Guide to Federal Records

Federal Records Guide: Alphabetical Index - O

Note: This alphabetical index to the Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States is based on a paper version with the same title compiled in 1995. The index does not reflect updates to the Guide. The updated web version of the Guide can be searched with the Search the Guide feature.

See also:

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M  
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Oahu, HI
    military facilities (maps) 338.8
    naval stations 181.7.1, 181.11.3, 181.11.6
Oahu, HI, Coast Defenses of 392.3
Oak Island, MN 36.3.1
Oak Ridge Journal 326.3.1
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    facilities construction 374.3.13
        photographs 434.4.3
    isotopes (motion pictures) 326.3.1
    military detachments 374.4.1
    separation process engineering plans 326.5.7
Oak Ridge, TN
    city maps 326.3.1
    community life (photographs) 434.4.3
Oak Ridge, TN, Operations Office (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.3
Oakland, CA
    housing discrimination (sound recordings) 453.2.1
    photographs 75.29
Oakland, CA, Field Employment Assistance Office (Indian Affairs) 75.13
Oakland, CA, land office 49.9.5
Oakland, CA, Naval Supply Depot (Center) 38.4.16, 181.15.21
Oakland, CA, regional office (Entomology and Plant Quarantine) 7.5.11
Oakley, R.A. 54.3.13
oaths of allegiance
    Arizona U.S. marshals 118.47.2
    Army Philippines commands 395.14.2
    Confederate record book 109.6
    Continental, Confederation officials 360.2.4
    Philadelphia mint employees 104.7
    Provost Marshal field organizations 393.12
    Revolutionary War 93.3
    Steamboat Inspection Service affidavits 41.3.6
    Texas Confederate Treasury records 365.8.3
oaths of office
    civil appointments 59.4.2
    customs officials 217.5.3
    Freedmen's Bureau 105.5
    Indian agencies 75.19.36
    Revolutionary War 93.3
    Supreme Court justices 267.4.1
    Washington Metropolitan Police 351.5
oats 54.3.7
Oberdorfer, Louis 60.13
Oberlin, KS, land office 49.9.12
Obersalzberg, Bavaria 260.4.9
Obion (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.2
obscenity 28.2.5
Obscenity and Pornography, Commission on 220.12
Observation Group (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.9.1
Observation Squadrons (Army Air Forces) 18.9.6, 18.10
obstetrics (motion picture) 12.2.1
Occidental Petroleum Corp. 460.7
Occoquan, VA 351.4
Occupation Headquarters, World War II, Records of U.S. (RG 260)
    administrative history 260.1
    Allied Control Authority organizations (Germany) 260.8
    combined U.S.-British-French organizations (Germany) 260.10
    combined U.S.-British organizations (Germany) 260.9
    Control Council, Germany, U.S. Group 260.2
    Military Government for Germany (U.S.)
        Berlin Command 260.6
        Executive Office 260.3
        functional offices, divisions 260.4
        state, sector military governments 260.7
        war crimes trials organizations 260.5
    motion pictures 260.13
    Ryukyu Islands civil administration 260.12
    sound recordings 260.14
    still pictures 260.15
    U.S., Allied Commission for Austria Section 260.11
Occupation of Western Virginia, Army of 393.8
Occupational Adult Education, Division of
   (Education Office) 12.6.3
Occupational Analysis and Manning Tables, Division of
   (War Manpower Commission) 211.21
Occupational Deferment, Committee on
   (Civil Service Commission) 211.7.1
occupational health and safety SEE ALSO mine safety
    Atomic Energy Commission personnel 326.4.3
    Chemistry and Soils 97.3.1, 97.3.3
    child labor 155.3.2
    dust explosions 97.3.1, 97.3.3
    Energy Department posters 434.4.3
    insurance coverage (maps) 100.2
    NRA standards 9.8.5
    OSHA records 100
    petroleum development 70.10.2
    post offices (photographs) 28.14
    Public Health Service (motion pictures) 90.13
    shipyards 32.4.8
    World War II home front campaigns 208.3.3
Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970) 100.1, 100.3.2, 220.15.26
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Records of the (RG 100)
    administrative history 100.1
    cartographic records 100.4
    general records 100.3
    Labor Standards Bureau 100.2
    motion pictures 100.5
Occupational Safety and Health, Assistant Secretary of Labor for 100.3, 174.3.4
occupational therapy 208.5.2
    census data 29.2.2, 29.5.2, 29.5.3
    Texas license applications 58.5.43
    wage-rate surveys 202.5.1-202.5.13, 202.6.3
occupied areas SEE ALSO liberated areas; headings beginning with
  Military Government
    Civil War
        Freedmen's Bureau 105
        Provost Marshal field organization 393.12
        Reconstruction districts 393.14
        trade regulation 366
    fortifications (engineering plans) 77.2.5
    Germany post-World War I 120.11, 213.2
        manuscript history 389.3
        maps 120.15
        photographs 165.21
Occupied Areas, Assistant Secretary of State for 59.3.11
Occupied Areas, Food Administrator for 335.4
Occupied Areas, Office for (Army) 319.5.2, 335.8
occupied areas (World War II and postwar)
    AGO reports 407.3
    Army Air Forces (motion pictures) 18.11
    Army Assistant Secretary 335.8
    Army Staff information reports 319.4.3
    civilian supplies 160.4.1
    German-controlled areas
        Allied escape chains 331.16.3, 331.23
        Baltic States 242.4.8
        civilian aid to Allies 332.2.2
        economic use 242.4.8, 242.5.1
        ethnic German resettlement 242.5.2
        German army records 242.7.9
        Poland 238.3.3
        resistance activities 331.12
        Soviet Union 242.4.6
        Vichy France newsreels 242.26
    international conferences 43.8.1-43.9.3
    Japanese-held areas
        Philippines 407.8
        radio broadcasts 262.4
    Korea 332.4
    maps 59.3.10
    military records
        Allied headquarters 331.3.9, 331.4.4, 331.8.2, 331.19,
331.30, 331.31, 331.33-331.51
        U.S. headquarters 260
    photographs 127.12, 331.4.4
    Provost Marshal's division 389.3
    State Department offices, 59.3.11, 353.5.5
    State-War-Navy policy coordination 353.6
Occupied Eastern Territories, Reich Ministry for 242.4.6
