Record Group 69 - Records of the Works Progress Administration (WPA)
Please click on the National Archives Identifier (NAID) to go to the full records description in the National Archives Catalog.
The Work Projects Administration (WPA) provided jobs to unemployed workers on public projects sponsored by federal, states, or local agencies. African Americans were involved in many of these work relief projects.
Clusters: New Deal
Textual Records
General Administrative and Operational Correspondence, 1933-1935
National Archives Identifier: 655647
General Subject Files [Civil Works Administration], 1933-1934
National Archives Identifier: 1692918
Monthly Statistical Reports of Movement of Transient Cases and Individuals, 1933-1934
National Archives Identifier: 1817997
State Files [Education Division], 1933-1935, 1935-1938
National Archives Identifier: 1910368 and National Archives Identifier: 1910372
Subject Files [Federal Emergency Relief Administration], 1933-1936
National Archives Identifier: 1693419
Transient Camp Newsletters, 1934-1935
National Archives Identifier: 1127038
Moving Images
We Work Again, 1937
National Archives Identifier: 12322; Local Identifier: 69.6
This motion picture has been digitized.
Photographic Materials
Federal Theater Project Central Files, 1935-1939
National Archives Identifier: 518797; Local Identifier: 69-TC
Federal Theater Project State Files, 1935-1939
National Archives Identifier: 518801; Local Identifier: 69-TS
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