, LA, MO, OK, and TX. Liquidated December 1946.
188.15.1 Executive and administrative records
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Regional office subject files, 1942-47. Records of division offices in Fort Worth, TX; Houston, TX; Kansas City, MO; Little Rock, AR; Lubbock, TX; New Orleans, LA; Oklahoma City, OK; St. Louis, MO; San Antonio, TX; Shreveport, LA; Tulsa, OK; and Wichita, KS, 1942-47.
188.15.2 Records of the Price Board Management field offices
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Regional office subject files, 1943-45. Records of district offices in Fort Worth, TX; Houston, TX; Kansas City, MO; Little Rock, AR; Lubbock, TX; New Orleans, LA; Oklahoma City, OK; St. Louis, MO; San Antonio, TX; Shreveport, LA; and Wichita, KS, 1942-45.
188.15.3 Records of the Accounting Department
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Histories, 1946-47. Case files, 1942-47. Records of the district offices in Dallas, TX; Fort Worth, TX; Houston, TX; Kansas City, MO; Little Rock, AR; Lubbock, TX; New Orleans, LA; Oklahoma City, OK; St. Louis, MO; San Antonio, TX; Shreveport, LA; and Wichita, KS, 1942-46.
188.15.4 Records of the Enforcement Department
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): General records, 1942-47. Records of the regional staff, 1942-46; and district offices, 1943-46. Cost summaries, 1942-43. Records relating to training programs, 1943-47.
188.15.5 Records of the Information Department
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): General records, 1942-46. Narrative reports, 1942-46. Records relating to Negro activities, 1944-46; labor groups, 1943-44; educational groups, 1942-44; community service programs, 1942-44; and press publicity, 1942- 46. Regional correspondence, 1943-46. Speeches, 1942-46. Issuances prepared for local boards and OPA employees, 1942-46. Information panel kits, 1945-46. Radio scripts, 1944-46. Publicity materials, 1944-46.
188.15.6 Records of the Price Department
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): General records of the Executive Section, 1942-46. Records of the Legal Section, 1942-46. General records of the Determination, Analysis, and Survey Section, 1942- 46. Records of the Building Materials and Construction Price Division, 1943-46; Consumer Materials Section, 1942-46; Industrial Materials Section, 1943-46; and Economic Data Analysis Section, 1942-44. Records of district offices in Dallas, TX, 1943-46; Fort Worth, TX, 1942-46; Houston, TX, 1942-46; Kansas City, MO, 1942-46; Little Rock, AR, 1942-46; New Orleans, LA, 1942-46; Oklahoma City, OK, 1942-46; St. Louis, MO, 1942-46; San Antonio, TX, 1942-46; Tulsa, OK, 1942-45; and Wichita, KS, 1942- 46. Price records of selected local war price and rationing boards, 1942-46.
188.15.7 Records of the Rationing Department
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): General records, 1942-45. Records on commodity rationing, 1942-45. Records relating to the Mexican border program, 1942-45. Records of the district offices in Baton Rouge, LA, 1942-44; Dallas, TX, 1942-45; Fort Worth, TX, 1943-45; Houston, TX, 1942-45; Kansas City, MO, 1942-45; Little Rock, AR, 1942-45; Lubbock, TX, 1942-45; New Orleans, LA, 1942- 45; Oklahoma City, OK, 1942-45; St. Louis, MO, 1942-45; San Antonio, TX, 1942-45; Shreveport, LA, 1942-45; Tulsa, OK, 1942- 45; and Wichita, KS, 1942-45. General records of the War Price and Rationing Boards in Houston, TX; Natchitoches, LA; and Shawnee, OK, 1942-45.
188.16 Records of OPA Region VI (Chicago, IL)
History: Established by OPA Administrative Order No. 4, May 7, 1942, with jurisdiction over IL, IA, MN, NE, ND, SD, and WI. Liquidated December 1946.
