Guide to Federal Records

Alphabetic List of Donated Materials Groups

See Also:
Name Designator
"March of Time" CollectionMT
A. A. Schechter Associates CollectionAASA
A. Bernard Shelley CollectionSHELL
A. H. Cobb, Jr., CollectionCOBB
A. J. de Mooy CollectionDMOOY
A. Lincoln Washburn PapersXALW
A. Ruth Baun Sayer CollectionBAUN
Abdon Daoud Ackad CollectionADA
Abe Fortas PapersJFKD
Abraham G. Duker and Irving Dwork PapersDWORK
Abraham Lincoln PapersLINC
Abraham Zapruder CollectionZF
A-D FDR LibraryRLX
Adm. Richard E. Byrd CollectionBYRD
Alben W. Barkley CollectionBARK
Albert P. Crary PapersXAPC
Alexander Orlov PapersORLOV
Alfred Chaudet CollectionCHAUD
Alfred M. Bailey PapersXAMB
Alice Eversman CollectionEVERS
Allan N. Webster CollectionPI
Allied Architects of Washington, DC, Inc., CollectionAAW
Alton A. Lindsey PapersXAAL
Alvah Carter Duke PapersACD
Alyeska Pipeline Service Company CollectionAPS
American Antiquarian Society CollectionAAS
American Broadcasting Company CollectionABC
American Enterprise Institute CollectionAEI
American Federation of Government Employees CollectionAFGE
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations CollectionAC
American Film Institute CollectionAFI
American Historic and Cultural Society, Inc., CollectionAHCS
American Picture Service CollectionAMPS
American Social Hygiene Association CollectionASHA
Amory Hooper (Bud) Waite, Jr., PapersXAHW
Andrew S. Horton PapersXASH
Anson M. Sperry CollectionSPERY
Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency CollectionARRA
Arnold H. Clarke PapersXAHC
Artel Ricks PapersRICKS
Arthur Aufderheide PapersXAA
Arthur C. Aufderheide PapersXACA
Arthur M. Birch CollectionBIRCH
Arthur M. Machemer CollectionMCHMR
Arthur Remington Kellogg PapersXARK
Association Films, Inc., CollectionASNFL
Aubrey Wagner PapersGMW
August and Rose Howard PapersXARH
August Howard PapersXAH
Autograph Book of Congressman Daniel Connolly (PA)FWC
Automobile Manufacturers Association CollectionAMA
Avery F. Johnson CollectionAFJ
B. Carroll Reece CollectionREECE
B. R. Strachan CollectionSTRHN
Bangor Historical Society CollectionBHS
Barbara Bemis Bloch CollectionBLOCH
Barbara Simpson PapersSMPSN
Bayard Evans CollectionEVANS
Bell and Howell Company CollectionBHC
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Collection]BTL
Ben Cutcliffe CollectionCTCLF
Ben Ritter CollectionRITTR
Bergen Community College CollectionBCC
Bernt Balchen PapersXBB
Bert R. J. Hassell CollectionXBRJH
Bert Riesterer Audio Collection, 1939 - 1945RIEST
Berton C. Willard PapersXBCW
Betty France CollectionFRNCE
Bill Carnahan CollectionCARNA
Bolon B. Turner PapersTRNR
Boston Athenaeum Library CollectionBOSTN
Brig. Gen. David L. Brainard PapersDLB
Brig. Gen. Garrison H. Davidson PapersDVDSN
Brig. Gen. Hugh M. Milton II PapersMILT
Brig. Gen. James Lawton Collins, Jr., PapersCOLNS
Brig. Gen. John J. Christmas PapersCRSMS
Brig. Gen. Robert C. Candee PapersCANDE
Brig. Gen. William Carey Brown CollectionBROWN
Brig. Gen. Williston B. Palmer PapersPALMR
British Broadcasting Corporation CollectionBBC
British Library of Information CollectionBLI
Bvt. Gen. Henry M. Whittelsey PapersWHTL
C.S. Tenley CollectionFFC
Cable Satellite Public Affairs Network (C-SPAN) CollectionCSPAN
Cadre Films CollectionCADRE
Capt. Erwin Kornitzer CollectionTR
Carl R. Eklund Family PapersXCRE
CBS News CollectionJFKJ
Celia Handley Collection of Okinawa PhotographsCHO
