Vocabulary List
- Overall Vocabulary:
Federal court, economic equality, district court, slave, cargo, manifest, customs, assimilation, bill of sale, plantation, future increase, segregation, precedent, interracial, due process, oppression, inalienable, unalienable.
Section I: Let My People Go
- Emancipation Proclamation
Proclamation, to wit, repress, aforesaid, countervailing testimony, executive government, garrison (verb), affixed
- Certificate, U.S. v. Slaves of the Syrena, May 12, 1820
Real Armada, enrolls (noun)
- Travel Document for the Schooner Syrena, 1817
Province, First Alcade
- Cinque Addressing his Compatriots, on board the Spanish Schooner Amistad, 26. Aug. 1839
Caribbean plantation
- Plea to the Jurisdiction of Cinque (Singhe Pieh) and Others, August 21, 1839
Ruinous injustice, plea, libel, brig, salvage, process of court, aforesaid, respondents, protestations, surmised, libellant, confederating, asylum, meritorious act, jurisdiction, “under color of which”
- Warrant for Habeas Corpus, Schooner Amistad, September 21, 1939
[sic], adjudge, writ, habeas corpus
- Petition by John Hill Wheeler, July 18, 1855
Detained, abide
- Writ of Habeas Corpus, July 19, 1855
Abolitionist, cause celebre, Writ of Habeas Corpus
- Photograph, Passmore Williamson in Mayamensing Prison, 1855
Legal technicality
- Dowry Gift of Slaves, June 11, 1773
Dowry, future increase, intermarriage, acknowledged, granted, bargained, division of the estate, to witt, moiety, allotted, aforesaid, survivor, purporting, sole/ covert status, heir at law, devised, covenant
Section II: Broke At Last
- Section Panel
“Jim Crow” laws
- Letter from Frederick Douglass to the Secretary of State, June 25, 1889
Minister Resident, Counsel General, potent, thither, tendered, “suit your convenience”
- List of Passengers for Barque Azor bound to Monrovia, April 20, 1878
Emigrants, maiden voyage
- Master’s Oath, Barque Azor, April 20, 1878
Affirm, annexed, conveyance, synopsis, conspicuous
- Request for Compensation, ca. 1898
“Annexed portion,” “prosecution and allowance”
- Defining Rights (Story Panel)
Peonage, sharecropping, eroded individual rights, curtailed rights
- Wong Kim Ark’s Departure Statement, November 5, 1894
Illegal immigrant, Chinese Exclusion Act, “set my hand,” affixed, annexed instrument
- Wong Kim Ark’s Discharge, January 3, 1896
Section III: This Land Is Your Land
- Section Panel
Assimilate, social inequalities
- Record of Conviction, June 28, 1873 (facsimile)
Prayed, “upon the said process,” arraigned, indictment, issue joined, disposal, empanelled
- Petition for Woman Suffrage, 1877 (facsimile)
Disenfranchising, elective franchise
- Letter from Indian Affairs Commissioner Charles Burke, April 7, 1926
- Mission Indian Federation Constitution, ca. 1922
- Receipt and Full Satisfaction of Judgment, July 30, 1944
Allotment, assimilation, plaintiff, acknowledged
- Registration Affidavit of Alien Enemy, February 8, 1918
Enemy alien
- Bill of Complaint, January 7, 1921
Petition for naturalization
- Speech by Eugene V. Debs, June 16, 1918
Yonder, workhouse, prudent, sycophant, four-square, Hoosier state, capitalist press, notwithstanding
- Brochure, Relocating a People, February 1, 1943
Evacuee, relocation
- Handbill in Japanese and English Translation, United States v. George Fujii, circa 1943
Selective service, handbills, sedition, relocation, internment, drafted, Jap, Caucasian
- Official Logbook, St. George Island, June 16-29, 1942
Invasion, leveled, evacuation, mined, TNT, stanchioned, outboard engines, enroute, bed-pan
- Petition Protesting Conditions at Pribilof Evacuation Camp, October 10, 1942
Mess house, evacuee camp, grub
Section IV: A Change Is Gonna Come
- Photograph, Martin Luther King in Civil Rights March on Washington, DC, August 28, 1963
- Booklet, The Montgomery Improvement Association, circa 1960
Foray, boycott, demonstrations, negate, Negro, state apparatus, protagonists, sit-ins, workshops, seminars, non-violent resistance, loitering, intimidation, perjury, “behead this affirmative movement,” demoralize, moral support, re-affirmation
- Statement, Hernandez v. Corpus Christi, December 18, 1956
Stereotyped, latin child, appellees, brief (noun), prejudice (legal term)
- Indictment, U.S. v. Junius Irving Scales, November 18, 1954
Indictment, Grand Jury
- General Court Martial Orders, August 23, 1944
Insubordination, general court-martial, arraigned, contemptuously, insolent, impertinent, receiving room
- Request for Retirement from Active Duty, August 25, 1944
“Color line,” acquitted, outfit (Army term)
- Complaint, Ella Fitzgerald et al v. Pan American, December 23, 1954
Discrimination, malicious, plaintiff, defendant
- Photograph, Lenny Bruce, 1961
Obscenity, censorship, harassment
- Appeal Request from Lenny Bruce, December 15, 1964
Plaintiff, appeal, denying motion
Section V: We Shall Overcome
- Section Panel
“equal protection clause,” catalyst
- Judgment, Brown v. Board of Education, May 31, 1955 (facsimile)
Racially nondiscriminatory, counsel, transcript, adjudged, consideration, remanded, proceedings, orders, decrees
- Complaint, Briggs v. Elliot, December 19, 1950
Infant (legal term), curricula, segregation, “next friend,” “body corporate, plaintiffs, defendants, declaratory judgment, to wit, Negroes, segregated
- Dissenting Opinion, Briggs .v Elliot, June 21, 1951
Equalize, Negro, segregation, color prejudice, ideologies, eradicate, irrespective, adjudication, unerringly, per se, unequivocally, metaphor, suppression, pigmentation, concur, dissent
- Judgment, Belton .v Gebhart, May 31, 1955
Infant (legal term), ad litem, Writ of Certiorari, counsel, plaintiffs, remanded, transcript of record, racially nondiscriminatory
- Opinion on Writ of Certiorari, Bolling v. Sharpe, May 31, 1955 (facsimile)
Racially nondiscriminatory, Writ of Certiorari, counsel, remanded
- Plaintiffs Exhibit, Davis v. Prince Edward Co., May 1956
Segregation, invoked, bulwark, animosities
- Opinion, Brown v. Board, August 31, 1951
Substantial discrimination, plaintiffs, defendants

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