Mandatory | Repeatable | Data Type | Authority | Level Available | A/V Only | Public Element |
No | No | Variable Character Length (2000) | None | Series File Unit Item |
No | No |
Definition: |
Location Note indicates the particular location of the archival materials within a building. |
Purpose: | Provides significant information regarding the location facility or physical location of the archival materials. Provides information for NARA employees to use in locating the archival materials. |
Relationship: | This element is dependent on Copy Status. Each copy of the archival materials must have a copy status specified to have Location Note. In addition, this element is dependent on Location Facility. To have Location Note, Location Facility must also be created. Location Facility is repeatable. One Location Note can be specified for each Location Facility. |
Guidance: |
Enter stack locations or other significant information that will assist NARA employees in locating the archival materials. If the archival materials are in different, non-contiguous stack locations within one facility, include all the locations in the note. |
Examples: |
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Lifecycle Data Requirements Guide