Guide to Federal Records

See records in Kansas City

Alien Personal History and Statements, 1942-46 from:

Records of the Selective Service System, 1940-

(Record Group 147)
1926-71 (Bulk 1940-69)


Table of Contents

  • 147.2.1 Records of the Joint Army and Navy Selective Service Committee
  • 147.2.2 Records of the Selective Service System, 1940-47
  • 147.2.3 Records of the Office of Selective Service Records, 1947-48
  • 147.2.4 Records of the Selective Service System, 1948-
  • 147.3 RECORDS OF STATE HEADQUARTERS 1940-71 273 lin. ft. and 249 rolls of microfilm
  • 147.3.1 Records of the Alaska State Headquarters
  • 147.3.2 Records of the Arkansas State Headquarters
  • 147.3.3Records of the Arizona State Headquarters
  • 147.3.4 Records of the California State Headquarters
  • 147.3.5Records of the Colorado State Headquarters
  • 147.3.6 Records of the Connecticut State Headquarters
  • 147.3.7Records of the Delaware State Headquarters
  • 147.3.8 Records of the District of Columbia Headquarters
  • 147.3.9Records of the Hawaii State Headquarters
  • 147.3.10 Records of the Idaho State Headquarters
  • 147.3.11 Records of the Illinois State Headquarters
  • 147.3.12Records of Indiana State
  • 147.3.13 Records of the Iowa State Headquarters
  • 147.3.14 Records of the Kansas State Headquarters
  • 147.3.15 Records of the Louisiana State Headquarters
  • 147.3.16 Records of the Maine State Headquarters
  • 147.3.17 Records of the Massachusetts State Headquarters
  • 147.3.18 Records of the Michigan State Headquarters
  • 147.3.19 Records of the Minnesota State Headquarters
  • 147.3.20 Records of the Mississippi State Headquarters
  • 147.3.21 Records of the Missouri State Headquarters
  • 147.3.22 Records of the Montana State Headquarters
  • 147.3.23 Records of the Nebraska State Headquarters
  • 147.3.24 Records of the Nevada State Headquarters
  • 147.3.25 Records of the New Hampshire State Headquarters
  • 147.3.26 Records of the New Mexico State Headquarters
  • 147.3.27 Records of the New York State Headquarters
  • 147.3.28 Records of the North Dakota State Headquarters
  • 147.3.29 Records of the Ohio State Headquarters
  • 147.3.30 Records of the Oklahoma State Headquarters
  • 147.3.31 Records of the Oregon State Headquarters
  • 147.3.32 Records of the Pennsylvania State Headquarters
  • 147.3.33 Records of the Rhode Island State Headquarters
  • 147.3.34 Records of the South Dakota State Headquarters
  • 147.3.35 Records of the Texas State Headquarters
  • 147.3.36 Records of the Utah State Headquarters
  • 147.3.37 Records of the Vermont State Headquarters
  • 147.3.38 Records of the Washington State Headquarters
  • 147.3.39 Records of the Wisconsin State Headquarters
  • 147.3.40 Records of the Wyoming State Headquarters
  • 147.4 MOTION PICTURES (GENERAL) ca. 1965, 1969

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Established: As an independent agency by the Military Selective Service Act (62 Stat. 604), June 22, 1948.

Predecessor Agencies:

  • Selective Service System (1940-47)
  • Office of Selective Service Records (1947-48)

Functions: Registers, as required by the Military Selective Service Act of 1948 and Presidential Proclamation 4771, July 2, 1980, all male citizens of the United States, between the ages of 18 and 26, and all male noncitizens, ages 18-26, who are residents of the United States, for possible military service. Inducted registrants into the armed forces, 1940-73.

Finding Aids: Richard G. Wood, comp., Records of the Selective Service System, 1940-47 PI 27 (1951); Patricia Andrews, comp., "Supplement to Preliminary Inventory No. 27, Records of the Selective Service System, 1940- ," NM 32 (1964); supplement listing accessioned microfilm in National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Selective Service System in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

Subject Access Terms: World War II.

