Record Group 16, Records of the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture
The Office of the Secretary of Agriculture directs federal agricultural programs in areas of research, conservation, production, marketing, extension, rural development, and regulation. The vast majority of the black population of the United States was engaged in agricultural pursuits before the large-scale migrations to the North during the two World Wars. Selected series pertain to agricultural education and improved training for black farmers and others concerned with the political affairs of the African American community in general.
Clusters: Agriculture, Labor
Textual Records
Correspondence of the Chief, 1933-1942
National Archives Identifier: 894803
General Correspondence, 1906-1975
National Archives Identifier: 565164
Indexed by: Index to General Correspondence, 1906-1975 ( NAID 565223)
General Correspondence Relating to Negroes, 1909-1955
National Archives Identifier: 565459
Letters Received [Office of the Secretary], 1893-1906
National Archives Identifier: 301980
Indexed by: Subject Index to Letters Received, 1903-1906 ( NAID 567587)
Letters Sent [Office of the Secretary], 1893-1941
National Archives Identifier: 656256
Indexed by: Name Index to Letters Sent, 1903-1906 ( NAID 656195)
Photographic Records
Civil Rights Poster, 1998-2003
National Archives Identifier: 1207662; Local Identifier: 16-CRP
Historical Files of the Office of Information, Department of Agriculture, 1900-1959
National Archives Identifier: 512795; Local Identifier: 16-G
Photographs from the Central Photographic Office od the Department of Agriculture, 1939-1964
National Archives Identifier: 512809; Local Identifier: 16-N
Photographic Prints of USDA Exhibits and Other Exhibits, 1900-1953
National Archives Identifier: 512790; Local Identifier: 16-EX
Press Releases and Related Photograhps Documenting Agency Research Activities and Other Agricultural Programs and Resources, 1986-1994
National Archives Identifier: 3478053; Local Identifier: 16-FS
Some or all of the records in this series may be subject to copyright restrictions.
USDA Television Package Programs, 1953-1965
National Archives Identifier: 512828; Local Identifier: 16-TVP
Moving Images
Public Information and Training Motion Picture and Television Productions, 1990-1995
National Archives Identifier: 1550
Some or all of the records in this series may be subject to copyright restrictions.
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