JFK Key Persons
Records Relating to Key Persons, 11/30/1963 - 09/24/1964
This series (National Archives Identifier: 605417) consists of one or more files for each of 589 persons of interest to the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, or unofficially the Warren Commission, including the 552 witnesses who testified before the Commission, gave depositions, or made affidavits, and for other persons who were involved in the investigation to a significant extent. Included are copies of Commission documents; transcripts of testimony, depositions, and affidavits given by the witnesses; memorandums concerning the background of the persons involved, establishing schedules for hearing witnesses; covering letters transmitting depositions; 33 sound recordings relating to the activities of Mark Lane (attorney for Marguerite Oswald); and other records. Files also contain reports and memorandum from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Dallas Police Department, and the Secret Service concerning the particular individual.
Among the individuals discussed are John B. Connally, President Kennedy, Mrs. John F. Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, Marina Oswald, and Dallas Police Officer J. D. Tippit. The records relating to Oswald discuss his background in great detail, dividing it into four time periods: the Pre-Russian Period, covering his early life up to 1959; the Russian Period, from his decision to defect to the Soviet Union in 1959 to his return to the United States in 1962; Post-Russian Period, including his political activities, life in New Orleans in the summer of 1963, trip to Mexico City in September of 1963, up to November 22, 1963; and murder by Ruby.
List of All Key Persons Documented in Series
National Archives Identifier with link to National Archives Catalog Description |
Folder Title | Box # |
7460327 | Abt, John | 1 |
7460328 | Adamcik, J.P. | 1 |
7460329 | Adams, Robert | 1 |
7460330 | Adams, Vickie | 1 |
7460331 | Akin, Gene Dr. | 1 |
7460332 | Alba, Adrian Thomas | 1 |
7460333 | Alexander, William F | 1 |
7460334 | Allen, Mrs. J.U. | 1 |
7460335 | Altgens, James W | 1 |
7460336 | Anderson, Earl Spencer | 1 |
7460337 | Andrews, Dean Jr. | 1 |
7460338 | Applin, George Jr. | 1 |
7460339 | Arce, Daniel | 1 |
7460340 | Archer, Don Ray | 1 |
7460341 | Armstrong, Andrew | 2 |
7460342 | Arnett, Charles Oliver | 2 |
7460343 | Aycox, James | 2 |
7460344 | Baker, Mrs. Dorothy S. | 2 |
7460345 | Baker, Marion L. (Patrolman) | 2 |
7460346 | Baker, T.L. Lieutenant | 2 |
7460347 | Ballen, Samuel B. | 2 |
7460348 | Barbe, Emmett Charles Jr. | 2 |
7460349 | Bargas, Tommy | 2 |
7460350 | Barnes, Pete | 2 |
7460351 | Barnes, W.E. | 2 |
7460352 | Barnett, Eugene | 3 |
7460353 | Barnhorst, Colin | 3 |
7460354 | Barton, T.R. [empty folder] | 3 |
7460355 | Bashour, Fouad A., Dr. | 3 |
7460356 | Batchelor, Charles | 3 |
7460357 | Bates, Pauline Virginia | 3 |
7460358 | Baum, Pat Davenport | 3 |
7460359 | Baxter, Charles R., Dr. | 3 |
7460360 | Beaty, B. L. | 3 |
7460361 | Beck, E.R. | 3 |
7460362 | Beers, Ira J. | 3 |
7460363 | Bellocchio, Frank | 3 |
7460364 | Belmont, Alan H. | 3 |
7460365 | Benavides, Domingo | 3 |
7460366 | Benton, Nelson | 3 |
7460367 | Bieberdorf, Frederick | 4 |
7460368 | Biggio, William S. | 4 |
7460369 | Blalock, Vance | 4 |
7460370 | Deposition Mary E. Bledsoe, Julia Postal, George Jefferson Applin, Jr., William Arthur Smith | 4 |
7460371 | Bledsoe, Mary E. | 4 |
7460372 | Bogard, Albert G. | 4 |
7460373 | Bookhout, James W. | 4 |
7460374 | Boone, Eugene S. Deputy Sheriff | 4 |
7460375 | Boswell, J. Thornton Cdr | 4 |
7460376 | Botelho, James Anthony | 4 |
7460377 | Bouck, Robert | 4 |
7460378 | Boudreaux, Edward, Mrs. (Anne) | 4 |
7460379 | Bouhe, George | 4 |
7460380 | Bowers, Lee E. | 4 |
7460381 | Bowron, Diana | 4 |
7460382 | Boyd, E.L. | 4 |
7460383 | Branch, John H. | 4 |
7460384 | Brennan, Howard L. | 4 |
7460385 | Brewer, E.D. Deposition see Haygood, Clyde Deposition | 4 |
7460386 | Brewer, Johnny C. | 4 |
7460387 | Bringuier, Carlos Jose | 4 |
7460388 | Brock, Alvin R. | 5 |
7460389 | Brock, ,Mary | 5 |
7460390 | Brock, Robert | 5 |
7460391 | Brooks, Donald E. | 5 |
7460392 | Brown, C.W. | 5 |
7460393 | Brown, E.V. | 5 |
7460394 | Burcham, John W. | 5 |
7460395 | Burleson, Phil | 5 |
7460396 | Burns, Doris | 5 |
7460397 | Burton, T.R. | 5 |
7460398 | Cabell, Earle, Mr. Mrs. | 5 |
7460399 | Cadigan, James | 5 |
7460400 | Call, Richard Dennis | 5 |
7460401 | Callaway, Ted | 5 |
7460402 | Camarata, Donald Peter | 5 |
7460403 | Campbell, Vernon C. | 5 |
7460404 | Carlin, Bruce Ray | 5 |
7460405 | Carlin, Karen Bennett | 5 |
7460406 | Carrico, Charles J. Dr. | 5 |
7460407 | Carro, John | 5 |
7460408 | Carroll, Bob K. | 5 |
7460409 | Carter, Clifton C. | 5 |
7460410 | Cason, Frances | 5 |
7460411 | Cason, Jack C. | 5 |
7460412 | Caster, Warren | 5 |
7460413 | Chabot, George T. | 6 |
7460414 | Chayes, Abram | 6 |
7460415 | Cheek, Bertha | 6 |
7460416 | Church, Mr. and Mrs. George B. | 6 |
7460417 | Clardy, B.S. | 6 |
7460418 | Clark, Max E., Mr. and Mrs. | 6 |
7460419 | Clark, Richard L. | 6 |
7460420 | Clark, William Kemp Dr. | 6 |
7460421 | Clements, Manning C. | 6 |
7460422 | Click, Darryl | 6 |
7460423 | Cole, Alwyn (empty 4/21/65 - RLJ) | 6 |
7460424 | Combest, Billy H. | 6 |
7460425 | Connally, John B. | 6 |
7460426 | Connally, John B- 1-Shooting | 6 |
7460427 | Connally, John B. 2-Injuries - wounds | 6 |
7460428 | Connally, John B. 3-Treatment at Parkland Hospital | 6 |
7460429 | Connally, John B. 4- Interviews | 6 |
7460430 | Connally, John B., Mrs. | 6 |
7460431 | Connor, Peter Francis | 6 |
7460432 | Conway, Hiram L. | 6 |
7460433 | Conway, Hiram P., Mr. and Mrs. | 6 |
7460434 | Cornwall, F. I. | 6 |
7460435 | Corporon, John | 6 |
7460436 | Couch, Malcolm O. | 6 |
7460437 | Cox, Roland A. | 6 |
7460438 | Craddock, Gladys | 6 |
7460439 | Crafard, Curtis Laverne | 7 |
7460440 | Craig, Roger | 7 |
7460441 | Craig, Walter E. | 7 |
7460442 | Crawford, James N. | 7 |
7460443 | Creel, Robert J. | 7 |
7460444 | Crenshaw, Dr. Charles | 7 |
7460445 | Crowe, William D. | 7 |
7460446 | Crowley, James D. | 8 |
7460447 | Croy, Kenneth H. | 8 |
7460448 | Crull, Elgin | 8 |
7460449 | Cunningham, Cortlandt | 8 |
7460450 | Cunningham, Helen | 8 |
7460451 | Curry, Jesse E. | 8 |
7460452 | Curtis, Don T. Dr. | 8 |