Center for Urban Technology, Univ. of Pa., Machine-Readable CollectionCUE
Chaplain Leslie R. Groves PapersGVS
Charles E. Johnson CollectionJONSN
Charles E. Peterson PapersCEP
Charles Edward Rhetts PapersRHETS
Charles F. Meadows, Jr., CollectionMEADO
Charles G. Fitzgerald PapersXCGF
Charles Henshaw Ward PapersXCHW
Charles J. Hubbard PapersXCJH
Charles Kohen CollectionKOHEN
Charles McKinley PapersMCK
Charles N. Young CollectionMY
Charles Russell CollectionGR
Charles Tousley Malcolmson PapersMALC
Charles W. Thomas PapersXCWT
Chester County Historical Society CollectionCCHS
Christy Farrar CollectionWW
Civic Films, Inc., CollectionCIVIC
Clarence T. Gordon CollectionGORDN
Clay Shaw PapersJFKF
Clifford E. Titcomb CollectionTTCMB
Clyde Edwin Pettit, Jr., CollectionPETT
Cmdr. Xavier Bender Tansill CollectionTANSL
Col. Alan P. Sullivan CollectionSULVN
Col. James Taggart Kerr PapersKERR
Col. Kevin Hunter, Sr., CollectionHTR
Col. Thomas H. Monroe, Jr., CollectionMONRO
Col. Wilbur E. Davis CollectionDAVIS
Col. William Henry Paine CollectionPAINE
Col. Willliam R. Scott CollectionSCOTT
Colorado State Archives CollectionCOLSA
Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc., Collection CCBS
Columbia Pictures Corporation CollectionCOL
Congressional Judicial Committee HearingsCJCH
Connecticut State Library CollectionCTLIB
Corporation for Entertainment and Learning, Inc., CollectionCEL
D. W. Cheesman PapersCHE
Dana Linett CollectionDNLN
David Goldin CollectionG
David L. Quaid CollectionQMM
David Lubin CollectionLUBIN
David Maydale Matteson PapersMATSN
David W. Canham PapersXDWC
Dayton R. E. Brown PapersXDREB
Dennis Rawlins PapersXDR
Denys P. Meyers PapersMYERS
Department of State Passport Office CollectionDOSPP
Department of the Army, Adjutant General's Office, CollectionHAINS
Deter J. Danielak CollectionDANLK
Digby G. Seymour CollectionSEYMR
Diplomatic and Consular Officers, RetiredDCOR
Dominican Republic Settlement Association, Inc., CollectionDRSA
Donald B. MacMillan PapersXDBM
Donald C. Archibald CollectionXDCA
Donald E. Powellek PapersXDEP
Dora Keen Handy PapersXDKH
Dorothea P. Nelson CollectionNELSN
Douglas Aircraft Company CollectionXDAC
Duncan Stewart PapersXDS
Dwight D. Eisenhower Family CollectionDDE
Dwight D. Eisenhower Funeral CollectionEF
Dwight D. Eisenhower Library CollectionDDEL
Dwight D. Eisenhower PapersDDEP
E. Marshall Pywell CollectionPY
Earle B. Perkins CollectionXEBP
Earle Clapp PapersCLAPP
Earnest C. Tracy CollectionWT
Eastman Kodak Company CollectionKODAK
Edgar Johnson PapersJHNSN
Edith M. Richmond CollectionRICH
Edmund B. Delabarre PapersXEBD
Educational Broadcasting Corporation CollectionXEBC
Edward Armour PapersXEA
Edward E. Goodale PapersXEEG
Edward G. Campbell PapersCMPBL
Edward K. Armour PapersXEKA
Edward P. Stafford Collection, 1878 - 1974XEPS
Edward W. Remington PapersXEWR
Edwin A. and Jessie Bell MacDonald PapersXMACD
Edwin M. Stanton Family PapersSTNTN
Edwin P. Chalcraft PapersCHA
Elgen M. Long PapersXEML
Elizabeth A. Kendall PapersXEAK
Elmer O. Parker CollectionPARKR
Elwyn L. Watson CollectionWATSN
Elwyn L. Watson PapersTB
Emil Diebitsch Papers, 1894 - 1911XED
Emma W. Delong PapersXEWD
Emory S. Land CollectionLA
Epaninondas J. Demas PapersXEJD
Ernst Posner PapersPOSNR
Esther C. Goddard CollectionGODD
Ethan Allen Hitchcock PapersHITCH
Eunice B. Haden CollectionHADEN
Evelyn Draeger Irish CollectionIRISH
Evelyn Stefansson Nef Family PapersXESN