188.16.1 Executive and administrative records
Textual Records (in Chicago): Records of the Office of the Regional Administrator, 1942-47. General administrative records, 1942-47. Records relating to the Administrative Compliance Committee, 1944-46. Records relating to the administrative aspects of planning, 1942-45; services, 1942-47; board operations, 1942-47; and the budget, 1942-47. Records relating to a survey of management services, 1945. Records of the Regional Rent Division, 1942-47.
188.16.2 Records of the Price Board Management field offices
Textual Records (in Chicago): Records of board operations, 1942- 47. Records of field offices in Bismarck, ND; Chicago, IL; Des Moines, IA; Duluth, MN; Fargo, ND; Green Bay, WI; Milwaukee, WI; Moline, IL; North Platte, NE; Omaha, NE; Peoria, IL; Pierre, SD; Rockford, IL; St. Paul, MN; Sioux Falls, SD; and Springfield, IL, 1942-47.
188.16.3 Records of the Accounting Department
Textual Records (in Chicago): General records, 1942-47. Case and survey files, 1943-46, with register. Docket control sheets, 1943-47. Records of company investigations made by North Platte, NE, and Omaha, NE, district offices, 1944-46. Records of the district offices in Chicago, IL; Des Moines, IA; Fargo, ND; Milwaukee, WI; Minneapolis/St. Paul (Twin Cities), MN; Omaha, NE; Sioux Falls, SD; and Springfield, IL, 1942-47.
188.16.4 Records of the Enforcement Department
Textual Records (in Chicago): Records relating to organization and operations, 1941-47; administration, 1942-46; meetings, 1942- 43; intergovernmental cooperation, 1942-46; enforcement procedure, 1942-46; purchases of evidence, 1944-46; consumer complaints, 1942-43; investigators, 1942-43; price panels, 1945- 46; and training programs, 1942-46. Records of program operations, 1942-46; the regional attorney, 1942-46; the Rent and Durable Goods Section, 1945-47; District Price Boards and Board Enforcement coordinators, 1945-46; and district offices, 1942-47. Correspondence with district offices, 1942-46. Correspondence concerning investigators, 1942-43. Organizational charts, 1942- 44. Procedural records, 1942-44. Issuances, 1942-45. Manuals and instructions, 1942-44. Regional staff reports, 1941-47. Statistical reports, 1942-45. Appraisal reports of district offices, 1946-47.
188.16.5 Records of the Information Department
Textual Records (in Chicago): General records, 1945-47. Records relating to conferences, 1943-46; adverse editorials, 1943-47; community service programs, 1943-46; educational services programs, 1942-46; and speakers' programs, 1943-46. Interoffice memorandums, 1943-47. OPA Farm News, 1945-46. Campaign materials, 1943-46. Weekly information panel kits, 1945-46. Press releases, 1943-46. Radio scripts, 1942-46. "Daily Field Report," 1943-47. Daily news teletypes, 1943-47. "OPA News Letter," 1943-46. Progress reports, 1944-47.
Photographic Prints (168 images, in Chicago): Meat enforcement drives, verification centers, and local board displays, n.d. See ALSO 188.22.
188.16.6 Records of the Price Department
Textual Records (in Chicago): Central files, consisting of general records, 1942-46; interoffice memorandums, 1943-46; policy memorandums, 1942-46; records relating to meetings, 1942- 46; reports, 1942-46; studies and surveys, 1942-46; issuances, 1942-46; records relating to commodity programs, 1942-46; food cost cards, 1944-46; price charts, 1944-46; community pricing orders, 1944-46; records concerning price regulations, 1942-46; price filings, 1944-45; and records and case files relating to the Maximum Average Price (MAP) program, 1942-46. Records of the Building Materials and Construction Price Division, 1945-46. Records of district offices in Bismarck, ND, 1942-43; Chicago, IL, 1942-46; Des Moines, IA, 1942-46; Duluth, MN, 1943-46; Fargo, ND, 1943-46; Green Bay, WI, 1943-46; La Crosse, WI, 1943-46; Milwaukee, WI, 1942-46; Moline, IL, 1943-45; North Platte, NE, 1943-45; Omaha, NE, 1942-46; Peoria, IL, 1943-46; Pierre, SD, 1942-43; St. Paul, MN, 1942-46; Sioux City, IA, 1943-46; Sioux Falls, SD, 1943-46; and Springfield, IL, 1942-46. Price records of selected local war price and rationing boards, 1942-46.
