Records of the Office of Education
(Record Group 12)
Table of Contents
- 12.1 Administrative History
- 12.2 Records of the Office of the Commissioner of Education 1870-1979
- 12.2.1 General records
- 12.2.2 Historical files
- 12.2.3 Records of the Assistant to the Commissioner
- 12.2.4 Records of the Editorial Division
- 12.2.5 Records of the Major Surveys Division
- 12.2.6 Records of the Educational Media Branch
- 12.2.7 Records of the Administrative Division
- 12.2.8 Records of the Office of Information
- 12.2.9 Records of the Office of Program Planning and Evaluation
- 12.2.10 Records of the National Center for Educational Statistics
- 12.2.11 Records of the Bureau of Education for the Handicapped
- 12.2.12 Records of the Bureau of Elementary and Secondary
- 12.2.1 General records
- 12.3 Records of the Office of the Assistant Commissioner 1912-60
- 12.4 Records of the Assistant Commissioner for
Vocational Education 1917-46, 1973-76
- 12.4.1 Records of the Federal Board for Vocational Education
(FBVE) and the Vocational Education Division
- 12.4.2 Records relating to George-Deen legislation
- 12.4.3 Records relating to the Advisory Committee on Education
- 12.4.4 Records of the Vocational Training for War Production
Workers (VTWPW) Program
- 12.4.5 Records relating to the Vocational Education Act (VEA)
Amendments of 1968
- 12.4.1 Records of the Federal Board for Vocational Education
(FBVE) and the Vocational Education Division
- 12.5 Records of Special Projects and Programs 1933-69
- 12.5.1 Records of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Camp
Education Program
- 12.5.2 Records relating to the National Survey of Vocational
Education and Guidance of Negroes
- 12.5.3 Records of the Project in Research in Universities
- 12.5.4 Records of the Radio Education Project
- 12.5.5 Records of the Federal Forum Project
- 12.5.6 Records of the School and College Civilian Morale Service
- 12.5.7 Records of the High School Victory Corps
- 12.5.8 Records of the Engineering, Science, and Management War
Training (ESMWT) Program
- 12.5.9 Records relating to school assistance for federally
affected areas
- 12.5.10 Records relating to cultural exchange programs
- 12.5.11 Records of the Survey of College Facilities for the
Defense Effort
- 12.5.12 Records of the Cooperative Research Program
- 12.5.13 Records relating to the National Defense Education
- 12.5.1 Records of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Camp
Education Program
- 12.6 Records of Field Offices 1964-76
- 12.7 Textual Records (General)
- 12.8 Cartographic Records (General)
- 12.9 Motion Pictures (General)
- 12.10 Sound Recordings (General)
- 12.11 Machine-Readable Records (General)
- 12.12 Still Pictures (General)
- 12.13 Filmstrips (General)
Established: In the Department of the Interior, effective July 1, 1930, by the Department of the Interior Appropriation Act for Fiscal Year 1931 (46 Stat. 281), May 14, 1930.
Predecessor Agencies:
- Department of Education (1867-68)
In the Department of the Interior:
- Office of Education (1868-69)
- Bureau of Education (1869-1930)
Transfers: To the Federal Security Agency by Reorganization Plan No. I of 1939, July 1, 1939; to newly created Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) by Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1953, effective April 11, 1953; to newly established Education Division, HEW, effective July 1, 1972, by the Education Amendments of 1972 (86 Stat. 327), June 23, 1972.
Functions: Collected and disseminated information on education in the United States and abroad and promoted improved educational practices through financial assistance and special studies and programs.
Abolished: Effective May 4, 1980, by Department of Education Organization Act, October 17, 1979 (93 Stat. 668).
Successor Agencies: Department of Education.
Finding Aids: Carmen Delle Donne, comp., Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Office of Education, PI 178 (1974).
Related Records: Record copies of the publications of the Office of Education in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.General Records of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, RG 235.
General Records of the Department of Education, RG 441.
12.2 Records of the Office of the Commissioner of Education
History: Independent Department of Education established by the Department of Education Act (14 Stat. 434), March 2, 1867. Abolished and superseded by the Office of Education in the Department of the Interior by the general appropriation act for Fiscal Year 1869 (15 Stat. 106), July 20, 1868. Redesignated the Bureau of Education, effective July 1, 1869, by the general appropriation act for fiscal year 1870 (15 Stat. 291), March 3, 1869. Continued as the Bureau of Education under succeeding appropriation acts until 1930. SEE 12.1.
