Records of the Bureau of Land Management [BLM]
(Record Group 49)
1685-1993 (bulk 1770-1982)
Table of Contents
- 49.2.1 Correspondence
- 49.2.2 Records relating to lands administration
- 49.2.3 Other records
1715-1962 (bulk 1770-1962) - 49.3.1 Records of Division "A" (Chief Clerk's
- 49.3.2 Records of Division "B" (Recorder's
- 49.3.3 Records of Division "C" (Public Lands
- 49.3.4 Records of Division "D" (Private Land Claims
- 49.3.5 Records of Division "D" (Mail and Files
- 49.3.6 Records of Division "E" (Surveying Division)
- 49.3.7 Records of Division "F" (Railroads,
Rights-of-Way, and Reclamation Division)
- 49.3.8 Records of Division "G" (Preemption
- 49.3.9 Records of Division "H" (Contests Division)
- 49.3.10 Records of Division "K" (Reclamation,
Swampland, and Special Entries Division)
- 49.3.11 Records of Division "L" (Drafting
- 49.3.12 Records of predecessors of Division "L" (Law
- 49.3.13 Records of Division "M" (Accounting
- 49.3.14 Records of Division "N" (Mineral Division)
- 49.3.15 Records of Division "P" (Timber Depredations
and Special Services Division)
- 49.3.16 Records of Division "R" (Forestry
- 49.3.17 Records of Division "FS" (Field Service
- 49.3.18 Records of Division "SRP" (Surplus Real
Property Division)
1824-47 (bulk 1842-47)
- 49.6.1 Records of headquarters
- 49.6.2 Records of Grazing Service branches
- 49.6.3 Records of Grazing Service regional offices
- 49.6.4 Records relating to Civilian Conservation Corps activities
1685-1965 (bulk 1797-1965)
- 49.7.1 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Alaska
- 49.7.2 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Arizona
- 49.7.3 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Arkansas
- 49.7.4 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of
- 49.7.5 Records of the Surveyor General of Colorado
- 49.7.6 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Idaho
- 49.7.7 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Montana
- 49.7.8 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of New Mexico
- 49.7.9 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Nevada
- 49.7.10 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Oregon
- 49.7.11 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Utah
- 49.7.12 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Washington
- 49.7.13 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Wyoming
- 49.7.14 Records of other surveyors general
DISTRICTS 1870-1948
- 49.8.1 General records of the Supervisor of Surveys
- 49.8.2 District records (Arizona)
- 49.8.3 District records (California)
- 49.8.4 Records of other districts
- 49.9.1 Records of Alabama land offices
- 49.9.2 Records of Alaska land offices
- 49.9.3 Records of Arizona land offices
- 49.9.4 Records of Arkansas land offices
- 49.9.5 Records of California land offices
- 49.9.6 Records of Colorado land offices
- 49.9.7 Records of Florida land offices
- 49.9.8 Records of Idaho land offices
- 49.9.9 Records of Illinois land offices
- 49.9.10 Records of Indiana land offices
- 49.9.11 Records of Iowa land offices
- 49.9.12 Records of Kansas land offices
- 49.9.13 Records of Louisiana land offices
- 49.9.14 Records of Minnesota land offices
- 49.9.15 Records of Mississippi land offices
- 49.9.16 Records of the Missouri land offices
- 49.9.17 Records of Montana land offices
- 49.9.18 Records of Nebraska land offices
- 49.9.19 Records of Nevada land offices
- 49.9.20 Records of New Mexico land offices
- 49.9.21 Records of North Dakota land offices
- 49.9.22 Records of Ohio land offices
- 49.9.23 Records of the Oklahoma land offices
- 49.9.24 Records of Oregon land offices
- 49.9.25 Records of South Dakota land offices
- 49.9.26 Records of Utah land offices
- 49.9.27 Records of Washington land offices
- 49.9.28 Records of Wisconsin land offices
- 49.9.29 Records of Wyoming land offices
- 49.10.1 Records of Alaska boards of townsite trustees
- 49.10.2 Records of Oklahoma boards of townsite trustees
1866-1954 (bulk 1927-51)
- 49.13.1 Records of the Alaska State Office
- 49.13.2 Records of the Arizona State Office
- 49.13.3 Records of the California State Office
- 49.13.4 Records of the Colorado State Office
- 49.13.5 Records of the Idaho State Office
- 49.13.6 Records of the Montana State Office
- 49.13.7 Records of the Nevada State Office
- 49.13.8 Records of the New Mexico State Office
- 49.13.9 Records of the Oregon State Office
- 49.13.10 Records of the Utah State Office
- 49.13.11 Records of the Wyoming State Office
- 49.14.1 Records of Arizona district offices
- 49.14.2 Records of California district offices
- 49.14.3 Records of Idaho district offices
- 49.14.4 Records of Montana district offices
- 49.14.5 Records of Nevada district offices
- 49.14.6 Records of the New Mexico district offices
- 49.14.7 Records of Oregon district offices
- 49.14.8 Records of Utah district offices
- 49.15.1 Records of the Oregon and California Railroad Revested Lands Administration
- 49.15.2 Records of the Boise Interagency Fire Center, ID
Established: In the Department of the Interior by Secretary's Order 2225, July 15, 1946, implementing Reorganization Plan No. III of 1946, effective July 16, 1946.
Predecessor Agencies:
In the Department of the Treasury:
- Office of the Secretary of the Treasury (1789-1812)
- Register of the Treasury (1789-1812)
- General Land Office (1812-49)
In the Department of State:
- Office of the Secretary of State (administration of land patents, 1796-1812)
In the War Department:
- Office of the Secretary of War (military land warrants, 1789-1812) Ordnance Department (supervision of lead and copper mines, 1821-46)
In the Department of the Interior:
- General Land Office (1849-1946)
- Division of Grazing Control (1934-35)
- Division of Grazing (1935-39)
- Grazing Service (1939-46)
Functions: Classifies, manages, and disposes of public lands and their resources according to principles of multiple-use management. Administers federally owned mineral resources on nonfederal lands.
Finding Aids: Preliminary inventory in National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories.
Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Bureau of
Land Management and its predecessors in RG 287, Publications of
the U.S. Government.
Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, RG 48.
Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, RG 75.
Records of the National Park Service, RG 79.
Records of the Forest Service, RG 95.
Records of the Bureau of Reclamation, RG 115.
History: The Federal Government inherited a substantial public domain from its predecessor, the government under the Articles of Confederation. By Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution, Congress was empowered "to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States." In the act establishing the Treasury Department (1 Stat. 65), September 2, 1789, the Secretary of the Treasury was authorized "to execute such services relative to the sale of the lands belonging to the United States, as may be by law required of him," and the Office of the Register of the Treasury was designated the agency for the collection and dispersal of Treasury revenues. The Secretary of War, in the act establishing the War Department (1 Stat. 50), August 7, 1789, was made responsible for granting military bounty lands (lands to which veterans of the Revolutionary War were entitled by virtue of their military service). Treasury responsibility for administering the public lands was defined initially in the Land Act of 1796 (1 Stat. 464), May 18, 1796, which provided for the orderly survey and sale of lands northwest of the Ohio River. This responsibility was extended geographically and amended procedurally by additional land laws of 1800, 1803, and 1804. The act of 1796 required the Secretary of State to record and issue patents (titles) to public land. The General Land Office Act (2 Stat. 716), April 25, 1812, created the General Land Office (GLO) in the Department of the Treasury to "superintend, execute, and perform, all such acts and things, touching or respecting the public lands of the United States," including those functions formerly vested in the Secretaries of War and State. GLO transferred to the newly created Department of the Interior under provisions of its establishing act (9 Stat. 395), March 3, 1849. GLO and Grazing Service (SEE 49.6) consolidated to form BLM, 1946. SEE 49.1.
Textual Records: General correspondence, 1796-1909. Letters received, 1803-1965, with registers and indexes, including separately filed letters from registers and receivers, 1803-49; and from surveyors general, 1803-71. Letters sent, 1908-48. Telegrams sent, 1909-40.
Microfilm Publications: M25, M27.
49.2.2 Records relating to lands administration
Textual Records: Records relating to power-site reserves, 1909- 61; classifications, 1921-64; restorations, 1909-60; and cancellations, 1918-52. Records relating to power projects, 1920- 67. Records relating to withdrawals of air navigation sites, 1928-59, and stock driveways, 1916-59. Miscellaneous records relating to restorations and reserves of public water, Alaska shore space, reservoirs, and water wells, 1911-64. Mineral land survey approval files, 1874-1964. Forest reserve land list files, 1906-49. Unpatented serial land entry application case files, 1908-64.
Textual Records: Railroad mortgages, 1886-1938. Register of mining entries, 1875-1907. Federal reimbursements for tax revenues lost by counties in Oregon and California when railroad land grant titles were revested in the United States, 1916-31. Valuation of Indian lands acquired by the United States, 1864- 1908. Records of the Board of Commissioners for the Hot Springs, AR, Reservation, 1877-79. Correspondence concerning Alabama selections under the May 23, 1928, Muscle Shoals Grant, 1915-28. Records relating to the Kaweah Cooperative Colony of California, 1934-35. Annual grazing statistical reports, 1938-69. Records relating to GLO work relief programs, 1933-45. Records of Thomas C. Havel, acting commissioner, consisting of office files, 1924-48; and budget files, 1942-48. Organizational files of headquarters field offices, 1946-80. Records relating to the Federal lands inventory project, 1938-42. School land grant status and use cards, 1806-1933. Presidential Proclamations and Executive Orders affecting Alaska, 1907-15. Manuscript land classification map volumes, 1906-26. Exhibit materials relating to litigation cases, 1887-1917. Case files for lands acquired from cancelled loans, 1934-58. District land office serial number registers, 1908-50. Schedules of allowances, 1912-40. Contest docket binders, 1907-32. Abstracts of collections for desert lands, 1909-12. Forest and range fire control records, 1942-53. Records relating to the organization and function of the Records Improvement Project (RIP), 1955-64. Records of the Office of Legislation and Regulatory Management, consisting of House, Senate, and Joint Resolution bills and other records of the 86th-97th Congresses relating to land management, 1959-81; and records concerning proposed rules and regulations relating to federal land policy, 1971-81. Records of the Branch of Organization and Management, consisting of records relating to organization and management, 1946-62. Records of the Division of Environmental and Planning Coordination, consisting of program planning records, 1954-65. Records of the Office of the Budget, consisting of budget estimates, 1971-78.
1715-1962 (bulk 1770-1962)
History: GLO division-level functions date from the beginning of federal responsibility for administration and disposal of public lands. Specialization of function began well before GLO first assigned alphabetical designations to and denominated its operating units as divisions, August-September 1867. All GLO divisions not abolished in the interim were discontinued upon merger of GLO and Grazing Service to form BLM, 1946. The National Archives has continued to assign BLM-generated records to selected GLO series.
49.3.1 Records of Division "A" (Chief Clerk's Division)
History: Established by order of the Chief Clerk, September 1, 1867, and designated as Division "A." Known also as the Chief Clerk's Office. Exercised general supervision over the activities of the GLO and its personnel, equipment, expenditures, and requisitions. Supervised appointments and promotions, leaves of absence, and officers' bonds. Conducted correspondence with local land officers and the surveyors general. Inspected offices of surveyors general, administered the establishment of new land districts, and made changes in land district locations and boundaries. Published notices of intent to offer final proof and managed the opening and sale of land on Indian reservations.
Textual Records: Correspondence relating to GLO operations, 1813- 1950. Personnel records, 1820-1926. Divisional scrapbooks, 1904- 20. Appointment notices to registers and receivers, 1841-44. Circulars sent, 1850-54. Letters sent by the receiving clerk, 1871-1910. Office files of the associate director, 1938-47, and of the Chief of Division "A," 1924-47. Oil shale lands investigation files of the GLO Denver, CO, field division chief, 1920-33. "Stock driveway files" relating to public lands in the west used as stock trails, 1916-50.
49.3.2 Records of Division "B" (Recorder's Division)
History: Position of Recorder dates from at least 1837. No specific date determined for establishment of Recorder's Division as Division "B." Had responsibility for all GLO land patent activities, including affixing of GLO seal, engrossing, recording, and transmitting of patents. Administered military bounty land warrants (special certificates, redeemable for public land, which were issued to veterans pursuant to statutes enacted between 1788 and 1855 [see below]) and land scrip (scrip issued in accordance with laws passed between 1830 and 1872 [see below] and exchangeable for public land). These latter responsibilities were transferred to Division "R" in 1905.
Bounty land warrant acts: July 9, 1788 (39 Journals of the Continental Congress 306); April 7, 1798 (1 Stat. 547); March 3, 1803 (2 Stat. 236); April 15, 1806 (2 Stat. 378); December 24, 1811 (2 Stat. 669); January 11, 1812 (2 Stat. 672); March 5, 1816 (3 Stat. 356); July 27, 1842 (5 Stat. 497); February 11, 1847 (9 Stat. 125); September 28, 1850 (9 Stat. 520); March 22, 1852 (10 Stat. 4); and March 3, 1855 (10 Stat. 701).
Land scrip acts: Military Bounty Land Scrip, May 30, 1830 (4 Stat. 422); same, March 2, 1833 (4 Stat. 665); same, March 3, 1835 (4 Stat. 770); Surveyor General Scrip, July 4, 1836 (5 Stat. 107); Choctaw Scrip, August 23, 1842 (5 Stat. 515); same, March 3, 1845 (5 Stat. 777); Sioux Half-Breed Scrip, July 17, 1854 (10 Stat. 304); Chippewa Half-Breed Scrip, treaty of September 30, 1854 (10 Stat. 1109); Surveyor General Scrip, June 2, 1858 (11 Stat. 294); Sioux Half-Breed Scrip, May 19, 1858 (11 Stat. 292); Porterfield Scrip, April 11, 1860 (12 Stat. 836); Supreme Court Scrip, June 22, 1860 (12 Stat. 85); Agricultural College Scrip, July 2, 1862 (12 Stat. 503); Chippewa Half-Breed Scrip, treaty of October 2, 1863 (14 Stat. 669); same, treaty of April 12, 1864 (14 Stat. 690); Supreme Court Scrip, March 2, 1867 (14 Stat. 544); same, June 10, 1872 (17 Stat. 378); and Valentine Land Scrip, April 5, 1872 (17 Stat. 649).
Textual Records: Letters sent relating to patents, 1817-1908. Abstracts, notices of caveats, and other records relating to bounty land warrants, 1817-1906. Register of Ohio land patents, 1805-19. Docket of Surveyors General scrip certificates, 1866- 1917. Location registers of Choctaw, Sioux Half-Breed, Chippewa, Porterfield, Valentine Land, Surveyor General, and Supreme Court Scrip, 1846-1908. Records relating to Virginia military bounty land warrants (issued by the state to its Revolutionary War veterans and exchangeable for patents to land in the Virginia Military District in Ohio), 1784-1886, including entry and survey books for the Virginia Military District, 1784-1813; with name indexes to warrantees and patentees, 1782-1838. Records concerning the conveyances or locations of warrants granting public lands for service in the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican War, and Indian wars and frontier skirmishes, 1788-1855, including lands patented by Canadian and Nova Scotian refugees, 1802-11. Records relating to the issuance of land scrip, 1830-62, including exchanged warrants, applications for scrip, scrip stubs, indexes, lists, copies of the scrip issued for warrants, Agricultural College Scrip, Chippewa Half-Breed Scrip, Choctaw Scrip, and Surveyor General Scrip. Correspondence relating to the Brothertown (Brotherton) Indians, 1839-40. Lists of approved patents forwarded from Division B to the GLO, 1908-49.
Microfilm Publications: M68, M829, M848, T1008.
Maps (1,072 items): Plats of townships in CA, CO, OR, ID, MT, NM, SD, and WY, showing mines and mining claims and, in some instances, patent numbers and dates and survey and document numbers, 1872-96. SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.3.3 Records of Division "C" (Public Lands Division)
History: Position of Principal Clerk of Public Lands dates from at least 1837. Designated as Division "C" by order of Chief Clerk, August 30, 1867. Primarily responsible for adjudication of land claims, including cases arising under the Graduation Act (10 Stat. 574), August 4, 1854, which called for price reductions on unsold public land, and under the superseding Homestead Act (12 Stat. 392), May 20, 1862, which allowed issuing of patents after five years' occupation to improvers of public land. Administered provisions of the Timber and Stone Act (20 Stat. 89), June 3, 1878. Responsible for posting lands and maintaining tract books, until new Division "O" (Posting and Tract Book Division) established, April 12, 1907.