7460453 | Cutchshaw, Wilbur Jay | 8 |
7460454 | Daniels, John L. | 9 |
7460455 | Daniels, N.J. | 9 |
7460456 | Davis, Barbara Jeannette | 9 |
7460457 | Davis, Fred or Floyd Mr. | 9 |
7460458 | Davis, Fred or Floyd Mrs. | 9 |
7460459 | Davis, Monroe | 9 |
7460460 | Davis, Virginia Louise | 9 |
7460461 | Davis, Virginia Ruth | 9 |
7460462 | Day, J.Carl Lt. | 9 |
7460463 | Dean, Patrick T. | 9 |
7460464 | Decker, J. E. "Bill" | 9 |
7460465 | Delgado, Nelson | 9 |
7460466 | DeMohrenschildt, George, Nov- 1963 - Jan- 1964 | 10 |
7460467 | DeMohrenschildt, George, March 4, 1964 | 10 |
7460468 | DeMohrenschildt, George and Jeanne Feb- 1964 - Mar. 3, 1964 | 10 |
7460469 | DeMohrenschildt, George, Mrs. (Jeanne) | 10 |
7460470 | Dhority, C. N. | 11 |
7460471 | Dietrich, E. C. | 11 |
7460472 | Dillard, Thomas C. | 11 |
7460473 | Dobbs, Farrell | 11 |
7460474 | Farrell Dobbs Affidavit signed & notarized original | 11 |
7460475 | Deposition of Captain George Donabedian - 1. Exhibit #1 - Exhibit was identified by witness, but "introduced" in no further sense | 11 |
7460476 | Donabedian, George - Deposition | 11 |
7460477 | Donovan, John E. | 11 |
7460478 | Dougherty, Jack | 11 |
7460479 | Dowe, Kenneth L. | 11 |
7460480 | Dulany, Richard Brooks - Deposition (see Akin, Dr. Gene C. Deposition) | 11 |
7460481 | Duncan, William G. | 11 |
7460482 | Dymitruk, Lydia | 11 |
7460483 | Eberhardt, A. M. | 11 |
7460484 | Edwards, Robert E. | 11 |
7460485 | Ekdahl, Edwin | 11 |
7460486 | Enochs, Edwin, Mrs. | 11 |
7460487 | Ethier, Margie N. | 11 |
7460488 | Euins, Amos Lee | 11 |
7460489 | Evans, Julian | 11 |
7460490 | Evans, Mrs. Myrtle | 11 |
7460491 | Evans, Sidney | 11 |
7460492 | Fain, John W. | 12 |
7460493 | Fehrenbach, George Wm. | 12 |
7460494 | Feldsott, Louis | 12 |
7460495 | Fenley, Robert | 12 |
7460496 | Finck, Lt. Col. Pierre A. | 12 |
7460497 | Fischer, Ronald B. | 12 |
7460498 | Fisher, N. T. | 12 |
7460499 | Fleming, Harold | 12 |
7460500 | Folsom, Allison G. Deposition | 12 |
7460501 | Ford, Declan Mrs. Katherine | 12 |
7460502 | Ford, Declan P. | 12 |
7460503 | Foster, Bill Lee | 12 |
7460504 | Foster, J.W. | 12 |
7460505 | Frazier, Buell Wesley | 12 |
7460506 | Frazier, Robert A. | 12 |
7460507 | Frazier, W.B. | 12 |
7460508 | Fritz, J.W. | 12 |
7460509 | Fuqua, Harold R. | 12 |
7460510 | Gallagher, John F. | 13 |
7460511 | Gangl, Theodore Frank | 13 |
7460512 | Gangl, Theodore Frank - Affidavit of | 13 |
7460513 | Garner, Jesse J. Affidavit signed & notorized original | 13 |
7460514 | Garner, Jesse James Mr. | 13 |
7460515 | Garner, Jesse James, Mrs. | 13 |
7460516 | Garrett, Richard | 13 |
7460517 | Gauthier,Leo J. | 13 |
7460518 | George, M. Waldo | 13 |
7460519 | Geraci, Philip, III | 13 |
7460520 | Gibson, Mrs. Donald | 13 |
7460521 | Giesecke, A.H. Jr. Dr. | 13 |
7460522 | Givens, Charles | 13 |
7460523 | Glover, Everett | 13 |
7460524 | Goin, Donald | 14 |
7460525 | Goldstein, David | 14 |
7460526 | Goodson, Clyde F. | 14 |
7460527 | Graef, John | 14 |
7460528 | Graf, Allen D. | 14 |
7460529 | Affidavit of Allen D Graf | 14 |
7460530 | Grant, Eva Nov 1963 | 14 |
7460531 | Grant, Eva December 1963 | 14 |
7460532 | Affidavit of Gene Graves | 15 |
7460533 | Graves, L.C. | 15 |
7460534 | Gravitis, Dorothy | 15 |
7460535 | Gray, Virginia | 15 |
7460536 | Mrs. Virginia Gray - Affadavit signed and notorized original | 15 |
7460537 | Green, Howard L., Mrs. | 15 |
7460538 | Greener, Charles W. Deposition (See Smith, Glenn Emmett Deposition) | 15 |
7460539 | Greener, Woody Francis | 15 |
7460540 | Greer, William R. | 15 |
7460541 | Gregory, Charles Dr. | 15 |
7460542 | Gregory, Paul Roderick | 15 |
7460543 | Gregory, Peter P. | 15 |
7460544 | Gregory, Thomas | 15 |
7460545 | Guinyard, Sam | 15 |
7460546 | Hall, C. Ray | 15 |
7460547 | Hall, Elena | 15 |
7460548 | Hall, John R. | 15 |
7460549 | Hall, Marvin E. (Bert) | 15 |
7460550 | Hallmark, Garnett C. | 15 |
7460551 | Hamblen, C.A. | 15 |
7460552 | Hankal, Robert L. | 15 |
7460553 | Hansen, Timothy M. | 15 |
7460554 | Hardin, Michael | 15 |
7460555 | Hargis, Bobby W. | 15 |
7460556 | Harkness, D.V. Deposition (See Haygood, Clyde Deposition) | 15 |
7460557 | Harrison, O.W. | 15 |
7460558 | Harrison, W.J. "Blackie" | 15 |
7460559 | Harrison, W.T. | 15 |
7460560 | Hartogs, Renatus Dr. | 15 |
7460561 | Hawkins, Ray | 16 |
7460562 | Haygood, Clyde A. Deposition | 16 |
7460563 | Heindel, John Rene | 16 |
7460564 | Helmick, Wanda | 16 |
7460565 | Helms, Richard - CIA | 16 |
7460566 | Henchliffe, Margaret | 16 |
7460567 | Hibbs, Warren E. | 16 |
7460568 | Hicks, Johnny | 16 |
7460569 | Hill, Clinton J. | 16 |
7460570 | Hill, Gerald L. | 16 |
7460571 | Hill, Jean | 16 |
7460572 | Hine, Geneva L. | 16 |
7460573 | Hodge, A.D. | 16 |
7460574 | Holland, S.M. | 16 |
7460575 | Holly, H.B. | 16 |
7460576 | Holmes, H.D. | 16 |
7460577 | Hoover, J. Edgar | 16 |
7460578 | Hosty, James P. | 16 |
7460579 | Howard, Tom | 16 |
7460580 | Howell, Charlotte | 16 |
7460581 | Howlett, John Joe | 16 |
7460582 | Hudson, Emmett J. | 16 |
7460583 | Huffaker, Robert S. | 16 |
7460584 | Hulen, R.L. | 16 |
7460585 | Hulse, C.E. | 16 |
7460586 | Humes, J. J. Cdr. | 16 |
7460587 | Hunley, Bobb | 16 |
7460588 | Affidavit of Bobb Hunley | 16 |
7460589 | Hunt, Jackie H. Dr. | 16 |
7460590 | Hunter, Gertrude, J.T. Mrs. | 16 |
7460591 | Hutchinson, Leonard E. | 17 |
7460592 | Hutson, T.A. | 17 |
7460593 | Isaacs, Martin | 17 |
7460594 | Jackson, Phil | 17 |
7460595 | Jackson, Robert H. | 17 |
7460596 | Jackson, Theodore | 17 |
7460597 | James, Virginia | 17 |
7460598 | Jamison,R.F. | 17 |
7460599 | Jarman, James Earl | 17 |
7460600 | Jenkins, M.T., Dr. | 17 |
7460601 | Jenkins, Ronald L. | 17 |
7460602 | Jez, Leonard E. | 17 |
7460603 | Jimison, R.J. - Deposition (See McClelland, Dr. Robert N. - Dep) | 17 |
7460604 | Jimison, R.J. Mr. | 17 |
7460605 | Johnson, Arnold | 17 |
7460606 | Johnson, Arthur C. Mr. | 17 |
7460607 | Johnson, A. C. Mrs. | 17 |
7460608 | Johnson, Joe | 17 |
7460609 | Johnson, Lyndon B. | 17 |
7460610 | Johnson, Lyndon B. Mrs. Lady Bird | 17 |
7460611 | Johnson, Marvin | 17 |
7460612 | Johnson, Priscilla | 18 |
7460613 | Johnson, Speedy | 18 |
7460614 | Johnston, David L. | 18 |
7460615 | Jones, O.A. | 18 |
7460616 | Jones, Raymond | 18 |
7460617 | Jones, Ronald C. Dr. | 18 |
7460618 | Kaiser, Frankie | 18 |
7460619 | Kaminsky, Eileen | 18 |
