Guide to Federal Records

Federal Records Guide: Alphabetical Index - K

Note: This alphabetical index to the Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States is based on a paper version with the same title compiled in 1995. The index does not reflect updates to the Guide. The updated web version of the Guide can be searched with the Search the Guide feature.

See also:

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K    L   M  
N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

K-25 Plant (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.3.1
Kagman Point, Mariana Islands, Naval Air Station 313.6.6
Kahn, Alfred E. 429.9
Kahului, HI, Naval Air Station 181.11.10
Kaibab Day School 75.19.114
Kaiser, Edgar F. 220.14.19
Kaiser, Philip M. 174.3.4
Kaiser Shipbuilding 228.4.1
Kaiser Wilhelm II (ship) 38.4.16
Kake, AK 49.13.1
Kalae, HI, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.11
Kalamai field office (Allied Force HQ) 331.28.2
Kalamazoo, MI
    postal service inspection 28.3.4
Kalamazoo River, MI 26.2.2
Kalimantan, Borneo 151.11
Kalispell, MT, land office 49.9.16
Kalmak refugees 278.3.1
Kaltenbach, Frederick Wilhelm 60.3.4, 262.4
Kamali'i, Kina'u Boyd 220.18.28
Kamchatka 38.4.9
Kamp, Carl O. 195.2.1
Kanawha, Army of 393.4, 393.8
Kanawha, Confederate Army of the 109.9.2
Kanawha, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5, 393.8
Kanawha River 77.10.21
Kandy, Ceylon, base (OSS) 226.17.7
Kane Basin 27.4.5
Kane Experimental Forest 95.10.3
Kaneoehe Bay, HI, Naval Air Station 181.11.11
Kanesville, IA, land office 49.9.11
Kankakee, IL, Ordnance Works 77.2.5
Kankakee River 77.10.9
Kansa[s] Indians 75.7.2
    aerial photographs 77.10.61
    American Protective League field offices 65.5
    Army Advisory Group 338.11.2
    bank examiners' reports 101.4
    census schedules 29.8.2
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.11
        attorneys, U.S. 118.15
        district courts 21.18
        marshals, U.S. 118.47.6
    food administration 4.3
        claims 75.12.2
        lands 75.7.3
        coal distribution 222.9
        drainage basins 114.10.7
        Indian reserves 49.3.6
        property surveys 31.2.2
        township plats 49.3.6
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.3, 163.4.1, 163.4.2
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.6
        American Guide 69.5.5
        rural communities 83.10
    price controls 295.3
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    public lands
        land offices 49.9.12
        surveys 49.3.6, 57.10.2
    resettlement projects 96.4.10
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    Soil Conservation Service offices 114.11.7, 114.14.3
        project files 114.10.7
    surplus real property disposal 121.4.1
        internal revenue collection district 58.5.16
    weather reports 27.6.2
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.9
        manpower 211.23.10
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
Kansas and the Territories, U.S. Forces 393.4, 393.11.1
Kansas, Army of 393.4, 393.8
Kansas Brigade 107.2.12, 393.4, 393.15
Kansas City, KS
    flood control maps 77.10.23
Kansas City, KS, Medical Depot 112.5.6
Kansas City, MO
    Army commands 338.11.9, 393.4, 393.7
    flood control maps 77.10.23
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Kansas City, MO, Aviation Examining Board 18.9.4
Kansas City, MO, Disbursing Center 39.3
Kansas City, MO, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.23
Kansas City, MO, District Office (Price Administration)
    188.3.5, 188.15.1-188.15.3, 188.15.6, 188.15.7
Kansas City, MO, Division (Circuit Court) 21.27.4
Kansas City, MO, Division (District Court) 21.27.3
Kansas City, MO, field office
    (Agricultural Marketing Service) 136.11.2, 136.11.3;
    (Capital Issues Committee) 158.3;
    ([Agriculture] Packers and Stockyards Administration) 136.3.1;
    ([Agriculture] Production and Marketing Administration) 136.10.5;
