Download an editable version of this lesson plan.
In order to successfully create your finished product, you should do the following:
Step 1 Explore:
Visit the Documented Rights online exhibit and discover all of the documents that relate to your specific topic. These documents might be in several different sections of the exhibit.
Step 2 Analyze:
Using document analysis worksheets from, start investigating the documents to determine the overall significance.
Step 3 Research:
Read secondary sources from the National Archives additional resources page and other sources from around the web to get a variety of perspectives about the actions of your social group.
Step 4 Create:
Decide on a format for your finished product and start designing it using the information you discovered in your exploration of Documented Rights. Examine the assessment rubric in order to understand how you will be evaluated for this assignment.
Step 5 Present:
Groups will present their findings to the UN Council. The UN Council will have the opportunity to question each group to clarify their positions.
Step 6 Compare/Contrast:
After all groups have discussed their findings, they will look for similarities and differences among the different social groups and their struggle for rights. They will evaluate the successes and failures and discuss the role of the federal government.
Step 7 Drawing Conclusions:
The UN Council will decide the lessons learned from our history of human rights struggles and recommend a way to move ahead to deal with current rights issues.