Record Group 32 - Records of the United States Shipping Board
Please click on the National Archives Identifier (NAID) to go to the full records description in the National Archives Catalog.
The United States Shipping Board regulated commercial maritime carriers and trade practices, marine insurance, transfers of ship registry, and the rates charged in interstate waterborne commerce. Selected series in this record group pertain to African Americans who owned shipping lines or who were employed by shipping companies.
Clusters: Military/Maritime, Labor
Textual Records
Dockets of the Secretary, 1917-1936
National Archives Identifier: 654807
Indexed by: Indexes to Minutes and to the Dockets of the Secretary, 1917-1936 (National Archives Identifier 654817).
General Files [US Shipping Board Bureau], 1917-1936
National Archives Identifier: 574373
Indexed by: Index to General Files, 1917–1936 ( National Archives Identifier 574434)
General Records [Industrial Relations Division of the Construction Organization], 1918-1919
National Archives Identifier: 1012586
Investigated Case Files of the Home Office, 1918-1926
National Archives Identifier: 890236
Indexed by:
- Indexes, 1918-1924 (National Archives Identifier 890248)
- Indexes to Files for Involved Cases, 1918-1924 (National Archives Identifier 890257)
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