7460620 | Kantor, Seth | 18 |
7460621 | Kara-Patnitzky, Waldemar Boris | 18 |
7460622 | Kaufman, Ferdinand | 18 |
7460623 | Kaufman, Stanley M. | 18 |
7460624 | Kellerman, Roy H. | 18 |
7460625 | Kelley, Thomas, Inspector - SS [Secret Service] | 18 |
7460626 | Kelly, Edward | 18 |
7460627 | Kemp, George M. | 18 |
7460628 | Kennedy, John F. | 18 |
7460629 | [Kennedy, John F.] 1-Trip to Texas | 19 |
7460630 | [Kennedy, John F.] 2-Motorcade | 19 |
7460631 | [Kennedy, John F.] 3-Shots - Nov 1963 - Dec 1963 | 19 |
7460632 | [Kennedy, John F.] 3-Shots - January 1964 | 19 |
7460633 | [Kennedy, John F.] 4-Assassination | 19 |
7460634 | [Kennedy, John F.] 4-1 Autopsy | 19 |
7460635 | [Kennedy, John F.] 5-Return of Remains to Washington | 19 |
7460636 | Kennedy, John F. Mrs. | 19 |
7460637 | [Kennedy, Mrs. John F.] 1- Actions at Time of Shooting | 19 |
7460638 | [Kennedy, Mrs. John F.] 2-Interviews | 19 |
7460639 | Killion, Charles L., Special Agent | 19 |
7460640 | King, Glen D. | 20 |
7460641 | Klause, Robert G. | 20 |
7460642 | Kleinlerer, Alexander | 20 |
7460643 | Kleinman, Abraham | 20 |
7460644 | Kline, William | 20 |
7460645 | Knight, K.P. Lt. | 20 |
7460646 | Knight, Russell | 20 |
7460647 | Korengold, Robert J. | 20 |
7460648 | Kramer, Monica | 20 |
7460649 | Kravitz, Herbert B. | 20 |
7460650 | Kriss, H. M. | 20 |
7460651 | Krystinik, Frank | 20 |
7460652 | Kuklies, Nancy | 20 |
7460653 | LaCouer, Louis (empty 4/26/65 per RLJ) | 20 |
7460654 | Lane, Doyle | 20 |
7460655 | Lane, Mark | 20 |
7460656 | Lane, Mark - Dec 1963 - Feb 1964 | 20 |
7460657 | Lane, Mark - March 1964 | 20 |
7460658 | Lane, Mark - April 1964 | 20 |
7460659 | Lane, Mark May 1964 | 21 |
7460660 | Lane, Mark-June to July 1964 | 21 |
7460661 | Lane, Mark-August 1964 | 21 |
7460662 | Lane, Mark-September 1964 | 21 |
7460663 | Lane, Mark-Appearance at Aupsala College East Orange, NJ 5/6/64 | 22 |
7460664 | FBI-Conversation between Mark Lane and Helen Markham, 07/17/1964 | 22 |
7460665 | FBI-Mark Lane-Appearance in Oklahoma 5/5/64 | 22 |
7460666 | Mark Lane-Appearance at the University of Texas | 23 |
7460667 | Mark Lane-Appearance at Westfield State College Westfield, MA 5/1/64 | 23 |
7460668 | Mark Lane - News Conference at Ohio State University April 22, 1964 | 23 |
7460669 | Mark Lane - Appearance at Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 4 22 64 | 23 |
7460670 | Mark Lane-Tape#J-2920 | 23 |
7460671 | Mark Lane-Appearance at Ohio Museum of National History Columbia, OH 4/22/64 | 23 |
7460672 | Mark Lane-UPI Press Conference 2/11/64 | 23 |
7460673 | Mark Lane-Press Conference (NBC Coverage) on Lee Harvey Oswald | 23 |
7460674 | Mark Lane-Toledo, OH | 24 |
7460675 | Mark Lane- Appearance at Annie Laws Auditorium 4/21/64 | 24 |
7460676 | Lane, Mark on WDSU Radio News Orleans, LA | 24 |
7460677 | Langley, Kenneth | 25 |
7460678 | Latona, Sebastian | 25 |
7460679 | Lawson, Winston | 25 |
7460680 | Lawrence, Perdue William | 25 |
7460681 | Leavelle, J.R. | 25 |
7460682 | LeBlanc, Charles Joseph | 25 |
7460683 | Lee, Ivan D. | 25 |
7460684 | Lee, Vincent T. | 25 |
7460685 | Lehrer, James | 25 |
7460686 | Leslie, Helen | 25 |
7460687 | Leverich, William | 25 |
7460688 | Lewis, Aubry Lee | 25 |
7460689 | Lewis, Carroll G. | 25 |
7460690 | Lewis, Erwin Donald | 25 |
7460691 | Lewis, L.J. | 25 |
7460692 | Litchfield, W.W. | 25 |
7460693 | Livingston, Clyde I. Mrs. | 25 |
7460694 | Longley,Kenneth | 25 |
7460695 | Lord, Billy Joe | 25 |
7460696 | Lovelady, Billy | 25 |
7460697 | Lowery, Roy Lee | 26 |
7460698 | Lowery, Roy Lee #7 | 26 |
7460699 | Lujan, Daniel | 26 |
7460700 | Lumpkin, G.L. | 26 |
7460701 | Lunday, R.H. | 26 |
7460702 | Lux, J. Philip | 26 |
7460703 | Lyon, K.E. | 26 |
7460704 | McBride, Palmer E. | 26 |
7460705 | McClelland, Robert N. (Dr.) | 26 |
7460706 | McCoy, Ben | 26 |
7460707 | McCullough, John G. | 26 |
7460708 | McCurdy, Danny P. [Daniel Patrick] | 26 |
7460709 | McDonald, M.N. | 26 |
7460710 | McFarland, John and Meryl | 26 |
7460711 | McGee, Homer Lee | 26 |
7460712 | McGrath, Duane J. | 26 |
7460713 | McKenzie, William A. | 26 |
7460714 | McKinney, Robert E. | 26 |
7460715 | McKinzie, Louis | 26 |
7460716 | McMillon, T.D. | 26 |
7460717 | McVickar, John | 26 |
7460718 | McWatters, Cecil J. | 26 |
7460719 | McWillie, Lewis J. | 26 |
7460720 | Mac Cammon, Jim | 26 |
7460721 | Malley, James R. | 26 |
7460722 | Mallory, Katherine | 26 |
7460723 | Mamantov, Ilya A. | 27 |
7460724 | Mandella, Arthur | 27 |
7460725 | Markham, Helen Louise | 27 |
7460726 | Martello, Francis L. | 27 |
7460727 | Martin, F. M. | 27 |
7460728 | Martin, James H. | 27 |
7460729 | Martin, J.D. | 27 |
7460730 | Maxey, B. J. | 27 |
7460731 | Mayo, Mrs. J.H. | 27 |
7460732 | Mayo, L. W. | 27 |
7460733 | Meller, Anna | 27 |
7460734 | Merrell, Barney | 27 |
7460735 | Meyers, Lawrence V. | 27 |
7460736 | Michaelis, Heinz W. | 27 |
7460737 | Miller, Austin L. | 27 |
7460738 | Miller, David | 28 |
7460739 | Miller, L. D. | 28 |
7460740 | Mitchell, Mary Ann | 28 |
7460741 | Molina, Joe R. | 28 |
7460742 | Montgomery, L.D. | 28 |
7460743 | Mooney, Joseph | 28 |
7460744 | Mooney, Luke | 28 |
7460745 | Moore, H. M. | 28 |
7460746 | Moore, Russell Lee | 28 |
7460747 | Mumford, Pamela | 28 |
7460748 | Murphy, Joe | 28 |
7460749 | Murphy, Paul Edward | 28 |
7460750 | Murray, Jr. David Christie | 28 |
7460751 | Murray, J. Jackson | 28 |
7460752 | Murret, Charles F. | 28 |
7460753 | Murret, Dr. Charles W. | 28 |
7460754 | Murret, Eugene John | 28 |
7460755 | Murret, John M. | 28 |
7460756 | Murret, Lillian | 28 |
7460757 | Murret, Marilyn | 28 |
7460758 | Naman, Rita | 28 |
7460759 | Nelson, Doris | 28 |
7460760 | Nelson, Ronald C. | 28 |
7460761 | Nelson, Ruth | 28 |
7460762 | Newman, W. J. | 28 |
7460763 | Newnam, John | 28 |
7460764 | Newton, Johnie F. | 28 |
7460765 | Nichols, Alice Reeves | 29 |
7460766 | Nichols, H. Louis Esq. | 29 |
7460767 | Nicol, Joseph D. | 29 |
7460768 | Norman, Earl | 29 |
7460769 | Norman, Harold | 29 |
7460770 | Norton, Robert L. | 29 |
7460771 | O'Brien, Lawrence F. | 29 |
7460772 | O'Connor, Pat | 29 |
7460773 | Odio, Silvia | 29 |
7460774 | O'Donnell, Kenneth | 29 |
7460775 | Odum, Bardwell D. | 29 |
7460776 | Ofstein, Dennis H. | 29 |
7460777 | Olds, Greg | 29 |
7460778 | Oliver, Revilo Pendleton | 29 |
7460779 | Olsen, Kay (Mrs. Harry) | 29 |
7460780 | Olsen, Harry | 29 |