Textual Records: Press copies of letters sent, 1870-1908, with gaps. Press copies of letters sent to federal officials, 1892- 1909, with gaps. Commissioners' press releases, 1963-69. Incomplete index to unlocated letters received, 1893-1907. Selected central files, 1944, 1953-62. Office files of Commissioner Earl James McGrath, 1947-53. Office files, speeches, articles, and statements by Commissioners Samuel M. Brownell, 1953-56, and Lawrence G. Derthick, 1958-59. Records of the Federal Board for Vocational Education, 1918-31. Records of the Citizens Federal Committee on Education, 1926-52. Correspondence, 1969-74; program records, 1957-80; administrative records,1964-81; meeting records, 1964-81; reading files, 1969-80; records of subcommittees, 1966-81; and records of temporary working groups, 1967-80, of the Federal Interagency Committee on Education (FICE). Correspondence, memorandums, and reports relating to the establishment, operation, and termination of wartime educational programs, 1940-45, including records of the Office of Education Wartime Commission, 1941-43. Budget justification files, Administrative Management Branch, 1923-61. Budget justification files, FY 1953 and FY 1961, Finance Branch, Office of Administration. Records relating to the National Defense Education Act of 1958 (NDEA), 1949-63, including general records of the President's Committee on Education Beyond High School, 1954-59; records of the Department's Task Force on Higher Education, 1957-58; an unpublished paper entitled "The National Defense Education Act of 1958: A Brief Chronology;" miscellaneous financial aid records, 1949-58; correspondence concerning public support for education legislation, 1958; briefing books, 1958; NDEA-related files of Assistant Commissioner for Higher Education Ralph C.M. Flynt, 1958; records of Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Assistant Secretary Elliot L. Richardson,1958; and the Commissioner's subject files relating to implementation of the Act, 1958. Bureau of Higher Education records relating to annual inspections of Howard University, 1941-78. White House Conference on Education reports, 1955-57. Records of House and Senate bills, 85th Congress, 1957-58. Office files, 1928-80. Records relating to vocational training for defense workers, 1941-46. Library statistical report for institutions of higher learning, 1940. Records relating to committees, panels, and councils, 1946-74. Records relating to formulation of national education policy, 1964-79. Biographical and personal records of the Commissioners, 1953-79.
Microfilm Publications: M635.
Maps (1 item): Published map, 1933, showing the percentage of illiteracy in each U.S. county in 1930.
Motion Pictures (16 reels): Fight for Life (drama), produced and directed by Pare Lorentz, about obstetrical training and practice in the slums of a large city, 1940 (8 reels). President Dwight D. Eisenhower's address to the White House Conference on Education, 1955 (1 reel). Two films explaining the Vocational School Act of 1963 (2 reels). Two "Face the Nation" broadcasts featuring Commissioner of Education Francis Keppel discussing funding for local schools and the effects of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on education, 1965 (2 reels). Kentucky Department of Education film relating to Kentucky's use of funds provided by Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (1 reel). Hearst Movietone News production "Quest for Peace," Screen News Digest, volume 9, issue 4, about U.S. foreign policy in Asia, featuring Secretary of Labor Willard Wirtz, 1966 (2 reels). SEE ALSO 12.8.
Sound Recordings (13 items): Radio broadcast commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Bill of Rights, December 15, 1941 (2 items). Speeches and discussions by Commissioners of Education, 1955-64, and the swearing in ceremony of Francis Keppel as Assistant Secretary for Education, October 4, 1965 (8 items). Radio addresses of Federal Security Administrator Paul V. McNutt on the role of education in the war, and the radio program "Marching Toward a Better World," 1942 (3 items). SEE ALSO 12.9.
Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Federal Board for Vocational Education in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.
