Records of the Office of the Chief of Transportation [OCT]
(Record Group 336)
1917-66 (bulk 1940-50)
Table of Contents
- 336.1 Administrative History
- 336.2 Headquarters Records 1940-66
- 336.3 Records of Field Activities
1917-63 (bulk 1942-46)
Established: In the Services of Supply (SOS), War Department, to head the Transportation Division, effective March 9, 1942, by Circular 59, War Department, March 2, 1942, implementing a reorganization of the army authorized by EO 9082, February 28, 1942.
Predecessor Agencies:
Transportation Division, Office of the Quartermaster General (OQMG, 1898-June 1918)
Motors Division, OQMG (Jan.-Apr. 1918)
Motor Transport Division, OQMG (Apr. 1918)
Motor Transport Service, OQMG (Apr.-Aug. 1918)
Motor Transport Corps (Aug. 1918-July 1920)
Embarkation Service, War Department General Staff (WDGS, Aug.-Dec. 1917)
Embarkation Service, Storage and Traffic Service (STS), WDGS (Dec. 1917-Feb. 1918)
Embarkation Service, Storage and Traffic Division (STD), WDGS (Feb.-Apr. 1918)
Embarkation Service, Purchase, Storage, and Traffic Division (PS&TD), WDGS (Apr. 1918-Mar. 1919)
Inland Transportation Division, STS, WDGS (Jan.-Feb. 1918)
Inland Transportation Division, STD, WDGS (Feb.-Apr. 1918)
Inland Transportation Division, PS&TD, WDGS (Apr. 1918)
Inland Traffic Service, PS&TD, WDGS (Apr. 1918-Mar. 1919)
Transportation Service, PS&TD, WDGS (Mar.-April 1919)
Transportation Service (Apr. 1919-July 1920)
Transportation Service, OQMG (July 1920-June 1930)
Transportation Division, OQMG (June 1930-Mar. 1942)
Supply Division (G-4), WDGS (Aug. 1920-Mar. 1942)
Transportation Branch, G-4, WDGS (Apr. 1941-Mar. 1942)
Transfers: To head Transportation Services (formerly Transportation Division), SOS, by General Order 4, SOS, April 9, 1942; to head Transportation Corps (formerly Transportation Services), SOS, by General Order 38, War Department, July 31, 1942; with Transportation Corps to Army Service Forces (ASF) by General Order 14, War Department, March 12, 1943, redesignating SOS; with Transportation Corps to Technical Services, ASF, by Circular 30, ASF, May 15, 1943; to Technical Staff, reporting directly to Chief of Staff, upon abolishment of ASF, effective June 11, 1946, by Circular 138, War Department, May 14, 1946, implementing EO 9722, May 13, 1946, with Transportation Corps, retaining designation as a Technical Service, reporting to Chief of Staff through Directorate of Service, Supply, and Procurement, WDGS; with Technical Staff, Technical Services, and WDGS (redesignated General Staff, United States Army) to Department of the Army (formerly the War Department) in the National Military Establishment, by Circular 225, War Department, August 16, 1947, made effective September 18, 1947, by Circular 1, Department of the Army, September 18, 1947, in the reorganization of the military services mandated by the National Security Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 495), July 26, 1947; with Technical Staff, Technical Services, and General Staff, United States Army, to Department of Defense (formerly National Military Establishment), by the National Security Act Amendments of 1949 (63 Stat. 579), August 10, 1949; to Army Staff (a collective designator for General, Special, Administrative, and Technical Staffs) by General Order 97, Department of the Army, November 13, 1951, implementing the Army Organization Act of 1950 (65 Stat. 263), June 28, 1950.
Functions: Provided transportation services and logistical support to the U.S. Army.
Abolished: As a technical staff, effective February 17, 1962, by Department of Defense Reorganization Order, June 10, 1962, under authority of Section 3(a) of the Department of Defense Reorganization Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 514), August 6, 1958, and confirmed by General Order 8, Department of the Army, February 15, 1962, which continued OCT as an interim organization under the Department of the Army. Formally abolished, effective December 15, 1964, by General Order 39, Department of the Army, December 1, 1964.
Successor Agencies: Directorate of Transportation, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Department of the Army. U.S. Army Materiel Command. U.S. Army Materiel Command.
Finding Aids: Preliminary inventory in National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories.
Security-Classified Records: This record group may include material that is security-classified.
Related Records: Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, RG 92.
Records of Headquarters Army Service Forces, RG 160.
Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs, RG 165.
Records of the Army Staff, RG 319.
336.2 Headquarters Records
History: Before World War I, transportation functions were
handled by the OQMG, centralized, effective July 18, 1898, in
Transportation Division, including Water and Land Transportation
Branches, by General Order 122, War Department, August 18, 1898.
Transportation Division, OQMG, abolished by OQMG Order 464, June
15, 1918.
Motors Division established in OQMG, January 26, 1918; designated
Motor Transport Division, OQMG, April 16, 1918; redesignated
Motor Transport Service, OQMG, by General Order 38, War
Department, April 18, 1918; and made a separate Motor Transport
Corps, by General Order 75, War Department, August 15, 1918.