Ocean City, NJ, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
ocean currents
    charts 37.3, 37.4.2, 37.4.3
    Coast and Geodetic Survey research 23.4.2
ocean dumping permits 412.5.3
Ocean Island 218.4
ocean mail service
    contracts 32.2.9, 205.3.9
    filmstrip 28.14
    International Postal Service Division 28.4.5
    investigations 28.2.5, 46.22.2
    ship construction 151.10.13
Ocean Meteorology, Division of (Hydrographic Office) 37.4.2
Ocean Shipping Division (Inter-American Affairs Office) 229.5.3
Ocean Station Program (Coast Guard) 26.5.7
Oceanographic Instrumentation Unit 22.13.3
    Coast Guard operations 26.5.7
    fisheries research 22.13.3
    motion pictures 307.4.2
    Presidential commission 220.14.13
Oceanography, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.9
    Defense Mapping Agency charts 456.2
    hydrographic charts 37.3, 37.4.2, 37.4.3
    marine climate atlases 38.10
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 370
    weather observations 27.5.5, 27.5.6
        charts 27.7
Oceans and Atmospheres, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.9
Oceans and International Environment and Scientific Affairs,
   Bureau of (State Department) 59.3.8
O'Connell, James T. 174.3.2
O'Connor, Edward M. 278.2.2
Ocracoke, NC 36.3.1
Octagon Conference 43.3.8
Odd Fellows Hall Prison, Alexandria, VA 393.4, 393.9, 393.13.11
O'Dell, Charles 174.3.6
Oertly, Bartholomew 56.3.1
Offenbach Archival Depot
   (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.9
office equipment (motion pictures) 179.6
Office Methods Branch (Navy Department) 80.5.6
Office of SEE other part of name
Office Service Division (Army Surgeon General) 112.3.2
Office Service Division (Ordnance Department) 156.7.9
Office Services Division (Civil Service Commission) 146.3.4
office workers (motion pictures) 86.3
Officer Personnel Boards (Coast Guard) 26.5.5
Officer Procurement Service (Army Service Forces) 160.4.4
Officers and Fleet, Division of (Navigation Bureau) 24.6.4
Officers' Division (Adjutant General's Office) 94.10.5
Officers' Division (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.4.1
Officers Division (Army Ground Forces) 337.5.1
Officers' Roster Section (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.4.1
Official Bulletin (Public Information Committee) 63.2.2
Official Gazette (Japanese Government) 331.41.1
Official Gazette of Manila 350.5
Official Lawlessness, Committee on 10.2
Official Record (Agriculture Department) 16.7.1
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies 94.13, 94.16, 109.13.3
Official Register of the Officers and Cadets of the U.S. Military Academy 404.12.1
Offut Field, NE 18.9.1
Ogden, Aaron 217.7.7
Ogden, H.A. 165.21
Ogden, KS, land office 49.9.12
Ogden, UT 162.2.3
Ogden, UT, Arsenal 175.4.2
Ogden, UT, General Depot (Quartermaster General) 92.15.4
Ogdensburg, (Military)
    District of Oswego, Sackett's Harbor, and 98.2.2
Ogdensburg, NY 36.3.1
Oglala Sioux Tribal Council 75.19.82
O'Hara, James G. 220.18.6
O'Higgins, Harvey J. 63.2.1
    CCC work 35.3.2
    census schedules 29.8.2
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.7
        attorneys, U.S. 118.33
        district courts 21.37
    food administration 4.3
    HUD community development programs 207.7.5
    Indian removal 77.4
    International Women's Year workshops 220.16.2
        drainage basins 90.12
        flood control 77.10.21
        glaciation effects 54.5.4
        Indian reserves 49.3.6
        Muskingum River climate 114.4.5
        property surveys 31.2.2
        township plats 49.3.6
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.4.1, 163.4.2
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.4
        American Guide 69.5.5
        housing developments 207.14
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    public lands
        land offices 49.9.21
        patents 49.3.2
        surveys 49.3.6, 57.10.2
    rent control 252.4.3
    rivers, harbors
        Great Lakes 77.10.6
        navigation improvements 77.10.11
        surveys 77.9.12
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    surplus property disposal 103.7.3
        internal revenue collection districts 58.5.35
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.5
        manpower 211.19.2, 211.23.6
    WPA, emergency relief projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
        Federal Art Project 69.5.2
        photographs 69.10
        rural rehabilitation 69.3.9
    youth superviser 119.6.1
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center 310.5.11
Ohio, Army of the 393.4, 393.8
Ohio, Department of the (Army) 153.3, 393.2, 393.4, 393.8
Ohio, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Ohio-Great Lakes Region
   (National Resources Planning Board) 187.5.4
Ohio in the Field, Army of the 393.4, 393.8
Ohio Joint Stock Land Bank 103.2.2
Ohio (Knoxville) Department of the 393.4
Ohio (Lexington Branch) Department of the 393.4
Ohio (Louisville) Department of the 393.4
Ohio (Nashville) Army of the 393.4
Ohio (Nashville) Department of 393.4
Ohio (Nashville) District of 393.4
Ohio River
    Army Engineers projects 77.9.12, 77.10.10, 77.10.45
        engineering plans 77.9.11, 77.10.45
        maps 77.9.12, 77.10.21, 77.10.26, 77.10.45
        photographs 77.10.26
    floods 114.4.4
        maps 27.7
    Lake Erie canal studies 77.9.12
    shipping statistics 77.9.12
Ohio River Basin and Valley
    flood control (maps) 187.5.4
    Geological Survey studies 57.6.6
    navigation improvements 77.10.11
    population trends (maps) 187.5.4
Ohio River Board 77.9.12, 77.10.65
Ohio River Division (Army Engineers) 77.9.12
Ohio River Improvements, Office of (Topographical Bureau) 77.4.3
Ohio River Region (Soil Conservation Service) 114.10.3, 114.11.8, 114.11.22
Ohio State Employment Service 211.19.2
Ohio State University 18.9.2
Ohio, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of 118.33.1
Ohio, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of 118.33.2
Ohio, U.S. Circuit Court for the Northern District of 21.37.2
Ohio, U.S. Circuit Court for the Southern District of 21.37.4
Ohio, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of 21.37.1
