The National Archives Catalog

Object Designator

Mandatory Repeatable Data Type Authority Level Available Type Public Element
No** No Variable Character Length (260) None File Unit
All Yes

** Mandatory if there is more than one digital object associated with the same archival description.


Definition: An identifier for each digital object when there is more than one digital object associated with an archival description.


Purpose: Used to distinguish between multiple digital objects associated with the same archival description.


Relationship: This element is independent.



Use this element only if there is more than one digital object associated with a single archival description.

Assign a short identifier that has some descriptive value, e.g. "page 1", page 2", etc.

Alternately, assign a number, beginning with "1" and continuing in ascending order, to each object associated with the same description. The order of numbers assigned to the objects should reflect the order of the physical materials.

Do not confuse this element with Object Identifier, which is used solely to link various digital objects to one archival description.




Digital Object 1: Object Designator - 1
Digital Object 2: Object Designator - 2
Digital Object 3: Object Designator - 3


Digital Object 1: Object Designator - Page 1
Digital Object 2: Object Designator - Page 8

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Lifecycle Data Requirements Guide