Evelyn Wills CollectionEWILS
Ewan Clague PapersCLGUE
F. Raldolph Swartz CollectionSWRTZ
Felton M. Johnston CollectionJOHNS
Finn Ronne Family PapersXFR
Finnish Relief Fund, Inc., CollectionFRF
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company CollectionFTRC
Florence E. Paullin Gschwind PapersXFEPG
Flt. Adm. and Mrs. August Held CollectionHELD
Ford Green CollectionGREEN
Ford Motor Company CollectionFC
Forts, Personalities, and Units CollectionFORTS
Fox Movietone News CollectionFOXMN
Fox Movietone News CollectionFOX
Frances Jay CollectionJAY
Francis Dana Coman PapersXFDC
Frank B. Evans PapersFBE
Frank Thomas Davies PapersXFTD
Frank W. Legg CollectionFL
Franklin D. Roosevelt Warm Springs Memorial Commission CollectionFDR
Fred Bell CollectionFBL
Frederick Lewis CollectionLEWIS
Frederick P. Lee PapersFPLEE
Frederick Stallforth PapersSTALL
Frontier Films CollectionFRNTR
Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther PapersGRUEN
Gen. Charles A. Willoughby PapersWLOBY
Gen. Courtney H. Hodges PapersHDGES
Gen. Jacob L. Devers PapersJLD
Gen. John J. Pershing PapersPRSHG
Gen. John L. Dewitt PapersDEWIT
Gen. Joseph Lawton Collins, Jr., PapersJOCOL
Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell PapersSTLWL
Gen. Lauris Norstadt PapersNRSDT
Gen. LeRoy Lutes PapersLUTES
Gen. Lucius D. Clay PapersCLAY
Gen. Mark Clark PapersMCLRK
Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor PapersTAYLR
Gen. Omar N. Bradley PapersONB
Gen. Richard K. Sutherland PapersSTHLD
Gen. Robert L. Eichelberger PapersEICHL
Gen. Walter Bedell Smith PapersSMTH
Gen. William F. Sharp PapersSHARP
Geoffrey J. Martin CollectionJFRSN
George A. Carroll CollectionAMS
George A. Llano PapersXGAL
George B. Abdill CollectionABDIL
George C. Sweeney CollectionSWEEN
George Clyde Baldwin PapersXGCB
George E. Pickett III CollectionPICKT
George E. Tyson PapersXGET
George Grimminger PapersXGG
George H. Clark PapersXGHC
George Harms CollectionHARMS
George Meader PapersGM
George R. Toney PapersXGRT
George W. Orange CollectionGWO
George W. Schuyler CollectionSCHUY
George W. Sutton, Jr., PapersXGWS
George Woodbury Morton PapersMORTN
Gerald E. Church PapersXGEC
Gerald Nathan Taplin, Sr., CollectionJFKK
Gerald Pagano PapersXGP
Gerald Pitzl PapersXGPL
Gerald R. Pitzl PapersXGRP
Gertrude P. Miller CollectionMILR
Greene Line Steamers of Cincinnati, Inc., CollectionGRENE
Gregory Hankin PapersHANKN
H. L. Farrington CollectionFARR
Hannah Duke Henn and Theodore Leonard Henn CollectionHENN
Harmon Foundation CollectionH
Harold E. Saunders PapersXHES
Harold F. Round CollectionROUND
Harold W. Clover CollectionHC
Harriet B. Cady CollectionCADY
Harrison J. Hunt PapersXHJH
Harry Baudu CollectionBAUDU
Harvard College Library CollectionHCL
Hayes Memorial Library CollectionHML
Hearst Metrotone News, Inc., CollectionHRST
Helen Grondin Patton CollectionHGP
Helen L. Chatfield PapersCHAT
Henri Michel CollectionMCH
Henry Biederbick PapersXHB
Henry E. Dater PapersXHED
Henry Faul PapersFAUL
Henry G. Mazlen CollectionMAZLN
Henry M. Dater PapersXHMD
Henry Morgenthau, Jr., CollectionMORG
Henry T. Harrison PapersXHTH
Henry William Ellsworth PapersELSW
Herbert G. Dorsey PapersXHGD
Herbert J. Hagerman PapersHAGER
Herbert Remme CollectionREMME
Herman Finer PapersFINER
Herman R. Friis PapersXHRF
Hiroshima-Nagasaki Publishing Committee CollectionHNPC
Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio CollectionHPSO