Ohio, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of 21.37.3
Ohio Valley Flood Board 77.9.12
O'Hiro, Masayoshi 220.18.17
Ohlendorf, Otto 238.5.3
Oil and Coal Shortages, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.9
Oil and Gas Division (Section) (Indian Affairs) 75.19.71, 75.19.74
Oil and Gas Division (Interior Department) 434.2
Oil and Gas Leasing Branch (Geological Survey) 57.7.2, 57.10.2
Oil and Gas Staff (Defense Production Administration) 304.3.2
oil and oil industry SEE ALSO natural gas; naval petroleum
   reserves; headings beginning with Petroleum
    aviation fuel allocations 333.2.1
    Canadian resources 77.10.15
    conservation 57.7.2
    consumption 67.5.6, 70.3.1
    Fuel Administration 67.5
    German foreign concessions 242.5.3
    import control 220.15.1
    Indian leases 75.16.3, 75.16.4, 75.16.7,
      75.17.2, 75.19.21, 75.19.26, 75.19.71,
      75.19.74-75.19.77, 75.19.98
        agency leases 75.19.10
        photographs 75.29
        royalties 70.10.2
    investigations 134.2
        FTC cartel report 122.3
        Interstate Commerce Commission 232.3
    labor disputes 174.5.2, 232.4, 253.2.6, 280.4.1
    lend-lease 169.7.3
        resources 31.3, 60.18, 70.3.1, 92.16, 122.4, 187.5.2,
253.2.2, 253.5.1
    military procurement 330.8.3
        Army-Navy coordination 334.12
     motion pictures 70.2.2
    naval intelligence reports 38.4.7
    NRA codes 232.6
    Petroleum Administration for War 253
    Petroleum Administrative Board 232
        Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry 97.2
        General Land Office/BLM 49.17
        Petroleum Administration for War 253.3.4
    pipelines 67.5.3, 67.5.6
        maps 43.10.1, 60.18, 75.19.71, 219.8, 253.5.1, 253.6.4
    pricing 67.5.6, 188.8.8, 232.4
        Fuel Administration statistics 67.5.3, 67.5.8
        Justice Department graphs 60.18
        maps of oil fields, production areas
            Army Engineers 77.9.4, 77.10.15
            Bituminous Coal Commission 150.4
            East Indies 151.11
            General Land Office/BLM 49.16
            Geological Survey 57.4.1
            Mines Bureau 70.3.1
            Osage County, OK 75.19.71
            Petroleum Administration for War 253.2.2
            postwar Austria 43.10.1
            Wyoming 49.9.27
        Mines Bureau 70.3.1, 70.12.6
        Petroleum Administration for War 253.5.1, 253.6.1
        Petroleum Administrative Board 232.4
    public lands
        federal sales 57.7.1
        leases 49.13.3, 57.10.2
        surveys (maps) 49.8.3
    research 70.10.2
    secondary recovery 70.2.2
    State Department petroleum group 353.5.7
    transportation 219.4.4, 232.6, 253.5.1, 253.6.4, 434.3.6
    war mobilization, reconversion 250.3.1
    world, U.S. resources, reserves 130.2.4, 253.5.1
            Federal Housing Administration 31.3
            FTC Economic Division 122.4
            Mines Bureau 70.3.1
            National Resources Planning Board 187.5.2
            Petroleum Administration for War 253.5.1
            Quartermaster General 92.16
    World War I
        AEF facilities (photographs) 120.16
        Spanish trade 182.9.2
    World War II (posters) 253.10
Oil Conservation, Bureau of (Fuel Administration) 67.5.7
Oil Division (Fuel Administration) 67.5
Oil Enforcement Branch (Interior Secretary) 48.12.1
Oil Enforcement Section (Interior Department) 232.3
Oil Import Administration 434.2
Oil Import Control, Cabinet Task Force on 220.15.1
oil pollution
    fish, wildlife protection 22.3.4, 22.9.1
    Ponca Indian lands (maps) 75.19.77
    refinery discharge hearings 412.5.6
    Santa Barbara spill 412.5.5
oil pools 232.4, 253.2.2, 253.6.1
oil prorationing 232.2
oil refineries
    Austria 43.10.1
    engineering plans 253.6.3
    Fuel Administration statistics 67.5.3
    location (maps) 31.3, 60.18, 77.10.5, 151.11
    Petroleum Administration for War 253.4.3, 253.5.1, 253.6.3
    photographs 48.16, 253.4.3
    World War II (aerial photographs) 331.16.3
Oil Section (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.3
Oil Shale Reserves, Office of Naval Petroleum and 434.3.3
oil shales
    experiment station records 70.6, 70.12.2
    General Land Office investigation 49.3.1
    maps 70.2.2
    reserves 70.10.2
oil tankers 67.5.8, 253.2.2
"Oil Trade Press" 253.3.4
Oil Well Supplies, Bureau of (Fuel Administration) 67.5.5
oil wells and derricks
    maps 75.19.71, 253.6.1
    photographs 48.16, 49.17, 75.29
    Ponca lands pollution (maps) 75.19.77
oilers 313.4.5
oiling stations 38.4.3
Ojibwa (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3
O'Keefe, C.F. 77.2.5, 350.3
Okinawa 260.12.7
Okinawa District (Army Engineers) 77.10.40
U.S.S. Oklahoma 313.4.2
    aerial photographs 75.16.3, 77.10.61
    Army Advisory Group 338.11.2
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.11
        attorneys, U.S. 118.34
        district courts 21.38
    food administration 4.3
    Indian relocation 75.16.3
    land rush
        affidavits 49.9.12
        photographs 48.16, 49.17
        Agricultural Economics 83.4.5
        Osage Indian Agency 75.19.71
        property surveys 31.2.2
        railroads 48.13
        soil conservation research 114.4.5, 114.10.7
        territorial papers 48.13
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.4.1
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.5
        American Guide 69.5.5
        Indian rural schools, homes 75.29
        towns 48.16
    price controls 295.3
    public lands
        special agents 49.3.17
        survey 57.10.2
        township trustee boards 49.3.10, 49.10.2
    public works 207.8.1
    rent control 252.4.5
    resettlement projects 96.4.10
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    settlement 48.5.3
    Soil Conservation Service offices 114.13.6
        accident reports 114.10.7
        land use projects 114.3.1
    surplus property disposal 103.7.8
        internal revenue collection district 58.5.36
    territorial administration 48.4.7, 126.2
    Texas boundary dispute 49.16
    traffic management survey 137.5
    wage and hour standards enforcement 155.2.1
    water pollution control 412.5.3
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.9
        manpower 211.23.10
