JFK Assassination Records

JFK Key Persons

Records Relating to Key Persons, 11/30/1963 - 09/24/1964

This series (National Archives Identifier: 605417) consists of one or more files for each of 589 persons of interest to the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, or unofficially the Warren Commission, including the 552 witnesses who testified before the Commission, gave depositions, or made affidavits, and for other persons who were involved in the investigation to a significant extent. Included are copies of Commission documents; transcripts of testimony, depositions, and affidavits given by the witnesses; memorandums concerning the background of the persons involved, establishing schedules for hearing witnesses; covering letters transmitting depositions; 33 sound recordings relating to the activities of Mark Lane (attorney for Marguerite Oswald); and other records. Files also contain reports and memorandum from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Dallas Police Department, and the Secret Service concerning the particular individual.

Among the individuals discussed are John B. Connally, President Kennedy, Mrs. John F. Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, Marina Oswald, and Dallas Police Officer J. D. Tippit. The records relating to Oswald discuss his background in great detail, dividing it into four time periods: the Pre-Russian Period, covering his early life up to 1959; the Russian Period, from his decision to defect to the Soviet Union in 1959 to his return to the United States in 1962; Post-Russian Period, including his political activities, life in New Orleans in the summer of 1963, trip to Mexico City in September of 1963, up to November 22, 1963; and murder by Ruby.

List of All Key Persons Documented in Series

National Archives Identifier with
link to National Archives Catalog Description
Folder Title Box #
7460327 Abt, John 1
7460328 Adamcik, J.P. 1
7460329 Adams, Robert 1
7460330 Adams, Vickie 1
7460331 Akin, Gene Dr. 1
7460332 Alba, Adrian Thomas 1
7460333 Alexander, William F 1
7460334 Allen,  Mrs. J.U. 1
7460335 Altgens, James W 1
7460336 Anderson, Earl Spencer 1
7460337 Andrews, Dean Jr. 1
7460338 Applin, George Jr. 1
7460339 Arce, Daniel 1
7460340 Archer, Don Ray 1
7460341 Armstrong, Andrew 2
7460342 Arnett, Charles Oliver 2
7460343 Aycox, James 2
7460344 Baker, Mrs. Dorothy S. 2
7460345 Baker, Marion L.  (Patrolman) 2
7460346 Baker, T.L. Lieutenant 2
7460347 Ballen, Samuel B. 2
7460348 Barbe, Emmett Charles Jr. 2
7460349 Bargas, Tommy 2
7460350 Barnes, Pete 2
7460351 Barnes, W.E. 2
7460352 Barnett, Eugene 3
7460353 Barnhorst, Colin 3
7460354 Barton, T.R. [empty folder] 3
7460355 Bashour, Fouad A., Dr. 3
7460356 Batchelor, Charles 3
7460357 Bates, Pauline Virginia 3
7460358 Baum, Pat Davenport 3
7460359 Baxter, Charles R., Dr. 3
7460360 Beaty, B. L. 3
7460361 Beck, E.R. 3
7460362 Beers, Ira J. 3
7460363 Bellocchio, Frank 3
7460364 Belmont, Alan H. 3
7460365 Benavides, Domingo 3
7460366 Benton, Nelson 3
7460367 Bieberdorf, Frederick 4
7460368 Biggio, William S. 4
7460369 Blalock, Vance 4
7460370 Deposition Mary E. Bledsoe, Julia Postal, George Jefferson Applin, Jr., William Arthur Smith 4
7460371 Bledsoe, Mary E. 4
7460372 Bogard, Albert G. 4
7460373 Bookhout, James W. 4
7460374 Boone, Eugene S. Deputy Sheriff 4
7460375 Boswell, J. Thornton Cdr 4
7460376 Botelho, James Anthony 4
7460377 Bouck, Robert 4
7460378 Boudreaux, Edward, Mrs. (Anne) 4
7460379 Bouhe, George  4
7460380 Bowers, Lee E.  4
7460381 Bowron, Diana 4
7460382 Boyd, E.L. 4
7460383 Branch, John H. 4
7460384 Brennan, Howard L. 4
7460385 Brewer, E.D. Deposition see Haygood, Clyde Deposition 4
7460386 Brewer, Johnny C. 4
7460387 Bringuier, Carlos Jose 4
7460388 Brock, Alvin R. 5
7460389 Brock, ,Mary 5
7460390 Brock, Robert 5
7460391 Brooks, Donald E. 5
7460392 Brown, C.W. 5
7460393 Brown, E.V. 5
7460394 Burcham, John W. 5
7460395 Burleson, Phil 5
7460396 Burns, Doris 5
7460397 Burton, T.R. 5
7460398 Cabell, Earle, Mr.  Mrs. 5
7460399 Cadigan, James  5
7460400 Call, Richard Dennis 5
7460401 Callaway, Ted 5
7460402 Camarata, Donald Peter 5
7460403 Campbell, Vernon C. 5
7460404 Carlin, Bruce Ray 5
7460405 Carlin, Karen Bennett 5
7460406 Carrico, Charles J. Dr.  5
7460407 Carro, John 5
7460408 Carroll, Bob K. 5
7460409 Carter, Clifton C. 5
7460410 Cason, Frances 5
7460411 Cason, Jack C. 5
7460412 Caster, Warren 5
7460413 Chabot, George T. 6
7460414 Chayes, Abram 6
7460415 Cheek, Bertha  6
7460416 Church, Mr. and Mrs. George B.  6
7460417 Clardy, B.S. 6
7460418 Clark, Max E., Mr. and  Mrs. 6
7460419 Clark, Richard L. 6
7460420 Clark, William Kemp Dr. 6
7460421 Clements, Manning C. 6
7460422 Click, Darryl 6
7460423 Cole, Alwyn (empty 4/21/65 - RLJ) 6
7460424 Combest, Billy H. 6
7460425 Connally, John B. 6
7460426 Connally, John B- 1-Shooting 6
7460427 Connally, John B. 2-Injuries - wounds 6
7460428 Connally, John B. 3-Treatment at Parkland Hospital 6
7460429 Connally, John B. 4- Interviews 6
7460430 Connally, John B., Mrs. 6
7460431 Connor, Peter Francis 6
7460432 Conway, Hiram L. 6
7460433 Conway, Hiram P., Mr. and  Mrs. 6
7460434 Cornwall, F. I. 6
7460435 Corporon, John 6
7460436 Couch, Malcolm O. 6
7460437 Cox, Roland A. 6
7460438 Craddock, Gladys 6
7460439 Crafard, Curtis Laverne 7
7460440 Craig, Roger 7
7460441 Craig, Walter E. 7
7460442 Crawford, James N. 7
7460443 Creel, Robert J. 7
7460444 Crenshaw, Dr. Charles 7
7460445 Crowe, William D. 7
7460446 Crowley, James D. 8
7460447 Croy, Kenneth H. 8
7460448 Crull, Elgin  8
7460449 Cunningham, Cortlandt 8
7460450 Cunningham, Helen 8
7460451 Curry, Jesse E.  8