7460781 | Osbourne, Mack | 29 |
7460782 | O'Sullivan, Frederick | 29 |
7460783 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period | 30 |
7460784 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 1-Affliations | 30 |
7460785 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 2-Description and Indentifications | 30 |
7460786 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 3-Education Nov 1963-Dec- 1963 | 30 |
7460787 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 3-Education Jan-1964 | 30 |
7460788 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 4-Employment-Unemployment | 30 |
7460789 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 5-Finances | 30 |
7460790 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 5-1-Income Tax | 30 |
7460792 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 6- Military Service, Nov-Dec 1963 | 31 |
7460793 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 6- Military Service, January 1964- | 31 |
7460794 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 6-1, Undesirable Discharge | 31 |
7460795 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 6-2 Court Martial | 31 |
7460796 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 7 Psychiatric Examinations | 31 |
7460797 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 8 Associates and Relatives, Nov 1963 | 31 |
7460798 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 8 Associates and Relatives, Dec 1963- | 31 |
7460799 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 9 Residences | 31 |
7460800 | Key Persons- Oswald: Russian Period | 32 |
7460801 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 1962- Nov 1963, folder 1 | 32 |
7460802 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 1962- Nov 1963, folder 2 | 32 |
7460803 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - Dec 1963- April 1964 | 32 |
7460804 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - May 1964- | 32 |
7460805 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 1 Preparation for Trip (1959) | 33 |
7460806 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 2 Arrival in Russia | 33 |
7460807 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 3 Chronology of Activities | 33 |
7460808 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 4 Employment | 33 |
7460809 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 5 Correspondence | 33 |
7460810 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 6 Marriage | 33 |
7460811 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 7 Return to US (1962) | 33 |
7460812 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 7-1 Preparation | 33 |
7460813 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 7-2 Repatriation Loan | 34 |
7460814 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 7-3 FBI Interviews | 34 |
7460815 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 8 Defection to Russia | 34 |
7460816 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 9 Finances | 34 |
7460817 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period 10 Suicide Attempt | 34 |
7460818 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - November 1963 | 35 |
7460819 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - December 1963 | 35 |
7460820 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - January 1964 | 35 |
7460821 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 1 Residences, November 1963 | 35 |
7460822 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 1 Residences, December 1963 - January 1964, folder 1 | 35 |
7460823 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 1 Residences, December 1963 - January 1964, folder 2 | 35 |
7460824 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 1 Residences, Feb 1964 | 35 |
7460825 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2 Political Activities , Nov 1963- Jan 1964 | 36 |
7460826 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2 February 1964- April 1964 | 36 |
7460827 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2 Political Activities May 1964 | 36 |
7460828 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-1 Communist Party | 36 |
7460829 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-2 Young Communist League [empty] | 37 |
7460830 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-3 Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Nov 1963, folder 1 | 37 |
7460831 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-3 Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Nov 1963, folder 2 | 37 |
7460832 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-3 Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Dec 1, 1963- Dec 4, 1963 | 37 |
7460833 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-3 Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Dec 5, 1963- Dec 31, 1963 | 37 |
7460834 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-3 Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Jan 1964- | 37 |
7460835 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-4 Socialist Workers Party | 37 |
7460836 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3 Travel - November 1963 - December 1963 | 37 |
7460837 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3 Travel, Jan 1964- | 37 |
7460838 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Travel, Entry 9 | 37 |
7460839 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, Nov 1963 | 38 |
7460840 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, Dec 1963 | 38 |
7460841 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, Jan 1964 | 38 |
7460842 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico Feb 1- March 5, 1964 | 38 |
7460843 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, March 6-31, 1964 | 38 |
7460844 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, April 1-21, 1964 | 38 |
7460845 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, April 22-30, 1964 | 38 |
7460846 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, May 1964 | 39 |
7460847 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, June 1964, folder 1 | 39 |
7460848 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, June 1964, folder 2 | 39 |
7460849 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-2 Proposed Russian Trip (1963) | 39 |
