Records of the Office of Strategic Services [OSS]
(Record Group 226)
1919-49 (bulk 1941-46)
Table of Contents
- 226.1 Administrative History
- 226.2 Records of the Office of the Director of Strategic Services(ODSS)1939-48
- 226.3 Records of Staff Organizations 1941-47
- 226.3.1 Records of the Office of the General Counsel
- 226.3.2 Records of the Presentation Branch
- 226.3.3 Records of the Special Funds (SF) Branch, OSS, and SF Division, SSU
- 226.3.4 Records of the Communications Branch
- 226.3.5 Records of the Office of Research and Development (OR&D)
- 226.3.6 Records of the Medical Services (MS) Office
- 226.3.7 Records of the Schools and Training (S&T) Branch
- 226.3.8 Records of the Civilian Personnel (CP) Branch
- 226.3.9 Records of Naval Command, OSS (NC-OSS)
- 226.3.10 Records of the Security Office
- 226.3.11 Records of the Field Photographic (FP) Branch
- 226.3.12 Records of the Field Section
- 226.3.13 Records of the History Office, SSU
- 226.4 Records of Deputy Directors' Offices 1942-46
- 226.5 Records of the Oral Intelligence (OI) Division 1941-42
- 226.6 Records of the Research and Analysis (R&A) Branch 1930-46 (bulk 1941-46)
- 226.7 Records of the Secret Intelligence (SI) Branch 1940-46
- 226.8 Records of the Foreign Nationalities (FN) Branch 1941-45
- 226.9 Records of X-2 (Counter-Intelligence [C-I] Branch) 1943-47
- 226.10 Records of the Censorship and documents (C&D) Branch 1943-46
- 226.11 Records of the Special Operations (SO) Branch 1941-45
- 226.12 Records of the Morale Operations (MO) Branch 1943-45
- 226.13 Records of the Maritime Unit 1943-45
- 226.14 Records of the Special Projects Office (SPO) 1943-45
- 226.15 Records of Operational Group (OG) Command 1943-45
- 226.16 Records of Budget and Finance (B&F) Organizations 1941-46
- 226.17 Records of Major Field Offices and Bases of Operation 1940-49
- 226.17.1 Records of the New York, NY, Office
- 226.17.2 Records of U.S. Pacific Coast Offices
- 226.17.3 Records of the London Base
- 226.17.4 Records of the Algiers Base
- 226.17.5 Records of the Cairo Base
- 226.17.6 Records of the Caserta Base (Italy)
- 226.17.7 Records of the Kandy Base (Ceylon [Sri Lanka])
- 226.17.8 Records of the Kunming Base (China)
- 226.18 Records of Other Field Bases 1939-49
- 226.19 Textual Records (General) 1943-45
- 226.20 Cartographic Records (General) 1940-45
- 226.21 Motion Pictures (General)
- 226.22 Sound recordings (General) 1942, 1945
- 226.23 Still Pictures (General) 1919-45
Established: Under the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) by Presidential military order, June 13, 1942.
Predecessor Agencies: Office of the Coordinator of Information (OCOI, 1941-42)
Functions: Conducted overt and covert intelligence procurement activities in support of the war against the Axis Powers. Analyzed raw intelligence and disseminated finished intelligence to appropriate government agencies. Engaged in clandestine operations in support of planned military operations.
Abolished: Effective October 1, 1945, by EO 9621, September 20, 1945.
Successor Agencies:
Intelligence functions (general):
Strategic Services Unit (SSU), Office of the Assistant Secretary of War, War Department (1945-46)Central Intelligence Group (CIG), National Intelligence Authority (NIA, 1946-47)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Council (NSC, 1947-49)
CIA, NSC, Executive Office of the President (1949-81)
CIA (1981- )
Intelligence research, analysis, and graphic presentation functions:
Interim Research and Intelligence Service (IRIS), Department of State (DOS, 1945)Intelligence research and analysis functions:
Office of Research and Intelligence, DOS (1946)Office of Intelligence Coordination and Liaison, DOS (1946-47)
Office of Intelligence Research (OIR), Office of the Special Assistant to the Secretary for Research and Intelligence, DOS (1947-49)
OIR, Office of the Special Assistant for Intelligence, DOS (1949-57)
Office of Research and Analysis, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, DOS (1957-59)
Bureau of Intelligence and Research, DOS (1959- )
Intelligence graphic presentation functions:
Presentation Division, Office of Intelligence Collection and Dissemination, DOS (1946)Presentation Division, Office of Departmental Administration, DOS (1946-47)
Presentation Division abolished, effective March 10, 1947, with functions transferred to Graphics and Special Services Section in Division of Central Services, Office of Departmental Administration, DOS.
Finding Aids: Harry W. John, comp., "Preliminary Inventory of the Textual Records of the Office of Strategic Services," NM 54 (1965) describes records of the Presentation Branch (see 226.3.2) and the Research and Analysis Branch (see 226.6). Supplement to NM 54, in National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories, is useful mainly for cartographic records and motion pictures. Indexes are available by geographic location, and by personal, organizational, and project name.
Security-Classified Records: This record group may include material that is security-classified. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for declassification review of security- classified records withdrawn by the CIA prior to their accessioning into the National Archives must be directed to the CIA. All other FOIA access requests are to be directed to the National Archives.
Related Records:Records of the Office of Naval Intelligence, in RG 38, Records of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations.
Records of the Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State, RG 84.
Records of the Military Intelligence Division, in RG 165, Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs.
Records of the Office of War Information, RG 208.
Basic documents relating to OSS organization and functions, in central decimal files, 1942-47, under CCS 385, Section 1 (2-8- 42), in RG 218, Records of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Records of the Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service, RG 262.
Records of the Central Intelligence Agency, RG 263.
Records of the Defense Intelligence Agency, RG 373.
Records of the National Security Agency/Central Security Service, RG 457.
Subject Access Terms: World War II agency.
Language Note: Some documents are in foreign languages.
226.2 Records of the Office of the Director of Strategic Services
History: OCOI established with the appointment of William J. Donovan as COI, by Presidential order, July 11, 1941. Responsible for collecting, analyzing, and making available to the President and to government agencies selected by the President, information bearing upon the national security; and conducting particular intelligence-gathering operations by request of the President. Performed intelligence functions through Research and Analysis (R&A), Foreign Nationalities (FN), and Visual Presentation (VP) Branches, and Oral Intelligence (OI) Division. Performed propaganda functions through Foreign Information Service (FIS) Branch. Simultaneous with transfer of FIS Branch to newly established Office of War Information by EO 9182, June 13, 1942, remaining OCOI units redesignated OSS, and COI redesignated DSS, by Presidential military order, June 13, 1942. See 226.1.
Textual Records: General correspondence, 1941-46. Copies of COI/DSS memorandums to the President, 1941-45; to JCS, 1942-45; and to DOS and the War and Navy Departments, 1942-45. Microfilm copy of selected correspondence, reports, and messages from the personal files of DSS, 1941-45 (193 rolls). Consolidated reading files of the line organizations, 1942-46.
