Guide to Federal Records

Record Group 001 to Record Group 100

Statistical Summary of Holdings

Record Group 001--Record Group 100

0001Records of the War Labor Policies Board
Cluster(s): World War I Emergency Agencies
NWCT2College Park, MD17.417 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0.157 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
TOTAL:17.574 cu. ft.1 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0002Records of the National War Labor Board (World War I)
Cluster(s): World War I Emergency Agencies
NWCT2College Park, MD173.676 cu. ft.
TOTAL:173.676 cu. ft.
Federal Records Guide Information

0003Records of the U.S. Housing Corporation
Cluster(s): World War I Emergency Agencies
NRAANNew York, NY3 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA1.9 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA0.446 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD0.41 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD173 cu. ft.9,467 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD20 cu. ft.5,506 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.43 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD453.951 cu. ft.
TOTAL:652.707 cu. ft.15,016 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0004Records of the U.S. Food Administration
Cluster(s): World War I Emergency Agencies
NRAANNew York, NY84 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA178.528 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA124.19 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL252 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO97 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX159.55 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO81 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA108 cu. ft.
NRIAAAnchorage, AK4 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA46.92 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.11 Maps and Charts
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.2 Motion Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD9.06 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD15 cu. ft.4,452 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD4.4 cu. ft.287 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD2,685.561 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD1.077 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
TOTAL:3,852.286 cu. ft.4,753 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0005Records of the U.S. Grain Corporation
Cluster(s): World War I Emergency Agencies
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA7.22 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL1 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO1 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO4.5 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.18 Maps and Charts
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.20 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD268.085 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
TOTAL:282.805 cu. ft.39 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0006Records of the U.S. Sugar Equalization Board, Inc.
Cluster(s): World War I Emergency Agencies
NWCT2College Park, MD79.398 cu. ft.
TOTAL:79.398 cu. ft.
Federal Records Guide Information

0007Records of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine
Cluster(s): Agriculture
NRFAFort Worth, TX11 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA6 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD17 cu. ft.1,640 Maps and Charts
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD101.478 cu. ft.29,380 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.26 Filmstrips
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.2 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD1,676.118 cu. ft.
TOTAL:1,811.596 cu. ft.31,050 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0008Records of the Bureau of Agricultural Engineering
Cluster(s): Agriculture
NRCAAtlanta, GA2.04 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA56 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA28 cu. ft.4,379 Still Pictures
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD11 cu. ft.656 Maps and Charts
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD17 cu. ft.3,679 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD597.096 cu. ft.
TOTAL:711.136 cu. ft.8,714 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0009Records of the National Recovery Administration
Cluster(s): New Deal/Great Depression
NRAABWaltham, MA23 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY141 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA15.799 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL49.4 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO32 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX9 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO3 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA35 cu. ft.
NRIAAAnchorage, AK3 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD5 cu. ft.238 Maps and Charts
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Motion Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD6,134.755 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD10.199 cu. ft.2 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0.816 cu. ft.16 Artifacts
TOTAL:6,461.969 cu. ft.257 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0010Records of the National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement
Cluster(s): Justice/Law Enforcement
NWCT2College Park, MD109.859 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD2.91 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
TOTAL:112.769 cu. ft.1 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0011General Records of the U.S. Government
Cluster(s): Miscellaneous
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD3 cu. ft.98 Maps and Charts
NWCT1Washington, DC3,479.576 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC2.512 cu. ft.4 Maps and Charts
NWCT1Washington, DC8.75 cu. ft.1 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD2.154 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
TOTAL:3,495.992 cu. ft.104 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0012Records of the Office of Education
Cluster(s): Education/Culture
NRAANNew York, NY62 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA10.77 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA46.97 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL5 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA4 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA9.384 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD17 cu. ft.158 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD12.5 cu. ft.296 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD15 cu. ft.84 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD3 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD35 cu. ft.6,625 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD3,028.605 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD2.154 cu. ft.2 Maps and Charts
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.12,374,534 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:3,251.383 cu. ft.12,381,700 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0013Records of the National Mediation Board
Cluster(s): Labor
NRAANNew York, NY3 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL83.14 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD1,871.578 cu. ft.
TOTAL:1,957.718 cu. ft.
Federal Records Guide Information

0014Records of the U.S. Railroad Administration
Cluster(s): World War I Emergency Agencies
NRCAAtlanta, GA8.512 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD1,820.611 cu. ft.
TOTAL:1,829.123 cu. ft.1 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0015Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs
Cluster(s): Genealogical
NRAABWaltham, MA18 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY18 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA110.667 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL38.85 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO17 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX20.65 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO16 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA9.53 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA13 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA10.738 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.3 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD70 cu. ft.14,268 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD5 cu. ft.
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD19.7 cu. ft.199 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD40 cu. ft.1,241 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD17 cu. ft.3,777 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.19 Posters
NWCT1Washington, DC81,054.15 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC139.961 cu. ft.15 Maps and Charts
NWCT1Washington, DC1.845 cu. ft.3 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC3.797 cu. ft.14 Artifacts
NWCT1Washington, DC0 cu. ft.1 Unspecified items
NWCT2College Park, MD470.759 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.227,029 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:82,094.647 cu. ft.246,570 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0016Records of the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture
Cluster(s): Agriculture
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA7.36 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO13 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX28.15 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA8 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA20.808 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD15 cu. ft.2,247 Maps and Charts
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD50 cu. ft.
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD196.686 cu. ft.2,170 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD31 cu. ft.1,878 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD66.85 cu. ft.728 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD1.91 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD763.2 cu. ft.579,573 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.373 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD9,525.134 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0.408 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
TOTAL:10,728.506 cu. ft.586,971 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0017Records of the Bureau of Animal Industry
Cluster(s): Agriculture
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA6.02 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO1 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA0.41 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.3 Maps and Charts
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0.03 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD14.816 cu. ft.7,767 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.4 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD1,448.625 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0.336 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
TOTAL:1,472.237 cu. ft.7,775 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0018Records of the Army Air Forces
Cluster(s): Old Army at College Park; Air Force
NRAABWaltham, MA7 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY74 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA13.616 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA28.188 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL117.74 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO25 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX291 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO8 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA54 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA30 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA176 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD144 cu. ft.6,156 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD22 cu. ft.685 Aerial Photographs
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD2,137 cu. ft.6,059 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD4 cu. ft.91 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD528 cu. ft.119,087 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD11,976.111 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD18.139 cu. ft.11 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD0.504 cu. ft.1 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
TOTAL:15,654.298 cu. ft.132,091 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0019Records of the Bureau of Ships
Cluster(s): Old Navy; Modern Navy
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1,116.2 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.24 16 mm Negative Microfilm
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.4 16 mm Positive Microfilm
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD41 cu. ft.2,737 35 mm Negative Microfilm
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD26 cu. ft.1,501 35 mm Positive Microfilm
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD36 cu. ft.453,600 Other Microforms
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD8,223.252 cu. ft.177,819 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.2 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD20 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD852 cu. ft.148,181 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC11,744.983 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC3.436 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT1Washington, DC0.236 cu. ft.1 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCT1Washington, DC0.504 cu. ft.4 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD28,446.967 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD6.896 cu. ft.7 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0.068 cu. ft.2 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD113.085 cu. ft.1 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
TOTAL:50,630.627 cu. ft.783,885 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0020Records of the Office of the Special Adviser to the President on Foreign Trade
Cluster(s): New Deal/Great Depression
NWCT2College Park, MD79.718 cu. ft.
TOTAL:79.718 cu. ft.
Federal Records Guide Information