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.4.2, 69.6.1
Oklahoma Area Office (Indian Arts and Crafts Board) 435.3
Oklahoma City, OK 252.4.5
Oklahoma City, OK, District Office
   (Federal Highway Administration) 406.3;
   (Price Administration) 188.15.1-188.15.3, 188.15.6, 188.15.7;
    (Public Roads) 30.5
Oklahoma City, OK, Division (Attorneys, U.S.) 118.34.5
Oklahoma City, OK, field office (Wage and Hour Division) 155.4.6
Oklahoma City, OK, Field Personnel Council
    (Civil Service Commission) 146.4.3
Oklahoma City, OK, internal revenue collection district 58.5.36
Oklahoma City, OK, office (Fuel Administration) 67.5.7
Oklahoma City, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Oklahoma, District of (Army) 393.5
"Oklahoma File" (Stilwell recall) 332.3.2
Oklahoma Indian Court 48.3.3
Oklahoma National Guard 168.5
Oklahoma Presbyterian College for Girls 75.19.26
Oklahoma Railroad Bill 233.15
Oklahoma School for the Blind 75.19.26
Oklahoma School for the Deaf 75.19.26
Oklahoma Seminoles 75.29
Oklahoma State Headquarters (Selective Service) 147.3.22
Oklahoma State Office (Agricultural Statistics) 355.2.2
Oklahoma Territory, U.S. Attorney for 118.34.1
Oklahoma, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of 118.34.5
Oklahoma, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of 118.34.3
Oklahoma, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of 118.34.4
Oklahoma, U.S. Circuit Court for the Easterm District of 21.38.4
Oklahoma, U.S. Circuit Court for the Western District of 21.38.6
Oklahoma, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of 21.38.3
Oklahoma, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of 21.38.2
Oklahoma, U.S. District Court for the Western District of 21.38.5
Okmulgee, OK, Field Office (Indian Affairs) 75.19.26
Okun, Arthur M. 459.1
Okura and Co. 131.3.3
Olangapo Navy Yard 71.2.5
Olangapo, Philippine Islands 80.2.1
Olanthe, KS, Naval Air Station 181.11.18
Old-Age and Family Security (motion picture) 47.3.2
Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, Bureau of 47.6
Old-Age Survivors and Disability Insurance Program 47.1
Old Capitol Prison, DC 393.4, 393.9, 393.13.11
Old Executive Office Building 42.6.2
Old Georgetown Act (1950) 66.1, 66.2.2
Old Goodland Indian Orphanage 75.19.26
Old Hickory, TN, munitions plant 156.6.2, 156.16
"Old Loans" 53.2.1, 53.4.1, 53.4.2
Old Raton Ranch Camp, NM 85.4.2
Old Records Division (Adjutant General's Office) 94.10.4
Old Settler Cherokees 75.12.1, 75.12.3, 123.8
Old West Regional Economic Development Commission 414.8
Older Americans Act (1965) 362.2
Older Americans Act Amendments (1969) 362.2
Oleander (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.2
Olivarez, Graciela 381.5.1
Olmstead, E.B. 16.5.1
Olmstead Grant 16.5.1
Olney, IL, internal revenue collection district 58.5.13
Olson, Theodore B. 449.7
Olson, Walter O. 75.16.11
Olympia, WA, Customs District 26.6.10
Olympia, WA, Division Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Olympia, WA, federal depository 39.5
Olympia, WA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.47
Olympia, WA, land office 49.9.25
Olympic Committee, U.S. 220.17.12
Olympic Games 220.17.12
    photographs 75.29, 242.28, 306.11
Omaha Indian Reservation 75.7.3
Omaha Indians
    allotments 75.7.2
    census, annuity records 75.19.128
    lands 75.7.3
Omaha, NE 338.2.2
Omaha, NE, Agricultural Loan Agency 154.3.8
Omaha, NE, Army Transportation Zone 336.3.2
Omaha, NE, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.41
Omaha, NE, District (Territorial Court) 21.29.1
Omaha, NE, District Office (Farm Credit Administration) 103.7.7
Omaha, NE, District Office (Price Administration) 188.16.2, 188.16.3, 188.16.6, 188.16.7
Omaha, NE, division (Army Engineers) 77.9.16;
   (Circuit Court) 21.29.3;
   (District Court) 21.29.2
Omaha, NE, Federal Reserve Bank 154.3.8
Omaha, NE, Federal State Director (Employment Service) 183.3
Omaha, NE, Field Personnel Office
   (Civil Service Commission) 146.4.3
Omaha, NE, Finance Center (Army Comptroller) 319.7.6
Omaha, NE, internal revenue collection district 58.5.27
Omaha, NE, Naval Reserve Training Command 181.15.18
Omaha, NE, Operating Section
   (Defense Transportation Office) 219.6.6
Omaha, NE, Zone Agency (Grain Corporation) 5.3
O'Mahoney Committee 253.2.4
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Ombroscope charts 370.6
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (1981) 40.7.4, 220.14.5, 381.1
    AFDC impact study 411.5
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (1989) 510.1
Omnibus Crime Control Act (1970) 220.15.39
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act (1968) 220.15.39, 423.1
Omnibus Medical Research Act (1950) 443.7-443.9
Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act (1988) 167.1
On the Ice (motion picture) 307.4.1, 307.5.2
Onancock, VA
    Army commands 393.4, 393.9, 393.12
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Onancock, VA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.46
Onandaga County, NY 60.5.3
One Third of the Nation's Land 409.3
Oneida Indian Agency 75.19.70
Oneida Indian School 75.20.24
Oneida Indians 75.19.49
O'Neill, NE, land office 49.9.17
Onizuka, Ellison S. 255.7.3
Ontario (U.S. Receiving Ship) 52.4.3
Ooms, Caspar W. 227.5.1
OPA SEE Price Administration, Office of
OPA Farm News 188.16.5
OPA Manual 188.6.1
"OPA Weekly Report" 188.7.4
Opelika, AL, Division (District Court) 21.2.4
Opelousas, LA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.20.4
Opelousas, LA, Division (District Court) 21.20.3
open-air markets 145.4
"Open Arms" Directorate (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.10
opera 131.3.2
Operating Analysis Branch (Smaller War Plants Corporation) 240.3.4
Operating Committee (Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau) 151.8.2, 151.9.4
Operating Committee (Minerals Exploration Office) 320.2
Operating Department (Division)(Shipping Board) 32.5.1, 32.5.2
Operating Division (Housing Corporation) 3.4.16
Operating Division (Interstate Commerce Commission) 134.3
Operating Facilities Division
   (Land Commissioner for Bremen, High Commissioner for Germany) 466.3.1
Operating Forces, Division of (Naval Operations) 45.5.4