226.2.2 Records of the Strategic Services Planning Group (SSPG)
History: Planning Group for Psychological Warfare established, and attached to ODSS, effective January 4, 1943, by General Order 9, OSS, January 3, 1943, implementing JCS directive JCS 155/4/D, December 23, 1942, which established an interagency body, chaired by an OSS representative, to coordinate military psychological warfare plans with those for conventional warfare. Consisted of OSS, War Department, Navy Department, and DOS representatives, who were assisted by a Planning Staff composed of OSS employees. Redesignated SSPG by General Order 9, Revised, OSS, May 26, 1944. Terminated September 28, 1945.
Textual Records: Minutes, 1943-45. Project files, containing drafts of geographical area psychological warfare plans, with related correspondence, 1943-45. Miscellaneous Planning Staff records, 1943-45.
226.2.3 Records relating to the Emergency Rescue Equipment
Section (ERES)
History: ERES (also known as Emergency Rescue Equipment Committee) established by JCS Memorandum 68, April 15, 1943, as an interagency organization under supervision of Navy Department. Responsible for coordinating development of maritime emergency rescue procedures and equipment. OSS was represented on policy- making Liaison Committee, and furnished personnel and equipment for Exhibit, Technical Literature Research, and Information Exchange Sections. ERES abolished, with functions transferred to U.S. Coast Guard, by Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Directive Op-01-MD, Serial 39702, February 28, 1944, implementing JCS Memorandum 659/1, February 22, 1944.
Textual Records: OSS historical files relating to ERES, 1943-44.
Textual Records: Records relating to plans, policies, and administrative activities, 1940-46. Raw and finished intelligence reports, 1939-46. Reports and other records, including photographs, relating to field operations, 1941-45; with SSU, CIG, and CIA accretions, 1946-48. Records relating to particular missions and projects, 1942-45. Incoming and outgoing messages, 1941-46. General orders and other issuances of headquarters and subordinate units, 1941-45. Budget and finance records, 1942-46. Personnel records, 1942-46. Reference materials used in research, 1942-45. Records sent to Bern, Germany, office, designated the "Boston Series," copied by German diplomat Fritz Kolbe (a.k.a. George Wood), an O.S.S. agent, from German Foreign Office correspondence files, 1943-45.
Microfilm Publications: M1642, M1656.
226.3 Records of Staff Organizations
226.3.1 Records of the Office of the General Counsel
History: Established in OCOI, August 1, 1941, with responsibility for administering legal instruments and rendering legal advice. Designated a staff office in ODSS, effective October 19, 1942, by General Order 1, OSS, October 17, 1942. Expanded with establishment of War Crimes Division, January 1945. Transferred to SSU upon abolition of OSS, effective October 1, 1945. Designated a staff office in Office of the Director, SSU (ODSSU), by General Order 2, SSU, October 12, 1945. War Crimes Section (formerly Division) terminated, January 31, 1946. Functions of remaining units of the Office of the General Counsel transferred to CIG, 1946, implementing NIA Directive 4, April 2, 1946, by which NIA assumed supervision of SSU dissolution during FY 1946 and directed that individual organizational components, after temporary transferral to War Department, be either assigned to CIG at the request of Director of Central Intelligence with approval of Secretary of War, or absorbed into other War Department organizations. SSU officially terminated by General Order 16, SSU, October 19, 1946.
Textual Records: Reading files, 1943-46. Records relating to plans, policies, and administrative activities, 1941-46. Correspondence relating to legal aspects of equipment procurement, 1941-46. Raw and finished intelligence reports, 1941-46. Reports and other records relating to legal aspects of field operations, 1941-46. Incoming and outgoing messages, 1945- 46. Budget and finance records, 1941-45. Personnel records, 1941- 45.
226.3.2 Records of the Presentation Branch
History: Visual Presentation (VP) Branch established in OCOI, September 1941; approved by the President, November 7, 1941. Developed graphic and photographic methods of intelligence data presentation. Pursuant to establishment of OSS, June 13, 1942, Field Photographic (FP) Division transferred to Secret Intelligence Branch (see 226.7) and designated FP Unit; and Pictorial Records Section of Reports Division transferred to Research and Analysis (R&A) Branch (see 226.6), and assigned to Central Information Division. Remaining VP Branch units transferred to R&A Branch and redesignated Presentation Division, August 1, 1942. Presentation Division transferred to FP Branch (formerly FP Division, see 226.3.11), July 1943. Removed from FP Branch, redesignated Presentation Branch, and made into a staff office in ODSS, by General Order 9, Revised, OSS, May 26, 1944. Upon abolition of OSS, effective October 1, 1945, Presentation Branch transferred to DOS and assigned to IRIS. See 226.1.
Textual Records: Project files, 1942-45. Miscellaneous records, 1941-42.
Finding Aids: NM 54.
226.3.3 Records of the Special Funds (SF) Branch, OSS, and SF
Division, SSU
History: SF Division established in OCOI, January 1942, with responsibility for financing operations of Secret Intelligence (see 226.7) and Special Operations (see 226.11) Branches through unvouchered funds made available by the President and the Congress. Redesignated SF Branch and made responsible to newly established Office of the Deputy Director--Services (ODD-S; see 226.4.3), effective January 4, 1943, by General Order 9, OSS, January 3, 1943. SF Branch removed from ODD-S and made into a staff office in ODSS, by General Order 9, Revised, OSS, May 26, 1944. Abolished, effective May 10, 1945, by Supplement 38 to General Order 9, Revised, OSS, May 11, 1945, with functions transferred to Finance Branch (see 226.16). Reconstituted as SF Division in Services Branch of SSU by General Order 13, SSU, June 17, 1946. SF Division functions transferred to CIG, 1946, implementing NIA Directive 4, April 2, 1946.
Textual Records: Miscellaneous budget and finance records, 1942-47. SF Division intelligence reports, 1946.
226.3.4 Records of the Communications Branch
History: Message Center (MC) established in Office of the Liaison Officer, OCOI, July 1941, with responsibility for handling headquarters communications with field offices and with agents in neutral countries. Code and Cables (C&C) Section established in newly established Office of the Registry, by Administrative Order 10, OCOI, May 15, 1942. MC units handling radio, telegraph, and cable communications consolidated with C&C Section to form Communications Branch, by Administrative Order 15, OCOI, September 22, 1942, with responsibilities expanded to include training personnel and developing appropriate channels of communication for various types of operation. Made responsible to Office of the Deputy Director of OSS Services (ODD-OSSS; see 226.4.3), effective October 19, 1942, by General Order 1, OSS, October 17, 1942. Removed from Office of the Deputy Director-- Services (formerly ODD-OSSS), and made into a staff office in ODSS, effective July 26, 1943, by Supplement 8 to General Order 9, OSS, July 27, 1943. Transferred to SSU upon abolition of OSS, effective October 1, 1945. Made responsible to newly established Office of the Assistant Director--Intelligence (OAD-I) by General Order 2, SSU, October 12, 1945. By General Order 5, SSU, November 9, 1945, OAD-I abolished, and Communications Branch made responsible to newly established Office of the Deputy Director (ODD) in ODSSU. Removed from ODD, redesignated Communications Division, and made a component of newly established Operational Auxiliaries Branch, by General Order 10, SSU, December 10, 1945. Communications Division functions transferred to CIG, 1946, implementing NIA Directive 4, April 2, 1946.