Textual Records: Letters sent relating to public land disposals, 1796-1908. Records of cases submitted to the Board of Equitable Adjudication, 1877-1910. Records relating to abandoned, voluntarily relinquished, canceled, suspended, amended, and reinstated homestead entries, 1868-78. Letters sent relating to posting and tract books, 1885-89. Numerical abstracts of cash entries ("Division 'O' Cash Books"), 1886-89. Numerical abstracts of final homestead entries ("Division 'O' Final Books"), 1885-89. Selected issuances of the General Land Office, 1916-17.
Related Records: Tract books maintained by Division "C" to 1907 and subsequently by Division "O," UNDER 49.4.
49.3.4 Records of Division "D" (Private Land Claims Division)
History: Position of Principal Clerk of Private Land Claims dates from at least 1837. Designated as Division "D" by order of the Chief Clerk, September 1, 1867. Responsible for all matters relating to private land claims based on titles granted by former governments in territories acquired by the United States. Supervised the activities of boards of land commissioners appointed to consider such claims. Administered the Preemption Act (4 Stat. 420), May 29, 1830, as extended by acts of 1832, 1834, and 1838, and made permanent by the Preemption Act of 1841 (5 Stat. 453), September 4, 1841, which gave a preferential purchase right to the improvers of unsold public land. Abolished by Chief Clerk, June 27, 1895, and functions assigned to Division "G" (SEE 49.3.8).
Textual Records: Correspondence, docket books, court records, claims, certificate lists, reports, proceedings, and other records, 1715-1909 (bulk 1788-1909), relating to private land claims in the states of AL, AZ, AR, CO, IL, IN, LA, MI, MS, MO, and NM, including claims based upon Spanish and Mexican land grants. Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of California for the "rancho" period, and consisting of "complete expedientes" (1-579), "incomplete expedientes" (1-315), transcripts and translations of documents submitted in support of titles in cases 1-809 before the Board of California Land Claims Commissioners, a journal and minutes of board proceedings, and lists or indexes to land grants, 1852-56. Records relating to private land claims in Florida, including warrants and survey plats, chiefly about British private grants, 1824-98; a few records of the Governor and Council of West Florida, 1770-79; and reports, correspondence, and lists concerning the Spanish archives of East and West Florida and the attempts by the Department of the Interior to trace and acquire them, 1848-98.
Maps (7,418 items): Plats of private land claims in AZ, CA, CO, FL, LA, IL, MO, and NM, 1853-1915 (2,918 items). "Complete exedientes," nos. 1-579; "incomplete expedientes," nos. 1-315; "case expedientes," and "disenos" received from the California Board of Land Commissioners, 1852-56 (4,500 items). SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.3.5 Records of Division "D" (Mail and Files Division)
History: Established by order of the Chief Clerk, December 12, 1906, absorbing functions previously assigned to registering room of Division "A" and file clerks of Division "B." Maintained general files of GLO and distributed all correspondence. Known also as "New D" to distinguish it from earlier Division "D," Private Land Claims Division (SEE 49.3.4).
Textual Records: Executive orders and proclamations relating to notices of land sales, opening and closing of land offices, withdrawal or restoration of land for military reservations, national parks and forests, wildlife refuges, and reservoirs, 1806-1949.
49.3.6 Records of Division "E" (Surveying Division)
History: Position of Principal Clerk of the Surveys dates from at least 1837. Designated as Division "E" by order of Chief Clerk, September 1, 1867. Absorbed Division "L" (Drafting Division), February 26, 1925. Exercised general supervision over all public surveys and resurveys, including those made of Indian reservations, national forests, national parks, reclamation projects, railroad land grants, private land claims, town sites, and military reservations. Directed cadastral (boundary) surveys and resurveys. For additional administrative history, SEE 49.8.
Textual Records: Letters sent to executive departments, 1864- 1903. Letters sent to registers and receivers, 1883-94. Letters received by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Commissioner of the GLO from the Surveyor General of the Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, 1797-1831. Reports, letters, and memorandums received from surveyors general of public land states, including records of the Surveyors General of MS, 1803-31; MO, 1813-32; AL, 1817-32; and FL, 1824-32. Letters, with registers and indexes, and other records received from surveyors general, ca. 1826-83. Contracts with deputy surveyors, 1817-32. Surveyors contracts and bonds with surveyors general, 1851-1913, including correspondence, special instructions, and diagrams. Records relating to surveys of state boundaries, military reservations, islands, townsites, private land claims, and national parks, 1860-1940. Group survey records created after surveyors general discontinued hiring deputy surveyors in 1910, including reports, correspondence, special instructions, and plats and copies of progress reports, 1910-62. Records that relate to surveying small islands, 1910-26. Field notes from survey examinations, ca. 1883- 1913. Plats, field notes, correspondence, and other records relating to rejected and abandoned surveys, ca. 1847-1915. Records relating to Alaskan surveys, 1918-53, and to homestead entry and forest exchange surveys in national forests, 1910-53.
Field notes compiled during township surveys of the public land states of AL, IN, IA, KS, MO, OH, WI, the Indian Territory, and parts of OR and WA, 1785-1946 (in College Park). Field notes and related textual records and maps ("Old Case F File") of state, territorial, and Indian-land boundaries, including notes of the dependent resurvey of the boundaries of a few reservations, 1809- 1938 (in College Park). Field notebooks from townsite surveys, 1844-93 (in College Park).
Microfilm Publications: M478, M1325, M1329, T1234, T1240.
Maps (52,324 items): Township plats from surveys made by deputy surveyors supervised by surveyors general in the seven ranges in OH (the first public land survey), AL, IN, IA, KS, MO, other parts of OH, WI, the Indian Territory, and parts of OR and WA, some of which are annotated to show land entry numbers and entrymen's names, 1785-1946 (40,000 items). Township exterior boundary plats showing the perimeter of each township as approved by the surveyor general for most of the public land states, 1786- 1910 (7,269 items). Township exterior boundary plats for the Indian Territory, 1856-92 (96 items). Manuscript and annotated maps ("Old Map File") showing development and disposal of public lands in the United States, individual states, and territories, including progress of surveys, land district boundaries, Indian and military reservations, forest and national park reserves, private land claims, and special surveys including the site of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, NY, 1790-1946 (1,388 items). Manuscript boundary survey maps relating to public land states and territories and Indian-land boundaries that later became state boundaries, 1799-1927 (264 items). Plats showing Indian grants and reserves in IN, MI, and OH, 1807-49 (100 items); and in KS and NE, 1857-65 (39 items). Plats of proposed townsites in public land states, including Alaska, showing street layouts, 1825-1915 (550 items). Plats showing naval timber reserve requirements in AL, FL, LA, and MS, 1827-48 (111 items); and naval petroleum reserves in CA, 1908-14 (167 items). Plats marked to show the status of public land withdrawals in CO, MT, and NM, 1930-35 (2,000 items). Maps from special field examinations and resurveys, including islands and river changes not shown in the original plats, 1917-66 (340 items). SEE ALSO 49.16.
Related Records: For tract books and land entry papers, SEE 49.4.
49.3.7 Records of Division "F" (Railroads, Rights-of-Way, and Reclamation Division)
History: Organized, 1872. Assumed responsibility for canals, ditches, and reservoirs, formerly under Division "C." Had taken over responsibility for railroads, including rights-of-way, probably from Division "C," by 1877. Administered GLO responsibilities with respect to rights-of-way, easements, and permits; power sites; desert land entries; reclamation work; and withdrawals and restorations of land under the Withdrawal Act (36 Stat. 847), June 25, 1910.
Textual Records: Letters sent relating to lands granted for railroads, canals, and reservoirs, 1856-1908. Dockets relating chiefly to contests concerning railroad land grants that conflicted with private entries, 1867-1909. "Selection" and "adjustment" lists reflecting selection of land for railroads and wagon roads, 1829-1935. "Canal and reservoir grants," 1891-1929, with an index, relating to lands granted for irrigation purposes under the Canal and Ditch Companies Right of Way Act (26 Stat. 1095), March 3, 1891. Records ("Railroad Rights-of-way Files"), 1878-1931, concerning rights-of-way granted railroads across public lands under the Railways Right of Way Act (18 Stat. 482), March 3, 1875. Ledger of deposits by railroad companies to reimburse the United States for the cost of surveying lands, 1880- 1939. Records relating to rights-of-way for railroads and highways across Indian reservations, 1908-45; and to rights- of-way across forest reserves, 1908-39. Records relating to reclamation projects on public lands ("Reclamation Project Files"), 1901-50. New Mexico right-of-way serial number case files, 1956-64.
Maps (10,478 items): Manuscript and annotated maps showing rights-of-way through public lands for railroads, military and other wagon roads, highways, canals, irrigation ditches, transmission lines, reservoirs, and quarries, 1851-1939; with index to maps for canals, reservoirs, and ditches, n.d. SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.3.8 Records of Division "G" (Preemption Division)
History: Established by order of the Chief Clerk, September 1, 1867, acquiring responsibility for preemptions from Division "D," Private Land Claims Division, in which function had been vested since at least 1859. Division "G" known as Preemption Division since 1877. Adjudicated and adjusted land grants to states and corporations. Handled preemption claims by entrymen and corporations on the public domain. Adjudicated contest cases between preemption claimants and corporations. Upon abolishment of Division "D," June 27, 1895, its principal functions were assigned to Division "G."
Textual Records: Letters sent relating to preemptions and grants to states for schools, townsites, and other state selections, 1832-1908. School selection and school indemnity selection lists and other records concerning grants to states for schools and other purposes, 1826-1919.
49.3.9 Records of Division "H" (Contests Division)
History: Established as Contest Board prior to April 16, 1887. Known also as "New H" to distinguish it from earlier Division "H," Military Warrant Division, established, 1859, and abolished between 1881 and 1883. Division "H" handled homestead contest cases arising from conflicting claims to the same tract of land and from disputes between entrymen and contestants alleging failure to comply with the terms for settlement and seeking cancellation of entry, and cases deriving from government investigations of possible fraud or misrepresentation. Contests Division abolished by order of the Chief Clerk, February 25, 1923, with functions distributed among Divisions "C," "F," "G," "K," and "N." (SEE 49.3.3, 49.3.7, 49.3.8, 49.3.10, and 49.3.14.) All docketed homestead contest case files, 1883-1908, were destroyed as "useless papers" by the GLO pursuant to House Report 358, 69th Congress, 1st session, February 24, 1926.
Textual Records: Letters sent, 1887-1908. Dockets of contested cases, 1883-1910, with name indexes. Appeals dockets, 1883-1909. Records of appealed cases, 1893-94.
49.3.10 Records of Division "K" (Reclamation, Swampland, and Special Entries Division)
History: Swamp Lands Division established about 1859, designated Division "K" about September 1, 1867. Initially responsible for administering swampland selections and cancellation of swampland lists. Name changed to Reclamation, Swamplands, and Special Entries Division following assignment to Division "K" of responsibility for abandoned military and Indian reservations, arid lands, homestead entries in forests, and logging in Chippewa ceded lands, April 12, 1907. Subsequently made responsible for townsites, bounty land warrants and preemptions, Indian allotments and homesteads, agricultural college and similar scrip, Indian exchange selections, lieu claims (after 1917), and Minnesota drainage entries.
Textual Records: Letters sent, 1890-91, 1907-8. Letters received from and other records of or relating to boards of townsite trustees, Oklahoma, 1893-96 (in Fort Worth). Records of boards of townsite trustees in Alaska, 1906-70. Federal townsite docket files, 1837-1955. Files concerning abandoned military reservations and some nonmilitary reservations, such as lighthouses and lifesaving stations, 1822-1940, with index. Reports, correspondence, and other records relating to swamplands granted to states, 1849-1909. Records relating to swamp and overflowed lands, 1849-1929. "Indian Reserve files" relating to Indian allotment applications for land, 1839-1916; with a register, 1855-1916. Records of the GLO Washington office, 1897- 1938, and the Office of the Superintendent of Logging at Cass Lake, MN, 1903-38, relating to logging on Chippewa ceded lands in Minnesota.
Maps (1,240 items): Township plats and diagrams of lands on Indian reservations in the northwestern and north central states, showing the classification and status of lands offered for settlement, and in AZ and NM showing railroad land grant sections, 1904-31. SEE ALSO 49.16.
Related Records: Additional records of Oklahoma boards of townsite trustees UNDER 49.10.2.
49.3.11 Records of Division "L" (Drafting Division)
History: Originally a part of Division "E" (Surveying Division). Separate "Draughting Division" existed by 1880. Responsible for compiling, engraving, and publishing the annual United States Map. Compiled and revised state maps. Had custody of original plats, field notes, and photolithographic copies of township plats. Absorbed by Division "E," February 26, 1925. (SEE 49.3.6.) Known also as "Old L" to distinguish it from new Division "L" (Law Division).
Textual Records: Letters sent, 1888-1915. Correspondence relating to withdrawals and restorations, 1903-18.
49.3.12 Records of predecessors of Division "L" (Law Division)
History: Position of Solicitor established by 1837. Board of Law Review under Division "A" until November 29, 1886, when designated as Division "O." Division "O" abolished, July 8, 1889, and supervision of Board reverted to Division "A." Board redesignated as separate Division "L" (Law Division), May 11, 1925. Responsible for reviewing all land law decisions; advising on proposed regulations and legislation; and handling criminal, trespass, and cancellation of patent cases. Known also as "New L," to distinguish it from old Division "L" (Drafting Division).
Textual Records: Register of letters received by the Board of Law Review, 1887-89. Office file of Law Examiner W.P. Pugh, Board of Law Review, 1907-21.
49.3.13 Records of Division "M" (Accounting Division)
History: Designated as Division "M," 1877. Supervised accounts of GLO central offices (Washington, DC) and field offices, including those of receivers, surveyors general, special disbursing agents, and local land offices.
Textual Records: Letters sent by the Solicitors' Bureau, 1836-53. Letters sent, 1857-1909, 1918-33. Correspondence, 1934-47. Accounting records, relating to such special accounts as those for timber depredation, contingent surveying, and Indian and swamp lands, ca. 1802-1909. Record of repayments, 1910-16. Survey returns, 1852-1913, and contract books, 1857-1951. Bond books, 1820-1946; and sureties, 1874-1923. Ledgers, 1908-25. Public and Indian land disposals, 1885-1925. Mineral lease receipts, 1919- 25.
49.3.14 Records of Division "N" (Mineral Division)
History: Designated as Division "N," September 1, 1867. Adjudicated mineral contests and applications for patents and leases of mineral lands, including coal lands. Adjusted conflicts between mineral and nonmineral claims.
Textual Records: Letters sent, 1844-1908. Registers of letters received, 1866-1909. Registers of mining claims, 1878-1908; and agricultural claims, 1878-1911. Registers of mineral patents, 1889-1913. Records of appeals and decisions in mineral contest cases, 1870-1909. Dockets relating chiefly to contests concerning mineral lands that conflicted with private entries, 1870-1909. Records relating to coal lands classification and restoration, oil and gas structures, and forest withdrawals, 1907-27. Indexes to mineral contest dockets, 1929-42.
Maps (45,367 items): Survey plats of mineral claims in AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, SD, UT, WA, and WY, 1872- 1908. SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.3.15 Records of Division "P" (Timber Depredations and Special Services Division)
History: Timber Division, responsible for timber trespass cases, in existence by 1859. Earliest reference to Division "P" is as Timber Depredations Division, 1880, and Special Services Division, 1884. Designated as Field Service Division, April 24, 1907. Protected the public lands from unlawful entry or appropriation and from timber and other trespasses. Supervised work force of special agents employed for that purpose. Prepared cases of violations for the Justice Department. Had charge of all matters relating to timber on unreserved public lands. Consolidated with GLO field force as Division "FS," March 3, 1913. (SEE 49.3.17).
