The National Archives Catalog

Contribution Type: Occupation

Mandatory Repeatable Edit Type Data Type Source Level Available Public Element
No Yes Read Only Variable Character Length (100) Catalog Community Member;
NARA Staff Member;
NARA Partner;
AI/Machine Generated
File Unit
Item AV
Digital Object



Occupation is the job or profession of a person.


Purpose: To allow contributors to identify the occupations or professions mentioned in records thereby providing additional context to descriptions and make digitized and born digital records more discoverable.


Relationship: Occupations have an attribution type modifier and may have a related contributor name.



Occupations are added to catalog descriptions and digital objects voluntarily by contributors including Citizen Archivists, staff, and NARA partners following the guidance provided on the Resources page and the Citizen Contributions Policy on Occupations may be suggested or generated by AI / Machine tools.




Description - Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application File R. 12837, Aaron Burr, Continental (N.J.). (
Occupation - Colonel, Continental Army


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