Textual Records: Incoming and outgoing messages, 1942-46 (287 ft.). Reading files of headquarters and of individual branch officers, 1943-46. Records relating to plans, policies, and administrative activities, 1942-47. Correspondence and other records relating to communications equipment, 1942-46. Raw and finished intelligence reports, 1942-46. Reports and other records relating to field operations, 1942-46. Correspondence and reports relating to communications teams infiltrated behind enemy lines ("Jedburgh Teams"), 1944. Records relating to particular missions and projects, 1942-46. Reference materials used in research, 1942-46.
226.3.5 Records of the Office of Research and Development (OR&D)
History: Special Operations (SO) Branch (see 226.11) established in OCOI, January 1942, implementing JCS directive JCS 155/4/D, December 23, 1941, which authorized OSS to conduct undercover operations in support of planned military operations. Technical Development Section removed from SO Branch, redesignated OR&D, and made into a staff office in ODSS, effective October 19, 1942, by General Order 1, OSS, October 17, 1942. Responsible for developing weapons, equipment, and agent cover items used in clandestine warfare. Transferred to SSU upon abolition of OSS, effective October 1, 1945. Made responsible to newly established Office of the Assistant Director--Intelligence (OAD-I) by General Order 2, SSU, October 12, 1945. By General Order 5, November 9, 1945, OAD-I abolished, and OR&D made responsible to newly established Office of the Deputy Director in ODSSU. OR&D abolished, effective November 25, 1945, by General Order 6, SSU, November 14, 1945.
Textual Records: Correspondence and reports relating to weapons and equipment development, 1942-45. Case files on items examined and tested, 1942-45. Reference materials used in research, 1942-45. Records relating to plans, policies, and administrative activities, 1942-45. Raw and finished intelligence reports, 1942-45. Reports and other records, including maps, relating to field operations, 1942-45. Budget and finance records, 1942-45.
226.3.6 Records of the Medical Services (MS) Office
History: MS Branch established, effective October 19, 1942, by General Order 1, OSS, October 17, 1942, and made responsible to Office of the Deputy Director--OSS Services (ODD-OSSS; see 226.4.3), established by same order. Removed from Office of the Deputy Director--Services (formerly ODD-OSSS), redesignated MS Office, and made into a staff office in ODSS, effective January 26, 1944, by Supplement 30 to General Order 9, OSS, January 31, 1944. MS Office transferred to SSU upon abolition of OSS, effective October 1, 1945. Made responsible to newly established Office of the Assistant Director--Services (OAD-S), by General Order 2, SSU, October 12, 1945. Redesignated Medical Division and made a component of newly established Services Branch, headed by Chief of Services (formerly AD-S), by General Order 10, SSU, December 10, 1945. Medical Division functions transferred to CIG, 1946, implementing NIA Directive 4, April 2, 1946.
Textual Records: Reports and other records relating to field operations, 1944-46.
226.3.7 Records of the Schools and Training (S&T) Branch
History: Training Directorate, consisting of Secret Intelligence (SI) and Special Operations (SO) Branch representatives (see 226.7 and 226.11, respectively), established in OSS, September 1942. Effective October 19, 1942, by General Order 1, OSS, October 17, 1942, Training Directorate redesignated Office for Special Training (OST); made responsible, with SI and SO Branches, to one of four deputy directors; and given mission to organize training courses for Communications Branch (see 226.3.4), and SI and SO Branch personnel. OST redesignated S&T Branch, and made into an independent branch, effective January 4, 1943, by General Order 9, OSS, January 3, 1943. By Supplement 11 to General Order 9, OSS, August 18, 1943, S&T Branch placed administratively under Commanding Officer, Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, OSS (H&HD-OSS). Removed from H&HD-OSS supervision; again made an independent branch; and given mission to organize training courses for all OSS personnel in continental United States, effective March 24, 1944, by Supplement 35 to General Order 9, OSS, March 28, 1944. Made responsible to newly established Office of the Deputy Director for Schools and Training (ODD-S&T), by General Order 9, Revised, May 26, 1944. Mission expanded to include organizing training courses for all OSS personnel overseas, by Supplement 18 to General Order 9, Revised, August 14, 1944. With ODD-S&T, made into a staff office in ODSS, by General Order 9, Revised, December 26, 1944. Transferred to SSU upon abolition of OSS, effective October 1, 1945. Made responsible to newly established Office of the Assistant Director--Intelligence (OAD-I) by General Order 2, SSU, October 12, 1945. By General Order 5, SSU, November 9, 1945, OAD- I abolished, and S&T Branch made responsible to newly established ODD in ODSSU. Removed from ODD, redesignated Training Division, and made a component of newly established Operational Auxiliaries Branch, by General Order 10, SSU, December 10, 1945. Training Division functions transferred to CIG, 1946, implementing NIA Directive 4, April 2, 1946.
Textual Records: Records relating to plans, policies, and administrative activities, 1942-46. Training course materials, with related correspondence, reports, and photographs, 1942-46. Incoming and outgoing messages, 1942-45. Reference materials used in research, 1942-45.
226.3.8 Records of the Civilian Personnel (CP) Branch
History: Established, effective October 19, 1942, by General Order 1, OSS, October 17, 1942, and made responsible to Office of the Deputy Director--OSS Services (see 226.4.3), established by same order. With Personnel Procurement Branch, transferred to ODSS and made responsible to newly established Office of the Deputy Director--Personnel, by General Order 9, Revised, OSS, December 26, 1944. Transferred to SSU upon abolition of OSS, effective October 1, 1945. Redesignated CP Division, and made a component of newly established Personnel Branch, responsible to Office of the Assistant Director--Personnel, by General Order 2, SSU, October 12, 1945. CP Division functions transferred to CIG, 1946, implementing NIA Directive 4, April 2, 1946.
Textual Records: Records relating to plans, policies, and administrative activities, 1942-46. Miscellaneous records of other personnel activities, 1942-46.
226.3.9 Records of Naval Command, OSS (NC-OSS)
History: Established in ODSS, effective November 24, 1943, by Supplement 24 to General Order 9, OSS, December 2, 1943. Responsible for liaison between OSS and Navy Department; and personnel matters affecting U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard personnel detailed to OSS. Transferred to SSU upon abolition of OSS, effective October 1, 1945. Redesignated Naval Command (NC) and made into a staff office in ODSSU by General Order 2, SSU, October 12, 1945. NC functions transferred to CIG, 1946, implementing NIA Directive 4, April 2, 1946.
Textual Records: Records relating to plans, policies, and administrative activities, 1943-45. Reports and other records relating to field operations, 1943-45. Unit history (1943-45), 1946.
226.3.10 Records of the Security Office
History: Position of Security Officer established in OCOI by Administrative Order 5, OCOI, December 12, 1941. Staff acquired and designated Security Office, with responsibility for both personnel and building security, effective May 19, 1942, by Administrative Order 5, Revised, OCOI, May 20, 1942. Designated a staff office in ODSS, effective October 19, 1942, by General Order 1, OSS, October 17, 1942. Transferred to SSU upon abolition of OSS, effective October 1, 1945. Made responsible to newly established Office of the Assistant Executive Officer for Personnel, in ODSSU, by General Order 2, SSU, October 12, 1945. Removed from ODSSU, redesignated Security Division, and made a component of Personnel Branch, by General Order 10, SSU, December 10, 1945. Removed from Personnel Branch and made responsible to newly established Office of the Executive Officer for Administration, in ODSSU, by General Order 13, SSU, June 17, 1946. Security Division functions transferred to CIG, 1946, implementing NIA Directive 4, April 2, 1946.