Textual Records: Letters sent, 1862-1910. Registers of letters received, 1877-1907. Registers, 1882-1903, and press copies, 1884-1909, of reports by special timber agents. Entry docket books, 1884-88. Homestead contests dockets and forest reserve appeals dockets, 1891-98. Legal opinions of the Board of Law Review relating to contest cases filed with Division "P," 1908- 21. Contest dockets, 1883-1910. Timber trespass case records, 1879-1904. Timber trespass dockets and docket books, 1887-1907. Timber permit dockets, 1892-99, and docket books, 1897-99. Timber sales dockets, 1898-1900.
49.3.16 Records of Division "R" (Forestry Division)
History: The work of caring for the forests was conducted by the Special Services Division "P" until Division "R" established, February 28, 1901, with responsibility for forest lieu selections. Abolished, February 14, 1911, with functions to Divisions "P" and "K." (SEE 49.3.15 and 49.3.10.) Known also as "Old R" to distinguish it from new Division "R" (Government Contests), established as Division "U," 1910, redesignated as "R," April 17, 1911, and absorbed by Division "H," March 24, 1914.
Textual Records: Letters sent, 1891-1911. Registers of letters received, 1899-1907. National forest reserves docket books, 1891- 1907, with index. Forestry Division docket books, 1900-6. National forest files, 1891-1955. Miscellaneous "scrapbooks" relating to other divisions and including copies of orders and circulars relating to public land law, ca. 1850-1920.
49.3.17 Records of Division "FS" (Field Service Division)
History: A field force of "timber depredation agents," established 1883, merged with Division "P" (SEE 49.3.15) to form Division "FS," March 3, 1913. Examined and acted on reports of special agents concerning fraudulent land entries and claims, timber trespasses, timber depredations, and unlawful enclosure. Abolished February 20, 1925, with functions to Divisions "A" and "K." (SEE 49.3.1 and 49.3.10).
Field Division Office No. 2 (San Francisco, CA) and Field Division Office No. 7 (Denver, CO) were two of 12 GLO Field Division offices as defined by GLO circular of November 7, 1910. Continued operations at least through June 30, 1932. Became part of Division of Investigations, Department of the Interior, 1933. Became Office of Regional Field Examiner in GLO's Branch of Field Examinations, June 1942. Continued as such under BLM at least through November 1946. Eventually became BLM regional Land Planning Divisions.
Textual Records: Personal letters received by the GLO Commissioner, 1899-1923. Correspondence, 1905-33. Records of the Division of Investigations, consisting of subject files, 1922-31; miscellaneous administrative subject files of the Chief of Field Division, 1920-40; Washington headquarters administrative files, 1931-42; card record of lieu selections and holding claims, 1900-32; closed Field Service ("FS") case files, 1926-29; closed Investigation Division ("ID") case files, 1933-42; closed Eastern Division ("ED") case files, 1934-42; decisions relating to investigations, 1940-42; numerical index to "FS" attorney files. 1888-1923; charges against special agents and other officials, 1910-18; alphabetical and numerical indexes, 1930-31; and miscellaneous indexes, n.d. Records of the Branch of Field Examinations ("BFE"), including index to administrative files, 1946-47; and indexes to closed files, 1936-47. Reports of special agents, 1899-1910, and of charges against special agents, 1911- 24. Card files of soldiers' additional homestead entries, 1862- 1919, and of claims for forest lieu selections, 1922-54. Administrative files, 1908-33. Contest dockets, 1910-48. Attorney files, 1888-1923. Timber trespass and permit files, 1909-25. Unlawful timber enclosure files, 1909-25. Records of Field Division Office No. 2 (in San Francisco), consisting of an investigative case file related to U.S. v. Southern Pacific Railroad, 1898-1916; issuances, 1905-30; and an index to land selections made by the State of California, 1907-17. Records of Field Division Office No. 7 (in Denver), consisting of correspondence from agents operating in CA, NE, ND, SD, OK, and WY, 1890-1907.
49.3.18 Records of Division "SRP" (Surplus Real Property Division)
Textual Records: Files of C.W. Kershaw, division chief, 1945-47; and Francis L. McFarren, acting chief, 1945-47. Records concerning disposal of surplus lands and facilities after World War II, 1945-47. Disposal case files, 1945-47. Index to letters received relating to the disposition of surplus property or to property being considered for designation as surplus, 1945-47.
History: The GLO, in exercising its responsibility for the orderly transfer of land from the public domain under general land laws, generated case files (commonly known as land entry papers) containing land descriptions, financial records, and records showing successive steps taken to secure the issuance of land titles or patents. The papers originated in Divisions "B," "F," "G," "H," "K," and "R," and were maintained by Division "D" (Mail and Files Division). The responsibility for posting land and maintaining the central office set of tract books (volumes in which the legal descriptions of land entries were recorded and that serve as geographical indexes to the papers) was vested in Division "C" (Public Lands Division) to April 12, 1907, and subsequently in Division "O" (Posting and Tract Book Division). The National Archives has continued to assign BLM-generated records to the GLO-originated series of land entry papers and tract books.
Textual Records: Nonmilitary land entry papers, 1800-1973; with an alphabetical index to the names of applicants, 1908-47, and a numerical serial index, 1908-65. Tract books, ca. 1800-1964. Monthly abstracts of entries submitted to the central land office by district land office registers and receivers, 1800-1908. Record copies of patents issued by GLO for land in the western states, excluding those bordering on the Mississippi River, ca. 1855-1907. Registers of entries of mining lands, 1868-1908, with indexes. Mineral patents, 1868-1908, with index. Name index to land entries made in AL, AK, AZ, FL, LA, NV, and UT, 1800-1908. List of canceled mineral land applications, 1871-97; and index to canceled mineral entries, 1898-1907. List of approved indemnity school lands and state selections, 1866-1934.
Microfilm Publications: M145, M203, M815.
Finding Aids: Harry P. Yoshpe and Philip P. Brower, comps., Preliminary Inventory of the Land-Entry Papers of the General Land Office, PI 22 (1949, reprinted 1976).
Related Records: Maps, plats, and field notes of township surveys UNDER 49.3.6, Records of Division "E" (Surveying Division).
1824-47 (bulk 1842-47)
History: A general land law of March 3, 1807 (2 Stat. 449), directed that mineral (lead) lands on the public domain were to be reserved from sale and leased to developers. At the request of Secretary of the Treasury William H. Crawford, on behalf of the GLO, which had found the demand for leasing insufficiently productive of revenue, President James Monroe transferred the function to the War Department, November 29, 1821, where it would be managed for the benefit of the army's demand for rifle shot. Secretary of War John C. Calhoun delegated the responsibility to the Ordnance Department, where the Chief of Ordnance, Col. George Bomford, responding to the failure of Congress to provide appropriations to cover the employment of civilians as mineral agents, initiated the practice, in 1822, of detailing army officers to superintend the mines. These officers were variously, and unofficially, styled as "U.S. Mineral Agents" and "Superintendents, U.S. Lead Mines." Miners' resistance to War Department oversight was such that President James Polk advised Congress in his annual message, December 22, 1845, that leasing was costing the government more to administer than it raised for the treasury. By an act of July 11, 1846 (9 Stat. 37), therefore, the leasing policy was abandoned. The lead lands were returned to the administration of the GLO for disposal under provisions of general land laws.
Textual Records: Correspondence, permits and leases, lists of mineral lands, and accounting records of officers in charge of leasing lead and copper lands in IL, WI, and MI, 1824-47 (bulk 1842-47).
Related Records: Records relating to mineral lands, 1821-60, in RG 156, Records of the Office of the Chief of Ordnance.
History: Established in the Department of the Interior as the Division of Grazing Control pursuant to the Taylor Grazing Act (48 Stat. 1269), June 28, 1934. Name shortened to Division of Grazing, early 1935. Redesignated the Grazing Service by Departmental Order 1416, effective August 26, 1939. Administered, through a regional office system, 60 grazing districts aggregating 142,000,000 acres. Consolidated with the GLO, 1946, to form the BLM. Grazing Service functions subsequently combined with those of the Range Development Service, GLO, to form the Branch of Range Management, BLM. SEE 49.1 and 49.11.
49.6.1 Records of headquarters
History: Administrative headquarters, initially established in Washington, DC, transferred to Salt Lake City, UT, 1941.
Textual Records (in Denver, except as noted): General correspondence, 1934-46 (56 ft., in Washington Area). Range management correspondence, 1934-46 (in Washington Area). Range appraisal reports, 1939-41 (in Washington Area). General correspondence, 1941-45. Correspondence of Grazing Service Director F.R. Carpenter, 1935-41. Correspondence relating to cooperative projects, 1940-43. Correspondence relating to grazing districts, 1934-39. Correspondence relating to organization and management of the Grazing Service, 1937-42. Range management subject file, 1933-37 (30 ft.). Legislative records, 1934-40. Administrative records, 1934-47. Grazing Service reports, 1942- 48. Records relating to Grazing Service studies, 1941-51. Job load analyses, 1938-41. Financial records, 1939-42, 1947, 1950. Records relating to stock driveways, 1917-49.
Maps (197 items): Grazing district boundaries, ca. 1940 (1 item). Specific grazing districts in AZ, CO, and NM showing status of lands, 1934-45 (196 items). SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.6.2 Records of Grazing Service branches
Textual Records: Case files of the Branch of Range Management, relating to issuance of grazing licenses and permits and to appeals of range apportionments, 1934-46.
49.6.3 Records of Grazing Service regional offices
History: Regional system in place by mid-1937. Consisted of a regional field office headquarters in Salt Lake City, UT, with nine statewide regional offices, designated as Region 2 (UT), Salt Lake City, UT; Region 3 (NV and CA), Reno, NV; Region 4 (OR), Burns, OR; Region 5 (ID), Boise, ID; Region 6 (MT), Billings, MT; Region 7 (NM), Albuquerque, NM; Region 8 (CO), Grand Junction, CO; Region 9 (AZ), Phoenix, AZ; and Region 10 (WY), Rawlins, WY.
Textual Records: Records of Grazing Service Region 3 (in San Francisco), consisting of grazing district boundary records of the Regional Grazier, 1932-46; and northeast Nevada range and economic study records of Nevada District No. 2, 1938-41. Records of Grazing Service Region 7 (in Denver), consisting of general subject files, 1936-43; Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and Emergency Conservation Work (ECW) work project files, 1935-42; and plats of stock driveways and grazing districts, 1934-41. Records of Grazing Service Region 9 (in Los Angeles), including CCC camp records, 1935-52 (52 ft.), and other records, 1938-58, of the Regional Grazier; and subject files of Arizona District No. 3, 1939-57. Records of Grazing Service Region 10 (in Denver), consisting of range survey records of Wyoming District No. 2, 1938-41.
49.6.4 Records relating to Civilian Conservation Corps activities
Textual Records (in Denver): General correspondence, 1933-42. Correspondence relating to CCC camp construction, 1935-38; and work programs, 1935-39. Camp histories, 1933-45. Administrative records, 1935-43. Records of the Winter Emergency Relief Program, 1936. Narrative reports of camp programs, 1940-43; and of individual CCC camps, 1936-38. Camp inspection reports, 1938-42. Weekly, statistical, and summary reports, 1935-39. Records relating to training activities, 1931-45. Records relating to fires and accidents, 1938-42. Handbooks, manuals, and publications, 1936-42.
Maps (52 items, in Denver): State road maps annotated to show locations of CCC camps, 1936-42. SEE ALSO 49.16.
1685-1965 (bulk 1797-1965)
History: Surveyors general directed land surveys in individual states and territories. First surveyor general appointed to superintend the survey of the territories northwest of the Ohio River pursuant to the Land Act of 1796 (1 Stat. 464), May 18, 1796. Additional surveyors general authorized by Congress as required to direct the work of contract surveyors. When contract surveyors were superseded by GLO surveyors, organized as the Field Surveying Service (FSS), 1910, the surveyors general became primarily administrators and oversight managers for their jurisdictions. Position of surveyor general abolished, effective July 1, 1925, by the Interior Department Appropriation Act for FY 1926 (43 Stat. 1144), March 3, 1925, and implementing GLO General Office Circular 996, April 7, 1925, with functions devolving upon the FSS (SEE 49.8).
49.7.1 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Alaska
Textual Records (in Anchorage): Departmental letters received, 1894-1921. Letters sent to deputy surveyors, 1897-1900. Circulars, 1882-1923. Miscellaneous letters received by the Surveyor General, 1890-1921.
49.7.2 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Arizona
Textual Records (in Los Angeles, except as noted): Letters sent, 1871-1923. Letters received, 1856-1947. Administrative records, 1870-1928. Records of mineral surveys, 1871-1950, and homestead surveys within national forests, 1909-50. Mineral survey case files, 1871-1965 (in Denver). Group survey case files, 1911-65 (in Denver). Records relating to cases before the U.S. Court of Private Land Claims, 1879-1904.
Maps (4,266 items): Blueprint maps of homestead surveys within national forests, with accompanying field notes, 1909-23 (266 items, in Los Angeles). Survey plats, ca. 1868-1960 (4,000 items, in Denver). SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.7.3 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Arkansas
Textual Records (in Fort Worth, except as noted): Letters sent and received, 1840-59. Correspondence, 1831-59 (in Washington Area). Statement of accounts, 1867-78.
49.7.4 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of California
Textual Records (in San Francisco): Letters sent and received, 1906-21. Correspondence and other records, 1896-1910. Records of fiscal year accounts and summary of expenditures, 1877-79. Requests for field notes, 1908-12. Instructions to U.S. surveyors, 1912-18. Records of Deputy Surveyors, 1896-1917. Contracts and bonds for Deputy Surveyors issued by the Surveyor General, 1900-11. Instructions to Deputy Surveyors approved by the Agricultural Division, 1906-21. Correspondence of the mineral inspector, 1912-19. Record of authorities to make mineral surveys, 1906-21. Reports of approval, mineral surveys, 1912-21. Record of mining notes, 1906-19. Statement of special deposits for surveys of mining claims, 1873-1920. Official field notes of national forest surveys, 1904-6. Field notes of south and east borders of San Jacinto Forest Reserve, 1904-5. Records relating to swamplands designations and court case, State of California v. U.S., 1907-17. Trespass docket, 1903-6.
49.7.5 Records of the Surveyor General of Colorado
Textual Records (in Denver): Correspondence, 1861-1934. Records relating to surveys, including applications, contracts, bonds, instructions, and location certificates, 1861-1939 (300 ft.). Mineral survey field notes, 1868-1954 (195 ft.). Group survey files, 1910-44.
Maps (32,000 items, in Denver): Mineral survey plats (27,000 items), 1869-1963, with indexes. Township survey plats, 1879-1952 (5,000 items). SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.7.6 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Idaho
Textual Records (in Seattle): Official letters received, 1867- 1911. Miscellaneous letters and letters from deputy surveyors, 1868-1915. Circulars, 1870-1902. Instructions relating to mineral surveys, 1896-1918.
49.7.7 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Montana
Textual Records (in Denver): Letters sent, 1892-1922. Mineral survey case files, ca. 1882-1960.
Maps (19,700 items, in Denver): Township survey plats, ca. 1870- 1915 (8,700 items). Mineral survey plats, ca. 1870-1915 (11,000 items). SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.7.8 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of New Mexico
Note: Records designated as in Santa Fe are on deposit in the New Mexico State Archives. Address all reference inquiries concerning these records to Chief, Archival Services, State Records Center and Archives, 404 Montezuma Ave., Santa Fe, NM 87503.
Textual Records: Letters sent, 1902-7 (in Washington Area). Letters received, 1854-90 (in Washington Area). Correspondence, 1894-1910 (in Denver). Field notes, 1855-81 (in Denver). Land claim case files, Office of the Surveyor General, 1854-92 (in Santa Fe). Case files, Court of Private Land Claims in New Mexico, 1892-1912 (in Santa Fe). Spanish and Mexican land grant and related records, 1685-1846 (in Santa Fe).
Microfilm Publications: M1288.
Maps (10,925 items, in Denver): Township survey plats, 1855-1957 (7,900 items). Plats of private land claims within Pueblo Indian grants, ca. 1932-33 (525 items). Mineral survey plats, 1873-1965 (2,500 items). SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.7.9 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Nevada
Textual Records (in San Francisco): Letters sent, 1861-69, 1896, 1910-20.
