Office of Government Information Services (OGIS)

2024-2026 Term

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) established the Federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee in 2014 to foster dialog between the Administration and the requester community, solicit public comments, and develop consensus recommendations for improving FOIA administration and proactive disclosures. The Archivist of the United States renewed the Committee's two-year charter in 2024.

The Federal FOIA Advisory Committee reports to the Archivist of the United States. The Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) serves as the chair of the Committee, and OGIS staff provides administrative and logistical support.

The 2024-2026 term of the FOIA Advisory Committee created the following three subcommittees to support the Committee's functions:

         Jason R. Baron, University of Maryland and Marianne Manheim, Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health

         Ryan Mulvey, Americans for Prosperity Foundation and Whitney Frazier-Jenkins, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation  

​         Nicholas Wittenberg, Armedia and Nieva Brock, Department of Defense Defense Intelligence Agency  

Each subcommittee has a government co-chair and a non-government co-chair. All subcommittees will report their work and findings to the Committee for deliberation.

Subscribe to our blog and follow us on Eventbrite and Twitter to learn about upcoming FOIA Advisory Committee events and activities!

2024-2026 Term Meeting Schedule*

*Meeting information will be made available in advance of each meeting on this webpage and through several formats including the FOIA Ombudsmans blog, the National Archives Calendar, and the Federal Register. 

Committee Membership

Government Members

  • Kevin Bell – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
  • Nieva Brock - Department of Defense
  • Whitney Fraizer-Jenkins – Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
  • Scott Hodes - Department of Homeland Security
  • Marianne Manheim - Department of Health and Human Services
  • Deborah O. Moore - Department of Education
  • Joan Moumbleaux – Environmental Protection Agency
  • Melissa Pickworth - Department of Health and Human Services
  • Alina M. Semo - Chair, National Archives and Records Administration, Office of Government Information Services
  • Bobak Talebian - Department of Justice, Office of Information Policy

Non-Government Members

  • Jason R. Baron – University of Maryland 
  • David Cuillier – University of Florida, Brechner Center for the Advancement of the First Amendment
  • Elizabeth Hempowicz – American Oversight
  • Shelley Kimball – Johns Hopkins University
  • Margaret Kwoka – The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law
  • Frank LoMonte – Cable News Network (CNN)
  • Ryan Mulvey – Americans for Prosperity Foundation
  • Richard Peltz-Steele – University of Massachusetts School of Law
  • Nicholas Wittenberg - Armedia 
  • Sarah Jones Weicksel – American Historical Association

Archivist of the United States Dr. Collen J. Shogan appointed 20 members to the FOIA Advisory Committee in August 2024. The Committee consists of 10 members from within the Federal government and 10 non-governmental members who have considerable FOIA expertise and who were selected to achieve a balanced representation. Committee members are appointed to serve a two-year term. Alina M. Semo, OGIS Director, is the Committee Chair.

Jason R. Baron

Jason R. Baron, University of Maryland Jason is Professor of the Practice at the University of Maryland College of Information Studies, and an internationally recognized speaker and author on the preservation of electronic documents and e-discovery in FOIA. Jason was the first appointed Director of Litigation for the National Archives and Records Administration (2000-2013). He previously worked at Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath, the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services. (B.A. Wesleyan University; J.D. Boston University School of Law) (Member 2018-2020 and 2022-2024 terms)

Kevin Bell

Kevin Bell, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Kevin is an Attorney-Advisor representing FERC in FOIA litigation. He previously worked both inside and outside the government, including at the Administrative Conference of the United States and at the nonprofit Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. (B.A. Willamette University; J.D. New York University School of Law)

Nieva Brock

Nieva Brock, Department of Defense Nieva is Senior Counsel in the Information Management and Compliance Office (IMO) at the Defense Intelligence Agency on joint duty assignment from the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. IMO is responsible for information management and compliance at the agency. Nieva is a former Navy Judge Advocate Officer. (B.S. Cornell University; J.D. University of San Diego School of Law) 

David Cuillier

David Cuillier, University of Florida David directs the Joseph L. Brechner Freedom of Information Project in the College of Journalism and Communications. He previously was Director of Graduate Studies at the University of Arizona School of Journalism, where he taught for 17 years. A former journalist in Idaho and Washington state, (B.A. Western Washington University; M.A. and Ph.D. Washington State University) (Member 2020-2022 and 2022-2024 terms) 

Whitney Frazier-Jenkins

Whitney Frazier-Jenkins, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) Whitney is the Disclosure Officer at PBGC where she manages its FOIA and Privacy Act program. She previously worked as an Assistant City Attorney for Flint, MI, and as an Assistant Prosecutor for Genesee County, MI. (B.A. Xavier University; J.D. University of Cincinnati College of Law) 

Elizabeth Hempowicz

Elizabeth Hempowicz, American Oversight Elizabeth is the Deputy Executive Director of American Oversight, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization founded in 2017 to leverage FOIA in the interest of a more informed public and strengthened democracy. She previously worked at the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) most recently as Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs. (B.A. University of Bridgeport; J.D. American University Washington College of Law)

Scott Hodes

Scott Hodes, Department of Homeland Security Scott is Associate Counsel at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services where he works on FOIA litigation and administrative appeals. Scott previously worked both inside and outside the government as a solo practitioner of law and at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Justice and the Department of Labor. He is past President of the American Society of Access Professionals. (B.S. Indiana University; J.D. Arizona State University College of Law) 

Shelley Kimball

Shelley Kimball, Johns Hopkins University Shelley is Associate Program Director and Senior Lecturer of Communication in the Advanced Academic Program. She is part of an interdisciplinary research team, funded by Democracy Fund, evaluating government transparency and vexatious requests. She is the previous Vice President of Research and Program Evaluation for the nonprofit Military Family Advisory Network, and previously taught media law at American University and the University of South Alabama. (M.A. University of Florida; Ph.D University of Florida) 