7460850 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 4 Aliases | 39 |
7460851 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Employment Dec 1963 | 40 |
7460852 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Employment Jan 1964- | 40 |
7460853 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Jaggers, Chiles, Stovall, Inc. (1 of 4) | 40 |
7460854 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Jaggers, Chiles, Stovall, Inc. (2 of 4) | 40 |
7460855 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Jaggers, Chiles, Stovall, Inc. (3 of 4) | 40 |
7460856 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Jaggers, Chiles, Stovall, Inc. (4 of 4) | 40 |
7460857 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Unemployment Compensation (empty 9-23-92) | 41 |
7460858 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Texas School Book Depository, Dallas | 41 |
7460859 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Leslie Welding Company | 41 |
7460860 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 William B. Reilly and Company | 41 |
7460861 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 6 Finances Nov 1963 | 41 |
7460862 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 6 Finances Dec 1963- March 1964 | 41 |
7460863 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 6 Finances April 1964 | 41 |
7460864 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 7 Associates and Relatives Dec 1963 | 41 |
7460865 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 7 Associates and Relatives Jan 1964 - Feb 1964 | 41 |
7460866 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 7 Associates and Relatives March 1964 - April 1964 | 41 |
7460867 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 7 Associates and Relatives May 1964 | 41 |
7460868 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 8 Description and Identification - Nov 1963 | 42 |
7460869 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 8 Description and Identification - December 1963 | 42 |
7460870 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Murder by Ruby - 1 Transfer to County Jail - Nov 1963 | 43 |
7460871 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Murder by Ruby - 1 - Dec 1963 | 43 |
7460872 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Murder by Ruby - 2 Murder | 43 |
7460873 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Murder by Ruby - 3 Remains | 43 |
7460874 | Oswald, Lee Harvey - Murder by Ruby - 3-1 Autopsy | 43 |
7460875 | Oswald, Marguerite - November 1963 | 44 |
7460876 | Oswald, Marguerite - Dec 1 - Dec 9, 1963 | 44 |
7460877 | Oswald, Marguerite - Dec 10, 1963 - Jan 31, 1964 | 44 |
7460878 | Oswald, Marguerite - Feb 1964 | 44 |
7460879 | Oswald, Marguerite - March 1964 | 44 |
7460880 | Oswald, Marguerite - e-9- oswald marguerite - "At Random" radio program - 3/21/64 | 44 |
7460881 | Oswald, Marguerite - April 1964 | 44 |
7460882 | Oswald, Marguerite - May 1964 | 44 |
7460883 | Oswald, Marguerite Box 44B Entry 9 | 44 |
7460884 | Oswald, Marguerite - Appearence in Chicago | 44 |
7460885 | Oswald, Marguerite - Exhibits | 44 |
7460886 | Oswald, Marina - Nov 1963 - Jan 1964 | 45 |
7460887 | Oswald, Marina - Feb 1964 - August 1964 | 45 |
7460888 | Oswald, Marina - Sept 1964 | 45 |
7460889 | [Oswald, Marina ] RG 272 E9 179-40004-10283 | 45 |
7460890 | Oswald, Marina - Joint Deposition with Mrs. Whitworth and Mrs Hunter 163 | 45 |
7460891 | [Oswald, Marina] 1 Background - Nov 1963 | 46 |
7460892 | [Oswald, Marina] 1 Background - Dec 1963 | 46 |
7460893 | [Oswald, Marina] 1-2 Biography | 46 |
7460894 | [Oswald, Marina] 2 Statements - Interviews - Nov- 1963 - Jan- 1964 | 46 |
7460895 | [Oswald, Marina] 2 Statements - Interviews - Feb 1, 1964 | 46 |
7460896 | [Oswald, Marina] 2 Statements - Interviews - Feb 2, 1964 | 47 |
7460897 | [Oswald, Marina] 3 Testimony | 47 |
7460898 | [Oswald, Marina] 3 Testimony before Commission | 47 |
7460900 | [Oswald, Marina] 3 Testimony before Commission - Transcript of hearing | 47 |
7460901 | [Oswald, Marina] 3 Testimony on Sept 5, 1964 | 47 |
7460902 | [Oswald, Marina] 4 Entry into United States | 47 |
7460903 | [Oswald, Marina] 5 Russian Speaking Associates in Fort Worth and Dallas - Nov- 1963 | 47 |
7460904 | [Oswald, Marina] 5 Russian Speaking Associates in Fort Worth and Dallas - Dec- 1963 | 47 |
7460905 | [Oswald, Marina] 6 Activities after Assassination - Nov 63 - Jan 1964 | 48 |
7460906 | [Oswald, Marina] 6 Activities after Assassination - Feb 1964 | 48 |
7460907 | [Oswald, Marina] 7 entry 9 | 48 |
7460908 | [Oswald, Marina] 7 Relationship with James Martin- Nov 1963 - Feb 29, 1964 | 48 |
7460909 | [Oswald, Marina] 7 Relationship with James Martin Feb 21,1964 | 48 |
7460910 | [Oswald, Marina] 8 Protoective Custody of Sec. Service | 48 |
7460911 | [Oswald, Marina] 9 Plan to Return to Russia 1963 | 48 |
7460912 | [Oswald, Marina] 10 Associates and Relatives | 48 |
7460913 | Oswald, Robert Nov 63 - Dec 63 | 49 |
7460914 | Oswald, Robert Statements | 49 |
7460915 | Oswald, Robert Jan 64 | 49 |
7460916 | Oswald, Robert 1-Testimony | 49 |
7460917 | Owens, Calvin Bud-Depositions | 49 |
7460918 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-Paine, Ruth Hyde - Nov 63 - Dec 63 | 49 |
7460919 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-Paine, Ruth Hyde - Nov 63 - Jan 64 | 49 |
7460920 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-Paine, Ruth Hyde - Jan 64 | 49 |
7460921 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-Paine, Ruth Hyde - Feb 64 | 49 |
7460922 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-1 Background | 50 |
7460923 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] Paines Entry 9 | 50 |
7460924 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-1-1 Associates and Relatives - Nov 63 - Jan 64 | 50 |
7460925 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-1-1 Associates and Relatives - Feb 64 | 50 |
7460926 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-1-2 Affiliations | 50 |
7460927 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-2 Interviews | 50 |
7460928 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Affidavits of Ruth Hyde Paine 1-3 [empty folder] | 50 |
7460929 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Paine, Ruth Exhibits - Originals | 50 |
