Mandatory | Repeatable | Data Type | Authority | Level Available | A/V Only | Public Element |
No | No | Numeric (10) | None | Series File Unit Item |
No | Yes |
Definition: | The exact number of physical items comprising the specific media type of the archival materials. |
Purpose: | Allows NARA employees to maintain control over the physical pieces of the archival materials. |
Relationship: | This element is dependent on Specific Media Type. Each media occurrence of the archival materials must have a specific media type specified to create Piece Count. |
Guidance: |
Enter the exact number of physical items comprising the specific media type of the archival materials. Do not use commas. To indicate the number of physical items needed to create a complete duplicate, use Reproduction Count. For example, a double-sided letter may have a piece count of three pages but a reproduction count of six pages. |
Examples: |
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Lifecycle Data Requirements Guide