Record Group 66 - Records of the Commission of Fine Arts
Please click on the National Archives Identifier (NAID) to go to the full records description in the National Archives Catalog.
The Commission of Fine Arts advises, at the request of the President or any Congressional committee, on all matters of art with which the Federal Government is concerned, specifically on the location of statues, fountains, and monuments in the District of Columbia, the selection of artists and models for statues, fountains, and monuments erected by the United States, and the design and execution of medals, insignia, and coins. Selected series in this record group pertain to the selection of prominent African Americans to be used for memorials and statues.
Clusters: DC Government, Education & Culture
Textual Records
Central Files, 1920–1986
National Archives Identifier: 559488
Some of these records may be subject to copyright restrictions.
Copies of Minutes, 1910–1990
National Archives Identifier: 4536215
Indexed by: Subject Index to the Minutes, 1910 - 1990 ( NAID 4536234).
General Files, 1910–1954
National Archives Identifier: 4685889
Some of these records may be subject to copyright restrictions.
Spotlight on the Records: Celebrating the Faithful Colored Mammies of the South, Rediscovering Black History Blog, Dr. Lopez Matthews
Project Files, 1910–1952
National Archives Identifier: 2990055
Some of these records may be subject to copyright restrictions.
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