Maps (7,430 items, in San Francisco): Original township survey plats, 1861-92 (5,400 items). Plats of exterior boundary surveys, 1861-1914 (1,560 items). Plats of national forest homestead entry surveys, 1910-25 (470 items). SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.7.10 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Oregon
Textual Records (in Seattle): Letters sent to the Commissioner, 1851-1921; deputy surveyors, 1875-1904; deputy mineral surveyors, 1887-1903; and land offices, 1856-1906. Letters received from the Commissioner, 1865-1913; deputy surveyors, 1851-1902; and land offices, 1873-1903. Miscellaneous letters sent, 1851-1921, and received, 1851-1913. Registers of donation land claims, 1853- 1910. Contracts and bonds for surveys, 1851-1910.
49.7.11 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Utah
Textual Records (in Denver): Correspondence, 1855-1915. Survey contracts, 1875-1910. Applications for mineral surveys, 1875- 1913.
Microfilm Publication: M1110.
Maps (20,300 items, in Denver): Mineral survey plats, ca. 1870- 1915 (16,520 items). Township survey plats, ca. 1855-1960 (3,780 items). SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.7.12 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Washington
Textual Records (in Seattle): Copies of selected letters received from the Commissioner, 1854-83. Letters sent to the Commissioner, 1883-1920; and deputy surveyors, 1888-1921. Letters received from the Commissioner, 1883-1913; and deputy surveyors, 1893-1913. Miscellaneous letters sent, 1883-1921, and received, 1909-16. Contracts and bonds for surveys, 1855-1910.
49.7.13 Records of the Office of the Surveyor General of Wyoming
Textual Records (in Denver): Letters sent, 1870-1922. Letters received from the Commissioner, 1867-1929, with registers, 1899- 1908. Register of miscellaneous letters received, 1870-1918. Township descriptions, 1870-1901. List of employees, 1906-14.
Maps (900 items, in Denver): Township survey plats, 1869-1943 (700 items). Mineral survey plats, 1879-1922 (100 items). Miscellaneous plats, 1879-1922 (100 items). SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.7.14 Records of other surveyors general
Textual Records: Letters sent by the Surveyor General of Dakota Territory, 1887-88 (in Denver). Township land description survey, Office of the Surveyor General of Iowa, of portions of Muscatine, Cedar, and Johnson counties, ca. 1841 (in Kansas City). Correspondence of the Surveyor General of South Dakota, 1920-22 (in Denver). Letters sent, 1797-1854, and received, 1797-1856, by the Surveyor General of the Territory Northwest of the River Ohio.
Microfilm Publications: M477, M479, M1323.
History: Corps of professional surveyors established in GLO as the Field Surveying Service (FSS) pursuant to the Civil Appropriation Act for FY 1911 (36 Stat. 741), June 25, 1910, which discontinued the practice of contracting for surveys. FSS, headed after 1925 by the Supervisor of Surveys, who also headed Division "E" (SEE 49.3.6), organized and headquartered initially as follows: District 1, MT (Helena, MT); District 2, CO and WY (Denver, CO); District 3, NE and SD (Neligh, NE); District 4, NM (Santa Fe, NM); District 5, AZ and CA (Phoenix, AZ); District 6, NV and UT (Salt Lake City, UT); District 7, ID and WA (Boise, ID); District 8, OR (Portland, OR); District 9, AK (Juneau, AK); and Eastern States (designated District 10, January 1918, Washington, DC). By 1917, responsibility for WA had been transferred to District 8, with new headquarters at Olympia, WA. Effective July 1, 1925, concurrently with the abolishment of the position of surveyor general (SEE 49.7) and the vesting of all survey functions in FSS, its assistant supervisors of surveys became district cadastral engineers in charge of cadastral engineering districts. On June 1, 1930, District 3 was abolished, and NE and SD were assigned to District 2. District 1 was closed on May 1, 1937, and MT went to District 7. On January 1, 1941, the districts were renumbered 1-8 to close gaps created by the abolishing of old Districts 1 and 3. A reorganization of January 1, 1946, redesignated the districts as regions, in charge of regional cadastral engineers, constituted and headquartered as follows: Region 1, CO, MT, NE, SD, and WY (Denver, CO); Region 2, AZ, southern CA (San Bernardino Meridian), and NM (Santa Fe, NM); Region 3, ID, NV, and UT (Salt Lake City, UT); Region 4, northern CA (Humboldt and Mount Diablo Meridians), OR, and WA (Portland, OR); and Region 5, AK (Juneau, AK).
By March 1947 GLO's Division "E" (Surveying Division, SEE 49.3.6), headed since 1925 by the Supervisor of Surveys, had been redesignated BLM's Branch of Engineering and Construction, with a subordinate Division of Surveys in place by November 1947. By July 1948 a Division of Engineering (redesignated Division of Cadastral Engineering, January 1950) under the Chief Cadastral Engineer had superseded the Branch of Engineering and Construction, with a subordinate Branch of Surveying by January 1949 (redesignated Branch of Surveys by August 1950). In a reorganization of BLM approved on January 26, 1954, the Division of Cadastral Engineering became the Cadastral Engineering Staff in the Division of Technical Programs. This organization remained stable through May 1961, but by March 1962 the staff had been reconstituted as the Division of Engineering. Pursuant to BLM Order 701, July 23, 1964, the Chief Cadastral Engineer became the Chief, Division of Engineering. By March 1968 the division included a Branch of Cadastral Engineering. By Amendment 6 to BLM Order 701, February 4, 1969, the Branch of Cadastral Engineering became a separate Division of Cadastral Survey under a Chief of Cadastral Survey.
FSS itself had been in process of informal redesignation as the Cadastral Engineering Service (CES) since at least August 1922, and the term CES had virtually (if unofficially) superseded FSS by 1940. Secretary's Order 2225, July 15, 1946, implementing the consolidation of GLO and the Grazing Service to form BLM, redesignated the Supervisor of Surveys as the Chief Cadastral Engineer. Although the new bureau initially adopted the organizational structure of its predecessors, including the CES, it had by 1947 embarked on a decentralization program that effectively broke up the CES and placed its regional components under the immediate authority of BLM regional administrators, with the Chief Cadastral Engineer in Washington, DC, providing overall policy guidance.
49.8.1 General records of the Supervisor of Surveys
Textual Records (in Denver): Subject files, 1910-46. General files, 1910-46. Property records, 1943-48. Deposit accounts, 1944-48.
49.8.2 District records (Arizona)
History: Arizona and California assigned to District 5, 1910, with headquarters in Phoenix, AZ, under Assistant Supervisor of Surveys for California and Arizona. Position of Assistant Supervisor of Surveys abolished concurrently with Office of Surveyor General of Arizona, July 1925, and functions assigned to District Cadastral Engineer, with headquarters in newly established Public Survey Office, Phoenix, AZ. When Public Survey Office in San Francisco moved to Glendale, CA, 1932, it became new headquarters for District 5, which was redesignated District 3, 1941. Arizona assigned, with New Mexico and southern California, to Region 2 in GLO reorganization of 1946.
Textual Records (in Los Angeles): Records of the Assistant Supervisor of Surveys for California and Arizona, consisting of correspondence, 1912-25; and administrative records, 1911-31. Correspondence, 1913-24, and instructions, 1910-13, of the Arizona group surveys. Letters sent and received by the District Cadastral Engineer, 1925-32, and Office Cadastral Engineer, 1925- 47.
49.8.3 District records (California)
History: California and Arizona assigned to District 5, 1910, with headquarters in Phoenix, AZ, under Assistant Supervisor of Surveys for California and Arizona. Position of Assistant Supervisor of Surveys abolished concurrently with Office of Surveyor General of California, July 1925, and functions assigned to District Cadastral Engineer, with headquarters in newly established Public Survey Office, Phoenix, AZ. When Public Survey Office in San Francisco moved to Glendale, CA, 1932, it became new headquarters for District 5, which was redesignated District 3, 1941. California split between Region 2 and Region 4 in GLO reorganization of 1946.
Textual Records (in San Francisco, except as noted): Issuances, 1870-1945. Correspondence of the District Cadastral Engineer with the Supervisor of Surveys, 1925-32. Cadastral survey group register, 1915-26. Forest exchange survey case files, 1929-32. National forest homestead entry survey case files, 1908-28. Correspondence, 1914-25, and instructions, 1914-29, of the California group surveys (in Los Angeles).
Maps (20 items, in San Francisco): Department of the Interior oil and gas field surveys, 1925-36. SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.8.4 Records of other districts
Textual Records (in Denver): Small holding claims files (New Mexico), 1892-1923. Group survey files (Wyoming), 1910-46.
History: For most of the active period of public land settlement, district land offices were the basic operating units that conducted the business of transferring title. All transactions relative to the disposal of public land within a declared land district were handled through its land office by officials designated as registers, who recorded land applications, and receivers, who accepted payments for land and issued receipts. The position of receiver was abolished, July 1, 1925, and the functions devolved upon the register, whose title was changed to "manager" by Reorganization Plan No. III of 1946, effective July 16, 1946.
The first of 362 land offices was opened at Steubenville, OH, on July 2, 1800; the last at Newcastle, WY, on March 1, 1920. The peak year for land offices was 1890, with 123 in operation. The subsequent closing of the public domain gradually reduced the number of land offices, until, in 1933, only 25 offices remained. Under BLM, the district land offices and their functions were integrated into regional administrative structures, becoming, variously, elements (sometimes styled land offices) in the regional office hierarchies or components of multifunction district offices. The process was concluded by BLM Circular 2342, May 2, 1973, which formally discontinued use of the term "land offices." Records described below include some created by successor organizational units, but assigned by GLO and BLM to series begun by district land offices.
49.9.1 Records of Alabama land offices
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Records of the Cahaba land office (1819-56), consisting of receipt stubs for land sales, 1851-54. Records of the Mobile land office (1869-79), consisting of press copies of letters sent, 1880-83, 1890-92. Records of the Huntsville land office (1811-61, 1867-1905) and its predecessor at Nashville, TN (1809-11), consisting of record of Creek reservations under the Treaty of 1832, 1840-54. Records of the St. Stephens land office (1806-61), consisting of record of preemption rights confirmed by the old Board of Commissioners, 1805-33.
49.9.2 Records of Alaska land offices
Textual Records (in Anchorage): Records of the Rampart land office (1900-1) and its predecessor at Circle City (1898-1900), consisting of register and tract books, 1899-1901. Records of the Juneau land office (1902-23), consisting of register and tract books, 1902-19. Records of the St. Michael land office (1900-1) and its predecessors at Nukalo (1898), Weare (1898), and Rampart (1898-1900), consisting of register and tract books, 1898-1902. Records of the Sitka land office (1885-1902), consisting of register and tract books, 1885-1909. Records of the Anchorage land office (1923-73), consisting of register and tract books, 1914-64. Records of the Fairbanks land office (1907-73), consisting of register and tract books, 1911-64.
49.9.3 Records of Arizona land offices
Textual Records (in Los Angeles): Records of the Phoenix land office (1905-50) and its predecessors at Florence (1873-81) and Tucson (1881-1905), including correspondence with the Commissioner, 1880-1943 (88 ft.); rights-of-way case files, 1882- 1958; tract books, 1873-1908; records of the receiver, 1873-1942; and records of land entries, 1870-1930, including serialized land entry case files, 1908-22 (48 ft.). Records of the Prescott land office (1868-1905), consisting of land entry records, 1870-1908.
49.9.4 Records of Arkansas land offices
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Records of the Dardanelle land office (1871-1909) and its predecessor at Clarkesville (1839-61, 1867-71), consisting of letters sent, 1857-59. Records of the Champagnolle land office (1845-61), consisting of record of lands located with military bounty land warrants and fees collected, 1857-61. Records of the Little Rock land office (1821-60, 1866- 1933), including contest dockets and records of the proceedings of the United States Commission for the Disposal of the Hot Springs Reservation of Arkansas, 1877-79.
49.9.5 Records of California land offices
Textual Records: Records (in San Francisco) of the Eureka land office (1899-1925) and its predecessor at Humboldt (1858-99), including registers of applications for mineral lands, 1858-1907; records of the receiver, 1873-1907; register of patents delivered, 1884-1914; schedules of Indian allotments for the Hoopa, Klamath, and Round Valley Indian Reservations, 1883-1913; and unpatented land entry case files, 1908-24. Records (in San Francisco, except as noted) of the Independence land office (1887-1925) and its predecessors at Aurora, NV (1869-73), Independence (1873-78), and Bodie (1878-87), including registers of applications for mining patents, 1871-1908; records of the receiver, 1873-1907; records of land entries, 1905-24; and (in Los Angeles) rights-of-way case files, 1903-29. Records (in Los Angeles) of the Los Angeles land office (1853-65, 1869-1961), including letters sent, 1853-80, letters received, 1853-1919, and correspondence of the register, 1883-1928; tract books, 1881- 1936; decision letters from the Commissioner, 1931-48 (34 ft.); records of the receiver, 1863-1938; consolidated file of letters received by the register and receiver from the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner, 1885-1964; records relating to rights-of- way, 1878-1959; and records relating to land entries, 1859-1964, including case files of the Interior Department's Division of Investigation, 1928-52. Records (in San Francisco) of the Marysville land office (1855-1925), including registers of applications for mineral patents, 1867-1905; registers of mineral entries, 1867-1911; registers of mineral lands sold, 1883-1907; and record of patents delivered, 1884-1925. Records (in San Francisco) of the Redding land office (1890-1925) and its predecessor at Shasta (1870-90), including registers of mineral applications and mineral entries, 1871-1908; records of patents delivered, 1860-1914; and records of land entries, 1906-24. Records (in San Francisco) of the Sacramento land office (1867- 1945), including registers of mineral entries, mineral applications, and mining claims, 1867-1908. Records (in San Francisco) of the San Francisco land office (1911-27) and its predecessors at Benicia (1853-57), San Francisco (1857-1906), and Oakland (1906-11), including correspondence of the register, 1908-13, and receiver, 1908-14; and land entry case files, 1908- 27. Records (in San Francisco) of the Stockton land office (1858- 1906), including registers of mineral applications and entries, 1866-1906; record of delivered patents, 1861-1906; record of canceled applications, 1905-45; and township survey plat book with amended survey plats, Mount Diablo Meridian, 1856-1908. Records (in San Francisco) of the Susanville land office (1871- 1925), including registers of mineral applications and entries, 1871-1908; a timber trespass docket that includes entries for WI, 1903-4, and CA, 1904-6; land entry case files, 1908-26; Grazing Service committee files, 1964-66; records of the Grazing Service Advisory Board, 1965-67; long range management plans, 1971-72; cooperative agreements, 1976-77; and watershed studies, n.d. Records (in San Francisco, except as noted) of the Visalia land office (1858-1927), including a register of school land locations, 1861-94; records relating to mining land entries and patents, 1873-1906; land entry case files, 1908-28; and (in Los Angeles) rights-of-way case files, 1925-28.
