The National Archives Catalog

Lifecycle Data Requirements Guide


The Lifecycle Data Requirements Guide (LCDRG) currently contains elements that were developed for the archival description portion of the records lifecycle. These elements were based in part on NARA's previous data standard, Data Elements 800 (DE 800). Additional elements will be added and current elements revised as projects are developed and completed.

The Lifecycle Data Requirements Guide

Authority Sources
This page is a compilation of all authority sources used to describe archival materials. It also contains the forms used to request changes to thesauri and authority lists.

This page provides basic guidance on the use of abbreviations in archival descriptions. It addresses some of the most common issues that relate to abbreviations.

History of Changes (last updated March 11, 2025)
This document tracks all changes made to the LCDRG and authority lists.

NARA 1301, Lifecycle Data Standards and Lifecycle Authority Control
This internal directive, issued November 14, 2002, authorizes the use of the LCDRG and establishes procedures for updating thesauri, authority files, and authority lists.

Data Element Tables
These tables refer to the elements used to describe archival materials and archival creators

Questions or comments about the Lifecycle Data Requirements Guide can be sent to