7460930 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Paine, Ruth Hyde Depositions - 03/21/1964 | 50 |
7460931 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Paine, Ruth Hyde Depositions - 03/23/1964 | 50 |
7460932 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Paine, Michael depositions | 50 |
7460933 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Paines Testimony | 50 |
7460934 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Paine, Ruth Hyde Depositions - from 156 | 51 |
7460935 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-Michael Paine | 51 |
7460936 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-1 Background | 51 |
7460937 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-1-1 Associates and Relatives | 51 |
7460938 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-1-1 Associates and Relatives - cd - 610-626 | 51 |
7460939 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-1-1 Associates and Relatives - November 1963 | 51 |
7460940 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-1-1 Associates and Relatives - December 1963 | 51 |
7460941 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-1-2 Paines - Affiliations | 51 |
7460942 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-2 Interviews | 51 |
7460943 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-3 Testimony | 51 |
7460944 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-3 Paine, Michael Deposition, 03/17/1964 | 51 |
7460945 | [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-3 Paine, Michael, Deposition from 156 | 51 |
7460946 | Palmer, Thomas Stewart | 51 |
7460947 | Pappas, Icarus M. | 51 |
7460948 | Patterson, B.M. | 52 |
7460949 | Patterson, Bobby G. | 52 |
7460950 | Patterson, Robert Carl | 52 |
7460951 | Paul, Ralph - November 1963 | 52 |
7460952 | Paul, Ralph - December 1963 (1 of 2) | 52 |
7460953 | Paul, Ralph - December 1963 (2 of 2) | 52 |
7460954 | Paul, Ralph - Deposition - 4-15-64 | 52 |
7460955 | Pena, Orest | 52 |
7460956 | Pena, Orest - Deposition - Original from 140 | 52 |
7460957 | Penna, Ruperto | 52 |
7460958 | Penna, Ruperto - Deposition - Original from 140 | 52 |
7460959 | Perrin, Nancy | 52 |
7460960 | Perry, Malcolm O., Dr. | 52 |
7460961 | Perry, Dr- Malcom Oliver- Deposition | 52 |
7460962 | Peterman, Mildred | 53 |
7460963 | Peterman, Viola | 53 |
7460964 | Peters, Paul, Dr. | 53 |
7460965 | Peters, Paul C. - Deposition [empty] | 53 |
7460966 | Peterson, Joseph Alexander | 53 |
7460967 | Phenix, George R. | 53 |
7460968 | Pic, John Edward - Deposition - 05/15/1964 | 53 |
7460969 | Pic, Edward John, Jr. | 53 |
7460970 | Pic, John Edward | 53 |
7460971 | Pierce, Edward Eugene | 53 |
7460972 | Pierce, Rio Sam | 53 |
7460973 | Pierce, Rio Sam - Deposition | 53 |
7460974 | Pike, Roy William | 53 |
7460975 | Pinkston, Nat A. | 53 |
7460976 | Piper, Eddie | 53 |
7460977 | Pitts, Elnora | 53 |
7460978 | Pizzo, Frank | 53 |
7460979 | Pizzo, Frank - Deposition from #36 | 53 |
7460980 | Poe, J.M. | 54 |
7460981 | Postal, Julia | 54 |
7460982 | Postal, Julia - see Bledsoe, Mary [empty] | 54 |
7460983 | Potts, Walter E. | 54 |
7460984 | Nancy M. Powell (see also Tammi True) | 54 |
7460985 | Powell, Nancy Deposition 7-25-64 | 54 |
7460986 | Powers, Daniel Patrick | 54 |
7460987 | Powers, Daniel Patrick - May 1, 1964 Deposition | 54 |
7460988 | Powers, David | 54 |
7460989 | Price, Charles Jack | 54 |
7460990 | Price, Charles Jack - Deposition - (See AKIN, Dr. Gene C. - Deposition) [empty] | 54 |
7460991 | Price, Malcom Howard | 54 |
7460992 | Priddy, Hal, Jr. | 54 |
7460993 | Pryor, Roy Auburn | 54 |
7460994 | Pugh, Oran | 54 |
7460995 | Pullman, Edward J. | 54 |
7460996 | Putnam, James A. | 54 |
7460997 | Putnam, James A. - Deposition | 54 |
7460998 | Quigley, John | 54 |
7460999 | Rachal, John Russell | 54 |
7461000 | Rackley, George W., Sr. | 54 |
7461001 | Rackely, Virgie | 54 |
7461002 | Raigorodsky, Paul M. | 54 |
7461003 | Ramsey, James K. | 54 |
7461004 | Randle, Linnie Mae | 54 |
7461005 | Randle, Linnie Mae - 1 Testimony [empty 3/28/78] | 54 |
7461006 | Ray, Anna | 55 |
7461007 | Ray, Frank Henry | 55 |
7461008 | Ray, Frank Henry | 55 |
7461009 | Ray, Thomas M. | 55 |
7461010 | Ray, (Natalie) Thomas M., Mrs. (Dep.) - see Meller, Anna N. (Deposition) | 55 |
7461011 | Ray, Thomas M., Mrs. | 55 |
7461012 | Ray, Thomas - 1 Testimony | 55 |
7461013 | Ray Thomas M, Mrs- see Meller, Anna N. | 55 |
7461014 | Ray, Valentina Frank H. Mrs- see Meller, Anna N. - Deposition | 55 |
7461015 | Rea, Billy Andrew | 55 |
7461016 | Rea, Billy A. Dallas | 55 |
7461017 | Reeves, Huey Moses | 55 |
7461018 | Reeves, Huey Deposition | 55 |
7461019 | Reid, R.A., Mrs. | 55 |
7461020 | Reid, R. A. - 1 Testimony | 55 |
7461021 | Reilly, Frank E. | 55 |
7461022 | Reilly, Frank E- Depositions | 55 |
7461023 | Revill, Jack | 55 |
7461024 | Reynolds, H. Baron | 55 |
7461025 | Reynolds, Warren Allen | 55 |
7461026 | Rheinstein, Frederick | 55 |
7461027 | Rich, Nancy Perrin | 55 |
7461028 | Rich, Nancy Perrin - Deposition | 55 |
7461029 | Richey, Harold, Mrs. (Marjorie R.) | 55 |
7461030 | Richey, Warren E. | 55 |
7461031 | Riggs, Alfreadia | 55 |
7461032 | Riggs, Chester Allen Jr. | 55 |
7461033 | Roberts, Cliff | 55 |
7461034 | Roberts, Earlene | 56 |
7461035 | Roberts, Earlene - 1 Testimony | 56 |
7461036 | Robertson, Mary Jane | 56 |
7461037 | Robertson, Mary Jane, Mrs- - Deposition, see Glen D. King | 56 |
7461038 | Robertson, Victor F. | 56 |
7461039 | Robinson, Marvin C. | 56 |
7461040 | Rockley, George W. | 56 |
7461041 | Rodriguez, Evaristo | 56 |
7461042 | Rodriguez, Evaristo - Deposition | 56 |
7461043 | Rogers, Eric | 56 |
7461044 | Rogers, Eric - Deposition | 56 |
7461045 | Romack, James E. | 56 |
7461046 | Rose, Guy F. | 56 |
7461047 | Ross, Henrietta | 56 |
7461048 | Ross, Mrs. Henrietta M. Q. - Deposition - see Glen D. King | 56 |
7461049 | Rossi, Joseph P. | 56 |
7461051 | Roussel, Henry Joseph Jr- | 56 |
7461052 | Rowland, Arnold Louis | 56 |
7461053 | Rowland, Arnold Louis - 1 Testimony | 56 |
7461054 | Rowland, Barbara | 56 |
7461055 | Rowley, James J. | 56 |
7461056 | Rubenstein, Hyman | 56 |
7461057 | Ruby, Earl | 56 |
7461058 | Ruby, Earl - Nov-63 - Dec-63 | 56 |
7461059 | Ruby, Earl - Jan 1964 | 56 |
7461060 | Ruby, Jack | 57 |
7461061 | [Ruby, Jack] 1-Activities , Nov- 1963 - Dec- 1963 | 57 |
7461062 | [Ruby, Jack] 1-Activities - January 1964 | 57 |