7460452 Curtis, Don T. Dr. 8
7460453 Cutchshaw, Wilbur Jay 8
7460454 Daniels, John L.  9
7460455 Daniels, N.J. 9
7460456 Davis, Barbara Jeannette 9
7460457 Davis, Fred or Floyd Mr. 9
7460458 Davis, Fred or Floyd Mrs. 9
7460459 Davis, Monroe 9
7460460 Davis, Virginia Louise 9
7460461 Davis, Virginia Ruth 9
7460462 Day, J.Carl Lt. 9
7460463 Dean, Patrick T. 9
7460464 Decker, J. E. "Bill" 9
7460465 Delgado, Nelson 9
7460466 DeMohrenschildt, George, Nov- 1963 - Jan- 1964 10
7460467 DeMohrenschildt, George, March 4, 1964 10
7460468 DeMohrenschildt, George and Jeanne Feb- 1964 - Mar. 3, 1964 10
7460469 DeMohrenschildt, George, Mrs. (Jeanne) 10
7460470 Dhority, C. N. 11
7460471 Dietrich, E. C. 11
7460472 Dillard, Thomas C. 11
7460473 Dobbs, Farrell  11
7460474 Farrell Dobbs Affidavit signed & notarized original 11
7460475 Deposition of Captain George Donabedian - 1. Exhibit #1 - Exhibit was identified by witness, but "introduced" in no further sense 11
7460476 Donabedian, George - Deposition 11
7460477 Donovan, John E. 11
7460478 Dougherty, Jack 11
7460479 Dowe, Kenneth L. 11
7460480 Dulany, Richard Brooks - Deposition (see Akin, Dr. Gene C. Deposition) 11
7460481 Duncan, William G. 11
7460482 Dymitruk, Lydia 11
7460483 Eberhardt, A. M. 11
7460484 Edwards, Robert E. 11
7460485 Ekdahl, Edwin 11
7460486 Enochs, Edwin, Mrs. 11
7460487 Ethier, Margie N. 11
7460488 Euins, Amos Lee 11
7460489 Evans, Julian 11
7460490 Evans, Mrs. Myrtle 11
7460491 Evans, Sidney 11
7460492 Fain, John W. 12
7460493 Fehrenbach, George Wm. 12
7460494 Feldsott, Louis 12
7460495 Fenley, Robert 12
7460496 Finck, Lt. Col. Pierre A. 12
7460497 Fischer, Ronald B. 12
7460498 Fisher, N. T. 12
7460499 Fleming, Harold 12
7460500 Folsom, Allison G. Deposition 12
7460501 Ford, Declan Mrs. Katherine 12
7460502 Ford, Declan P. 12
7460503 Foster, Bill Lee 12
7460504 Foster, J.W. 12
7460505 Frazier, Buell Wesley 12
7460506 Frazier, Robert A. 12
7460507 Frazier, W.B. 12
7460508 Fritz, J.W. 12
7460509 Fuqua, Harold R. 12
7460510 Gallagher, John F. 13
7460511 Gangl, Theodore Frank 13
7460512 Gangl, Theodore Frank - Affidavit of 13
7460513 Garner, Jesse J. Affidavit signed & notorized original 13
7460514 Garner, Jesse James Mr.  13
7460515 Garner, Jesse James, Mrs. 13
7460516 Garrett, Richard  13
7460517 Gauthier,Leo J. 13
7460518 George, M. Waldo 13
7460519 Geraci, Philip, III 13
7460520 Gibson, Mrs. Donald 13
7460521 Giesecke, A.H. Jr. Dr. 13
7460522 Givens, Charles  13
7460523 Glover, Everett 13
7460524 Goin, Donald 14
7460525 Goldstein, David 14
7460526 Goodson, Clyde F. 14
7460527 Graef, John 14
7460528 Graf, Allen D. 14
7460529 Affidavit of Allen D Graf 14
7460530 Grant, Eva Nov 1963 14
7460531 Grant, Eva December 1963 14
7460532 Affidavit of Gene Graves 15
7460533 Graves, L.C. 15
7460534 Gravitis, Dorothy 15
7460535 Gray, Virginia 15
7460536 Mrs. Virginia Gray - Affadavit signed and notorized original 15
7460537 Green, Howard L., Mrs. 15
7460538 Greener, Charles W. Deposition (See Smith,  Glenn Emmett Deposition) 15
7460539 Greener, Woody Francis 15
7460540 Greer, William R. 15
7460541 Gregory, Charles Dr. 15
7460542 Gregory, Paul Roderick 15
7460543 Gregory, Peter P. 15
7460544 Gregory, Thomas 15
7460545 Guinyard, Sam 15
7460546 Hall, C. Ray 15
7460547 Hall, Elena 15
7460548 Hall, John R. 15
7460549 Hall, Marvin E. (Bert) 15
7460550 Hallmark, Garnett C. 15
7460551 Hamblen, C.A. 15
7460552 Hankal, Robert L. 15
7460553 Hansen, Timothy M. 15
7460554 Hardin, Michael 15
7460555 Hargis, Bobby W. 15
7460556 Harkness, D.V. Deposition (See Haygood, Clyde Deposition) 15
7460557 Harrison, O.W. 15
7460558 Harrison, W.J. "Blackie" 15
7460559 Harrison, W.T. 15
7460560 Hartogs, Renatus Dr.  15
7460561 Hawkins, Ray 16
7460562 Haygood, Clyde A. Deposition 16
7460563 Heindel, John Rene 16
7460564 Helmick, Wanda 16
7460565 Helms, Richard - CIA 16
7460566 Henchliffe, Margaret 16
7460567 Hibbs, Warren E. 16
7460568 Hicks, Johnny 16
7460569 Hill, Clinton J. 16
7460570 Hill, Gerald L. 16
7460571 Hill, Jean 16
7460572 Hine, Geneva L. 16
7460573 Hodge, A.D. 16
7460574 Holland, S.M. 16
7460575 Holly, H.B. 16
7460576 Holmes, H.D. 16
7460577 Hoover, J.  Edgar 16
7460578 Hosty, James P. 16
7460579 Howard, Tom 16
7460580 Howell, Charlotte 16
7460581 Howlett, John Joe 16
7460582 Hudson, Emmett J. 16
7460583 Huffaker, Robert S. 16
7460584 Hulen, R.L. 16
7460585 Hulse, C.E. 16
7460586 Humes, J. J.  Cdr. 16
7460587 Hunley, Bobb 16
7460588 Affidavit of Bobb Hunley 16
7460589 Hunt, Jackie H. Dr. 16
7460590 Hunter, Gertrude, J.T. Mrs. 16
7460591 Hutchinson, Leonard E. 17
7460592 Hutson, T.A. 17
7460593 Isaacs, Martin 17
7460594 Jackson, Phil 17
7460595 Jackson, Robert H. 17
7460596 Jackson, Theodore 17
7460597 James, Virginia 17
7460598 Jamison,R.F. 17
7460599 Jarman, James Earl 17
7460600 Jenkins, M.T., Dr.  17
7460601 Jenkins, Ronald L. 17
7460602 Jez, Leonard E. 17
7460603 Jimison, R.J. - Deposition (See McClelland, Dr. Robert N. - Dep) 17
7460604 Jimison, R.J.  Mr. 17
7460605 Johnson, Arnold 17
7460606 Johnson, Arthur C. Mr. 17
7460607 Johnson, A. C. Mrs. 17
7460608 Johnson, Joe 17
7460609 Johnson, Lyndon B. 17
7460610 Johnson, Lyndon B. Mrs. Lady Bird 17
7460611 Johnson, Marvin 17
7460612 Johnson, Priscilla 18
7460613 Johnson, Speedy 18
7460614 Johnston, David L. 18
7460615 Jones, O.A. 18
7460616 Jones, Raymond 18
7460617 Jones, Ronald C. Dr. 18
7460618 Kaiser, Frankie 18
7460619 Kaminsky, Eileen 18
7460620 Kantor, Seth 18
7460621 Kara-Patnitzky, Waldemar Boris 18
7460622 Kaufman, Ferdinand 18
7460623 Kaufman, Stanley M. 18
7460624 Kellerman, Roy H. 18
7460625 Kelley, Thomas, Inspector - SS [Secret Service] 18
