JFK Assassination Records - 2017-2018 Additional Documents Release
2017-2018 Additional Documents Release
The National Archives is releasing documents previously withheld in accordance with the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act. The vast majority of the Collection (88%) has been open in full and released to the public since the late 1990s. The records at issue are documents previously identified as assassination records, but withheld in full or withheld in part. Learn more about the process on the JFK Assassination Records Processing Project - 2017 Update web page.
These releases include FBI, CIA, and other agency documents (both formerly withheld in part and formerly withheld in full) identified by the Assassination Records Review Board as assassination records. The releases to date are as follows:
- July 24, 2017: 3,810 documents (read press release)
- October 26, 2017: 2,891 documents (read press release)
- November 3, 2017: 676 documents (read press release)
- November 9, 2017: 13,213 documents (read press release)
- November 17, 2017: 10,744 documents (read press release)
- December 15, 2017: 3,539 documents * (read press release)
- April 26, 2018: 18,731 documents * (read press release)
* Note: There are instances where multiple record identification numbers are associated with the same pdf. This is due to the fact that the files were scanned in batches.
Accessing the Records
The table below displays metadata about all the released documents. You can also download the spreadsheet as an Excel file (4.7MB).
To view or download a specific document, follow the link in the "Doc Date" column. The files are sorted by NARA Release Date, with the most recent files appearing first. The previous withholding status (i.e., formerly withheld in part or formerly withheld in full) is identified in the “Formerly Withheld Status” column.
Row Num | Record Num | NARA Release Date | Formerly Withheld | Agency | Doc Date | Doc Type | File Num | To Name | From Name | Title | Num Pages | Originator | Record Series | Review Date | Comments | Pages Released |
13851 | 180-10087-10190 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 12/30/1977 [PDF] | SUMMARY | 008482 | 3 | HSCA | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | INTERVIEW U.S.S.S. 154-3. BOX 154. | 5 | |||
13852 | 180-10089-10489 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 06/09/1977 [PDF] | REPORT | 001706 | HSCA | 12 | FBI | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Tabbed 33-1. Box 33. | 13 | ||
13853 | 180-10089-10490 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 06/09/1977 [PDF] | REPORT | 001707 | HSCA | 12 | FBI | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | 33-2. Box 33. | 13 | ||
13854 | 180-10089-10492 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 06/09/1977 [PDF] | REPORT | 001709 | HSCA | 12 | FBI | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Tabbed 33-3. Box 33. | 13 | ||
13855 | 180-10093-10063 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 06/28/1978 [PDF] | MEMORANUDM | 009005 | BLAKEY, G. ROBERT | FONZI, GAETON | INTERVIEW WITH MANOLO RAY RIVERO | 9 | HSCA | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Cover memorandum attached. Box 162. | 10 |
13856 | 180-10095-10337 | 11/03/2017 | In Full | HSCA | 01/12/1976 [PDF] | NOTES | 001760 | WEBERMAN, A.J. | 1 | CITIZEN | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Box 34. | 2 | ||
13857 | 180-10095-10376 | 11/03/2017 | In Full | HSCA | 04/03/1964 [PDF] | DEPOSITION | 001763 | 1 | WC | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Box 34. | 2 | |||
13858 | 180-10097-10376 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 10/11/1978 [PDF] | NOTES | 012427 | 3 | HSCA | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Box 221. | 4 | |||
13859 | 180-10100-10129 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 10/17/1978 [PDF] | OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT | 012801 | O'SULLIVAN, FRED | 2 | HSCA | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Box #:226. | 3 | ||
13860 | 180-10101-10053 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 09/12/1977 [PDF] | MEMORANDUM | 002276 | NIELSON, D.E. | MERRILL, WILLIAM K. | 9 | DOD, ARMY | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | GSA verification and military records attached. Box 54. | 11 | |
13861 | 180-10102-10097 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 04/10/1978 [PDF] | LETTER | 007021 | ALLEN, MARK A. | HARDWAY, DAN | 1 | HSCA | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Box 134. | 3 | |
13862 | 180-10102-10278 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 10/03/1978 [PDF] | LETTER | 012388 | BROWN, HAROLD | BLAKEY, G. ROBERT | 2 | HSCA | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Box 220. | 3 | |
