The National Archives Catalog

Dates of Records End Date

Mandatory Repeatable Data Type Authority Level Available A/V Only Public Element
Yes* No Date None Record Group
File Unit
No Yes

*Dates of Records End Date is mandatory at the Series Level only.


The end of the time period the records themselves were created. In many, but not all cases, this end date may be the same as the end date of the Dates of Recordkeeping and/or is the same as the end date of the time period covered by the subject(s) of the archival materials.


Purpose: Enables users to retrieve and sort record groups, collections, or archival materials by the time period the records themselves were created. Distinguishes the time period of when the records themselves were created from the Dates of Recordkeeping or the time period of the  subject of the records. The Dates of Recordkeeping are the dates (the time period) when the record group, collection, or materials was created, maintained, or accumulated.


Relationship: This element and Dates of Records Start Date are dependent on each other. If Dates of Records End Date is specified, then Dates of Records Start Date must be created. Dates of Records End Date Qualifier is dependent on this element. To have Dates of Records End Date Qualifier, Dates of Records End Date must be created.




Enter the last date on which the records themselves were created.

Do not use the Dates of Records to capture the dates of the subjects of the records. Information about the time span of the subject of the records can be conveyed by

a. Adding a Topical Subject to convey a historical event. If you can’t find the event, propose a new Topical Subject.

b. Adding the information to the Date Note, the Scope and Content Note, or even a General Note to add clarity.

Dates of Recordkeeping Versus Dates of Records
Dates of Records comprises the time period the records themselves were created. In many, but not all cases, this time period is the same as the time period covered by the subject(s) of the archival materials. Dates of Recordkeeping comprise the time period during which the record group, collection, or series was created, maintained, accumulated as a unified filing system by the creator because of some relationship arising out of the records creation, receipt, or use.


When the Date Span is Only One Specific Date
If the date is a specific day (02/11/1969), month (02/1969), or year (1969), enter the date in Dates of Records Start Date and then repeat the same specific date in Dates of Records End Date.

When the Date Span is One of Two Years
If the date is one of two years (1953 or 1954), then enter the first year (1953) in Dates of Records Start Date, enter the second year (1954) in Dates of Records End Date, and use the "ca." in Dates of Records Start Date Qualifier and Dates of Records End Date Qualifier.

When the Date Span is Several Years
If the dates fall between several years (1826-1835), then enter the earliest possible date (1826) in Dates of Records Start Date, enter the latest possible date (1835) in Dates of Records End Date, and use the "ca." in Dates of Records Start Date Qualifier and Dates of Records End Date Qualifier.

When the Date Span is a Decade
When describing a decade as a date span, enter the first year of the decade (1920) in Dates of Records Start Date, enter the last year of the decade (1929) in Dates of Records End Date, and use the "ca." in Dates of Records Start Date Qualifier and Dates of Records End Date Qualifier.

When the Date Span is a Century
When describing a century as a date span, enter the first year of the century (1700) in Dates of Records Start Date, enter the last year of the century (1799) in Dates of Records End Date, and use the "ca." in Dates of Records Start Date Qualifier and Dates of Records End Date Qualifier.

Dates Before the Year 1000
For dates before the year 1000, including B.C. dates, leave this field blank and explain in Date Note.

Date Form
Enter the date in MM/DD/YYYY form.
If the day is unknown, enter the month and year in the MM/YYYY form.
If the month is unknown, enter the year in the YYYY form.
Do not use 00 as a month or day.

Multiple Dates
If multiple date elements are used in a description at the Record Group, Collection, or Series Level, it is no longer required to explain the distinctions in Date Note as differences in the values are expected.






A series of reports about the U.S. Civil War written in 1900, would have:

Dates of Recordkeeping Start Date - 1900

Dates of Recordkeeping End Date - 1900

Dates of Records Start Date - 1900

Dates of Records End Date - 1900

Date Note/Scope and Content Note (Optional) - These reports describe the U.S. Civil War during the period of 1861-1865.

Topical Subject (Optional) - American Civil War, 1861-1865

A series with records dated 1965-1980 from an Office of General Counsel that was established in 1970. The records dated prior to 1970 are only copies of public laws, which the Office collected during their normal activities.

Dates of Recordkeeping Start Date - 1970

Dates of Recordkeeping End Date - 1980

Dates of Records Start Date - 1965

Dates of Records End Date - 1980

Date Note (Optional) - The records dated prior to 1970 are copies of public laws that date back to 1965.

Topical Subject (Optional) - Laws, statutes, etc.

The date range of the records are 1954-1960 and the creating organization existed between 1955-1963:

Dates of Recordkeeping Start Date - 1955

Dates of Recordkeeping End Date - 1960

Dates of Records Start Date - 1954

Dates of Records End Date - 1960

Date Note (Optional) - Although the series began in 1955, there are a few documents dating back to 1954. There are no records for 1957-1958.

A series includes budget estimates for future fiscal years 1965-1968 that were created in 1963-1967.

Dates of Recordkeeping Start Date - 1963

Dates of Recordkeeping End Date - 1967

Dates of Records Start Date - 1963

Dates of Records End Date - 1967

Date Note/Scope and Content Note (Optional) - The series includes budget estimates for fiscal years 1965-1968, which were created in 1963-1967.

Arrangement note - Arranged by the budget estimate’s fiscal year.


A series from a temporary commission that existed from July 1, 1982 thru December 31, 1984. The records include the final report was submitted to Congress and the President in January 1985; some reports collected from agencies dating back to 1975; and the other administrative records like agenda and meeting minutes. 

Dates of Recordkeeping Start Date - 1982

Dates of Recordkeeping End Date - 1984

Dates of Records Start Date - 1975

Dates of Records End Date - 1/1985

Date Note (Optional) - Although the documents were collected and maintained from 1982-1984, the series contains some records dating back to 1975 and the final report that was published and submitted to Congress in January 1985.






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