7461063 | [Ruby, Jack] 1-1 Reaction to Assassination | 58 |
7461064 | [Ruby, Jack] 1-2 Presence at Police Station | 58 |
7461065 | [Ruby, Jack] 1-3 Entrance to Basement of Police Station | 58 |
7461066 | [Ruby, Jack] 1-4-1 | 58 |
7461067 | [Ruby, Jack] 2- Background - Nov- 22-29, 1963 | 58 |
7461068 | [Ruby, Jack] 2- Background - Nov- 30, 1963 | 58 |
7461069 | [Ruby, Jack] 2- Background - December 1963 | 58 |
7461070 | [Ruby, Jack] 2- Background - January 1964 | 58 |
7461071 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-1 Affiliations | 59 |
7461072 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-1-1 Labor Union Activities | 59 |
7461073 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-1-2 Racketeering and Subversive Activities | 59 |
7461074 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Nov. 24-25 1963 | 60 |
7461075 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Nov. 26-27 1963 | 60 |
7461076 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Nov. 28-29 1963 | 60 |
7461077 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Nov. 30 1963 | 60 |
7461078 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 1963 | 60 |
7461079 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 6, 1963 | 60 |
7461080 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 7-13, 1963 | 60 |
7461081 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 14, 1963 | 60 |
7461082 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 15-16, 1963 | 61 |
7461083 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 18, 1963 | 61 |
7461084 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 19, 1963 | 61 |
7461085 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 20, 1963 | 61 |
7461086 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 21-31, 1963 | 61 |
7461087 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - January 1964 | 61 |
7461088 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Feb. 1964 - May 1964 | 61 |
7461089 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - June 1964 | 61 |
7461090 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - July 1964 | 61 |
7461091 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - cd 355 57 | 61 |
7461092 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - cd 355 l-r | 61 |
7461093 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - cd 355 l-r 3 of 4 | 61 |
7461094 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-3 Association with Oswald - Nov- 1963 - Dec- 1963 | 62 |
7461095 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-3 Association with Oswald - January 1964 | 62 |
7461096 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-4 Business and Financial Interests - Nov- 1963 - Dec- 1963 | 63 |
7461097 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-4 Business and Financial Interests - January 1964 | 63 |
7461098 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-4-1 Income Tax | 63 |
7461099 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-5 Familiarity with the Police | 63 |
7461100 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-6 Medical and Personal History | 63 |
7461101 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-7 Miltary Service | 63 |
7461102 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-8 Police Record | 63 |
7461103 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-9 Political Activities | 63 |
7461104 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-10 Travel | 64 |
7461105 | [Ruby, Jack] 2-10-1 Outside U.S. | 64 |
7461106 | [Ruby, Jack] 3 Address Book - Nov- 1963 - May 1964 | 64 |
7461107 | [Ruby, Jack] 3 Address Book - June 1964 | 64 |
7461108 | [Ruby, Jack] 4 Mail and Telegrams | 64 |
7461109 | [Ruby, Jack] 5 Personal Property - Nov-63 - May 64 | 64 |
7461110 | [Ruby, Jack] 5 Personal Property - June 1964 | 64 |
7461111 | [Ruby, Jack] 6 Telephone Calls | 64 |
7461112 | [Ruby, Jack] 7 Revolver | 64 |
7461113 | [Ruby, Jack] 8 Motive | 65 |
7461114 | [Ruby, Jack] 9-Witnesses Interviewed | 65 |
7461116 | [Ruby, Jack] 10 Arrest and Interrogation | 65 |
7461117 | [Ruby, Jack] 11 Trial (1 of 2) | 65 |
7461118 | [Ruby, Jack] 11 Trial (2 of 2) | 65 |
7461119 | [Ruby, Jack] 11 Trial - Statement of Facts January 20-21, 1964 (1 of 2) | 65 |
7461120 | [Ruby, Jack] 11 Trial - Statement of Facts January 20-21, 1964 (2 of 2) | 65 |
7461121 | [Ruby, Jack] 11-1 Attorneys - Entry 9 - Melvin Belli | 65 |
7461122 | [Ruby, Jack] 12 Conviction and Subsequent Events (1 of 3) | 66 |
7461123 | [Ruby, Jack] 12 Conviction and Subsequent Events (2 of 3) | 66 |
7461124 | [Ruby, Jack] 12 Conviction and Subsequent Events (3 of 3) | 66 |
7461125 | [Ruby, Jack] 13 Attorneys | 66 |
7461126 | Ruby, Samuel David | 67 |
7461127 | Rusk, Dean | 67 |
7461128 | Russell, Harold | 67 |
7461129 | Ryder, Dial Duwayne | 67 |
7461130 | Ryder, Dial Duwayne - 1 testimony | 67 |
7461131 | Ryder, Dial Duwayne - Deposition, 07/23/1964 from 156 | 67 |
7461132 | Ryder, Dial Duwayne - Deposition - see Smith Glen Emmett Deposition | 67 |
7461133 | Salyer, Kenneth Everett | 67 |
7461134 | Salyer, Dr- Kenneth Everett Deposition, see Akin Dr. Gene C Deposition | 67 |
7461135 | Sanders, H. Barefoot | 67 |
7461136 | Saunders, Richard L. | 67 |
7461137 | Saunders, Richard L. - Deposition - Dallas June 26, 1964 | 67 |
7461138 | Saunders, Richard L. - Testimony, 06/26/1964 | 67 |
7461139 | Sawyer, Mildred, Mrs. | 67 |
7461140 | Schmidt, Hunter Jr. | 67 |
7461141 | Schmidt, Hunter J, Jr. - Deposition also Ryder from 156 | 67 |
7461142 | Schmidt, Volkmar | 67 |
7461143 | Schmidt, Volkmar [1-Testimony] | 67 |
7461144 | Scibor, Mitchell | 67 |
7461145 | Scoggins, William W. | 67 |
7461146 | Seldin, Dr. Don W. | 67 |
7461147 | Semingsen, W.W. | 67 |
7461148 | Senator, George | 67 |
7461149 | Senator, George - deposition 4/21/64 (1 of 2) | 68 |
7461150 | Senator, George - deposition 4/21/64 (2 of 2) | 68 |
7461151 | Servance, John | 68 |
7461152 | Shaneyfelt Lyndal L. | 68 |
7461153 | Shasteen, Clifton M. | 68 |
7461154 | Shasteen, Clifton M. . Deposition from 56 | 68 |
7461155 | Shaw, Robert (Dr.) | 68 |
7461156 | Shelley, William H. | 68 |
7461157 | Shields, Edward | 68 |
7461158 | Shires, George Thomas, Dr. | 68 |
7461159 | Shires, George Thomas, Dr. - Deposition | 68 |
7461160 | Siegel, Evelyn Grace, Mrs. | 68 |
7461161 | Simmons, Ronald | 68 |
7461162 | Sims, Richard M. | 68 |
