Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force [OSAF]
(Record Group 340)
1928-66, 1987-95 (bulk 1940-57)
Table of Contents
FORCE 1943-65
1942-57, 1961-66
- 340.3.1 Records of the Office of the General Counsel
- 340.3.2 Records of the Office of Information Services
- 340.3.3 Records of the Office of Legislative Liaison
1928-55 (bulk 1940-55)
- 340.9.1 Records of the Air Force Liaison Section of the Air
Coordinating Committee
- 340.9.2 Records of the Air Force Representative on the DOD
Committee on a Uniform Code of Military Justice
- 340.9.3 Records of the Air Force Representative on the DOD
Munitions Board
- 340.9.4 Records of the Air Force Representative on the DOD
Personnel Policy Board
- 340.9.5 Records of the Air Force Representative on the DOD
Management Committee
- 340.9.6 Records of the DOD Physical Security Equipment Agency
- 340.9.7 Records of the Joint Air Defense Board
- 340.9.8 Records of the Joint Air Transportation Board
- 340.9.9 Records of the Joint Tactical Air Support Board
- 340.9.10 Records of the Air Force Representative on the Joint
Airborne Troop Board
- 340.9.11 Records of the Air Force Printing Committee
- 340.9.12 Records of the Air Board
- 340.10 TEXTUAL RECORDS (GENERAL) 1950-63
- 340.11 STILL PICTURES (GENERAL) 1987-95
Established: In the National Military Establishment (NME), later designated the Department of Defense (DOD), to head the newly created Department of the Air Force (DAF), by the National Security Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 502), July 26, 1947.
Predecessor Agencies:
In the War Department:
- Office of the Assistant Secretary of War for Air (1926-47)
Transfers: With the DAF to the DOD, by the National Security Act Amendments of 1949 (63 Stat. 579), August 10, 1949.
Functions: Develops policy and implements programs for the civil and military operations of the U.S. Air Force (USAF).
Finding Aids: Jessie T. Midkiff and Olive K. Liebman, comps., "Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force," NM 1 (1962); updated version in National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories.
Security-Classified Records: This record group may include material that is security-classified.
Related Records:
Record copies of publications of the Office of
the Secretary of the Air Force in RG 287, Publications of the
U.S. Government.
Records of the Army Air Forces, RG 18.
Records of the Office of the Secretary of War, RG 107.
Records of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, RG 218.
Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, RG 330.
Records of Interservice Agencies, RG 334.
Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Army, RG 335.
Records of Headquarters U.S. Air Force (Air Staff), RG 341.
Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and
Organizations, RG 342.
Records of Joint Commands, RG 349.
General Records of the Department of the Navy, 1947- , RG 428.
Records of the U.S. Air Force Academy, RG 461.
Textual Records: General correspondence, 1947-54 (677 ft.). Security-classified correspondence, reports, and other records relating to organization and program planning, 1946-53; the development and review of legislation, 1947-51; management functions, 1946-53; and other issues of special interest to the Secretary of the Air Force, 1947-50. Security-classified correspondence relating primarily to weapons systems and research and development of fighter aircraft and guided missile programs, 1956-65. Records of successive executive officers of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of War for Air and the immediate Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, 1943-49. Records of Lt. Col. Homer L. Burris, Military Aide to Secretary of the Army Thomas K. Finletter, 1950-52.
Related Records: Papers (closed), 1946-50, and oral history interview of W. Stuart Symington, Assistant Secretary of War for Air, 1946-47, and Secretary of the Air Force, 1947-50, in Truman Library, and oral history interviews in Johnson Library. Papers, 1943-78, and oral history interview of Thomas K. Finletter, Secretary of the Air Force, 1950-53, in Truman Library. Papers, 1917-60, of Donald A. Quarles, Secretary of the Air Force, 1955- 57, in Eisenhower Library. Oral history interviews of James H. Douglas, Jr., Secretary of the Air Force, 1957-59; and Dudley C. Sharp, Secretary of the Air Force, 1959-61, in Eisenhower Library. Oral history interviews of Eugene M. Zuckert, Secretary of the Army, 1961-65, in Kennedy and Johnson Libraries.