Hobart E. Stocking CollectionSTOCK
Homer L. Shantz CollectionSHANT
Homer Woodbridge PapersWDBRG
Howard D. Samuel CollectionSAML
Howard N. Kenyon, Jr., CollectionKENYN
Howard W. Smith CollectionHSMTH
Howard-Endicott Report on British Home GuardHOWRD
Hugh Johnson Lee PapersXHJL
Hugh Morrow CollectionMORRO
Hugo A. C. Neuberg PapersXHACN
Hugo N. Huntzinger CollectionPR
Ione G. Lemmon PapersELLIS
Ira Kaye CollectionKAYE
Isaac Bassett Collection, ca. 1832 - ca. 1895BASSE
Isaac Schlossbach CollectionISB
Isaac Schlossbach PapersXIS
J. Butler Wright PapersWRGHT
J. Edwin White CollectionWHT
J. Lee Rankin PapersJFKH
J. Lee Rankin PapersRKN
J. Robert St. Clair CollectionPSC
J. Sherman Rowe CollectionROWE
J. William Klie CollectionSK
J. Wythe Walker CollectionWALKR
Jack Lieb CollectionLIEB
Jack Martin CollectionMARTN
Jacob H. Hollander PapersHLNDR
Jacob I. Weinstein PapersWST
James B. Rhoads PapersRHOAD
James E. Mooney PapersXJEM
James H. Nicholson PapersJHN
James M. Lambie, Jr., CollectionLAMBI
James O. Hall CollectionHALL
James P. Hosty, Jr., PapersJFKA
James Pierce CollectionPIERC
James T. Watkins PapersWTKNS
James W. Cummings CollectionCUMM
James W. Davidson PapersXJWD
Jane Angelo CollectionANGEL
Jane Butler CollectionBUTLR
Jane M. McClary PapersXJMM
Janet DesRosiers Fontaine PapersJFKC
Jean M. Flanigan CollectionJMF
Jefferson Morley CollectionMORLY
Jefferson Patterson PapersJP
Jere H. Lipps PapersXJHL
Jerome R. Lilienthal CollectionSFF
Jessie L. Carter CollectionWM
Jim Garrison PapersJFKB
Joan and George D. Beitzel CollectionBEITZ
Joan M. Lemley CollectionJML
John A. Miller PapersJAM
John A. Pope PapersXJAP
John and Kate Evans CollectionPE
John Angel James Creswell PapersJAJC
John B. Brady PapersBRADY
John C. Reed PapersXJCR
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., CollectionRKFLR
John E. Moriarty PapersXJEMY
John E. Perry, Jr., PapersXJEP
John F. Putnam CollectionPUTNM
John F. Rider CollectionPRTCH
John G. Bradley PapersBRDLY
John G. Nummy CollectionNUMMY
John H. Delatoni Collection (1 item - Rockefeller newsreel)DEL
John Hanessian PapersXJH
John J. Hainsworth CollectionHWT
John J. Schneider CollectionSCHND
John J. Young Collection (Papers?)YOUNG
John K. Hagopian Collection (PHO, in NAIL]HAGOP
John K. Hillers CollectionJKH
John Kirtland Wright CollectionJKW
John M. Blair PapersBLAIR
John M. Blow CollectionBLOW
John M. Langone CollectionXJML
John McKinley PapersMVB
John N. Dyer PapersXJND
John P. March CollectionMARCH
John R. Murdock CollectionMURDK
John S. D. Eisenhower CollectionJSDE
John S. Hastings PapersHAST
John Tuck, Jr., PapersXJTJR
John Tutuska Collection, ca. 1930 - ca. 1945TUTUS
John V. Hansen CollectionJH
John Wall Wilson PapersXJWW
Johnston Avery PapersAVERY
Joseph Klosser PapersKLSSR
Joseph Little Bristow CollectionBRIST
Joseph Milteer CollectionMLT
Joseph Patronick PapersXJP
Josephine D. Peary PapersXJDP
Julian S. Warmbath PapersXJSW
Ken Gerrish CollectionGERR
Kenneth J. Bertrand PapersXKJB
Kenneth W. Munden PapersMUNDN
L. F. Adams CollectionADAMS
L. J. Simonich CollectionSIMON
L. Kenneth Peterson Papers (in NRISA custody)PTRSN
Ladies of the Press CollectionLP
Laurence Halstead, Jr., CollectionHLSTD
Laurence M. Gould PapersXLMG
Lawrence C. Woods, Jr., PapersXLCW
Lawrence F. Deutzman CollectionDEUTZ
Lee Campbell Fox CollectionLCF
Lee Dick, Inc., CollectionDICK
Lee W. Court PapersXLWC
Leland L. Barter Papers TEX]XLLB