Maps (9,236 items, in San Francisco, except as noted): Mount Diablo Meridian mining entry survey plats, 1873-84 (25 items); Humboldt Meridian township maps, 1856-94 (35 items); and forest homestead survey plats, 1904-6 (48 items), maintained by the Eureka land office. Power project survey maps, 1916-27 (50 items), maintained by the Independence land office. Survey plats (7,490 items) and mining plats, 1873-1972 (1,242 items), maintained by the Riverside land office (in Los Angeles). Homestead survey plats and accompanying field notes, 1912-35 (250 items); and Indian allotment plats, Hoopa Valley, 1915-25 (6 items), and Klamath National Forest, 1928-36 (40 items), maintained by the Sacramento land office. Amended survey plats, 1856-1908 (50 items), maintained by the Stockton land office. SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.9.6 Records of Colorado land offices
Textual Records (in Denver): Records of the Akron land office (1890-1905), consisting of a register of homestead entries, 1890- 1905. Records of the Central City land office (1868-94), including tract books, 1868-94; and registers of homestead entries, coal land cash entries, mineral entries, and timber culture entries, 1868-94. Records of the Del Norte land office (1875-1925), including tract books, 1875-1925; registers of homestead entries and mineral entries, 1875-1915; abstracts of desert land entries and final certificates, 1891-1908; and canceled serialized land entry case files, 1890-1924. Records of the Denver land office (1864-1949) and its predecessor at Golden City (1863-64), including Commissioner's letters, 1934-47; miscellaneous correspondence, 1942-52; tract books, 1863-1949; serial register books, 1908-49; registers of homestead entries, mineral entries, and timber culture entries, 1863-1908; and canceled serialized land entry case files, 1912-15. Records of the Durango land office (1882-1925), including registers of letters received from the Commissioner, 1889-1908; and rejected, tract books, 1882-1925; serial register books, 1908-25; registers of homestead entries, mineral entries, and timber culture entries, 1882-93; abstracts of desert land entries, 1892-1908; and rejected, cancelled, or relinquished serialized land entry case files, 1908-25. Records of the Glenwood Springs land office (1884-1927), including Commissioner's letters, 1922-48; serial register books, 1908-27; and registers of homestead entries, mineral entries, timber culture entries, and desert land entries, 1884-1908. Records of the Gunnison land office (1883-1907), including registers of cash entries, homestead entries, mineral entries, timber culture entries, and desert land entries, 1883-1907. Records of the Hugo land office (1890-1922), including tract books, 1890-1922; serial register books, 1908-22; and registers of cash entries, homestead entries, timber culture entries, and desert land entries, 1880- 1908. Records of the Lamar land office (1887-1925), including registers of letters received from the Commissioner, 1894-1908; tract books, 1887-1925; serial register books, 1908-25; registers of homestead entries, timber culture entries, and desert land entries, 1887-1908; and canceled serialized land entry case files, 1913-24. Records of the Leadville land office (1879-1925) and its predecessor at Fair Play (1867-79), including Commissioner's letters, 1920-25; correspondence relating to national forests, 1907-23; serial register books, 1908-25; registers of cash entries, mineral entries, and timber culture entries, 1869-1909; and canceled serialized land entry case files, 1908-25. Records of the Montrose land office (1888-1925) and its predecessor at Lake City (1877-88), including Commissioner's letters, 1922-25; tract books, 1877-1925; serial register books, 1908-25; registers of homestead entries, mineral entries, timber culture entries, and desert land entries, 1875-1908; and rejected, cancelled, or relinquished serialized land entry case files, 1908-25. Records of the Pueblo land office (1871-1950), including Commissioner's letters, 1930-48; tract books, 1871- 1949; serial register books, 1908-49; registers of cash entries, homestead entries, mineral entries, and timber culture entries, 1871-1908; and registers of entrymen, 1885-1908. Records of the Sterling land office (1890-1925), consisting of serial register books, 1908-25; registers of patents delivered, n.d.; and abstracts of homestead and desert land entries, 1890-1908.
49.9.7 Records of Florida land offices
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Records of the Gainesville land office (1873-1933), consisting of lists of offered lands, 1879; and letters received by registers and receivers, 1932-33.
49.9.8 Records of Idaho land offices
Textual Records (in Seattle): Records of the Boise land office (1867-1927), consisting of registers of cash sales, 1897-1908; and registers of land entries, 1869-1908. Records of the Blackfoot land office (1886-1948) and its predecessor at Oxford (1879-86), consisting of registers of cash sales, 1899-1906; and registers of land entries, 1888-1908. Records of the Hailey land office (1883-1925), consisting of registers of cash sales, 1883- 1909; and registers of land entries, 1883-1908. Records of the Coeur d'Alene land office (1885-1948), consisting of registers of cash sales and land entries, 1885-1908. Records of the Lewiston land office (1867-1925), consisting of registers of cash sales, 1877-1906; and registers of land entries, 1874-1908.
49.9.9 Records of Illinois land offices
Textual Records (in Chicago): Records of the Chicago land office (1835-55), consisting of abstracts of cash entries, 1835-55; and abstracts of warrant locations, 1847. Records of the Danville land office (1831-56), consisting of cash certificates, 1833-56. Records of the Dixon land office (1840-55), consisting of cash certificates, 1841-55. Records of the Edwardsville land office (1816-55), including cash certificates, 1816-49; declarations, 1821-22; and relinquishments, 1821-29. Records of the Dixon land office (1840-55) and its predecessor at Galena (1835-40), consisting of cash certificates, 1835-41. Records of the Kaskaskia land office (1809-55), including applications to purchase, 1814-18; cash certificates, 1820-55; credit system receipts, 1814-20; and relinquishments, 1828-29. Records of the Palestine land office (1821-55), consisting of cash certificates, 1821-51. Records of the Quincy land office (1831-55), consisting of cash certificates, 1831-55. Records of the Shawneetown land office (1814-55), consisting of cash certificates, 1820-55. Records of the Springfield land office (1823-76), consisting of cash certificates, 1823-76. Records of the Vandalia land office (1821-55), consisting of cash certificates, 1821-55.
49.9.10 Records of Indiana land offices
Textual Records (in Chicago): Records of the Crawfordsville land office (1823-53) and its predecessor at Terre Haute (1820-23), consisting of cash certificates, 1820-53. Records of the Fort Wayne land office (1823-52), consisting of cash certificates, 1823-53. Records of the Indianapolis land office (1825-76) and its predecessor at Brookville (1820-25), consisting of cash certificates, 1820-76; and abstracts of warrant locations, 1847- 69. Records of the land office at Jeffersonville (1808-55), consisting of cash certificates, 1820-54; credit certificates, 1808-11; and abstracts of warrant locations, 1847-55. Records of the land office at Winamac (1840-55) and its predecessor at Laporte (1833-39), consisting of cash certificates, 1836-55; and cash certificates and warrant locations, 1833-54. Records of the Vincennes land office (1807-61), consisting of cash certificates, 1820-59; credit applications, 1808-11; receivers returns, 1807- 17; and abstracts of warrant locations, 1847-55.
49.9.11 Records of Iowa land offices
Textual Records (in Kansas City): Records of the Burlington- Fairfield land office (1838-55), including receipt registers, 1840-57; registers of certificates, 1836-55; and abstracts of military warrants, 1847-55. Records of the Chariton land office (1853-59), including abstracts of military warrant locations, abstracts of land sold, and registers of certificates, 1853-59. Records of the Council Bluffs land office (1855-73) and its predecessor at Kanesville (1853-55), including abstracts and registers of receipts, 1853-73; abstracts of military warrant locations, 1853-71; and a register of homestead entries, 1853-63. Records of the Osage land office (1856-59) and its predecessor at Decorrah (1855-56), including abstracts of military warrant locations, 1855-59. Records of the (Fort) Des Moines land office (1852-1910), including registers of certificates issued to cash purchasers, 1853-1909; abstracts of military warrants, 1853-80; and registers of entries, receipts, and final certificates for homesteads, 1863-1908, and timber culture, 1874-1902. Records of the Dubuque land office (1843-59) and its predecessors at Dubuque (1838-43) and Marion (1843), including registers of certificates issued to land purchasers, 1838-54; abstracts of land sold, 1854- 55; abstracts of military warrant locations, 1848-59; and town lot appraisals, Peru (Dubuque County), IA, December 1886. Records of the Fort Dodge land office (1855-73), including abstracts of land sold, 1855-72; registers of receipts, 1857-73; and registers of homestead entries, receipts, and certificates, 1863-73. Records of the Iowa City land office (1846-56), including abstracts of land sold, 1846-56; and registers of receipts, 1846- 56, and final certificates, 1853-56, issued to cash purchasers. Records of the Sioux City land office (1849-78), including abstracts of military warrant locations, 1849-74; registers of homestead entries, receipts, certificates, and declarations, 1863-78; and registers of timber culture entries and receipts, 1873-78.
49.9.12 Records of Kansas land offices
Textual Records (in Kansas City): Records of the Colby land office (1893-1908) and its predecessor at Oberlin (1880-93), including tract books, 1880-1908; homestead entry papers, 1881-98; records relating to contested claims, 1885-97; declaratory statements, 1884-90; and records relating to rejected homestead entries, 1894-99. Records of the Concordia land office (1870-89), including tract books, 1870-89; correspondence, 1871-87; declaratory statements and filing receipts, 1871-74; homestead entry papers, 1871; and agricultural college scrip records, October 1871. Records of the Dodge City land office (1893-1919) and its predecessor at Garden City (1881-93), including tract books, 1881-1919; declaratory statements, 1885-91; and papers relating to homestead contests, cancellations, and relinquishments, ca. 1900- 19. Records of the Independence land office (1872-89) and its predecessors at Fort Scott (1857-61), Humboldt (1861), Mapleton (1861-62), Humboldt (1862-71), and Neodesha (1871-72), including tract books 1857-89; letters received, 1857-89; correspondence relating to Osage ceded lands, 1867-89, cash entries, 1870-89, and military bounty land warrant claims, 1872-88; declaratory statements, 1857-86, and filing receipts, 1868-75; purchase applications, 1862-88; cash entry register, 1857-65; and homestead entry papers, 1865-89. Records of the Kirwin land office (1875-93) and its predecessor at Cawker City (1872-75), including tract books 1872-93; declaratory statements, 1872- 88, and filing receipts, 1872-84; and homestead entry papers, 1872-87. Records of the Larned land office (1874-93), including tract books, 1874-93; canceled checks, 1880; and cash entry papers, 1884-87. Records of the Salina land office (1871-93), and its predecessors at Ogden (1857-59) and Junction City (1859-71), including tract books, 1859-93; a register of homesteads, 1863-70; and homestead entry papers, 1872-89. Records of the Topeka land office (1861-1925) and its predecessor at Lecompton (1854-61), including tract books, 1854-93; letters received, 1866-1901; correspondence relating to Osage ceded lands, 1882-91; circulars received, 1853-89; financial records, 1861-85; declaratory statements, 1874-89, and filing receipts, 1867-72; homestead entry papers, 1865-90; military bounty land papers, 1863-92; timber culture claims, 1883-89; and papers relating to homestead contests, cancellations, and relinquishments, ca. 1900-25. Records of the Wichita land office (1872-89) and its predecessor at Augusta (1870-72), including tract books, 1870-89; letters received, 1872-89; correspondence relating to Osage ceded lands, 1872-89; declaratory statements, 1872-86, and a filing receipt, 1871; records relating to contested claims, 1872-89, and preemption claims, 1872-86; papers relating to cash entry, 1872-89, homestead entry, 1872-88, and timber culture claims, 1876-89; and Oklahoma land rush affidavits, 1892. Records of the Wakeeny land office (1879-1905) and its predecessor at Hays City (1874-79), consisting of tract books, 1874-1905; a single declaratory statement, 1878; a contest affidavit, 1890; a contested claim case docket sheet, 1891; and a tract book entry, 1890.
Maps (7 items, in Kansas City): Plat maps of Pawnee, Ford, Comanche, Pratt, Barber, Barton, and Rice Counties, published in the 1874 annual report of the Kansas Board of Agriculture, and used by the Larned land office, 1875. SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.9.13 Records of Louisiana land offices
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Records of the Baton Rouge land office (1911-27), and its predecessors at St. Helena (1819-37), Greensburg (1837-43), Baton Rouge (1844), and Greensburg (1844- 61), consisting of a docket of cash entries, 1854-1907; and abstracts of credit accounts, 1847. Records of the Monroe (Ouachita) land office (1821-61, 1867-69, 1872-78), consisting of dockets of cash entries, 1832-60, and suspended cash entries, 1838-60.
49.9.14 Records of Minnesota land offices
Textual Records (in Chicago): Records of the Benson land office (1876-89) and its predecessors at Minneapolis (1854-58), Forest City (1858-62), Minneapolis (1862-66), Greenleaf (1866-69), and Litchfield (1870-76), consisting of a docket book of cash entries, 1855-82.
49.9.15 Records of Mississippi land offices
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Records of the Paulding land office (1860-61) and its predecessor at Augusta (1820-59), consisting of abstracts of land entries, 1851-54, 1865. Records of the Columbus land office (1833-61), consisting of quarterly accounts of the receiver, 1849-60; abstracts of land entries, 1833-1917; and a register of receipts, Confederate land office in Augusta, 1861- 65. Records of the Grenada land office (1840-60) and its predecessor at Chocchuma (1833-40), consisting of a register of cash receipts, 1833-36; and abstracts of land entries, 1836-60. Records of the Jackson land office (1823-27, 1836-61, 1866-1925), consisting of minutes of meetings, register and receiver, concerning preemption claims, 1821-23; and abstracts of land entries, 1823-1908, receivers' receipts, 1820-61, and homestead entries, 1866-1907. Records of the Washington land office (1807- 61), consisting of abstracts of applications, 1809-18, registers' certificates, 1807-21, and land entries, 1820-62; and registers of credit receipts, receiver of the land office west of the Pearl River, 1807-21. Letters sent and other records, 1833-73, possibly of the Pontotoc land office (1836-61), relating to the Chickasaw cession under the Treaty of 1832, and to Chickasaw reservations under the Treaty of 1834.
49.9.16 Records of the Missouri land offices
Textual Records (in Kansas City): Correspondence of the land offices in Missouri, 1843-1922. Duplicate copies of receipts for land entries and cash sales at land offices in Missouri, 1820-1908.
49.9.17 Records of Montana land offices
Textual Records (in Denver): Records of the Billings land office (1906-60), including tract books, 1906-60; serial register books, 1908-50; land entry case files, 1908-50; and a grazing lease register, 1935-40. Records of the Bozeman land office (1874- 1925), including tract books, 1874-1925; serial register books, 1908-25; and land entry case files, 1908-25. Records of the Glasgow land office (1907-25), including tract books, 1907-25; serial register books, 1908-25; and land entry case files, 1908- 25. Records of the Great Falls land office (1902-50), including tract books, 1902-50; serial register books, 1908-50; and registers of homestead entries, desert land entries, and mineral entries, 1902-8. Records of the Havre land office (1910-25), consisting of serial register books and land entry case files, 1908-25. Records of the Helena land office (1867-1925), including tract books, 1867-1925; serial register books, 1908-25; land entry case files, 1908-25; contest dockets, 1865-1909; registers of homestead entries, timber culture entries, and mineral entries, 1868-1908; and railroad selections, 1906-7. Records of the Kalispell land office (1897-1925), including tract books, 1897-1925; serial register books, 1908-25; and land entry case files, 1908-25. Records of the Lewistown land office (1890-1925), including tract books, 1890-1925; serial register books, 1911-25; land entry case files, 1908-25; and closed serialized land entry case files, 1910-11. Records of the Miles City land office (1880- 1925), consisting of serial register books and land entry case files, 1908-24. Records of the Missoula land office (1891-1925), including tract books, 1891-1925; serial register books, 1908-25; and land entry case files, 1908-25.
49.9.18 Records of Nebraska land offices
Textual Records (in Kansas City): Records of the Alliance land office (1890-1933), consisting of letters received, 1900-31; summary records of applications for use of the public domain ("Serial Register"), 1905-24; contest dockets, 1912-34; record book of patents delivered, 1890-1907; and registers of homestead entries, 1890-1908, and final homestead certificates, 1905-8. Records of the Broken Bow land office (1890-1922), consisting of summary records of applications for use of the public domain ("Serial Register"), 1904-27; and record book and register of patents delivered, 1886-1912. Records of the Chadron land office (1886-94), consisting of abstracts of land sold, 1887-94. Records of the Lincoln land office (1868-1925) and its predecessor at Nebraska City (1857-68), consisting of summary records of applications for use of the public domain ("Serial Register"), 1908-25. Records of the McCook land office (1883-1905), consisting of record books of patents delivered, 1859-1905. Records of the North Platte land office (1872-1918), consisting of summary records of applications for use of the public domain ("Serial Register"), 1904-19; record books of patents delivered, 1876-93, and military bounty land warrants, 1882-1905; and registers of homestead patents, 1875-1908, cash patents, 1875- 1909, and timber culture entry patents, 1884-1906. Records of the O'Neill land office (1888-1918), consisting of summary records of applications for use of the public domain ("Serial Register"), 1909-18; record book and register of patents delivered, 1859- 1918; and registers of final homestead patents, 1873-94, cash patents, 1860-94, and timber culture entry patents, 1887-1912. Records of the Sydney land office (1887-1906), consisting of a record book and register of cash patents, 1884-1908; and registers of homestead and timber entry patents, 1890-1906. Records of the Valentine land office (1883-1918), consisting of summary records of applications for use of the public domain ("Serial Register"), 1908-20; record book and register of cash patents, 1882-1919; register of timber culture entry patents, 1890-1908; and declaratory statement abstracts, 1890-1908.
