Training Opportunities
Dispute Resolution Skills Training
The passage of the Openness Promotes Effectiveness in our National (OPEN) Government Act of 2007 introduced dispute resolution (DR) to the FOIA process by creating the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) and codifying the role of the FOIA Public Liaison (FPL).
OGIS recognizes the important roles that FPLs and FOIA professionals play in the FOIA process and we want to assist agencies comply with the FOIA and avoid disputes. For this reason, we offer free DR Skills Training for FPLs and FOIA Professionals. The Department of Justice, Office of Information Policy (OIP) co-sponsors this training. The goal of the training is to provide FPLs and FOIA professionals with DR tools they can apply to the FOIA process at their agencies. This training is open to all agency FPLs and FOIA professionals.
OGIS has received positive feedback from attendees on the usefulness of this training which we offer periodically. For updates regarding future training dates and registration, keep an eye on our blog and Eventbrite page, and follow us on Twitter! If you have questions about our training program, please contact Carrie McGuire at
Other FOIA Training Opportunities
- The Department of Justice, Office of Information Policy in conjunction with the Department's Office of Legal Education, offers numerous FOIA training resources and courses
- The American Society of Access Professionals (ASAP) sponsors many training opportunities related to FOIA.