Operation Aesop II (motion picture) 72.7
Operation and Administration of the Aptitude for the Service System, USMA 404.4.3
Operation Anvil 331.19.3
Operation Avalanche 331.25.1-331.25.3
Operation Big Switch 153.13.2
Operation BOBCAT 38.7.3
"Operation Breakthrough" 207.7.7
Operation Bullpup (motion picture) 72.7
Operation Castle 374.5.3
Operation Corrus (motion picture) 72.7
Operation Crossroads
    Air Force (motion pictures) 342.12
    Energy Department (motion pictures) 434.5
    joint task force 374.5.1
    Manhattan Project correspondence 77.11.1
    naval ordnance (photographs) 74.7
Operation Deep Freeze 26.5.2, 307.5.2, 313.8.2
Operation Deep Freeze II 313.8.2
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm
    posters 319.20.7
    sound recordings 342.14
    video recordings 342.13
Operation, Division of (Forest Service) 95.3.1
Operation, Division of (Railroad Administration) 14.5
Operation Eagle (photographs) 404.8.1
"Operation Frantic" 334.2
Operation Fortitude 331.14
Operation Greenhouse 374.5.2, 434.5
Operation High Jump 313.8.2, 324.2
Operation High Jump II 313.8.2
Operation Ivy 374.5.3, 374.5.4
Operation Just Cause (posters) 319.20.7
Operation Longshot 434.5
"Operation Nanook" 345.2
Operation Neptune 331.2.1, 331.3.5, 331.14
Operation New Life 319.20.6
Operation of the U.S. Air Services,
   Select Committee of Inquiry into (House of Representatives) 233.22.2
Operation Overlord SEE ALSO D-Day
    SHAEF planning 331.2, 331.3.5
    Signal Division activities 331.4.2
Operation Plan 1-46 374.5.1
Operation Plumbob (motion picture) 88.9
Operation Sail 452.3.5
Operation Sandstorm 374.5.3, 434.5
Operation Search 423.2
Operation Shingle 331.25.1
Operation South 331.25.1
Operation Strangle 243.8
Operation Wigwam 374.3.10
Operation Windmill 313.8.2
Operation Windstorm 374.5.4
Operational Archives Branch (Naval Historical Center) 38.2.4
Operational Coordination and Management Systems Division (Budget Bureau) 51.8.9
Operational Development Force, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Operational Group Command (OSS) 226.15, 226.17.3, 226.17.4, 226.17.6, 226.17.8, 226.18
Operational History (German) Branch (U.S. Forces European Theater) 319.20.8
Operational Intelligence Division (Allied Force HQ) 331.17.3
Operational Intelligence Section (Naval Intelligence) 38.4.7
Operational Intelligence Sub-Division (SHAEF) 331.3.4
Operational Plans Division (Army Air Forces) 18.7.5
Operational Readiness Division (Naval Operations) 38.5
Operational Research Section (Allied Force HQ) 331.25.1
Operations Analysis, Assistant for (Air Force Headquarters) 341.10.6
Operations Analysis Division (Internal Revenue Service) 58.6.2
Operations and Commitments Division (Air Force Headquarters) 341.10.3
Operations and Maintenance Division (Army Engineers) 77.10.45
Operations and Plans Branch (Allied Force HQ) 331.28.1
Operations and Plans Division (Four Party Commission) 472.11.7
Operations and Reports, Division of (Weather Bureau) 27.5.6
Operations and Training Division (Army Vietnam) 472.5.3
Operations and Training, Division of (Marine Corps) 127.2.3
Operations and Training Section (Allied Force HQ) 331.18
Operations and Training Section (Army Engineers) 77.3.5
Operations, Assistant Administrator for (Economic Cooperation Administration) 469.2.1
Operations, Assistant Administrator for (Mutual Security Agency) 469.3.1
Operations, Assistant Chief of Staff for (Naval Districts) 181.2.1, 181.2.10, 181.2.12
Operations Branch (Allied Force HQ) 331.25.1, 331.25.2, 331.27;
   (German Army High Command) 242.7.1;
  (Provost Marshal General) 389.4.1;
   (SHAEF) 331.3.9, 331.9.2
Operations Bureau (OWI) 208.6.4
Operations Bureau (Smaller War Plants Corporation) 240.4.2
Operations, Committee of (Shipping Board) 32.3.1
Operations, Committee on (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) 234.2.1
Operations Control Division (Air Force HQ) 341.10.3
Operations Control Office (Quartermaster General) 92.4.6
Operations Coordinating Board (National Security Council) 273.6
Operations Data Branch (Joint Chiefs of Staff) 218.2.3
Operations Department (Nicaragua Guardia Nacional) 127.7.2
Operations, Deputy Administrator for (Commodity Stablization Service) 145.5.2
Operations, Deputy Chief of Air Staff for 341.10, 341.11
Operations, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for 38.4-38.6
Operations, Director for (War Manpower Commission) 211.10
Operations, Director of (Air Force Headquarters) 341.10.3;
    (Executive Headquarters [China]) 338.4.5;
   (National Archives) 64.2.3
Operations Directorate (Joint Chiefs of Staff) 218.2.3
Operations Division (1985 Inaugural Committee) 274.12;
    (Agency for International Development) 286.3.2;
    (Air Staff SHAEF) 331.13.2;
    (Allied Force HQ) 331.22.1;
    (Army Ground Forces) 337.5.4;
    (Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet) 38.2.4;
    (Employment Service) 183.3;
    (Far East Command) 349.3.2;
    (Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau) 151.9.4;
    (Foreign Commerce Bureau) 489.2.1;
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.2;
    (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.8;
    (Ryukyu Islands Administration) 260.12.10;
    (War Department General Staff) 165.9
Operations, Division of (Maritime Commission) 178.4;
    (National Capital Housing Authority) 302.2.4;
    (National Youth Administration) 119.4.4;
    (Naval Aeronautics Office) 72.2.2
Operations Evaluation Group (Naval Operations) 38.9
Operations Group (Army Ground Forces) 337.5.4
Operations Group (Council on International Economic Policy) 429.5
"Operations of the Control Division" (Social Security filmstrip) 47.3.2
Operations Office (Economic Stabilization Agency) 296.4
Operations Office (Naval Districts) 181.2.1, 181.2.12
Operations, Office of (Cost of Living Council) 432.2.6;
   (Housing Expediter) 252.3.2;
   (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.3.4-169.3.6;
   (Office of Economic Opportunity) 381.3.4
Operations, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff (1st Army)
    338.9.1; (3d Army) 338.9.3;
   (4th Army) 338.9.4; (Army Staff) 319.9
Operations, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for
    (MAC Thailand) 472.8