Textual Records: Records relating to plans, policies, and administrative activities, 1941-46. Reports and other records relating to field operations, 1941-46.
226.3.11 Records of the Field Photographic (FP) Branch
History: Visual Presentation (VP) Branch (see 226.3.2) established in OCOI, September 1941; approved by the President, November 7, 1941. Pursuant to establishment of OSS, June 13, 1942, FP Division, responsible for producing still and motion pictures of strategic areas, transferred from VP Branch to newly established Secret Intelligence (SI) Branch (see 226.7) and redesignated FP Unit. Removed from SI Branch and redesignated independent FP Branch, effective January 4, 1943, by General Order 9, OSS, January 3, 1943. FP Branch expanded with transfer of Presentation Division from Research and Analysis Branch (see 226.6), July 1943. By General Order 9, Revised, OSS, May 26, 1944, Presentation Division removed from FP Branch, and remaining units of FP Branch made into a staff office in ODSS. FP Branch transferred to SSU upon abolition of OSS, effective October 1, 1945. Made responsible to newly established Office of the Assistant Director--Intelligence (OAD-I) by General Order 2, SSU, October 12, 1945. By General Order 5, SSU, November 9, 1945, OAD- I abolished, and FP Branch made responsible to newly established Office of the Deputy Director in ODSSU. FP Branch abolished, effective November 30, 1945, by General Order 8, SSU, November 26, 1945.
Textual Records: Records relating to plans, policies, and administrative activities, 1941-45. Reports and other records, including maps and photographs, relating to field operations, 1941-45. Records relating to specific projects and missions, 1941-45. Incoming and outgoing messages, 1941-45. Unit history (1941-45), 1945.
Motion Pictures: OSS tactical and technical training, 1941-45 (41 reels). Types of arms and equipment used in OSS operations, 1941-45 (47 reels). OSS clandestine activities, and related Allied combat operations, in China, Burma, and India, 1942-45 (72 reels); Thailand and Ceylon (Sri Lanka), 1943-45 (16 reels); North Africa, Sicily, and Italy, 1943-44 (34 reels); Germany, 1944 (4 reels); and other areas of the world, 1942-45 (12 reels). Geography, resources, and military capabilities of Japan, 1942-45 (19 reels); Germany, 1941-45 (9 reels); and Italy, 1941-45 (2 reels). Surveys of other countries and regions of strategic importance, 1941-45 (19 reels). December 7th, a recreation of 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, ca. 1943 (9 reels). Miscellaneous subjects, 1941-45 (70 reels). Miscellaneous film clips, 1941-45 (13 reels). See also 226.20.
Photographs: OSS operations in Europe and North Africa, 1943-44 (FPL, 1,420 images). Training of Chinese troops, 1945 (FPKU, 85 images). OSS operations in Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Burma, and Thailand, 1945 (FPK, 1,205 images). See also 226.22.
226.3.12 Records of the Field Section
History: Office of the OSS Theater Officer established in ODSS, effective November 24, 1943, by Supplement 17 to General Order 9, OSS, December 2, 1943, with responsibility for coordinating requests from OSS personnel in the various theaters of war. Redesignated Field Section and made a component of Executive Office in ODSS, by General Order 9, Revised, OSS, December 26, 1944. Abolished with OSS, effective October 1, 1945.
Textual Records: Reports and other records relating to field operations, 1942-45.
226.3.13 Records of the History Office, SSU
History: Established in ODSSU by General Order 15, SSU, October 2, 1946, implementing a JCS memorandum to Secretaries of War and the Navy, July 26, 1946, approved respectively by them, September 24 and 17, 1946. Responsible for compiling an official history of OCOI and OSS. Under successive direction of Chief Historian Kermit Roosevelt (October 1946-May 1947) and Executive Officer Serge Peter Karlow (May-September 1947), History Office produced national security-classified "War Report of the OSS," September 5, 1947, published 1976 in unclassified version.
Textual Records: Administrative records, 1946-47. Historical files, including a history (1941-43) drafted by Wallace R. Deuel, and background materials (1941-45) compiled by a staff under direction of Conyers Read, 1941-45.
226.4 Records of Deputy Directors' Offices
226.4.1 Records of the Office of the Deputy Director--
Intelligence (ODD-I)
History: Office of the Deputy Director--Intelligence Service (ODD-IS) established, effective January 4, 1943, by General Order 9, OSS, January 3, 1943, with general supervisory responsibility over Research and Analysis (R&A) Branch (see 226.6), Secret Intelligence (SI) Branch (SEE 226.7), and Foreign Nationalities (FN) Branch (see 226.8). Responsibility extended to include Counter-Intelligence Branch (X-2; see 226.9), June 1943; and Censorship and Documents (C&D) Branch (see 226.10), November 1943. Redesignated ODD-I by General Order 9, Revised, OSS, May 26, 1944. Transferred to SSU upon abolition of OSS, effective October 1, 1945. Redesignated Office of the Assistant Director-- Intelligence (OAD-I) by General Order 2, SSU, October 12, 1945, with responsibility over the following units: Schools and Training Branch (see 226.3.7), Field Photographic Branch (see 226.3.11), Office of Research and Development (see 226.3.5), Communications Branch (see 226.3.4), SI Branch, X-2, C&D Branch, Special Operations Branch (see 226.11), Field Experimental Unit, Morale Operations Branch (see 226.12), Special Projects Office (see 226.14), and Operational Group Command (see 226.15). By General Order 5, SSU, November 9, 1945, OAD-I abolished, with functions transferred to newly established ODD in ODSSU. ODD abolished with official termination of SSU by General Order 16, SSU, October 19, 1946.
Textual Records: Reports and other records relating to activities of the various intelligence branches, 1943-46. Miscellaneous records, 1943-46.
226.4.2 Records of the Office of the Deputy Director--Strategic
Services Operations (ODD-SSO)
History: Office of the Deputy Director--Psychological Warfare Operations (ODD-PWO) established, effective January 4, 1943, by General Order 9, OSS, January 3, 1943, with general supervisory responsibility over Special Operations (see 226.11) and Morale Operations (see 226.12) Branches. Responsibility extended to include Operational Group Command (see 226.15), May 1943, for overall planning only; and Maritime Unit (see 226.13), June 1943. Redesignated ODD-SSO, November 1943, implementing JCS directive JCS 155/11/D, October 27, 1943, which ordered that the term "psychological warfare" be replaced by the term "strategic services." Responsibility extended to include Special Projects Office (see 226.14), December 1943; and Field Experimental Unit, March 1944. Abolished with OSS, effective October 1, 1945.
Textual Records: Records relating to plans, policies, and administrative activities, 1943-45. Reports and other records relating to branch operations, 1943-45. Budget and finance records, 1943-45. Personnel records, 1943-45.