Margaret Kwoka

Margaret Kwoka, The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law Margaret teaches courses on civil procedure and administrative law, and previously taught at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law, where she directed the Information Transparency Project. Margaret is the author of the book Saving the Freedom of Information Act (Cambridge University Press, 2021) and of several law journal articles about FOIA. (A.B. Brown University; J.D. Northeastern University School of Law)(Member 2016-2018 term) 

Frank LoMonte

Frank LoMonte, CNN Frank is Senior Legal Counsel for CNN where his work includes assisting in managing freedom-of-information litigation before agencies across the country. He serves on the Society of Professional Journalists Foundation Board. He previously directed the Joseph L. Brechner Freedom of Information Project at the University of Florida and the Student Press Law Center. Prior to law school, Frank worked as a journalist in Tallahassee, Atlanta and Washington, DC. (B.A. Georgia State University; J.D. University of Georgia School of Law) 

Marianne Manheim

Marianne Manheim, Department of Health and Human Services Marianne is Chief of the FOIA, Privacy and Records Branch at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. A Peace Corps alumna, Marianne previously worked in the FOIA programs at the Department of State, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Peace Corps. (B.G.S. (general studies) University of Idaho; J.D. Valparaiso University School of Law) 

Deborah O. Moore

Deborah O. Moore, Department of Education Deborah is the department’s Chief FOIA Officer overseeing compliance with FOIA and the Privacy Act. Deborah previously worked at the Department of Homeland Security, the Transportation Security Administration, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection. (B.A. Oberlin College; M.A. and Ph.D. University of Louisiana at Lafayette)

Joan Moumbleaux

Joan Moumbleaux, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Joan, an expert in both technology and FOIA, is a Government Information Specialist in EPA’s National FOIA Office. She previously worked at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and in several law firms. (B.A. Union College; J.D. Howard University; M.I.S. (information science) St. John’s University) 

Ryan Mulvey

Ryan Mulvey, Americans for Prosperity Foundation Ryan is Policy Counsel for Americans for Prosperity (AFP) Foundation, a nonprofit organization associated with AFP, a libertarian conservative policy advocacy group founded in 2004. Ryan’s work focuses on FOIA and related public access issues. He previously worked at Cause of Action Institute, where he continues to volunteer his legal services. He is President of the American Society of Access Professionals. (B.A. University of San Diego; M.A. Boston University; J.D. Boston University School of Law; M.A.T. (theology) Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Saints Cyril and Methodius)

Richard Peltz-Steele

Richard Peltz-Steele, University of Massachusetts School of Law Richard teaches courses in First Amendment and freedom-of-information law, among other topics. He previously taught at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law School, Catholic University’s Columbus Law School and the University of Georgia Law School. He is the author of five books, including The Law of Access To Government (Carolina Academic Press, 2012). (B.A. Washington and Lee University; J.D. Duke University) 

Melissa Pickworth

Melissa Pickworth, Department of Health and Human Services  Melissa is a Supervisory Government Information Specialist at the Food and Drug Administration where she oversees disclosure under FOIA, the Privacy Act and the Trade Secrets Act. She previously worked at the Government Accountability Office on the International Affairs and Trade Team. (B.A. Michigan State University; M.P.P. (public policy) University of Michigan)

Alina M. Semo

Alina M. Semo, National Archives and Records Administration Alina is the Director of the Office of Government Information Services, the federal FOIA Ombuds. She previously served as the Director of Litigation for the National Archives and Records Administration.. She previously worked on FOIA litigation at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and worked at the Department of Justice (B.A. University of Maryland; J.D. Georgetown University Law Center) (Member 2016-2018, 2018-2020, 2020-2022 and 2022-2024 terms) 

Bobak Talebian

Bobak “Bobby” Talebian, Department of Justice Bobby is Director of the Office of Information Policy (OIP), responsible for developing FOIA policy guidance, providing legal counsel and training to agencies, and encouraging agency FOIA compliance. Before becoming Director in 2020, he served as Acting Director, Acting Chief of Staff and as the first Chief of OIP's FOIA Compliance Staff. His work has included establishing new reporting guidelines, FOIA training and assessment resources, and  launching the National FOIA Portal on (B.A. Kenyon College; J.D. University of Tennessee College of Law)  (Member 2018-2020, 2020-2022 and 2022-2024 terms)  

Sarah Jones Weicksel

Sarah Jones Weicksel, American Historical Association Sarah is Director of Research and Publications at the American Historical Association, and is a Research Associate at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History. In 2018-2019, she was a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wolf Humanities Center. (B.A. Yale University; M.A. Winterthur Program at the University of Delaware; Ph.D. University of Chicago) 

Nicholas Wittenberg

Nicholas Wittenberg, Armedia Nicholas is Corporate Counsel and Senior Advisor for Legal Technology and Innovation at Armedia, a provider of FOIA case management technology. He previously worked at Deloitte, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the Environmental Protection Agency; his portfolio at all three included FOIA and eDiscovery. (B.A. University of Toledo; J.D. University of Toledo) 

FOIA Advisory Committee Governance Materials

The FOIA Advisory Committee Bylaws can be found here. The Charter for the 2024-2026 FOIA Advisory Committee can be found here

Public Comments

Oral comments presented to the 2024-2026 term of the FOIA Advisory Committee (Committee) are available in the meeting transcripts posted after committee meetings. Links to the recordings of committee meetings will be posted and are available on the National Archives and Records Administration's YouTube Channel.

Written comments submitted to the 2024-2026 term of the Committee are available on the Committee's Public Comments Submitted to the FOIA Advisory Committee page.

Submit Comments to the FOIA Advisory Committee