    (Wage and Hour Division) 155.4.7, 155.4.8
Kansas City, MO, Field Personnel Council
    (Civil Service Commission) 146.4.3
Kansas City, MO, Inspection Office (Post Office Department) 28.8
Kansas City, MO, internal revenue collection district 58.5.25
Kansas City, MO, office (Fuel Administration) 67.5.8
Kansas City, MO, offices
    (Army Engineers) 77.9.16, 77.10.23, 374.3.13
Kansas City, MO, Operating Section (Defense Transportation Office) 219.6.6
Kansas City, MO, Quartermaster Depot 92.15.4
Kansas City, MO, Regional Board
    (Wage Stabilization Board) 202.5.7
Kansas City, MO, regional office     (American Revolution Bicentennial Administration) 452.4.6;
    (Commodity Exchange Authority) 180.3.2;
    (Community Services Administration) 381.6.2;
    (Economic Opportunity Office) 381.4.2;
    (Employment and Training Administration) 369.3.5;
    (Fair Employment Practice Committee) 228.5.9;
    (Property Management and Disposal Service) 291.3.2;
    (Wage Stabilization Board) 293.3.10;
    (War Assets Administration) 270.3.6;
    (Weather Bureau) 370.3.3
Kansas City, MO, Zone Agency (Grain Corporation) 5.3
Kansas, Department of (Army) 153.3, 393.4
Kansas, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Kansas Lake 114.10.7
Kansas, Northern Subdistrict of (Army) 393.4, 393.6
Kansas Pacific Railroad 193.2
Kansas, Southern Subdistrict of (Army) 393.4, 393.6
Kansas State Headquarters (Selective Service) 147.3.9
Kansas State Office (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.1
Kansas, Troops in 393.4, 393.11.2
Kansas, U.S. Attorney for 118.15
Kansas, U.S. Circuit Court for 21.18.3
Kansas, U.S. District Court for 21.18.2 Kansas, U.S. Marshals for 118.47.6
Kansas, U.S. Territorial Court for 21.18.1
Kanto, Japan, region (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.41.4
Kanto, Japan, Region Education Branch
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.45.3
Kappel, Frederick R. 220.14.18
Karakul rams 17.2.2
Karlow, Serge Peter 226.3.13
Karluk, AK 36.3.1
Karst, Raymond W. 296.3
Kashega Bay, AK 26.3.2
Kasilof, AK 49.13.1
    Continental, Confederation Congress petitions 360.2.6
Kaskaskia, IL, land office 49.9.9
Kaskaskia Indian trust lands 75.7.3
Kaskaskia River 187.5.4
Kass, Dennis M. 174.3.4
Kassel, Germany, Office (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.2
Kasson, John A. 43.11.4, 59.3.1
Katyn Forest Massacre, Select Committee to Conduct an
    Investigation and Study the Facts, Evidence, and
    Circumstances of the (House of Representatives) 233.22.2
Katzenbach, Nicholas deB. 129.2.2, 220.14.8
Kauai, HI, Coast Guard LORAN Station 26.6.11
Kaufman, Herbert 48.2
Kaufman, Joseph W. 240.3.6
Kaufmann, Branko 210.3.4
Kauhola Point, HI, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.11
Kavalla field office (Allied Force HQ) 331.28.2
Kaw (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.7
Kaw Subagency 75.19.75
Kawasaki snowmobiles 424.2.2
Kaweah Cooperative Colony, CA 49.2.3
Kawishiwiwi Experimental Forest 95.10.2
Kazvin, Iran 332.5
Kearny, NJ 80.8.1
Keating, Frank 260.3.1
Keating, Frank J. 205.3.8
Keenan, Joseph B. 331.40
"Keep America Beautiful" Campaign 368.4
Keep Commission 28.2.2, 51.2, 56.15.2, 80.3.4, 80.7.1, 95.2.3
"Keep the Faith, Baby" (sound recording) 233.22.2
Keeton, W. Page 188.8.8
Keezer, Dexter M. 188.8.11
Keller, Kaufman Thuma 220.7.4
Kelley, William A. 330.2.4
Kellogg, Frank B. 220.2
Kellogg incident 326.4.3
Kelly Field, TX 18.9.1
Kelly, Harry C. 307.2
Kelly, James F. 235.3.1
kelp 54.5.1
Kelsey, Dana 75.19.26
Kemeny, John G. 220.18.16
Kenai, AK
    townsite tract books 49.13.1
Kenai, AK, agricultural experiment substation 164.3.1
Kenay, District of (Army) 393.5
Kendale, David W. 56.2.3
Kenedy, TX, internment camp 85.4.2
Kennebec, ME, Arsenal 156.9.11
Kennebec River 76.2.1, 77.10.5
Kennebunk, ME 36.3.1
Kennecott Copper 412.5.3
Kennedy Center 274.9, 274.11
Kennedy, Jacqueline B. 121.4.2, 306.6
Kennedy, John F.