226.4.3 Records of the Office of the Deputy Director--
Administrative Services (ODD-AS)
History: Office of the Deputy Director--OSS Services (ODD-OSSS) established, effective October 19, 1942, by General Order 1, OSS, October 17, 1942, assuming responsibilities formerly exercised in OCOI by the Executive Office. Supervised the Administrative Services (AS), Budget and Finance (B&F; see 226.16), Civilian Personnel (CP; see 226.3.8), Communications (see 226.3.4), Military Personnel (MP), Medical Services (MS; see 226.3.6), and Procurement and Supply (P&S) Branches. Effective January 4, 1943, by General Order 9, OSS, January 3, 1943, MP Branch abolished, with functions transferred to ODSS and assigned to newly established Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment--OSS. By same general order, ODD-OSSS redesignated Office of the Deputy Director--Services (ODD-S), and responsibility expanded to include newly established Special Funds (SF; see 226.3.3) Branch. SF Branch and Communications Branch removed from ODD-S and given independent status, by General Order 9, Revised, May 26, 1944. By same general order, ODD-S redesignated Office of the Chief-- Services (OC-S), with responsibility for the following branches: Budget and Procedures (B&P, formerly part of B&F; see 226.16), CP, Finance (formerly part of B&F; see 226.16), Office Services (OS, formerly AS), P&S, and Reproduction (formerly part of AS). CP Branch removed from OC-S and assigned to newly established Office of the Deputy Director--Personnel, by General Order 9, Revised, December 26, 1944. By same general order, OC-S redesignated ODD-AS, with responsibility extended to include Transportation Branch, transferred from Office of the OSS Theater Officer. ODD-AS transferred to SSU upon abolition of OSS, effective October 1, 1945. Redesignated Office of the Assistant Director--Services (OAD-S) by General Order 2, SSU, October 12, 1945, with responsibility over MS Office (formerly MS Branch); B&P, Finance, P&S, Reproduction, and Transportation Branches; and newly established Military Administration Branch. OAD-S redesignated Office of the Chief of Services (OCS) by General Order 9, SSU, November 28, 1945. By General Order 10, SSU, December 10, 1945, OCS redesignated Services Branch, with subordinate units designated divisions. Services Branch functions transferred to CIG, 1946, implementing NIA Directive 4, April 2, 1946.
Textual Records: Records relating to plans, policies, and administrative activities, 1942-46. Records relating to equipment procurement and distribution, 1942-46. Raw and finished intelligence reports, 1942-46. Reports and other records relating to operations of the various service branches, 1942-46. Records relating to specific missions and projects, 1942-46. Budget and finance records, 1942-46.
226.5 Records of the oral Intelligence (OI) Division
History: Established in OCOI, August 18, 1941, with responsibility for obtaining intelligence by interviewing persons recently arrived in United States from European countries, mainly refugees and representatives of international business and cultural organizations. New York headquarters established September 2, 1941. Abolished September 1942, with personnel reassigned to Survey of Foreign Experts (see 226.17.1) and other OSS units.
Textual Records: Reports and other records relating to field operations, 1941-42.
226.6 Records of the Research and Analysis (R&A) Branch
1930-46 (bulk 1941-46)
History: Established in OCOI with the appointment of James Phinney Baxter III as Director of Research and Analysis, July 31, 1941. Became operational, August 27, 1941. Responsible for collecting intelligence from open sources, and evaluating all types of intelligence. With Foreign Nationalities (FN) Branch (see 226.8), made responsible to one of four deputy directors, effective October 19, 1942, by General Order 1, OSS, October 17, 1942. With FN Branch and Secret Intelligence Branch (see 226.7), made responsible to newly established Office of the Deputy Director--Intelligence Service (see 226.4.1), effective January 4, 1943, by General Order 9, OSS, January 3, 1943. Incorporated FN Branch, September 28, 1945. Transferred to DOS and assigned to newly established IRIS, effective October 1, 1945, by EO 9621, September 20, 1945. See 226.1.
Textual Records: Subject correspondence, 1942-46. Records relating to plans, policies, and administrative activities, 1941- 45. Incoming and outgoing messages, 1942-46. Orders, bulletins, circulars, and other issuances of OSS headquarters and branches, 1943-45. Reports and other records, including maps, relating to field operations, 1941-45. Case files on foreign nationals of interest to the OSS, 1941-45. Miscellaneous records, including some generated by the Economics Division (1941-42), dealing with economic and industrial conditions in Europe and North Africa, 1940-45. Budget and finance records, 1941-45.
Textual Records: Incomplete series of numbered, finished intelligence reports on political, social, economic, and military conditions in various countries ("R and A Reports"), 1941-46. Numbered, raw intelligence reports ("Regular" Series), 1941-45 (687 ft.), with name and subject indexes (409 ft.). Numbered, raw intelligence reports (290 ft.), consisting of a limited circulation series ("XL," 1941-46); another limited circulation series ("L," 1942-46); and a series on enemy logistics ("Order of Battle," 1942-45), 1941-46, with consolidated name and subject indexes (113 ft.). Abstracts of raw intelligence reports from "Regular," "XL," and "L" Series relating to European conditions, 1942-45. Records of the Survey of Foreign Experts (see 226.17.1), consisting of reports on interviews conducted with alien refugees living in United States, 1942-43. Reports on European railroads and bridges, 1942-43.
Microfilm Publications: M1499.
Related Records: R and A Reports (No. 1-8518.2), with index, 1941-61; and other intelligence reports, 1944-61, in Records of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, in RG 59, General Records of the Department of State.
226.6.3 Records of the Europe-Africa (E-A) Division
Textual Records: General correspondence, 1941-45. Subject correspondence of the Division Chief, 1942-45. Correspondence, reports, and other records relating to domestic and overseas field offices, 1942-46. Correspondence and other records relating to Germany and German-occupied countries, 1944-45. Records relating to Jewish affairs, 1942-45. Incoming and outgoing messages, 1944-45. Monthly progress reports, 1943-45. Circular letters for field offices, 1943-45.
Related Records: Papers of OSS staff member Charles Irving Dwork, relating to Jewish affairs, 1942-45, in National Archives collection of donated materials.
226.6.4 Records of the Map Division
Maps: Numerical thematic file, compiled by Cartographic Section, relating worldwide to transportation routes, population distribution, administrative boundaries, military fronts, and natural resources, 1941-45, with register and indexes (7,500 items). Transportation systems and economic conditions in USSR and Far East, 1940-45 (17 items). Electrical power supplies in western Europe, 1930-33 (46 items). See also 226.19.
226.6.5 Records of other divisions
Textual Records: Records of the Psychology Division, consisting of reading files, 1942; numbered reports, 1941-42; monthly research memorandums, 1942; and budget and finance records, 1942. Records of the Far East Division, consisting of correspondence with field offices, 1942-46; and reports on conditions in China and on Formosa, 1941-46. Biweekly situation reports of the Latin America Division, 1944-45.
226.6.6 Records of boards and committees
Textual Records: Minutes of the Board of Analysts, 1941-43. Records of the Projects Committee, including correspondence, 1943-45; and minutes, 1942-46. Records of the New Delhi and Stockholm field offices reporting to R&A Branch in its capacity as administering office of the Interdepartmental Committee for the Acquisition of Foreign Publications, 1942-45.