0021Records of District Courts of the United States
Cluster(s): Judicial
NRAABWaltham, MA14,891.685 cu. ft.
NRAABWaltham, MA0 cu. ft.31 16 mm Negative Microfilm
NRAABWaltham, MA1 cu. ft.45 35 mm Negative Microfilm
NRAABWaltham, MA0 cu. ft.102 Microfiche
NRAANNew York, NY60,927.1 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY2 cu. ft.186 16 mm Negative Microfilm
NRAANNew York, NY2 cu. ft.4,200 Microfiche
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA37,592.055 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA63,313.051 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL52,354.05 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO28,107.373 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX56,411 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO9,244.666 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA17,600.01 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA16,380 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA794 cu. ft.3,835 Still Pictures
NRIAAAnchorage, AK1,903.284 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA12,221.051 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD75.13 cu. ft.7,000 Maps and Charts
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD3 cu. ft.13 Motion Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.4 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Posters
NWCT1Washington, DC17,121.359 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC3.068 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT1Washington, DC72.967 cu. ft.67 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD140.681 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD19.907 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD7.5 cu. ft.1 Artifacts
TOTAL:389,189.937 cu. ft.15,487 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0022Records of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Cluster(s): Interior/Environmental
NRAABWaltham, MA194.64 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA22.18 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA16.72 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL19 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO47 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO0 cu. ft.2,794 Still Pictures
NRFAFort Worth, TX50 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO36.5 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO4 cu. ft.2,200 Still Pictures
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA40.36 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA266 cu. ft.
NRIAAAnchorage, AK514.85 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA360.187 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD887.36 cu. ft.62,026 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.151 Aerial Photographs
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.13 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD16 cu. ft.158 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.3 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0.63 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD157.761 cu. ft.153,665 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.78 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD3,547.966 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0.816 cu. ft.2 Still Pictures
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.39,938,613 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:6,184.97 cu. ft.40,159,703 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0023Records of the Coast and Geodetic Survey
Cluster(s): Science/Technology
NRCAAtlanta, GA0.423 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO179 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA4 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD187.87 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD4,063.06 cu. ft.77,957 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1,699 cu. ft.50,565 Aerial Photographs
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD41.612 cu. ft.19,981 Still Pictures
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD12 cu. ft.3,100 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD180 cu. ft.30,964 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD6,255.804 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
TOTAL:12,622.769 cu. ft.182,568 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0024Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel
Cluster(s): Old Navy; Modern Navy
NRAABWaltham, MA16 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY28 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA60.594 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA1.29 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL45.15 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO0.1 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX1 cu. ft.
NRPAOSt. Louis, MO118,176.75 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.11 Maps and Charts
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD22 cu. ft.101 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD16 cu. ft.1,154 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD39 cu. ft.11,806 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD6 cu. ft.44 Posters
NWCT1Washington, DC10,536.645 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC3.404 cu. ft.4 Artifacts
NWCT1Washington, DC0 cu. ft.1 Unspecified items
NWCT2College Park, MD24,952.004 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.6 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD8.616 cu. ft.1 Sound Recordings
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Unspecified items
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.26,996,860 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:153,914.553 cu. ft.27,009,989 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0025Records of the National Labor Relations Board
Cluster(s): Labor
NRAABWaltham, MA3 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY5 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA11.82 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL18.17 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO4 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX5.02 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO3 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA9.04 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA9 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA5.16 cu. ft.
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.28 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.3 Sound Recordings
NWCT2College Park, MD10,867.22 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD13.776 cu. ft.2 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0.504 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.4 Artifacts
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.4,977,432 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:10,955.71 cu. ft.4,977,470 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0026Records of the U.S. Coast Guard
Cluster(s): Maritime
NRAABWaltham, MA1,910.825 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY2,379.25 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY168 cu. ft.11,419 Maps and Charts
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA2,023.275 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA1,285.05 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL741 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO36 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX1,468 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA435.45 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA1,007 cu. ft.
NRIAAAnchorage, AK545.75 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA958.55 cu. ft.
NRPAOSt. Louis, MO10,354 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD10 cu. ft.401 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD0.87 cu. ft.58 35 mm Negative Microfilm
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD0.18 cu. ft.12 35 mm Positive Microfilm
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1,754.8 cu. ft.86,411 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD373.75 cu. ft.1,731 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.17 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD8 cu. ft.97 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD191 cu. ft.55,385 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD7 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD7.482 cu. ft.199 Posters
NWCT1Washington, DC25,427.494 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC1.831 cu. ft.3 Maps and Charts
NWCT1Washington, DC1.369 cu. ft.2 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC0.893 cu. ft.1 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCT1Washington, DC1.436 cu. ft.3 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.3 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Motion Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1,244,852 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:51,099.255 cu. ft.1,400,597 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0027Records of the Weather Bureau
Cluster(s): Science/Technology
NRAABWaltham, MA98 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY0.1 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA0.38 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA5.131 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL0.9 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO196 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX3 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO5 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA53 cu. ft.
NRIAAAnchorage, AK5.34 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA8.868 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD4.56 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD736 cu. ft.256,751 Maps and Charts
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD40 cu. ft.16,344 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD2,998.261 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD18.738 cu. ft.6 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD1.224 cu. ft.1 Motion Pictures
TOTAL:4,174.502 cu. ft.273,102 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0028Records of the Post Office Department
Cluster(s): Genealogical
NRAABWaltham, MA14 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA27.734 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA1.14 cu. ft.25 Maps and Charts
NRDAChicago, IL9 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO2 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA37 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD144 cu. ft.3,105 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD12 cu. ft.100 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD25 cu. ft.123 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.38 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD54 cu. ft.15,278 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.9 Filmstrips
NWCT1Washington, DC4,197.069 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC5.97 cu. ft.9 Maps and Charts
NWCT1Washington, DC6.146 cu. ft.7 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC1.66 cu. ft.1 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCT1Washington, DC0.912 cu. ft.2 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD1.581 cu. ft.
TOTAL:4,540.212 cu. ft.18,697 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0029Records of the Bureau of the Census
Cluster(s): Genealogical
NRGADenver, CO1 cu. ft.
NRIAAAnchorage, AK0.43 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD78 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD14,156.4 cu. ft.138,204 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.77 35 mm Negative Microfilm
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD14.8 cu. ft.147 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.83 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.2 Video Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0.8 cu. ft.64 Filmstrips
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0.1 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD2.2 cu. ft.303 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0.8 cu. ft.81 Filmstrips
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD1.25 cu. ft.129 Posters
NWCT1Washington, DC6,679.497 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC178.101 cu. ft.63 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD849.753 cu. ft.12 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.2 Still Pictures
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.2,339,133,517 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:21,965.131 cu. ft.2,339,272,684 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0030Records of the Bureau of Public Roads
Cluster(s): Transportation
NRAABWaltham, MA150 cu. ft.
NRAABWaltham, MA4 cu. ft.654 Maps and Charts
NRAANNew York, NY27 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA99.868 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA414.103 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA44 cu. ft.6,272 Maps and Charts
NRCAAtlanta, GA0 cu. ft.8 Still Pictures
NRDAChicago, IL608 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO303 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO0 cu. ft.7 Maps and Charts
NREAKansas City, MO38 cu. ft.811 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NRFAFort Worth, TX191 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO160 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA71.53 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA301 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA2 cu. ft.28 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NRIAAAnchorage, AK349.2 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA792.342 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD843.6 cu. ft.61,239 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD147 cu. ft.26,920 Aerial Photographs
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD4 cu. ft.400 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD13 cu. ft.85 Motion Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD243.224 cu. ft.41,401 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD3,416.591 cu. ft.
TOTAL:8,222.458 cu. ft.137,825 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0031Records of the Federal Housing Administration
Cluster(s): Housing/Urban Affairs
NRCAAtlanta, GA26.148 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA121 cu. ft.7,806 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD87 cu. ft.3,973 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD6 cu. ft.443 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD4 cu. ft.10 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.18 Sound Recordings
NWCT2College Park, MD199.615 cu. ft.
TOTAL:444.763 cu. ft.12,250 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0032Records of the U.S. Shipping Board
Cluster(s): Maritime at College Park
NRAABWaltham, MA6 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY86 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA135.048 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA1.632 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX16 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA42 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA23.514 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD10 cu. ft.249 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD455 cu. ft.10,915 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD318 cu. ft.43,210 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD8,564.727 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD6.418 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCT2College Park, MD2.846 cu. ft.5 Artifacts
TOTAL:9,667.185 cu. ft.54,382 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0033Records of the Extension Service
Cluster(s): Agriculture
NRFAFort Worth, TX198.7 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0.504 cu. ft.
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD151.18 cu. ft.617 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD6.463 cu. ft.55 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD5.239 cu. ft.61 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD63.32 cu. ft.38,464 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.44 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD4,812.594 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0.83 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.2 Artifacts
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.3,082,741 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:5,241.83 cu. ft.3,121,987 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0034Records of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Cluster(s): Treasury/Revenue/Finance
NRHASSan Bruno, CA33 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD1,216.187 cu. ft.
TOTAL:1,249.187 cu. ft.
Federal Records Guide Information