Textual Records: Records relating to efficiency and economy, 1887-1912; research and experiment stations, 1915-26; education conventions, 1926-32; professional education and college standards, 1909-30; education in foreign countries, 1912-24; secondary education, 1915-23; the Highway Education Board, 1919- 26; and American Education Week, 1924-28. Surveys of public schools in states and cities, 1911-30. Records concerning World War I programs (such as Americanization, home and school gardens, and Flag Day), 1917-18. Records relating to engineering schools, 1923; the "Platoon Plan" in public schools, 1925-38; land grant colleges, 1929-30; private commercial and business schools, 1929; and the national survey of teacher education, 1930-33. Records relating to the organization and administration of the Office of Education, immigrant and black education, international congresses and conventions, adult education, junior colleges, conservation education, and schools on government reservations (including Indian schools), ca. 1870-1950.
12.2.3 Records of the Assistant to the Commissioner
Textual Records: Office file, ca. 1931-62, of Ambrose Caliver, Specialist in Negro Education (1930-50), Assistant to the Commissioner (1950-62), and Chief of the Adult Education Section (1955-62).
12.2.4 Records of the Editorial Division
Textual Records: Manuscript, "Education in South Africa," 1918. Publications of the Office of Education and the Federal Board for Vocational Education, 1875-1959.
Photographic Prints (351 images): Photographs, including some by Lewis Hine, collected for use in Bureau of Education bulletins and other publications, including photographs of the bureau offices in 1923 and views of Washington, DC, from the offices, and photographs of classroom scenes in vocational and technical schools and of participants in agricultural extension services in Minnesota and Wisconsin and in the U.S. School Garden Army, 1913- 23 (ED). SEE ALSO 12.11.
12.2.5 Records of the Major Surveys Division
Textual Records: Records relating to the National Survey of the Education of Teachers, including minutes and proceedings of advisory bodies, 1930-33; correspondence, 1930-34; survey materials, 1930-32; and manuscripts of survey reports, 1932-33.
12.2.6 Records of the Educational Media Branch
Sound Recordings (56 items): Selected radio broadcasts produced by the Office of Education, containing voices of prominent persons recorded between 1912 and 1951, accounts of historical events, 1937-50, and programs of educational significance, 1938- 49. SEE ALSO 12.9.
12.2.7 Records of the Administrative Division
Textual Records: Field service reports, 1923-29. Monthly reports of division chiefs, 1932-35.
12.2.8 Records of the Office of Information
Textual Records: "History of the Office of Education," 3 binders, 1968.
Sound Recordings (104 items): Proceedings of the White House Conferences on Education, 1955 (17 items) and 1965 (87 items). SEE ALSO 12.9.
12.2.9 Records of the Office of Program Planning and Evaluation
Textual Records: Evaluation project files, 1970-73.
Machine-Readable Records (367 data sets): Sustaining Effects Study, 1975-79 (289 data sets). National Evaluation of the Emergency School Aid Act (ESAA), 1973-76 (78 data sets). see also 12.10.
12.2.10 Records of the National Center for Educational Statistics
Textual Records: Background material on the National Assessment of Education Progress, 1959-64. Anchor test study technical report on the feasibility of equating reading achievement tests, conducted by the Educational Testing Service, 1972-73. Program manuals developed by the California Education Information System for an automated data processing system for school districts in California, 1972. Report by Mathematica, Incorporated, on the federal core of data for the elementary/secondary level, 1974. Records relating to administration of the Follow Through Program for disadvantaged children of primary school age, 1969-74. Final report and other records relating to the Anchor Test Study, 1972-75.
Machine-Readable Records (7 data sets): Equal Educational Opportunities (Coleman) Study, 1966. SEE ALSO 12.10.
Related Records: Record copies of publications of the National Center for Educational Statistics in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.
12.2.11 Records of the Bureau of Education for the Handicapped
Textual Records: Division of Educational Services grants relating to schools and school programs for handicapped children, 1965-68.
Photographic Prints (700 images): Handicapped children in educational, therapeutic, and recreational settings, collected from major public and private school systems, 1938-65 (HC). SEE ALSO 12.11.
12.2.12 Records of the Bureau of Elementary and Secondary
Textual Records: Technical and statistical reports and correspondence, 1969-74. Records relating to university programs funded by the Arts and Humanities Institute and the National Defense Act Institutes for Advanced Study, 1965-67. Correspondence of the Associate Commissioner, 1962-67. Division of Equal Educational Opportunity Title IV case files, 1965-70. Bureau of Equal Educational Opportunity Emergency School Aid Act (ESAA) project files, 1971-75.