13863 | 180-10102-10372 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 06/22/1978 [PDF] | MEMORANDUM | 009363 | CORNWELL, GARY | ORR, PATRICIA | REVIEW OF FBI FILES FOR LUIS POSADA CARRILES | 19 | HSCA | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | File review lists attached. Box 171. | 20 |
13864 | 180-10103-10255 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 06/06/1964 [PDF] | LETTER | 004556 | FBI | 3 | WC | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | WC #1045. Box 94. | 4 | ||
13865 | 180-10104-10433 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 05/31/1978 [PDF] | OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT. | 012956 | DOD | 1 | HSCA | NUMBERED FILES. | 11/03/2017 | Tabbed DOD 227-1. Box 227. | 2 | ||
13866 | 180-10105-10388 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 05/06/1978 [PDF] | SUMMARY | 014451 | CURRY, JESSIE G. | 10 | HSA | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Box 258. | 12 | ||
13867 | 180-10105-10391 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 05/04/1978 [PDF] | SUMMARY | 014454 | BENTLEY, PAUL L. | 5 | HSCA | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Box 258. | 6 | ||
13868 | 180-10106-10018 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 04/21/1978 [PDF] | LIST | 014145 | DOD FILES | 2 | HSCA | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Box 251. | 3 | ||
13869 | 180-10106-10489 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 12/21/1977 [PDF] | LETTER | 004198 | BLAKEY, G. ROBERT | CASTILLO, LEONEL, J. | 1 | INS | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Duplicate. Box 88. | 2 | |
13870 | 180-10107-10131 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 10/23/1977 [PDF] | PRINTED FORM | 003016 | 1 | HSCA | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Cover sheet for interview transcript. Box 71. | 2 | |||
13871 | 180-10107-10194 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 09/05/1963 [PDF] | MEMORANDUM | 002386 | HALL, LORAN EUGENE, AKA LORENZO PASCILLO; ALLEGED CUBAN INVASION | 4 | U.S. COAST GUARD | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Includes HSCA cover letter. Box 58. | 6 | ||
13872 | 180-10107-10235 | 11/03/2017 | In Full | HSCA | 09/29/1977 [PDF] | LETTER | 002420 | HSCA | NIELSEN, D.E. | 207 | DOD | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Box 58. | 208 | |
13873 | 180-10109-10358 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 10/18/1977 [PDF] | OTHER TEXTUAL | 002630 | 1 | USSS | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Box 65. | 2 | |||
13874 | 180-10110-10001 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 04/12/1978 [PDF] | TRANSCRIPT | 008215 | TARASOFF, BORIS | EXECUTIVE SESSION | 42 | HSCA | SECURITY CLASSIFIED TESTIMONY | 11/03/2017 | Duplicate enclosed.Box 1. | 42 | |
13875 | 180-10110-10002 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 03/22/1978 [PDF] | TRANSCRIPT | 014672 | WILCOTT, JAMES B. | EXECUTIVE SESSION | 56 | HSCA | SECURITY CLASSIFIED TESTIMONY | 11/03/2017 | Box 1. | 56 | |
13876 | 180-10110-10003 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 10/10/1978 [PDF] | TRANSCRIPT | 014717 | HARTMAN, MELBOURNE PAUL | DEPOSITION OF MELBOURNE PAUL HARTMAN | 85 | HSCA | SECURITY CLASSIFIED TESTIMONY | 11/03/2017 | Two duplicates enclosed.Box 1. | 85 | |
13877 | 180-10110-10129 | 11/03/2017 | In Full | HSCA | 12/13/1978 [PDF] | LETTER | JFK-163 | 37 | DOD | SECURITY CLASSIFIED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Box 5. | 37 | |||
13878 | 180-10110-10189 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 06/27/1968 [PDF] | PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT | 8 | FBI | SECURITY CLASSIFIED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Box 2. | 13 | ||||
13879 | 180-10110-10227 | 11/03/2017 | In Full | HSCA | 00/00/0000 [PDF] | REPORT | 105-126109-8 | 1 | FBI | SECURITY CLASSIFIED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Box 6. | 2 | |||
13880 | 180-10111-10065 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 00/00/0000 [PDF] | REPORT | 012523 | 434 | NEW ORLEANS DISTRICT ATTORNEY | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Files re: David W. Ferrie, his activities and associates. Box #:222. | 434 | |||
13881 | 180-10112-10049 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 01/31/1974 [PDF] | REPORT | 002463 | 144 | FT. LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA POLICE DEPARTMENT | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | POLICE REPORT 59-2. BOX 59. | 145 | |||
13882 | 180-10113-10258 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 05/31/1978 [PDF] | SUMMARY | 014348 | AUGG, ROBERT ROYCE (SR) | 5 | HSCA | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Box 256. | 6 | ||
13883 | 180-10114-10118 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 12/19/1977 [PDF] | OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT | 004217 | INS | 1 | HSCA | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Box 89. | 2 | ||
