The National Archives Catalog

Personal Reference (Microform)

Mandatory Repeatable Data Type Authority Entity Public Element Label
No Yes Variable Character Length (700) Person Authority File Product Yes Subject Term


Definition: Indicates the name of an individual who is the subject of or highly relevant to the microform product.


Purpose: Enables users to search for microform products that contain information about specific people.


Relationship: This element is independent.



Choose the name of the person from the Person Authority File. The Person Authority File is based on the Library of Congress Name Authority File.

This data is called an "access point." Best practice is to "anchor," or explain, all access points narratively in the descriptive record in which the access point appears. You should anchor this access point in the Microform Product Title or Abstract field.


Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward), 1807-1870


Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 1929-1994


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