Around 1965 the optimistic American mood that had
persisted from the mid-1950s through the early 1960s began to shatter.
The reasons for this fragmentation were twofold: the war in Vietnam
and social unrest at home. American involvement in Vietnam began in
the late 1950s, a product of a foreign policy that held that containing
Communism required committing American military and economic power to
stop its spread.
There are 17 images in this gallery, click on image
to enlarge.
"Da Nang, Vietnam . . . A young Marine private waits on the beach
during the Marine landing"
By an unknown photographer, August 3, 1965
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the U.S. Marine Corps
(127-N-A185146) [VENDOR # 136]
"SP4 Ruediger Richter (Columbus, Georgia), 4th Bn., 503 Inf.,
173 Abn Bde (Separate), lifts his battle weary eyes to the heavens,
as if to ask why? SGT. Daniel E. Spencer (Bend, Oregon) stares down
at their fallen comrade. The day's battle ended, they silently await
the helicopter which will evacuate their comrade from the jungle
covered hills in Long Khanh Province."
By Pfc. L. Paul Epley, 1966
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer
(111-SC-635974) [VENDOR # 135] |
"A female demonstrator offers a flower to military police on
guard at the Pentagon during an anti-Vietnam demonstration."
By S.Sgt. Albert R. Simpson, Arlington, Virginia, October 21, 1967
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer
(111-CC-46331) [VENDOR # 139] |
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.; President
Lyndon Johnson in background.
By Yoichi Okamoto, Washington, DC, March 18, 1966
Lyndon Baines Johnson Library,
National Archives and Records Administration
(A2133-10) [VENDOR # 130] |
President Lyndon Johnson listens to a
tape recording from his son-in-law Capt. Charles Robb, who was a
Marine Corps company commander in Vietnam.
By Jack Kightlinger, Washington, DC, July 31, 1968
Lyndon Baines Johnson Library,
National Archives and Records Administration
(B1274-16) [VENDOR # 137] |
"Rising earth greets Apollo VIII astronauts
as they come from behind the moon after the lunar orbit insertion
burn. Earth is about 5 degrees above the horizon."
By William Anders, December 29, 1968
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the U.S. Information Agency
(306-PSD-68-4049c) [VENDOR # 142] |
"Close-up view of an astronaut's leg and
foot and footprint in the lunar soil, photographed with a 70mm lunar
surface camera during the Apollo 11 lunar surface extravehicular
activity. Astronaut Michael Collins, command module pilot, remained
with the Command Service Modules in lunar orbit while Astronauts
Neil A. Armstrong, commander, and Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., lunar module
pilot, explored the Moon."
By Neil Armstrong , July 20, 1969
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the U.S. Information Agency
(306-PSD-69-3133c) [VENDOR # 141] |
"South China Sea . . . Crewmen of the
amphibious cargo ship U.S.S. Durham (LKA-114) take Vietnamese refugees
aboard from a small craft. The refugees will be transferred later
by mechanized landing craft (LCM) to the freighter Transcolorado."
By JO1 Mike McGougan, April 3, 1975 National
Archives and Records Administration, General Records of the Department
of the Navy, 1947-
(428-K-108890) [VENDOR # 145] |
"Gas stations abandoned during the fuel crisis
in the winter of 1973-74 were sometimes used for other purposes.
This station at Potlatch, Washington, west of Olympia was turned
into a religious meeting hall. Signs painted on the gas pumps proclaim
'fill up with the Holy Ghost . . . and Salvation.'"
By David Falconer, April 1974
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the Environmental Protection Agency
(412-DA-13061) [VENDOR # 152] |
"Housing adjacent to U.S. Steel Plant"
By Leroy Woodson, Birmingham Alabama, July 1972
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the Environmental Protection Agency
(412-DA-2911) [VENDOR # 146] |
"Religious fervor is mirrored on the face
of a Black Muslim woman, one of some 10,000 listening to Elijah
Muhammad deliver his annual Savior's Day message in Chicago. The
city is headquarters for the Black Muslims. Their $75 million empire
includes a mosque, newspaper, university, restaurants, real estate,
bank, and variety of retail stores. Muhammad died February 25, 1975."
By John H. White, Chicago, Illinois, March 1974
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the Environmental Protection Agency
(412-DA-13792) [VENDOR # 155] |
Richard Nixon departs from the White House
before Gerald Ford was sworn in as President
By Oliver F. Atkins, Washington, DC, August 9, 1974
Nixon Presidential Materials Project,
National Archives and Records Administration
(E3398-09) [VENDOR # 147] |
"Scenes of the Space Shuttle Challenger taken with a 70mm camera
onboard the shuttle pallet satellite (SPAS-01)"
By a Challenger crew member, June 22, 1983
National Archives and Records
Administration, Records of the U.S. Information Agency
(306-PSE-83-2622/cA) [VENDOR # 156]
President Reagan speaking at a rally for
Senator Durenberger
By Michael Evans, February 8, 1982
Ronald Reagan Library, National
Archives and Records Administration
(C6289-25) [VENDOR # 154] |
President George Bush enjoys Thanksgiving
Dinner with U. S. troops stationed in the Persian Gulf
By Susan Biddle, Saudi Arabia, November 22, 1990
George Bush Library, National
Archives and Records Administration
(P17671-28) [VENDOR # 192] |
"President Bill Clinton plays the saxophone
presented to him by Russian President Boris Yeltsin at a private
dinner hosted by President Yeltsin at Novoya Ogarova Dacha, Russia"
By Bob McNeely, January 13, 1994
Courtesy of the White House
(P011471-26A) |

"First Ladies Nancy Reagan, Ladybird Johnson,
Hillary Rodham Clinton, Rosalyn Carter, Betty Ford, and Barbara
Bush sit together at the National Garden Gala, 'A Tribute to America's
First Ladies.'"
By Barbara Kinney, Washington, DC, May 11, 1994
Courtesy of the White House
(P015515-28) |
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