1942-57, 1961-66
340.3.1 Records of the Office of the General Counsel
History: Established September 25, 1947, to advise DAF officials and units on the legal aspects of matters under their jurisdiction.
Textual Records: Security-classified general records, 1949-52. Security-classified subject files of the General Counsel, 1951- 52, and the Associate Counsel for Procurement, 1951-54. Formerly classified and unclassified subject files of the General Counsel relating primarily to the supersonic transport program, 1961-65.
Subject Access Terms: Air Force Organization Act of 1951; Mutual Defense Assistance Program; Uniform Code of Military Justice; U.S. Air Force Academy.
340.3.2 Records of the Office of Information Services
History: Directorate of Public Relations (DPR) established by a memorandum of Secretary of the Air Force W. Stuart Symington for General Carl Spaatz, Commanding General, Army Air Forces (AAF), September 19, 1947, with authority to disseminate information about the air force, maintain liaison with government agencies and with civilian groups engaged in aviation, and advise the Secretary on public relations matters. Office of the Director of Information, AAF, transferred to DPR by Headquarters Office Instruction (HOI) 20-26, DAF, September 23, 1947. DPR organized with an Air Information Division and a Legislative and Liaison Division by Instruction 1, DPR, September 23, 1947. Legislative and Liaison Division separated from DPR and raised to directorate level by Memorandum 20-1, OSAF, August 26, 1948. Pursuant to Consolidation Directive 1, NME, March 17, 1949, establishing an Office of Public Information within the Office of the Secretary of Defense, effective March 31, 1949, functions of DPR limited to supervision of field installations' public relations activities by a memorandum of Assistant Secretary of Defense, March 28, 1949. Field Liaison Division established within DPR for that purpose and confirmed in OSAF functional chart, Air Force Pamphlet (AFP) 210-6, December 15, 1949. DPR transferred from OSAF to Office of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force by General Order 36, DAF, May 10, 1950. Returned to OSAF by General Order 3, DAF, February 8, 1952. Redesignated Office of Information Services (OIS), 1952, confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, November 1, 1953. Redesignated Office of Public Affairs, 1979, confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, June 20, 1980.
Textual Records: Subject files relating to public information events and public relations activities, 1943-52. Security- classified subject files, 1947-51. General correspondence, 1950- 52. Reading files of OIS, 1964, and of various OIS officials, 1962-66. Manuscripts of speeches and articles prepared by DPR and its AAF predecessors, 1942-47. Records concerning air force public relations films, 1946-54. Copies of news clippings compiled by the Analysis Section of the Air Information Division, 1948-49. Correspondence and reports of the Field Liaison Division, 1949-52. News releases of the Chicago field office, 1957.
340.3.3 Records of the Office of Legislative Liaison
History: Legislation and Liaison Division (LLD) established within Directorate of Public Relations by HOI 20-26, DAF, September 23, 1947. Responsibility for Congressional correspondence on air force matters transferred to LLD, effective December 27, 1947, from Legislative and Liaison Division, Department of the Army, by Joint Army and Air Force Adjustment Regulation (JAAFAR) 1-11-2, January 15, 1948. Responsibility for responding to Congressional inquiries and investigations dealing with the air force transferred to LLD, effective December 10, 1947, from Legislative and Liaison Division, Department of the Army, by JAAFAR 1-11-6, January 23, 1948. Responsibility for legislative formulation, processing, and presentation regarding the air force transferred to LLD, effective September 12, 1948, from Legislative and Liaison Division, Department of the Army, by JAAFAR 1-11-44, September 16, 1948. LLD separated from Directorate of Public Relations and upgraded to Directorate of Legislation and Liaison by Office Memorandum 20-9, OSAF, August 26, 1948. Redesignated Office of Legislative Liaison, May 1, 1953, confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, August 1953.
