Agency Postponement Documentation
Response to Memorandum
As directed in the Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on the Temporary Certification Regarding Disclosure of Information in Certain Records Related to the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, each agency proposing continued postponement of information beyond December 15, 2022 has prepared the following documentation:
- an unclassified letter, signed by the head of the agency, providing a written description of the types of information for which the agency is proposing continued postponement and reasons supporting that determination;
- an unclassified index identifying for each such record the reasons for which the agency is proposing continued postponement of information; and
- an unclassified transparency plan containing a specific proposed date identifying for each such record when the agency reasonably anticipates that continued postponement of information no longer would be necessary or, if that is not possible, a specific proposed date identifying when the agency would propose to next review whether the information proposed for continued postponement still satisfies the statutory standard for postponement.cia
Central Intelligence Agency
- Letter to the President from the Director of Central Intelligence
- CIA Letter to the National Security Council
- CIA Document Index
- Central Intelligence Agency Transparency Plan
Department of Defense
- Letter to the President from the Secretary of Defense with Document Index and Transparency Plan
- Department of Defense Letter to the National Security Council with Document Index and Transparency Plan
Department of State
- Memorandum for the President from the Secretary of State
- Department of State Letter to the National Security Council with Document Index and Transparency Plan
Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Letter to the President from the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
- FBI Letter to the National Security Council with Document Index and Transparency Plan
National Archives and Records Administration
- Memorandum for the President from the Acting Archivist
- National Archives Document Index
- National Archives Transparency Plan
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The National Archives is conducting a review of all web pages related to The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection. The information contained on these pages may be out of date and will be updated as needed.