        labor policies 174.6
        temporary organizations 220.10, 220.15.35
        USIA records 306.3.4
        White House employee photographs 130.3.4
        condolences 59.5.3, 306.6
        FBI investigation 65.2.2
        House investigations 233.22.2
        photographs, sound recordings 60.10.2
        Secret Service case file 87.2.2
        Senate investigation 46.22.2
        USIA records 306.6
        Warren commission 272
    foreign travel (photographs) 306.11
    funeral (photographs) 306.6
    gravesite maintenance 410.3
    Inaugural Committee 274.6
    motion pictures
        inauguration 330.16
        Peace Corps 490.4
        Atomic Energy Commission 434.3.1
        National Park Service 79.17
        Social Security Administration 47.4.2
        Veterans Administration 15.6.1
    reports, messages to Congress 130.3.1
    Secret Service details 87.3
Kennedy, Robert F.
    assassination aftermath 220.13
    photographs 129.2.2, 306.11
Kennedy Round Table Agreement 364.3
Kennedy Space Center 255.13
Kennedy, Thomas 220.5.10
Kenner, Albert W. 331.4.3
Kennerville, LA, U.S. Forces 393.11.1
Kenney, Barnaby C. 288.2.2
Kenney, John 340.9.2
Kenosha, WI, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Kensal, ND 22.15.3
Kent Avenue area (New York, NY) 181.18
Kent County, DE 83.8
Kent, Dover 75.16.3
Kent State University, OH 220.15.17
    CCC camps 114.8.1
    census schedules 29.8.2
    Confederate organizations
        army units 109.9.4
        miscellaneous records 109.13.1
    Continental, Confederation Congress petitions 360.2.6
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.7
        attorneys, U.S. 118.16
        district courts 21.19
    food administration 4.3
    Freedmen's Bureau 105.5
        coal mines 70.2.2
        flood control 77.10.21, 77.10.26, 187.5.4
        property surveys 31.2.2
        soil regions, crop yield 83.4.3
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.3, 163.4.1, 163.4.2
    mineral production 70.11.3
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.3, 187.5.4
    navigation improvements 77.10.11
        American Guide 69.5.5
        Army Air Forces 18.13
        CCC work 35.3.2
        Mississippi River floods 92.17
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    public, private lands survey 57.10.2
    rent control 252.4.4
    river surveys 77.9.12
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    slave claims commission 94.9.2
    Soil Conservation Service offices 114.11.8
    state employment 146.5.4
    surplus property disposal 103.7.3
        internal revenue collection districts 58.5.17
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.5
        manpower 211.23.6
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
Kentucky, Army of 393.4, 393.8
Kentucky, Central Division of (Confederate Army) 109.9.2
Kentucky, Confederate Army of 109.9.2
Kentucky, Confederate Central Army of 109.9.2
Kentucky Dam 142.5.4
Kentucky, Department of (Army) 393.2, 393.4
Kentucky Department of Education 12.2.1
Kentucky, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5, 393.9
Kentucky, Military District of 393.4, 393.5
Kentucky Reservoir 142.11
Kentucky River 77.9.12, 77.10.10
    photographs 77.10.26
Kentucky State Office (Agricultural Statistics) 355.2.2
Kentucky, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of 118.16
Kentucky, U.S. Circuit Court for the Eastern District of 21.19.2
Kentucky, U.S. Circuit Court for the Western District of 21.19.4
Kentucky, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of 21.19.1
Kentucky, U.S. District Court for the Western District of 21.19.3
Kenware, ND 22.15.3
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Keokuk, IA
