The National Archives Catalog

Transfer Note

Mandatory Repeatable Data Type Authority Level Available A/V Only Public Element
No No Variable Character Length (2000) None Series
File Unit
No Yes


Definition: Significant information regarding the internal transfer of archival materials from one NARA unit to another. This type of information is particularly important for archival materials that have been regionalized.


Purpose: Provides clarification needed to understand Internal Transfer Number or Records Center Transfer Number.


Relationship: This element is dependent on either Internal Transfer Number or Records Center Transfer Number. To have Transfer Note, either Internal Transfer Number or Records Center Transfer Number must be created.



Enter information needed to explain the transfer of archival materials from a records center or within NARA or to clarify Internal Transfer Number or Records Center Transfer Number.

Do not use this note to describe transfers before the records were either physically or legally accessioned by NARA, instead use Custodial History Note.

Write in complete sentences. Be precise and brief. Do not use acronyms or organizational designations that are not defined in either Title or Scope and Content Note. If Transfer Note uses an acronym that is not defined in either Title or Scope and Content Note, define the acronym the first time that it is used in Transfer Note. Consult the Abbreviations section for further guidance on other abbreviation topics.




These records were formerly housed with the textual records of the Polar Gift Collection in the former Division of Polar Archives and were transferred to the Still Picture Branch in January 1997.

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