Leonard R. Schneider PapersXLRS
Leonard Seltzer Wilson PapersXLSW
Library of Congress CollectionLC
Lincoln Ellsworth PapersXLE
Lloyd Ostendorf CollectionOSTEN
Lloyd S. Howard CollectionLSH
Loew's, Inc., CollectionLOEW
Longines Wittnauer Watch Co., Inc. CollectionLW
Louis E. Shecter CollectionLSHEC
Louis Hill Nicholson CollectionNICH
Louise A. Boyd PapersXLAB
Louise Bryd CollectionBRYD
Louise I. Nowack CollectionNWACK
Lt. Col. George Scott Stewart, Jr., PapersSTWRT
Lt. Col. Stephen J. Spingarn PapersSPNGN
Lt. Gen. Geoffrey Keyes PapersKEYES
Lt. Gen. Leslie R. Groves PapersGRO
Lt. Leo G. Bellarts, Sr., PapersBLRTS
Lucien Jonas CollectionLJ
Lucy Flanagan CollectionFLAN
Mabel L. West CollectionWEST
Mae Jean Chandler CollectionCHAND
Magdalene F. Wanzer CollectionWANZR
Maj. Gen. Carter B. Magruder PapersMGRDR
Maj. Gen. Clovis E. Byers PapersBYERS
Maj. Gen. George J. Richards PapersRCHDS
Maj. Gen. Harold B. Fiske PapersFISKE
Maj. Gen. James E. Harbord PapersHRBRD
Maj. John J. Gussak CollectionGSK
Margaret Lavender Betzel CollectionMLB
Marie Peary Kuhne PapersXMPK
Marion E. Grevemberg CollectionGRVBG
Marion Napier CollectionNAPIE
Mark Foreman Films CollectionMFF
Mark Shecter CollectionMSHEC
Martin Marietta Corporation CollectionXMMC
Marvin Breckinridge CollectionBRECK
Mary Alice Riley Heffner CollectionHEFNR
Mary Pickford CollectionPICK
Mary Rose Yarnall CollectionYARNL
Matthew J. Brennan PapersXMJB
Maurice Donahue PapersMDON
Max Adams McCall CollectionMCALL
MCA/Universal Pictures CollectionUN
Meredith F. Burrill PapersXMFB
Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Pictures CollectionMGM
Meyer H. Fishbein PapersMHF
Meyer Silverman CollectionSILVR
Michael Esslinger CollectionAZESS
Michael P. Balzano CollectionBLZ
Michigan Historical Commission CollectionMHS
Michigan State Archives CollectionMSA
Michigan State Board of Escheats CollectionMICH
Minnesota Historical Society CollectionMH
Monday Film Production Company CollectionMFPC
Monroe P. Killy CollectionMPK
Monuments Men Foundation for the Preservation of Art Collection, ca.1940 - ca.1942REMM
Morris L. Ernst and Alan U. Schwartz PapersGAL
Morris Rieger PapersRIEGR
Mortimer D. Turner PapersXMDT
Morton J. Rubin PapersXMJR
Motion Picture Association of America, Inc., CollectionMPAA
Moviola Company CollectionMOVIO
Mr. & Mrs. Jo Bruce Crozier CollectionCROZR
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stidham CollectionSTDHM
Mrs. Alexander MacMillan CollectionMMILL
Mrs. Edward T. Clark CollectionCLARK
Mrs. Frame Muth and Mrs. George Scurria CollectionMUTH
Mrs. Frederick W. Connolly CollectionCONLY
Mrs. Harold E. Lee CollectionLEE
Mrs. Howard E. Cox CollectionHECOX
Mrs. James B. Jones CollectionJONES
Mrs. John H. Knowles CollectionKNOWL
Mrs. John Jackson CollectionJACKS
Mrs. Jule Perlberg CollectionPERL
Mrs. Lucien Howe CollectionHOWE
Mrs. M. Hobbs CollectionHOBBS
Mrs. Paul P. Gushin CollectionGUSHN
Mrs. Ralph T. Kirchner CollectionKIRCH
Mrs. Remsen Brinckerhoff CollectionBRINC
Mrs. Sydney Wellborn CollectionWELLB
Mrs. Sylvester Wright CollectionWRIGH
Mrs. Theodore W. Curtis CollectionCURT
Mrs. Thomas Spencer CollectionTSPEN
Mrs. W. C. Turner CollectionTURNR
Mrs. Will Croft Barnes CollectionBARNS
Murray A. Wiener PapersXMAW
Museum for German History CollectionFB
Museum of Broadcasting Collection of the "MacNeil/Lehrer Report" and "MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour"ML
