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Description Title - Project Mogul (2 of 4), page 51 (
Transcription - .1[handwritten upper right corner] 1946 April 2 Tues D & I left caracas Pan Am bus 9 pm. Arrived Miami 10 pm on Pan Am. through customs and caught 1 am National Airlines plane for Newark April 3 Wed Arrived Newark 730 am and took airline bus to NYC. D left for Providence 9 am. Called up Ewing but he was in Chicago - due back tomorrow. Left on 1040 sleeper for Canton tonight. April 6 Sat At home. Over to Ogdensburg to see Steve this pm April 7 Sun. Left Canton on 805 sleeper. Saw Bob Foster '31, also on way to NYC. April 8 Mon. Arrived NYC 730 am. Up to Columbia University to see Ewing 130 pm. Yyckoff and Dove on way to Los Angeles py plane this pm. Crane and Morrison in also from Watson Labs. Went back to Red Bank with them in AWUS car to Officer's Club near Watson Lab. Crane, Morrison and I went up tonight to see Reinnegle at office. Met Gifford who has 80' sea rescue boat this project is planning to use. Stated at Officer's Club tonight. April 9 Tues. At Watson Labs all day. Went through all processes necessary for employ-ment under Civil Service. Warrant Officer Gifford transferred to WLERI-4 today. McCurdy already in and started work. Talked with Reinnagle and Gallo re Columbia contract. Gifford left pm for Washington, Major Crane for Camp Dix and Morrison for NYC. Reinnagle and I went down to CO this pm to meet group from Cornell extension at Buffalo - Aeronautical research wanting to get contracts. Stayed at Molly Pitcher Hotel in Red Bank tonight April 10 Wed Checked out of Molly Pitcher Hotel and caught 730 am train out of Red Bank NYC. Checked in at Hotel Webster and then up to Ewings at Columbia University. Mr Gallo of Watson Labs in at 10 am and we went over contract questions regarding Watson Lab conts with Columbia until 1 PM. Went over all parts of work with Doc from 2 to 530 pm. John Ewing in from Missouri. April 11 Thurs. Worked on rough outline of Eglin Field with SCFAR project Am. Up to see Ewing at Columbia PM. Doc and I went over contract with Watson Lab & Columbia tonight. Caught 1205 sleeper to Boston. April 12 Fri. Arrived Woods Hole about 11. Joe Worzel went over all sound transmission work at WHOI this pm. April 13 Sat. Talked with Columbus Iselin this Am regarding Watson Lab work and needs. Crane and Gifford up pm and Joe and I went up to lab with them. April 14 Sun. Down to lab this am with Joe looking for G9A files. Jim Peoples over about noon for awhile. Joe and I went golfing pm. Took 600 pm train to Boston and 1230 sleeper to NYC. Up to Boston with Lt Frank Ryber with Navy and WHOI April 15 Mon. Contacted Doc Ewing in NYC and rode down to Red Bank with him. Talked over instrumentation of upper atmosphere investigations. Out to Oakhurst this pm. Conference with Col. Cole and Col. Grough re Project 188-5 and regarding microseisms. Doc and I went back to Molly Pitcher Hotel in Red Bank tonight. April 16 Tues. Rode out to Watson Labs with Ewing. Went over to Evans Labs with Harry Dav Watson Lab navigation man, and saw newly developed ranging apparatus and talked to Lt Rydetor? re Spherics, location of lightning and thunderstorm data collected during past few years. Saw Col. Duffy of Meteorological Division AAF and back to Watson Labs. Doc went on through to NYC. Went over program with Dove and Crane this pm. Back to lab tonight with Crane and Gifford, discussing Project 185-7-1. Back to Myrtle Hotel at 1045 pm. April 17 Wed. Rode out to Watson Labs with McCurdy. Worked with Major Crane on report regarding underwater work, Eglin Field and deep water. Took this in to Colonal Cole this pm. Acceptance probable. Got room in private house in Red Bank. Moved out of Molly Pitcher Hotel. April 18 Thurs. Caught bus out to Watson Lab. Col Cole up this am and advised writing new Cost Expenditure for [blank] and revising the R. & R. Major Crane left about noon for trip Phila and Woods Hole. Made arrangements to meet him in NYC Monday. Wrote out new R & R and Cost Expenditure ready to take to Col Cole. April 19, Fri. Talked over work with Dove and we wrote up 2nd EO covering all ocean work. Talked to Ewing on phone this am. Dove and I went down to see Col Cole and then wrote up new EO for deep water work. Saw Hincke? regarding this EO and A for P processed this pm and ready to go out to Wright Field. April 20 Sat. Caught 710 train to NYC, cashed check at Chase Natl Bank, talked to Ewing on phone. Back to Red Bank about 4 pm. April 22 Mon. At Watson Labs this am. Got final physical exams. Down to Supply to see Maj Morris with Reinnagle re getting equipment out that came form WHOI without paper coverage Got travel order back and authority to use it. Caught 342 pm out of Red Bank and arrived
Description Title - Sterling Motor Co., page 2 (
Transcription - Novembr 9, 1918. Mr. Smith, Superintendent, Sterling Motor Company, Brockton, Mass. My dear Mr. Smith: 1. You will recall that both you and Mr. Elton promised to forward to me statement giving list of operations on which women are at work in your plant, as well as an itemized list of wages. This has not been received at present writing and I am, therefore, writing to request of you that you send them at an early date. 2. I shall also appreciate having a statement in addition to this of your exact wages paid the women on each operation at this time. 3. In looking over my notes I find that you made reference to the adjustment of your wage scale but nothing definite was said as to what such adjustment should be. Appreciating an early reply, I am Very truly yours, Agnes Peterson, Women in Industry Service. AP:EFH


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