    city plan 77.10.49
Keokuk, IA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.17.4
Keokuk, IA, Division (District Court) 21.17.3
Keokuk, IA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.15
Keokuk, IA, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.9, 77.10.48
Keppel, Francis 12.2.1
Keppel, Frederick 220.5.6
Kern County, CA 16.6.2, 80.5.1
Kerner, Otto 220.11
Kerr, Florence 69.10
Kerr-McGee Nuclear Corp. 412.5.3 Kersten Committee 233.22.2
Kerwin, Hugh L. 174.3.6
Keshena Indian Agency 75.19.49
Kestnbaum, Meyer 220.9.2
Ketchikan, AK
    customs collection 36.3.1
    townsite tract books 49.13.1
Ketchikan, AK, Coast Guard Base 26.5.6, 26.6.12
Ketchikan, AK, Customs District 26.6.12
Ketchikan, AK, office (Indian Affairs) 75.5
Ketchikan, AK, term (Territorial Court) 21.3.2
Ketchikan, AK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.1
Kettle Falls 76.2.4
Key, Francis Scott
    memorial 42.3.4
Key West and Tortugas, FL, District of (Army) 393.5
Key West and Tortugas, FL, U.S. Forces 393.11.1
Key West, FL
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.11.1
    customs collection 36.3.1
    housing project photographs 69.10
    passenger arrival records 85.3.1
    postal censorship 165.4.3
    vessel crew lists 85.3.3
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Key West, FL, Barracks 393.4, 393.7
Key West, FL, Department of (Army) 393.4
Key West, FL, District of (Army) 393.5, 393.6
Key West, FL, Division (Circuit Court) 21.11.7;
    (District Court) 21.11.6;
    (Marshals, U.S.) 118.47.4;
    (Territorial Court) 21.11.5
Key West, FL, Fleet Air Wing 12 313.5.2
Key West, FL, Island of 393.7
Key West, FL, Lighthouse District 26.2.5
Key West, FL, Marine Barracks 127.6.2
Key West, FL, Naval Air Station 45.6, 181.11.12
Key West, FL, Naval Base 181.4.2, 313.2.4
Key West, FL, Naval Operating Base 181.6.3
Key West, FL, Naval Station 181.8.3
Key West, FL, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.22
Key West, FL, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.5, 393.6
Key West, FL, Submarine Base 181.7.2
Keyes, Geoffrey 260.11
Keyserling, Leon H. 459.1
KGEE radio station 220.13.2
Khios field office (Allied Force HQ) 331.28.2
KHMER (machine-readable records) 330.10
Khmer Air Force 472.10.2
Khorramshahr, Iran 332.5
Kickapoo (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.6
Kickapoo Indians 75.19.98
    lands 75.7.3
Kidd, Charles V. 220.7.1
Kido Koichi 331.40
Kiefer, Jarold A. 220.25
Kilauea, HI, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.11
Kilby Manufacturing Co. 156.13
Killeen, TX 77.10.17
Killian, James R. 220.9.10, 359.2
Kimball, Sumner I. 56.3.1
Kimble, South, Jr. 40.3.2
Kimmel, Husband E. 38.2.3
King, Clarence 57.2.1, 77.5.3
King County, WA
    naturalizations 21.50.1
King, Ernest J. 38.2.3
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
    assassination 233.22.2
        aftermath 220.13
    FBI files 65.2.2
King, Nicholas 23.5.1, 42.2.2, 42.2.3, 42.14, 351.4
King, Robert, Jr. 42.2.3
King Survey 57.2.1, 77.5.3, 77.18
King, W.L. Mackenzie 220.5.9, 333.5
Kingfisher, OK, Microclimatic Project 114.4.5
Kingfisher, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
King's County, NY, Penitentiary 60.5.3
King's River Branch forest and range station 95.10.5
Kingsland, NJ 76.9.1
Kingston, Jamaica
    earthquake relief 313.2.6
Kingstree, SC, internal revenue collection district 58.5.40
Kingsville, TX, office (Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service) 262.3.8
Kingwood Oil Co. 253.7.2
Kinki, Japan, region (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.41.4
Kinki-Osaka, Japan, regional office
   (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.45.6