Museum of New Mexico CollectionMNM
Myron Gittinger PapersMG
Nancy McKinley CollectionMCKIN
National 4-H Club Foundation CollectionN4HCF
National Archives of India CollectionNAI
National Archives Oral History CollectionNARA
National Board of Fire Underwriters CollectionNBFU
National Broadcasting Co., Inc., CollectionNBC
National Broadcasting Company Collection of Photographs by Maurice ConstantMC
National Center for Jewish Film CollectionNCJF
National Film Board of Canada CollectionXNFBC
National Geographic Society CollectionNGS
National Tuberculosis Association CollectionNTA
Naturalization Records of Non-Federal Courts in ConnecticutCTN
Nebraska State Historical Society CollectionNEBR
Neil M. Judd CollectionNJ
Nesta Kay Clark CollectionNCLRK
New York University CollectionNYU
Nina McCully McDonald CollectionMCDON
Noel P. Fox PapersNPFOX
Nora Fanley CollectionFANLY
Norman J. Greene CollectionGRNE
Northern Pump Company CollectionPUMP
Ohio Adjutant General's Department CollectionOHAGO
Oliver W. Holmes PapersHOLMS
Organization of American States CollectionIAC
Palle Mogensen PapersXPM
Pan American Institute of Geography and History CollectionPAIGH
Paramount Pictures, Inc., CollectionPARA
Pare Lorentz CollectionPL
Parks and Scenery CollectionPARKS
Pathe News CollectionPATHE
Patrick Lavelle CollectionLAVEL
Patrick T. Stone PapersSTONE
Paul A. Siple Family PapersXSIPL
Paul C. Dalrymple PapersXPCD
Paul C. Oscanyan PapersXPCO
Paul R. Sullivan PapersXPRS
Paul Scheips PapersCANAL
Pauline Goldmark CollectionGOLD
Peale Museum CollectionPEALE
Pen used by Pres. Franklin Roosevelt to sign Natl. Archives Act, 1934FDRPN
Pennsylvania State University CollectionPSU
Philip M. Smith PapersXPMS
Philip Pomeroy CollectionPMROY
Philippe d'Orleans CollectionORLNS
Philippe Mora CollectionMORA
Polar Collection Unidentified DonorXPOLA
Quin A. Blackburn PapersXQAB
R. C. Raack, Patrick Griffin, and William Malloch CollectionRAACK
R. T. Fries CollectionFRIES
Ralph Plaisted PapersXRP
Ralph R. Irwin CollectionIRWIN
Ralph S. Plaisted PapersXRSP
Records of Lindblad Travel, Inc.XLT
Records of National Public RadioNPR
Records of the American Committee on the French RevolutionREV
Records of the American Defenders of Bataan and CorregidorADBC
Records of the American Geographical SocietyXAGS
Records of the American Geophysical UnionXAGU
Records of the American Heritage FoundationAHF
Records of the American National Red CrossANRC
Records of the American Society of Polar PhilatelistsXASPP
Records of the Antarctican SocietyXAS
Records of the California Institute of TechnologyVISTA
Records of the Captain Charles Pond Society of the Natl. Soc. of the Children of the Am. Rev.POND
Records of the Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin--MadisonCDE
Records of the Center for Immigration ResearchCIR
Records of the Community and Family Study Center, University of ChicagoCFS
Records of the Geographical Society of PhiladelphiaXGSP
Records of the Humble Oil and Refining CompanyXHORC
Records of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social ResearchICPSR
Records of the Joint Committee on Mental Health of ChildrenMHC
Records of the Legal Services CorporationLSC
Records of the Makah Tribal CouncilMAK
Records of the Makah Tribal CouncilMAKAH
Records of the Maryland Department of TransportationMDT
Records of the National Academy of SciencesNAS
Records of the National Archives AssemblyNAA
