Mandatory | Repeatable | Data Type | Authority | Level Available | A/V Only | Public Element |
Yes | Yes | Variable Character Length (240) | Location Facility List | Series File Unit Item |
No | No |
Definition: |
The building where archival materials are kept. |
Purpose: | Enables NARA staff to know in what building the archival materials are located, especially when the materials are stored in an off-site location. |
Relationship: | This element is dependent on Copy Status. Each copy of the archival materials must have a copy status specified to have Location Facility. Location Note is dependent on this element. To have Location Note, Location Facility must be created. |
Guidance: |
Select the correct term from the Location Facility Authority List. If the location facility is an offsite facility, then Physical Restriction Note must indicate to researchers the potential delay in providing access to the archival materials. An offsite facility refers to Location Facility buildings that differ from the buildings for Reference Unit. For example, the National Underground Storage facility in Boyers, Pennsylvania is an offsite facility. |
Examples: |
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Lifecycle Data Requirements Guide