226.7 Records of the Secret Intelligence (SI) Branch
History: "Special Activities--K" project established in OCOI, October 1941, with aim of collecting intelligence, outside Western Hemisphere, by clandestine means; and disseminating such intelligence to appropriate government agencies. By a memorandum of COI, November 7, 1941, Wallace B. Phillips named head of project, with title of Director of Special Information Service. Project converted into an operational unit and redesignated SI Branch (also known as "Special Activities/B"), December 1941, with Major (later Colonel) David K.E. Bruce replacing Phillips and given title of Chief. With Special Operations (SO) Branch (see 226.11), SI Branch made responsible to one of four deputy directors, effective October 19, 1942, by General Order 1, OSS, October 17, 1942, and given additional mission of producing photographs and films of strategic areas. With Research and Analysis, and Foreign Nationalities, Branches (see 226.6 and 226.8, respectively), made responsible to newly established Office of the Deputy Director--Intelligence Service (see 226.4.1), effective January 4, 1943, by General Order 9, OSS, January 3, 1943. By same general order, Field Photographic (FP) Unit separated from SI Branch and redesignated FP Branch (see 226.3.11). Counter-Intelligence (C-I) Division established in SI Branch by General Order 13, OSS, March 1, 1943; separated from SI Branch and redesignated C-I Branch, to be referred to in conversation and communications as X-2 (see 226.9), effective June 15, 1943, by General Order 13, Revised, OSS, June 19, 1943. By Supplement 20 to General Order 9, OSS, December 2, 1943, SI Branch Registry transferred to Secretariat and redesignated The Registry. SI Branch transferred to SSU upon dissolution of OSS, effective October 1, 1945. Made responsible to newly established OAD-I by General Order 2, SSU, October 12, 1945. Acquired functions of SO and Morale Operations Branches upon abolition of those branches, effective respectively November 15 and 25, 1945, by General Order 4, SSU, November 9, 1945. Redesignated SI Office by General Order 7 (Top Secret), SSU, November 19, 1945. SI Office consolidated with X-2 Office (formerly X-2) to form Foreign Security Reports Office (FSRO), by General Order 13, Section II (Top Secret), SSU, June 17, 1946. FSRO, after temporary transferral to War Department, transferred to CIG and assigned to Office of Special Operations, 1946, implementing NIA Directive 4, April 2, 1946.
Textual Records: Records relating to plans, policies, and administrative activities, 1941-46. Reports and other records, including maps, relating to field operations, 1941-46. Raw and finished intelligence reports, 1941-45 (328 ft.). Records relating to particular missions and projects, 1941-46. Case files on foreign nationals of interest to OSS, 1942-46. Incoming and outgoing messages, 1942-46. Reference materials, including photographs, used in research, 1940-46. Personnel records, 1941- 46.
226.8 Records of the Foreign Nationalities (FN) Branch
History: Established in OCOI, November 1941; confirmed by the President, December 22, 1941. Responsible for collecting intelligence by study and observation of foreign nationality groups in United States, and disseminating such intelligence to appropriate government agencies. Activities conducted mainly out of New York, NY, field office. With Research and Analysis (R&A) Branch (see 226.6), made responsible to one of four deputy directors, effective October 19, 1942, by General Order 1, OSS, October 17, 1942. With R&A and Secret Intelligence Branches (see 226.7), made responsible to newly established Office of the Deputy Director--Intelligence Service (see 226.4.1), effective January 4, 1943, by General Order 9, OSS, January 3, 1943. Headquarters office in Washington, DC, consolidated with New York field office, September 1945. FN Branch transferred to R&A Branch, September 28, 1945.
Related Records: Records of other branches with field offices in New York under 226.17.1.
Textual Records: General correspondence, 1941-45. Records relating to plans, policies, and administrative activities, 1941- 45. Reports and other records relating to field operations, 1942- 45. Raw intelligence reports, 1942-45. Finished intelligence reports, consisting of numbered reports, 1942-45; numbered bulletins, 1942-45; and numbered reports and bulletins arranged by nationality group, 1943-45. Records relating to volunteer personnel, 1942-45.
226.9 Records of X-2 (Counter-Intelligence [C-I] Branch)
History: C-I Division established in Secret Intelligence Branch (SI; see 226.7) by General Order 13, OSS, March 1, 1943, with responsibility for deceiving the enemy by manipulating enemy intelligence activities. Removed from SI Branch; redesignated X- 2; and made responsible to Office of the Deputy Director-- Intelligence Service (see 226.4.1), effective June 15, 1943, by General Order 13, Revised, OSS, June 19, 1943. Transferred to SSU upon dissolution of OSS, effective October 1, 1945. Made responsible to newly established Office of the Assistant Director--Intelligence (OAD-I) by General Order 2, SSU, October 12, 1945. By General Order 5, SSU, November 9, 1945, OAD-I abolished, and X-2 assigned to ODD in ODSSU. X-2 redesignated X-2 Office by General Order 7 (Top Secret), SSU, November 19, 1945. X-2 Office consolidated with SI Office (formerly SI Branch) to form Foreign Security Reports Office (FSRO), by General Order 13, Section II (Top Secret), SSU, June 17, 1946. FSRO, after temporary transferral to War Department, transferred to CIG and assigned to Office of Special Operations, 1946, implementing NIA Directive 4, April 2, 1946.
Textual Records: Records relating to plans, policies, and administrative activities, 1943-46. Raw and finished intelligence reports, 1943-46. Microfilm copy of OSS intelligence reports on Korea (1943-47), supplemented by SSU and CIG intelligence reports produced during period of U.S. military government in South Korea (1945-47), 1943-47 (13 rolls). Case files on individuals of interest to OSS, 1943-46. Reports and other records, including photographs, relating to field operations, 1943-46. Incoming and outgoing messages, 1943-46. Reference materials used in research, 1943-46. Personnel records, 1943-46.
226.10 Records of the Censorship and Documents (C&D) Branch
History: Censorship Section established in Office of the Deputy Director--Intelligence Service (ODD-IS; see 226.4.1), June 23, 1943. Removed from ODD-IS; redesignated Censorship Division; and consolidated with Document Intelligence Division to form C&D Branch, effective November 3, 1943, by Supplement 13 to General Order 9, OSS, November 8, 1943. C&D Branch responsible for analysis and distribution of intelligence obtained from censorship sources, mainly from the Office of Censorship; and collection of personal identity documents from enemy-occupied and neutral countries, for use by OSS operatives abroad as authenticating documents. Expanded to include Radio Intelligence Division, effective March 1, 1944, by Supplement 32 to General Order 9, OSS, February 25, 1944. Transferred to SSU upon dissolution of OSS, effective October 1, 1945. Made responsible to newly established ODD, in ODSSU, by General Order 5, SSU, November 9, 1945. Redesignated Cover and Documentation Division, and made a component of newly established Operational Auxiliaries Branch, by General Order 10, SSU, December 10, 1945. Division functions transferred to CIG, 1946, implementing NIA Directive 4, April 2, 1946.
Textual Records: Reports and other records relating to operations, 1943-46. Records relating to particular missions and projects, 1943-46. Personnel records, 1943-46.