12.3 Records of the Office of the Assistant Commissioner
12.3.1 Records of the Division of Higher Education
Textual Records: Reports, correspondence, and survey materials, 1912-42. Correspondence and a reference file of Walter G. Daniel, dealing with Negro education, 1951-53. Fall Higher Education Enrollment Survey Cards, 1947-48. State planning committee reports of the White House Conference on Education, 1955-57. Records relating to counseling and guidance training institutes, 1959-61.
12.3.2 Records of the Division of International Education
Textual Records: Project reports on Latin American workshops, 1956-75. Records, 1955-69, and reports, 1951-76, relating to the International Teacher Development Program. Manuals and instructional guides for college and university program coordinators, 1954-73. Records concerning International Educational Development Program grantees, 1951-74.
12.3.3 Records of the Service Division
Textual Records: Records of the Foreign Education Section, consisting of an office file of James F. Abel, assistant specialist in rural education and assistant specialist in foreign educational systems, 1921-27. Records of the Home Economics Section, consisting of correspondence of the home economics specialist, 1929-33; reports of the Home Economics Division, 1917-33; and records relating to conferences on home economics, 1923-28, and to surveys of home economics education, 1923-26. Records of the Advisory Committee on Education by Radio, consisting of minutes, correspondence of the chairman, subject and office files, survey questionnaires, and radio scripts, 1929- 30; and a reports file, 1927-29. Records of the Buffalo School Survey, consisting of correspondence, 1930-31; and schedules, reports, and other source materials, 1927-30.
Photographic Prints (293 images): Facilities for home economics in elementary and junior high schools, and students' activities in them, collected by the Home Economics Section, 1925-30 (HE). SEE ALSO 12.11.
12.4 Records of the Assistant Commissioner for Vocational Education
1917-46, 1973-76
12.4.1 Records of the Federal Board for Vocational Education
(FBVE) and the Vocational Education Division
History: FBVE established as an independent agency by the Smith- Hughes Act (39 Stat. 929), February 23, 1917, to promote vocational education in agriculture, industry, and home economics. Functions expanded by vocational rehabilitation acts of June 27, 1918 (40 Stat. 617), and June 2, 1920 (41 Stat. 735), to include employment training for disabled soldiers and civilians. Responsibility for vocational rehabilitation of veterans transferred to U.S. Veterans Bureau, 1921 (SEE 15.5). FBVE transferred to Department of the Interior by EO 6166, June 10, 1933. Served as an advisory body until abolished by Reorganization Plan No. II of 1946, effective July 16, 1946. Administrative functions of FBVE assigned to Commissioner of Education, October 10, 1933, and FBVE staff became Vocational Education Division under the old FBVE Director, redesignated as Assistant Commissioner for Vocational Education.
Textual Records: Minutes of meetings of the FBVE and its standing committees, 1917-46, with indexes, 1917-33. General correspondence and related records, 1917-42. Records relating to state programs, including plans and financial and statistical reports, 1917-37. Correspondence and reports of field agents, documenting the establishment and administration of educational programs in trade and industry, agriculture, business, home economics, and vocational rehabilitation, 1917-42.
12.4.2 Records relating to George-Deen legislation
History: The George-Deen Vocational Education Act of 1936 (49 Stat. 1488), June 8, 1936, authorized, effective July 1, 1937, additional funding of vocational education services in the states and territories.
Textual Records: Correspondence of Assistant Commissioner for Vocational Education John C. Wright relating to the George-Deen legislation, 1935-38. Correspondence and other records relating to conferences with state vocational education directors about the act, 1936-37. Reports from states on planned uses for George- Deen funds, 1936-37; and on their use, 1938.
12.4.3 Records relating to the Advisory Committee on Education
History: Established September 19, 1936, as the President's Committee on Vocational Education, to report on the role of the federal government in vocational education. Name changed to reflect increased responsibility, contained in Presidential letter, April 19, 1937, to investigate general federal role in education. Submitted report to President and Congress, February 1938.
Textual Records: Office file of Assistant Commissioner for Vocational Education John C. Wright, consisting of his and Commissioner of Education John W. Studebaker's correspondence with the Advisory Committee on Education, drafts of a vocational education statement by the Vocational Education Division, and various studies, 1935-39.
Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Advisory Committee on Education in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.
12.4.4 Records of the Vocational Training for War Production
Workers (VTWPW) Program
History: The VTWPW Program established as the Vocational Education for National Defense (VE-ND) Program by the Second Deficiency Appropriation Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 632), June 27, 1940, which funded pre-college industrial vocational training courses. Expanded by the First Supplemental Civil Function Appropriation Act of 1941 (54 Stat. 1033), October 9, 1940, to include college-level engineering courses and agricultural training. Became known as VTWPW after American entry in World War II. Training terminated in June 1945 and liquidation was authorized by Congress on July 3, 1945.
Textual Records: Correspondence, issuances, plans, and a published final report on the VTWPW Program with unpublished appendixes (233 vols.), 1940-46.
Motion Pictures (6 reels): Wartime training films for production supervisors, 1944-45, including a film on employing blind workers in industry. see also 12.8.
12.4.5 Records relating to the Vocational Education Act (VEA)
Amendments of 1968
History: The Vocational Education Act (77 Stat. 403), December 18, 1963, authorized funding to maintain and improve existing vocational education programs and to develop new ones. The Vocational Education Act Amendments (82 Stat. 1064), October 16, 1968, changed the original VEA funding allocation formula. By the Education Amendments Act (90 Stat. 2108), October 12, 1976, VEA allocations were converted to block grants.
Textual Records: Fiscal year 1974 grant administrative files, 1973-76.
12.5 Records of Special Projects and Programs
12.5.1 Records of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Camp
Education Program
History: Established November 22, 1933, under control of War Department and supervision of CCC Director. Office of Education acted in an advisory capacity, selected and appointed all teachers, and recommended teaching procedures and materials. Discontinued on October 8, 1942.
Textual Records: Minutes of the Advisory Committee on the Educational Program for the CCC, 1933-34, and of the Professional Committee on CCC Training, 1941-42. Correspondence, 1933-45, including a central file, 1934-42, and correspondence of the CCC Director with army corps areas, 1934-42. Memorandums and related materials of the Director, 1936-38. Records relating to instructional materials, 1934-49. Issuances and reports, 1933-43. Personnel records, 1934-42.
Photographic Prints and Negatives (275 images): Camp training programs in each of the army corps areas, showing enrollees at work and receiving instruction, 1940 (CCC). SEE ALSO 12.11.
Drawings (203 images): Illustrations by Marshall Davis for Camp Life, a series of elementary readers and arithmetic workbooks used in CCC camps, 1939-40 (CLR, CLA, CLM). SEE ALSO 12.11.
Related Records: Related photographs in RG 35, Records of the Civilian Conservation Corps, series G and GE; RG 79, Records of the National Park Service, series CCC; and RG 114, Records of the Soil Conservation Service, series G.
12.5.2 Records relating to the National Survey of Vocational
Education and Guidance of Negroes
History: Using funds authorized by Emergency Relief Appropriation Act (49 Stat. 115), April 8, 1935, the Office of Education conducted a national survey of opportunities available to blacks for vocational education, 1935-36, with tabulation and publication of results in 1937.
Textual Records: Minutes, reports, correspondence, memorandums, blank inquiry forms and instructions on their use, and office files of staff members, 1935-38.
12.5.3 Records of the Project in Research in Universities
History: Established in the Office of Education to support research programs in universities, with funds provided by the Works Progress Administration on October 14, 1935, from the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act (49 Stat. 115), April 8, 1935. Project studies were announced on January 24, 1936, and concluded approximately one year later.
Textual Records: Correspondence, project proposals, instructions, and drafts of completed studies and reports, 1935-37.
12.5.4 Records of the Radio Education Project
History: Established using funds allocated in December 1935 from the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act (49 Stat. 115), April 8, 1935, to employ relief workers in organizing a radio production unit and experimenting with the use of radio for educational purposes. Terminated by failure of appropriations, June 30, 1940.
Textual Records: Reports, plans, correspondence, scripts, publicity material, and budget records, 1936-40.
12.5.5 Records of the Federal Forum Project
History: Established in the Office of Education January 1936 to promote adult civic education and to provide employment through establishment of discussion groups (forums) across the country. Funded through emergency relief appropriations. Terminated June 1941.