7460626 Kelly, Edward 18
7460627 Kemp, George M. 18
7460628 Kennedy, John F. 18
7460629 [Kennedy, John F.] 1-Trip to Texas 19
7460630 [Kennedy, John F.] 2-Motorcade 19
7460631 [Kennedy, John F.] 3-Shots - Nov 1963 - Dec 1963 19
7460632 [Kennedy, John F.] 3-Shots - January 1964 19
7460633 [Kennedy, John F.] 4-Assassination 19
7460634 [Kennedy, John F.] 4-1 Autopsy 19
7460635 [Kennedy, John F.] 5-Return of Remains to Washington  19
7460636 Kennedy, John F. Mrs. 19
7460637 [Kennedy, Mrs. John F.] 1- Actions at Time of Shooting 19
7460638 [Kennedy, Mrs. John F.] 2-Interviews 19
7460639 Killion, Charles L., Special Agent 19
7460640 King, Glen D. 20
7460641 Klause, Robert G. 20
7460642 Kleinlerer, Alexander 20
7460643 Kleinman, Abraham 20
7460644 Kline, William 20
7460645 Knight, K.P.  Lt. 20
7460646 Knight, Russell 20
7460647 Korengold, Robert J. 20
7460648 Kramer, Monica 20
7460649 Kravitz, Herbert B. 20
7460650 Kriss, H. M. 20
7460651 Krystinik,  Frank 20
7460652 Kuklies, Nancy 20
7460653 LaCouer, Louis (empty 4/26/65 per RLJ) 20
7460654 Lane, Doyle 20
7460655 Lane, Mark 20
7460656 Lane, Mark - Dec 1963 - Feb 1964 20
7460657 Lane, Mark - March 1964 20
7460658 Lane, Mark - April 1964 20
7460659 Lane, Mark  May 1964 21
7460660 Lane, Mark-June to July 1964 21
7460661 Lane, Mark-August 1964 21
7460662 Lane, Mark-September 1964 21
7460663 Lane, Mark-Appearance at Aupsala College East Orange, NJ 5/6/64 22
7460664 FBI-Conversation between Mark Lane and Helen Markham, 07/17/1964 22
7460665 FBI-Mark Lane-Appearance in Oklahoma 5/5/64 22
7460666 Mark Lane-Appearance at the University of Texas 23
7460667 Mark Lane-Appearance at Westfield State College Westfield, MA 5/1/64 23
7460668 Mark Lane - News Conference at Ohio State University April 22, 1964 23
7460669 Mark Lane - Appearance at Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 4 22 64 23
7460670 Mark Lane-Tape#J-2920 23
7460671 Mark Lane-Appearance at Ohio Museum of National History Columbia, OH 4/22/64 23
7460672 Mark Lane-UPI Press Conference 2/11/64 23
7460673 Mark Lane-Press Conference (NBC Coverage) on Lee Harvey Oswald 23
7460674 Mark Lane-Toledo, OH 24
7460675 Mark Lane- Appearance at Annie Laws Auditorium 4/21/64 24
7460676 Lane, Mark on WDSU Radio News Orleans, LA 24
7460677 Langley, Kenneth 25
7460678 Latona, Sebastian 25
7460679 Lawson, Winston 25
7460680 Lawrence, Perdue William 25
7460681 Leavelle, J.R. 25
7460682 LeBlanc, Charles Joseph 25
7460683 Lee, Ivan D. 25
7460684 Lee, Vincent T. 25
7460685 Lehrer, James 25
7460686 Leslie, Helen 25
7460687 Leverich, William 25
7460688 Lewis, Aubry Lee 25
7460689 Lewis, Carroll G. 25
7460690 Lewis, Erwin Donald 25
7460691 Lewis, L.J. 25
7460692 Litchfield, W.W. 25
7460693 Livingston, Clyde I.  Mrs. 25
7460694 Longley,Kenneth 25
7460695 Lord, Billy Joe 25
7460696 Lovelady, Billy  25
7460697 Lowery, Roy Lee 26
7460698 Lowery, Roy Lee #7 26
7460699 Lujan, Daniel 26
7460700 Lumpkin, G.L. 26
7460701 Lunday, R.H. 26
7460702 Lux, J. Philip 26
7460703 Lyon, K.E. 26
7460704 McBride, Palmer E.  26
7460705 McClelland, Robert N. (Dr.) 26
7460706 McCoy, Ben 26
7460707 McCullough, John G. 26
7460708 McCurdy, Danny P. [Daniel Patrick] 26
7460709 McDonald, M.N. 26
7460710 McFarland, John and Meryl 26
7460711 McGee, Homer Lee 26
7460712 McGrath, Duane J. 26
7460713 McKenzie, William A. 26
7460714 McKinney, Robert E. 26
7460715 McKinzie, Louis 26
7460716 McMillon, T.D.  26
7460717 McVickar, John 26
7460718 McWatters, Cecil J. 26
7460719 McWillie, Lewis J. 26
7460720 Mac Cammon, Jim 26
7460721 Malley, James R. 26
7460722 Mallory, Katherine 26
7460723 Mamantov, Ilya A. 27
7460724 Mandella, Arthur 27
7460725 Markham, Helen Louise 27
7460726 Martello, Francis L. 27
7460727 Martin, F. M.  27
7460728 Martin, James H. 27
7460729 Martin, J.D. 27
7460730 Maxey, B. J. 27
7460731 Mayo, Mrs. J.H.  27
7460732 Mayo, L. W. 27
7460733 Meller, Anna 27
7460734 Merrell, Barney 27
7460735 Meyers, Lawrence V. 27
7460736 Michaelis, Heinz W. 27
7460737 Miller, Austin L. 27
7460738 Miller, David 28
7460739 Miller, L. D. 28
7460740 Mitchell, Mary Ann 28
7460741 Molina, Joe R. 28
7460742 Montgomery, L.D. 28
7460743 Mooney, Joseph 28
7460744 Mooney, Luke 28
7460745 Moore, H. M. 28
7460746 Moore, Russell Lee 28
7460747 Mumford, Pamela 28
7460748 Murphy, Joe 28
7460749 Murphy, Paul Edward 28
7460750 Murray, Jr. David Christie 28
7460751 Murray, J. Jackson 28
7460752 Murret, Charles F.  28
7460753 Murret, Dr. Charles W. 28
7460754 Murret, Eugene John 28
7460755 Murret, John M. 28
7460756 Murret, Lillian 28
7460757 Murret, Marilyn 28
7460758 Naman, Rita 28
7460759 Nelson, Doris 28
7460760 Nelson, Ronald C. 28
7460761 Nelson, Ruth 28
7460762 Newman, W. J. 28
7460763 Newnam, John 28
7460764 Newton, Johnie F. 28
7460765 Nichols, Alice Reeves 29
7460766 Nichols, H. Louis Esq. 29
7460767 Nicol, Joseph D. 29
7460768 Norman, Earl 29
7460769 Norman, Harold 29
7460770 Norton, Robert L. 29
7460771 O'Brien, Lawrence F. 29
7460772 O'Connor, Pat 29
7460773 Odio, Silvia 29
7460774 O'Donnell, Kenneth 29
7460775 Odum, Bardwell D. 29
7460776 Ofstein, Dennis H. 29
7460777 Olds, Greg 29
7460778 Oliver, Revilo Pendleton 29
7460779 Olsen, Kay (Mrs. Harry) 29
7460780 Olsen, Harry 29
7460781 Osbourne,  Mack 29
7460782 O'Sullivan, Frederick 29
7460783 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period 30
7460784 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 1-Affliations 30
7460785 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 2-Description and Indentifications 30
7460786 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 3-Education Nov 1963-Dec- 1963 30