49.9.19 Records of Nevada land offices
Textual Records (in San Francisco): Records of the Carson City land office (1864-1949), and the absorbed land offices at Belmont (1862-73)/Pioche (1874-76), Elko (1872-77), Austin (1867- 73)/Eureka (1873-93), Aurora (1868-73), and Elko (1917-27), including tract books, 1864-1934; letters sent by the register, 1868-1926, and receiver, 1864-1909; registers of letters received from the Commissioner, 1890-94, 1905-18; accounts and other financial records of the receiver, 1880-1914; contest dockets, 1879-1926; railroad selection lists, 1875-1934; records relating to desert land entries, 1877-1908; registers of homestead entries, final certificates, receipts, and final receipts, 1869-1908; and registers of mining lands entries, 1862-1908, applications for mining patents, 1866-1908, and receipts for sold mineral lands, 1875-1906. Records of the Elko land office (1872-77, 1917-27), including Mount Diablo Meridian township tract books, 1872-1913; lieu land selection case files, 1913-55; and land entry case files, 1915-28. Records of the Eureka land office (1873-94) and its predecessor at Austin (1867-73), including letters sent by the register, 1879-91, and receiver, 1889-94; letters received from the Commissioner, 1879-93; registers of homestead certificates and receipts, 1868-93; and case files of adverse mining claims, 1878-91.
Maps (228 items, in San Francisco): Copies of plats of Indian reservation surveys, 1861-1935 (28 items), and farm unit diagrams of the Newlands (Truckee-Carson) Reclamation Project, 1900-30 (200 items), maintained by the Carson City land office. SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.9.20 Records of New Mexico land offices
Textual Records: Records (in Denver) of the Clayton land office (1892-1925) and its predecessor at Folsom (1888-92), including tract books, 1888-1925; letters received, 1908-25; serial register books, 1908-22; registers of homestead entries, contested homestead entries, timber culture entries, and desert land entries, 1881-1908; and serialized selection lists, 1909-22. Records (in Fort Worth, except as noted) of the Fort Sumner land office (1910-25), including tract books, 1910-25; serial register books, 1908-22 (in Denver); contest dockets, 1910-24; abstracts of money received, 1915-24; record of accounts current, 1912-24; and schedules and abstracts of land entries and money transferred from Roswell to Fort Sumner, 1910- 14. Records (in Denver, except as noted) of the Las Cruces land office (1883-1949) and its predecessor at La Mesilla (1874-83), including tract books,1874-1949; letters received, 1915-48; serial register books, 1908- 49; registers of homestead entries, mining entries, and desert land entries, 1876-1903; selection lists, 1921-51; contest dockets, 1885-1904, 1926-44; patent conveyance case files, 1949- 51; color of title actions, 1938-58; monthly abstracts of declaratory statements, 1877-89 (in Fort Worth); and abstracts of desert land entries, 1877-92 (in Fort Worth). Records (in Fort Worth, except as noted) of the Roswell land office (1889-1925), including tract books, 1889-1925; serial register books, 1908-25 (in Denver); register of certificates issued on cash entries, 1890-1906; a record of rejected claims, 1890-1903; and abstracts of cash and final cash certificates, 1875-89, desert land entries, 1889-98, and timber culture entries, 1878-89. Records (in Denver, except as noted) of the Santa Fe land office (1858-1954), including letters received, 1908-49; serial register books, 1908-56; tract books, 1856-1956; registers of homestead entries, donation entries, mining entries, timber culture entries, and desert land entries, 1858-1908; registers of receipts, 1868-1906; contest dockets, 1921-46; selection lists, 1930-51; patent conveyance case files, 1922-52; and abstracts of homestead entries, 1868-89 (in Fort Worth). Records (in Denver) of the Tucumcari land office (1908-22) and its predecessor at Clayton (1892-1908), including tract books, 1892-1908; serial register books, 1908-21; and registers of homestead entries and desert land entries, 1889-1907.
49.9.21 Records of North Dakota land offices
Textual Records (in Denver): Records of the Bismarck land office (1874-1948), including tract books, 1874-1950; serial register books, 1908-50; registers of homestead entries, 1874-1908, including entries from the Dickinson land office; state selection lists, 1905-10; and land entry case files, 1908-50. Records of the Devil's Lake land office (1884-1913) and its predecessor at Creelsburg (1883-84), including tract books, 1883-1913; serial register books, 1908-13; registers of homestead entries and timber culture entries, 1883-1902; state selection lists, 1892- 96; and land entry case files, 1908-13. Records of the Dickinson land office (1904-25), consisting of tract books, 1904-25; serial register books, 1908-25; registers of desert land entries, 1904- 8, and timber culture entries, 1886-91; abstracts of homestead entries, 1907-8; and land entry case files, 1908-25. Records of the Fargo land office (1874-1913) and its predecessor at Pembina (1870-74), including serial register books, 1908-12; registers of homestead entries, 1881-1908; state selection lists, 1894-1906; and land entry case files, 1908-12. Records of the Grand Forks land office (1880-1905), including registers of homestead entries and timber culture entries, 1880-1905. Records of the Minot land office (1890-1922), including tract books, 1891-1922; serial register books, 1908-22; registers of homestead entries, 1891- 1906; state and indemnity selections, 1898-1905; and land entry case files, 1908-12. Records of the Williston land office (1906- 22), consisting of tract books, 1906-22; serial register books, 1908-22; abstracts of homestead entries, 1906-8; and land entry case files, 1908-22.
49.9.22 Records of Ohio land offices
Textual Records (in Chicago): Records of the Wooster land office (1816-40) and its predecessor at Canton (1808-16), consisting of credit applications, 1806-11. Records of the Chillicothe land office (1801-76), consisting of credit applications, 1801-13; credit certificates, 1801-11; and credit final certificates, 1813-24. Records of the Cincinnati land office (1801-40), consisting of credit applications, 1817-28; and credit certificates, 1803-11. Records of the Steubenville land office (1800-40), consisting of credit certificates, 1806-11. Records of the Zanesville land office (1804-40), consisting of credit certificates, 1800-11.
49.9.23 Records of the Oklahoma land offices
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Local tract books for Oklahoma, 1892-1926.
49.9.24 Records of Oregon land offices
Textual Records (in Seattle): Records of the Portland land office (1905-27) and its predecessor at Oregon City (1854-1905), consisting of letters received by the register and receiver, 1858-1915; Oregon Donation Land Claims land entry papers, 1853- 1900; registers of cash sales and land entries, 1857-1908; Oregon and California Railroad selection lists, 1870-1920; lists of state selections, 1857-1908; and Indian allotment registers for the Grand Ronde Indian Reservation, 1891-1904, and the Siletz Reservation, 1873-1904. Records of the Roseburg land office (1860-1948) and its predecessor at Winchester (1855-60), consisting of letters received by the register and receiver, 1859-1910; Oregon Donation Land Claims land entry papers, 1857- 80; registers of cash sales and land entries, 1863-1908; Oregon and California Railroad selection lists, 1870-1920; register for public domain Indian allotments under Section 4 of the General Allotment Act, 1892-1901; publications, 1942-80; interagency, advisory, or international committee files, 1948-61; and management plans for public lands, 1946-62. Records of The Dalles land office (1875-1948), consisting of correspondence, 1930-48; registers of cash sales and land entries, 1875-1908; lists of state selections, 1875-1908; register for Indian allotments under Section 4 of the General Allotment Act, 1891-1921; and Fort Dalles military reservation town lot lists, 1882-1908. Records of the La Grande land office (1867-1925), consisting of registers of cash sales and land entries, 1867-1908; lists of state selections, 1851-1910; Indian allotment lists for lots on the Umatilla Indian Reservation, 1891-93; and Pendleton town lot lists, 1883-1905. Records of the Lakeview land office (1877-1948) and its predecessor at Linkville (1873-77), consisting of correspondence, 1908-48; registers of cash sales and land entries, 1896-1908; lists of state selections, 1884-1909; Oregon and California Railroad selection lists, 1901-20; and register of public domain Indian allotments for absentee Wyandotte Indians under Section 4 of the General Allotment Act, 1900-7.
49.9.25 Records of South Dakota land offices
Textual Records (in Denver): Records of the Aberdeen land office (1882-1911), consisting of tract books, 1892-1911; a register of homestead entries, 1891-1908; abstract of scrip locations, n.d.; and a record of patents delivered, 1903-6. Records of the Belle Fourche land office (1909-25), consisting of serial register books, 1908-30. Records of the Chamberlain land office (1890- 1913), consisting of serial register books, 1908-13; and register of homestead entries, 1890-1908. Records of the Gregory land office (1909-22) and its predecessors at Vermillion (1861-73), Sioux Falls (1873-79), and Mitchell (1880-1909), including serial register books, 1908-30; registers of homestead entries, 1863-71, and timber culture entries, 1873-95; and abstracts of cash entries, 1862-73, and of warrant and scrip locations in Dakota Territory, 1864-80. Records of the Huron land office (1882-1908), including tract books, 1882-1908; registers of homestead entries and final certificates, 1882-1908; and registers of Sioux Indian Lands homestead final certificates and final receipts, 1896-1907. Records of the Lemmon land office (1908-22), consisting of serial register books, 1908-26. Records of the Pierre land office (1890- 1948), including registers of letters sent, 1901-17, and received, 1905-37; tract books, 1890-1940; serial register books, 1908-51; registers of homestead entries, 1905-8; registers of Sioux Indian Lands homestead entries and final certificates, 1890-1905; and a register of Lower Brule Lands homestead entries, 1907-8. Records of the Rapid City land office (1889-1925) and its predecessor at Deadwood (1887-88), consisting of tract books, 1877-88; serial register books, 1908-30; registers of homestead entries and mineral entries, 1879-1908; registers of applications for mineral patents, 1877-1908; and a record of patents delivered, 1880-1908. Records of the Timber Lake land office (1911-18), consisting of serial register books, 1908-28. Records of the Watertown land office (1879-1907) and its predecessor at Springfield (1870-79), consisting of registers of cash receipts and homestead receipts, 1870-91; registers of timber culture entries, 1873-94, and timber culture final certificates, 1894- 1904; register of final certificates issued, n.d.; abstracts of agricultural college scrip, 1870-81; index to letters received, 1882-86; record of Sioux lands sold under Presidential proclamation, 1881; and state selection lists, 1894-97. Records of the Yankton land office (1872-93), consisting of registers of homestead entries, 1891-93; registers of timber culture entries, 1873-92, and timber culture final receipts, 1882-93; abstracts of military bounty land warrants, 1873-89, and declaratory statements, 1872-91; and agricultural college scrip locations, 1872-93.
49.9.26 Records of Utah land offices
Textual Records (in Denver): Records of the Salt Lake City land office (1869-1959), including registers of cash entries and homestead entries, 1869-1908; abstracts of desert land entries and final certificates, 1877-1908; and abstracts of agricultural college scrip entries, 1870-89, and military bounty land warrant and scrip locations, 1869-1907. Records of the Vernal land office (1905-27), consisting of townsite tract books, 1905-50; and schedules of allotments to Uintah, White River Ute, and Uncompahgre Ute Indians of the Uintah reservation, 1897-98, 1905. Consolidated Salt Lake City-Vernal records, including tract books, 1870-1959; and canceled land entry case files, 1908-29.
49.9.27 Records of Washington land offices
Textual Records (in Seattle): Records of the (New) Olympia land office (1890-1915), consisting of correspondence, 1908-15; state selection lists, 1892; and registers of land entries and cash sales, 1890-1908. Records of the Spokane Falls (Spokane) land office (1883-1949) and its predecessor at Colfax (1876-83), consisting of correspondence, 1902-54; indemnity school land selections, 1906; and registers of cash sales and land entries, 1882-1927. Records of the Vancouver land office (1861-1925), consisting of correspondence, 1908-25; and abstracts of land entries and cash sales, 1861-1914. Records of the Walla Walla land office (1871-1925), consisting of correspondence, 1911-25; and registers of land entries and cash sales, 1871-1925. Records of the North Yakima land office (1885-1925) and its predecessor at Yakima (1880-85), consisting of correspondence, 1905-25; and registers of land entries and cash sales, 1880-1913. Records of the Waterville land office (1890-1925), consisting of correspondence, 1908-25; registers of land entries and cash sales, 1890-1908; and register of public domain Indian allotments under Section 4 of the General Allotment Act, 1900. Records of the Seattle land office (1887-1927) and its predecessor at Olympia (1855-87), consisting of correspondence, 1907-27; registers of land entries and cash sales, 1898-1908; and register of public domain Indian allotments (mostly to Skagit Indians) under Section 4 of the General Allotment Act, 1893-1910.
49.9.28 Records of Wisconsin land offices
Textual Records (in Chicago): Records of the Wassau land office (1872-1925) and its predecessor at Stevens Point (1853-72), consisting of press copies of letters sent, 1888, 1905.
49.9.29 Records of Wyoming land offices
Textual Records (in Denver): Records of the Buffalo land office (1887-1950), including letters received from the Commissioner, 1934-46; tract books, 1888-1940; enlarged homestead, 1909-40, and stockraising, 1925-40, designations; combined abstracts of cash entries and coal land sold, 1880-1908; and registers of homestead entries, homestead final certificates, and desert land final entries, 1888-1908. Records of the Cheyenne land office (1870- 1950), including letters received from the Commissioner, 1890- 1946, with a register, 1905-11; registers of homestead entries, 1870-1908, final receipts, 1900-8, and final certificates, 1874- 1902; registers and other records relating to mineral lands, 1876-1908, timber culture, 1874-1903, coal lands, 1881-1908, and desert lands, 1877-1924; land entry contest dockets, 1907-18; and record of published notices for final proof, 1921-25. Records of the Douglas land office (1890-1925), including tract books, 1890- 1925; registers of homestead entries and final certificates, 1890-1908; abstracts of desert land entries, 1891-1908; and contest dockets, 1911-23. Records of the Evanston land office (1876-1950), including letters received from the Commissioner, 1908-37, with a register, 1905-41; tract books, 1877-1940; combined abstract of cash entries and coal cash certificates, 1878-1908, with register and indexes; registers of homestead entries, entry receipts, and final certificates, 1878-1908, with indexes; registers of mineral patent applications and mineral land entries, 1882-1907; records relating to coal lands, 1877- 1908; records relating to desert lands, 1877-1908; and closed serialized land entry case files, 1908-42. Records of the Lander land office (1890-1927), including letters received from the Commissioner, 1926-27; tract books, 1890-1927; registers of homestead entries, 1890-1908, homestead entries on Shoshone Indian land, 1906-8, and homestead final certificates, 1890-1908; records relating to mineral and coal lands, 1891-1908; registers of timber culture entries and final certificates, 1890-1901; desert land entry abstracts and final certificate registers, 1890-1908; and register of cash certificates issued for entries made on ceded Shoshone and Wind River Indian lands, 1906-8. Records of the Newcastle land office (1920-25) and its predecessor at Sundance (1890-1920), consisting of letters received from the Commissioner, 1911-18. Records of unidentified or various land offices, including tract books, 1890-1920; land grant files, 1871-1921; enlarged homestead designations, 1909-41; and stockraising designations, 1918-41.
Maps (371 items, in Denver): Wyoming oil fields, 1920 (21 items). Right-of-way and railroad land grant plats, 1874-1927 (350 items). SEE ALSO 49.16.
History: Boards of townsite trustees were established for Oklahoma and Alaska in accordance with statute law and implementing GLO regulations to facilitate urbanization in newly opened areas of the public domain. GLO Circular Instructions, July 9, 1886, in effect at the time of the Oklahoma land rush, provided that pursuant to acts of March 2, 1867 (14 Stat. 541), and March 3, 1877 (19 Stat. 392), lands actually occupied as townsites could be entered as such by municipal officials (for incorporated towns) or by county judges (for unincorporated communities), acting as trustees for the occupants. Alaska townsite trustees were governed by the act of March 3, 1891 (26 Stat. 1095), and implementing GLO Circular of July 11, 1899, which provided that all townsite entries be made by trustees appointed by the Secretary of the Interior. The boards of townsite trustees were required to file for lands through the local land offices.