Records of the National Committee on the Bicentennial of the Treaty of ParisBTP
Records of the National Conference on CitizenshipCIT
Records of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.NC
Records of the National Law Enforcement Officers' Memorial FundLEM
Records of the National Mary Washington Memorial AssociationNMWMA
Records of the National Mary Washington Memorial AssociationMWMA
Records of the National Public Affairs Center for TelevisionNPACT
Records of the National Trust for Historic PreservationNTHP
Records of the National Trust for Historic PreservationNHTP
Records of the Social Science Research CouncilSSRC
Records of the State Justice InstituteSJI
Records of the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, CALOS
Records of the Superior Court of the County of San Diego, CASAN
Records of the Training Within Industry FoundationTWIF
Records of the Trust Territory of the Pacific IslandsTTP
Records of the Trust Territory of the Pacific IslandsTTPI
Reed P. Johnson CollectionRJOHN
Renah F. Camalier CollectionCAMAL
Richard B. Black CollectionXRBB
Richard Coffelt, Richard Arnold, and David Argabright CollectionCOFF
Richard Douglas CollectionDOUGL
Richard H. Poff CollectionPOFF
Richard J. and Anne W. Wiechmann CollectionIND
Richard Lavato CollectionLAVAT
Richard Norton PapersNORTN
Richard R. Conger PapersXRRC
Richard W. Konter PapersXRWK
Richard W. Manning PapersXRWM
Riverside County, CA, Department of Veterans' Services CollectionRVRSD
Robert C. Butow CollectionBUTOW
Robert C. Watt PapersXRCW
Robert E. Peary Family PapersXP
Robert Edsel Film Collection, ca. 1930 - ca. 1945EDSEL
Robert H. Blumling CollectionBLUML
Robert J. Walker PapersRWALK
Robert L. Lillestrand PapersXRLL
Robert L. Manson CollectionMAN
Robert Lee Fulton Sikes CollectionSIKES
Robert Livingston CollectionLVSTN
Robert McClory CollectionUWW
Robert Mills PapersMILLS
Robert N. Davis PapersXRND
Robert Northshield CollectionNSHLD
Robert R. Brookhart PapersBRK
Robert S. McNamara PapersMNR
Robert S. Zigman CollectionZIGMN
Robert W. Wagner materials relating to use of motion pictures in WWIIRWW
Robert W. Wood PapersXRWW
Rockwell Kent CollectionXRK
Roger Hull White CollectionWHIT
Roger Smith CollectionRSMTH
Ron Praite CollectionPRAIT
Ronald E. Heaton CollectionHEATN
Rosemary Ames CollectionAMES
Roy F. Jones PapersXRFJ
Roy Knabenshue CollectionKNAB
Ruby P. Lund PapersXRPL
Rudolph A. Honkala PapersXRAH
Russell W. Porter PapersXRWP
Russian Ministry of Defense Archives CollectionRMDA
Ruth J. Yazel CollectionYAZEL
S. J. Beauchamp, Jr., CollectionBEAU
S. McClellan Butt PapersBUTT
Salina, KS, Public Library CollectionSLINA
Samuel A. Goudsmit PapersGOUDS
Samuel Cicchino CollectionCICCH
San Bernardino County, CA, Department of Veterans Affairs CollectionSNBDO
Sandra Riley CollectionRILEY
Santa Clara County, CA, Veterans Services Office CollectionCLARA
Sara Branham Matthews and Annie Laurie Branham Pike CollectionMATTH
Seymour Hofstetter CollectionSH
Shepherd M. Jenks PapersXSMJ
Sherrod East PapersEAST
Sidney Homer CollectionHOMER
Silas Nott Malterner PapersXSNM
Sir Henry Wellcome CollectionNRIA-WME
Sir Henry Wellcome PapersWME
Sixth Floor Museum CollectionJFKE
Smithsonian Institution CollectionSINST
South Carolina Historical Society CollectionSCHS
Stanley J. and Nellie L. Sieczkowski CollectionOPA
Stephen Tyler CollectionJFKL
Stephenson Corey PapersXSC
Stern Gift DonationSTERN
Strenck CollectionSTRNK
