The National Archives Catalog

Internal Transfer Number

Mandatory Repeatable Data Type Authority Level Available A/V Only Public Element
No Yes Variable Character Length (60) None Series
File Unit
No Yes


Definition: The unique identifier assigned to a group of archival materials that was transferred within NARA. This type of information is particularly important for archival materials that have been regionalized.


Purpose: Alerts users when archival materials, formerly maintained by one NARA unit, have been transferred to another unit.


Relationship: This element is independent, but Transfer Note is dependent on it. To have Transfer Note, either Internal Transfer Number or Records Center Transfer Number must be created.



Use this field if the archival materials were transferred from one NARA unit to another. Do not use this field for archival materials transferred to NARA from a Federal records center, instead use Records Center Transfer Number.

Enter the internal transfer number exactly as it appears on the source documentation, such as the Originator's Transaction Number from the Change of Holdings Form (NA-14044). Do not include notes or explanations in this element. If additional information is needed to clarify the number or explain why the archival materials were transferred, use Transfer Note.





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