Embarkation Service established in WDGS, by General Order 102,
War Department, August 4, 1917, assuming ocean transport
functions of OQMG. Assigned to newly created STS, WDGS, by
General Order 167, War Department, December 28, 1917. Assigned to
newly created STD, WDGS, by General Order 14, War Department,
February 9, 1918. Absorbed Water Transport Branch, Transportation
Division, OQMG, May 25, 1918.
Inland Transportation Division established in STS, January 10,
1918. To STD, February 10, 1918. Renamed Inland Traffic Service,
April 22, 1918. Absorbed duties of Land Transport Branch,
Transportation Division, OQMG, June 8, 1918.
STD merged with Purchase and Supply Division to form PS&TD, by
General Order 36, War Department, April 16, 1918. Embarkation and
Inland Traffic Services consolidated by Supply Circular 21, March
11, 1919, to form Transportation Service, PS&TD, WDGS, which
became a separate Transportation Service by General Order 54, War
Department, April 21, 1919.
Transportation Service, established in OQMG by General Order 42,
War Department, July 14, 1920, and Supply Division, G-4, WDGS,
made jointly responsible for supervision and coordination of army
transportation, by General Order 48, War Department, August 12,
1920, implementing provisions of the National Defense Act of 1920
(41 Stat. 759), June 4, 1920, which required all transportation
activities to be recentralized in OQMG, with WDGS (through G-4)
retaining only oversight responsibility. Transportation Service
(renamed Transportation Division, effective June 15, 1930, by
Office Order 22, OQMG, June 2, 1930) and G-4 Transportation
Branch (established Apr. 1941), consolidated, as Transportation
Division under OCT, 1942. See 336.1.
Textual Records: General and administrative records, 1941-46. Central office files, Research and Development Division, 1946- 49. Organization planning records, 1942-48. Historical program files, 1940-50. Records relating to ports of embarkation, overseas theaters and commands, transportation zones, and transportation units, 1941-63.
336.2.2 Records of Transportation Corps headquarters activities
Textual Records: Records of the Transportation Board, Fort Eustis, VA, 1941-50. Records of the Transportation School, Fort Eustis, VA, 1941-66. Records of the Transportation School, New Orleans, LA, 1944-46.
336.2.3 Records of Garrison Headquarters, Fort Eustis, VA
Textual Records: Administrative publications including daily bulletins, 1947-50;
personnel memorandums, 1946; and numbered memorandums, 1942-43 and 1945-46. General orders, 1941-50.
336.2.4 Records of the Transportation Corps Board
History: Established at Fort Monroe, VA, December 16, 1944, under jurisdiction of
the OCT in accordance with provisions of paragraph 6a(4) of Army Regulation 170-10 and Army
Regulation 400-5 and pursuant to Army Services Forces Circular 412, December 16, 1944. Transferred
from Fort Monroe, VA, to New York Port of Embarkation, May 31, 1946; to Fort Eustis, VA, August 10,
1950. Released from assignment to OCT, August 1, 1962, and assigned to the U.S. Army Materiel
Command, pursuant to Department of the Army General Order 46, July 25, 1962.
Textual Records: Research and development project files, 1944-50; subject files, 1943-48; numbered
memorandums, 1945-46 and 1950; and general orders, 1946 and 1950.
336.2.5 Records of the Transportation School
History: Established at the New Orleans Staging Area, Harahan, LA, under the
jurisdiction of the OCT pursuant to OCT memorandum SPTRS 352, (Transp.) (11-22-43), December 6,
1943. Placed under jurisdiction of the commanding general, New Orleans Port of Embarkation by War
Department Circular 320, August 2, 1944. Relocated to Fort Eustis, VA, May 20, 1946, and placed
under jurisdiction of OCT pursuant to OCT letter SPX 370.5 (3-7-46) OB-S-SPMOT-M, March 11, 1946.
Released from assignment to OCT, 1955, and assigned to the U.S. Continental Army Command.
Textual Records: General decimal files, 1949-50; daily bulletins, 1950. Records of the
Transportation Corps School and the New Orleans Army Air Field and the New Orleans Port of
Embarkation including general orders, 1943-46 and courses of instruction, 1943-46.
336.2.6 Records of the Transportation Training Center
History: Established at Fort Eustis, VA, January 10, 1946, as an Army Service
Forces training center under jurisdiction of OCT by War Department letter AG 354.12 (1-8-46)
OB-I-SPMOC-M, January 9,1946. Redesignated the Transportation Training Center, Fort Eustis, VA,
by War Department General Order 88, August 12, 1946. Discontinued February 15, 1947, by War
Department General Order 16, February 5, 1947.
Textual records: Daily bulletins, 1946; general orders, 1946; and numbered
memorandums, 1946.
