The National Archives Catalog

Staff Only Note

Mandatory Repeatable Data Type Authority Level Available A/V Only Public Element
No No Variable Character Length (2000) None Record Group
File Unit
No No


Definition: Information about the record group, collection, or archival materials that is intended for NARA employees only.


Purpose: Provides information that NARA employees need to manage the record group, collection, or archival materials.



Enter information needed by NARA employees to manage the record group, collection, or archival materials, such as processing information.

Use General Note for information that should be made publicly available.

For archival materials that have been screened and identified as including records of concern, explain that the archival materials were identified as records of concern in Staff Only Note.

Write in complete sentences. Be precise and brief. Do not use acronyms or organizational designations that are not defined in either Title or Scope and Content Note. If Staff Only Note uses an acronym that is not defined in either Title or Scope and Content Note, define the acronym the first time that it is used in Staff Only Note. Consult the Abbreviations section for further guidance on other abbreviation topics.




When citing negative numbers from negatives found in multiple groups in the same negative jacket, rejacket as necessary, then identify by using a letter after the date. For example, 6/10/70B, then the frame number.


CAUTION: When any of these items are photocopied, the terms "Confidential" or "Secret," as the case may be, MUST be crossed out, and the declassification number MUST be written on the item.


These materials were reviewed under the records of concern policy detailed in Interim Guidance 1600-3, Access to Archival Materials in the Context of Concern about Terrorism, and were withdrawn under the applicable restrictions.


The NREL shipment number for this material is NREL 000-04-003.

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Lifecycle Data Requirements Guide
