The National Archives Catalog

Personal Contributor Type

Mandatory Repeatable Data Type Authority Level Available A/V Only Public Element
No Yes Variable Character Length (40) Contributor Type List Series
File Unit
No Yes



The role of an individual who contributed to the archival materials. The roles of individual contributors include producer, cameraman, writer, editor, narrator, etc.


Purpose: Enables users to search for archival materials by the people responsible for authoring or contributing to the archival materials.


Relationship: This element and Personal Contributor are dependent on each other. For each personal contributor, Personal Contributor and Personal Contributor Type must both be included. If one person has contributed in multiple ways, he or she may be represented in Personal Contributor once and associated with several terms in Personal Contributor.



Choose the correct type of personal contributor from the Contributor Type Authority List. The Contributor Type Authority List is based on the MARC Relator Code List.

If the type of contributor is unknown or uncertain, then leave Personal Contributor and Personal Contributor Type empty and explain the circumstances further in Scope and Content Note. For example, a film may have the words "presented by" on it without clearly identifying the role of the presenter.

In cases where an individual is named in the series title but is not the archival creator, place the individual's name in this field and select "Originator" as Contributor Type.


Personal Contributor - Space, Kenneth F.
Personal Contributor Type - Photographer
Personal Contributor Type - Copyright holder
Creating Organization - Harmon Foundation, Inc.
[For the series "Kenneth Space Photographs of the Activities of Southern Black Americans," which were taken by Mr. Space in the 1930s and 1940s when he worked for the Harmon Foundation.]


Creating Organization - Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Secretary of the Army. Chief of Public Affairs. Broadcast Pictorial Branch. Command Information Unit.
Personal Contributor - Field, Stanley
Personal Contributor Type - Producer
Personal Contributor - Eskind, David B.
Personal Contributor Type - Author
[For one of the sound recordings in the series "Army Hour."]


Title - Sarah Weddington's Subject Files
Creating Organization - President (1977-1981 : Carter). Office of the Assistant to the President for Women's Affairs.
Personal Contributor - Weddington, Sarah Ragle
Personal Contributor Type - Compiler

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