The National Archives Catalog

Broader Term (BT)

Mandatory Repeatable Data Type Authority Public Element
No Yes Variable Character Length (700) Topical Subject Thesaurus, Geographic Reference Thesaurus, Specific Records Type Thesaurus, and Program Area Thesaurus Yes



An authorized, preferred heading that is broader in definition and scope.



Supports the hierarchical relationship between or among headings in a controlled vocabulary.


Relationship: This element is dependent on Topical Subject, Geographic Reference, Specific Records Type, or Program Area. To have a Broader Term (BT), one of these authority headings must be created and it must be a preferred authority record.



For cataloging broader term reference headings, see the Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings (Library of Congress).




Topical Subject:
   BT: Political rights


Geographic Reference:
  Charleston (S.C.)
   BT: Charleston County (S.C)


Specific Records Type:
  architectural photographs
   BT: photographs


Program Area:
  Nuclear power plants and reactors
   BT: Nuclear energy

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