Sue L. Thompson CollectionAMITY
Sven Edward Roos PapersXSER
Svend Fredriksen Family PapersXSF
Swift and Company CollectionSWIFT
T. K. Peters CollectionPETER
Thames Television CollectionTT
The New York Times CollectionXTNYT
Theatre-on-Film, Inc., CollectionTOF
Theodore Nicholas Gill CollectionGILL
Thomas Alva Edison Foundation CollectionTAEF
Thomas Armat CollectionARMAT
Thomas C. Poulter PapersXTCP
Thomas H. Hubbard PapersXTHH
Thomas Hubbard PapersXTH
Thomas Spencer CollectionSPNCR
Time-Life, Inc., CollectionTMLIF
Trowel used by Pres. Hoover in laying NAB cornerstone, 1933TROWL
Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation CollectionTCF
U.S. Army Strategic Communications Command CollectionSTRAT
Ulysses S. Grant III CollectionKWG
Unidentified CollectionUNIDH
Unidentified CollectionUNIDK
Unidentified CollectionUNIDQ
Unidentified CollectionUNIDC
Unidentified CollectionUNIDU
Unidentified CollectionUNIDN
Unidentified CollectionUNIDP
Unidentified CollectionUNIDE
Unidentified CollectionUNIDL
Unidentified CollectionUNIDS
Unidentified CollectionUNIDR
Unidentified CollectionUNIDT
Unidentified CollectionUNIDI
Unidentified CollectionUNIDD
Unidentified CollectionUNIDJ
Unidentified CollectionUNIDM
Unidentified CollectionUNIDO
Unidentified CollectionUNIDG
Unidentified CollectionUNIDB
Unidentified CollectionUNIDV
Unidentified CollectionUNIDA
Unidentified CollectionUNIDF
Union League of Philadelphia CollectionPHILA
United Aircraft Corporation CollectionUAC
United Artists Corporation CollectionUA
United Food and Commercial Workers CollectionUFCW
United Nations CollectionLN
Univ. of WashingtonMR
University of Colorado Medical School CollectionCOLO
University of Maryland/Donald H. Kirkley, Jr. Collection of Selected Radio BroadcastsWTOP
University of South Alabama CollectionS
Victor Gondos, Jr., PapersVGT
Victor H. Czegka PapersXVHC
Vilhjalmur Stefansson and Evelyn Stefansson Nef PapersXVS
Vince Palamara PapersJFKI
Virginia Independence Bicentennial Commission CollectionVIBC
Virginia Webb McCotter CollectionMCCOT
Voorhis D. Demarest CollectionDEMAR
W. Cliff Haller Collection, ca. 1934 - ca. 1944HALLE
W. D. Smithers CollectionSMTHR
Wade Lemmons CollectionWL
WAII-TV CollectionWAII
Walter H. Bucher PapersXWHB
Walter R. Seelig PapersXWRS
Walter Thompson CollectionTHOMP
Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc., CollectionWARN
Warren G. Harding PapersHRDNG
Washington Video Prod.WVP
Wayne C. Grover PapersGROVR
Weiss Films, Inc., CollectionWF
Werner C. Strecker CollectionSTRKR
Western Electric Company CollectionWEC
Western New England College CollectionJFKG
WGBH Educational Foundation CollectionWGBH
White House Conference on Families CollectionWHCF
Willard Garrett CollectionGARET
William B. Paul CollectionPAUL
William B. White, Jr., CollectionWHITE
William C. Haines PapersXWCH
William C. Lang CollectionARA
William Carey Crane CollectionWCC
William F. Rope CollectionROPE
William H. Easton CollectionEAS
William Haddon CollectionWH
William Henry Harrison CollectionHRISN
William J. Campbell PapersWJC
William J. Cromie CollectionXWJC
William S. Carlson PapersXWSC
William S. Clark PapersWSC
William Vandel CollectionCIC
William Weber Coblentz PapersCBLNZ
Winfield W. Riefler PapersRFLR
Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania CollectionWP
Woodrow W. Talbot CollectionGT
WPIX, Inc., CollectionWPIX
Yale University School of Medicine CollectionYALE