Textual Records: Correspondence, issuances, state project and data files, publicity material, and budget records, 1936-41.
Photographic Prints (203 images): Adult and youth forums, staff members, and publicity pictures for forum programs, 1936-41 (PF). SEE ALSO 12.11.
12.5.6 Records of the School and College Civilian Morale Service
History: Established November 1941 as a successor to the Federal Forum Project following a Presidential request to the Administrator of the Federal Security Agency, September 2, 1941. Terminated by failure of appropriations, June 30, 1943.
Textual Records: Reports, correspondence, and publicity material, 1941-43.
12.5.7 Records of the High School Victory Corps
History: Established by Commissioner of Education John W. Studebaker, September 25, 1942, upon the recommendation of his advisory Wartime Commission, to give high school students an opportunity to participate in the war effort. Phased out beginning June 1944, with provision for truncated program during 1944-45 school year.
Textual Records: Correspondence, publicity material, and radio scripts, 1942-44.
12.5.8 Records of the Engineering, Science, and Management War
Training (ESMWT) Program
History: Established within the Office of Education as the Engineering Defense Training (EDT) program by First Supplemental Civil Function Appropriation Act of 1941 (54 Stat. 1033), October 9, 1940, to provide engineering training for employees and prospective employees of industries. Expanded to include chemistry, physics, and production supervision training in 1941, and after Pearl Harbor became the ESMWT program. Terminated June 30, 1945.
Textual Records: Reports, correspondence, course plans, historical files, and financial records, 1940-45.
12.5.9 Records relating to school assistance for federally
affected areas
History: The Office of Education served in an advisory capacity to the Federal Works Agency in administering school aid provisions of the National Defense Housing (Lanham) Act (54 Stat. 1125), October 14, 1940, and as subsequently amended. Lanham Act funding for school construction terminated with the end of World War II, but annual funding for operating expenses in impacted areas continued. Subsequent acts authorizing funding for school construction and operation (64 Stat. 967 and 1100), September 23 and September 30, 1950, consolidated program administration in the Office of Education. Function transferred to the Department of Education by the Department of Education Organization Act (93 Stat. 668), October 17, 1979.
Textual Records: Subject and office files, 1941-45. Memorandums and reports, 1947-50. Sample case files, 1951-61 and 1967-69.
Subject Access Terms: Day care.
12.5.10 Records relating to cultural exchange programs
Textual Records: Grantee files of the foreign teacher exchange and teacher development programs, 1961-62. Case files of the foreign leader program, 1950-54. Records of the German teacher education program, 1951-53.
12.5.11 Records of the Survey of College Facilities for the
Defense Effort
History: At the request of the National Security Resources Board, the Office of Education surveyed 1,900 colleges and universities to determine the nature and extent of their resources and facilities during the period of national emergency declared during the Korean War.
Textual Records: Sample of reports received, 1951.
12.5.12 Records of the Cooperative Research Program
History: Cooperative Research Act (68 Stat. 533), July 26, 1954, authorized the Office of Education to grant funds for basic and experimental research in education.
Textual Records: Case file sample of disapproved proposals for research projects, 1957-61. Final project reports on the education of mentally and physically handicapped children, 1956-62.
12.5.13 Records relating to the National Defense Education
Textual Records: State reports on training institutes sponsored at colleges and universities by the National Defense Education Program, 1964-66.
12.6 Records of Field Offices
12.6.1 Records of Region IV (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN)
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Selected reports on grants, 1970- 75. Final reports on approved grants, 1967-72.
12.6.2 Records of Region IX (AS, AZ, CA, GU, HI, NV, TT)
Textual Records (in San Francisco): California state plan, fiscal year 1975, under the Library Services and Construction Act Program, 1974-75. Annual fiscal and statistical reports, 1966-69, and annual reports of actual and projected vocational education activities, 1964-69, submitted by state and territorial departments of education under the Adult, Vocational, and Library Program.
12.6.3 Records of Region X (ID, OR, WA)
Textual Records (in Seattle): Final project reports of the Division of Occupational Adult Education, 1970-76.