49.10.1 Records of Alaska boards of townsite trustees
Textual Records (in Anchorage): Townsite deed and register books, minutes, and other records of boards of townsite trustees for Cordova, 1923-25; Craig, 1924-29; Douglas, 1918-19; Eagle, 1903- 19; Fairbanks, 1911-22; Haines, 1917-19; Hyder, 1924-27; Juneau, 1921-24; Ketchikan, 1912-30; Nome, 1904-11; Petersburg, 1919-20; Sitka, 1927-29; Skagway, 1908-12; Tenakee, 1925-26; Valdez, 1911- 13; and Wrangell, 1909-19.
49.10.2 Records of Oklahoma boards of townsite trustees
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Proceedings of boards of townsite trustees ("Minutes"), docket books, assessment ledgers, records of accounts, cash entry books, records of lots purchased ("Block Diagrams"), and other records of Townsite Boards No. 1-4, 6-7, 9-10, and 12-14, relating to townsites in Alva (Townsite Board No. 10), 1893-95; Blackburn (Townsite Board No. 13), 1894- 95; Blackwell (Townsite Board No. 14), 1894-95; Choctaw City (Townsite Board No. 2), 1893-95; Cleo (Townsite Board No. 10), 1894-95; Downs (Townsite Board No. 6), 1891-92; Edmond (Townsite Board No. 2), 1891; El Reno (Townsite Board No. 4), 1891-96; Enid (Townsite Board No. 9), 1891-97; Frisco (Townsite Board No. 7), 1891-94; Guthrie (Townsite Board No. 6), 1890-99; Hennessey (Townsite Board No. 3), 1891-97; Jonesville (Townsite Board No. 6), 1898; Kingfisher (Townsite Board No. 3), 1890-97; Lexington (Townsite Board No. 4), 1890-94; Mulhall (Townsite Board No. 1), 1891; Newkirk (Townsite Board No. 14), 1894-97; Norman (Townsite Board No. 4), 1889-1902; Noble (Townsite Board No. 4), 1890-91; Oklahoma City (Townsite Board No. 2), 1890-95; Pawnee (Townsite Board No. 13), 1893-96; Perkins (Townsite Board No. 1), 1891; Perry (Townsite Board No. 6), 1893-1909; Reno City (Townsite Board No. 3), 1891; Round Pond (Townsite Board No. 12), 1893-98; Stillwater (Townsite Board No. 6), 1890-91; and Woodward (Townsite Board No. 6), 1893-1913. Fragmentary records of Anadarko, Hobart, and Lawton, established as county seats, August 6, 1901, pursuant to the act of March 3, 1901 (31 Stat. 1093), opening the Kiowa, Comanche, Apache, and Wichita ceded lands to settlement, n.d.
History: Established within the GLO pursuant to the Taylor Grazing Act amendments (49 Stat. 1976), June 26, 1936, to administer a range improvement program for tracts of land not included within the Taylor Act Grazing Districts administered by the Grazing Service. Transferred to BLM upon establishment of that agency by merger of GLO and Grazing Service, 1946. (SEE 49.1.) Functions of RDS transferred to BLM Branch of Range Management by BLM Administrative Order No. 3, May 16, 1947, with bureau regional administrators assigned responsibilities formerly vested in the Chief, RDS.
Textual Records: General administrative files, 1939-47. Range improvement and soil and moisture conservation files, 1939-48.
1866-1954 (bulk 1927-51)
History: Regional system in place by mid-1947. Patterned after that of the Grazing Service, with seven regional offices, designated as Region 1, ID, OR, and WA (Portland, OR); Region 2, CA and NV (San Francisco, CA); Region 3, KS, IA, MO, MT, NE, ND, SD, and WY (Billings, MT); Region 4, CO and UT (Salt Lake City, UT); Region 5, AZ, AR, LA, NM, OK, and TX (Albuquerque, NM); Region 6, MN and all states east of the Mississippi River (Washington, DC); and Region 7, AK (Anchorage, AK). In 1950 the western boundary of Region 6 was extended to include IA and MO (from Region 3) and AR and LA (from Region 5). In 1954 the existing regions were abolished. Region 6 was redesignated as the Eastern States Office. The remaining states were organized into four area offices. (SEE 49.13.) Regional offices supervised district grazing, land, and forestry offices within their jurisdictions.
Textual Records (in San Francisco): Records of the Regional Office, Region 2, including general correspondence, 1947-51; Manzanar and Tule Lake Relocation Center disposal files, 1945-48; records relating to the court case, U.S. v. U.S. Borax Company, 1942-47; records of the Regional Cadastral Engineer, including index to field notes of surveys of Mount Diablo, San Bernardino, and Humboldt Meridians, 1906-50; register of appointment of U.S. mineral surveyors, 1906-50; and register of certificates of deposit for mineral surveys, 1915-51. Records absorbed by the Region 2 Land Planning Division from the San Francisco office of the GLO Field Examination Branch (1942-46) and its predecessors in the GLO Field Service (1909-32) and Division of Investigations, Department of the Interior (1933-42), including general correspondence, 1933-45; investigative case files, 1927- 45, with index (57 ft.); railroad selection (clear) lists, 1866- 1945; general administrative files, 1917-40; records relating to evaluation and administration of the Taylor Grazing Act, 1928-41; and schedules of various land office serial case numbers for conversion to Sacramento and Los Angeles land office case numbers, 1924-36. Records of the Nevada Land and Survey Office, Region 2 (Reno, NV), including records of land entry serial numbers, 1948-54; records of patents, 1913-53; and mineral survey certificates of deposit, 1912-48.
Maps (50 items, in San Francisco): Copies of plats of NV state boundary surveys, 1912-48, consolidated at the Nevada Land and Survey Office (Reno, NV). SEE ALSO 49.16.
History: Regional offices were abolished, 1954. Old Region 6 became the Eastern States Office, with headquarters in Washington, DC (Silver Spring, MD, 1967-79, Alexandria, VA , 1979- ). The remaining states were organized into area offices, designated as Area 1, OR and WA (Portland, OR); Area 2, (AZ, ID, NV, and UT (Salt Lake City, UT); Area 3, CO, KS, MT, NE, NM, ND, OK, SD, TX, and WY (Denver, CO); and Area 4, AK (Anchorage, AK; Juneau, 1957-61). Under the area offices (except in Area 4) were individual state offices headed by state supervisors. Area offices were abolished, May 1961, and state offices (some with multistate jurisdiction) became under state directors the highest level in the BLM regional structure, with responsibility for range, forest, and land management, and for supervision of district offices.
State offices and headquarters, 1954-61: AZ (Phoenix), CA (Sacramento), CO (Denver), ID (Boise), MT (Billings), NV (Reno), NM (Santa Fe), OR (Portland), UT (Salt Lake City), WA (Spokane), WY (Cheyenne). There were no separate state offices for KS, NE, ND, OK, SD, and TX. These states were administered directly out of the Area Office for Area 3.
State offices, headquarters, and jurisdictions, 1961- :
Office | Headquarters | Jurisdiction |
Alaska | Anchorage | AK |
Arizona | Phoenix | AZ |
California | Sacramento | CA |
Colorado | Denver | CO, KS (1983-85 only) |
Idaho | Boise | ID |
Montana | Billings | MT, ND, SD |
Nevada | Reno | NV |
New Mexico | Santa Fe | KS (from Colorado, 1985), NM, OK, TX |
Oregon | Portland | OR, WA |
Utah | Salt Lake City | UT |
Wyoming | Cheyenne | KS (to Colorado, 1983), NE, WY |
49.13.1 Records of the Alaska State Office
Textual Records (in Anchorage): Field notes for surveys of the Fairbanks base line, 1910; for townsite surveys, 1900-10; for rectangular surveys, 1914-77; for metes and bounds surveys, 1892- 1976; for mineral surveys, 1896-1976; and for U.S. Coal Surveys, 1907-8. Serialized case files for canceled and relinquished land transactions, ca. 1865-1969. Townsite tract books for Anchorage, 1914-64; Aniak, 1952-65; Baranof, 1956-60; Bethel, 1963-77; Birch Lake, 1958; Buffalo Center, 1954-56; Cantwell, 1958-59; Cordova, 1925-33, 1953-63; Craig, 1924-29; Dillingham, 1950-64; Douglas, 1918-19; Eagle, 1909-10, 1963; Fairbanks, 1911-22, 1938-39, 1958- 60; Fort Yukon, 1956-64; Girdwood, 1923-62; Graehl, 1922-25; Haines, 1918, 1953-62; Hoonah, 1933-78; Hyder, 1924-37; Juneau, 1921, 1962-63; Kake, 1948-78; Kasilof, 1963-64; Kenai, 1951-66; Ketchikan, 1912-25, 1958-69; Kodiak, 1945-64; Kotzebue, 1955-69; Loring, 1966-71; McGrath Pass, 1950; Nenana, 1916-61; Ninilchik, 1957-78; Nome, 1905-11; Pelican, 1949-58; Petersburg, 1919-20, 1942-64; Portage, 1949-52; Saxman, 1952-68; Seldovia, 1931-69, 1955-77; Seward, 1916-55; Sitka, 1927-29, 1953-66; Skagway, 1909- 12; Talkeetna, 1919-23, 1936-58; Tanacross, 1963; Tanana, 1958- 62; Teller, 1957-64; Tenakee, 1925-26; Tok, 1951-56; Unalaska, 1940-63; Valdez, 1912-13; Wasilla, 1918-51; Whittier, 1942; Wrangell, 1909-19, 1933-66; and Yakutat, 1953-78.
Maps (3,922 items, in Anchorage): Numbered survey plats for metes and bounds surveys, 1892-1976 (2,716 items); mineral surveys, 1885-1974 (445 items); and coal surveys, 1885-1977 (761 items). SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.13.2 Records of the Arizona State Office
Textual Records (in Denver, except as noted): Commissioner's letters, 1903-62. Serial register books, 1908-70. Tract books, ca. 1875-1959. Contests, patents, and state selections, 1968-70. Land entry case files, 1970. General reports, 1918-44. Sale and lease case files, 1940-41. Closed right-of-way files, 1965-76. Correspondence, 1955-59, and miscellaneous case files, 1955-61, of the State Supervisor (in Los Angeles). Patent conveyance files, 1916-56 (in Los Angeles). Right-of-way case files, 1955(in Los Angeles). Mineral survey case files, 1965-69 (in Los Angeles). Patent files-allowed, 1919-64 (in Los Angeles). Patent files- rejected, 1963-64 (in Los Angeles). Rejected land applications, 1906-46 (in Los Angeles). Cancelled land applications, 1908-50 (in Los Angeles). Land contest files, 1910-59 (in Los Angeles). Patented land files, 1910-59 (in Los Angeles). Forest exchange files, 1916-40 (in Los Angeles). Right-of-way files, 1908-46 (in Los Angeles).
49.13.3 Records of the California State Office
Textual Records (in San Francisco, except as noted): Correspondence, 1937-62, and issuances, 1962-81, of the Office of the State Director. Resource Study 1981-85 (in Los Angeles). Impact studies, 1965-74. Cooperative agreements, 1944-71. Enviromental studies and plans, 1967-77. Records of the Branch of Cadastral Surveys, including group survey case files, 1910-76; mineral survey case files, 1906-65; supplemental plat survey case files, 1954-63; index to mineral claim surveys, 1916-57; lot book, Mount Diablo Meridian, 1869-1958; and register of homestead entry surveys in national forests, 1909-62. Files of the Grazing Service Advisory Board, 1966-69. Records of the Land and Minerals Program and Land Office Division, including contest case files absorbed and updated from the Region 2 and Sacramento District Offices, 1903-72 (85 ft.); and records relating to forest rehabilitation, 1957-64. Township tract books consolidated by the state office and covering GLO land districts, including Eureka, 1856-1970; Independence, 1866-1972; Marysville, 1861-1970; Redding, 1870-1971; Sacramento, 1870-1971, including mineral claims, 1872-1963; San Francisco, including oil and gas leases, 1853-1975; Stockton, 1863-1966; Susanville, 1871-1974; and Visalia, 1866-1974. Patented land entry case files, 1963-74. Unpatented land entry case files, 1908-74. GLO land status inventory of federally owned land, 1940-41, updated for Monterey County only, 1961-62. Records relating to river basin studies conducted by the Federal Power Commission and the Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District, 1948-63.
Maps (15,762 items, in San Francisco): Township survey plats consolidated and continued by the state office from GLO land offices, including Eureka, 1860-1970 (770 items); Independence, 1857-1971 (990 items); Marysville, 1853-1970 (1,155 items); Redding, 1855-1973 (1,210 items); Sacramento, 1859-1976 (1,760 items); San Francisco, 1907-71 (1,595 items); Stockton, 1854-1970 (990 items); Susanville, 1867-1950 (715 items); and Visalia, 1855-1950 (715 items). Mineral survey plats continued from the Sacramento land office, 1882-1972 (5,832 items). Relief maps of withdrawn land, 1960-61 (30 items). SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.13.4 Records of the Colorado State Office
Textual Records (in Denver): Records relating to hearings, 1960- 72. Survey records, 1960-77. Records relating to contests, 1960- 67. Right-of-way files, 1964. Records relating to land patents, 1965-68. Records of the Denver Service Center, including technical studies and resource management plans, 1964-71. Field investigation case files, 1920-40.
49.13.5 Records of the Idaho State Office
Textual Records (in Seattle): Township plats, 1892-1952. Tract books, 1877-1934. Group survey case files, 1923-70. Serialized case files for canceled and relinquished transactions, 1908-65.Land acquisition files, 1936-38. Public relations files, 1952-75. Unit resource analysis, 1964-82. Cooperative agreements, 1979-90. Resource Activity Plan (RAP) records, 1983-91. History files, 1966-84.
49.13.6 Records of the Montana State Office
Textual Records (in Denver): Closed contested mineral cases, 1961-64. Mineral survey files, 1946. Mineral rights transfer case files, 1940-60. Contests, 1964. Hearings, 1967-69. Records relating to land exchanges, 1954-57. Color of title actions, 1908-23. Serialized patent case files, 1963-68. Resource development records, 1967. Cooperative agreements and memorandums of understanding, 1939-81. School land selection cases, 1905-20. Closed contested mineral case files, 1905-20. Case files for sale or withdrawal of public land, 1962-73. Long range program and management plans, and records of advisory boards, 1959-70. Index cards to closed land use applications, 1907-43. Records relating to state advisory boards, 1940-78. Studies, publications, and resource inventories, 1956-81. Records of the Dillion Resource Area, including environmental assessment reports, 1972-81; and improvement projects, 1939-63.
49.13.7 Records of the Nevada State Office
Textual Records (in San Francisco): General administrative files, 1950-66. Issuances, 1963-71. Records of various advisory boards, 1962-72. Press releases and informational brochures, 1964-72. Records relating to "special situations," including management of wild horses, 1948-70. Records relating to grazing and range management, 1935-66; to grazing hearings and appeals, 1937-71; and to range conservation and improvement, 1941-63. Serialized land entry case files, 1908-74 (410 ft.). Patented land entry case files, 1964-71. Mineral claim and survey case files, 1920-70 (95 ft.). Contest case files, 1930-67. Township tract books, 1864-1964.
Maps (14,873 items, in San Francisco): Triplicate original township survey plats, consolidated and continued by the state office, 1861-1962 (4,400 items). Mineral survey plats, 1867-1970 (9,773 items). Connecting sheets, 1920-70 (700 items). SEE ALSO 49.16.
Aerial Photographs (5 items, in San Francisco): Palisades fire, Elko District, August 18, 1964. SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.13.8 Records of the New Mexico State Office
Textual Records (in Denver): Register's correspondence relating to homestead and other applications and final certificates, 1908-43. Contest docket sheets, 1909-25. Case files relating to land exchanges, 1950-64; terminated rights-of-way, 1951-63; color of title actions, 1950-69; patent conveyances, 1951-57; and contested land entries, 1955-56. Records relating to Branch of Soil and Moisture Conservation programs, studies, and reports, 1937-54. Interagency cooperative agreements and memorandums of understanding, 1950-79. Withdrawals and adverse proceedings against mining claims within the Alamagordo and Ordcit bombing ranges, NM, 1942-55. Records relating to Federal legislation affecting public land in New Mexico, 1954-75. Records relating to land planning, cooperative, and advisory boards, 1940-76. School land indemnity and lieu selection case files, 1909-56. Patent files, 1961-69. Studies and reports, 1939-81. Job Corps plans, correspondence and reports relating to construction and operation of Job Corps camps, 1963-65. Serial register and log sheets, 1962-75. Records of the Denver Service Center, including plans and reports relating to land withdrawals for Air Force defense installations, 1963-83.