336.2.7 Records of the Transportation Replacement Training Center
History: Established at Fort Eustis, VA, August 21, 1950, pursuant to Department of
the Army General Order 28, August 24, 1950, and confirmed by Headquarters Fort Eustis, VA, General
Order 83, September 11, 1950.
Textual Records: Numbered memorandums, 1950; and training memorandums of the First
Battalion, 1950.
336.3 Records of Field Activities
1917-63 (bulk 1942-46)
336.3.1 Records of Ports of Embarkation (POE)
Textual Records: Records of POE, Baltimore, MD, 1944-45 (in
Philadelphia). Records of POE, Boston, MA, 1941-46 (in Boston).
Records of POE, Charleston, SC, 1942-45 (in Atlanta). Records of
POE, Erickson Inlet, AK, 1943-44 (in Anchorage). Records of POE,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1943-45. Records of POE, Hampton Roads, VA,
1942-46 (in Philadelphia). Records of POE, Honolulu, HI, 1948-63
(in San Francisco). Records of POE, Juneau, AK, 1942-46 (in
Anchorage). Records of POE, Los Angeles, CA, 1942-46 (in Los
Angeles). Records of POE, Mobile, AL, 1943-46 (in Atlanta).
Records of POE, New Orleans, LA, 1940-63 (in Fort Worth). Records
of POE, New York, NY, 1940-63 (in New York). Records of POE,
Overseas (Germany, Japan, and Korea), 1948-63. Records of POE,
Philadelphia, PA, 1943-45 (in Philadelphia). Records of POE,
Portland, OR, 1921-46 (in Seattle). Records of POE, Prince
Rupert, British Columbia, 1942-45. Records of POE, San Francisco,
CA, 1942-50 (in San Francisco). Records of POE, Seattle, WA,
1941-63 (in Seattle). Records of POE, Whittier, AK, 1948-63 (in
Anchorage). Records of POE, Wilmington, NC, 1943-45, 1948-63 (in Atlanta).
Architectural and Engineering Plans (6,000 items): Blueprint
plans, mostly details, of U.S. Army Transport Ships, 1917-45,
accumulated at POE, San Francisco, CA.
Photographic Prints (2,111 images): Military personnel and
equipment loading and unloading at POE, Hampton Roads, VA, 1942-
45 (H, 2,000 images). Prints interfiled with records of POE,
Charleston, SC, 1942-45 (75 images, in Atlanta); and POE, Mobile,
AL, 1943-45 (36 images, in Atlanta).
336.3.2 Records of other Transportation Corps activities
Textual Records: Records of the Army-Navy Distributing Agency,
Spokane, WA, 1943-45 (in Seattle). Records of the Army Regulating
Station, Spokane, WA, 1943 (in Seattle). Records of the Army
Warship Contracting Agency, New York, NY, 1943-45 (in New York).
Records of Holding and Reconsignment Points, Auburn, WA, 1944-45
(in Seattle); Lathrop, CA, 1942-45 (in San Francisco);
Montgomery, AL, 1943-46 (in Atlanta); and Yermo, CA, 1943-46 (in
Los Angeles). Records of Port Agencies, Baltimore, MD, n.d. (in
Philadelphia); Fernandina, FL, 1943-44 (in Atlanta);
Jacksonville, FL, 1943-44 (in Atlanta); Mobile, AL, 1942-45 (in
Atlanta); Portland, ME, 1943-44 (in Boston); and Tampa, FL, 1943-
45 (in Atlanta). Records of railheads, Philadelphia, PA, 1943-46
(in Philadelphia); and Pittsburgh, PA, 1943-46, 1952-56 (in Philadelphia).
Security-classified records of Transportation Depot, Marietta, PA, 1941-54 (in
Philadelphia); declassified records of Transportation Depot, Charleston, SC, 1946-64 (in Atlanta).
Records of Transportation Offices, Los Angeles,
CA, 1943-46 (in Los Angeles); Miami, FL, 1942-45 (in Atlanta);
Mobile, AL, 1943-44, 1950-51 (in Atlanta); Philadelphia, PA,
1943-46 (in Philadelphia); San Francisco, CA, 1943-46 (in San
Francisco); and Spokane, WA, 1942-45 (in Seattle). Records of
Transportation Regulating Stations, TX, 1950-52 (in Fort Worth).
Records of Transportation Zones, Atlanta, GA, 1942-45 (in
Atlanta); Baltimore, MD, 1943-46 (in Philadelphia); Boston, MA,
1943-46 (in Boston); Columbus, OH, 1943-46 (in Chicago); Dallas,
TX, 1943-46 (in Fort Worth); New Orleans, LA, 1942-45 (in Fort
Worth); New York, NY, 1944 (in New York); Omaha, NE, 1942-45 (in
Kansas City); Pittsburgh, PA, 1952-56 (in Philadelphia);Salt Lake City, UT, 1942-46 (in Denver); and St. Louis-Kansas City, MO, 1952-56 (in Kansas City).
Photographic Prints: Interfiled with
records of the Jacksonville, FL, Port Agency, 1943-44 (57 images, in Atlanta).
Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.
This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.