226.11 Records of the Special Operations (SO) Branch
History: "Special Activities--L" project established in OCOI, October 10, 1941, with aim of planning and coordinating subversive operations in enemy and enemy-controlled countries. Project converted into an OCOI organization and redesignated SO Branch (also known as "Special Activities/G"), January 23, 1942, with Major (later Colonel) M. Preston Goodfellow as Chief. With Secret Intelligence Branch (see 226.7), made responsible to one of four deputy directors, effective October 19, 1942, by General Order 1, OSS, October 17, 1942. Functions defined in same general order as planning and coordinating operations to promote morale and physical subversion of the enemy. Made responsible to newly established Office of the Deputy Director--Psychological Warfare Operations (see 226.4.2), effective January 4, 1943, by General Order 9, OSS, January 3, 1943. By same general order, morale subversion functions transferred from SO Branch to newly established Morale Operations Branch (see 226.12); and SO Branch functions redefined as planning and coordination of the physical subversion of the enemy by such means as sabotage, guerrilla warfare, and support and supply of resistance groups. Maritime Section, organized January 20, 1943, removed from SO Branch and redesignated Maritime Unit (see 226.13), effective June 9, 1943, by Supplement 4 to General Order 9, OSS, June 10, 1943. SO Branch transferred to SSU upon abolition of OSS, effective October 1, 1945. Made responsible to newly established Office of the Assistant Director--Intelligence by General Order 2, SSU, October 12, 1945. Abolished, effective November 15, 1945, by General Order 4, SSU, November 9, 1945, with functions transferred to SI Branch. See 226.7.
Textual Records: Records relating to plans, policies, and administrative activities, 1941-45. Reports and other records relating to field operations, 1941-45. Records relating to specific projects and missions, 1941-45. Personnel records, 1941- 45. Reference materials used in research, 1941-45.
226.12 Records of the Morale Operations (MO) Branch
History: Established under general supervision of Office of the Deputy Director--Psychological Warfare Operations (see 226.4.2), effective January 4, 1943, by General Order 9, OSS, January 3, 1943, with responsibility, formerly exercised by SO Branch (see 226.11), for planning and coordinating operations subversive of enemy morale, by such means as the spreading of false information and the manipulation of individuals and groups. Transferred to SSU upon abolition of OSS, effective October 1, 1945. Made responsible to newly established Office of the Assistant Director--Intelligence by General Order 2, SSU, October 12, 1945. Abolished, effective November 25, 1945, by General Order 4, SSU, November 9, 1945, with functions transferred to Secret Intelligence Branch. See 226.7.
Textual Records: Records relating to plans, policies, and administrative activities, 1943-45. Raw and finished intelligence reports, 1943-45. Reports and other records relating to field operations, 1943-45. Records relating to specific projects and missions, 1943-45. Propaganda materials, 1943-45. Case files on individuals of interest to OSS, 1943-45. Budget and finance records, 1943-45. Reference materials used in research, 1943-45.
Sound Recordings: Recordings intended for broadcast to Germany and German-occupied countries, consisting of songs sung by Lotte Lenya, Marlene Dietrich, and John Hendrik, n.d. (3 items); a speech by Gen. Ludwig Beck, to be released after the planned assassination of Adolf Hitler (July 20, 1944), 1944 (6 items); a Boston-produced program, "Wir Kommen Wieder" ("We Are Coming Back"), n.d. (2 items); and an MO-produced broadcast from Paris, June 10, 1944 (1 item). Plan to establish a radio station for broadcasting propaganda to Japan, n.d. (1 item). Recordings used in MO training, 1943 (2 items). MO goals and methods, n.d. (2 items). Proposal for a peacetime central intelligence agency, 1945 (3 items). See also 226.21.
Original Artwork, Printed Materials, and Photographs: Creation and distribution of propaganda, results of MO operations, examples of forgery, post-World War II conditions in Europe and Japan, radio operations, and printing equipment, 1943- 45 (MO, 37 images). See also 226.22.
226.13 Records of the Maritime Unit
History: Marine Section established in Special Operations Branch (SO; see 226.11), January 20, 1943, with responsibility for planning covert infiltration operations by sea. Removed from SO Branch, redesignated Maritime Unit, and given branch status under general supervision of Office of the Deputy Director-- Psychological Warfare Operations (see 226.4.2), effective June 9, 1943, by Supplement 4 to General Order 9, OSS, June 10, 1943. Responsible for planning and coordinating infiltration of agents of other branches by sea; supplying resistance groups by sea; engaging in maritime sabotage; and developing special equipment to effectuate infiltration by sea. Abolished with OSS, effective October 1, 1945.
Textual Records: Records relating to plans, policies, and administrative activities, 1943-45.
226.14 Records of the Special Projects Office (SPO)
History: Established under general supervision of Office of the Deputy Director--Strategic Services Operations (see 226.4.2), effective December 27, 1943, by Supplement 27 to General Order 9, December 31, 1943, with responsibility for developing weapons of sabotage and securing intelligence on enemy secret weapons. Transferred to SSU upon abolition of OSS, effective October 1, 1945. Made responsible to newly established OAD-I by General Order 2, SSU, October 12, 1945. Abolished, effective November 15, 1945, by General Order 4, SSU, November 9, 1945.
Textual Records: Reports and other records relating to field operations, 1943-45. Records relating to specific projects and missions, 1943-45.
226.15 Records of Operational Group (OG) Command
History: OG Branch established under general supervision of Office of the Deputy Director--Psychological Warfare Operations (ODD-PWO; see 226.4.2), effective May 4, 1943, by Special Orders 21, OSS, May 13, 1943, implementing JCS directive JCS 155/7/D, April 4, 1943, which authorized OSS to organize and train small teams to operate behind enemy lines as nuclei for guerrilla warfare units. Removed from Office of the Deputy Director-- Strategic Services Operations (formerly ODD-PWO); redesignated OG Command; and given deputy director-level status, by Supplement 25 to General Order 9, Revised, November 27, 1944, implementing JCS directive JCS 155/11/D, October 27, 1943. OG Command transferred to SSU upon abolition of OSS, effective October 1, 1945. Made responsible to newly established OAD-I by General Order 2, SSU, October 12, 1945. Abolished, effective November 25, 1945, by General Order 4, SSU, November 9, 1945.
Textual Records: Records relating to administrative activities, 1943-45. Reference materials used in research, 1943-45.
226.16 Records of Budget and Finance (B&F) Organizations
Textual Records: Budget estimates for FY 1942-46, 1941-45. Miscellaneous records of B&F Branch, 1942-44; Budget and Procurement Branch, 1944-45; and Finance Branch, 1944-45. Monthly progress reports of the Budget and Fiscal Division of SSU, 1946.
Related Records: Additional budget and finance records under 226.3.3 and 226.4.3.
226.17 Records of Major Field Offices and Bases of Operation
226.17.1 Records of the New York, NY, Office
Textual Records: General records, 1941-45. Administrative, intelligence, operational, and other records of Secret Intelligence Branch, 1941-45. Operational and other records of George Office (also known as "George Project"), relating to German economic activities, particularly in the Western Hemisphere, 1941-45. Intelligence and operational records of the Survey of Foreign Experts, a joint Research and Analysis/Secret Intelligence Branch project employing personnel of former Oral Intelligence Division (see 226.5) to compile an index of foreign affairs specialists whom OSS could consult, 1942-45. Operational records of Morale Operations Branch, 1943-45. Administrative, financial, and personnel records of Special Funds Branch, 1942-45. Miscellaneous records of service branches, 1941-45.
Related Records: New York Office records of Foreign Nationalities Branch under 226.8.
