Records Management Training Program
Supporting the Development of Records and Information Management Professionals
Training Materials Catalog

Our Training Materials Catalog contains most of the training materials that we develop, including all of the new online lessons that are part of the new training curriculum that we call Curriculum 2.0.
The catalog includes:
Records Management Training

In 2020, the Records Management Training Program ended its in-person workshops and moved to an all-online, self-paced format. Now, you can take our records management training on your own schedule, for free.
Our Online Learning page Online Lessons gives you access to all of the training lessons we have developed. While we no longer offer the Certificate of Federal Records Management Training, everyone can explore training content on a variety of records management topics found in our Training Catalog.
We are currently developing new training materials on a variety of topics. If you would like to suggest new topics and training products, send your ideas to

We host webinars on records management topics that are of interest to Federal records managers.
Please send your requests for webinars about specific topics to
Records Management Instruction Support (ReMIS)

Records Management Instruction Support (ReMIS) experts provide:
- Consulting on records management training design and development
- Access to NARA records management training materials
Learn more about ReMIS and how to contact us.
Agency Records Officer Credential (AROC)

The Agency Records Officer Credential (AROC) is required for all Senior Agency Officials for Records Management (SAORM) designated Agency Records Officers.
More information about the certificate is available.
NARA Bulletins Formatted

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