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History: Established by EO 8545, September 23, 1940, under provisions of the Selective Training and Service Act (54 Stat. 885), September 16, 1940. Placed under War Manpower Commission by EO 9279, December 5, 1942. Reverted to independent status, retroactive to December 5, 1943, by EO 9410, December 23, 1943. Transferred for liquidation to Office of Selective Service Records by act of March 31, 1947 (61 Stat. 31). Reconstituted by Military Selective Service Act (62 Stat. 604), June 22, 1948.

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147.2.1 Records of the Joint Army and Navy Selective Service Committee

Textual Records: Central files, 1926-40.

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147.2.2 Records of the Selective Service System, 1940-47

Textual Records: Central correspondence, 1940-47. Correspondence concerning protests over various aspects of the draft, 1940-44. Correspondence relating to men released from active duty, 1941; and to appointments in the Selective Service system, 1940-47. Microfilm copies of the lotteries held in 1940, 1941, and 1942 to determine registrant classification order, 1940-42 (11 rolls). Issuances of national headquarters, state directors, and local boards, 1940-47. Microfilm copy of Methods For Preservation of Selective Service Records, vols. 1-5, 1944-45 (2 rolls). Case files on conscientious objectors, 1940-47, with indexes (including 4 rolls of microfilm). Microfilm copy of case files, including "cover sheets" on conscientious objectors who served in work camps, 1941-45 (282 rolls), with index (2 rolls). Locator cards for conscientious objectors sent to camps, 1941-47 (including 9 rolls of microfilm). Microfilm copy of case files on registrants appealing to the President, 1941-47 (226 rolls), with index (12 rolls of microfilm). Microfilm copy of the docket book of the Presidential Appeal Board, 1941-47 (5 rolls). Microfilm copy of records of the President's Amnesty Board, 1941-47 (4 rolls). Retained sample of appeal and local board records, 1940- 47, for Utah Appeal Board and for local boards in the Bronx, NY; Franklin City, MA; Holmes County, MS; and Pima County, AZ.

Microfilm Publications: T1002.

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147.2.3 Records of the Office of Selective Service Records, 1947-48

Textual Records: Central files, 1947-48.

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147.2.4 Records of the Selective Service System, 1948-

Textual Records: Central files, 1948-63. Statistics relating to registration, classification, physical examinations, and other activities, 1948-67. Lists of certain deferred and exempted persons, 1940-47. Records reflecting the history of the agency, 1928-67. Training and conference materials, 1940-69. Speeches and releases of the director and other officials, 1940-63. Daily log of activities of the director, 1940-69. Minutes of meetings of the Scientific Advisory Committee, 1948-59. Microfilm copy of case files of appeals to the President, 1948-66 (48 rolls).

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147.3.1 Records of the Alaska State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Anchorage): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942.

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147.3.2 Records of the Arkansas State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Selective service registration cards, 1942 (182 ft.). Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1940-46.

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147.3.3 Records of the Arizona State Headquarters

Textual Records: Forms relating to the registration status of aliens with local Selective Service boards, 1940-48 (in Denver). Minute books of the Arizona Local Board No. 2, Pima County, Oct. 1940-Dec. 1945 (in Los Angeles). Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1942-46.

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147.3.4 Records of the California State Headquarters

Textual Records (in San Francisco):Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Alien personal history statements, 1942-46. Lists of registrants transferred, n.d., and becoming overage as of December 1944, n.d.

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147.3.5 Records of the Colorado State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Denver): Forms relating to the registration status of aliens with local Selective Service boards, 1940-48. Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1942-46.

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147.3.6 Records of the Connecticut State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Boston): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1942-46.

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147.3.7 Records of the Delaware State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942.