Operations, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for
    (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.5
Operations Officer (Naval Forces) 313.4.3
Operations, Plans and Security, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for (Army Vietnam) 472.5.3
Operations Program Division (Air Force Headquarters) 341.10.3
Operations Research Branch (Division) (Army Staff) 319.17.3
Operations Research Group for the Pacific Ocean Area
   (Scientific Research and Development) 227.9
Operations Section (6th Army) 338.9.6;
    (Allied Force HQ) 331.26.1;
    (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.3, 120.6;
    (China Theater) 338.4.3;
    (European Theater) 338.3.1;
    (Pacific Theaters) 338.5.4, 338.5.10;
    (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.3;
    (SHAEF) 331.3.6;
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.37.6
Operations Service (Army Surgeon General) 112.3.2
Operations Staff (German Armed Forces High Command) 242.6
Operations Subsection (Allied Force HQ) 331.18.1
Operations Support Division (Air Force Headquarters) 341.10.3
"Opinion Research Corporation Survey on Population" 220.15.10
Opinion Surveys Branch (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.4
opium 43.2.9, 206.4
"Opportunities in Science and Engineering" (slides) 307.7
optical glass 227.5.3
Optical Instruments Section (Ordnance Department) 156.6.5
Optical Physics Division (National Bureau of Standards) 167.5.3
Optical Research Laboratory (Harvard) 227.10.2
optical sighting equipment 156.7.18
optics 167.2.2
Optics and Camouflage Division
   (National Defense Research Committee) 227.5.3
Oral Intelligence Division (OSS) 226.5, 226.17.1
Oran, Algeria, Naval Operating Base 181.6.6
orange beverages 88.7
Orange County, CA
    artesian well survey 57.10.3
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
Orange Petroleum Corp. 131.3.3
Orange, VA
    Confederate hospitals 109.8.4
Orangeburg, SC 393.7
orchards (photographs) 145.2
Ordensburg 260.4.9
Order of American Knights 153.2.5
Order of Battle (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.1
Order of Battle of the United States Land Forces in the World War 319.20.3
Orders Branch (Air Force HQ) 341.4
ordnance SEE ALSO bombs; naval weapons; weapons
    Army department 156
    Army Engineers correspondence 77.10.34
    Dutch claims 153.2.8
    engineering drawings 156.15, 165.18.1
    interservice production policies 335.11.11
    militia equipment 168.2
    patents 153.9.4
    photographs 156.6.8, 156.10.1, 156.16, 165.21
    research and development 156.3.4, 156.7.15-156.7.18, 156.8, 227.11
    Revolutionary War ledgers 93.4.1
    World War I contracts 191.5
Ordnance Accessories Division (National Defense Research Committee) 227.5.3
Ordnance and Fortifications, Board of (War Department) 165.18.1
Ordnance and Hydrography, Bureau of (Navy Department) 37.2, 45.4.2, 74.2
Ordnance and Hydrography, Confederate Office of 109.12
Ordnance, and Medical Division, Paymaster, (Second Auditor) 217.7.3
Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, Commission on 156.8
Ordnance Board 156.4.1
ordnance boards 74.5, 156.4.1, 156.4.2, 156.7.3, 156.7.5
Ordnance Branch (SHAEF) 331.8.2
Ordnance, Chief of
    mineral lands 49.5
    Nitrate Division records 54.5.2
    patents 153.9.4
Ordnance Committee 156.7.15, 156.7.18
Ordnance Construction Division (Ordnance Department) 156.8
ordnance contracts 60.15.2
Ordnance Department
    investigation 107.2.12
    recruiting posters 77.22
Ordnance Department (Military Academy) 404.3.3
Ordnance Department (Navy Yards) 181.3.1, 181.3.3, 181.3.5, 181.3.7
Ordnance Department Claims Board 156.4.2
Ordnance Department, Confederate 109.7.5
Ordnance Depot Companies 391.6.2
ordnance depots 156.11, 338.11.1, 338.11.4
ordnance districts 156.12
Ordnance Draftsmen, Examining Board of 125.3.5
Ordnance Field Activity 338.11.1
Ordnance Guard Companies 391.6.2
Ordnance Industrial Data Agency 156.7.14
ordnance inspections and inspectors
    Hydrographic Office correspondence 37.2
    Naval Gun Factory 181.15.12
    navy yards 181.3.10, 181.3.12
    Ordnance Department 156.2.2, 156.3.4
    private plants 156.13
ordnance installations SEE ALSO armories and arsenals
    architectural, engineering plans 77.2.5
    Confederate installations 109.7.5
    depots 156.11, 338.11.1, 338.11.4
    fraud investigation 156.7.6
    Industrial Service 156.7.13
    job classifications 335.11.3
    naval plants (plans) 74.5, 74.6
    ordnance property summaries 156.3.1
    photographs 156.16
    plant histories 156.6.8
Ordnance Machine Shop 92.7.1
Ordnance Munitions Board 156.7.1
ordnance officers and units
    II Corps 394.2.2
    American Expeditionary Forces 120.7.6, 120.9.1,
   120.9.2, 120.10, 120.11.4
    Army Puerto Rico Department 395.15.1
    arsenals 156.9.1, 156.9.6, 156.9.19
    articles, speeches 156.6.8
    correspondence 156.2.1
    officers' papers 156.8
    personnel service records 94.3, 156.3.3
    Spanish-American War 395.2.1
    unit records 391.6.2, 391.6.3
    Vietnam War 472.7.6
ordnance proving grounds 156.16
Ordnance, Records of the Bureau of (RG 74)
    administrative history 74.1
    cartographic records 74.6
    general records 74.2
    ordnance boards 74.5
    still pictures 74.7
    units 74.4
    various subjects 74.3
Ordnance, Records of the Office of the Chief of (RG 156)
    administrative history 156.1
    arsenals and armories 156.9
    cartographic records 156.15
    general records 156.2
    miscellaneous records 156.8
    ordnance boards 156.4
    Ordnance Department units
        Civil War to World War I 156.5
        post-World War I 156.7
        World War I 156.6
    ordnance depots 156.11
    ordnance districts 156.12
    ordnance inspectors at private plants 156.13
    ordnance proving grounds 156.10
    other ordnance field offices and installations 156.14
    still pictures 156.16
    various subjects 156.3
Ordnance Reinforcement Detachment Companies 391.6.2
Ordnance Royalty Board 156.7.6
Ordnance Safety Board 156.7.7
Ordnance Salvage Board 156.4.2
Ordnance School of Application 156.10.1
Ordnance Section
    (1st Army) 338.9.1;
    (4th Army) 338.9.4;
    (5th Army) 338.9.5;
    (Allied Force HQ) 331.21.3;
    (Army Ground Forces) 337.6.2;
