African American Heritage

Record Group 33 - Records of the Extension Service

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Please click on the National Archives Identifier to go to the full records description in the National Archives Catalog.


    The Extension Service coordinates extension activities of the Department of Agriculture with those of state agricultural colleges. Beginning in 1905, the Department of Agriculture showed an increasing interest in the development of extension activities among black farmers. With funding from the General Education board, a private institution, two Africann American agents were employed in 1906, and the number increased rapidly thereafter. The subsidies made by this board to farm demonstration work in the early 1900s did much to extend and popularize the movement.

    Clusters: Agriculture

    Textual Records

    Annual Narrative and Statistical Reports, 1911-1966

    National Archives Identifier: 251659
    Indexed by: National Indexes to Annual Narrative Reports of Field Workers, 1924–1928 ( NAID 821376)

    Level of Description Selected Records
    File Unit

    General Correspondence [Extension Service], 1944–1949

    National Archives Identifier: 1687925

    Level of Description Selected Records
    File Unit

    General Correspondence [of the Extension Service and its Predecessors], 1907–1970

    National Archives Identifier 569741

    Records Relating to 4-H Special Programs, ca. 1921–ca. 1985

    National Archives Identifier: 2770149

    Moving Images

    Helping Negroes to Become Better Farmers and Homemakers, 1921-1921

    National Archives Identifier: 7134

    International Study of American Roads, 1932

    National Archives Identifier: 7364