0035Records of the Civilian Conservation Corps
Cluster(s): New Deal/Great Depression
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.2 Motion Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD33 cu. ft.10,850 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD868.785 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD10.205 cu. ft.2 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD3.3 cu. ft.1 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
TOTAL:916.29 cu. ft.10,856 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0036Records of the U.S. Customs Service
Cluster(s): Maritime
NRAABWaltham, MA2,712.676 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY3,543 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA3,802.454 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA661.074 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA1 cu. ft.30 35 mm Positive Microfilm
NRCAAtlanta, GA30 cu. ft.1,900 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NRDAChicago, IL145.89 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO6.14 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX2,877.42 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO18.12 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA359.09 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA1,596.9 cu. ft.
NRIAAAnchorage, AK223.73 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA827.448 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD3 cu. ft.64 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD5 cu. ft.59 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD5 cu. ft.44 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1.5 cu. ft.36 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD33 cu. ft.232 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0.204 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD49.281 cu. ft.103,846 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.32 Posters
NWCT1Washington, DC4,937.867 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC8.521 cu. ft.9 Maps and Charts
NWCT1Washington, DC0.118 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC0.068 cu. ft.1 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD0.408 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
TOTAL:21,848.909 cu. ft.106,256 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0037Records of the Hydrographic Office
Cluster(s): Old Navy
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD127.504 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD3,771.2 cu. ft.142,711 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD6 cu. ft.5,450 Aerial Photographs
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.137 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD3 cu. ft.192 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC1,116.818 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC1.65 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT1Washington, DC2.5 cu. ft.2 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD142.68 cu. ft.
TOTAL:5,172.352 cu. ft.148,493 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0038Records of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
Cluster(s): Old Navy; Modern Navy
NRAABWaltham, MA0.1 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY369 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA2.039 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD3.16 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD85 cu. ft.3,483 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.6 Aerial Photographs
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD89.35 cu. ft.710 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD5 cu. ft.198 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD49.6 cu. ft.30,330 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.85 Posters
NWCT1Washington, DC3,063.665 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC0.785 cu. ft.3 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD16,802.482 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD602.277 cu. ft.52 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD14.001 cu. ft.2 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD58.158 cu. ft.1 Sound Recordings
NWCT2College Park, MD1.658 cu. ft.2 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.5 Unspecified items
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.757,044 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:21,148.275 cu. ft.791,922 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0039Records of the Bureau of Accounts (Treasury)
Cluster(s): Treasury/Revenue/Finance
NREAKansas City, MO1 cu. ft.
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Motion Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD1,475.962 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
TOTAL:1,476.962 cu. ft.3 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0040General Records of the Department of Commerce
Cluster(s): Commerce
NRGADenver, CO14 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.19 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD9.39 cu. ft.419 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD9.5 cu. ft.79 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD21 cu. ft.1,571 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD21 cu. ft.200 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD3.458 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD140.821 cu. ft.240,611 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD7,723.319 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD0.504 cu. ft.1 Motion Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.2 Unspecified items
TOTAL:7,946.992 cu. ft.242,903 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0041Records of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation
Cluster(s): Maritime
NRAABWaltham, MA266.35 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY1,009 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA386.23 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA242.165 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA18 cu. ft.1,250 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NRDAChicago, IL353 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO122 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO0 cu. ft.19 Still Pictures
NRFAFort Worth, TX86.09 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA248.57 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA20 cu. ft.
NRIAAAnchorage, AK3.03 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA233.265 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD3 cu. ft.411 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC18,294.869 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC3.31 cu. ft.2 Maps and Charts
NWCT1Washington, DC1.583 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC0 cu. ft.1 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
TOTAL:21,291.462 cu. ft.1,685 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0042Records of the Office of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital
Cluster(s): DC Government
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD17 cu. ft.148 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD100 cu. ft.1,631 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD11 cu. ft.1,366 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC634.193 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC0.322 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC0 cu. ft.6 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
TOTAL:762.515 cu. ft.3,153 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0043Records of International Conferences, Commissions, and Expositions
Cluster(s): State/Foreign Relations
NRIASSeattle, WA36.21 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA3 cu. ft.3,856 Still Pictures
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD28 cu. ft.1,240 Maps and Charts
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD5 cu. ft.40 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD5 cu. ft.238 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD7 cu. ft.1,759 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD3,315.173 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD3.538 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD3.174 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD4.626 cu. ft.201 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.2 Unspecified items
TOTAL:3,412.721 cu. ft.7,338 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0044Records of the Office of Government Reports
Cluster(s): EOP/Presidential Agencies
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.49 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD41 cu. ft.14,185 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD918.015 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD1.25 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
TOTAL:961.265 cu. ft.14,235 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0045Naval Records Collection of the Office of Naval Records and Library
Cluster(s): Old Navy
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD23 cu. ft.516 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD6 cu. ft.145 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD32 cu. ft.783 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC2,792.268 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC0.408 cu. ft.2 Maps and Charts
NWCT1Washington, DC0.258 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
TOTAL:2,853.934 cu. ft.1,447 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0046Records of the U.S. Senate
Cluster(s): Legislative
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD36 cu. ft.1,305 Maps and Charts
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.9 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD18 cu. ft.1,536 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD755.5 cu. ft.10,450 Video Recordings
NWLWashington, DC76,256.238 cu. ft.
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.2,790,028 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:77,066.738 cu. ft.2,803,328 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0047Records of the Social Security Administration
Cluster(s): Health/Human Services
NREAKansas City, MO6 cu. ft.
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD81 cu. ft.546 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD2.5 cu. ft.116 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD68 cu. ft.25,600 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.10 Filmstrips
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.24 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD3,903.32 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Unspecified items
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1,907,773 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:4,062.82 cu. ft.1,934,070 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0048Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior
Cluster(s): Interior/Environmental
NRAABWaltham, MA3 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA38.336 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL10 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO20 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA356.06 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA22 cu. ft.
NRIAAAnchorage, AK69 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA88.47 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD65 cu. ft.644 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.8 Aerial Photographs
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.8 Still Pictures
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD124 cu. ft.1,739 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD36 cu. ft.187 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD10 cu. ft.504 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD25.22 cu. ft.62,800 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC0 cu. ft.1 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD7,995.45 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD1.407 cu. ft.2 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.2 Still Pictures
TOTAL:8,863.943 cu. ft.65,895 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0049Records of the Bureau of Land Management
Cluster(s): Genealogical
NRCAAtlanta, GA42.22 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL38 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO287.208 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO0 cu. ft.7 Maps and Charts
NRFAFort Worth, TX57 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO9,412.711 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO252.3 cu. ft.17,620 Maps and Charts
NRGADenver, CO0 cu. ft.900 Aerial Photographs
NRGADenver, CO0.3 cu. ft.3,327 Still Pictures
NRGADenver, CO0 cu. ft.1 Sound Recordings
NRGADenver, CO0.3 cu. ft.4,283 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA3,456 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA0 cu. ft.9,736 Maps and Charts
NRHASSan Bruno, CA3,361 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA171 cu. ft.15,558 Maps and Charts
NRIAAAnchorage, AK1,193.725 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA4,132.402 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD0.25 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD2,436 cu. ft.104,135 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD28 cu. ft.17,765 Aerial Photographs
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD5.5 cu. ft.20 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.32 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.2 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD22 cu. ft.13,237 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.41 Posters
NWCT1Washington, DC73,518.254 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC49.125 cu. ft.46 Maps and Charts
NWCT1Washington, DC0.236 cu. ft.2 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC0.068 cu. ft.1 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.2 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.234,773 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:98,464.599 cu. ft.421,489 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0050Records of the Treasurer of the United States
Cluster(s): Treasury/Revenue/Finance
NWCT2College Park, MD2,683.347 cu. ft.
TOTAL:2,683.347 cu. ft.
Federal Records Guide Information

