These links will open in a new window and go to other areas of the web site or other National Archives web sites.
A Novel Approach: The Documented Rights Historical Fiction Project
A Curriculum Integrating Language Arts and Social Studies
Education Resources on School Desegregation
The education resources on this site can be used to support K-12 education, as well as undergraduate study of the Civil Rights Movement and the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board decision.
Our Documents Teacher Sourcebook
Download a key resource for working with the 100 milestone documents in the classroom, the Teacher Sourcebook includes an annotated timeline, key themes, guidelines to primary sources, and detailed lesson plans.
Citing Records in the National Archives of the United States
Teaching With Documents: Lesson Plans
Teaching with primary documents encourages a varied learning environment for teachers and students alike.
U.S. Constitution Lesson Plan
A self-service online version of the popular U. S. Constitution Workshop.
Charters of Freedom
The Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States, and Bill of Rights, known collectively as the Charters of Freedom, have secured the rights of the American people for more than two and a quarter centuries. Find images, transcripts, and information about each.