188.16.7 Records of the Rationing Department
Textual Records (in Chicago): General records, 1942-45. Records on ration banking, 1942-45. Records relating to commodity rationing, 1942-45. Records of the district offices in Bismarck, ND, 1942-45; Chicago, IL, 1942-45; Des Moines, IA, 1942-45; Duluth, MN, 1943-45; Fargo, ND, 1943-45; Green Bay, WI, 1943-45; La Crosse, WI, 1943-45; Milwaukee, WI, 1942-45; Moline, IL, 1943- 45; North Platte, NE, 1943-45; Omaha, NE, 1942-45; Peoria, IL, 1943; Pierre, ND, 1942-43; St. Paul, MN, 1942-45; Sioux City, IA, 1942-45; Sioux Falls, SD, 1943-45; and Springfield, IL, 1942-45. General records of the War Price and Rationing Boards in Fremont, NE, and Green Bay, WI, 1942-45.
188.17 Records of OPA Region VII (Denver, CO)
History: Established by OPA Administrative Order No. 4, May 7, 1942, with jurisdiction over CO, ID, MT, NM, UT, and WY. Liquidated December 1946.
188.17.1 Executive and administrative records
Textual Records (in Denver): Regional office subject files, 1942- 46. Regional Rent Division records, 1942-43. Regional Budget Office records, 1942-46. Personnel office records, 1942-46. Regional Price Executive files, 1942-45. Regional Administrative Service Office records, 1942-46. Correspondence of the Regional Office with District Offices in CO, ID, MT, and WY, 1943-46.
188.17.2 Records of the Price Board Management field offices
Textual Records (in Denver): Subject files, 1942-46.
188.17.3 Records of the Accounting Department
Textual Records (in Denver): General records, 1942-47. Records of the district offices in Albuquerque, NM; Boise, ID; Cheyenne, WY; Denver, CO; Helena, MT; and Salt Lake City, UT, 1943-46.
188.17.4 Records of the Enforcement Department
Textual Records (in Denver): General records, 1942-46. Correspondence, 1943-46. Reading file, 1942-44. Reports of regional attorneys, 1942. Records of enforcement activities, 1943-46. Suspension orders, 1944-45. Records relating to purchases of evidence, 1944-47, and training programs, 1944-46. Records of district offices, 1943-46.
188.17.5 Records of the Information Department
Textual Records (in Denver): Correspondence, 1943-46. Incoming memorandums, 1945-46. Records relating to programs and committee meetings, 1944-46. Teletypes relating to operations, 1943-45. Daily news teletypes, 1943-47. Speeches, 1943-46. Information panel kits, 1945-46. Press releases, 1943-47. "OPA News Letter," 1943-46. Samples of publicity materials, 1944-47. "Daily Field Report," 1943-46. Radio scripts, 1943-47. Radio and press reports, 1945-46. Operating manual, 1942. Community service issuances, 1945-46. Price panel questionnaires, 1946. Newspaper clippings, 1942-43. Name lists, 1946.