7460787 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 3-Education Jan-1964 30
7460788 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 4-Employment-Unemployment 30
7460789 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 5-Finances 30
7460790 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 5-1-Income Tax 30
7460792 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 6- Military Service, Nov-Dec 1963 31
7460793 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 6- Military Service, January 1964- 31
7460794 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 6-1, Undesirable Discharge 31
7460795 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 6-2 Court Martial 31
7460796 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 7 Psychiatric Examinations 31
7460797 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 8 Associates and Relatives, Nov 1963 31
7460798 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 8 Associates and Relatives, Dec 1963- 31
7460799 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Pre-Russian Period - 9 Residences 31
7460800 Key Persons- Oswald:  Russian Period 32
7460801 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 1962- Nov 1963, folder 1 32
7460802 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 1962- Nov 1963, folder 2 32
7460803 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - Dec 1963- April 1964 32
7460804 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - May 1964- 32
7460805 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 1 Preparation for Trip (1959) 33
7460806 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 2 Arrival in Russia 33
7460807 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 3 Chronology of Activities 33
7460808 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 4 Employment 33
7460809 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 5 Correspondence 33
7460810 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 6 Marriage 33
7460811 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 7 Return to US (1962) 33
7460812 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 7-1 Preparation 33
7460813 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 7-2 Repatriation Loan 34
7460814 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 7-3 FBI Interviews 34
7460815 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 8 Defection to Russia 34
7460816 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period - 9 Finances 34
7460817 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Russian Period 10 Suicide Attempt 34
7460818 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - November 1963 35
7460819 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - December 1963 35
7460820 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - January 1964 35
7460821 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 1 Residences, November 1963 35
7460822 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 1 Residences, December 1963 - January 1964, folder 1 35
7460823 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 1 Residences, December 1963 - January 1964, folder 2 35
7460824 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 1 Residences, Feb 1964 35
7460825 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2 Political Activities , Nov 1963- Jan 1964 36
7460826 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2 February 1964- April 1964 36
7460827 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2 Political Activities May 1964 36
7460828 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-1 Communist Party 36
7460829 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-2 Young Communist League [empty] 37
7460830 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-3 Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Nov 1963, folder 1 37
7460831 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-3 Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Nov 1963, folder 2 37
7460832 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-3 Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Dec 1, 1963- Dec 4, 1963 37
7460833 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-3 Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Dec 5, 1963- Dec 31, 1963 37
7460834 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-3 Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Jan 1964- 37
7460835 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 2-4 Socialist Workers Party 37
7460836 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3 Travel - November 1963 - December 1963 37
7460837 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3 Travel, Jan 1964-  37
7460838 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Travel, Entry 9 37
7460839 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, Nov 1963 38
7460840 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, Dec 1963 38
7460841 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, Jan 1964 38
7460842 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico Feb 1- March 5, 1964  38
7460843 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, March 6-31, 1964 38
7460844 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, April 1-21, 1964 38
7460845 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, April 22-30, 1964 38
7460846 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, May 1964 39
7460847 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, June 1964, folder 1 39
7460848 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-1 Trip to Mexico, June 1964, folder 2 39