Textual Records: Records relating to proposed legislation affecting the AAF and its successor, USAF, 1943-54 (177 ft.). Security-classified correspondence with Members of Congress and their staffs, state officials, and private citizens, mainly relating to air force personnel and air base operations, 1948-56 (612 ft.). Security-classified case files of Congressional inquiries relating to such matters as procurement, installations, military housing, disposal of surplus materials, and accidents involving air force planes, 1950-55. Copies of weekly reports of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legal and Legislative Affairs) on legislation affecting the three armed services, 1949- 54.
History: Position authorized by National Security Act of 1947. Established September 18, 1947, with appointment of Under Secretary Arthur S. Barrows. Procurement, production, industrial mobilization, materiel, and research and development functions confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, September 18, 1947. Addition of aircraft industry liaison function confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, December 1, 1947. Addition of property acquisition and disposal function confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, September 23, 1948. Transfer of property and research and development functions to Assistant Secretary (Civil Affairs), and addition of contract negotiation function, confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, December 15, 1949. Transfer back of research and development function confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, September 1952. Redefinition of position as principal assistant to Secretary of the Air Force, specifically responsible only for supervision of Office of Analysis and Review and air force psychological operations, confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, August 1953.
Textual Records: Security-classified subject files, 1947-49. Security-classified correspondence and other records of Under Secretary Arthur S. Barrows, 1948-50; Under Secretary Roswell L. Gilpatric, 1951; Deputy for Materiel Programs Joseph Imirie, 1947-51; and Special Assistant Earle Stanley Glines, 1950-51.
Related Records: Oral history interviews of James H. Douglas, Jr., Under Secretary, 1953-57, and Dudley C. Sharp, Under Secretary, 1959, in Eisenhower Library. For records of Roswell L. Gilpatric as Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Materiel), SEE 340.7.
History: Two assistant secretaries authorized by National Security Act of 1947. Assistant Secretary (Management) established September 18, 1947, with appointment of Eugene M. Zuckert. Program, management, and cost control, as well as budget, organizational planning, and mobilization policy functions confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, September 18, 1947. Addition of civilian personnel and recruitment functions confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, December 1, 1947. Military personnel and command installation utilization functions confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, September 23, 1948. Addition of loyalty- security program function confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, December 15, 1949. Transfer of command installation function to Assistant Secretary (Civil Affairs) confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, December 15, 1949. Responsibility for policies affecting Air Reserve, Air National Guard, Air Reserve Officers Training Corps, Civil Air Patrol, and Air Scouts (collectively designated civilian components) transferred from Assistant Secretary (Civil Affairs) by a memorandum of the Secretary of the Air Force, April 23, 1951. Addition of civil defense function confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, September 1952. Position abolished August 3, 1954, with financial management functions transferred to newly established position of Assistant Secretary (Financial Management), and personnel functions transferred to newly established position of Assistant Secretary (Manpower and Personnel), confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, March 1955.
Textual Records: Security-classified general correspondence, 1946-53. Security-classified correspondence, reports, and other records of Deputy for Civilian Components Frank T. McCoy, 1947- 51; Deputy for Organization and Program Management William R. Sweeney, 1948-51; Deputy for Personnel Management Clarence Osthagen, 1948-50; Deputy for Financial Management Don S. Burrows, 1949-50; and Assistant Deputy for Financial and Program Management Daniel H. Grear, 1950-52.
History: Two assistant secretaries authorized by National Security Act of 1947. Assistant Secretary (Civil and Military- Diplomatic) established September 18, 1947, with appointment of Cornelius V. Whitney. Functions relating to civil and military- diplomatic affairs, including policies affecting Air Reserve and Air National Guard (collectively designated civilian components), confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, September 18, 1947. Addition of civil defense function confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, December 1, 1947. Addition of Air Reserve Officers Training Corps and Civil Air Patrol to civilian components function confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210- 6, September 23, 1948. Position redesignated Assistant Secretary (Civil Affairs), October 28, 1949, confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, December 15, 1949, along with transfer of property and research and development functions from Under Secretary; transfer of command installation function from Assistant Secretary (Management); addition of Air Scouts to civilian components function; and addition of housing program responsibility. Civilian components function transferred to Assistant Secretary (Management) by a memorandum of the Secretary of the Air Force, April 23, 1951. Position abolished May 25, 1951, with command installation and housing functions transferred to newly established position of Assistant Secretary (Materiel), and research and development and civil aviation functions transferred to newly appointed Special Assistant for Research and Development William A.M. Burden, confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, May 29, 1951.