226.17.2 Records of U.S. Pacific Coast Offices
Textual Records: General records, 1942-45. Intelligence, operational, and other records of Research and Analysis Branch, 1942-45. Propaganda materials and other records of Morale Operations Branch, 1943-45. Administrative records of Schools and Training Branch, 1942-46. Miscellaneous records of Foreign Nationalities Branch, Field Photographic Branch, and Special Funds Branch, 1942-46.
226.17.3 Records of the London Base
Textual Records: Histories of the London field units of various staff and line organizations ("London War Diary"), 1942-45. General records, including photographs, 1941-45. Administrative, intelligence, operational, and other records of Secret Intelligence Branch, including photographs, 1941-45. Operational and other records of Special Operations Branch, including maps and photographs, 1943-45. Joint correspondence memorandums, budgets, and other OSS Washington/London Special Funds Branch financial documents, 1941-47. Administrative, intelligence, and operational records of X-2, 1940-46. Administrative and operational records of Morale Operations Branch, including maps, 1943-45. Administrative and operational records of Schools and Training Branch, 1942-45. Operational records of Field Photographic Branch, 1942-45. Administrative and operational records of Office of Research and Development, 1943-45. Operational and other records of Communications Branch, 1942-45. Operational records of Operational Group Command, Maritime Unit, Finance Branch, and History Office, 1942-45.
Microfilm Publications: M1623.
226.17.4 Records of the Algiers Base
Textual Records: General records, 1942-45. Intelligence, operational, and other records of Secret Intelligence Branch, 1942-45. Operational and other records of Special Operations Branch, 1942-45. Personnel records of X-2, 1943-45. Operational records of Research and Analysis Branch, Operational Group Command, Schools and Training Branch, Special Projects Office, and various service organizations, 1942-45.
226.17.5 Records of the Cairo Base
Textual Records: General records, 1942-45. Operational and other records of Special Operations Branch, 1943-45. Operational records of Morale Operations Branch, including propaganda materials and photographs, 1943-45. Operational and other records of Maritime Unit, 1943-45. Operational and other records of Secret Intelligence Branch, 1942-45. Intelligence and other records of X-2, 1941-47. Operational records of Research and Analysis Branch, Schools and Training Branch, Medical Services Office, and Security Office, 1942-45.
226.17.6 Records of the Caserta Base (Italy)
Textual Records: General records, including photographs, 1944-45 (62 ft.). Case files on individuals of interest to OSS, 1944-45 (31 ft.). Correspondence of Company B, 2677th Regiment (Provisional), relating to Research and Analysis Branch activities, 1943-45. Administrative, operational, intelligence, and other records of Secret Intelligence Branch, 1944-45 (53 ft.). Operational and other records of Special Operations Branch, 1944-45. Operational records of Morale Operations Branch, 1944- 45. Operational records of Maritime Unit, 1944-45. Administrative and operational records of Operational Group Command, including maps, 1944-45. Operational records of X-2, Communications Branch, Office of the General Counsel, Security Office, and various service organizations, 1940-46.
226.17.7 Records of the Kandy Base (Ceylon [Sri Lanka])
Textual Records: General records, including photographs, 1943-45 (46 ft.). Intelligence, operational, and other records of Secret Intelligence Branch, including photographs, 1943-45. Administrative, intelligence, and operational records of Special Operations Branch, 1943-45. Incoming and outgoing messages, and other operational records of Morale Operations Branch, 1943-45. Administrative and operational records of Special Funds Branch, Schools and Training Branch, and various service branches, 1943-45.
226.17.8 Records of the Kunming Base (China)
Textual Records: General records, including photographs, 1943-45 (40 ft.). Administrative, intelligence, and operational records of Secret Intelligence Branch, including maps and photographs, 1943-45. Operational and personnel records of Special Operations Branch, 1943-45. Propaganda materials and other operational records of Morale Operations Branch, 1943-45. Operational records of Operational Group Command, 1943-45. Operational and other records of Field Photographic Branch, including maps, 1943-45. Operational records of Communications Branch, Office of Research and Development, Schools and Training Branch, Security Office, and various service branches, 1943-45. Financial and other records of the Special Funds Branch, 1942-47.
226.18 Records of Other Field Bases
Textual Records: General records, 1939-46, of the following overseas bases: Athens, Barcelona, Bari, Bern, Bucharest, Burma, Calcutta, Chungking, Denmark, Heidelberg, Honolulu, Istanbul, Madrid, New Delhi, Paris, Rome, Hq. Seventh Army, Shanghai, Singapore, Stockholm, and Tangier. Records, 1942-45, of the Office of Research and Development in Bari; the communications and field staff organizations in Burma; the medical services and security staff organizations in Calcutta; and the schools and training and the special funds staff organizations in Paris. Records, 1942-49, at field bases indicated below of the following line organizations: Censorship and Documents (C&D), Counter- Intelligence (X-2), Morale Operations (MO), Research and Analysis (R&A), Secret Intelligence (SI), and Special Operations (SO) Branches; Special Projects Office (SPO); Operational Group (OG) Command; and Maritime Unit (MU).
Base location | Field units of line orgs. |
Angola | SI |
Athens | SI, X-2 |
Austria | R&A, X-2 |
Bari | SI, X-2, SO, MO, MU, OG |
Belgium | SI, X-2 |
Bern | SI, X-2 |
Bucharest | SI |
Burma | MU, OG |
Calcutta | C&D, MO, X-2, service branches |
Casablanca | SI |
Chungking | R&A, SI, MO |
Dakar | SI |
Holland | SI |
Honolulu | R&A |
Istanbul | SI |
Lisbon | SI, X-2 |
Madrid | SI, X-2 |
New Delhi | X-2 |
Norway | SI |
Paris | R&A, SI, X-2, SO, MO, SPO, service branches |
Pretoria | SI |
Rome | X-2 |
Hq. Seventh Army | SI |
Shanghai | SI, X-2 |
Singapore | SI |
Stockholm | SI, X-2, SO, MO |
226.19 Textual Records (General)
Classified German messages primarily to and from Balkan locations intercepted by the British, 1943-45.
226.20 Cartographic Records (General)
Maps: Worldwide population trends at close of World War II, in atlas, 1945 (41 items). Industrial plant sites in Philippine Islands, 1940-45 (44 items).
See under 226.6.4.
226.21 Motion Pictures (General)
See under 226.3.11.
226.22 Sound Recordings (General)
1942, 1945
Sound Recordings: Speech on war production by William J. Donovan, February 22, 1942 (1 item). Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright's surrender of Corregidor to Japanese forces, May 6, 1942 (3 items). Comments by Roger Starr, member of OSS parachute team that jumped into Mukden, China, following Japanese surrender, 1945 (2 items). Rescue of downed Allied flyers in Weihsen, China ("Duck Mission"), September 28, 1945 (1 item).
See under 226.12.
226.23 Still Pictures (General)
Photographs: Urban and topographical views of China, Japan, and the Philippine Islands, 1919-43 (G, 242 images). Microfilm copy of views of Mexico, n.d. (1 roll).
Photographic Prints: Persons mentioned in OSS reports, 1941-45 (P, 8,944 images).
See Photographs under 226.3.11.See Original Artwork, Printed Materials, and Photographs under 226.12.
Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.
This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.