0051Records of the Office of Management and Budget
Cluster(s): EOP/Presidential Agencies
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD3 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD20 cu. ft.200 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.52 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0.2 cu. ft.1 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.14 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.331 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC0.775 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD14,055.359 cu. ft.
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.4,172,262 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:14,083.334 cu. ft.4,172,861 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0052Records of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
Cluster(s): Old Navy; Modern Navy
NRAABWaltham, MA3 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY0.1 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA7.46 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.26 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.17 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.2 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD43 cu. ft.1,415 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC1,515.175 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD2,107.359 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD2.508 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
TOTAL:3,679.602 cu. ft.1,461 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0053Records of the Bureau of the Public Debt
Cluster(s): Treasury/Revenue/Finance
NRCAAtlanta, GA6.462 cu. ft.
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1.25 cu. ft.7 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD6 cu. ft.49 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD18 cu. ft.483 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD2,399.912 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD2.198 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0.336 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD2.197 cu. ft.616 Artifacts
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.40,795,013 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:2,436.355 cu. ft.40,796,170 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0054Records of the Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering
Cluster(s): Agriculture
NRCAAtlanta, GA5.59 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO15 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO20 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA0.56 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD273 cu. ft.39,529 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD3 cu. ft.179 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD9 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD299.18 cu. ft.190,093 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD4,090.66 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD1.045 cu. ft.4 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD1.25 cu. ft.39 Artifacts
TOTAL:4,718.285 cu. ft.229,844 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0055Records of the Government of the Virgin Islands
Cluster(s): Interior/Environmental
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.32 Maps and Charts
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.1,000 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD2,634.57 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD1.65 cu. ft.2 Maps and Charts
TOTAL:2,639.22 cu. ft.1,034 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0056General Records of the Department of the Treasury
Cluster(s): Treasury/Revenue/Finance
NLFDRHyde Park, NY7 cu. ft.
NLRNSCollege Park, MD6 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY6 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA1 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA13.76 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD11 cu. ft.14 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD6 cu. ft.180 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD91.3 cu. ft.366 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD17 cu. ft.1,240 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.8 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD37.057 cu. ft.7,366 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.4 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD10,751.916 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0.539 cu. ft.2 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0.118 cu. ft.2 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD1.025 cu. ft.23 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.2 Unspecified items
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.4,970 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:10,951.715 cu. ft.14,177 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0057Records of the U.S. Geological Survey
Cluster(s): Interior/Environmental
NRAABWaltham, MA2 cu. ft.
NRAABWaltham, MA1 cu. ft.231 Maps and Charts
NRAANNew York, NY3 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA3.958 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA7.011 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA143 cu. ft.28,655 Machine-readable records
NREAKansas City, MO68 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX69 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO121.5 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO0 cu. ft.496 Maps and Charts
NRGADenver, CO0 cu. ft.10 Aerial Photographs
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA79.15 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA52 cu. ft.
NRIAAAnchorage, AK150.77 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA60.23 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD3,863.012 cu. ft.413,630 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD46 cu. ft.32,236 Aerial Photographs
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.50 16 mm Negative Microfilm
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD78 cu. ft.3,700 35 mm Negative Microfilm
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.16 Motion Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD175.178 cu. ft.61,662 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD3,322.73 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD16.123 cu. ft.3 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0.526 cu. ft.2 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.10 Unspecified items
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.38,311,653 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:8,265.188 cu. ft.38,852,354 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0058Records of the Internal Revenue Service
Cluster(s): Treasury/Revenue/Finance
NRAABWaltham, MA108 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY301 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA219.474 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA144.302 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL188 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO218 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX52 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO87 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA15.15 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA62 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA6.167 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD14.24 cu. ft.353 Maps and Charts
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.7 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.113 16 mm Negative Microfilm
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD5.14 cu. ft.42 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD9.25 cu. ft.2,603 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD1.5 cu. ft.71 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD3,519.167 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0.731 cu. ft.3 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0.52 cu. ft.2 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD0.252 cu. ft.1 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Unspecified items
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.6,189,074 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:4,954.893 cu. ft.6,192,270 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0059General Records of the Department of State
Cluster(s): State/Foreign Relations; Genealogical
NLDDEAbilene, KS17 cu. ft.
NLFDRHyde Park, NY40 cu. ft.
NLHHWest Branch, IA18 cu. ft.
NLHSTIndependence, MO16 cu. ft.
NLJFKBoston, MA85 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD106 cu. ft.3,319 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD113 cu. ft.5,600 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD47.33 cu. ft.223 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD139 cu. ft.31,768 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.4 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD7 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD311.469 cu. ft.351,904 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0.15 cu. ft.10 Posters
NWCT1Washington, DC0.775 cu. ft.1 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCT2College Park, MD59,459.981 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD357.404 cu. ft.27 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD9.522 cu. ft.7 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD1.25 cu. ft.2 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCT2College Park, MD47.486 cu. ft.618 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.28 Unspecified items
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1,634,293 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:60,776.367 cu. ft.2,027,805 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0060General Records of the Department of Justice
Cluster(s): Justice/Law Enforcement
NRAABWaltham, MA1 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA28.53 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA4.3 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA68 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD232.481 cu. ft.8,528 Maps and Charts
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.30 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD12 cu. ft.1,076 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.23 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD64.238 cu. ft.100,901 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD76,298.001 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD22.697 cu. ft.9 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD47.366 cu. ft.3 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD25.848 cu. ft.1 Motion Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD72.159 cu. ft.8 Sound Recordings
NWCT2College Park, MD9.512 cu. ft.53 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD6.536 cu. ft.11 Unspecified items
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.6,949,208 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:76,897.668 cu. ft.7,059,851 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0061Records of the War Industries Board
Cluster(s): World War I Emergency Agencies
NWCT2College Park, MD1,058.004 cu. ft.
TOTAL:1,058.004 cu. ft.
Federal Records Guide Information