Textual Records: Security-classified correspondence, reports, speeches, and other records of Assistant Secretary Harold C. Stuart, 1948-5l; Special Assistant Joseph L. Brent, 1948-50; and Deputy Assistant for Air Installations, Real Estate, and Family Housing Scott W. Donaldson, 1948-51.
History: Established May 25, 1951, with appointment of Assistant Secretary Roswell L. Gilpatric. Establishment of position, and transfer of housing and installations functions from Assistant Secretary (Civil Affairs), confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, May 29, 1951.
Textual Records: Security-classified correspondence, memorandums, reports, and other records of Assistant Secretaries Roswell L. Gilpatric, 1951, and Edwin V. Huggins, 1951-52.
Subject Access Terms: House Armed Services Procurement Committee; Senate Preparedness Committee.
History: All air force research and development functions, except for guided missile research, transferred from Department of the Army to Department of the Air Force, effective September 26, 1947, by JAAFAR 1-11-27, June 22, 1948. Guided missile research transferred, effective March 20, 1948, by the same regulation. Research and development functions assigned to Under Secretary, 1947-49, and to Assistant Secretary (Civil Affairs), 1949-50. William A.M. Burden appointed Special Assistant for Research and Development by Secretary of the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter, September 19, 1950. Transfer of research and development function to Under Secretary confirmed by OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, September 1952. Trevor Gardner appointed Special Assistant for Research and Development, August 1953. Position upgraded to Assistant Secretary (Research and Development), confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, March 1955. Transfer of logistics function from Assistant Secretary (Installations and Logistics), and redesignation as Assistant Secretary (Research, Development and Logistics) confirmed in OSAF functional chart, AFP 210-6, September 1, 1977.
Textual Records: Security-classified correspondence, memorandums, reports, technical publications, and other records relating to advanced weapons systems research, testing, and funding, 1948-51.
1928-55 (bulk 1940-55)
340.9.1 Records of the Air Force Liaison Section of the Air
Coordinating Committee
History: Air Coordinating Committee (ACC), to coordinate aviation issues affecting more than one government agency, established by "Interdepartmental Memorandum Regarding Organization of Air Coordinating Committee," signed by Acting Secretary of State and Secretaries of War, the Navy, and Commerce, March 27, 1945. Formally established by EO 9781, September 19, 1946, with membership consisting of one voting representative each of State, War, Navy, Post Office, and Commerce Departments and Civil Aeronautics Board; and one nonvoting representative of Bureau of the Budget. War Department seat transferred from Department of the Army to Department of the Air Force, effective December 31, 1947, by JAAFAR 1-11-4, January 21, 1948. Air Force Liaison Section established in Civil Air Branch, Policy Division, Directorate of Plans and Operations, Office of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, by HOI 20-36, DAF, March 29, 1948. ACC membership enlarged to include a voting representative of Treasury Department by EO 9990, August 21, 1948. Membership reorganized by EO 10360, June 11, 1952, to include one voting representative each of State, Army, Navy, Air Force, Treasury, Post Office, and Commerce Departments and Civil Aeronautics Board; and one nonvoting representative each of Bureau of the Budget and National Security Resources Board (NSRB). NSRB representation transferred to Office of Defense Mobilization by EO 10438, March 13, 1953. Membership enlarged to include a voting representative of Federal Communications Commission by EO 10655, January 28, 1956. Amended by EO 10754, February 22, 1958, to include a provision for a Presidential appointee as nonvoting chairman. EO 10754 revoked and EO 10655 amended to include a voting representative of Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) to serve as chairman by EO 10796, December 24, 1958. Air Coordinating Committee abolished by EO 10883, August 11, 1960, with functions transferred to FAA for liquidation.