7461163 | Skelton, Royce Glenn | 68 |
7461164 | Slack, Garland, Mr. and Mrs. | 68 |
7461165 | Slack, Willie B. | 68 |
7461166 | Slaughter, Malcolm R. | 68 |
7461167 | Smart, Vernon S. | 68 |
7461168 | Smart, Vernon - Deposition 3 25 64 | 68 |
7461169 | Smith, Bennierita | 69 |
7461170 | Smith, Bennierita - Deposition - April 7-8, 1964 | 69 |
7461171 | Smith, Edgar Leon, Jr. | 69 |
7461172 | Smith, Edgar Leon, Jr. - Deposition, 07/24/1964 from 163 | 69 |
7461173 | Smith, Glenn Emmett | 69 |
7461174 | Smith, Glenn Emmett - 1 Testimony | 69 |
7461175 | Smith, G.W. | 69 |
7461176 | Smith, Hilda L. | 69 |
7461177 | Smith, Joe Marshall | 69 |
7461178 | Smith, John Allison | 69 |
7461179 | Smith, John W., Mrs. | 69 |
7461180 | Smith, William Arthur - Deposition - see Bledsoe, Mary - Deposition | 69 |
7461181 | Snyder, Richard E. | 69 |
7461182 | Solomon, James Maurice - Testimony 3-26-64 | 69 |
7461183 | Sorrels, Forrest V. | 69 |
7461184 | Sorrels, Forrest V. - Testimony 5-6-64 | 69 |
7461185 | Standifer, Roy E. | 69 |
7461186 | Standridge, Ruth Jeanette | 69 |
7461187 | Standridge, Ruth Jeanette - Deposition - see McClelland, Dr. Robert N. Dep | 69 |
7461188 | Staples, Albert F., Dr. | 69 |
7461189 | Staples, Albert F. - Affidavit Signed Notarized Original Ex | 69 |
7461190 | Statman, Irving | 69 |
7461191 | Statman, Irving - Deposition 4 1 64 from 56 | 69 |
7461192 | Steele, Charles Hall, Jr. | 69 |
7461193 | Steele, Don Francis | 69 |
7461194 | Steele, Don Frances - Deposition - see McKinzie Louis Deposition | 69 |
7461195 | Steele, Don Frances - Testimony 3/25/64 | 69 |
7461196 | Stevenson, M.W. | 69 |
7461197 | Stombaugh, Paul | 69 |
7461198 | Stovall, Robert L. | 70 |
7461199 | Stovall, Richard S. | 70 |
7461200 | Stringfellow, L.D. | 70 |
7461201 | Strong, Jesse E. | 70 |
7461202 | Stuckey, William Kirk | 70 |
7461203 | Studebaker, Robert Lee | 70 |
7461204 | Surrey, Robert A. | 70 |
7461205 | Tague, James Thomas | 70 |
7461206 | Talbert, Cecil E. | 70 |
7461207 | Tasker, Harry T. | 70 |
7461208 | Taylor, Gary E. | 70 |
7461209 | Taylor, Gary E. - 1 Testimony | 70 |
7461210 | Taylor, Robert Adrian | 70 |
7461211 | Taylor, Robert - 1 | 70 |
7461212 | Thompson, Llewellyn E. | 70 |
7461213 | Thorne, John M. | 71 |
7461214 | Thorne, John M. - 1 Testimony | 71 |
7461215 | Thornley, Kerry Wendell | 71 |
7461216 | Tice, Wilma May | 71 |
7461217 | Tippit, J.D. | 71 |
7461218 | [Tippit, J.D.] 1- Shooting | 71 |
7461219 | [Tippit, J.D.] 2-Witnesses | 71 |
7461220 | [Tippit, J.D.] 3-Autopsy | 71 |
7461221 | Tobias, M.F. [W.F.] - 1. Testimony | 71 |
7461222 | Tobias, M.F., Mr. and Mrs. [W.F] | 71 |
7461223 | Tomlinson, Darrel C. | 71 |
7461224 | Tomlinson, Darrel C. - deposition see Wester Jane C Deposition | 71 |
7461225 | James J. Tormey | 71 |
7461226 | True, Tammi - see also Nancy M Powell | 71 |
7461227 | Truly, Roy S | 72 |
7461228 | Truly, Roy S - 1 Testimony | 72 |
7461229 | Turner, Fay M. | 72 |
7461230 | Turner, Fay M. - Deposition - see Hutson Thomas Alexander Dep | 72 |
7461231 | Turner, James | 72 |
7461232 | Turner, Jimmy Testimony 3/25/64 | 72 |
7461233 | Twiford, Horace, Mr. and Mrs. | 72 |
7461234 | Underwood, James R. | 72 |
7461235 | Underwood, James Robert - Deposition - see Dillard, Tom C Deposition | 72 |
7461236 | Vargas, Tommy - see Bargas, Tommy | 72 |
7461237 | Vaughn, Roy Eugene | 72 |
7461238 | vaughn Roy Eugene - Testimony 4/17/64 | 72 |
7461239 | Vinson, Phil | 72 |
7461240 | Vinson, Philip Eugene Deposition - see Smith Glenn Emmett Deposition | 72 |
7461241 | Voebel, Edward | 72 |
7461242 | Voshinin, Igor Vladimir | 72 |
7461243 | Voshinin, Igor Mr. - 1 Testimony | 72 |
7461244 | Voshinin, I.V., Mrs. | 72 |
7461245 | Voshinin, Igor Mrs. - 1 Testimony | 72 |
7461246 | Wade, Henry | 72 |
7461247 | Waldman, William J. | 73 |
7461248 | Waldo, George M Affidavit | 73 |
7461249 | Waldo, Thayer | 73 |
7461250 | Walker, Charles T. | 73 |
7461251 | Walker, Charles T. - Deposition - see Hutson Thomas Alexander Dep | 73 |
7461252 | Walker, Edwin A. | 73 |
7461253 | Walker, Ira N., Jr. | 73 |
7461254 | Wall, Breck | 73 |
7461255 | Walthers, E.R. Buddy | 73 |
7461256 | Walthers, Eddy Raymond - Deposition 07/23/1964 from 156 | 73 |
7461257 | Watherwax, Arthur | 73 |
7461258 | Watherwax, Arthur William - 06/26/1964 | 73 |
7461259 | Watson, James C. | 73 |
7461260 | Watson, James C. - 03/26/1964 | 73 |
7461261 | Weinstock, Louis | 73 |
7461262 | Weinstock, Louis - Affidavit | 73 |
7461263 | Weissman, Bernard | 73 |
7461264 | Weitzman, Seymour | 73 |
7461265 | Weitzman, Seymour - Deposition - see Dillard Tom C Deposition 1 | 73 |
7461266 | West, Troy Eugene | 73 |
7461267 | Westbrook, W.R. | 73 |
7461268 | Wester, Jane Carolyn | 74 |
7461269 | Wester, Jane Carolyn Deposition | 74 |
7461270 | Whaley, William Wayne | 74 |
7461271 | Whaley, William Wayne - 1 Testimony | 74 |
7461272 | White, James C. | 74 |
7461273 | White, Martin G., Dr. - Deposition - see Akin, Dr- Gene C- Deposition | 74 |
7461274 | Whitworth, Edith, Mrs. | 74 |
7461275 | Whitworth, Edith, Mrs- - 07/22/1964 | 74 |
7461276 | Whitworth, Edith - joint deposition with Marina Oswald Mrss Hunter, 07/24/1964 | 74 |
7461277 | Wiggins, Woodrow | 74 |
7461278 | Wilcox, Lawrence R. | 74 |
7461279 | Wilcox, Lawrence R. - Deposition - see Semingsen, W.W. | 74 |
7461280 | Williams, Bonnie Ray | 74 |
7461281 | Williams, Bonnie Ray - 1 Testimony | 74 |
7461282 | Willis, Linda Kay | 74 |
7461283 | Willis, Phillip L. | 74 |
7461284 | Wood, Homer, Dr. | 74 |
7461285 | Wood, Homer, Dr. - 1 Testimony | 74 |
7461286 | Wood, Homer, Dr. Deposition - see Smith Glenn Emmett Deposition | 74 |
7461287 | Wood, Sterling Charles | 74 |
7461288 | Wood, Sterling Charles Deposition - see Smith Glenn Emmett Deposition | 74 |
7461289 | Wood, Sterling Charles - 1 Testimony | 74 |
7461290 | Wood, Theresa - see Smith Glenn Emmett Deposition | 74 |
7461291 | Worley, Gano E. | 74 |
7461292 | Worley, Gano E. - 3-26-64 | 74 |
7461293 | Worrell, James Richard, Jr. | 74 |
7461294 | Wort - perhaps an error for Troy Eugene WGSN | 74 |
7461295 | Wright, Norman | 74 |
7461296 | Wulf, William Eugene | 74 |
7461297 | Yarborough, Ralph W., Senator | 74 |
7461298 | Yeargan, Albert C., Jr. | 74 |
7461299 | Youngblood, Rufus W. - 1 Testimony | 74 |
7461300 | Zapruder, Abraham | 74 |
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