7460849 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 3-2 Proposed Russian Trip (1963) 39
7460850 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 4 Aliases 39
7460851 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Employment Dec 1963 40
7460852 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Employment Jan 1964- 40
7460853 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Jaggers, Chiles, Stovall, Inc. (1 of 4) 40
7460854 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Jaggers, Chiles, Stovall, Inc. (2 of 4) 40
7460855 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Jaggers, Chiles, Stovall, Inc. (3 of 4) 40
7460856 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Jaggers, Chiles, Stovall, Inc. (4 of 4) 40
7460857 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Unemployment Compensation (empty 9-23-92) 41
7460858 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Texas School Book Depository, Dallas  41
7460859 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 Leslie Welding Company 41
7460860 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 5 William B. Reilly and Company 41
7460861 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 6 Finances Nov 1963 41
7460862 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 6 Finances Dec 1963- March 1964 41
7460863 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 6 Finances April 1964 41
7460864 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 7 Associates and Relatives Dec 1963  41
7460865 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 7 Associates and Relatives Jan 1964 - Feb 1964 41
7460866 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 7 Associates and Relatives March 1964 - April 1964 41
7460867 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 7 Associates and Relatives May 1964 41
7460868 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 8 Description and Identification - Nov 1963 42
7460869 Oswald, Lee Harvey - Post Russian Period - 8 Description and Identification - December 1963 42
7460870 Oswald, Lee Harvey  - Murder by Ruby - 1 Transfer to County Jail - Nov 1963 43
7460871 Oswald, Lee Harvey  - Murder by Ruby - 1 - Dec 1963 43
7460872 Oswald, Lee Harvey  - Murder by Ruby - 2  Murder 43
7460873 Oswald, Lee Harvey  - Murder by Ruby - 3 Remains 43
7460874 Oswald, Lee Harvey  - Murder by Ruby - 3-1 Autopsy 43
7460875 Oswald, Marguerite - November 1963 44
7460876 Oswald, Marguerite - Dec 1 - Dec 9, 1963 44
7460877 Oswald, Marguerite - Dec 10, 1963 - Jan 31, 1964 44
7460878 Oswald, Marguerite - Feb 1964 44
7460879 Oswald, Marguerite - March 1964 44
7460880 Oswald, Marguerite - e-9- oswald marguerite - "At Random" radio program - 3/21/64 44
7460881 Oswald, Marguerite - April 1964 44
7460882 Oswald, Marguerite - May 1964 44
7460883 Oswald, Marguerite Box 44B Entry 9 44
7460884 Oswald, Marguerite - Appearence in Chicago 44
7460885 Oswald, Marguerite - Exhibits 44
7460886 Oswald, Marina - Nov 1963 - Jan 1964 45
7460887 Oswald, Marina - Feb 1964 - August 1964 45
7460888 Oswald, Marina - Sept 1964 45
7460889 [Oswald, Marina ] RG 272 E9 179-40004-10283  45
7460890 Oswald, Marina - Joint Deposition with Mrs. Whitworth and Mrs Hunter  163 45
7460891 [Oswald, Marina] 1 Background - Nov 1963 46
7460892 [Oswald, Marina] 1 Background - Dec 1963 46
7460893 [Oswald, Marina] 1-2 Biography 46
7460894 [Oswald, Marina] 2 Statements - Interviews - Nov- 1963 - Jan- 1964 46
7460895 [Oswald, Marina] 2 Statements - Interviews - Feb 1, 1964 46
7460896 [Oswald, Marina] 2 Statements - Interviews - Feb 2, 1964 47
7460897 [Oswald, Marina] 3 Testimony 47
7460898 [Oswald, Marina] 3 Testimony before Commission 47
7460900 [Oswald, Marina] 3 Testimony before Commission - Transcript of hearing 47
7460901 [Oswald, Marina] 3 Testimony on Sept 5, 1964 47
7460902 [Oswald, Marina] 4 Entry into United States 47
7460903 [Oswald, Marina] 5 Russian Speaking Associates in Fort Worth and Dallas - Nov- 1963 47
7460904 [Oswald, Marina] 5 Russian Speaking Associates in Fort Worth and Dallas - Dec- 1963 47
7460905 [Oswald, Marina] 6 Activities after Assassination - Nov 63 - Jan 1964 48
7460906 [Oswald, Marina] 6 Activities after Assassination - Feb 1964 48
7460907 [Oswald, Marina] 7 entry 9 48
7460908 [Oswald, Marina] 7 Relationship with James Martin- Nov 1963 - Feb 29, 1964 48
7460909 [Oswald, Marina] 7 Relationship with James Martin Feb 21,1964 48
7460910 [Oswald, Marina] 8 Protoective Custody of Sec. Service 48
7460911 [Oswald, Marina] 9 Plan to Return to Russia 1963 48
7460912 [Oswald, Marina] 10 Associates and Relatives 48
7460913 Oswald, Robert Nov 63 - Dec 63 49
7460914 Oswald, Robert  Statements 49
7460915 Oswald, Robert Jan 64 49
7460916 Oswald, Robert 1-Testimony 49
7460917 Owens, Calvin Bud-Depositions 49
7460918 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth]  1-Paine, Ruth Hyde - Nov 63 - Dec 63 49
7460919 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-Paine, Ruth Hyde - Nov 63 - Jan 64 49
7460920 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-Paine, Ruth Hyde - Jan 64 49
7460921 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-Paine, Ruth Hyde - Feb 64 49
7460922 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-1  Background 50
7460923 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] Paines  Entry 9 50
7460924 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-1-1 Associates and Relatives - Nov 63 - Jan 64 50
7460925 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-1-1 Associates and Relatives - Feb 64 50
7460926 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-1-2 Affiliations 50