    (China-Burma-India Theaters) 338.4.3, 338.4.4;
    (European Theater) 338.3.1;
    (German Air Force) 242.9.1;
    (Pacific Theaters) 338.5.3, 338.5.8;
    (SHAEF) 331.9.3;
    (War Department Claims Board) 156.4.2, 191.4.3
Ordnance Statistics Section (Army Ground Forces) 337.6.1
Ordnance Supply Companies 391.6.3
Ordnance Technical Committee 156.7.15
Ordnance Training Center 156.14
    civilian defense 171.5.4
    electric power utilities 305.2
    employment planning 369.3.8
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.10
        attorneys, U.S. 118.35
        district courts 21.39
    federal prisoners 129.2.1
    food administration 4.3
    forest, range fires 49.15.2, 95.10.4
    HUD community development programs 207.7.5
    international claims 76.4
        agricultural areas 83.4.4
        Agricultural Economics 83.4.5
        Army Engineers 77.10.46
        electric power systems 187.5.9
        forests 95.6.1
        international claims 76.4
        Japanese Americans distribution 83.6.5
        mining claims, patents 49.3.2, 49.3.14
        national forests 95.5.3
        property surveys 31.2.2
        railroad routes 48.6, 48.13
        state, local revenue 187.5.9
        township plats 49.3.6
        tree types 95.10.4
        water use 83.6.5
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.4.1
    military road construction 77.4.3
    national forests 95.9.5
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.9
        American Guide 69.5.5
        CCC work 35.3.2
        forest reserves 95.13
        forts 76.4
        harbors, coastal areas 37.4.1
        naval shipbuilding 80.11
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    public lands
        Land Management Bureau 49.13.9, 49.14.6
        land offices 49.9.22
        railroad revested lands 49.9.22, 49.14.6, 49.15.1
        surveys 49.3.6, 49.7.10
    Reclamation Bureau projects 115.4.1
    rent control 252.4.7, 252.4.8
    river systems (aerial photographs) 115.2
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    soil studies 54.5.4
    surplus property disposal 103.7.10, 269.11.5
        internal revenue collection district 58.5.37
        railroad lands 49.2.3
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.12
        manpower 211.23.13
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
Oregon and California Railroad 49.9.22, 49.14.6
Oregon and California Railroad Revested Lands Administration 49.15.1
Oregon Caves National Monument, OR 79.8.3
Oregon City, OR, federal depository 39.5
Oregon City, OR, land office 49.9.22
Oregon Coastal Areas, Committee to Investigate 79.17
Oregon, Department of (Army) 393.4
Oregon District (Customs Service) 36.3.1
Oregon, District of (Army) 393.5
Oregon Inlet, NC, Coast Guard Station 26.6.4
Oregon Inlet, NC, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Oregon Shipbuilding 228.4.1
Oregon State Headquarters (Selective Service) 147.3.23
Oregon State Office (Land Management Bureau) 49.13.9
Oregon State Soldiers' Home 15.3
Oregon Statesman 75.15.11
Oregon Superintendency (Indian Affairs) 75.15.11
Oregon, Surveyor General of (General Land Office) 49.7.10
Oregon, U.S. Attorney for 118.35
Oregon, U.S. Circuit Court for 21.39.2
Oregon, U.S. District Court for 21.39.1
Oregon Volunteers 393.4
Oregon war debt 53.4.2
Organic and Fibrous Materials Division (National Bureau of Standards) 167.5.6
Organic Building Materials Section
   (National Bureau of Standards) 167.5.3
Organic Coating Section (National Bureau of Standards) 167.5.3
organic fertilizer 54.5.1
Organization and Efficiency Committee (Shipping Board) 32.4.1
Organization and Equipment Division
   (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.1
Organization and Equipment Division (Army Ground Forces) 337.5.4
Organization and Equipment Section (SHAEF) 331.3.6
Organization and Functions Manual (Military Academy) 404.11
Organization and Management Division 469.2.2, 469.3.2
Organization and Personnel Division
   (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.3.2
Organization and Planning Staff
   (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.3.3
Organization and Procedure Division
   ([Food] Distribution Office) 136.8.1
Organization and Procedures Branch
   (Technical Cooperation Administration) 469.4
Organization and Program Branch
   (Military Government for Germany) 260.3.5
Organization and Program Management, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for 340.5
Organization and Programs Division (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.9
Organization and Special Studies Division
    (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.3
Organization and Training Centers
   (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.5.2
Organization and Training Division (War Department General Staff) 165.5
Organization and Training Section
   (Army Ground Forces) 337.5.3-337.5.6
Organization Branch (Provost Marshal General) 389.5
Organization Committee (Reparations Commission) 43.11.11
Organization, Conduct, and Expenditure in Executive Departments, Committee on (Senate) 46.13
Organization Division
    (Air Force Headquarters) 341.10.5;
    (Army Surgeon General) 112.3.2;
     (Comptroller of Currency) 101.2
Organization for European Economic Cooperation 469.6
Organization of American States
    Canal Zone riots investigation 185.8
    conferences (photographs) 306.11
    Costa Rican rebels 349.7.1
    Inter-American Affairs Bureau files 43.2.46
Organization of Congress, Joint Committee on 128.3
Organization of European Economic Cooperation 43.7.11
Organization of the Congress, Joint Committee on 128.3
Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government, Commissions on (Hoover Commissions)
    Army Secretary 335.11.5, 335.11.12
    Army Staff 319.15.2
    Defense Secretary 330.4.4
    government medical services 330.12.3
    National Archives 64.2
    records 264
Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government
   [Hoover Commissions], Records of the Commissions on (RG 264)
    administrative history 264.1
    First Hoover Commission 264.2
    Second Hoover Commission 264.3
    sound recordings 264.4
