Records Management Training Online Lessons
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This page contains lessons that may be viewed from this page. Select the title of the lesson. The lesson will open in a new window. If you have a popup blocker, either disable it or permit popups to run from this website. Each lesson provides a certificate upon completion which can be downloaded. We are not able to track courses taken or have the ability to provide completion certificates.
Level One Lessons are Primarily for Custodians
Code | Title | Description | Date Updated | |
Terminology |
L1.001 | What is the Records Lifecycle? |
This module discusses the phases in the records management lifecycle. Length: 0:10:00 |
2/26/2025 | |
L1.002 | What are Temporary Records? |
This module defines the concept of temporary records in the world of U.S. Federal records. Length: 0:10:00 |
2/27/2025 | |
L1.003 | What are Permanent Records? |
This module defines the concept of permanent records in the world of U.S. Federal records. Length: 0:10:00 |
3/10/2025 | |
Tools |
L1.004 | Records Management Policy |
This brief reading provides an overview of records management policies that you should know. Length: 0:10:00 |
2/28/2025 | |
L1.005 | What is a Records Inventory? |
This module explains how records inventories are used in records management. Length: 0:10:00 |
2/26/2025 | |
L1.006 | What is a Records Schedule? |
This module discusses the parts of records schedules and how schedules are used in records management. Length: 0:10:00 |
3/10/2025 | |
L1.007 | What is a File Plan? |
This module explains the parts of a file plan. Length: 0:10:00 |
2/27/2025 | |
L1.008 | What's the difference between a records inventory, a records schedule, and a file plan? |
This brief reading explains the differences between these three records management tools. Length: 0:05:00 |
2/28/2025 | |
L1.009 | Finding Your Records Control Schedules on NARA's Website |
This tutorial shows you how to find your agency's records schedules. Length: 0:10:00 |
2/27/2025 | |
Resources |
L1.010 | The Records Management Team |
This brief reading provides an overview of who is involved in helping manage agency records. Length: 0:10:00 |
3/3/2025 | |
L1.012 | Recognizing Records, Non-records, and Personal Files |
This module focuses on how to determine if information should be categorized as records, non-records, or personal files. Length: 0:15:00 |
2/24/2025 | |
L1.013 | Records, Nonrecords, and Personal Files - Review and Practice |
This module provides practice separating records, non-records, and personal papers. Length: 0:10:00 |
TBD | |
L1.014 | Who has the Records? |
This module provides practice identifying records. Length: 0:10:00 |
TBD | |
Filing, Naming and Metadata |
L1.015 | Separating Files for Filing |
This module focuses on how to separate information into logical categories for filing. Length: 0:20:00 |
3/2/2025 | |
L1.016 | Filing and e-File Naming Conventions |
This module explains best practices for naming files. Length: 0:15:00 |
3/6/2025 | |
L1.017 | Metadata |
This module explains how metadata is used in managing electronic records. Length: 0:15:00 |
2/28/2025 | |
L1.020 | Assigning Metadata |
This module discusses NARA's metadata standards for the transfer of permanent electronic records. Length: 0:30:00 |
3/6/2025 | |
Records Inventory |
L1.021 | Level 1 Creation and Receipt - Review |
This module reviews the topics covered in the "Create and Receive" section of the first level of the training curriculum. Length: 0:15:00 |
2/28/2025 | |
L1.022 | Participate in a Records Inventory |
This module explains what information needs to be collected during a records inventory. Length: 0:20:00 |
3/6/2025 | |
L1.023 | Records Inventory Practice |
This module provides practice capturing information about records. Length: 0:20:00 |
3/6/2025 | |
Records Clean-up |
L1.024 | Conduct a Records Clean-Up |
This module discusses how to plan and conduct records clean-up in your office. Length: 0:20:00 |
3/6/2025 | |
File Plans and Filing |
L1.025 | File Plans |
This module discusses how to update the file plans for your office. Length: 0:15:00 |
3/6/2025 | |
L1.026 | File Records/files/records-mgmt/training/material/L1.026/story.html |
This module instructs you to accurately file records according to your file plan and records schedules. Length: 0:45:00 |
3/6/2025 | |
Electronic Records |
L1.027 | e-File Naming Practice |
This module provides practice in applying best practices for naming electronic files. Length: 0:15:00 |
3/3/2025 | |
L1.028 | Manage Email Records |