0062Records of the Council of National Defense
Cluster(s): World War I Emergency Agencies
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.17 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD473.457 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD1.65 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0.336 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD0.408 cu. ft.1 Artifacts
TOTAL:476.851 cu. ft.20 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0063Records of the Committee on Public Information
Cluster(s): World War I Emergency Agencies
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.34 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD188.074 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0.101 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD0.408 cu. ft.1 Unspecified items
TOTAL:189.583 cu. ft.36 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0064Records of the National Archives and Records Administration
Cluster(s): General Government
NLHSTIndependence, MO2 cu. ft.
NRAABWaltham, MA3 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY2 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL0.27 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO12 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA1.72 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA1 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA4 cu. ft.
NRPAOSt. Louis, MO14,575 cu. ft.
NWCCollege Park, MD1,408.84 cu. ft.
NWCCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.28 16 mm Positive Microfilm
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.125 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD29.53 cu. ft.190 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD17 cu. ft.198 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD16 cu. ft.828 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD10.203 cu. ft.87 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD62.156 cu. ft.44,959 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD6 cu. ft.216 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD2,060.683 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD9.555 cu. ft.3 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.2 Still Pictures
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.34,978,293 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:18,223.957 cu. ft.35,024,929 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0065Records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Cluster(s): Justice/Law Enforcement
NREAKansas City, MO0.5 cu. ft.
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0.1 cu. ft.
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD7 cu. ft.90 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD8 cu. ft.649 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD4 cu. ft.166 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD79 cu. ft.14,290 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.85 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD17,419.293 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD17.143 cu. ft.8 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD1.523 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.4 Unspecified items
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.372,761 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:17,536.559 cu. ft.388,053 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0066Records of the Commission of Fine Arts
Cluster(s): DC Government
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD161 cu. ft.5,800 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD58 cu. ft.10,752 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC674.705 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC1.046 cu. ft.3 Maps and Charts
NWCT1Washington, DC0.196 cu. ft.1 Artifacts
TOTAL:894.947 cu. ft.16,556 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0067Records of the U.S. Fuel Administration
Cluster(s): World War I Emergency Agencies
NRHASSan Bruno, CA8 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.55 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD1,171.241 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
TOTAL:1,180.241 cu. ft.56 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0068Records of the U.S. Coal Commission
Cluster(s): New Deal/Great Depression
NWCT2College Park, MD265.849 cu. ft.
TOTAL:265.849 cu. ft.
Federal Records Guide Information