Textual Records: Security-classified general correspondence, 1945-50. Security-classified records of the air force representative, 1950-53. Reports compiled by the committee and by the International Civil Aviation Organization, dealing with both military and civil aviation issues, 1948-50. Records relating to programs sponsored by the committee, 1948-5l.
340.9.2 Records of the Air Force Representative on the DOD
Committee on a Uniform Code of Military Justice
History: Committee to develop a code applicable to all three armed services established in DOD by Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, July 29, 1948, pursuant to an action taken by the Committee of Four Secretaries [Defense, Army, Navy, Air Force], May 11, 1948. Consisted of law professor Edmund M. Morgan, Jr. as chairman, Assistant Secretary of the Army Gordon Gray, Assistant Secretary of the Navy John Kenney, and Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Eugene Zuckert, aided by a 15-member Working Group. Dissolved upon submission of a draft Uniform Code of Military Justice to the Secretary of Defense, February 7, 1949. Code enacted into law, May 5, 1950 (64 Stat. 107).
Textual Records: Reports, studies, commentaries, published articles, and drafts of legislation, 1940-49.
340.9.3 Records of the Air Force Representative on the DOD
Munitions Board
History: Munitions Board established by National Security Act of 1947 to coordinate procurement activities of the three armed services, superseding Joint Army and Navy Munitions Board, established in 1922. Abolished by Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1953, effective June 30, 1953, with functions transferred to Secretary of Defense.
Textual Records: Minutes, agendas, and background reports relating to the procurement, stockpiling, and allocation of strategic materials; the protection of essential industries from sabotage; and advanced weaponry research and development, 1947- 53.
Related Records: Records of the Munitions Board, 1921-53, in RG 330, Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Records of the army representative on the Munitions Board, 1948-53, in RG 335, Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Army.
Subject Access Terms: Marshall Plan; National Industrial Reserve.
340.9.4 Records of the Air Force Representative on the DOD
Personnel Policy Board
History: Personnel Policy Board established by an interim directive of the Secretary of Defense, February 22, 1949, issued by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) as an appendix to JCS 1986, February 25, 1949. Established as a standing committee by a directive of the Secretary of Defense, August 8, 1949, issued as JCS 1986/9, December 21, 1949. Abolished, with personnel and functions transferred to the Personnel and Manpower Council, advisory body to the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower and Personnel), by a memorandum of the Secretary of Defense, May 4, 1951, issued as JCS 1986/10, May 16, 1951.
Textual Records: Minutes, memorandums, regulations, and directives relating to the development of uniform hiring, promotion, and discharge policies; the treatment of minorities; and the coordination of recruiting efforts, 1948-5l.
Related Records: Records of the Personnel Policy Board, 1948-51, in RG 330, Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
340.9.5 Records of the Air Force Representative on the DOD
Management Committee
History: Established as a temporary committee by a memorandum of the Secretary of Defense, August 10, 1949, issued as an appendix to JCS 2051, August 11, 1949. Redesignated Defense Management Council and given permanent status by Directive 5138.1, DOD, June 21, 1952. Abolished by Directive 5120.12, DOD, August 13, 1953, with functions transferred to Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower and Personnel).
Textual Records: Minutes, reports, and special studies dealing with the committee's efforts to reduce expenditures through reorganization, management control, and increased efficiency, 1949-52.
Related Records: Records of the Defense Management Council, 1949- 53, in RG 330, Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
340.9.6 Records of the DOD Physical Security Equipment Agency
History: Established by a memorandum of the Secretary of Defense, February 7, 1951, issued as JCS Information Memorandum 778, February 13, 1951, with Secretary of the Air Force as managing agent. Abolished by Directive 5154.9, DOD, March 4, 1954.
Textual Records: Security-classified correspondence, minutes, and reports concerning such physical security equipment as tape recorders, microphones, polygraphs, burglar alarms, and sound jammers, 1950-53. Records relating to office personnel, procedures, and budget, 1951-53.