49.13.9 Records of the Oregon State Office
Textual Records (in Seattle): Tract books for OR and WA, 1867- 1960. Township plats for OR and WA, 1862-1972. Land office serial books and serialized case files for canceled and relinquished transactions for OR and WA, 1908-54. Group survey records of OR and WA, 1910-69. Land office serial books, 1908-54. Proposed legislation and regulation files, 1934-58. Right-of-way case files, 1942-49. Public relations files, 1934-53. Directives, 1959-71. Cooperative relations files, 1954-60. Oxbow fire plot records, 1967. Records of the Division of Resources, including committee files, 1937-79; and real property improvements and development files, 1968-74. Records of the Branch of Engineering, including final construction project files, 1960-70.
49.13.10 Records of the Utah State Office
Textual Records (in Denver): Registers of serialized land entries, 1956-68. Contested land entries, 1955-66. Records of advisory boards, 1942-68. Group survey files, 1910-66. Notices of location for mining claims, 1909-68. Watershed studies, 1954-69. Mineral survey files, 1955-67. Records of withdrawals, 1965. Land patent records, 1967.
49.13.11 Records of the Wyoming State Office
Textual Records (in Denver): Records relating to hearings, 1967. Right-of-way files, 1959, 1968. Land exchange records, 1959. Townsite survey plats, 1870-1969. Mineral survey and patent registers, and related records, 1869-1936. Indian allotment schedules, 1860-1960. Serial register pages and logs, 1950-86. Townsite serial log book, 1909-72.
History: BLM adopted the field office structure of its predecessors, including their district land offices, grazing offices, and forestry offices. They were gradually consolidated and redesignated as or superseded by multipurpose district offices.
49.14.1 Records of Arizona district offices
Textual Records (in Los Angeles): Records of the Phoenix District Office, including serialized land entry case files, 1919-64 (240 ft.); rejected or withdrawn patent applications, 1908-47; cancelled or relinquished patent allowed entries, 1908-47; patent contest files, 1909-35; right of way case files, 1908-63; case files of contested mining claims, 1899-1968; subject files of district advisory boards, 1943-70; engineering field notebooks, 1953-69; property conveyance allowed files, 1936-63; property conveyance contest files, 1916-63; and property conveyance rejected files, 1961-62. Records of the Safford District Office, including wilderness inventories, 1979. Records of the Yuma District Office, including long range management plans, 1970-75.
49.14.2 Records of California district offices
Textual Records: Records (in Los Angeles) of the Bakersfield District Office, including abandoned or closed range improvement project files, 1935-69; environmental impact and assessment reports, 1979-88; environmental analysis files, 1980-84; publications, 1968-74; real property improvement and development files, 1960-76; and organization and history files, 1975-76. National Resources Planning Board project inventory summaries, 1943-48; records of the National, 1955-69, State, 1949-73, and District, 1939-70, Advisory Boards; and miscellaneous records relating to grazing, 1954-67. Records (in Los Angeles) of the Los Angeles District Office, including serialized land entry case files, 1908-61 (1,017 ft.); field case files, 1922-60; case files of mining and grazing claims affected by the construction of the Friant and Shasta Dams as part of the Central Valley Project, 1935-61; records concerning Joshua Tree National Monument, 1933-64; case files and other records relating to BLM efforts to regain title to lands required for military purposes, 1940-64; case files of contested mining claims, 1936- 64; range improvement records, 1942-60; and San Bernardino Meridian land entry records, including field case files, 1945-60, tract and small tract registers, 1941-61, and small tract classification files, 1940-69. Records (in San Francisco) of the Redding District Office, consisting of general correspondence, 1951-64; cadastral survey correspondence, 1956-70; and range resource development and conservation case files, 1941-65, including case file of the California 6-S (Mount Hebron seeding) project, 1942-61. Records (in Los Angeles) of the Riverside District Office, including serialized land entry case files, 1961-70; Mount Diablo Meridian townsite case files, 1948-64, quitclaim deed files, 1942-69, trespass case files, 1953-70; and Advisory Committee activity files, 1975-84; and San Bernardino Meridian township tract books, 1870-1972, small tract books, 1941-64; propose plan information, 1981; and resource management plans, 1978-81. Records of the Sacramento District Office, including records of land entries, 1908-66 (342 ft.). Records of the Susanville District Office, including general correspondence, 1936-69; press releases, 1938-74; forage and range surveys, 1959-64; records of cooperative agreements, 1960- 62; range improvement project files, 1935-65; and case files of hearings and appeals, 1956-69. Records of the Ukiah District Office, consisting of range improvement and conservation case files, 1941-60; forest development records, 1959-66; press releases, 1963-76; and road, trail, and bridge construction project files, 1963-72. Records of the California Desert District Office (Riverside), including desert oral history, 1975-77; archaeology site inventory-mixed gem field data books, 1975; and memorandums of understanding, 1971-86.
Maps (3,552 items, in Los Angeles): San Bernardino Meridian preliminary survey plats, 1953-61 (32 items), maintained by the Los Angeles District Office. San Bernardino Meridian mineral survey plats, 1877-1973 (640 items), and township survey plats, 1855-1970 (2,880 items), maintained by the Riverside District Office. SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.14.3 Records of Idaho district offices
Textual Records (in Seattle): Records of the Boise District Office, including grazing appeals and Job Corps project records, 1964-73. Records of the Burley District Office, including grazing appeals, grazing association correspondence, advisory board minutes, and range improvement case files, 1938-67; advisory board files, 1980; and YCC (Youth Conservation Corps) and YACC (Young Adult Conservation Corps) program records, 1980. Records of the Coeur d'Alene District Office, including forest inventories, 1958-65; and river basin planning records, 1962-71. Records of the Idaho Falls District Office, consisting of grazing appeals, 1956-66; range conservation project case files, 1941-59; and environmental assessment studies; 1975-78. Records of the Malad Resource Center, including grazing operator case files, 1936-70. Records of the Shoshone District Office, consisting of grazing appeals case files, 1946-71; and advisory board files, 1940-65, 1974-80.
49.14.4 Records of Montana district offices
Textual Records (in Denver): Records of the Miles City District Office, consisting of range condition and trend studies, 1954-64; case files for appeal and trespass cases, 1956-63; and abandoned work programs, 1965-67.
49.14.5 Records of Nevada district offices
Textual Records (in San Francisco, except as noted): Records of the Battle Mountain District Office, consisting of grazing appeals records, 1953-66. Records of the Carson City District Office, consisting of grazing appeals, 1935-70. Records of the Elko District Office, consisting of range management records, 1938-51; grazing advisory board election records, 1938-56; grazing hearings and appeals, 1960-63; and lieu land selection case files, 1913-55. Records of the Ely District Office, including narrative historical reports, 1938-70; range surveys, 1941-65; range resource development and conservation records, 1944-66; environmental assessments, 1974-77; and grazing appeals records, 1916-71 (bulk 1940-71). Records (in Los Angeles) of the Las Vegas District Office, including range improvement project case files, 1936-67; grazing range studies, 1936-60; forage inventory and survey sheets, 1957-65; directive files, 1969-76; range surveys, 1963-67; and Redrock Canyon master plan and draft, 1975. Records of the Winnemucca District Office, including general administrative files, 1936-66; range adjudication survey records, 1936-64; minutes of grazing advisory boards, 1935-65; and grazing appeals, 1935-68.
Aerial Photographs (76 items, in Los Angeles): Army Map Service aerial range survey photographs of the Delamar, Panaca, Tule, and Clover Mountain Units (1954), used by the Las Vegas District Office in its forage surveys, 1957-65. SEE ALSO 49.16.
49.14.6 Records of the New Mexico district offices
Textual Records (in Denver): Records of the Albuquerque district office, including interdepartmental Rio Grande Board committee studies, 1934-38; correspondence relating to grazing district boundaries, 1933-34; correspondence relating to establishment and modification of grazing boundaries, 1936-44; records relating to grazing land valuations, patents, and exchanges, 1935-47; correspondence relating to valuation and exchange of grazing land, 1936-46; inspection and classification reports pertaining to the Stockraising Homestead Act, 1918-20; range improvement project reports, 1935-48; and index cards to closed Homestead and other entries, 1908-50. Records of the Las Cruces District Office, including land disposal case files, 1946-58; watershed studies, resources inventories, and environmental analysis, 1940-81; contested grazing case files and related hearings, 1934-54; and records relating to field inspections, trespass cases, and advisory boards, 1969-71.
49.14.7 Records of Oregon district offices
Textual Records (in Seattle): Records of the Baker District Office, including lot allotment case files, 1937-72. Records of the Baker Resource Area, including range and fire reports, 1939-65; fire records, 1957-70; and records of the interagency, advisory or international committees, 1949-74. Records of the Burns District Office, including range permits, grazing appeals case files, right-of-way case files, and advisory board minutes, 1934-61. Records of the Coos Bay District Office, including forest inventory and timber sale records, right-of-way and easements for timber access roads, 1951-72; public relations files, 1973; and final report of youth conservation program, 1980. Records of the Eugene District Office, consisting of forest inventories and records of timber access road construction, 1947-67; public relations files, 1972-73; advisory board minutes, 1945-53; improvement and development files, 1942-59; press releases, 1974-75; and historical files, 1980-81. Records of the Medford District Office, including forest inventories, 1920-44, 1958-65; timber access road right-of-way case files, 1948-71; public relations files, 1968-73; and environmental assessments, 1975-83. Records of the Salem District Office, including Oregon and California (O&C) revested lands land exchange records, O&C Advisory Board minutes, forest inventories, and forest resource studies, 1940- 71. Records of the Tillamook District Office, consisting of grazing appeal case files, 1936-69. Records of the Vale District Office, consisting of advisory board minutes, 1935-71; livestock association cooperation case files, 1954-67; Vale Project (range restoration) reports and work plans, 1962-68; range improvement case files, 1939-72; grazing appeals, 1936-69; resource development and conservation project case files, 1939-71; and wild horse management files, 1959-82. Records of the Lakeview District Office, including range improvement case files, adjudicated grazing case files, range surveys, and grazing appeals case files, 1943-69; and advisory board files, 1977.
49.14.8 Records of Utah district offices
Textual Records (in Denver): Records of the Cedar City District Office, including records of advisory boards, 1939-62; and resource development and conservation records, 1944-63. Records of the Moab District Office, including advisory board records, 1935-70; resource development and conservation records, 1935- 66; and originating planning records for Canyonlands National Park in southern Utah, 1962. Records of the Price District Office, consisting of watershed plans, timber contracts, and grazing trespass case files, 1949-63; records relating to range improvement programs, 1957-63; and studies and reports, 1939-59. Records of the Richfield District Office, consisting of advisory board records, 1941-67. Records of the Salt Lake City Office, consisting of registers of serialized land entries, 1908- 57 (33 ft.). Records of the Vernal District Office, consisting of registers of serialized land entries, 1908-57.
49.15.1 Records of the Oregon and California Railroad Revested Lands Administration
History: Established in the GLO, June 1, 1938, pursuant to an act of August 28, 1937 (50 Stat. 874), assigning administrative responsibility for Oregon and California Railroad Company revested lands to the Department of the Interior. These were lands originally granted to the railroad by an act of July 25, 1866 (14 Stat. 239), but to which the Federal Government reasserted title by an act of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat. 218), following a successful court proceeding against the railroad for violation of the provisions of the original land grant.
Textual Records (in Seattle): Tract books, 1859-1967. Historical data files, 1914-59.
49.15.2 Records of the Boise Interagency Fire Center, ID
History: Established in the BLM, April 1, 1965, as a cooperative venture of the BLM, National Park Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Fish and Wildlife Service, and Forest Service. Provides nationwide logistical support in the suppression of forest and range fires, including support to the states and, through the Department of State, to foreign countries.
Textual Records (in Seattle): Original fire reports, 1939-63. Fire reports for AK, CA, CO, ID, MT, NM, OR, SD, UT, WA, and WY, 1964-78. History files, 1974. Interagency training, documents, 1976-93.
Maps (5,789 items): Administrative maps showing activities of the agency, historical acquisition of the public domain, principal meridians and baselines used in the establishment of the township and range system, the format to be used in printing township plats, and locations of surveys planned for the United States and Alaska during selected years, 1909-46 (18 items). "Standard published" (SP) maps, issued in updated editions by both the GLO and the BLM, of the United States and individual states and territories, showing the extent of public surveys, land purchases and cessions by the Federal Government, township and range lines, private land claims and grants, Indian and military reservations, national parks and forests, railroad land-grant limits, and the locations of land offices and offices of the surveyors general, 1873-1964 (460 items). Set of SP maps arranged into an atlas of the public land states, 1876 (19 items). Reference maps used in the compilation of the published state maps, 1903-40 (317 items). "Special published" (P) maps showing routes of principal explorations in the United States, the progress of public land surveys for specific years, Federal Government reservation boundaries, locations of abandoned military reservations, Indian lands, and selected coal, gas, and oil fields, 1836-1946 (360 items). "Published boundary" (PB) maps, many relating to the Oklahoma-Texas boundary dispute along the Red River, 1827-1926 (29 items). Plans of federal reserves for the protection of native birds and certain national monuments, with attached copies of Presidential proclamations and Executive orders authorizing their establishment, 1903-26 (88 items). Maps relating to land classification in parts of the western states, annotated to show withdrawals of public lands, dates of proclamations authorizing the withdrawals, names of persons leasing land on grazing districts in AZ, and certain vacant lands, ca. 1916-45 (116 items). County highway maps annotated to show federally owned lands in the western states except AZ, from an inventory project begun under the National Resources Committee, 1939, and continued by the GLO, 1940-46 (1,219 items). Atlases of Alaska, showing federal land withdrawals and reservations, 1952, 1958 (120 items). Surveys of the LA coast, 1954-57 (41 items). Published Surface Management Status, Surface Minerals Management Status, and Wilderness Status maps of the public land states, printed by the Geological Survey for the BLM, 1974-89 (3,000 items). Map and legal description of the land withdrawn under the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Land Withdrawal Act of January 3, 1992 (PL 102-579), 1990-92 (2 items).
Aerial Photographs (700 items): LA coast, made in connection with a study of submerged lands, 1953-54.
SEE Maps UNDER 49.3.2, 49.3.4, 49.3.6, 49.3.7, 49.3.10, 49.3.14, 49.6.1, 49.6.4, 49.7.2, 49.7.5, 49.7.7, 49.7.8, 49.7.9, 49.7.11, 49.7.13, 49.8.3, 49.9.5, 49.9.12, 49.9.19, 49.9.29, 49.12, 49.13.1, 49.13.3, 49.13.7, and 49.14.2. SEE Aerial Photographs UNDER 49.13.7 and 49.14.5.
Finding Aids: Laura E. Kelsay, comp., List of Cartographic Records of the General Land Office, SL 19 (1964).
1956-ca. 1970
14 reels
Public Information films and spot announcements reflecting the Bureau of Land Management's protection and management of the nation's land and natural resources, 1956-ca. 1970.
Photographs (12,676 images): BLM and predecessor agency activities in the western United States, including Alaska, 1893- 1982 (WLM, 12,581 images). GLO Commissioners (1814 to 1933), including photographs of paintings and engravings, 1965 (CP, 24 images). Ferry Lake, LA, ecological survey, 1914 (FL, 71 images).
Photographic Prints (626 images): Oil fields, derricks, equipment, people, and communities in CA, in albums, some taken by Frank C. Ashton, and used in a GLO investigation, 1898-1900 (KRA, 183 images). Settlers at the opening of the Cherokee Strip in OK, panel cards taken by W.A. Flowers, Guthrie, OK, and collected by Anthony Rice, Chief of the Homestead Division, 1893 (AR, 24 images). Geological formations and conditions in CA, 1916 (DC, 384 images). War Relocation Centers, Manzanar and Tule Lake, CA, 1946 (RC, 35 images).
Color Slides and Transparencies (1,000 images): BLM and predecessor agency activities in the western United States, including Alaska, 1953-63 (SWL).
Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.
This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.