0069Records of the Work Projects Administration
Cluster(s): New Deal/Great Depression
NRAABWaltham, MA25.57 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA19 cu. ft.
NRIAAAnchorage, AK29.08 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD36 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD77 cu. ft.34,367 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.63 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD24 cu. ft.105 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD7 cu. ft.418 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD344.63 cu. ft.123,652 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD6,579.479 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD244.648 cu. ft.625 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD1.939 cu. ft.65 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD0.504 cu. ft.5 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCT2College Park, MD0.118 cu. ft.2 Artifacts
TOTAL:7,390.968 cu. ft.159,302 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0070Records of the U.S. Bureau of Mines
Cluster(s): Interior/Environmental
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA27.688 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA175.58 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA8 cu. ft.2,064 Unspecified items
NREAKansas City, MO71 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX168 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO454 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO163 cu. ft.7,620 Maps and Charts
NRGADenver, CO2 cu. ft.3,085 Still Pictures
NRGADenver, CO15 cu. ft.157 35 mm Positive Microfilm
NRGADenver, CO6 cu. ft.75 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NRHASSan Bruno, CA46 cu. ft.
NRIAAAnchorage, AK27.28 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD10 cu. ft.1,741 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD4 cu. ft.230 16 mm Positive Microfilm
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD48.04 cu. ft.4,000 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD6 cu. ft.
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD48 cu. ft.337 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.24 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.10 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD20 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD147 cu. ft.97,450 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD6,308.293 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD3.696 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.2,960,035 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:7,760.577 cu. ft.3,076,830 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0071Records of the Bureau of Yards and Docks
Cluster(s): Old Navy; Modern Navy
NRAABWaltham, MA5 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY3 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA22.412 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA39.833 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA7.81 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA109.92 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.23 16 mm Negative Microfilm
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD10 cu. ft.1,225 35 mm Negative Microfilm
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD2,398 cu. ft.112,000 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD408 cu. ft.101,427 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC4,868.827 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC13.755 cu. ft.4 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD1,657.104 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0.628 cu. ft.5 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD1.786 cu. ft.1 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
TOTAL:9,546.075 cu. ft.214,685 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0072Records of the Bureau of Aeronautics
Cluster(s): Old Navy; Modern Navy
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA3.42 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL4 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA4.3 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD21.336 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD48 cu. ft.3,217 35 mm Positive Microfilm
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD23,724.42 cu. ft.2,700,480 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD5 cu. ft.56 Motion Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD164 cu. ft.100,950 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC4,249.204 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC0.504 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD20,380.752 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD3.826 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD9.052 cu. ft.2 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCT2College Park, MD3.75 cu. ft.4 Artifacts
TOTAL:48,621.564 cu. ft.2,804,712 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0073Records of the President's Organization on Unemployment Relief
Cluster(s): New Deal/Great Depression
NWCT2College Park, MD185.972 cu. ft.
TOTAL:185.972 cu. ft.
Federal Records Guide Information