188.17.6 Records of the Price Department
Textual Records (in Denver): Central files, consisting of general records, 1942-46; records relating to price operations, 1942-46; progress reports, 1942-46; records relating to commodity programs, 1942-46; district price bulletins, 1943-46; records relating to surveys, 1942-46; records concerning price regulations, 1942-46; price filings, 1942-46; correspondence relating to surplus war goods, 1945-46; docketed case files, 1942-46; company correspondence, 1942-43; and case files relating to the Maximum Average Price (MAP) program, 1945-46. Records of the Legal Staff, 1941-46. Records of the Building Materials and Construction Price Division, 1945-46. Records of district offices in Boise, ID, 1942-46; Cheyenne, WY, 1942-46; Denver, CO, 1942- 46; Helena, MT, 1942-46; Salt Lake City, UT, 1942-46; and Santa Fe, NM, 1942-46. Price records of selected local war price and rationing boards, 1942-46.
188.17.7 Records of the Rationing Department
Textual Records (in Denver): General records, 1942-45. Records on ration banking, 1942-45. Records on war ration books, 1942-43. Records on commodity rationing, 1942-45. Correspondence of the regional rationing attorney, 1942-45. Montgomery Ward's price filings, 1942-43. Records of the district offices in Albuquerque, NM, 1942-45; Boise, ID, 1943-45; Cheyenne, WY, 1943-45; Denver, CO, 1942-45; Helena, MT, 1942-46; and Salt Lake City, UT, 1942- 45. General records of the War Price and Rationing Boards in Butte, MT, and Pueblo, CO, 1942-45.
188.18 Records of OPA Region VIII (San Francisco, CA)
History: Established by OPA Administrative Order No. 4, May 7, 1942, with jurisdiction over AZ, CA, NV, OR, and WA. Liquidated December 1946.
188.18.1 Executive and administrative records
Textual Records (in San Francisco): General records, 1942-47.
188.18.2 Records of the Price Board Management field offices
Textual Records (in San Francisco): General records, 1944-46.
188.18.3 Records of the Accounting Department
Textual Records (in San Francisco, except as noted): General records, 1942-47. Case and survey files, 1942-47, with list index. Case files for War Price and Ration Board audits, 1944-45. Records of the district offices in Fresno, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Portland, OR; Reno, NV; Sacramento, CA; San Diego, CA; San Francisco, CA; Seattle, WA; and Spokane, WA, 1942-46. Records of the Phoenix, AZ, District Office, 1942-46 (in Los Angeles).
188.18.4 Records of the Enforcement Department
Textual Records (in San Francisco): Budgetary materials, 1943-46. Minutes of meetings, 1942-47. Regional issuances, 1943-47. Records relating to enforcement programs, 1943-46; surveys, 1942- 45; significant enforcement problems, 1943-45; federal and state cooperation, 1943-47; local boards, 1944-46; and training programs, 1945-47. Reading files, 1943-47. Reports of regional and district offices, 1943-47. "Model Pleadings" and opinions, 1943-46. Suspension orders, 1944-45. Miscellaneous enforcement materials, 1943-45.
188.18.5 Records of the Information Department
Textual Records (in San Francisco): General correspondence, 1943- 46. Records relating to campaigns, 1942-45; organization and function, 1943-45; and training programs, 1943-46. Teletypes relating to operations, 1945. Teletypes of newspaper opinions, 1944-46. Records of the Editorial Division, 1943-46. Materials prepared for educational institutions, 1943-45. Correspondence of group services officers, 1943. Program instructions for community services members, 1944-45. Speeches, 1942-46. Activity reports, 1942-46. "Daily Field Report," 1943-46. Informational issuances, 1943-46. Radio exchange kits, 1944.
