New Years Day 1900 found Americans celebrating
but also struggling with change. Within a few decades, the United States
had been rapidly transformed from a largely agrarian society of rural
hamlets to an industrial giant whose citizens lived increasingly in
There are 11 images in this gallery, click on image
to enlarge.
"Fifth Avenue in New York City on Easter
Sunday in 1900"
By an unknown photographer, 1900
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the Bureau of Public Roads
(30-N-18827) [VENDOR # 11] |
"Hester Street, New York City"
By an unknown photographer, ca. 1903
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the Public Housing Administration
(196-GS-369) [VENDOR # 12] |
"Original Wright Brothers 1903 Aeroplane
("Kitty Hawk") in first flight, December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk,
NC. Orville Wright at controls. Wilbur Wright at right (First flight
was 12 seconds)"
By Orville Wright and John T. Daniels, December 17, 1903
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the War Department General and Special
(165-WW-713-6) [VENDOR # 16] |
"1913 - Trying out the new assembly line"
By an unknown photographer, Detroit, Michigan, 1913
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the Bureau of Public Roads
(30-N-49-1482) [VENDOR # 17] |
"Immigrants Landing at Ellis Island"
By Brown Brothers, New York, New York, ca. 1900
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the Public Health Service, 1912-1968
(90-G-22D-42) [VENDOR # 21] |
"Lee Wai She and children"
By an unknown photographer, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1913
National Archives and Records
Administration-Pacific Region (San Francisco), Records of the Immigration
and Naturalization Service
(Honolulu District Office; Old Chinese
immigration files, "C" files, case file #2989c, box 62,3225G) [VENDOR
# 22] |
"The Sam McCall family of Wilcox County, Alabama"
By M.A. Crosby, 1910
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics
(83-FA-5005) [VENDOR # 23] |
"Party 'nature sliding' on the perpetual snow slopes below Paradise
Glacier. These parties are under guide direction. Individuals are
equipped with the famous 'tin trousers.' The seats of these trousers
are paraffined. Parties are seated together on the snow and slide
long distances."
By Jacobs, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, ca. 1917
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the National Park Service
(79-G-12A-2) [VENDOR # 25] |
"View of the destruction brought about by the San Francisco Earthquake,
By H.W. Chadwick, San Francisco, California, April 1906
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer
(111-AGF-1A-1D) [VENDOR # 27] |
"Showing coffins of victims in front of Catholic Church." A funeral
for twenty one people who died when state militia attacked and burned
a tent colony set up by striking coal miners.
By Dold, Trinidad, Colorado, 1914
National Archives and Records
Administration, General Records of the Department of Labor
(Committee on Industrial Relations,
1912-15, Box 17) [VENDOR# 208] |
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Great War and the New Era
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World in Flames Post
War America | Century's
End |