0074Records of the Bureau of Ordnance
Cluster(s): Old Navy; Modern Navy
NRCAAtlanta, GA1,446.12 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA0 cu. ft.596,000 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.31 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD386 cu. ft.19,886 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.41 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD29 cu. ft.14,278 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC4,952.047 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC0.157 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT1Washington, DC2.97 cu. ft.3 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC7.493 cu. ft.2 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCT1Washington, DC9.261 cu. ft.15 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD10,781.198 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD6.25 cu. ft.1 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
TOTAL:17,622.496 cu. ft.630,259 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0075Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs
Cluster(s): American Indian
NRAANNew York, NY3 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA190.709 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL1,973.84 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO5,479.6 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX16,517 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX0 cu. ft.25 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NRGADenver, CO6,620.522 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO154 cu. ft.2,644 Maps and Charts
NRGADenver, CO15 cu. ft.6,369 Still Pictures
NRGADenver, CO0 cu. ft.335 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA4,836.57 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA2,878 cu. ft.
NRIAAAnchorage, AK1,010.04 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA4,331.498 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA11 cu. ft.6,600 Still Pictures
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD924.03 cu. ft.32,318 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD15 cu. ft.5,228 Aerial Photographs
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD6 cu. ft.636 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0.1 cu. ft.
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD5 cu. ft.50 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD9.24 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD755.87 cu. ft.121,551 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Filmstrips
NWCT1Washington, DC25,817.783 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC60.466 cu. ft.8 Maps and Charts
NWCT1Washington, DC0.336 cu. ft.2 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC0 cu. ft.9 Artifacts
NWCT1Washington, DC0 cu. ft.15 Unspecified items
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.3 Maps and Charts
TOTAL:71,615.604 cu. ft.175,796 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0076Records of Boundary and Claims Commissions and Arbitrations
Cluster(s): State/Foreign Relations
NRFAFort Worth, TX1,055 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD327 cu. ft.6,032 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD22 cu. ft.14,997 Aerial Photographs
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD1.87 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD45 cu. ft.16,578 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD5,269.712 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0.47 cu. ft.3 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0.756 cu. ft.2 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD1.25 cu. ft.1 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCT2College Park, MD0.504 cu. ft.16 Artifacts
TOTAL:6,723.562 cu. ft.37,629 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0077Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers
Cluster(s): Old Army; Modern Army
NRAABWaltham, MA555.66 cu. ft.
NRAABWaltham, MA1 cu. ft.24 Maps and Charts
NRAABWaltham, MA39 cu. ft.18,513 Still Pictures
NRAABWaltham, MA13 cu. ft.198 Motion Pictures
NRAABWaltham, MA3 cu. ft.1,000 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NRAANNew York, NY968 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY6 cu. ft.1,350 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA2,888.007 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA3,798.83 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA38 cu. ft.476 Maps and Charts
NRCAAtlanta, GA5 cu. ft.453 Aerial Photographs
NRCAAtlanta, GA14 cu. ft.7,400 Still Pictures
NRCAAtlanta, GA30 cu. ft.680 Other Microforms
NRCAAtlanta, GA267 cu. ft.5,843 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NRDAChicago, IL1,939.89 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL294 cu. ft.10,804 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NREAKansas City, MO3,785.5 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO0 cu. ft.426 Maps and Charts
NREAKansas City, MO0 cu. ft.1 Aerial Photographs
NRFAFort Worth, TX3,935 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO698 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA2,381.54 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA0 cu. ft.213 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NRHASSan Bruno, CA1,256 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA13 cu. ft.5,455 Aerial Photographs
NRHASSan Bruno, CA3 cu. ft.1,500 Still Pictures
NRHASSan Bruno, CA19 cu. ft.9,123 Sound Recordings
NRHASSan Bruno, CA64 cu. ft.2,782 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NRIAAAnchorage, AK299.5 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA1,810 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA23 cu. ft.24,589 Still Pictures
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD328.95 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD10,553.39 cu. ft.210,080 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1,069 cu. ft.238,980 Aerial Photographs
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD5.712 cu. ft.2,400 Still Pictures
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD696.29 cu. ft.68,870 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD64.6 cu. ft.538 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD4 cu. ft.6 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0.92 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD332 cu. ft.99,496 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Posters
NWCT1Washington, DC2,920.334 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC0.157 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT1Washington, DC1.25 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC0.252 cu. ft.1 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCT2College Park, MD14,603.559 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0.281 cu. ft.5 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD2.154 cu. ft.2 Motion Pictures
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.53,785 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:55,730.776 cu. ft.764,998 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0078Records of the U.S. Naval Observatory
Cluster(s): Old Navy
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Motion Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.97 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC1,135.638 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC0.504 cu. ft.2 Artifacts
TOTAL:1,137.142 cu. ft.100 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0079Records of the National Park Service
Cluster(s): Interior/Environmental
NRAABWaltham, MA42.27 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA1,154.149 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA131.3 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL7.86 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO346 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO0 cu. ft.100 Maps and Charts
NREAKansas City, MO11 cu. ft.6,012 Still Pictures
NRFAFort Worth, TX50.18 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO2,807 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO0 cu. ft.7,300 Maps and Charts
NRGADenver, CO0 cu. ft.3,750 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA280.8 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA2 cu. ft.160 Maps and Charts
NRHASSan Bruno, CA891 cu. ft.
NRIAAAnchorage, AK86.08 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA220.505 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1,137.95 cu. ft.32,648 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD6 cu. ft.415 Aerial Photographs
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD11 cu. ft.76,500 Other Microforms
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD545 cu. ft.46,237 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD6 cu. ft.20 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.297 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.2 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD6 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD130 cu. ft.56,563 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.125 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD5,071.984 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD1.258 cu. ft.2 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD2.684 cu. ft.3 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD2.406 cu. ft.3 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Artifacts
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.286,432 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:12,952.426 cu. ft.516,570 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0080General Records of the Department of the Navy, 1798-1947
Cluster(s): Old Navy; Modern Navy
NRAANNew York, NY10 cu. ft.
NRIAAAnchorage, AK7.6 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA113.483 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD5 cu. ft.57 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD20 cu. ft.1,300 Aerial Photographs
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.39 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD4 cu. ft.35 Motion Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD3,037 cu. ft.784,321 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC9,099.15 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC0.471 cu. ft.2 Maps and Charts
NWCT1Washington, DC1.599 cu. ft.3 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD3,913.393 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD7.222 cu. ft.2 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD5.4 cu. ft.2 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD0.408 cu. ft.1 Artifacts
TOTAL:16,226.726 cu. ft.785,762 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0081Records of the U.S. International Trade Commission
Cluster(s): Commerce
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.28 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD867.493 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD2.308 cu. ft.4 Maps and Charts
TOTAL:870.801 cu. ft.32 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0082Records of the Federal Reserve System
Cluster(s): Treasury/Revenue/Finance
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Sound Recordings
NWCT2College Park, MD1,363.09 cu. ft.
TOTAL:1,363.09 cu. ft.2 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0083Records of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics
Cluster(s): Agriculture
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA21.216 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA1.224 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL4.8 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO0.1 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX2.45 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO11.5 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA19.8 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA33 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD141 cu. ft.4,322 Maps and Charts
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.11 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD121.448 cu. ft.27,860 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.36 Filmstrips
NWCT2College Park, MD3,804.795 cu. ft.
TOTAL:4,162.333 cu. ft.32,229 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0084Records of the Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State
Cluster(s): State/Foreign Relations
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD6 cu. ft.133 Maps and Charts
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD4 cu. ft.111 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.126 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD47,325.76 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD6.725 cu. ft.5 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0.43 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD0.43 cu. ft.1 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCT2College Park, MD0.252 cu. ft.1 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.6 Unspecified items
TOTAL:47,344.597 cu. ft.384 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0085Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service
Cluster(s): Genealogical
NRAABWaltham, MA587.116 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY866.708 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA194.922 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL446.4 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO3,296 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX12.15 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO4 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA359.99 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA2,385 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA939.996 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.2 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD3 cu. ft.61 Sound Recordings
NWCT1Washington, DC12,449.762 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC1,160.528 cu. ft.836 Maps and Charts
NWCT1Washington, DC1.25 cu. ft.1 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD252.595 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.2 Maps and Charts
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.39,406,828 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:22,960.417 cu. ft.39,407,731 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0086Records of the Women's Bureau
Cluster(s): Labor
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD3 cu. ft.6 Motion Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD16 cu. ft.3,625 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.9 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD1,044.711 cu. ft.
TOTAL:1,063.711 cu. ft.3,640 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0087Records of the U.S. Secret Service
Cluster(s): Treasury/Revenue/Finance
NLDDEAbilene, KS23 cu. ft.
NLFDRHyde Park, NY124 cu. ft.
NLHSTIndependence, MO78 cu. ft.
NLJFKBoston, MA35 cu. ft.
NLLBJAustin, TX69 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL1.2 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO0.1 cu. ft.
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD3 cu. ft.31 Motion Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0.87 cu. ft.
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD22.062 cu. ft.9,680 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0.038 cu. ft.160 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD845.89 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD13.104 cu. ft.3 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
TOTAL:1,215.264 cu. ft.9,875 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0088Records of the Food and Drug Administration
Cluster(s): Health/Human Services
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA62.216 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA9 cu. ft.
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1.56 cu. ft.12 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0.33 cu. ft.3 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD106 cu. ft.19,050 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.8 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD4,870.444 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD3.32 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD0.068 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
TOTAL:5,052.938 cu. ft.19,075 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0089Records of the Federal Fuel Distributor
Cluster(s): New Deal/Great Depression
NWCT2College Park, MD56.289 cu. ft.
TOTAL:56.289 cu. ft.
Federal Records Guide Information