340.9.7 Records of the Joint Air Defense Board
History: Established by General Order 37, DAF, July 2, 1951, to make recommendations on joint tactics, techniques, training, and equipment for defense against air attack. Chairman renamed director, and directorship assigned to an air force general officer, by General Order 65, DAF, October 12, 1951. Abolished, effective March 3, 1955, by General Order 6, DAF, January 19, 1955.
Textual Records: Security-classified general records, 1951-55. Records relating to specific projects, 1953-54. Records relating to office procedures, 1951-55.
340.9.8 Records of the Joint Air Transportation Board
History: Joint Troop Carrier Board established by General Order 37, DAF, July 2, 1951, with an air force general officer as chairman, to make recommendations on joint tactics, techniques, training, and equipment for airborne and aerial logistical support operations. Redesignated Joint Air Transportation Board, and chairman renamed director, by General Order 65, DAF, October 12, 1951. Abolished, effective March 3, 1955, by General Order 6, DAF, January 19, 1955.
Textual Records: Correspondence, memorandums, and project reports, 1951-55.
340.9.9 Records of the Joint Tactical Air Support Board
History: Established by General Order 37, DAF, July 2, 1951, with an air force general officer as chairman, to make recommendations on joint tactics, techniques, training, and equipment for the combat air support of ground forces. Chairman renamed director by General Order 65, DAF, October 12, 195l. Abolished, effective March 3, 1955, by General Order 6, DAF, January 19, 1955.
Textual Records: Security-classified correspondence, memorandums, and project reports, 1951-55.
340.9.10 Records of the Air Force Representative on the Joint
Airborne Troop Board
History: Established by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in JCS 2045/8, April 26, 1951, Chapter II, Para. 20105d, with an army general officer as chairman, to make recommendations on joint airborne tactics, techniques, training, and equipment. Activated at Fort Bragg, NC, July 1, 1951. Charter issued as Special Regulation 15- 80-1, Department of the Army, July 11, 1952. Abolishment approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, December 3, 1954, effective March 1, 1955. Abolishment confirmed by Circular 310-39, Department of the Army, June 22, 1956, rescinding Special Regulation 15-80-1.
Textual Records: Records relating to board meetings, study projects, and evaluations, 195l-54.
340.9.11 Records of the Air Force Printing Committee
History: Established as the Army Air Forces Printing Board by HOI 20-33, AAF, September 27, 1945. Redesignated Air Force Printing Committee by HOI 20-33, DAF, May 11, 1948. Abolished by HOI 11- 47, DAF, October 29, 1954, with functions transferred to the Air Force Committee for the Improvement of Paperwork, established by the same instruction.
Textual Records: Records relating to printing projects, personnel and equipment acquisition, and cost controls, 1943-54.
340.9.12 Records of the Air Board
History: Established, effective March 4, 1946, by HOI 20-116, AAF, March 5, 1946, to study proposed air force policies and make recommendations to the commanding general. Abolished by HOI 5-0, DAF, February 18, 1952.
Textual Records: Security-classified general correspondence, 1945-48. Minutes, 1946-48. Reports prepared for the board, 1946- 48. Records relating to board policy decisions, 1946-49. Records relating to board members, 1946-48. Security-classified records of Major General Hugh J. Knerr, Secretary General of the Air Board (1946-47), including records relating to his prewar and World War II commands, 1928-49.
Security-classified records relating to Congressional Hearings, 1950-1961. Security-classified correspondence relating to such subjects as missile capabilities, aircraft and research and development programs, budget matters, U.S and Soviet defense capabilities, NATO, Congressional Hearings, and Presidential reports, 1961-63. Formerly classified and unclassified Special Interest Files, Executive Support Division, Office of the Administrative Assistant, 1947-62. Security-classified records of the Executive, Office of the Administrative Assistant, 1968-74.
Posters:Aircraft lithographs, 1987-95 (P, 57 images).
Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.
This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.