Kinki-Osaka-Shikoku, Japan, regional office
   (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.45.6
Kinnaird, Eugene F. 240.4.2
Kinsolving, W.C. 253.6.4
Kiowa and Comanche Boarding School 75.19.50
Kiowa Day School 75.19.50
Kiowa Indian Agency 75.19.50
Kiowa Indians
    ceded lands settlement 49.10.2
    photographs 75.29
Kiowa, OK, Area Field Office (Indian Affairs) 75.17.2
Kirk, W.F. 133.5.3
Kirkley, Don J. 232.4
Kirwin, KS, land office 49.9.12
Kiska, AK, Naval Air Facility 181.12.10
Kiska Harbor, AK 22.3.4
Kissimmee River, FL (maps) 83.4.9, 77.10.22
Kissinger Commission 220.19
Kistiakowsky, George B. 220.9.10, 359.2
Kitty Hawk, NC
    photographs 237.3.3
    Weather Bureau letters 27.6.1
Kiwauea Military Camp, HI 395.12.2
Klaff, Jerome L. 220.15.23
Klagsbrunn, Hans R. 250.3.2
Klamath (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.10
Klamath Falls, OR 252.4.8
Klamath Indian Agency 75.19.51
Klamath Indian Reservation 49.9.5, 75.19.51
    aerial photographs 75.16.9
Klamath Indians
    agency records 75.19.51
    area office records 75.16.9
Klamath National Forest, CA 49.9.5, 95.9.4
Klamath River reservation 75.19.45
Klamath Termination Act 75.19.51
Klamath Tribal Loan Board 75.19.51
Kleindienst, Richard 129.2.2, 460.9
Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, WA and AK 79.11.2
Klutznick, Philip 40.10, 378.7
KLZ-TV 220.23.7
Kmetz, John T. 174.4.4
Knapp, Lawrence A. 60.14.2
Knapp, Martin A. 13.4.1
Knapp, Seaman A. 33.2.1
KNDA radio station 403.2.1
Kneipp, Leon F. 95.5.2
Knerr, Hugh J. 340.9.12
Knight, Douglas 220.14.15
Knight, H. Stuart 460.12
Knights Key, FL 85.3.1
Knights of Honor 181.3.14
Knik, AK, Precinct (U.S. Commissioners) 21.3.4
Knitwear and Hosiery Section (Price Administration) 188.8.6
Knobbs Beach (Merrimac River), MA, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Knoblack, F.S. 16.7.1
Knoff Collection 127.12
Know Nothings 42.13.1
Know Your Coal (motion picture) 223.3
Know Your Money (motion picture) 87.4
Know Your Typewriter (motion picture) 179.6
Know Your U.S.A. (motion picture) 29.3.4
Knowlton, D.R. 253.6.1
Knox, Dudley W. 45.9
Knox, Frank 80.2.1, 179.7
Knox, Henry 360.2.4
Knoxville, TN
    Army commands 393.7, 393.9
Knoxville, TN, district (Treasury Civil War Special Agency) 366.2
Knoxville, TN, District Office (Price Administration) 188.14.2, 188.14.3
Knoxville, TN, Division (Circuit Court) 21.45.2
Knoxville, TN, Division (District Court) 21.45.1
Knoxville, TN, Finance Center (Army Comptroller) 319.7.6
Knoxville, TN, internal revenue collection district 58.5.42
Knoxville, TN, International Visitors Center 142.4
Knoxville, TN, Office (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Koch, Ilse 153.13.1
Koch, Robert W. 330.2.4
Kodiak, AK
    customs collection 36.3.1
    townsite tract books 49.13.1
Kodiak, AK, agricultural experiment substation 164.3.1
Kodiak, AK, Coast Guard Air Station 26.6.12
Kodiak, AK, Coast Guard Base 26.6.12
Kodiak, AK, Naval Air Station 181.11.13
Kodiak, AK, Naval Communications Station 181.10.2
Kodiak, AK, Naval District 181.2.15
Kodiak, AK, Naval Operating Base 181.6.4
Kodiak, AK, Naval Station 181.8.4
Kodiak, AK, Submarine Base 181.7.3
Kodiak, AK, term (Territorial Court) 21.3.4
Kodiak Island 22.4.1, 261.2
Koenig, Pierre Joseph 331.12
"Kohr File" 94.3, 94.10.5
kok-saghyz 54.3.18
Kolberg, William H. 174.3.4
Kolobangara (Pacific island) 127.9
Komure, D.J. 220.18.25
Kootenai River Valley Investigation 57.6.2, 57.10.3
Kootenay Flats 76.2.4
Korea SEE ALSO North Korea; South Korea
    Army Staff 319.5.1, 319.5.2
    international commissions, conference 43.2.47, 43.11.24, 43.11.25
        military intelligence 165.4.1
        military operations 94.14