0090Records of the Public Health Service, 1912-1968
Cluster(s): Health/Human Services
NRAABWaltham, MA21 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY20 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA5.088 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL12 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO147 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA8.16 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA27 cu. ft.
NRIAAAnchorage, AK2.66 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA16.77 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.19 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD96 cu. ft.3,373 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD6 cu. ft.49 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD5 cu. ft.153 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD33 cu. ft.9,641 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD3,472.049 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD1.111 cu. ft.3 Artifacts
TOTAL:3,873.838 cu. ft.13,238 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0091Records of the Inland Waterways Corporation
Cluster(s): Commerce
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD2 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.23 Maps and Charts
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Motion Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD149.617 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0.794 cu. ft.2 Still Pictures
TOTAL:153.411 cu. ft.26 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0092Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General
Cluster(s): Old Army; Modern Army
NRAABWaltham, MA6 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY233 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA1,393.614 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA84.348 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA1 cu. ft.30 Still Pictures
NRDAChicago, IL124.2 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO18 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO3 cu. ft.702 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NRFAFort Worth, TX107 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO7.72 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA9.52 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA7 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA0 cu. ft.18 Maps and Charts
NRIAAAnchorage, AK3.62 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA23.99 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD118 cu. ft.2,950 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD612 cu. ft.15,691 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD110.39 cu. ft.20,828 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC9,565.405 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC1.322 cu. ft.2 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC26.752 cu. ft.32 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD16,459.806 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD19.354 cu. ft.9 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD1.512 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCT2College Park, MD0.118 cu. ft.1 Artifacts
TOTAL:28,936.671 cu. ft.40,265 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0093War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records
Cluster(s): Old Army
NWCT1Washington, DC1,721.178 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC3.14 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
TOTAL:1,724.318 cu. ft.1 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0094Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1780's-1917
Cluster(s): Old Army
NRDAChicago, IL2.1 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA2.49 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD78 cu. ft.1,581 Maps and Charts
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD22.23 cu. ft.2,031 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD12.709 cu. ft.150 Posters
NWCT1Washington, DC55,476.751 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC2.175 cu. ft.4 Still Pictures
NWCT1Washington, DC3.75 cu. ft.1 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCT1Washington, DC17.175 cu. ft.47 Artifacts
NWCT2College Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Still Pictures
TOTAL:55,617.38 cu. ft.3,816 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0095Records of the Forest Service
Cluster(s): Agriculture
NRAABWaltham, MA56.5 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA83.157 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA295.11 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA47 cu. ft.3,184 Maps and Charts
NRCAAtlanta, GA2 cu. ft.1,240 Aerial Photographs
NRCAAtlanta, GA34.23 cu. ft.6,700 Still Pictures
NRDAChicago, IL346.5 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL2 cu. ft.124 Maps and Charts
NRDAChicago, IL10 cu. ft.5,499 Posters
NREAKansas City, MO77 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO0 cu. ft.2 Maps and Charts
NREAKansas City, MO0 cu. ft.11 Still Pictures
NREAKansas City, MO0 cu. ft.1 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NRFAFort Worth, TX59 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO1,476.688 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO60 cu. ft.1,241 Maps and Charts
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA359.27 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA1,751.36 cu. ft.
NRIAAAnchorage, AK306.78 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA2,794.898 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD3.23 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD736 cu. ft.35,228 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD322 cu. ft.263,097 Aerial Photographs
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD69.5 cu. ft.668 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD9.8 cu. ft.177 Sound Recordings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD11 cu. ft.116 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD845.482 cu. ft.274,869 Still Pictures
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.27 16 mm Negative Microfilm
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.1 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD10 cu. ft.450 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD3,973.999 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD3.029 cu. ft.10 Maps and Charts
NWCT2College Park, MD1.65 cu. ft.35 Still Pictures
NWMECollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.982,618 Machine-readable records
TOTAL:13,748.183 cu. ft.1,575,298 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0096Records of the Farmers Home Administration
Cluster(s): Agriculture
NRAABWaltham, MA115 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY4 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA32.636 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA417.96 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL215 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO109 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX228 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO149.5 cu. ft.
NRHALLaguna Niguel, CA11.02 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA105 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA0 cu. ft.87 Maps and Charts
NRHASSan Bruno, CA0 cu. ft.115 Still Pictures
NRHASSan Bruno, CA0 cu. ft.20 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NRIASSeattle, WA82.218 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.22 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD46 cu. ft.3,639 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD4 cu. ft.11 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.32 Sound Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.621 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD1,739.557 cu. ft.
TOTAL:3,261.891 cu. ft.4,547 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0097Records of the Bureau of Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry
Cluster(s): Agriculture
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD11 cu. ft.220 Maps and Charts
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.30 Architectural and Engin. Drawings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD22 cu. ft.4,800 Still Pictures
NWCT2College Park, MD1,858.89 cu. ft.
TOTAL:1,892.89 cu. ft.5,050 items
Federal Records Guide Information

0098Records of U.S. Army Commands, 1784-1821
Cluster(s): Old Army
NRGADenver, CO55 cu. ft.
NWCT1Washington, DC73.759 cu. ft.
TOTAL:128.759 cu. ft.
Federal Records Guide Information

0099Records of the Office of the Paymaster General
Cluster(s): Old Army at College Park
NWCT1Washington, DC493.696 cu. ft.
TOTAL:493.696 cu. ft.
Federal Records Guide Information

0100Records of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Cluster(s): Labor
NRAABWaltham, MA22.05 cu. ft.
NRAANNew York, NY253 cu. ft.
NRBAPhiladelphia, PA16.155 cu. ft.
NRCAAtlanta, GA78.62 cu. ft.
NRDAChicago, IL486.25 cu. ft.
NREAKansas City, MO133 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX339 cu. ft.
NRFAFort Worth, TX12 cu. ft.
NRGADenver, CO8 cu. ft.
NRHASSan Bruno, CA6 cu. ft.
NRIASSeattle, WA8 cu. ft.
NWCS-CCollege Park, MD1 cu. ft.18 Maps and Charts
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0.2 cu. ft.2 Motion Pictures
NWCS-MCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.1 Video Recordings
NWCS-SCollege Park, MD0 cu. ft.5 Posters
NWCT2College Park, MD1,257.392 cu. ft.
NWCT2College Park, MD0.068 cu. ft.1 Maps and Charts
TOTAL:2,620.735 cu. ft.27 items
Federal Records Guide Information