This module discusses how to identify and manage records that are in email. Length: 0:45:00 |
3/5/2025 | |
Managing Risks to Records |
L1.029 | Identify and Report Risk or Damage to Records |
This module discusses how to identify and mitigate risks to your records. Length: 0:30:00 |
3/10/2025 | |
Privacy and FOIA |
L1.030 |
Identify Privacy Concerns Related to Records' Use and Storage |
This module explains some of the Privacy Act issues related to records management. Length: 0:15:00 |
3/5/2025 | |
L1.031 | Manage Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests |
This module will help you learn how records managers provide records for FOIA requests. Length: 0:20:00 |
TBD | |
Disposition |
L1.033 | Calculating Disposition Dates |
This module focuses on how to use a records schedule to calculate disposition dates for temporary and permanent records. Length: 0:15:00 |
3/10/2025 | |
L1.034 | Store Records On-Site |
This module discusses the best practices for storing records in your office. Length: 0:15:00 |
3/10/2025 | |
L1.035 | Transfer Records to Off-Site Storage |
This module discusses the steps you need to take to prepare and transfer records to offsite storage. Length: 0:20:00 |
3/10/2025 | |
L1.036 | Create a Box List for Records Transfer |
This module discusses how to create the list of files and records that should be included in each box of records. Length: 0:20:00 |
TBD | |
L1.037 | Manage Records Held Off-Site |
This module discusses how to manage your records that are stored in facilities other than your office. Length: 0:15:00 |
3/10/2025 | |
L1.038 | Coordinate Disposition of Records with the Records Liaison Officer |
This module explains how to ensure records are destroyed or accessioned once they reach the disposition date. Length: 0:20:00 |
3/10/2025 | |
L1.039 | Safeguarding Frozen Records |
This module discusses how to manage records that have the disposition suspended because of legal action or other reasons. Length: 0:15:00 |
3/10/2025 | |
L1.040 | Records Lifecycle Review |
This module reviews how to manage records throughout the lifecycle. Length: 0:15:00 |
3/10/2025 | |
L1.043 | Folder Lists for Permanent Records |
This brief module introduces you to the folder lists required for accessioning permanent records to the National Archives. Length: 0:08:00 |
Level Two Lessons are Primarily for Liaisons
Code | Title | Description | Date Updated |
L2.001 | Identifying Specific Metadata for Managing Electronic Records throughout their Lifecycle |
This module discusses the steps necessary for the identification of keywords and terms that may be used as the basis for assigning metadata to records. Length: 0:15:00 |
L2.002 | Establishing Naming Conventions for Electronic Records |
This module focuses on the best practices for developing and implementing document naming conventions in your office. Length: 0:30:00 |
L2.003 | Managing a Shared Drive |
This module discusses how to organize an existing shared drive in a way that allows records liaisons to manage Federal records while complying with key requirements, including proper records disposition. Length: 0:15:00 |
L2.004 | Implementing a Local Recordkeeping System |
This module explains the steps necessary to transfer existing records into a new record-keeping system so that the files and folders are aligned to your file plan. Length: 0:15:00 |
L2.005 |
Planning Local Digitization Projects We are updating this module to incorporate the latest NARA guidance. |
This module focuses on the steps necessary to plan a scanning project that is cost-effective and efficiently meets all defined organizational and functional requirements for digitization. Length: 0:30:00 |
L2.006 | Implementing Updates to Records Schedules |
This module focuses on how to recommend changes to your agency records schedule and implement updated schedules. Length: 0:30:00 |
L2.007 | Identifying Unscheduled Records |
This module discusses how to identify unscheduled records and systems to ensure the information is retained until the records are scheduled. Length: 0:30:00 |
L2.008 | Coordinating Disposition of Temporary Records |
This module focuses on how to ensure that temporary records are destroyed after the expiration of their assigned records schedule retention period. Length: 0:15:00 |
L2.009 | Coordinating the Secure Destruction of Temporary Records and Non-Records |
This module explains how to coordinate the destruction of temporary paper and electronic records, as well as the destruction of non-record materials. Length: 0:15:00 |
L2.010 | Overseeing the Authorized Destruction of Federal Records in Agency Business Units |