13884 | 180-10116-10222 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 06/13/1977 [PDF] | TRANSCRIPT | 014647 | 37 | HSCA | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | King, Martin, material withdrawn pp. 1-10. Box 267. | 37 | |||
13885 | 180-10118-10038 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 03/04/1978 [PDF] | LETTER | 008129 | GOFF, ROBERT | BLAKEY, G. ROBERT | 1 | HSCA | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | USSS 148-2.Box 148. | 3 | |
13886 | 180-10118-10061 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 05/04/1978 [PDF] | LETTER | 008128 | POGOLOFF, DAVID | BLAKEY, G. ROBERT | 1 | HSCA | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Box 148. | 3 | |
13887 | 180-10118-10069 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 03/16/1978 [PDF] | BRIEFING BOOK | 152 | HSCA | BRIEFING BOOKS | 11/03/2017 | Box 3. Some pages are referred to third agencies for review. | 152 | ||||
13888 | 180-10120-10343 | 11/03/2017 | In Part | HSCA | 04/11/1978 [PDF] | SUMMARY | 014830 | 6 | HSCA | NUMBERED FILES | 11/03/2017 | Box 283. | 8 | |||
13889 | 104-10332-10021 | 11/03/2017 | In Full | CIA | 01/01/1996 [PDF] | Paper-Textual Document | Projfiles-Declass Stds | (Est Pub Date) ARRB-CIA Issues: CIA Installation | 22 | CIA | JFK | 11/03/2017 | 22 | |||
13890 | 178-10004-10309 | 10/26/2017 | In Part | KISS/SCOW | 06/05/1975 [PDF] | NOTES | 1975-06-01 | SCOWCROFT, BRENT | P/K 5 JUNE 75 | 3 | WH | SCOWCROFT MEMCONS, HANDWRITTEN | 08/18/2017 | Participants: Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft. Handwritten notes. For typed transcript see ID# 1781000410297. | 4 | |
13891 | 178-10004-10308 | 10/26/2017 | In Part | KISS/SCOW | 04/12/1975 [PDF] | NOTES | 1975-04-01 | SCOWCROFT, BRENT | P/K 12 APR 75 | 2 | WH | SCOWCROFT MEMCONS, HANDWRITTEN | 08/18/2017 | Participants: Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft. Handwritten notes. For typed transcript see ID# 1781000410296. | 3 | |
13892 | 178-10004-10307 | 10/26/2017 | In Part | KISS/SCOW | 03/05/1975 [PDF] | NOTES | 1975-01-01 | SCOWCROFT, BRENT | P/K 5 MAR 75 | 4 | WH | SCOWCROFT MEMCONS, HANDWRITTEN | 08/18/2017 | Participants: Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft. Handwritten notes. For typed transcript see ID# 1781000410295. | 5 | |
13893 | 178-10004-10300 | 10/26/2017 | In Part | KISS/SCOW | 06/26/1975 [PDF] | MEMORANDUM | 1975-06-26 | MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION | 3 | WH | SCOWCROFT MEMCONS | 03/17/2016 | Memorandum of conversation, participants: Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft | 4 | ||
13894 | 178-10004-10296 | 10/26/2017 | In Part | KISS/SCOW | 04/12/1975 [PDF] | MEMORANDUM | 1975-04-12 | MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION | 2 | WH | SCOWCROFT MEMCONS | 08/18/2017 | Memorandum of conversation, participants: Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft. | 3 | ||
13895 | 178-10004-10295 | 10/26/2017 | In Part | KISS/SCOW | 03/05/1975 [PDF] | MEMORANDUM | 1975-03-05 | MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION | 4 | WH | SCOWCROFT MEMCONS | 08/18/2017 | Memorandum of conversation, participants: Ford, Kissinger, Scowcroft. | 5 | ||
13896 | 178-10004-10264 | 10/26/2017 | In Part | MATHENY | 09/06/1962 [PDF] | MEMORANDUM | DRAFT REPORT--APPROVAL OF QUOTATIONS (2) | RECORD | MINUTES OF MEETING OF SPECIAL GROUP (AUGMENTED) ON MONGOOSE, 9/6/62 | 5 | NSC | SSC SERIES | 08/18/2017 | Unmarked but probably TOP SECRET. | 6 | |
13897 | 178-10004-10259 | 10/26/2017 | In Part | MATHENY | 09/14/1962 [PDF] | MEMORANDUM | DRAFT REPORT--APPROVAL OF QUOTATIONS (2) | RECORD | PARROTT, THOMAS A. | MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE SPECIAL GROUP (AUGMENTED), 14 SEPT. 1962 | 2 | NSC | SSC SERIES | 08/18/2017 | Unmarked but contains classified information. | 3 |
13898 | 178-10004-10238 | 10/26/2017 | In Part | MATHENY | 11/24/1976 [PDF] | LIST | DOCUMENT REQUESTS--COMPUTER PRINTOUT | CHURCH COMMITTEE REPORT | 36 | NSC | SSC SERIES | 08/18/2017 | Computer printout showing documents requested by the Church Committee. Annotated. Reduced. | 37 | ||
13899 | 178-10004-10091 | 10/26/2017 | In Part | WILDEROTTE | 05/30/1975 [PDF] | REPORT | RPT. ON INVEST. OF CIA INVOLVE..FOREIGN LEAD. | BELIN, DAVID | SUMMARY OF FACTS, INVEST. CIA INVOLVE. IN PLANS TO ASSASS...LEADERS | 83 | ROCK | ASSASSINATION-RELATED MATERIALS | 08/18/2017 | Later draft can be found at 1781000310355. | 84 | |
13900 | 178-10003-10318 | 10/26/2017 | In Part | DUVAL78-67 | 06/00/1975 [PDF] | REPORT | INTELLIGENCE INVESTIGATION, MISC. (2) | BUCHEN, PHIL | CASTRO | 37 | WH | ACCESSION 78-67 (UNPROCESSED) | 08/18/2017 | Unmarked, but TS elsewhere. Draft. Pages with revisions taped over paragraphs were copied as originally typed and with changes,for preservation purposes. | 37 |
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