12.7 Textual Records (General),
Grant program administrative records and state plans for various Office of Education programs, 1962-83. Subject files of the Civil Defense Adult Education Branch, 1959-71. Evaluation reports under Title I and Secondary Education Act, 1967-68. Publicity subject files, 1952-54. National Center for Educational Research and Development assessment and progress reports and related material on education attainment, 1959-74; program and operational reports and related records, 1963-73; final project reports and related records, 1956-71; and basic research in education project files, 1966-72. Final grant reports, Office of Career Education, FY 1976-77. National Teacher Corps state status reports, 1966-67; press releases, 1966-69; newspaper clippings, 1965-69; and records relating to administrative history, 1965-67. Division of Plans and Supplementary Centers administrative records and annual grant reports, 1959-72. Division of Equal Educational Opportunity administrative files, 1965-72; grant reports, 1969-70; grant rejection letters, 1970-71; correspondence, 1970-71; regional monitoring reports, 1973-75; reading files, 1968-70; and records relating to desegregation in education,1962-74. Office of Migrant Education state plans, 1982-83; and annual evaluation reports, 1983. Bureau of Adult, Vocational, and Technical Education state plans, 1970-71; and grant files, 1964-71. Office of Education publications, 1963-68; and issues of "School Life" Magazine, 1939-52. Speeches of Oliver J. Caldwell, Bureau of International Education, 1952-65. Bureau of International Education records relating to international organizations with educational components as part of their mission, 1952-66. Records concerning Bureau of Research Programs, 1965-69. Minutes of the Advisory Committee on New Educational Media, 1958-67. Office of Assistant Secretary (Education) reading and program files, 1966-78. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Education program files, 1972-75;and program and subject files, 1977-80. Records of the Bureau of Research including final reports of completed contracts funded by the National Defense Education Act (NDEA) of 1958, 1959-66; final reports of cooperative research projects, 1956-67; and final reports of various research projects, 1960-70. Bureau of Occupational and Adult Education grant case files relating to vocational education projects, 1974-77. Annual reports, project reports, and related documentation of national advisory councils, 1966-76. Records relating to the Bureau of Educational Personnel Development (BEPD). Occupational and Adult Education grant files,1966-74; and Office of Education sample grants case files, 1968-76; both administered by the Grants and Procurement Management Division. Research grants relating to the education of handicapped children, 1965-68.
12.8 Cartographic Records (General)
see Maps under 12.2.1.
12.9 Motion Pictures (General)
Indian ceremonials, 1954 (1 reel). Arts and crafts of southwest Indians, 1963 (1 reel). To Speak with Friends, produced by the National Educational Television and Radio center and the Office of Education, 1963 (1 reel). White House bill-signing ceremony to establish the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, June 1965 (1 reel). Captioned films for the deaf, one concerning finger spelling lessons, and the other a Ford Motor Company production entitled "Silent World, Muffled World," ca. 1967 (6 reels). Educational films documenting such subjects as combating illiteracy, employing and supervising the handicapped, supervising women, public service jobs, and the impact of technology on education, 1944-77 (158 reels).
see under 12.2.1 and 12.4.4.
12.10 Sound Recordings (General)
Sound Recordings:Remarks by Commissioner Sterling McMurrin at various public functions, 1961 (3 reels). "A Fierce Commitment," ca. 1965 (1 reel).
SEE UNDER 12.2.1, 12.2.6, and 12.2.8.
12.11 Machine-Readable Records (General)
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) survey, Year 1, 1969-70 (48 data sets); and Year 2, 1970-71 (53 data sets).
see under 12.2.9 and 12.2.10.
12.12 Still Pictures (General)
Photographic Prints: Federal Security Agency black and white prints relating primarily to vocational training for World War II industries and other educational topics, 1934-48 (E, 6,000 images). Panorama photographs of Bureau of Education employees and education-related groups visiting Washington, DC, 1918-35 (PN, 8 images).
see Photographic Prints under 12.2.4, 12.2.11. 12.3.3, and
see Photographic Prints and Negatives under 12.5.1.
see Drawings under 12.5.1.
12.13 Filmstrips (General)
Instructional aid entitled "A Fierce Commitment: The Higher Education Act of 1965," accompanied by an audiocassette describing the Act and its components, 1965 (FC, 117 images).
Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.
This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.