7460927 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-2 Interviews 50
7460928 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Affidavits of Ruth Hyde Paine 1-3 [empty folder] 50
7460929 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Paine, Ruth  Exhibits - Originals 50
7460930 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Paine, Ruth Hyde Depositions - 03/21/1964 50
7460931 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Paine, Ruth Hyde Depositions - 03/23/1964 50
7460932 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Paine, Michael depositions 50
7460933 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Paines  Testimony 50
7460934 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 1-3 Paine, Ruth Hyde Depositions - from 156 51
7460935 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-Michael Paine 51
7460936 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-1 Background 51
7460937 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-1-1 Associates and Relatives 51
7460938 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-1-1 Associates and Relatives - cd - 610-626 51
7460939 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-1-1 Associates and Relatives - November 1963 51
7460940 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-1-1 Associates and Relatives - December 1963 51
7460941 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-1-2 Paines  - Affiliations 51
7460942 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-2 Interviews 51
7460943 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-3 Testimony 51
7460944 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-3 Paine, Michael Deposition, 03/17/1964 51
7460945 [Paine, Michael Ralph and Ruth] 2-3 Paine, Michael, Deposition from 156 51
7460946 Palmer, Thomas Stewart 51
7460947 Pappas, Icarus M. 51
7460948 Patterson, B.M. 52
7460949 Patterson, Bobby G. 52
7460950 Patterson, Robert Carl 52
7460951 Paul, Ralph - November 1963 52
7460952 Paul, Ralph - December 1963 (1 of 2) 52
7460953 Paul, Ralph - December 1963 (2 of 2) 52
7460954 Paul, Ralph - Deposition - 4-15-64 52
7460955 Pena, Orest 52
7460956 Pena, Orest - Deposition - Original from 140 52
7460957 Penna, Ruperto 52
7460958 Penna, Ruperto - Deposition - Original from 140 52
7460959 Perrin, Nancy 52
7460960 Perry, Malcolm O., Dr. 52
7460961 Perry, Dr- Malcom Oliver- Deposition 52
7460962 Peterman, Mildred 53
7460963 Peterman, Viola 53
7460964 Peters, Paul, Dr. 53
7460965 Peters, Paul C. - Deposition [empty] 53
7460966 Peterson, Joseph Alexander 53
7460967 Phenix, George R. 53
7460968 Pic, John Edward - Deposition - 05/15/1964 53
7460969 Pic, Edward John, Jr. 53
7460970 Pic, John Edward 53
7460971 Pierce, Edward Eugene 53
7460972 Pierce, Rio Sam 53
7460973 Pierce, Rio Sam - Deposition 53
7460974 Pike, Roy William 53
7460975 Pinkston, Nat A. 53
7460976 Piper, Eddie 53
7460977 Pitts, Elnora 53
7460978 Pizzo, Frank 53
7460979 Pizzo, Frank - Deposition from #36 53
7460980 Poe, J.M. 54
7460981 Postal, Julia 54
7460982 Postal, Julia - see Bledsoe, Mary [empty] 54
7460983 Potts, Walter E. 54
7460984 Nancy M. Powell (see also Tammi True) 54
7460985 Powell, Nancy Deposition 7-25-64 54
7460986 Powers, Daniel Patrick 54
7460987 Powers, Daniel Patrick - May 1, 1964 Deposition 54
7460988 Powers, David 54
7460989 Price, Charles Jack 54
7460990 Price, Charles Jack - Deposition - (See AKIN, Dr. Gene C. - Deposition) [empty] 54
7460991 Price, Malcom Howard 54
7460992 Priddy, Hal, Jr. 54
7460993 Pryor, Roy Auburn 54
7460994 Pugh, Oran 54
7460995 Pullman, Edward J. 54
7460996 Putnam, James A. 54
7460997 Putnam, James A. - Deposition 54
7460998 Quigley, John 54
7460999 Rachal, John Russell 54
7461000 Rackley, George W., Sr. 54
7461001 Rackely, Virgie 54
7461002 Raigorodsky, Paul M. 54
7461003 Ramsey, James K. 54
7461004 Randle, Linnie Mae 54
7461005 Randle, Linnie Mae - 1 Testimony [empty  3/28/78] 54
7461006 Ray, Anna 55
7461007 Ray, Frank Henry 55
7461008 Ray, Frank Henry 55
7461009 Ray, Thomas M. 55
7461010 Ray,  (Natalie) Thomas M., Mrs. (Dep.) - see Meller, Anna N. (Deposition) 55
7461011 Ray, Thomas M., Mrs. 55
7461012 Ray, Thomas  - 1 Testimony 55
7461013 Ray  Thomas M, Mrs-  see Meller, Anna N. 55
7461014 Ray,  Valentina Frank H. Mrs- see Meller, Anna N. - Deposition 55
7461015 Rea, Billy Andrew 55
7461016 Rea, Billy A. Dallas 55
7461017 Reeves, Huey Moses 55
7461018 Reeves, Huey Deposition 55
7461019 Reid, R.A., Mrs. 55
7461020 Reid, R. A.  - 1 Testimony 55
7461021 Reilly, Frank E. 55
7461022 Reilly, Frank E- Depositions 55
7461023 Revill, Jack  55
7461024 Reynolds, H. Baron 55
7461025 Reynolds, Warren Allen 55
7461026 Rheinstein, Frederick 55
7461027 Rich, Nancy Perrin 55
7461028 Rich, Nancy Perrin - Deposition 55
7461029 Richey, Harold, Mrs. (Marjorie R.) 55
7461030 Richey, Warren E. 55
7461031 Riggs, Alfreadia 55
7461032 Riggs, Chester Allen Jr. 55
7461033 Roberts, Cliff 55
7461034 Roberts, Earlene 56
7461035 Roberts, Earlene - 1 Testimony 56
7461036 Robertson, Mary Jane 56
7461037 Robertson, Mary Jane, Mrs- - Deposition, see Glen D. King 56
7461038 Robertson, Victor F. 56
7461039 Robinson, Marvin C. 56
7461040 Rockley, George W. 56
7461041 Rodriguez, Evaristo 56
7461042 Rodriguez, Evaristo - Deposition 56
7461043 Rogers, Eric 56
7461044 Rogers, Eric - Deposition 56
7461045 Romack, James E. 56
7461046 Rose, Guy F. 56
7461047 Ross, Henrietta 56
7461048 Ross, Mrs. Henrietta M. Q. - Deposition - see Glen D. King 56
7461049 Rossi, Joseph P. 56
7461051 Roussel, Henry Joseph Jr- 56
7461052 Rowland, Arnold Louis 56
7461053 Rowland, Arnold Louis - 1 Testimony 56