Organization of the Government for the Conduct of Foreign Policy, Commission on the 220.15.31
Organization, Office of (Forest Service) 95.3.1
Organization, Personnel, Equipment, and Training Group (SHAEF) 331.3.9
Organization Planning Division (Price Administration) 188.4
Organization Subsection [American] (Allied Force HQ) 331.18.3
Organization Subsection [British] (Allied Force HQ) 331.18.3
Organization Todt 242.3.2, 242.5.6
Organizational and Management Planning, Office of (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.5.10
Organizational History Branch (Army Military History Center) 319.20.2
organized crime
    grand jury investigations 118.20, 118.27
    Presidential commissions 220.14.8, 220.19
    Senate committees 46.13, 46.22.2
Organized Crime and Racketeering Section
   (Justice Department) 60.10.3
Organized Crime Control Act (1970) 220.15.21, 220.15.39
Organized Crime in Interstate Commerce,
   Special Committee to Investigate (Senate) 46.22.2
Organized Crime, President's Commission on 220.19
Organized Crime Strike Force 317.3.3
Organized Reserve Corps 337.5.4, 394.2.1, 394.2.3, 394.2.4
Organizing and Planning Division (Mutual Security Agency) 469.3.1
Oriental Desk (Naval Intelligence) 38.4.14
"Orientation Service" (radio program) 107.10.2
An Original American Vacation (motion picture) 378.4
Orinoco River (photographs) 77.5.3
Orlando, FL, Division (District Court) 21.11.4, 21.11.6
Orleans Parish, LA 393.4, 393.12
ornamental plants (photographs) 54.7
ornithology 22.11.5
Orono, ME, office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.12.2
Orote, Guam, Naval Air Station 313.6.6
Orphan Section (Displaced Persons Commission) 278.3.4
orphanages 29.2.3
    displaced persons, refugees 278.3.1, 278.3.4
    Indian accounts 75.6, 75.12.3
Osage (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.6
Osage Alloting Commission 75.19.71
Osage Boarding School 75.20.25
Osage County, OK 75.19.71
Osage Factory 75.3
Osage, IA, land office 49.9.11
Osage Indian Agency 75.19.71
Osage Indians
    ceded lands 49.9.12
    enrollment 75.7.5
    lands 75.7.3
    oil lease sales (photographs) 75.29
    poll 75.14.18
Osage Reservation (photographs) 75.29
Osage River Agency 75.19.98
Osage Townsite Commission 75.19.71
Osage Tribal Council 75.19.71
Osage Tribal Museum 75.19.71
O'Sanka, Frank 60.17.10
Osborne Firefinder 95.11.8
Osgood, Samuel 28.14
Oshkosh, WI, internal revenue collection district 58.5.49
OSRD SEE Scientific Research and Development, Office of
OSS SEE Strategic Services, Office of
Osthagen, Clarence 340.5
Ostland 242.5.1
ostriches 17.2.2
O'Sullivan, Timothy 77.5.2, 77.5.3, 79.17, 106.6
Oswald-Butler debate 233.25.2
Oswald, Lee Harvey 60.10.2, 272.1, 272.2.2, 272.2.5, 272.4
Oswald, Marguerite (sound recording) 272.5
Oswald, Marina (sound recording) 272.5
Oswegatchie, NY 36.3.1
Oswego, NY
    customs collection 36.3.1
    fortifications 77.10.6
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Oswego, NY, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.42
Oswego, NY, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Oswego, NY, office (Topographical Bureau) 77.4.3
Oswego, Sackett's Harbor, and Ogdensburg,
   (Military) District of 98.2.2
Other United Nations Division (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.3.3
Otoe Subagency 75.19.76
Ottawa, IL 338.11.1
Ottawa Indians
    allotments 75.7.2
    census 75.19.88
    enrollment 75.7.5
    trust lands 75.7.3
otter gear 32.4.2
Otter Tail Pillager Chippewa Indians 118.22.2
otters 22.2, 22.13.1
Ottumwa, IA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.17.4
Ottumwa, IA, Division (District Court) 21.17.3
Ouachita, LA, land office 49.9.13
Ouachita River 77.10.35
Ouchita River District (Army) 393.5
Our Children (motion picture) 102.3
"Our Date With History" (sound recording) 342.14
"Our Little Secret" (TV documentary) 60.17.10
Our Mexican Eastern Front (motion picture) 208.3.5
Our Nation and the Sea 220.14.13
"Our Town and Social Security" (sound recording) 47.3.2
Ouray SEE Uintah and Ouray Indian Agency
Outdoor and Transportation Advertising Section (OWI) 208.3.6
Outdoor Recreation, Bureau of 368.5
Outdoor Recreation, National Conference on 220.3
Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission 368.3
Outer Shelf Energy Programs 370.10
Outing Matron and Placement Officer (Indian Affairs) 75.21.1
"Outline Index of Military Forts and Stations" 94.10.3
"Outpost News" 208.4.5
Outpost Service Bureau (OWI) 208.4.5
Overfelt, Ferol D. 80.3.2
Overholser, Winfred 418.3.4
Overlord SEE Operation Overlord
Overseas Branch (State Department) 59.3.9
Overseas Contract Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.10
Overseas Consultants, Inc. 165.11.2
Overseas Distribution Program (Information Agency, U.S.) 306.4.2
Overseas Economic Operations, Task Force on
   (2d Hoover Commission) 264.3.7
Overseas Information Programs, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.12
Overseas Intelligence, Bureau of (OWI) 208.4.2
"Overseas Mission" (radio series) 286.9
Overseas Motion Pictures, Bureau of (OWI) 208.5.5
Overseas Operations Branch (OWI) 208.4-208.6
Overseas Operations Division (Weather Service) 370.3.1, 370.6
Overseas Publications, Bureau of (OWI) 208.5.4
Overseas Territories Section
   (Special Representative in Europe) 469.2.2, 469.3.2
Oversight and Investigations, Subcommittee on (House) 449.6
Overton General Hospital, Memphis, TN 109.8.4
Owasco (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Owens Lake (River) Expedition 393.4, 393.10
Owens, Thomas B. 307.5.2
Owensboro, KY, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.26
Owensboro, KY, term (District Court) 21.19.3
OWI SEE War Information, Office of
"Own Your Own Home" Section (Housing Corporation) 3.4.8
Owner-Operator Fuel Conservation for Profit
   (motion picture) 416.2.2
Owyhee, District of (Army) 393.5
Owyhee, OR 83.6.2
Oxford, ID, land office 49.9.8
Oxford, MD, Biological Laboratory 22.13.3
Oxford, MS
    Army commands 393.4, 393.12
Oxford, MS, Division (District Court) 21.26.1
Oxford, NC, field office (Confederate Treasury) 365.10.3
Oxon Hill Manor 418.3.2
oxyacetylene torches 70.2.2
oysters 22.4.4
Ozark, MO 393.4, 393.7
Ozarkian geologic system 57.4.1
Ozarks Regional Economic Development Commission 414.8