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147.3.8 Records of the District of Columbia Headquarters

Textual Records: Microfilm copy of records concerning registrants of two local boards in the District of Columbia, 1940-44 (249 rolls). Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1940-47 (78 ft.). Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1940-47.

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147.3.9 Records of the Hawaii State Headquarters

Textual Records (in San Francisco): Master list of the lottery drawing for Hawaii, Nov. 1941. Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942.

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147.3.10 Records of the Idaho State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Seattle): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942.

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147.3.11 Records of the Illinois State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Chicago): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1942-47.

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147.3.12 Records of the Indiana State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Chicago): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942.

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147.3.13 Records of the Iowa State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1942-47.

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147.3.14 Records of the Kansas State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Alien personal history statements, 1942, and applications for relief from military service, 1945-46.

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147.3.15 Records of the Louisiana State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1940-46. Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942.

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147.3.16 Records of the Maine State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Boston): Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1942-46.

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147.3.17 Records of the Massachusetts State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Boston): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Bulletins, 1943-46. Circulars, 1940-46. Minute books of the Massachusetts Local Board No. 104, Franklin County, Oct. 1940-Mar. 1947.

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147.3.18 Records of the Michigan State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Chicago): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1942-45.

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147.3.19 Records of the Minnesota State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1942.

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147.3.20 Records of the Mississippi State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Atlanta): Minute books of the Mississippi Local Board No. 2, Holmes County, Oct. 1940-Mar. 1947.

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147.3.21 Records of the Missouri State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1942-47.

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147.3.22 Records of the Montana State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Denver): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Statements of U.S. citizens of Japanese ancestry and alien personal history statements, 1940-45.

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147.3.23 Records of the Nebraska State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Alien personal history statements, 1942-47.

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147.3.24 Records of the Nevada State Headquarters

Textual Records (in San Francisco): Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1942-43.

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147.3.25 Records of the New Hampshire State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Boston):Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1942-46.

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147.3.26 Records of the New Mexico State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1940-46.

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147.3.27 Records of the New York State Headquarters

Textual Records (in New York): Minute books of the New York Local Board No. 123, Bronx County, Nov. 1940-Feb. 1947.

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147.3.28 Records of the North Dakota State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1942-47.

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147.3.29 Records of the Ohio State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Chicago): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942.

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1942-47.

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147.3.30 Records of the Oklahoma State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1940-46. Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942.

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147.3.31 Records of the Oregon State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Seattle): Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1940-47. Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942.

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147.3.32 Records of the Pennsylvania State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Resident alien registrant case files, 1940-45 (51 ft.). Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942.

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147.3.33 Records of the Rhode Island State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Boston): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1942-46.

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147.3.34 Records of the South Dakota State Headquarters

Textual Records: Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942 (in Kansas City). Administrative records concerning registration, induction, and enlistments, 1948-71 (in Denver).

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147.3.35 Records of the Texas State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1940-46. Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942.

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147.3.36 Records of the Utah State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Denver): Forms relating to the registration status of aliens with local Selective Service boards, 1940-48. Minute books of the Utah Appeal Board No. 2, Apr, 1942-Oct. 1945. Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1942-46.

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147.3.37 Records of the Vermont State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Boston): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1942-46.

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147.3.38 Records of the Washington State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Seattle): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942.

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147.3.39 Records of the Wisconsin State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Chicago): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942.

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147.3.40 Records of the Wyoming State Headquarters

Textual Records (in Denver): Forms relating to the registration status of aliens with local Selective Service boards, 1940-48. Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942. Alien personal history statements and applications for relief from military service, 1942-46.

Textual Records (in Seattle): Registration cards (4th Registration, Act of 1940) for men born between April 1877 and February 1897, 1942.

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ca. 1965, 1969
4 reels

Color film Time to Go, ca. 1965 (1 reel). Black and white film of the Selective Service lottery selection of December 1, 1969 (3 reels).

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4 items

Selective Service lottery selection of December 1, 1969.

Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.

Ordering information

This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.

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