7461054 Rowland, Barbara 56
7461055 Rowley, James J. 56
7461056 Rubenstein, Hyman 56
7461057 Ruby, Earl   56
7461058 Ruby, Earl - Nov-63 - Dec-63 56
7461059 Ruby, Earl  - Jan 1964 56
7461060 Ruby, Jack 57
7461061 [Ruby, Jack] 1-Activities , Nov- 1963 - Dec- 1963 57
7461062 [Ruby, Jack] 1-Activities  - January 1964 57
7461063 [Ruby, Jack] 1-1 Reaction to Assassination 58
7461064 [Ruby, Jack] 1-2 Presence at Police Station 58
7461065 [Ruby, Jack] 1-3 Entrance to Basement of Police Station 58
7461066 [Ruby, Jack] 1-4-1  58
7461067 [Ruby, Jack] 2- Background -  Nov- 22-29, 1963 58
7461068 [Ruby, Jack] 2- Background -  Nov- 30, 1963 58
7461069 [Ruby, Jack] 2- Background -  December 1963 58
7461070 [Ruby, Jack] 2- Background -  January 1964 58
7461071 [Ruby, Jack] 2-1 Affiliations 59
7461072 [Ruby, Jack] 2-1-1 Labor Union Activities 59
7461073 [Ruby, Jack] 2-1-2 Racketeering and Subversive Activities 59
7461074 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Nov. 24-25 1963 60
7461075 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Nov. 26-27 1963 60
7461076 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Nov. 28-29 1963 60
7461077 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Nov. 30 1963 60
7461078 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 1963 60
7461079 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 6, 1963 60
7461080 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 7-13, 1963 60
7461081 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 14, 1963 60
7461082 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 15-16, 1963 61
7461083 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 18, 1963 61
7461084 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 19, 1963 61
7461085 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 20, 1963 61
7461086 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - Dec. 21-31, 1963 61
7461087 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives -  January 1964 61
7461088 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives -  Feb. 1964 - May 1964 61
7461089 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives -  June 1964 61
7461090 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives -  July 1964 61
7461091 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - cd 355 57 61
7461092 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - cd 355 l-r 61
7461093 [Ruby, Jack] 2-2 Associates and Relatives - cd 355 l-r 3 of 4 61
7461094 [Ruby, Jack] 2-3 Association with Oswald - Nov- 1963 - Dec- 1963 62
7461095 [Ruby, Jack] 2-3 Association with Oswald - January 1964 62
7461096 [Ruby, Jack] 2-4 Business and Financial Interests - Nov- 1963 - Dec- 1963 63
7461097 [Ruby, Jack] 2-4 Business and Financial Interests - January 1964 63
7461098 [Ruby, Jack] 2-4-1 Income Tax 63
7461099 [Ruby, Jack] 2-5 Familiarity with the Police 63
7461100 [Ruby, Jack] 2-6 Medical and Personal History 63
7461101 [Ruby, Jack] 2-7 Miltary Service 63
7461102 [Ruby, Jack] 2-8 Police Record 63
7461103 [Ruby, Jack] 2-9 Political Activities 63
7461104 [Ruby, Jack] 2-10 Travel 64
7461105 [Ruby, Jack] 2-10-1 Outside U.S. 64
7461106 [Ruby, Jack]  3 Address Book  - Nov- 1963 - May 1964 64
7461107 [Ruby, Jack]  3 Address Book  - June 1964 64
7461108 [Ruby, Jack]  4 Mail and Telegrams 64
7461109 [Ruby, Jack]  5 Personal Property - Nov-63 - May 64 64
7461110 [Ruby, Jack]  5 Personal Property - June 1964 64
7461111 [Ruby, Jack]  6 Telephone Calls 64
7461112 [Ruby, Jack]  7 Revolver 64
7461113 [Ruby, Jack]  8 Motive 65
7461114 [Ruby, Jack]  9-Witnesses Interviewed 65
7461116 [Ruby, Jack]  10 Arrest and Interrogation 65
7461117 [Ruby, Jack]  11 Trial (1 of 2) 65
7461118 [Ruby, Jack]  11 Trial (2 of 2) 65
7461119 [Ruby, Jack]  11 Trial - Statement of Facts January 20-21, 1964 (1 of 2) 65
7461120 [Ruby, Jack]  11 Trial - Statement of Facts January 20-21, 1964 (2 of 2) 65
7461121 [Ruby, Jack]  11-1 Attorneys - Entry 9 - Melvin Belli 65
7461122 [Ruby, Jack]  12 Conviction and Subsequent Events (1 of 3) 66
7461123 [Ruby, Jack]  12 Conviction and Subsequent Events (2 of 3) 66
7461124 [Ruby, Jack]  12 Conviction and Subsequent Events (3 of 3) 66
7461125 [Ruby, Jack]  13 Attorneys 66
7461126 Ruby, Samuel David 67
7461127 Rusk, Dean 67
7461128 Russell, Harold 67
7461129 Ryder, Dial Duwayne 67
7461130 Ryder, Dial Duwayne - 1 testimony 67
7461131 Ryder, Dial Duwayne - Deposition, 07/23/1964 from  156  67
7461132 Ryder, Dial Duwayne - Deposition - see Smith Glen Emmett Deposition 67
7461133 Salyer, Kenneth Everett 67
7461134 Salyer,  Dr- Kenneth Everett Deposition, see Akin Dr. Gene C Deposition 67
7461135 Sanders, H. Barefoot 67
7461136 Saunders, Richard L. 67
7461137 Saunders, Richard L. - Deposition - Dallas June 26, 1964 67
7461138 Saunders, Richard L. - Testimony, 06/26/1964 67
7461139 Sawyer, Mildred, Mrs. 67
7461140 Schmidt, Hunter Jr. 67
7461141 Schmidt, Hunter J, Jr. - Deposition also Ryder from  156 67
7461142 Schmidt, Volkmar 67
7461143 Schmidt, Volkmar [1-Testimony] 67
7461144 Scibor, Mitchell 67
7461145 Scoggins, William W. 67
7461146 Seldin, Dr. Don W. 67
7461147 Semingsen, W.W. 67
7461148 Senator, George 67
7461149 Senator, George - deposition 4/21/64 (1 of 2) 68
7461150 Senator, George - deposition 4/21/64 (2 of 2) 68
7461151 Servance, John 68
7461152 Shaneyfelt Lyndal L. 68
7461153 Shasteen, Clifton M. 68
7461154 Shasteen, Clifton M. . Deposition from  56 68
7461155 Shaw, Robert (Dr.) 68
7461156 Shelley, William H. 68
7461157 Shields, Edward 68
7461158 Shires, George Thomas, Dr. 68
7461159 Shires, George Thomas, Dr. - Deposition 68
7461160 Siegel, Evelyn Grace, Mrs. 68