188.18.6 Records of the Price Department
Textual Records (in San Francisco, except as noted): Central files, consisting of general records, 1942-46; general correspondence, 1942-46; progress reports, 1942-46; records relating to meetings with trade and industry members, 1942-45; general orders, 1943-46; records relating to surveys, 1942-46; applications for price adjustment and determination, 1942-46; community food pricing report forms, 1944-46; price filings, 1944-45; and case files relating to the Maximum Average Price (MAP) program, 1945-46. Records of the Legal Division, 1942-46. Records of the Building Materials and Construction Price Division, 1945-46. Records of the district offices in Los Angeles, CA, 1945-46; Portland, OR, 1945-46; Reno, NV, 1946; San Francisco, CA, 1944-46; Seattle, WA, 1946; and Spokane, WA, 1945- 46. Records of the Phoenix, AZ, District Office, consisting of records of the District Price Executive, 1942-46; and records of the retail grocery survey, 1942 (in Los Angeles). Price records of selected local war price and rationing boards, 1942-46. Commodity price cards for Washington state, 1946 (in Seattle).
188.18.7 Records of the Rationing Department
Textual Records (in San Francisco, except as noted): General records, 1942-45. Records of the regional rationing attorney, 1942-45. Records on commodity rationing, 1942-45. Records of the district offices in Fresno, CA, 1943-45; Los Angeles, CA, 1942- 45; Phoenix, AZ, 1942-45; Portland, OR, 1942-45; Reno, NV, 1942- 45; Sacramento, CA, 1943-45; San Diego, CA, 1943-45; San Francisco, CA, 1942-45; Seattle, WA, 1942-45; and Spokane, WA, 1943-45. Additional records of the Phoenix District Office, consisting of slaughterers' case files and slaughterers' case files referred to the San Francisco Regional Office, 1943-45 (in Los Angeles). General records of the War Price and Rationing Boards in Eugene, OR, and Tucson, AZ, 1942-45.
188.19 Records of OPA Territorial Region, Region IX (Washington, DC)
History: Established by OPA Administrative Order No. 4, May 7, 1942, with jurisdiction over AK, CZ, HI, PR, AND VI. Liquidated December 1946.
188.19.1 Executive and administrative records
Textual Records: Correspondence with field personnel, 1942-47. Histories of regional and district OPA offices, 1942-47. Transcripts of trade advisory committee meetings, 1943-46. Reports of regional operating divisions, 1942-47.
188.19.2 Records of the Price Board Management field offices
Textual Records: Records of the local price boards in Alaska, 1942-46 and (in Anchorage) 1942-44; Hawaii, 1943-46; and Puerto Rico, 1943-46 and (in New York) 1944-46.
188.19.3 Records of the Accounting Department
Textual Records: Records of the accounting divisions of the Hawaii office, 1942-46 (in San Francisco); and Puerto Rico office, 1941-46 (in New York).
188.19.4 Records of the Enforcement Department
Textual Records: Records pertaining to Alaska, 1944-46 (in Anchorage); Puerto Rico, 1943-45 (in New York); and the Virgin Islands, 1943-44 (in New York).
188.19.5 Records of the Information Department
Textual Records: Records pertaining to Hawaii, 1942-46 (in San Francisco), and Puerto Rico, 1942-45 (in New York).
188.19.6 Records of the Price Department
Textual Records: Records of the price divisions of the Alaska office, 1942-46 (in Anchorage); Hawaii office, 1942-46 (in San Francisco); Puerto Rico office, 1943-46 (in New York); and Virgin Islands office, 1942-46 (in New York).
188.19.7 Records of the Rationing Department
Textual Records: Records pertaining to Alaska, 1942-46 (in Anchorage); Hawaii, 1941-46 (in San Francisco); Puerto Rico, 1943-45 (in New York); and Virgin Islands, 1943-45 (in New York).
188.20 Motion Pictures (General)
See Under 188.7.4.
188.21 Sound Recordings (General)
See Under 188.7.4.
188.22 Still Pictures (General)
See Photographs Under 188.7.4.
See Photographic Prints Under 188.16.5.
See Photographic Prints and Negatives Under 188.7.4.
See Posters, Paintings, and Drawings Under 188.7.4.
See Photomechanical Reproductions and Lantern Slides Under
See Filmstrips Under 188.7.4.
Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.
This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.