African American Heritage

Record Group 46 - Records of the United States Senate

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Record Group 46 - Records of the United States Senate

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The United States Senate exercises federal legislative authority jointly with the United States House of Representatives. Selected series in this record group pertain to slavery, African American politicians, and civil rights.

Clusters: DC Government

Textual Records

Anson McCook Collection of Presidential Signatures, 1789-1975

National Archives Identifier: 306282

Level of Description Selected Records
File Unit
  • Petitions and Memorials Referred to the Committee on Slavery and Freedmen, ca. 03/04/1863 – ca. 03/05/1865
  • "To the Women of the Republic," Address from the Women's Loyal National League supporting the abolition of slavery, 01/25/1864 from Elizabeth Cady Stanton (National Archives Identifier 306400)
  • Letter from Benjamin Franklin to Vice President John Adams transmitting a petition from the Society for the Abolition of Slavery and an address of the people called Quakers on the subject of the abolition of the slave trade, 02/1790 (National Archives Identifier 306388)
  • Message of President Lyndon B. Johnson nominating Thurgood Marshall of New York to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, 06/13/1967(National Archives Identifier 306369)

Some of the records in this series have been digitized.
Some records in this series may be subject to copyright restrictions.

Committee Papers, 1816-2011

National Archives Identifier: 559828

Selected Items

Some of the records in this series have been digitized.
These records may contain information prohibited from release by Senate Resolution 474, 96th Congress.

Credentials, 1789-1998

National Archives Identifier: 306203

Selected Items

Some of these records have been digitized.

Petitions and Memorials [Committee on the District of Columbia], 1817-1942

National Archives Identifier: 561319

Selected Categories
  • William Lloyd Garrison (file #24A-G3)
  • Petitions demanding an end to slavery in Washington, DC (files #21A-G5, #22A-G4 (NAID 7969710), #23A-G3 (NAID 7969762), #24A-G3 (NAID 796810)
  • Petitions seeking a motion to reconsider tabling the antislavery petitions (file #31A-H4)
  • Petitions decrying the District's practice of arresting and then selling undocumented "persons of color" for jail fees (file #28A-G3) (NAID 16987107)
  • Petitions requesting aid for charities, such as the National Freedmen's Relief Association (files #40A-H5.1 (NAID 12014414), #41A-H5.2 (NAID 12131827))
  • Anti-Slavery Petition from New Jersey, 3/20/1850 (National Archives Identifier 1634181)
  • Petition concerning Freedmen's Hospitals (SEN75A-J6.1)NAID 5834549
  • Petitions and Memorials, Resolutions of State Legislatures, and Related Documents Referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia during the 21st Congress NAID 7969661
  • African American suffrage (SEN39A-H4) (NAID 12014360)

Petitions and Memorials [Committee on Education and Labor], 1870-1946

National Archives Identifier: 559833

Selected Items
  • Aid for Wilberforce University in Ohio (files #41A-H6 (NAID 12131828), #54A-J9.2)
  • Proposals that Congress use the unclaimed Colored Civil War Soldiers' Bounty Fund to finance the development of African American educational institutions (files #44A-H6 (NAID 12132015), #45A-H6 (NAID 12132079), #46A-H6 (NAID 12131356), #48A-H6.1 (NAID 12131627), #49A-H7.2 (NAID 12131698))
  • Reimburse the Freedmens' Savings and Trust Company to aid industrial education of African Americans in the South (files #60A-J36, #61A-J22 (NAID 18502732), #62A-J26 (NAID 18502805))
  • Colored World's Fair to be held in Atlanta, GA (SEN50A-J7.1 (NAID 12131768))
  • Senator John Kean's proposed Freedmen's Inquiry Commission (NAID 17370065)

Some of the records in this series have been digitized.

Petitions and Memorials [Committee on Industrial Expositions], 1910-1913

National Archives Identifier: 566974

Selected Categories
  • Petitions and memorials favoring a semi-centennial celebration of the Emancipation Proclamation (file #61A-J46) NAID 18502740

Petitions and Memorials [Committee on Privileges and Elections], 1871-1944

National Archives Identifier: 559826

Petitions and Related Documents that were Presented, Read, or Tabled, 1789-1966

National Archives Identifier: 559829

Selected Items

Some of the records in this series have been digitized.

Records of Early Select Committees, 1789-1921

National Archives Identifier: 560271
Some of the records in this series have been digitized.

Records Relating to Race Discrimination, 1941-1943

National Archives Identifier: 563308
These records may contain information prohibited from release by Senate Resolution 474, 96th Congress.

Territorial Papers, 1789-1873

National Archives Identifier: 560109

Selected Items

Some of the records in this series have been digitized.

Various Papers, 1789-1982

National Archives Identifier: 559834

Selected Items

Some of the records in this series have been digitized.

Photographic Materials

Berryman Political Cartoon Collection, 1896-1949

National Archives Identifier: 306080

Selected Items

Some of the records in this series have been digitized.
Some records in this series may be subject to copyright restrictions.

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