7461161 Simmons, Ronald 68
7461162 Sims, Richard M. 68
7461163 Skelton, Royce Glenn 68
7461164 Slack, Garland, Mr. and Mrs. 68
7461165 Slack, Willie B. 68
7461166 Slaughter, Malcolm R. 68
7461167 Smart, Vernon S. 68
7461168 Smart, Vernon - Deposition 3 25 64 68
7461169 Smith, Bennierita 69
7461170 Smith, Bennierita - Deposition - April 7-8, 1964 69
7461171 Smith, Edgar Leon, Jr. 69
7461172 Smith, Edgar Leon, Jr. -  Deposition, 07/24/1964 from 163 69
7461173 Smith, Glenn Emmett 69
7461174 Smith, Glenn Emmett - 1 Testimony 69
7461175 Smith, G.W. 69
7461176 Smith, Hilda L. 69
7461177 Smith, Joe Marshall 69
7461178 Smith, John Allison 69
7461179 Smith, John W., Mrs. 69
7461180 Smith, William Arthur - Deposition - see Bledsoe, Mary - Deposition 69
7461181 Snyder, Richard E. 69
7461182 Solomon, James Maurice - Testimony 3-26-64 69
7461183 Sorrels, Forrest V. 69
7461184 Sorrels, Forrest V. - Testimony 5-6-64 69
7461185 Standifer, Roy E. 69
7461186 Standridge, Ruth Jeanette 69
7461187 Standridge, Ruth Jeanette - Deposition - see McClelland, Dr. Robert N. Dep 69
7461188 Staples, Albert F., Dr. 69
7461189 Staples, Albert F. - Affidavit Signed Notarized Original   Ex 69
7461190 Statman, Irving 69
7461191 Statman, Irving - Deposition 4 1 64 from  56 69
7461192 Steele, Charles Hall, Jr. 69
7461193 Steele, Don Francis 69
7461194 Steele, Don Frances - Deposition - see McKinzie Louis Deposition 69
7461195 Steele, Don Frances - Testimony 3/25/64 69
7461196 Stevenson, M.W. 69
7461197 Stombaugh, Paul 69
7461198 Stovall, Robert L. 70
7461199 Stovall, Richard S. 70
7461200 Stringfellow, L.D.  70
7461201 Strong, Jesse E. 70
7461202 Stuckey, William Kirk 70
7461203 Studebaker, Robert Lee 70
7461204 Surrey, Robert A. 70
7461205 Tague, James Thomas 70
7461206 Talbert, Cecil E. 70
7461207 Tasker, Harry T. 70
7461208 Taylor, Gary E. 70
7461209 Taylor, Gary E. - 1 Testimony 70
7461210 Taylor, Robert Adrian 70
7461211 Taylor, Robert - 1 70
7461212 Thompson, Llewellyn E. 70
7461213 Thorne, John M. 71
7461214 Thorne, John M. - 1 Testimony 71
7461215 Thornley, Kerry Wendell 71
7461216 Tice, Wilma May 71
7461217 Tippit, J.D. 71
7461218 [Tippit, J.D.] 1- Shooting 71
7461219 [Tippit, J.D.] 2-Witnesses 71
7461220 [Tippit, J.D.] 3-Autopsy 71
7461221 Tobias, M.F. [W.F.] - 1. Testimony 71
7461222 Tobias, M.F., Mr. and Mrs. [W.F] 71
7461223 Tomlinson, Darrel C. 71
7461224 Tomlinson, Darrel C. -  deposition see Wester Jane C Deposition 71
7461225 James J. Tormey 71
7461226 True, Tammi -  see also Nancy M Powell 71
7461227 Truly,  Roy S 72
7461228 Truly,  Roy S - 1 Testimony 72
7461229 Turner, Fay M. 72
7461230 Turner, Fay M. - Deposition - see Hutson Thomas Alexander Dep 72
7461231 Turner, James 72
7461232 Turner, Jimmy Testimony 3/25/64 72
7461233 Twiford, Horace, Mr. and Mrs. 72
7461234 Underwood, James R. 72
7461235 Underwood, James Robert - Deposition - see Dillard, Tom C Deposition 72
7461236 Vargas, Tommy - see Bargas, Tommy 72
7461237 Vaughn, Roy Eugene 72
7461238 vaughn Roy Eugene - Testimony 4/17/64 72
7461239 Vinson, Phil 72
7461240 Vinson, Philip Eugene Deposition - see Smith Glenn Emmett Deposition 72
7461241 Voebel, Edward 72
7461242 Voshinin, Igor Vladimir 72
7461243 Voshinin, Igor Mr. - 1 Testimony  72
7461244 Voshinin, I.V., Mrs. 72
7461245 Voshinin, Igor Mrs. - 1 Testimony  72
7461246 Wade, Henry 72
7461247 Waldman, William J. 73
7461248 Waldo, George M Affidavit 73
7461249 Waldo, Thayer 73
7461250 Walker, Charles T. 73
7461251 Walker, Charles T. - Deposition - see Hutson Thomas Alexander Dep 73
7461252 Walker, Edwin A. 73
7461253 Walker, Ira N., Jr. 73
7461254 Wall, Breck 73
7461255 Walthers, E.R. Buddy 73
7461256 Walthers, Eddy Raymond -  Deposition 07/23/1964 from 156 73
7461257 Watherwax, Arthur 73
7461258 Watherwax, Arthur William - 06/26/1964 73
7461259 Watson, James C. 73
7461260 Watson, James C. - 03/26/1964 73
7461261 Weinstock, Louis 73
7461262 Weinstock, Louis - Affidavit 73
7461263 Weissman, Bernard 73
7461264 Weitzman, Seymour 73
7461265 Weitzman, Seymour - Deposition - see Dillard Tom C Deposition 1 73
7461266 West, Troy Eugene 73
7461267 Westbrook, W.R. 73
7461268 Wester, Jane Carolyn 74
7461269 Wester, Jane Carolyn Deposition 74
7461270 Whaley, William Wayne 74
7461271 Whaley, William Wayne - 1 Testimony 74
7461272 White, James C. 74
7461273 White, Martin G., Dr. - Deposition - see Akin, Dr- Gene C- Deposition 74
7461274 Whitworth, Edith, Mrs. 74
7461275 Whitworth, Edith, Mrs- - 07/22/1964 74
7461276 Whitworth, Edith -  joint deposition with Marina Oswald  Mrss Hunter, 07/24/1964 74
7461277 Wiggins, Woodrow 74
7461278 Wilcox, Lawrence R. 74
7461279 Wilcox, Lawrence R. - Deposition - see Semingsen, W.W. 74
7461280 Williams, Bonnie Ray 74
7461281 Williams, Bonnie Ray - 1 Testimony 74
7461282 Willis, Linda Kay 74
7461283 Willis, Phillip L. 74
7461284 Wood, Homer, Dr. 74
7461285 Wood, Homer, Dr. - 1 Testimony 74
7461286 Wood, Homer, Dr. Deposition - see Smith Glenn Emmett Deposition 74
7461287 Wood, Sterling Charles 74
7461288 Wood, Sterling Charles Deposition - see Smith Glenn Emmett Deposition 74
7461289 Wood, Sterling Charles - 1 Testimony 74
7461290 Wood, Theresa -  see Smith Glenn Emmett Deposition 74
7461291 Worley, Gano E. 74
7461292 Worley, Gano E. - 3-26-64 74
7461293 Worrell, James Richard, Jr. 74
7461294 Wort  - perhaps an error for Troy Eugene WGSN 74
7461295 Wright, Norman  74
7461296 Wulf, William Eugene 74
7461297 Yarborough, Ralph W., Senator 74
7461298 Yeargan, Albert C., Jr. 74
7461299 Youngblood, Rufus W. - 1 Testimony 74
7461300 Zapruder, Abraham 74

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