Records of the Allied Purchasing Commission
(Record Group 113)
14 cu. ft.
Table of Contents
Established: By agreements with France, Great Britain, and Russia, August 1917, under an act of April 24, 1917 (40 Stat. 35), authorizing the U.S. Treasury to arrange credits for the purchase of war supplies.
Functions: Processed applications to purchase supplies. Cooperated with the War Industries Board, War Trade Board, and Department of the Treasury to determine requirements, priorities, and prices, and to solve transportation problems.
Abolished: By termination of multilateral agreements, December 1918. Liquidation completed, May 1919.
Successor Agencies: Department of the Treasury as liquidator.
Finding Aids: Allied Purchasing Commission section of Preliminary Inventory of the War Industries Board Records, PI 1 (1941).
Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Allied
Purchasing Commission in RG 287, Publications of the U.S.
Records of the War Industries Board, RG 61.
Records of the War Trade Board, RG 182.
17 lin. ft.
Textual Records: Minutes, September 1917-December 1918. Report to the War Industries Board, December 14, 1918. Commission correspondence, with memorandums of meetings and conferences, 1918. Correspondence of the business manager, 1918-19. Policy correspondence, 1917-18. Historical files, 1917-19. Allied War Missions approved and canceled purchase applications, with summaries, 1917-19. Registers of approved purchase applications and orders, 1917-19, with country and commodity indexes. Records of contracts let, completed, or canceled, 1916-19. Consolidated statements by the Inter-Ally Council on War Purchases and Finance of orders and requirements, 1918-19. Schedules of U.S. credits used by the Allied War Missions, 1917-19. Contract records, 1914- 18. Summary of contracts placed by the Russian government's Supply Committee, 1918. Estimate of liquidated damages resulting from cancellation of the Russian contract as of December 15, 1917.
Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.
This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.