Records of the Wage and Salary Stabilization Boards of the Economic Stabilization Agency [ESA]
(Record Group 293)
122 cu. ft.
Table of Contents
65 lin. ft.
49 lin. ft.
- 293.3.1 Records of WSB Region I (Boston, MA)
- 293.3.2 Records of WSB Region II (New York, NY)
- 293.3.3 Records of WSB Region III (Philadelphia, PA)
- 293.3.4 Records of WSB Region IV (Richmond, VA)
- 293.3.5 Records of WSB Region V (Atlanta, GA)
- 293.3.6 Records of WSB Region VI-A (Cleveland, OH)
- 293.3.7 Records of WSB Region VI-B (Detroit, MI)
- 293.3.8 Records of WSB Region VII (Chicago, IL)
- 293.3.9 Records of WSB Region VIII (Minneapolis, MN)
- 293.3.10 Records of WSB Region IX (Kansas City, MO)
- 293.3.11 Records of WSB Region X (Dallas, TX)
- 293.3.12 Records of WSB Region XI (Denver, CO)
- 293.3.13 Records of WSB Region XII (San Francisco, CA)
15 lin. ft.
Established: Wage Stabilization Board (WSB) established as a constituent unit in the newly established ESA by EO 10161, September 9, 1950, under authority of the Defense Production Act of 1950 (64 Stat. 798), September 8, 1950. Salary Stabilization Board (SSB) established as an ESA constituent unit by General Order 8, ESA Administrator, May 10, 1951.
Predecessor Agencies:
Of the Salary Stabilization Board:
- Wage Stabilization Board, ESA (1950-51)
Functions: Controlled wages and salaries during the Korean War emergency.
Abolished: Effective April 30, 1953, by EO 10434, February 6, 1953, following suspension of wage and salary controls.
Finding Aids: Harold W. Ryan, comp., "Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Wage and Salary Stabilization Boards of the Economic Stabilization Agency," NC 49 (Mar. 1964); supplement in the National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories.
Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Wage and
Salary Stabilization Boards of the Economic Stabilization Agency
in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.
Records of the National War Labor Board (World War II), RG 202.
Records of the Office of the Housing Expediter, RG 252.
Records of the Office of Price Stabilization, RG 295.
General Records of the Economic Stabilization Agency, RG 296.
Records of the Economic Stabilization Programs, 1971-1974,
RG 432.
Subject Access Terms: Korean War agency.
* less than 1 cu. ft. of records in this repository
65 lin. ft.
Textual Records: Records of the Wage Stabilization Board (WSB), 1950-53, including general correspondence, minutes of executive sessions and full board meetings, summaries of committee meetings, transcripts of panel hearings, manuals, and document and case control registers. General correspondence, minutes, and reports of the Salary Stabilization Board (SSB), 1951-53. Program operations manual and final report of the Office of Salary Stabilization, 1953. General records of the Railroad and Airline Wage Board, 1951-53, including a history. General records of the Construction Industry Stabilization Commission, 1951-53. History of ESA, 1950-51. History of the wage stabilization program, 1950- 53. Histories and terminal reports of regional wage boards, 1953. Special studies of the wage stabilization program, 1950-53.
49 lin. ft.
293.3.1 Records of WSB Region I (Boston, MA)
Textual Records (in Boston): Minutes of meetings, 1951-53.
293.3.2 Records of WSB Region II (New York, NY)
Textual Records (in New York): Minutes of meetings, 1951-53. Resolutions, records concerning decisions and rulings in regional cases, press releases, and other informational material, 1951-53.
293.3.3 Records of WSB Region III (Philadelphia, PA)
Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Minutes of meetings, 1951-53.
293.3.4 Records of WSB Region IV (Richmond, VA)
Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Minutes of meetings, 1951-53.
293.3.5 Records of WSB Region V (Atlanta, GA)
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Subject files, 1951-53. Enforcement control cards, wage-hour control cards, and wage data cards, 1951-53.
293.3.6 Records of WSB Region VI-A (Cleveland, OH)
Textual Records (in Chicago): Minutes of meetings, 1951-53.
293.3.7 Records of WSB Region VI-B (Detroit, MI)
Textual Records (in Chicago): Minutes of meetings, 1951-53.
293.3.8 Records of WSB Region VII (Chicago, IL)
Textual Records (in Chicago): Minutes of meetings, 1951-53.
293.3.9 Records of WSB Region VIII (Minneapolis, MN)
Textual Records: Minutes of meetings, 1951-53 (in Chicago). Wage and salary stabilization rulings and opinion files, 1951-53 (in Kansas City).
293.3.10 Records of WSB Region IX (Kansas City, MO)
Textual Records (in Kansas City): Correspondence and subject files, resolutions, minutes, procedural issuances, rulings, and publicity materials, 1951-53.
293.3.11 Records of WSB Region X (Dallas, TX)
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Minutes of meetings, 1951-52. Correspondence and general subject files, 1951-53.
293.3.12 Records of WSB Region XI (Denver, CO)
Textual Records (in Denver): General subject files, 1951-53. Rulings and opinions case files, with related control cards and register, 1951-53.
293.3.13 Records of WSB Region XII (San Francisco, CA)
Textual Records (in San Francisco): General subject files, 1951- 53.
15 lin. ft.
History: Established by General Order 18, ESA Administrator, effective July 30, 1952, to enforce WSB and SSB regulations. Functions transferred to the Attorney General by EO 10494, October 14, 1953.
Textual Records: Case files and abstracts of cases, 1951-53. Transcripts of proceedings, 1952-53. Files containing formal findings and decisions, 1952-53. Administrative records, 1952-53.
Subject Access Terms: Bernstein, Lawson F.
Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.
This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.