Record Group 28 - Records of the Post Office Department
Please click on the National Archives Identifier (NAID) to go to the full records description in the National Archives Catalog.
The Office of the Postmaster General provided mail processing and delivery services to individuals and businesses within the United States. Selected series in this record group pertain to black postal carriers and the distribution of African American literature.
Clusters: Genealogical
Textual Records
Journal of the Surveyor of Post Roads and Post Offices [Hugh Finlay], ca. 1880–ca. 1909
National Archives Identifier: 2642431
This series has been reproduced on microfilm - T268 - Journal of Hugh Finlay, Surveyor of Post Roads and Post Offices, 1773-1774; and Accounts of the General Post Office in Philadelphia and of Various Deputy Postmasters - "The Ledger of Benjamin Franklin" - Jan 1775-Jan 1780.
Letters Sent, 1789–1952
National Archives Identifier: 2635734
This series has been reproduced on microfilm - M601 - Letters Sent by the Postmaster General, 1789-1836.
Records of Appointments of Postmasters, 1832–1971
National Archives Identifier: 596306
Partially indexed by: Index to Records of Appointments of Postmasters, 1840-1908 ( NAID 1602047).
This series has been reproduced on microfilm - M841 - Record of Appointments of Postmasters, 1832-Sept. 30, 1971.
Records Relating to the Espionage Act [World War I], 1917–1921
National Archives Identifier: 2658378
Records Relating to Espionage Act [World War II], 1942–1945
National Archives Identifier: 2658530
Scrapbook of Circulars, Notices, Instructions, Regulations and Newspaper Clippings, 1823–1871
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