Attribution Type: Project Name
Mandatory | Repeatable | Edit Type | Data Type | Source | Level Available | Public Element |
No | Yes | Editable by Original Contributor Only | Variable Character Length (100) | NARA Staff Community Managers | RG Collection Series File Unit Item Item AV Digital Object |
Yes |
Definition: |
Project Name is the name of a NARA or NARA partner project, such as a Citizen Archivist Mission.
Purpose: | To allow Catalog users to find all descriptions enhanced with contributions for a particular project or initiative. |
Relationship: | Project Names have an attribution type modifier and may have a related NARA Community Manager contributor name. |
Guidance: |
Project Name is assigned to catalog contributions by NARA staff to identify NARA projects including Citizen Archivist Mission and projects with NARA partners. |
Examples: |