In April 1917 the United States entered World War I against Germany and Austria-Hungary. The Federal Government immediately began to mobilize American society to meet the demands of "total war." Millions volunteered for or were drafted into military service. Government worked with business, labor, and agriculture to increase weapon and food production.
There are 10 images in this gallery, click on image
to enlarge.
"Liberty Loan Choir sings on the steps
of City Hall, New York City during third Liberty Loan campaign.
Bishop William Wilkinson leads the choir"
By Paul Thompson, April 1918
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer
(111-SC-16561) [VENDOR # 40] |
"American base hospital, France"
By an unknown photographer, ca. 1917-18
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer
(111-SC-4067) [VENDOR # 42] |
"Liberty Day celebration, Camp Grant,
[Rockford] Illinois"
By Duce and McClymonds, ca. 1917-18
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the War Department General and Special
(165-PP-37-12) [VENDOR # 43]
"Some of the colored men of the 369th
(15th N.Y.) Who won the Croix de Guerre for gallantry in action.
Left to right. Front row: Pvt. Ed. Williams, Herbert Taylor, Pvt.
Leon Fraitor, Pvt. Ralph Hawkins. Back row. Sgt. H. D. Prinas, Sgt.
Dan Storms, Pvt. Joe Williams,. Pvt. Alfred Hanley, and Cpl. T.W.
By an unknown photographer, 1919
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the War Department General and Special
(165-WW-127-8) [VENDOR # 46] |
"Women Rivet Heaters and Passers on"
By an unknown photographer, Puget Sound Navy Yard, Washington, May
29, 1919
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the Women's Bureau
(86-G-11F-7) [VENDOR # 47] |
"Soldiers being mustered out at Camp Dix,
New Jersey"
By Underwood and Underwood, 1918
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the War Department General and Special
(165-WW-139C-3) [VENDOR # 45]
"Suffragette banner. One of the banners
the women who picketed the White House carried"
By an unknown photographer, Washington, DC, 1918
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the War Department General and Special
(165-WW-600A-5) [VENDOR # 51] |
"Community Hospital; Maternity Case"
By an unknown photographer, Hutchinson, Minnesota, October 1924
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics
(83-ML-10309) [VENDOR # 49] |
"Mysterious fliers who thrilled a gathering
of the K[u] K[lux] K[lan] at a reception of officers of [the] Klan"
By an unknown photographer, Dayton, Ohio, 1924
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the U.S. Information Agency
(306-NT-650-11) [VENDOR # 52] |
"Pilot Wm. C. Hopson, U.S. Mail Service
Winter Flying Clothing."
By an unknown photographer, Omaha, Nebraska, ca. 1926
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the U.S. Postal Service
(28-MS-6E-1) [VENDOR # 54] |
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