This module discusses the best practices for accurately reviewing and approving the disposal records. Length: 0:15:00 |
L2.011 | Transferring Records to NARA Via the Annual Move |
This module explains the steps necessary to accession permanent records that are stored in a Federal Records Center. Length: 0:10:00 |
L2.012 | Transferring Permanent Audiovisual Records to NARA |
This module explains the steps necessary to accession audio-visual records into the National Archives. Length: 0:30:00 |
L2.013 | Identifying Permanent Records Eligible for Direct Transfer to NARA |
This module explains the steps necessary to accession records into the National Archives. Length: 0:30:00 |
L2.014 | Maintaining an Essential Records Inventory |
This module focuses on the steps for updating the essential records list for your office or program. Length: 0:45:00 |
L2.015 |
Safeguarding Records in Your Office Part 1: Reducing or eliminating the likelihood of damage |
This module focuses on how to reduce or eliminate the likelihood of damage to your records. Length: 0:45:00 |
L2.016 | Safeguarding Records in Your Office Part 2: Taking Appropriate Action to Minimize Further Damage to Records |
This module focuses on the steps to take if records are damaged. Length: 0:45:00 |
Level Three Lessons are Primarily for Agency Records Officers (ARO)
Code | Title | Description | Date Updated |
L3.001 | Drafting a Records Schedule for Submission to NARA |
This module discusses how to write schedule items and the administration information required for proposing a records schedule to NARA. Length: 1:00:00 |
L3.002 | Apply the General Records Schedule (GRS) for the Agency Records Schedule |
This module focuses on how to use the General Records Schedule (GRS) to manage some of your agency records. Length: 0:40:00 |
L3.003 | Writing a Big Bucket Schedule |
This module discusses how to write a records schedule that proposes aggregating similar records groups to simplify the management of disposition for those records.Length: 0:40:00 |
L3.005 | Develop Records Management Strategic Goals and Plan |
This module focuses on how to create a strategic plan for your agency records management program. Length: 0:45:00 |
L3.006 | Records Management Program Self-Evaluation |
This module discusses how to evaluate your records management program. Length: 1:00:00 |
L3.007 | Select Sustainable Formats for Long -Term Temporary and Permanent Records |
This module explains some of the considerations you need to think about when determining the file formats for your records. Length: 0:45:00 |
L3.008 | Establish and Implement a Policy for Managing Records on Shared Drive |
This module focuses on how to write a policy to guide how your agency manages records stored on shared drives. Length: 0:30:00 |
L3.009 | Email Policy |
This module discusses how to write a policy to guide how your agency manages records stored in email. Length: 1:15:00 |
L3.010 | Develop Capstone Approach for the Management of Email |
This module explains some of the considerations you need to think about when implementing the Capstone approach to managing records in email. Length: 0:30:00 |
L3.011 | Developing Electronic Records Management Requirements |
This module discusses how to determine what records-keeping requirements should be in information systems that are used to manage records. Length: 0:30:00 |
L3.012 |
Manage a digitization project We are updating this module to incorporate the latest NARA guidance. |
This module focuses on how to manage digitization projects that are cost-effective and meet agency needs for using or managing the records. Length: 0:30:00 |
L3.014 | Developing and documenting Recordkeeping Requirements for the Creation of Agency Records |
This module explains some of the considerations you need to think about when determining the agency policies that will determine how records are captured or created. Length: 0:30:00 |
L3.015 |
Create Records Management Policies For Records Stored in the Cloud |
This module explains some of the considerations you need to think about when establishing the agency for how records in cloud storage are managed. Length: 0:30:00 |
L3.017 | Establish and implement agency metadata requirements |
This module explains some of the considerations you need to think about when establishing the metadata that will be required for agency electronic records. Length: 0:30:00 |
L3.018 | Coordinate Records Management Actions with IT |
This module focuses on how to work with your IT staff to ensure records management considerations are implemented in agency IT policies and systems. Length: 0:45:00 |