        shipwreck charts 37.4.3
        State Department 59.5.1, 59.6
    military forces 330.2.4
        Marine Corps 127.9
        U.S. Army activities 111.10
    Rhee U.S. visit 349.3.1
    U.S. intelligence 226.9, 319.12.3
    U.S. offices, representatives
        Army ports of embarkation 336.3.1
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        Far East Command operations 349.3.2
        military aid units 334.5.8
        Wedemeyer mission 59.5.1
    World War II
        bombing targets aerial photographs 243.4.2
        cultural resource protection 239.3
        Japan surrender 218.4
        reparations commission 59.5.1
        Supreme Commander Allied Powers 331.39.1, 331.44.1
            maps 331.36
        U.S. occupation 332.4
        war crimes trials 331.39.5
Korea, Headquarters U.S. Army Forces in 332.4
Korea, Headquarters U.S. Forces 349.5.2
Korea Military Advisory Group 334.5.8
Korea, U.S. Army Forces in 338.8
Korean Armistice Agreement 218.4
Korean Communications Zone 153.13.2, 338.8
Korean Division (OWI) 208.6.2
Korean People's Army 333.6.3
Korean War
    AGO operations reports 407.3
    air situation reports 341.11.3
    ammunition shortage hearings 335.4
    armistice 218.4, 333.6.2, 333.6.3, 349.3
        truce talks 319.9.2
    Army operations histories 319.20.3
    artworks 111.10
    brainwashing 112.7
    college facilities 12.5.11
    defense production 277
        electric power 327
    Defense Secretary's Office 330.2.1
    FCC activities 173.5
    industrial shipments 330.8.3
    maps 77.12.3, 338.9.8
    military personnel
        Tomb of the Unknown Soldier 92.8.2
    motion pictures
        biological warfare 263.6
        Chinese, North Korean films 242.26
        gun camera footage 342.12
        Marine Corps combat 127.10
        naval operations 428.2.2
        U.S. in U.N. actions 59.7
    naval operations 38.2.4
    news releases 319.4.2
        Marine Corps 127.12
        military, civilian casualties 319.29
        naval medicine 52.7
        naval operations 80.11
    Presidential libraries exhibits posters 64.7
    reconnaissance 349.3.3
    repatriated prisoners of war 15.11, 333.6.4
    U.N. Command 333.6
    U.S. Army defectors 319.12.2
    U.S. territories 126.3.3
    wage, salary stabilization 293
    war crimes 153.13.2
Korean War agencies 277.1, 293.1, 320.1, 327.1
Korn, Morton 174.3.4
Korth, Penne Percy 274.13
Kosciuszko Statue Commission 42.12
Koskinen, John A. 220.11.2
Kotzebue, AK
    townsite tract books 49.13.1
Kotzebue, AK, office (Indian Affairs) 75.16.5
Koyukkuk River 94.16
Kraemer, Fritz G. 319.2.2, 330.2.2
Kraft, Timothy E. 449.3
Kramer, Hans 57.6.2
Kramer, ND 22.15.3
Krauch, Carl 238.5.3
Kreindler, Peter M. 460.2
Kreps, Juanita 40.10, 378.7
Kron Prinz Wilhelm (German ship) 181.3.6
Krooth, David L. 196.4
Krueger, Friedrich 242.15
Krupp AG 238.4.3, 238.4.6, 238.5.3, 243.3.2
Krzyzanowski, Wladimir 56.3.1
Ku Klux Klan 220.13.2, 233.25.2
    photographs 220.13.2
Ku Klux Klan of 1871 60.3.2
Kuhns, W. 220.18.16
Kuhr, Harold 29.6.4
Kukui (Coast Guard cutter) 26.5.2
Kumakali, HI, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.11
Kunming, China
    OSS base 226.17.8
    U.S. Army school 332.3.3
Kure, HI 37.3
Kure Island, HI, Coast Guard LORAN Station 26.6.11
Kurile Islands 38.3.2, 38.4.9
Kutztown, PA, project office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.14.11
    Desert Shield/Storm
        arms deliveries (video RECORDING) 342.13
        Iraqi prisoner interviews (sound recordings) 342.14
    naval operating forces 313.6.3, 313.6.5, 313.6.6
Kyushu, Japan, regional office
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.41.4, 331.45.6



